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Brief Introduction «“ .AD22(LED) series of indicator is equally used LED shining chip as light source. Because of long life, low consumption, ‘small volume and light weight, itis a new type of product replaced the older incandescent lamp and indicator of neon lamp . AD22 indicators are produced by our factory enjoying following characters: high onghtness, good relbiliy, beautful ‘shape and careful manufactured, Products are well praised by lots of clients. In order to ft in with top quality ard aesthetic ‘demand of user, we develop AD22-22B,C,D,F,G,H, double-calor lamp, position incicator, shining buzzer and mini short indicator, as wall as design shape of ADZ2-22G/22G8 series button and it is possible to meet all kinds of international standard LLampstiade, whichis made of polycarbonate with highintension and enjoying better ant-sutge performance, and boltsype connector designed will make it safer and more convenient. All improvement wil be provided to make your choice more convenient ana your design perfect. Use «< [A022 series of indicators are used as indicating, foretelling, accident and other signals in the lines of equioment (such as slectricalpower,telecommunication, machine too, watercraft, textile, printing and mine machinery, etc) Type and meaning « so-O0000/00 TE csnatane |___Barter eno nck ia) |_——— ype sinaicts approved ond lan indot nats ea -oo 0 “TL treet ot connsstion 18 10 Contrast list of voltage, current AD22 Indicator Lamp Series ‘ Applicable environment « (1) Surrounding temperature: -2510~#55°. (2) Relative humidity: <98%, (3) Itcan normally work under the conditions of 2-80Hz vibration frequency and 0.7gih acceleratedspeed (4) Pollution grade: 1; Installed sort I (6) itis possible to work under the moist tropical environment it there isa "TH" sign Main technical target <<“ (1) Voltage of working frequency: 2.5kV (AC valid value), min. (2) Insulated resistance >2M2 {) Voltage wave allowed by AC indicator +:20% (4) Continual working life =30000h (5) Brightness =60cd/m? (8) Index of leakage CT1>100 (7) Protection gradeis P40, andit'spossibletobemadetoupto1P67 (8) Using frequency: AC50~ 60 Hz Circuit Introduction KK (1) AC and 0¢ indicator (AG/OCBV ~ 220) Leo mT Note: It should be considered radiating concition When OC is upto 110V, 220V and 380¥, for theresa great of heat (2) Ac indicator (AC 220V, AC38OV) {J teo +f u L_4___-» (3) Return of double-color incicator (DC, Act10 ~ 220) Note: When put through XO and X1. lampis shining green, ‘when done XO and X2, lamp i shining red «<< ‘Supply Voltage ACC De FO a Voltage | ev | 12v | 2av | sev | aev | t10v | ta7v | 220v | s80v | Sov | 220v | 360v Current | 140 | 72 |ve72| @ | 1 | wm | 6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 7 Note: "FD" in the list means a discharging lamp can be installed on the cupboard of capacitor.PG denotes pure green, PB denotes pure blve,PW denotes pure white ok AD22 Indicator Lamp Series Indicator Description Voltage Color __‘Type Contour © Rea a ae acioe : oo 3 ARS © creonPs q 5 ed yy A! Fallow apres | Ea Indicator BvAC © PuwBho i PVA iow : 0224608 |] © Red oa 2 acco © Yalow Pe) om wee Sev ACE & Groen eS ted Fray Aaoe ‘AD22-2208 © Pure creen 4 Indicator Hy doe, z0v Acbe © Pure Blue | [ens ‘8022-2208 © Pure white Re oH] 24V ACID © = - Srv acc © GreenPs 4 ve AES © aw anzezaosc | Indicator BIVAGDS © Pueaue . movies ON Ap222208¢ Red r 24V ACID © we Sev Acie © Greens ev Acibe fev ADE © Yalow 022220 = Indicator s27VACIDC ©) Pure Blue ’ zane ew | 022.220 [eaal © Fea | zw Acine sow ~ we ev Aepe |G ( f tev Acibe Green au HOVACDC © Purecrem 7777S gE indict ; i Indicator 27V AGG i Zavace © Puree © Pure wmite ‘AD 22.2288 AD22 Indicator Lamp Series ‘ Indicator __ Description Voltage _ Color Type __ Contour © Fes aay Acie = ev acing © Yelow iy AGS © Groon iiov agiDe aoz2 22086 a ved TayASps © Pure Goon 7 iF Indieator daov Acioe pany nciOC ©) Pure Blue pozn20s€ © Pure wie © res ca, aw © Yetow eo ved 50-500V AC © Groon © Pure Green f Indicator © rctwe | " an ‘A022-2208v © Pure white © re sa 2 ted, © verw i f © Green ; so-500v AC apw2208v 7 ved © 5 no Inaictor © Pure sue | ‘A022-2208V © Pare write “1 nay acne © Res Sev Aciog oe 2 4 36 ACIDC © Green —_aDz2.2008 Mov Acoe © Yelow ——_Aoz2-30081 Tory asi Indleator TA AGing = © Puwslue —_adzz.ao0sc S80VAC CO wmterew 0223008 Indicator wrench Indicator wrench ote See AD22E-PHI6 AD22e-pH22 oD AD22 Indicator Lamp Series Indicator Description Voltage _— Color Type ganinae aay ncioc © Red Bev acioc GreeniPG : 6 ay acre © apa2a0cs nov acoc = © Yelow ‘apz2-s00st Indicator tary acios * indicat HEV ACDC © PweBe —_aDaz-s0c80 B80V AC © whitemw anzz-0cs av acioc © Red are Green/PG ‘AD22-30A5 48V AC/DC © ‘SOAS tov ase © Yelow ——_Aoz2-90A8L Indicator tary agos — Zaovacoe © PureBue —ADZ20ASC semac © Whitemew AD22-3088 we tov acne — @ Reskcreen —_A020.220R tory acs we Ee nenener seve © Recaro Bue A022-220R8 ‘4022-2206 ‘ov Acre Te veo fav acios f » 220V ACIOG. aozzz20rs | ali Indicator HOY AS = A022.220RS me oy Acioe . (eo tary acibs a022-2208Y 2a0v AGIOS hier ‘380V AC. /AD22-220RE_ ‘A22-220RY AD22 Indicator Lamp Series ‘ Indicator __Description Voltage _ Color Type Contour AD22-16MSD ve Indicator Buzzer 26 AcIDC fev ACID NV ACIDG OV ACIDS s27V Acie 220V ACIDC © Red © Biack 18022-1680 AD22-16MFD. 022-22 26v AcIDG: Sev ACIDC 48V_ ACIDC S10V ACIDE $27V ACIDE 220V ACID © Block ‘A022-22MFD. A22-22MsD eo Indicator Buzzer 26 AcIDC: 38v AGIDG 48V_ ACIDG SOV ACIDE $27 ACIDC 220V ACID © Re ‘8022-2280 AD22-22MSB A022-22FB ‘A022-22MSN eo Indicator Buzzer Inleator Buzzer 26 AcIDG: Sev ACID 48V_ ACIDG S10V ACIDE 227V ACIDE 220 ACIDG 26 AcIDG: 36V AGIDG 48V_ ACIDC SOV ACIDE $27 ACIDE 220V ACIDG 2ev AcIDG: Sev ACID NV ACIDG OV ACIDS. s27V AGIDG 220V ACIDG © Re © Block © Fes © Black © Re © Biack AD22-22MSB AD22-22MFB. ‘AD22-22MSN AD22-22MFN, A022-22MSNIH AD22-22MENIH xa AD22 Indicator Lamp Series Indicator __ Description Voltage Color _—‘ Type Contour 2ay ACID Sev AIDC 48v ACIDC ‘Mov AcIDOC = © Black A022-30MFD 427V AGIDC, 220V AGIDC 380V AG Buzzer ‘A02230MFD aay acioe eH Sov Acibs veo sv AGIOC Vow AGiDE © Red 022-300 Indicator 121v AGS Buzzer 220V ACIDC S80V AC ‘A022-30MSD © resceen fy “aa @ votowscreen | 1 @ resarivesue 2 = IA ev-zs0vacne — @ Yerowtrue sve ans ahesree : @ Resscreen 2. & Te @ vetonecren "0 Yi —e @) redapuesue #/2[ = SV-220VACIDC——@ YotowaPure Bue sozscarma. )Vanszesi © ressceen pep a ~ @ Yetonecreen qh oa © ressPure ue iE - qe e220 Acoe var ue AD22C-44TE ——-AD220-14TEIL @ YotowsPure at ir AD22C-16TE —AD22C-16TEIL AD22 Indicator Lamp Series ‘ Indicator Description Voltage Color Contour Aerge 7 er © Red at 1 BY © rmomn Fon Yetow . ty ur Bie . i 2ov © WhitetPwe ao20-st © res sa & & 7 © Puecreen a . © Yellow 1. vee 8 ete y © Puceve *% ie © whiterw acer AD220-8TIL acioe ov $s pa x ay Pure Green “ai ogg L GY os . veo 2 Ove Tepe . Av 4%, © pweaue * SIE BN © wmtemw Apmc-1oT —_Ab22c-10TIL Acne © Red BS cum _ [fama y ur Green awe ‘ 1 "BY vel ved ot ‘low qe AR, © Pure Bue t % BN © wmtemw apme-1at —_Ab220-1271L acioc = © Red By © Pues s x WV ure Green pee ay eD BN © Yetow Wee AY © ee " % we WitPw AD22¢-14T AD22C-14T/L_ 220 Acme © Red x om, , «ow ure Green » peo BY D Sev © Yellow A LEP Toa 4 - 4, © Pure Bue aN \ BN CO wniterpw apuctet —AD220-16TIL xD AD22 Indicator Lamp Series Indicator Description Voltage Color Contour “7° © Res » ot x BY © Pure Green ay TED SY © Yetow oor Hy © j= S Tv © Pure Blue 5 iw ov © Whiteipw An22060 AGC © Red ed 12 © Pure Green Y= * oT BO ven Indicator a wy © Pa nov © Pure Blue a iw ots ov © Whiteipw ap2ac-80 pac 201. Ape © nes 42v Pure Green *— 28 poe YSN ai Indicator ey 3 AN © Paesbe BN © wniterpw ap22c-t00 ‘ap22¢-t00". Agee © res x 2 © PureGreen * a D ay se Indicator 2 BY © Yalow ji , AN, © Puosue iy én BN © woitepw ‘no220-120 ‘ap220-4201. age © Red ved x: fav © Pure Green t © Yetow Indicator x x © . Pure ive soy “= 2M © wnitepw np2ac-140 sap22c-t4on. sgpc © rod s (ed xs By © Pure Green ie BN © Yalow gt AX © Purse = iw : BN © wniterew n022c-160 ap22-160n. Ox yyr4 Indicator Lamp Series Indicator __ Description _ Voltage _—_ Color Type Contour e@ net od ; ore L neot marzo 0c © Yew A020E-06 u noz26-08 Pure Blue write Coeee6e Red Groen Yellow AD22E-006 eo" 220-240 AC Pure Blue wrte oe00e6e ‘AD22E-006 Red Green eo” 220-240 AC Yellow 0226-009 Pure Blue White Oeoe00e ‘AD22E-009/° 10 ; ol Groen Yelow —-AD226-012 eo” 220-240 AC Pure Blue White o0ee06e Ap22E-012 Red : ~ Groen Yolow ozs =) Hay Pure Blue White eo” 220-240 AC o0ee06e AD22E-015, FO inca AD22 Indicator Lamp Series Indicator Description Voltage Color Type Contour e ; = . i © Green . neo" 220-240V AC © Yellow ——-AD22E-016 ey © Pure Blue aS ‘AD22E-016 c © Fed " © Green neot zo-240v nc © Yellow —_ADZ2E-017 I © Pure Bue © wnite e ist © ea Ey 7 © Green @ a © Pure Bue ‘AD22E-018 © write 5 HI © Red 1 O cmm neo? zao-2eov ac © Yellow po voe goa I © Pure ate ] (AD22E-021L © mite + aye © Res Zp we BY © puso : . a vee Bam Boome ol Fe 1100 © Pure Blue z | BY Cwmwpw Bt Pf XDLMI-LED OD AD22 Indicator Lamp Series LED and Neon lamp pearl series Application applies to direct signal lamp. premonition signal, accident signal and other di ct signal of electrical cireuitin AC220V, 50-802, direct current 220V and electric equipment. Performance index: working frequence 3000V/min, allowed voltage fluctuate +10% Continue-work service life:30000n0urs Using environment: surrounding temperature -25°0~+55°C Height above sea level =2000m Relative humidity:=85% Protection grade:1p65 Installation sort I Characteristic: The LED shiners of high brightness. The illumination formis of diode and incandescence lamp, enjoying long service life Indicator Description Voltage Color Type Contour © Res Se acioc © SreeniPs LED 24V © Yellow —-AD22B-C02 © Pure Blue AD22B-CO2 (© WhiterPw © Ree Si © Yew 0228-00 ep PS 2 v 220-2400 oy euro ale AD22B-£02 (C Whiterrw © Res creenPs ACIDC © a 24 © Yetiow AD228-S06 | 220-240V ©) Pure Blue 3] © whiterpw © Reo © Green M97130Y © Yoow —_anz2e-cos a z © Pure Blue L 3 © white . © Fes 2640.5 © Green 110-130V Few Hectny © elon aozenses (77 ss © Pure atue Jae |AD28-S08 © white = © Red Le eteser © creones — Petts “ Yellow: AD22B-CP22/R_ eo 9 PEARS TS © vel © Pure Bue I ‘AD228-cP22/R © wniterew | eusse: | xD

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