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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

North Node in Taurus: The Grounded Soul

***Also for if you have North Node in the 2nd House

With a Taurus North Node, you possess a higher self that has both feet firmly on the ground. For
those with this placement, spiritual growth comes from being able to look within and develop
their salt-of-the-earth side. It’s a bit of a contradiction to have the North Node in one of the Earth
signs (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn). It shows that you will be able to evolve and strengthen your
spiritual awareness by taking a much more practical route. Those with the North Node in Taurus
are finding their enlightenment by embracing the simplicity that life has to offer. It’s a higher
calling that requires you to cultivate calm, security, and stability in your life.

Yet, the comfort zone you are working off of is your Scorpio South Node. Our South Node
represents what can keep us stagnant, if we’re unbalanced with that. But, having the South Node
in Scorpio puts a person at a higher risk for this unbalanced mode of expression, as unhealthy or
unevolved Scorpio energy goes to destructive extremes. But, this is just what you’re comfortable
with. The Scorpio South Node makes you an innately passionate, intense person. You love being
as wholehearted and going as deep as you possibly can. But, in an unevolved state, you can
easily confuse depth for drama. It’s a sign that you’re not truly fulfilled or else you wouldn’t have
to stir up such emotional storms in your life on a regular basis.

There is often a rather traumatic root to this pattern of behavior, though. When we look at the
South Node in a past life context, I think that having a Scorpio South Node means that your most
recent past life was a very tumultuous one. Your former existence was a constant emotional
battlefield, in some way. Most people with this placement have a past that has made them all too
familiar with the concept of abuse and emotional pain. You could’ve been the giver of this
psychological turmoil, serving as a really toxic, destructive influence in other people’s lives. You
also could have received this abuse on multiple levels: emotional, physical, sexual. Your past life
memories are often harsh or unpleasant, because of this, stemming from being raped, molested,
beaten, or betrayed. You might have also had dramatic near-death experiences in this past life or
you could have even been murdered, maybe by someone you trusted or knew.
As you can see, the past life of a South Node in Scorpio soul is clearly not all sunshine and
butterflies. If you had to endure severe pain, you developed an amazing emotional strength in
the face of it. You learned how to tap into your internal resources, cultivating the resilience and
the fortitude needed to push on, even when things were really emotionally difficult. So, you were
a really powerful person, in this last life. At the same time, you became hooked on the crises and
the dramas. You turned into an intensity junkie because you didn’t know how else to live. Life
was like a constant Shakespearean tragedy, with little time to breathe or relax. Just when you
thought you could, the rug would be pulled out from under you. But, little did you know that a lot
of this was happening because you were making it happen, creating or attracting a lot of the

So, you never really learned how to use your power as efficiently as possible. You used it to
destroy, not create. This is especially true if you were abusive with your power. Even the Scorpio
South Node people who started out as victims could easily become victimizers, in response to the
powerlessness they once felt. It’s something that ended up tainting not only your worldly
relationships but your intimate, personal ones, as well. No exchange between you and someone
else could exist without intense complication. You were a suspicious, paranoid, controlling,
and/or manipulative individual, always concerned about the power you had over someone or that
they had over you. And anything could be used to maintain that control, even if it was sex.
Although you were highly sexual and very alluring and attractive because of this raw sexual
energy, you used this magnetism in order to control other people. Whether it was through
sexuality or through your penetrating insight into others and their psyche, you were determined
to maintain what felt like the upper hand.

