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INGLES TPN° 10, 11 Y 12

TP10: First Conditional

1) For each first part of a sentence (a-e) find a second part (1-5)
A) if you do a lot of exercise (You won´t get fast)

B) it won´t burn. (If you cook the meal slowly)

C) if you put cream on it. (The cake will be tastier)

D) il will go cold. (If you don´t eat the soup)

E) if you peel the potatoes. (I´ll peel the carrots)

2) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb (present

simple and future)

a) If they drunk (drink) a lot of milk, their teeth been (be) strong.

b) If he gone (go) out, he bought (buy) some sandwiches.

c) If you not eaten (not eat), you gotten (get) hungry

d) If she not liked (not like) chocolate, I made (make) a vanilla cake.

e) If you been (be) hungry, I cooked (cook) for you.

TP11: 2nd Conditional


Si tuviera que volver a vivir mi vida, me atrevería a cometer más errores la próxima
vez. me gustaría relajarme. Sería más tonta de lo que he sido en este viaje. Yo tomaría
menos cosas en serio. Me arriesgaría más. Haría más viajes. Yo escalaría más montañas
y nadaría más ríos. Comería más helado y menos frijoles. Tendría menos problemas
imaginarios. He sido una de esas personas que nunca va a ninguna parte sin un
termómetro, bolsa de agua caliente, impermeable y paracaídas. Si tuviera que hacerlo
todo una vez más, viajaría más ligero que lo que he hecho. Si tuviera que olvidar mi
vida, que comience descalza a principios de la primavera y permanezca así más tarde
en otoño. Yo iría a más bailes. Daría más abrazos. Elegiría más margaritas.
2) Find 2 examples of 2nd Conditional in the text. (If I had to live my life again, I would
dare make more mistakes next time) (If I had to do it all over again, I would travel
lighter than I have)

3) Answer about the text.

a) Why would the author dare make more mistakes next time?

From what I have read, the lady says that despite everything she did she thinks she
could have done more... I mean commit more mistakes than she thought

b) How does the old woman describe herself?

She describes herself as a somewhat boring woman, who did not do much in her life
and therefore says that if she could live her life again, she would do many more things.

c) Do you think you would regret so many things if you were her age? Why?

Why not?

I would not regret anything. I mean, not everyone is lucky enough to do so many
things in their life ... in my case, I wouldn't complain after having experienced so many

TPN° 12 2nd Conditional

1) Answer the following personal questions using 2nd Conditional.

a) What would I do different if I were the president of the country? If I were president,
I would enact a law that would allow parkour to be practiced anywhere legally.

b) What would I do if I could go to any part of history? If I could travel to any part of
history, I would go to Egypt in ancient times to see the pyramids in their maximum

c) What would I ask for if I had three wishes? If I had 3 wishes I would ask for world
peace, earn money without having to work and more wishes

d) What would I do if I could be invisible for a day? If I was invisible for a day, I would
go out to do evil

e) What powers would I have if I were a super hero? if he were a superhero he would
have powers like super strength, flying, teleportation and super speed
2) Writing: Winning the lottery.

Do you ever buy lottery tickets or play bingo? Just imagine that one day you hit

the jackpot and win one million dollars. What would you do?

Write a short text about that using 2nd conditional. Think about…

a) What would you do with the money?

b) What would you buy for you, your family and your friends?

c) Who would you give some to?

d) How would your daily life change?

If I won the lottery, first I would go on a trip around the world, then I would buy many
things like clothes, a house and a car, then I would help those I love the most by giving
them houses and cars they would choose things.

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