Management of A Highly Contaminated Structure Resulted From Metallurgical Activity: The Rare Case of Konofagos Building'

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3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 188

Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Management of a highly contaminated structure resulted from metallurgical

activity: The rare case of ‘Konofagos Building’

D. Kaliampakos and D. Damigos

School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

V. Protonotarios
Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

ABSTRACT Technological and Cultural Park.

The metallurgical complex occupies an area
The paper deals with a highly contaminated
of approximately 250,000 m² and it comprises
building, located adjacent to the city of Lavrion,
of 41 stone-built buildings, including smelting
at the metallurgy complex of the former “Com-
facilities, a separation plant, storage areas, of-
pagnie Francaise des Mines du Laurium”. The
fices, etc. The ‘Konofagos Building’ is one of
environmental and static problems of the struc-
them. Its function was an innovative idea of the
ture, along with the legal constraints concerning
late Prof. K. Konofagos for protecting the work-
any intervention on the building create a very
ers and the environment from the highly con-
complex problem. The paper presents the work
taminated air emissions of the metallurgical ac-
done so far regarding the evaluation of the cur-
tivity. Actually, the construction of the
rent condition and the building decontamination
‘Konofagos Building’, almost 60 years ago, in a
approach suggested.
period when environmental protection was not a
top priority, represents a remarkable hazardous
1. INTRODUCTION waste management practice. The emissions
were directed through pipes inside the building,
The ‘Konofagos Building’ is located at the met- which functioned as an enormous bag house. In
allurgy complex of the former “Compagnie this way, by decreasing the emission speed and
Francaise des Mines du Laurium”, adjacent to obstructing the air flow with numerous air fil-
the city of Lavrion (about 55 km from the Ath- ters, dust and particulate matter containing
ens metropolis). The broader area is character- heavy metals and toxic substances (i.e. arsenic,
ized by a unique historical and industrial heri- lead, cadmium, etc.) were retained. Yet, huge
tage, since the mining operations, related to the amounts of hazardous waste, rich in toxic met-
exploitation of the silver and lead ores, started als and metalloids were deposited within the
by the year 3000 BC. The metallurgical com- building, creating an unusual pollution source
pany was the most important industry in Greece and probably one of the most contaminated
in the 19th century. After a continuous operation buildings worldwide. The situation is further
for more than a century, all industrial activities complicated by the severe static problems the
ceased permanently in the early 1990’s, leaving structure faces. Moreover, there are legal con-
behind a severe environmental problem (Kara- straints, since the building is considered to be a
chaliou and Kaliampakos, 2005). heritage asset of industrial architecture.
In 1995, the National Technical University of The paper presents the work done so far re-
Athens (NTUA), recognizing the historical im- garding the evaluation of the problem and the
portance of the site and its strong potential for suggested building decontamination approach,
the regeneration of the entire area (which was in order to come up with an effective solution
suffering from high unemployment at the time), from both an environmental and economical
took the initiative to redevelop the site as a point of view.
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Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Photograph 2: The protective equipment.

