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o How to publish a bestseller for nothing. Without being Alison holst.
Or an all black
o Twitter will only you get so far. You can’t stand the credibility from
o Announcing that you writing a book puts focus on you.
o Internal pressure to get the idea out
o Am I clever enough/special enough to write this book? Who made
you the God of this? WTF are you to be writing this book?
o There are no qualifications for this stuff.
o What got him through the hoop? Thinking about running races.
There’s always someone in front/behind you. If you in front, you
probably have something useful to share with someone else. Is
someone is ahead of you, they have something useful to share with
o Need to be anywhere but the back.
o Summary
 Know your sh!t
 Have an opinion. Stand out.
 Tell it well.
o How to go about doing it
 Didn’t want to spend $$
 Didn’t want to learn new tools
 Get it out quickly and simply
o Do I go for publishers/paper or go for electronic distribution
o No patience for traditional route.
o Wanted to get it into lots of head.
o Chose a design tool – POWERPOINT
o Ecosystem
 Put book onto posterous. Each chapter on own post
 At Top/bottom chapter, add pay with tweet button
 Opens a window on dropbox. Download.
 BAMF. Book
o Innovative thunder
o Stats:
 1st tweet on 10 dec
 15,172 readers
 downloads worldwide
 1 printed copy
o what be done better
 no feedback from posterous posts
 regret not putting better metrics in place – paywithtweet
only twitter metric only
o questions
 monetizing – walking into a room with potential buyers and
saying ‘I wrote a book about social media’. Amount of
money you can get is not great; not worth the effort.

o MMO for kids regarding environment.
o Social media
 Lots of kids on twitter
 Community manager
o Go bananas blog
 Communicate with players
 Contests
 Get feedback about the game
 Polls – features, names
 Create a sense of community between players and staff
 Fan art Friday video
o Blogging for kids
 Simplify. Don’t need to learn a whole new system
 Try to keep it upbeat – if boring, kids no read
 Keep posts really short
 Linebreaks – TL;DR
 Always use graphics to break up blocks of text
 Bullet points help, bold words for new sections
 ‘pop visually’ – kids like icons
 widgets – kids dig them. Animated is even better. Kids make
their own for own blogs.
o Network with kids
 Encourage kids to comment
 Always reply to them
 Blogroll of awesomeness
o Stats
 91% of US tween boys and 93% of tween girls*
 approx 18 million kids play online games
 75% of US 7-12th graders have a social media profile
 49% UK kids: writing = boring
 56% used social media
 61% bloggers and 56% SNS users said they were good/very
good writers
 only 47% of those who had neither said the same
o monkey blogs
 constantly changing headers
 love to blog/tweet
 love to contribute to gobananas blog
 love running their own blogs
 awards/spotlights
o kids love social media


o Usually has 5 nerds right in front.
o Should be ‘somewhat interesting’ :p
o Works for automatic
o OMG, my sites been hacked.
 Based on real scenarios
 “Help! Spams are eating my sites!”
 Cue superhero music.
 “Did ninjas do it?”
 users think of hackers as based in the media
 Smoking. Asthmatic. Clowns. S.A.C.s
 why do they exist?
 Employer pay them to mess up site deliberately so
they can get paid to fix it.
 What they do
 Get into site
 Post spam links; your google pagerank go down
 Insert malicious code.
 Insert scripts – c99shell
 Google can report site as Reported Attack Page – usually
first sign of alert.
o How did my site get S.A.C’d?
 Guessed your password
 WordPress has strength indicator
 Password suggestion: make password from a
 Exploit old versions of WordPress
 Wordpress has auto-update
 Exploit old themes/plugins
 WP updates everything togethers
 Use themes from trusted sources
 File permissions
 Most common form of hack
 No universal rule for protection – ask your host for
 Hide code in obscure page (i.e. 404 page)
 Cross-tool exploits
 Keep all software up to date
 Multiple sites on same server
 Use different database, user/pass for each site
o Use obscurity to protect yourself
 Obscure username
 Obscure database prefix
 Contact your host
 Back up your exploited site – analysis purpose/in case
something bad happens
 “My site was hacked” – WordPress codex
 Change all passwords and keys
 Update wp-config – change authenication keys
 Remove rogue code – exploit scanner plugin
 Check file permissions
 Restore from backup – YOU HAZ BACKUP, RIGHT? Listen to
the kitty.
 If we do all this, we hope to snuff out all attackers.
 Just say NO to S.A.Cs


o Three secret tips – plus linking
o WORDS. Have you got every word in the proper place?
o In a Nutshell
 Seo-basics simple, specialised, complex
 Many know some seo, but don’t do it
 Too hard, ignorant or time consuming
 Seo has a high roi
 Most websites fail the seo basics
 Implemenation of basics
 Big traffic increases possible
 Good seo – foundation, future-proofs your website
o Search phrase selection
 What are people searching for?? – google adwords keyword
 Select multiple word phrase(s), and single words
 Use search words including:
 Categorisation
 Regionalisation
 Synonyms
 English/American spelling
 Check opposition’s language & phrases
 Check adwords CPC stats
o META TAG: title
 Maximum is 70 words
 Words at front have most power
 Use search phrase at the beginning and combinations of the
main search phrase(s)
 Unique title on every page
 If not too much competition, you can get high on google
with just having text on the page.
o META TAG: description
 Sales pitch – clickability – your USP
 No SEO advantage
 Use search phrase, and combo of same phrase twice
 Max 155 characters on google – note, no “…”
 If use more than 155 characters, you lose out on min. 4
 If words can be guessed, you gain guessed words.
 <meta name=”robots” content=”noodp”/> - add
o META TAG: keywords
 Google ignores. No need to add now.
 <h1> is to emphasise your top search phras(s)
 only 1 <h1> per page
 google can use the h1 for its snippet
o PAGE CONTENT: opening paragraph
 Place opening paragraph straight after <h1>
 Best to use main seartch phrase9s) inopening paragraph
 Research how google displays and highlights your phrasese
from other websites
 Avoiud duplicated phrases
 Use bold and italics to emphasise the first two instances of
the main search phrase
 Scatter the search phrase(s) around the page
 Write full sentences, not just lists of keywords
 Best
 High pr pages from pages of same region or category
 Problems with:
 Links directories
 Blog comments
 Articles
 Unique versions
 Add to sites with best ratio of pr/articles


o Future of news
 Small
 Low overheads
 Distributed reporting
 Networked
 Where you are


o Extended profiles
o Friends
o Private messaging
o Groups
o Activity streams
o Forums
o Child themes
o Blog tracking
o WHY?
 Build passionate users around a specific niche
o Facebook-in-a-box?
 Buddypress is not ‘all or nothing
o Bring Your Own Terms Of Service
o Plugins
 Achievements
 Buddystream
 BP GTM System
 Group Documents
o Themes
 GenesisConnect @ StudioPress
 Canvas @ WooThemes
 BP theme pack


o Cache plugins
 Wp-cache- wp-super-cache, w3 total cache
o Architecture is important
o What does a 4year old blog network look like?
 Lots of plugins
o problems
 wp-cron bastardisation – database backup&google sitemap
 404’s trying way too hard
 Feedburner
o Wp-techies
o Tools
 Pingdom
 Scout
 New relic

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