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3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 253

Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Geochemical investigations in view of the implementation of a monitoring

system at a former base metal mining and ore processing site (Kirki,
Thrace, Greece)

B. Lemiere, V. Laperche, C. Crouzet and A. Lassin

BRGM, Orléans, France

A. Liakopoulos
IGME/Dept. of Geochemistry & Environment, Entrance C of Olympic Village, Acharnai, Greece

C. Michael
IGME, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Regional Branch, Xanthi, Greece

I. Drougas and I. Romaidis

IGME - DMEOM, Entrance C of Olympic Village, Acharnai, Greece

ABSTRACT paigns to improve its efficiency (heavy metals

in water by polarography, in solids by portable
Mining sites are usually sources of metal pollu-
XRF and multiparametric probes).
tion many years after closure. Specific geo-
This allowed to identify quickly pollutant
chemical phenomena such as acid drainage con-
variation ranges, emission or attenuation points,
tribute to an increase of environmental impacts,
and to design conceptual transfer models. Field
especially if remediation measures were not
techniques were particularly efficient to design
taken at the time of mine closure (Bird et al.,
an optimised monitoring network, by allowing
2005). When a site is left exposed to the ele-
an immediate feedback between results, investi-
ments, pollution may arise from unmanaged
gations and sampling. They do not substitute to
waste piles, mine runoff water and tailings.
laboratory techniques, but optimise their use for
The implementation of a reliable monitoring
a better representativity of phenomena. Exam-
system is required to assess risks for the ex-
ples of critical points include:
posed resources (groundwater, cultivated areas,
urban settlements or littoral), until the site is - neutralisation fronts for acid mine drainage,
remediated. Monitoring data are essential to de- and metal precipitation sites,
sign remediation works. - separation between rainfall recharge and con-
The monitoring network is designed using taminated aquifer in shallow wells,
water, sediment or soil quality data along time - migration distance of each contaminant in
at the critical points of the pollution transfer sediments within the catchment.
model. The monitoring plan provides key data for
Traditionally, such points are selected from a remediation options, and for the design of a
large number of sampling points and laboratory community alert system.
analyses (baseline data). This is both expensive
and lengthy.
IGME followed an alternative route at Kirki, 1. INTRODUCTION
where mining and ore beneficiation for copper, Mining sites are one of the largest sources of
zinc and lead ceased in 1995, and no remedia- metal pollution, by nature, and because they are
tion was undertaken. among the largest industrial sites. The perma-
A baseline monitoring program was imple- nent nature of their imprint (works, waste) im-
mented in 2005 with the support of the Euro- plies that this pollution may continue, or even
pean Union, incorporating field analysis cam- begin, many years after closure. Specific geo-
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 254
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