ments of the legislation. At the same time, the

Photograph 1: The ‘Konofagos buliding’. safety equipment should have been comfortable
in order to facilitate the investigators. More spe-
cifically, the personal protective measures taken
2. BUILDING INVENTORY were the following (Photo 2):
2.1 Overview - One-usage fully encapsulated garments
The ‘Konofagos Building’ is a one-story stone marked as Category 3 (EN 465) - Types 3, 4,
building with dimensions of 16 by 14 m in plan 5 and 6. They included features such as:
and height of 18 m that consists of three sepa- taped seams, respirator fit hood and storm
rate, almost identical, rooms (Photo 1). flap with double-sided tape over the zipper,
In order to evaluate the extent of the problem providing protection against the chemical
and to prepare a preliminary study on critical agents. For extra protection, the garments
actions needed, a scientific committee, consti- were used over a coverall disposable suit
tuted by academics and independent experts was (Category 3 - Types 5 and 6).
established by the National Technical Univer- - Full-face reusable respirators - Class 3 (EN
sity of Athens. An inspection of the interior of 136), combined with ΑΒΕΚ2-Ρ3 (ΕΝ 141)
the building for the presence of structural dam- filter cartridges that offered sufficient protec-
ages and of hazardous materials (i.e., fumes tion against inhalable and inspirable con-
dust, debris, wall plaster, etc.) was the first step taminated dust.
suggested. - Nitrile gloves that were chemically and me-
chanically resistant (EN 374, 388, 420).
2.2 Health and safety measures - PVC footwear.
The results of chemical analyses of a limited An outdoor room was prepared and helpers
number of dust samples collected from the were used to ensure proper fitting of the protec-
smelter fume tunnels indicated that the concen- tive measures before entering the building. Im-
tration of inorganic arsenic compounds was mediately after leaving the contaminated area,
even up to 12%. Taking into consideration that the investigators removed all the protective
these particular substances could be extremely equipment. The coveralls, filters, etc. were
dangerous (ATSDR, 2007) particular attention placed to PVC drums, for special disposal, as
was given to the personal protective measures they were treated as hazardous waste as well.
used by the ones who entered into the building. 2.3 Site description and sampling procedure
Following the recommendations of the Hel-
lenic Institute for Occupational Health and The investigation started from the southern
Safety (ELINYAE, 1997), the selected protec- room of the building (Room 1). In this area,
tive measures followed the strictest require- about 120 bags containing a fine whitish dust
were found. The interior walls were covered by
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 190
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

lime-cemented plaster. Behind the plaster a 0 - Council were followed (EC, 2003). Towards
10 cm-thick layer of dust was found. The floor this direction the European Standard prEN
consisted of tamped earth and was covered by 12457-2 (2002) was applied to study the leach-
dust and debris. ing properties of the samples. The concentra-
In the middle room (Room 2), the investiga- tions in the leachate were measured using
tors found 20 steel drums of 200 L. The drums Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS, Perkin
contained a whitish material (in some drums this Elmer 3300), Graphite Furnace (GFAA, Perkin
material was bagged). The conditions of the Elmer HGA 700) and Inductively Plasma Spec-
walls and the floor of Room 2 were similar to trometry (ICP-AES, Prodigy - Teledyne, Lee-
those found in Room 1. man Labs). Sulphates determination took place
Finally, in the northern room (Room 3) the according to EN 196-2, par. 8 (1994) while pH
survey revealed the existence of 60 steel drums was measured using Mettler - Toledo pH Ana-