Of course, so much of that was rooted in profound fear and mistrust. These are things that have
been carried over from that former life and into this one. Things that you don’t resolve don’t just
go away. They keep following you and haunting you. Whatever we don’t settle in our last life, I
believe, manifests through our South Node. So, these problems show up as our problems in this
current life, as well. Even if you don’t believe in past lives, the aforementioned issues are still
things that have strongly affected your past in this present lifetime. And the negativity has
accumulated to the point where it won’t work anymore. With this placement, you will continue to
hit a wall if you remain focused on the shadows of life, on how you could possibly be hurt or
what hidden motives someone else is harboring. Scorpio South Node people can make the
mistake of thinking that they will be truly fulfilled by delving so deeply into themselves all the
time. But, actually, this introspection does nothing but feed your obsession with the darkness
within yourself and other people. 
This is where your North Node in Taurus comes in. Throughout all of this time of your addiction
to pain and suffering, as well as battles for power, your soul has developed this deep inner
yearning to just chill out. In this lifetime, you really owe it to yourself to truly relax. The Taurus
North Node means that you find your truest soul-expression through a calm, centered energy.
But, something has to occur for you to figure this out. Maybe you have been so busy living in
emotional turbulence that you feel completely drained and exhausted. With a Scorpio South
Node, you have a penchant for highly dysfunctional relationships or romantic situations. So,
maybe, the breakthrough happens after being so battered and bruised, inside or outside, that
you can’t take it anymore. Your karma can also become severely stacked against you. The South
Node represents our karmic debt and in the sign of Scorpio, you can totally drowning in that
debt. After years of thriving on so much negative energy (hatred of self or others, jealousy, rage,
deceit, etc.), you can end up reaping what you sow in particularly tragic or painful ways that
make you want to change your life.

Of course, I don’t want to sound fatalistic. But, having the South Node in Scorpio can become like
quicksand, if you’re not careful; a trap that you just keep sinking further and further into. That’s
why, out of all placements, it’s most crucial for those with this placement to change their ways.
Embracing your Taurus North Node will put you on that path. You just have to get used to that
feeling of peace and stability. Deep down, what your soul really wants is to just enjoy life. In
order to do that, you have to figure out what you value. In the past, you really have lived without
values. Thanks to your South Node, it might be way easier for you to focus on what you loathe
over what you love, which only causes that negative energy to come back tenfold. You also have
endured such pain that you see life as being about destruction and surviving the destruction,
instead of being about the growth and the flourishing of things.

This manifests in many different ways. It can prevent you from ever having the kind of
relationship or job or bank account or life that you want. Instead of focusing on the building of
these wonderful things, you can be too preoccupied with the collapse of them. So, you will
express and develop your North Node in Taurus by discovering your innate ability to build. This
has developed due to your knack for putting yourself back together after every tragedy or every
blow you’ve received. Being able to pick up the pieces and move forward so exceptionally well
has given you the inner potential to create something really solid for yourself, in various forms.
Whether it’s forging a satisfying relationship, finding a great and fulfilling job, or developing
healthy self-esteem or self-regard, you will be able to establish an unshakable level of security for
yourself when you set your mind to it.

When it comes to transforming the South Node, you have to remember that you possess a
wonderful inner strength. Yet, the power of your Scorpio South Node needs to be used not to
battle it out with your emotional issues all the time but to just keep your feet on solid ground.
You have to trust that you are a survivor and that you will be able to withstand whatever comes
your way. Then, the negative habits of mistrust, suspicion, and control-freak obsessions will be
able to be released. Instead of anticipating the next horrible thing that’s going to happen to you,
you can calmly rest easy, knowing that you’re strong enough to handle it; that is, if it even
happens. You possess a very vivid, intense imagination. Don’t let it get out of control. Instead of
focusing on the nightmare in your head, focus on the lovely things that are happening right now,
in the present.

This attitude of appreciation is a major thing for you. Taurus North Node people find their
spiritual awakening when they master the art of gratitude. It can be enough to make you weep
with joy when you recognize all the beautiful things that you already have in your life. And as the
theory goes, this gratitude only ends up multiplying those good things. Life is becoming a much
simpler, easier affair for you now. You have withstood enough. Now, you get to just kick back
and indulge in the finer things. For those with a Taurus Sun or Moon, self-indulgence can be an
issue. Yet, with the North Node in Taurus, a certain amount of indulgence is your right. It puts
you on the path toward enlightenment because it brings out your innate ability to fully enjoy
Cultivating and owning your sensuality is a very important step in this process. You will be able to
enter into a virtually meditative state when you can just please any of your five senses. Listening
to good music, savoring delicious food, doing some gardening, or going to a museum to check
out the art are all things that will keep you in touch with your higher self. It’s the part of yourself
that just wants to take these pleasurable things in with nothing else to complicate the process. It
can be a real challenge for you to do this completely because your introspective Scorpio South
Node always wants to figure out the deeper meaning of things. So, you will have to be able to
experience pleasure without that super-probing mentality. These pleasures will still be felt on a
profound level. You feel things with great intensity. But, when you evolve, you learn to just
accept the feeling of powerful, pure pleasure, free of the anxious sense that the good times
won’t last or are a trick.

