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GASTROENTEROLOGY 1996;111:901–910

Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Human Colon and in

Hirschsprung’s Disease


*Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie et Physiopathologie du Système Nerveux, Faculté de Médecine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels,
Belgium; §Département de Chirurgie Pédiatrique, Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola, Brussels, Belgium; and ‡Department of
Gastroenterology 261 and Institute of Pathology, Hvidovre Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark

Background & Aims: Subpopulations of interstitial cells constipation with dilatation of the proximal ganglionic
of Cajal are regarded as the source of spontaneous segment presenting in childhood or even later. Numerous
slow waves of the gut musculature (pacemaker cells). abnormalities of innervation have been described in HD,
Their ontogeny remains unclear, but a role of the tyro- including the lack of the potent inhibitory neurotrans-
sine kinase receptor c-kit in their development has re- mitter nitric oxide,1 supporting the view of a relaxation
cently been recognized. This study examined the inter- defect of the aganglionic segment.2 However, the func-
stitial cells in the human colon and in Hirschsprung’s
tional significance of these abnormalities has not been
disease (aganglionosis). Methods: The distribution of
the c-kit receptor was studied using specific antibodies
fully clarified because the obstructive symptoms are not
in 5 normal patients, 10 patients with Hirschsprung’s directly related to the length of the aganglionic seg-
disease, and 3 patients with diversion loop enterosto- ment.3
mies. c-kit immunohistochemistry was also combined Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) at distinct locations are
with reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos- regarded as the pacemaker cells of the gut because they
phate diaphorase histochemistry or with c-kit ligand generate the spontaneous slow waves of the smooth mus-
(stem cell factor) immunohistochemistry. Transmission cle layers.4,5 Their distribution has been difficult to study
electron microscopy was performed in 1 patient with with light microscopy because of the lack of specificity
Hirschsprung’s disease. Results: c-kit immunoreactiv- and reliability of the procedures used, and unequivocal
ity labeled a network of interstitial cells at the outer identification of ICC requires transmission electron-mi-
edge of the submucosa, in the muscular layers, and croscopic criteria.6 – 9 Previous ultrastructural studies have
around the myenteric plexus. In aganglionic segments,
addressed the distribution of ICC in the normal human
interstitial cells were scarce and its network appeared
disrupted. Interstitial cells of Cajal were identified in
colon.10 – 12 A potential role of ICC in human gastrointes-
aganglionic regions by electron microscopy. Interstitial tinal diseases has not yet been identified.
cells of Cajal are identifiable in newborns and exhibit The ontogeny of the ICC is currently unknown. Ultra-
similar distribution in diversion loops independent of structural studies in the mouse have suggested that ICC
contact with luminal nutrients. Conclusions: Our mor- develop postnatally under the influence of the ENS, and
phological data may explain the abnormal spontaneous a role of alimentation has been implied.13 Recent reports
electrical activity in aganglionic segments of Hirsch- indicate that the transmembrane tyrosine-kinase receptor
sprung’s disease and may give new insight into the c-kit is essential for the development and function of the
ontogeny of interstitial cells. ICC.14 – 17 The ligand for the c-kit receptor is a cytokine
known as stem cell factor (SCF), mast cell growth factor,
steel factor, or c-kit ligand.18 c-kit immunoreactivity is
H irschsprung’s disease (HD) is a human disease char-
acterized by aganglionosis, i.e., lack of the intrinsic
enteric nervous system (ENS). The affected segment ex-
present in various cell types,19 but in the gut, c-kit is
expressed only in ICC and mast cells.14 – 17
In the present study, we studied the distribution of
tends cranially from the anus and encompasses a variable c-kit and SCF immunoreactivity in the normal human
portion of the gut. In the classical form of HD, only the
rectosigmoid is affected; however, in some cases a longer Abbreviations used in this paper: ABC, avidin-biotin complex; DAB,
segment (long-segment HD) or even the entire colon 3,3*-diaminobenzidine; ENS, enteric nervous system; HD, Hirsch-
sprung’s disease; ICC, interstitial cells of Cajal; NADPH, reduced
may be involved (total colonic aganglionosis). Function-
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; SCF, stem cell factor.
ally, the lack of propulsive movements may lead either q 1996 by the American Gastroenterological Association
to an early obstructive syndrome in infancy or to a severe 0016-5085/96/$3.00