of 200 L capacity. These drums also contained lyst. Finally, conductivity was measured by
the whitish material that was discovered in the Mettler - Toledo Conductivity Meter and
drums of Room 2. leachate TDS content was determined by Met-
In total 11 samples were taken from the walls tler - Toledo TDS Meter.
(W1 and W2) and the floor of the rooms (F1,
F2, F3, F4), the bags (B1, B2 and B3) and the
drums (D1 and D2). 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
4.1 XRF Analysis
3. LABORATORY ANALYSES The XRF analysis indicated that:
Due to the lack of evidence for the nature of the - The samples collected from the walls and the
wastes found within the building, a qualitative - floor are heavily polluted with As (4 - 8%),
semi-quantitative chemical analysis was per- Pb (50 - 80%), Cd (0.1 - 0.5%), Zn (2 -
formed utilizing X-Ray Fluoresence (XRF). 10%), Fe (2 - 15%) and Ni (100 -1000 ppm).
Four samples were selected, one from the build- - The drum content is mainly sulfur, with con-
ing wall, one from the bags, one from the drums centration ranging between 70 - 90% (ex-
and one from the floor. The results of this pressed as SO2). Further, Zn (8 - 10%) and
analysis indicated further measurements needed Pb (0.3 - 1%) are also detected.
for specific elements using quantitative meth- - The bag sample is clearly identified as lime,
ods. For the determination of metal and metal- since calcium concentration is above 95%.
loid content (Pb, Cr, Ni, As, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) of However, it seems that the bag content has
the collected samples, chemical analysis took been polluted by dust fumes, since As, Pb,
place according to prEN 13657 (2002). Element Cd and other elements were also discovered.
concentrations were measured using Atomic
Absorption Spectrometry (AAS, Perkin Elmer 4.2 Chemical Analysis
3300), Graphite Furnace (GFAA, Perkin Elmer Chemical analysis results are illustrated in Ta-
HGA 700) and Inductively Plasma Spectrome- bles 1 and 2.
try (ICP-AES, Prodigy - Teledyne, Leeman Based on the results of the metal and metal-
Labs). loid analyses of the samples, the following re-
Furthermore, leaching tests were performed marks can be made:
in specific samples for purposes of:
- Floor samples are extremely polluted, espe-
- characterization of the materials (inert, non cially with respect to As, Pb, Cd, not with-
hazardous and hazardous) and standing the less toxic Zn.
- compliance with the respective limits re- - Wall samples are also characterized as ex-
ferred to the acceptance of waste in landfill tremely polluted (especially W1) with respect
sites. to As, Pb, Cd, possessing values similar to
Given the objectives of the leaching tests, the those obtained from the floor.
procedures and criteria described in the Deci- - Significantly lower metal and metalloid con-
sion 2003/33/EC of 19 December 2002 of the centrations were detected in the rest of the
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 191
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Table 1: Chemical analysis results for As, Pb, Fe and Zn the hazardous limit values, it may be consid-
(all values in ppm) ered as small, compared to the initial samples
Sample As2Ο3 PbΟ Fe2Ο3 ZnΟ concentration. That phenomenon is probably
F2 23952 238932 7185 22155 attributable to the creation of a ‘protective’
B2 6097 2244 8963 7469 Pb(OH)2 layer on the surface of the solid
W1 6060 2430 6727 8484 samples under water effect, which prohibits
D1 2 472 49697 67423 further Pb dilution.
D2 1431 942 2385 25044 - The extremely low leachate pH indicates the
B1 1130 1618 9249 9763 presence of metals and metalloids mainly in
F1 48933 752823 23212 46424 their sulphurous form (e.g PbS). That fact is
F3 28225 144723 291834 18649 confirmed from the relatively low sulphates
W2 54418 794314 4522 27410 concentrations measured in the leachate.
F4 54102 533547 151145 27732
B3 1071 910 93708 85006