chemical phenomena such as acid drainage con-

tribute to an increase of environmental impacts,
especially if remediation measures are not taken
at the time of mine closure. When a site is left
exposed to the elements, pollution may arise
from unmanaged waste piles, mine runoff water
and tailings.
The European Union paid particular attention
to the management of mine sites, active and
closed, after major recent accidents (Los Frailes,
Spain; Baia Mare, Romania, Rico et al., 2008)
in mining and waste disposal sites hosting haz-
ardous waste stocks, that threatened seriously
water resources. This attention was reflected in
regulations (Water Framework and Mining
Figure 1: Geographic location of Kirki mine & plant.
Waste Directives, European Parliament and
Council, 2000; 2006) and reference documents
(JRC, 2004). data and observations gathered by IGME geo-
These documents attribute a large importance scientists.
to monitoring schemes, especially as remedia-
tion of mining sites generally does not guarantee 3. METHODS
the absence of future pollution.
Monitoring may be achieved by periodic 3.1 Laboratory
sampling trips or by on-site measurement of the Geochemical analyses for water samples were
physico-chemical and chemical evolution of done at the IGME laboratories (Xanthi) for ma-
sources, vectors and exposed resources. Both jor elements, while trace elements were ana-
approaches may be complementary as field lysed at the IGME laboratories (Paiania) on fil-
methods have a quick responce, allowing sam- tered and acidified samples by ICP-MS.
ple selection, while lab methods are the only Analyses for solid samples were done by
ones to provide full analytical quality. OMAC (Ireland) by ICP/AES and ICP/MS after
aqua regia digestion.
2. SITE LAYOUT 3.2 Field
At the mine site of Kirki (Thrace, 22 km NW Key parameters (pH, EC, ORP) were deter-
Alexandroupolis, Arikas, 1979 Fig. 1), mining mined on field using handy meters. Groundwa-
and ore beneficiation for Cu, Zn and Pb ceased ter profiles were established with an Idronaut
in 1995 and no remediation action was taken OCEAN SEVEN 302 multiparametric probe.
since then. Water flow data were obtained using a rotating
A reconnaissance monitoring program was element current meter on gauged sections.
implemented in 2005 by IGME (Michaels and A selection of samples was analysed on site
Dimadis, 2006a, b; Cinar and EMP, 2007; Ro- for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and As by SWASV (Square
maidis, 2007; Liakopoulos 2009; Liakopoulos Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry) on
et al., 2009), with the support of the European printed electrodes (Palchetti et al., 2005). A re-
Union structural funds (3rd Community support cent review (Buffle and Tercier-Waeber, 2005)
framework O.P.C.). During the project, two fo- of voltammetric applications confirmed the in-
cused geochemical missions were led by IGME terest of the method.
and BRGM (Lemiere and Crouzet, 2006; Le- Site investigations for heavy metals and met-
miere and Laperche, 2006) to test the feasibility alloids (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, As and other ele-
of the implementation of on-site analysis within ments) were performed with a FPXRF spec-
the monitoring program. The present paper is trometer (NITON™ XLt792WY). This instru-
based on data and observations collected during ment was used also for on-site analyses of dried,
these missions, along with regular monitoring milled and homogeneised samples.
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Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Table 1: Geochemical data, mine area. The highest concentrations of metals, espe-
Waste cially cadmium, were observed (Table 1) out of
Open pit Mine Mine
Me- dump the open pit and at the bottom drainage of the
Ore water waste brook
dia drain- waste piles.
(July) (dump) water
age Passive remediation can be implemented
Unit g/kg µg/L mg/kg µg/L µg/L through filling a dam with crushed limestone.
Cu 250 10550 700 4840 260
Pb 400 900 15000 640 14 4.2 The plant site
Zn 90 270000 2000 93600 51650 Various sources of pollution are observed at the
Cd 2350 1120 184 mine site: ore stockpiles, concentrates, leftover
pH 2.7 1.5 - 4 7.3 processing chemicals, and fine-grained process-
ing waste (tailings) stored in dams (Triantafyl-
Detailed descriptions are given in Lemiere
lidis et al., 2006).
and Crouzet (2006), and Lemiere and Laperche
The latter are by far the most bulky, and tend
to escape to the river through dam failures.
3.3 Data processing Large quantities were flushed down to the Eirini
river (Fig. 3).
Field and lab data were consolidated with GPS
They show lower concentrations in metals
coordinates using ArcGIS 9 mapping database
than extraction waste (Table 2), but metals may
software. Water geochemical interpretation was
be more bioavailable.
supported by PHREEQC modelling.
The main remediation actions are site
cleanup for chemicals and concentrates, and
4. POLLUTION SOURCES, PATHWAYS, tailing dams restructuration and consolidation.
TARGETS, CONCEPTUAL MODELS AND 4.3 Downstream the sites
The only sources of pollution in the lower
4.1 The mine site catchment linked with the former mine site are
The main source of pollution at the mine site is local accumulations of sediments in the hydro-
metalliferous acid drainage, both from mine graphic network.
runoff and mine waste. By essence, it cannot be The main objective of monitoring (Fig. 4)
stopped: the solid sources are the sulphidic will be to follow carefully the quality of
rocks and waste, exposed to weathering and pumped groundwater (drinking and agricultural
oxidation. Data are provided in Table 1. purposes). Monitoring the emissions to the sea
The main vector is the Kirkalon brook, as no is also necessary.
continuous aquifer occurs in the crystalline host
rocks (Fig. 2). The main mitigating process is 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE ACTIONS
acid neutralisation, which reduces quickly the
metal contents of water. However, neutralisation Metal pollution from the mine site runoff and
causes metal precipitation, and further migration mine waste is a long-term issue and must be
of the pollution through sediments transport monitored, with or without remediation. The lo-
(Berger et al., 2000). cations proposed on Figure 1 allow to measure.
Table 2: Geochemical data, plant area.
Con- Ground-water River water River Sed. Soil
Media Tailings
centrate near plant near plant Near plant near plant
Unit wt % mg/kg µg/L µg/L mg/kg mg/kg
Cu 1.1-2.6 295 6-20 ‘6-10 354 80-240
Pb 6820 5-12 <5 556-9138 700–1200
Zn 5.6-21.6 11600 9000-200000 2200 – 5400 2642-145148 800-33000
Cd 157 100-2700 26 - 72 20.2-970 <250
pH 5.3- 6.9 7.5- 8.3
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 256
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Figure 2: Location of the monitoring network points, downstream the mine site.

Figure 3: Location of the monitoring network points, at the plant site.

Figure 4: Location of the monitoring network points, downstream the plant site.

At the former plant site, once chemicals are

- the raw pollution, especially pulses in case of
removed, the main issue is dam stability or re-
rainstorms, which will be the basis of any
furbishment, and subsequent monitoring is re-
community alert system,
quired, as well as for dams stability and for
- the efficiency of passive remediation, below
drainage water chemistry.
the dam.
Downstream the plant site, and near the main
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 257
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

settlements and cultivated areas, the main objec- 2009. Environmental impacts of unmanaged solid
tive of monitoring is to guarantee water and soil waste at a former base metal mining and ore process-
ing site (Kirki, Greece). Second International Confer-
resources quality. However, estuary monitoring ence on Environmental Management, Engineering,
was proposed, as most of the pollutants emitted Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX
by the site end up in solute or solid form in the Conferenc, Mykonos Island, Greece, June 21 to 26,
sea. 2009, in press.
Michael, C. and E. Dimadis, 2006a. Geological study of
the area around the Kirki beneficiation plant. Unpub-
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Liakopoulos, A., B. Lemiere, I. Drougas, C. Crouzet, V.
Laperche, C. Michaels, A. Lassin and I. Romaidis,

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