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Table 1. Antibodies Used

Antibody catalog no. Characteristics Source Working dilution

c-kit 0/#SC39 Affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antiserum raised to a synthetic Santa Cruz 1:250
peptide corresponding to residues 961–976 within the C- Biotechnology
terminal domain of the human c-kit receptor (100 mg
immunoglobulin G/mL).
1D9 3D6 Mouse monoclonal immunoglobulin G1 raised to human c-kit. Boehringer 10 mg/mL
Recognizes an epitope on the extracellular domain.43
SCF MGF-M1/0 Rat monoclonal immunoglobulin G2a raised to recombinant Immunex Corp. 2 mg/mL
murine SCF/MGF.27
MGF-M3/0 4 mg/mL

colon and HD. Electron microscopy was used to confirm Immunohistochemistry was performed with commercially
the presence of ICC in the aganglionic colon. available kits using the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) system
(Vectastain ABC), according to the instructions of the supplier
Materials and Methods (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). Briefly, sections were
Tissues were obtained from 10 patients with histologi- first incubated in blocking normal serum for 20 minutes, incu-
cally proven HD (age range, 3 weeks to 2 years; 8 boys and bated with the primary antibody diluted in normal serum for
2 girls) at the time of corrective surgery (Soave pull-through). 3 hours, rinsed in PBS for 10 minutes, incubated with the
The level of adequate resection was determined during the biotinylated secondary antibody for 30 minutes, rinsed in PBS,
procedure by identification of myenteric ganglia on routine and incubated with the ABC complex for 1 hour. Different
frozen sections. The aganglionic segment involved the rectosig- kits were used according to the species of the primary antibod-
moid in 7 cases (classical form of HD), and the aganglionic ies (Table 1). ABC conjugated with horseradish peroxidase
zone extended to the transverse colon or to the hepatic flexure was routinely used. Horseradish peroxidase was revealed by
in 3 cases (long-segment HD). The proximal part of each incubation for 10–15 minutes at room temperature with the
specimen, which always contained enteric ganglia, served as Immunopure metal-enhanced 3,3*-diaminobenzidine (DAB)
an internal positive control. Specimens from normal rectosig- substrate kit (Pierce, Rockford, IL) (referred to below as DAB-
moid and colon were also obtained from 5 patients (two autop- Metal), which produces a brown deposit. Some selected sections
sies within 6 hours of death and three organ donors; age, 1 were subsequently counterstained with Mayer’s hematoxylin.
day, 4 months, and 13, 17, and 30 years, respectively; 4 males Histochemical staining for reduced nicotinamide adenine
and 1 female). Specimens from diversion loop enterostomies dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) diaphorase, as a marker for
(two ileostomies and one left colostomy) performed shortly the neuronal isoform of constitutive NO synthase, was per-
after birth in neonates with imperforated anus were also ob- formed as previously described.1 Briefly, the slides were incu-
tained when digestive continuity was restored (age, 6 and 10 bated in the dark in a solution of 0.1 mol/L Tris-HCl buffer
weeks and 7 months, respectively; 2 boys and 1 girl). containing 1 mmol/L NADPH (Sigma Chemical Co.), 0.2
The study was approved by the Institutional Ethical Com- mmol/L nitro blue tetrazolium (Sigma Chemical Co.), and
mittee of the Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola 10% dimethyl sulfoxide at 377C for 75–90 minutes. Omission
(Brussels, Belgium). of NADPH was used as negative control and resulted in the
For immunohistochemistry, specimens were harvested and absence of staining.
processed as described previously.1 Briefly, the surgical speci- Double-labeling procedures were performed on three se-
mens were opened along their antimesenteric edge, pinned lected specimens of normal colon.
flat, fixed overnight in fresh 4% paraformaldehyde solution in NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and c-kit immuno-
0.1 mol/L phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at 47C, cryopre- histochemistry. The two techniques were performed sequen-
served in graded solutions of sucrose (10%, 20%, 30%; over- tially as described above with NADPH-diaphorase histochem-
night each), embedded in Tissue-Tek OCT compound (Miles, istry performed first.
Elkhart, IN), snap-frozen in 2-methyl butane that had been Double immunohistochemistry. c-kit immunohisto-
cooled on dry ice, and stored at 0807C. Longitudinal sections chemistry with the polyclonal antiserum was performed first
(15 mm thick) were cut on a cryostat, mounted on slides coated and revealed with DAB-Metal. Subsequently, immunohisto-
with 0.1% poly-L-lysine (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), chemistry for SCF was performed in the same way but ABC
and stored at 0207C until use. In addition, fresh samples taken conjugated with alkaline phosphatase was used. The phos-
at various levels from one case of HD were embedded in OCT phatase activity was revealed with the 1-Step NBT/BCIP
compound, snap-frozen on dry ice, cut on a cryostat, air-dried substrate kit (Pierce), giving a blue-purple precipitate
for 20 minutes, stored at 0207C, and fixed for 10 minutes in clearly distinct from the brown product of the DAB-Metal
acetone at 47C immediately before use. reaction.

