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Answer the following:

1. Describe how to obtain the Lassaigne’s extract which is needed to detect the presence of chlorine,
nitrogen and sulfur.

-In a fusion tube, a small volume of organic material is mixed with small quantities of sodium
metal. Then the red-hot fusion tube is plunged into purified water. The contents are heated and then
cooled and filtered for a few minutes. Sodium fusion extract (SFE) or Lassaigne's extract is considered
the filtrate obtained. Normally, it is alkaline. A few drops of NaOH solution can be added to make it
alkaline if it is not alkaline. Thus, to obtained SFE is used to detect the presence of elements like Cl,
N, and S.

2. Describe the procedure on how to detect the presence of the following elements in organic compound.
Specify the substance formed and its resulting color that signifies the presence of a particular element.
a. Chlorine
The organic compound reacts with sodium to form sodium chloride in the form of chlorine.
Sodium chloride with silver nitrate solution gives a white precipitate of silver chloride. In
ammonium hydroxide, the precipitate is soluble.

b. Nitrogen
The FeSO4 solution is added and warmed. Then about 3 drops of FeCl3 solution are added
and acidified with HCl. The appearance of a dark blue color indicates the presence of
nitrogen. Ferric ferro cyanide is formed.

c. Sulfur
The appearance is a purple color upon the addition of a few drops of sodium nitroprusside
to sodium fusion extract (SF E) indicates the presence of sulfur.

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