Table 2: Chemical analysis results for Cu, Cd, Ni and Cr 5. QUANTITY OF POLLUTED MATERIALS
(all values in ppm). Based on the findings of the investigation and
Sample CuΟ CdΟ NiΟ Cr2Ο3 on the laboratory results, the total quantity of
F2 2401 2808 1 nd* the polluted materials found inside the
B2 170 nd nd nd ‘Konofagos Building” was estimated. Given the
W1 115 46 12 nd uncertainties involved in the estimations, the
D1 860 5 5 nd
analysis was carried out by means of quantita-
D2 369 8 nd nd
tive probability modeling. Towards this direc-
B1 77 21 3 nd
tion the Monte Carlo simulation method was
F1 3544 5269 49 nd
F3 2318 2555 228 70
applied (Vose, 1996) using a three-parameter
W2 1854 1595 nd nd
triangular distribution. The assumptions used
F4 2580 2386 122 23 Table 3: Leaching values according to pr-EN 12457-2
B3 261 40 18 nd (L/S=10 L/kg)
nd*: not detected Parameter F1 F2 F3
As (ppm) 1500 2500 1400
samples, collected from bags and drums. Cd (ppm) 3230 2760 1700
Nevertheless, As concentrations constantly Cu (ppm) 281 426 35,6
exceed at least 1000 ppm, which can cause Ni (ppm) 15.1 18.5 49.7
unacceptable health and environmental con- Pb (ppm) 141.1 2280 94.3
sequences. Zn (ppm) 14590 18520 7.5
SO42- (ppm) 26720 7240 28680
4.3 Leaching Tests TDS (ppm) 99400 123900 58300
pH 4.4 2.4 3.2
In Table 3, the leaching test results, implement- Conductivity (μS/cm) 19840 24800 11670
ing prEN 12457-2, are illustrated and in Table 4
the corresponding limit values are provided. Table 4: Leaching limit values according to pr-EN 12457-
Studying the leaching tests, the following 2 (L/S=10 L/kg - all values in ppm)
remarks can be made: Inert Non Haz-
Parameter limit ardous limit
- Samples F1 and F2 are characterized as haz- value value
limit value
ardous with respect to all examined parame-
As 0.5 2 25
ters. Especially As, Cd, Pb and Zn concentra- Cd 0.04 1 5
tions exceed the hazardous limit values by Cu 2 50 100
three orders of magnitude. Ni 0.4 10 40
- Sample F3 is also characterized as hazardous Pb 0.5 10 50
but presents greater stability under water ef- Zn 4 50 200
fect, compared to F1 and F2. SO42- 1000 20000 50000
- The quantity of Pb leached, even if exceeds TDS 4000 60000 100000
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 192
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Table 5: Assumptions of the probabilistic model Table 6: Monte Carlo simulation statistics (kg)
Most probable Bags Drums Floor Wall Total
value Most
Sp. weight (tn/m3) - 1.5 probable 5.160 17.850 30.220 113.760 166.990
Quantity of bags 100-150 120 value
Bags weight (kg) 35-50 43 Mean 5.259 17.357 30.377 105.180 158.178
Quantity of drums - 85 Median 5.231 17.254 30.408 107.746 160.295
Drums volume (lt) - 200 St. dev. 569 3.120 4.087 40.703 41.092
Drums weight (kg) - 300 Min 3.649 9.280 20.255 3.370 54.822
Drums filling of (%) 40-100% 70% Max 7.191 25.467 40.078 196.179 251.469
Floor area (m2) - 134.31 Range 3.541 16.187 19.823 192.809 196.647
Floor dust and de- 0.10- Percentage 3% 11% 18% 68% 100%
bris thickness (m) 0.20
Wall area (m2) - 1.896 Table 7: Monte Carlo simulation percentiles (kg)
Wall dust and debris 0.00- Percen-
0.04 Bags Drums Floor Wall Total
thickness (m) 0.07 tiles
0% 3,649 9,280 20,255 3,370 54,822
are presented in Table 5. 10% 4,552 13,270 24,663 48,506 101,575
Latin Hypercube Sampling technique was 20% 4,768 14,640 26,703 68,658 121,252
used and 1,000 trials were accomplished by 30% 4,919 15,603 28,154 83,137 135,467
means of sophisticated software. The results of 40% 5,066 16,458 29,378 95,747 148,998
the analysis are summarized in Tables 6 and 7 50% 5,231 17,254 30,408 107,746 160,295
and are illustrated in Figure 1. According to the 60% 5,393 18,112 31,460 117,588 170,561
estimates, the polluted materials contained in 70% 5,553 18,966 32,661 129,047 181,426
the building range between 55 and 250 tons, 80% 5,754 20,130 34,125 142,322 195,724
with the most probable value being 167 tons. As 90% 5,988 21,534 35,838 158,664 211,263
100% 7,191 25,467 40,078 196,179 251,469
far as their distribution is concerned, about 14%
of the material is in bags and drums, 18% is de- value i.e. 25 mg/kg set by the Decision
posited on the floor and the rest 68% is attached 2003/33/EC, by several orders of magnitude.
to the interior surface of the walls of the build- This bad situation becomes worse considering
ing. the structural problems of the building (e.g. se-
rious cracks, leaning walls, etc.). For this rea-
6. DISCUSSION - RECOMMENDATIONS son, repairs aiming at stabilizing and strengthen-
ing the structure are considered necessary prior
The ‘Konofagos Building’ is probably one of to the entrance into the building.
the most polluted buildings in the world. The In order to tackle with the environmental
survey campaign and the laboratory analyses problem a number of actions are foreseen, as
proved that dust and debris found inside the follows:
building are characterized by unusually high
concentrations of heavy metals and toxic metal- - Overpacking of existing drums in special
loids, such as As, Pb, Cd and Zn. Just to high- hazardous waste containers.
light the extent of the problem, it is referred that - Placement of bags into 200 L hazardous
the reported lethal dose of arsenic ranges from waste drums.
120 to 200 mg in adults, while the building con- - Construction of a tensile enclosure that will
tains 6,400 up to 13,600 kg of arsenic assuming isolate the building in order to avoid any pol-
that there exist 160-170 tons of materials with lutant dispersion during decontamination
an average arsenic concentration (mainly in the works.
form of oxide) of 4-8%. Furthermore, the build- - Mechanical removal of plaster from walls by
ing poses significant threats to the ecosystem, as means of chipping hammer or mechanized
indicated by the results of the leaching tests. needle hammering.
The quantity of arsenic leached, is up to - Removal of loose wall material with vacuum
2000 mg/kg, exceeding the hazardous limit cleaner.
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 193
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Forecast: Total dust in the building