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Figure 1. c-kit immunoreactivity in the normal colon. (A ) c-kit immunoreactivity (in brown) in ICC and nerve fibers expressing NO synthase
stained by NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry (in dark blue). ICC form a submucosal plexus at the edge of the circular musculature and the
submucosa (scale bar Å 50 mm). (B ) c-kit immunoreactivity in ICC surrounding a submucosal ganglion. Hematoxylin counterstain. Arrow indicates
submucosal ganglion (scale bar Å 50 mm). (C ) c-kit immunoreactivity (in brown) in the submucosal plexus. Hematoxylin counterstain. Apposition
of the soma of two adjacent ICC (scale bar Å 50 mm). (D ) c-kit immunoreactivity (in brown) in ICC around two myenteric plexus ganglia. c-kit
immunoreactivity is present around, but not within, the ganglia. Neurons expressing NO synthase are stained by NADPH-diaphorase histochemis-
try (in dark blue) (scale bar Å 100 mm). CM, Circular musculature; LM, longitudinal musculature; SM, submucosa.

Controls of the immunohistochemical procedures. L PBS, pH 7.4, for 90 minutes at 47C, rinsed, and stored
No staining was observed when the primary antibodies were overnight in PBS. The pieces were postfixed in 0.2% OsO4 in
omitted. The optimal working dilution was empirically deter- PBS for 30 minutes, dehydrated in alcohol, and embedded in
mined for each antibody by serial dilutions. Liquid phase pre- Epon 832 R (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Semithin sections
absorption was performed for the c-kit antiserum according to were stained with toluidine blue to select areas suitable for
the instructions of the supplier (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, transmission electron microscopy. Ultrathin sections (50–70
Santa Cruz, CA), i.e., overnight incubation at 47C with 4 mg/ nm) were cut, mounted on copper grids, contrasted with uranyl
mL (a 10-fold by weight excess of peptide antigen for a work- acetate and lead citrate, and examined in a Jeol 1010 electron
ing concentration of the c-kit antiserum of 0.4 mg immuno- microscope at 80 kV.
globulin G/mL) of peptide antigen (Santa Cruz Biotechnology;
catalog no. SC39-P). This totally abolished the signal. For all
the double-staining studies, separate procedures were identi- c-kit Immunoreactivity in Normal Colon
cally performed at the same time as controls.
The polyclonal c-kit antiserum labeled numerous
For electron microscopy, a full-thickness specimen from the
most distal part of the aganglionic portion from 1 of the
elongated cells forming a network at the border between
patients included in the histological study (a 1-year-old girl the circular muscle layer and the submucosa (Figure 1A).
with familial classical rectosigmoid form of HD) was used. These cells had the appearance of ICC. Ganglia from the
After resection, the tissue was immediately chopped with a deep submucosal plexus were also surrounded by ICC
razor blade into small pieces (approximately 3 1 2 mm), im- (Figure 1B). Close apposition between two adjacent ICC
mersed in a fixative containing 4% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 mol/ (Figure 1C) and between an ICC and a cell unlabeled

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Figure 2. c-kit immunoreactivity in the normal colon. (A ) Distribution of ICC across the colonic musculature. *Myenteric plexus (scale bar Å
200 mm). (B ) c-kit immunoreactivity in the proximal part (where nutrient passed) of a left colostomy performed during the neonatal period.
*Myenteric ganglia (scale bar Å 50 mm). (C ) c-kit immunoreactivity in the distal part (where no contact with nutrient occurred) of the colostomy
of the same patient. The orientation of the specimen differed slightly from B. Although the intensity of the staining appears weaker, the pattern
of distribution of ICC appears similar to the proximal part. *Myenteric ganglia (scale bar Å 50 mm). CM, Circular musculature; LM, longitudinal

with the c-kit antiserum (not shown) were observed. ICC but they often had several short primary processes in various
were fusiform with two long main processes along the directions. In the muscular layers (Figure 2A), ICC had one
cephalocaudal (longitudinal) axis. The nucleus usually or two long processes running parallel to the muscle bundles.
had dispersed chromatin and one nucleole. c-kit–positive cells did not display NADPH-diapho-
c-kit immunoreactivity also labeled ICC around the myen- rase activity but were often close to nerve fibers (Figure
teric ganglia (Figures 1D and 2A). They appeared similar to 1A) or myenteric neurons (Figure 1D) expressing
the ICC at the submucosal border with a fusiform shape, NADPH-diaphorase/neuronal NO synthase.

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The ICC network was prominent throughout the

thickness of the musculature (Figure 2A). The distribu-
tion of ICC was similar in the different parts of the colon
and at the different ages, including the newborn.
The distal side of the neonatal diversion ileostomies
(n Å 2) and of the colostomy (n Å 1), deprived since birth
of contact with luminal nutrients, after a few months
displayed a pattern of ICC similar to the proximal side,
which had been bathed by the chyme (Figure 2B and C,
respectively). In the ileal specimen, ICC were observed
in the myenteric plexus layer and in the muscular layers.
ICC at the level of the plexus muscularis profundus20
were not observed (data not shown).
In the inner part of the colonic submucosa, the lamina
propria, and the mucosa, no elongated c-kit immunoreac-
tive cell was encountered. In contrast, numerous round
cells were labeled. They were identified as mast cells by
their metachromasia after toluidine blue staining. Occa-
sionally, similar c-kit–positive round cells were observed
in the muscular layers and in the serosal connective tissue,
especially in specimens from enterostomies where inflam-
matory infiltrates were more significant (data not shown).
Satisfactory labeling with the c-kit monoclonal anti-
body 3D6 was achieved only in unfixed tissues. The pat-
tern of labeling was similar to that observed in fixed
tissues with the polyclonal c-kit antiserum, but nonspe-
cific background staining was somewhat higher.