2.000 Trials Frequency Chart 2.000 Displayed

,024 47

,018 35,25

,012 23,5

,006 11,75

,000 0

54.822 103.984 153.146 202.307 251.469

Figure 1: Polluted material quantity forecast chart (kg).

- Removal of remaining adherent wall material Services Division for their contribution.
with vacuum blasting.
- Removal of soil from the floor of the build-
ing at a depth of 10 cm and backfilling of the REFERENCES
excavation with appropriate aggregates. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry -
- Collection of debris (i.e. abrasive media, etc.) ATSDR, 2007. Toxicological profile for arsenic. (Up-
and placement into 200 L hazardous waste date), U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
vices, Public Health Service, Atlanta, GA, USA.
drums. EN 196-2, 1994. Methods for testing cement, Part 2.
- Waterproofing of the building by means of Chemical analysis of cement par. 8.
nanomaterials. Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety -
ELINYAE, 1997. Methodological guide for occupa-
The total cost of the above decontamination tional risk assessment and prevention, Hellenic Insti-
works is estimated at 1 million euros. The haz- tute of Occupational Safety and Health (ELINYAE),
ardous waste drums will be transferred to an ap- Athens, Greece.
propriate storage area inside the underground Karachaliou, T. and D. Kaliampakos, 2005. Redeveloping
waste disposal facility that is being constructed derelict urban space, the case study of Lavrio, Greece.
CABERNET 2005 - The International Conference on
at the Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park. Managing Urban Land, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Actually, the existence of this facility adjacent Official Journal of the European Communities, 2003.
to the building provides the opportunity to deal Council Decision 2003/33/EC of 19 December 2002,
permanently with the problem, given that in any Establishing criteria and procedures for the acceptance
other case the cost would be extremely high. of waste at landfills pursuant to Article 16 of and An-
nex II to Directive 1999/31/EC, Official Journal L
011, 16/01/2003, pp. 0027–0049.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS prEN 12457-2, 2002. Characterisation of waste - Leach-
ing - Compliance test for leaching of granular waste
The research was funded by the Greek Ministry materials and sludges - Part 1: One stage batch test at
of Development under the 3rd Community a liquid to solid ratio of 10 L/kg for materials with
particle size below 4 mm (without or with size reduc-
Framework Programme 2000-2006, Operational tion).
Programme “Competitiveness”. The authors prEN 13657, 2002. Characterisation of waste. Digestion
would like also to thank Prof. I. Koumantakis, for subsequent determination of aqua regia soluble
Prof. S. Tsoukantas, Prof. D. Papaioannou, Prof. portion of elements.
T. Fotiou and Assoc. Prof. K. Spyrakos, mem- Vose, D., 1996. Quantitative Risk Analysis: A Guide to
bers of the Scientific Committee for the Monte Carlo Simulation Modeling. Wiley, Chichester,
England, 328 p.
‘Konofagos Building’, Assist. Prof. M. Kafritsa,
Dr. G. Skouras, Mr. A. Mavropoulos and Ms. D.
Karachaliou, Study Team members and Ms. M.
Panagiotou, Director of the NTUA Technical

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