SCF Immunoreactivity
SCF-positive cells were isolated, round cells
mainly scattered in the submucosa. Some SCF-positive
cells were observed in the circular muscle layer near the
submucosal edge (Figure 3A), but very few were found
in the outer part of the circular layer and around the
myenteric plexus. Some SCF-positive cells were also ob-
served in the mucosa and in the serosal connective tissue.
In the submucosa, SCF-positive cells were often sur-
rounded by granules of immunoreactivity apparently ex-
tending into the extracellular matrix (Figure 3B). Both
SCF-specific antibodies used produced that same pattern.
In double-staining studies, ICC labeled with the c-kit
antiserum and SCF-positive cells were never close, and
contacts between them were not apparent (Figure 3C).
No difference in the distribution of SCF immunoreac-
tivity was apparent between the normal colon (n Å 5) Figure 3. SCF immunoreactvity in the colon. (A ) SCF-positive cells in
and specimen of HD (n Å 3). the submucosa and inner part of the circular musculature (arrows)
(scale bar Å 100 mm). (B ) SCF-positive granules (arrows) surrounding
c-kit Immunoreactivity in HD an SCF-positive cell (the cell body is slightly out of the focal plane) in
the submucosa (scale bar Å 20 mm). (C ) Double staining with c-kit
The distribution of ICC in the proximal, gangli- and SCF immunohistochemistry (black and white print of a color slide,
see text for details of the double-labeling technique). c-kit–labeled
onic portion of HD appeared similar to that observed in
ICC at the submucosal border (arrowheads). SCF-positive cells are
the normal colon (data not shown). located with distances in the submucosa (arrows) (scale bar Å 50
In the aganglionic segment, the density of c-kit immu- mm). CM, Circular musculature; SM, submucosa.

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Figure 4. c-kit immunoreactivity in the aganglionic colon. (A ) Distribution of ICC in the external muscle layers. The number of ICC labeled is
clearly reduced. *Myenteric plexus (scale bar Å 200 mm). (B ) c-kit immunoreactivity (monoclonal antibody 3D6 on unfixed tissue). Few ICC
(arrows) are observed at the edge of the circular musculature and the submucosa, and they do not form the network present at that level in
the ganglionic colon (see Figure 1A for comparison) (scale bar Å 100 mm). (C ) c-kit immunoreactivity in the aganglionic myenteric plexus layer
(*). There were no apparent close associations between ICC and the hypertrophic nerve bundles (arrow) (scale bar Å 100 mm). (D ) c-kit
immunoreactivity (monoclonal antibody 1D9 3D6 on unfixed tissue) in an isolated ICC (arrow) at the edge of the submucosa and the circular
musculature. The shape of the cell is similar to that of its counterparts in the ganglionic colon (scale bar Å 50 mm). (E ) c-kit immunoreactivity
(monoclonal antibody 1D9 3D6 on unfixed tissue) in the myenteric plexus layer of an aganglionic segment. ICC are present between the
muscular layers. *Aganglionic myenteric plexus layer (scale bar Å 100 mm). CM, Circular musculature; LM, longitudinal musculature; SM,

noreactivity was markedly reduced (Figure 4A, compare tion. ICC were clearly distinguished from fibroblast-like
with Figure 2A). However, ICC were readily observed in cells, which were characterized by abundant granular endo-
the most distal musculature of the resected specimen. The plasmic reticulum, frequent Golgi areas, and coated vesicles.
distribution appeared similar along the entire aganglionic They had few caveolae and short membrane-associated dense
zone, even in the cases with long-segment HD (n Å 3). bands but no basal lamina. Macrophage-like cells were infre-
ICC were scarce in the musculature and at the border of quent. The morphology of fibroblast-like cells and macro-
the circular muscle layer (Figure 4B). ICC were rather phage-like cells corresponded to previous descriptions in
frequent in the aganglionic space between the muscle lay- normal adult human colon.12
ers, but the cellular density was reduced in comparison
with normal tissue or ganglionic HD tissue (Table 2). No
specific relationships with the hypertrophic extrinsic nerve
bundles were observed (Figure 4C). Individual ICC in the
submucosal region (Figure 4D) and between the two mus-
cular layers (Figure 4E) appeared similar to ICC in the
normal colon but, due to the reduced cellular density of
ICC, their network appeared disrupted.
Ultrastructural Identification of ICC in the
Aganglionic Distal Colon
ICC were identified by electron microscopy in the
submucosal region associated with the circular muscle layer
(Figure 5). ICC had a complete basal lamina. Caveolae and
dense bodies were present but fewer in number as compared
with smooth muscle cells. Intermediate (10 nm) and thin
(5 nm) filaments were abundant in ICC processes. Thick
filaments (15 nm) were not observed. The main axis orienta-
tion of ICC was in the cephalocaudal (longitudinal) direc-

Table 2. Distribution of c-kit Immunoreactivity in HD


Normal Ganglionic Aganglionic

colon (proximal) (distal)

Longitudinal musculature // // {
Myenteric plexus layer //a //a /b
Circular muscle // // 0/{ Figure 5. Ultrastructure of ICC in the aganglionic colon. Small ICC
Submucosal border // // { bundle (N, nucleus; *processes) in the submucosa (SU) adjacent to
the innermost circular muscle in the affected segment of the colon
NOTE. The cellular density of c-kit immunoreactive cells was assessed in a 1-year-old girl with HD. Intermediate filaments are characteristic
semiquantitatively as follows: 0, no labeling, {, occasional; /, re- of the ICC processes (*), whereas thick filaments are not found. ICC
duced; //, abundant. have a complete basal lamina (arrowheads) and occasional caveolae
Around the myenteric ganglia. (thin arrows). A basal body from a cilium is seen in this ICC (Ci).
No apparent association with the hypertrophic nerve bundles present Fibroblast-like cells (FLC) have no basal lamina but occasional caveo-
at that level. lae (broad arrow) (original magnification 32,0001; bar Å 1 mm).

/ 5e12$$0018 09-04-96 13:08:22 gasa WBS-Gastro


Discussion SCF has been found in fibroblasts.25 However, only a

minority of cells in the submucosa were SCF positive,
The elongated cells that display c-kit immunore-
and the morphology of these cells do not correspond
activity in the musculature of the human colon were
to the morphology of colonic submucosal fibroblasts as
similar to those observed in the human pylorus.21 These
revealed by osmic acid/iodide methods.12 Mast cells and
cells match the general description of ICC.8,9,12 Their
nerves were apparently unlabeled by SCF antibodies.
distribution at the submucosal border of the circular
Therefore, by exclusion, it is possible that SCF immuno-
muscle layer corresponded to previous descriptions of
reactivity is present in macrophages. Two forms of SCF
ICC in adult human colon by osmic acid/iodide tech-
have been described: a membrane-bound molecule and
niques and electron microscopy.12 ICC labeled with c-kit
a soluble, circulating cytokine produced by proteolytic
immunoreactivity in the human gut appeared strikingly
cleavage of the membrane-bound SCF.26 A granular pat-
similar to the ICC identified with light microscopy in
tern of staining, apparently extending into the extracellu-
the mouse.14,16 Recent reports indicate that c-kit is re-
lar matrix, was observed with both SCF antibodies in the
quired for the development and function of the ICC
human colon, similar to observations made previously in
associated with the myenteric plexus in the mouse.14 – 17
the human pylorus.21 This pattern was also reported in
The c-kit rabbit antiserum used in the present study
a study of cutaneous mast cells using the same antibody,27
recognizes a specific peptide of the intracellular domain
of the c-kit receptor (Table 1). The c-kit monoclonal strongly suggesting the labeling of high concentration
antibody used in this study, and the several other mono- of extracellular soluble SCF in the matrix around the
clonal antibodies that we tested (unpublished data, SCF-positive cells.27 Direct interactions between SCF im-
March 1995), recognize epitopes of the extracellular do- munoreactive cells and ICC seem unlikely because these
main of the c-kit receptor. In our hands, these mono- cells were apparently not in close contact. However, the
clonal antibodies were suitable for immunohistochemis- immunohistochemical technique might not be sensitive
try only on unfixed tissue. Although the pattern of enough to detect low levels of SCF expressed by other cell
staining was identical, they usually compared unfavor- types. The source of SCF responsible for the physiological
ably with the polyclonal antiserum in terms of sensitivity activation of the c-kit receptors expressed by the ICC
and nonspecific background staining. This might partly and the identification of the SCF immunoreactive cells
explain the absence of c-kit immunoreactivity in the deserve further studies.
gut reported in a study using yet another monoclonal Our observations give new insight into the ontogeny
antibody.22 In addition, the delay of harvesting in that of the human ICC. In the normal mouse colon, neither
study was 1–2 hours, contrasting with our material har- ICC nor their precursors could be identified by electron
vested without delay. ICC might be sensitive to hyp- microscopy in term fetuses. ICC were suggested to differ-
oxia,23 but the effect of delayed retrieval on c-kit immu- entiate only after birth from the gut mesenchyme under
noreactivity has not been investigated in humans. A the influences of the ENS and alimentation.7 However
study using several c-kit–specific rabbit antisera in fresh c-kit messenger RNA is already expressed in the colonic
frozen human tissues mentioned the presence of c-kit mesenchyme of 1212-day-old mouse embryo.28 In human
immunoreactivity in so-called glial cells in the enteric fetuses, we observed c-kit positive cells very similar to
plexuses of the gut.19 Our data indicate that under ade- ICC in the foregut at 14 weeks of gestation and in the
quate circumstances, immunohistochemistry with anti- hindgut at 23 weeks of gestation (Vanderwinden, unpub-
bodies for the human c-kit receptor appears valuable for lished observations, February 1994). In contrast to the
the study of the distribution of ICC with light micros- mouse, our data indicate that c-kit–positive ICC are
copy in the human gut. This may present significant present in the distal colon of human newborns. In 3
advantages in combination with identification of ICC neonates with diversion enterostomies, no difference in
with electron microscopy. ICC distribution was observed between the proximal
c-kit immunoreactivity did not stain elements within part, where nutrients passed, and the distal part, which
the myenteric and submucosal ganglia. ICC did not dis- was deprived of contact with the chyme. These data sug-
play NADPH-diaphorase activity but were frequently gest that, at least in humans, ICC already develop in the
close to nerve fibers expressing NADPH-diaphorase/neu- fetus and that the contact with luminal nutrients is not
ronal NO synthase, and ICC might play a physiological essential for their development.
role of amplification of the NO signal produced by neu- HD is a multigenic disease, and three genes have been
rons.24 identified thus far to confer susceptibility to agangli-
SCF-positive cells were not identified; these cells ap- onosis of the colon by their involvement in neural crest
peared similar to mesenchymal cells in the submucosa. migration: the RET protooncogene,29,30 the endothelin

/ 5e12$$0018 09-04-96 13:08:22 gasa WBS-Gastro


3 gene, and the endothelin B receptor gene.31 Another lular microelectrode recordings.2 A recent preliminary
still unidentified gene located on chromosome 21q22 report on patients with HD seems to confirm the absence
might also be involved.31 c-kit has been considered in of rhythmic electrical waves in vivo, assessed using elec-
the past as a possible candidate in the search for genes trorectograms.42 The physiology of the residual ICC in
involved in hereditary forms of HD,32 but recent develop- the aganglionic bowel is currently unknown, but ICC
ments in genetics made that hypothesis obsolete. The might retain some of their electrical properties. This
human c-kit gene is located on chromosome 4q12-4q13, might partly explain the poor correlation between the
and in a large Mennonite kindred, no linkage was found length of the aganglionic segment and the clinical onset
between HD and the region of the c-kit gene.33 of obstructive symptoms in HD.3
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33. Dow E, Cross S, Wolgemuth DJ, Lyonnet S, Mulligan LM, Mascari skillfull technical assistance. The MGF antibodies were kindly pro-
M, Ladda R, Williamson R. Second locus for Hirschsprung dis- vided by Michael B. Widmer (Immunex Corp., Seattle, WA).

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