The development of your sensuality comes into play sexually, as well. Taurus North Node people
also obsess over the deeper meaning of sex. So, although they have a ton of sexual energy and
sexual appeal, they resist the process of just making sex a physical thing. Well, it’s actually a part
of your journey to do so. The reason being is that your obsessive search for mind-blowing, soul-
mate sex only brings out your shadow side. Once you bond so profoundly with someone, it’s
difficult to let them go. The overwhelming emotions of the sexual act still stick with you
physically, which is why you can get so jealous, so possessive, or so controlling with your lovers.
Sometimes, it only takes just one time of having sex for you to become totally consumed with
the other person. And when they feel like “a part of you”, the threat of losing them becomes
highly exaggerated and it, let’s be honest, brings out your inner psycho, inevitably destroying
what could be a great union.

Yet, when you approach sex in a much more physical, sensual way, you will find that you are
able to remain self-possessed and level-headed. The issue of control does not come into play,
either way, because you both are your own separate, physical entities. Then, you will feel freer
and more relaxed with your sexuality, instead of making it this really serious, really dramatic hunt
for your one and only. The idea is to not judge the process and to simply enjoy what’s
happening. You can make sex such a big deal that it ends up blocking you and preventing you
from experiencing as much sexual fulfillment as you actually could. But, when you focus much
more on the physical side of the act, then you can experience a real breakthrough. Those with
the North Node in Taurus can find themselves having better and more frequent orgasms, as well
as an easier, more satisfying connection with their lover, when they start seeing sex as just sex
and stop taking it so seriously.
When you can engage in your love affairs without them becoming really torrid and all-consuming,
you know you will have let go of your negative attachment to drama. Taurus North Node people
make excellent artists, though, because they are so in touch with their psyche: good, bad, and
ugly. This is usually the best way for you to get all of that out. You’re always going to be very
aware of your dark side and of your emotional intensity. But, the key is to find some sort of
outlet that gives that a release, without turning your actual life upside down. So, you can find
many singers, actors, or writers with their North Node in Taurus who are capable of going down
into their depths for their art and then returning to their stable, easygoing lives. For many with
this placement, being an artist is also a higher calling because it gives you the chance to create
something, which you have to develop the skill to do, patiently and step-by-step.

You have an excessive amount of emotional energy, thanks to the Scorpio South Node. But, you
cannot waste it on unimportant things. There is often a wake-up call, with those who have this
placement, where they realize that if they spent even half the energy they spent hating their ex
or brooding over their past or living on the edge and invested it in practical concerns, they’d
probably be a lot more successful. With a Taurus North Node, you have to learn that if you had a
dime for every obsessive or compulsive thought you had, you’d be filthy rich. So, the key here is
figuring out how to redirect all of that energy. The South Node in Scorpio blesses you with
tremendous focus. Yet, it’s all about what you focus on. More than most, you are going to
receive what you focus on very strongly, good or bad, because your energy can be so intense.

Therefore, focus on the pragmatic goals that will give you the life you want. The grounded
quality of your soul indicates that, in the end, all you really want to do is have plenty of money
and live in a beautiful home, most likely with a garden, and enjoy what you do for a living. Don’t
worry about that being shallow or simple, either. The Taurus North Node is urging you to get
over those hang-ups about money being the root of all evil. Yes, you’re well-aware of evil and
how people in power can abuse their position. And money does lead to a certain power in the
world, which is what can make you uncomfortable with it. But, your North Node in Taurus means
that you’ve got to have your mind on your money and your money on your mind. People often
think the spiritual and the financial parts of life are mutually exclusive. Yet, this placement shows
that they clearly are not.

For you, it’s about developing the latent skill of handling your money wisely, earning and saving
and spending in ways that will bring you practical security. Finding this practical security is your
key to spiritual awareness because it leads to personal security, i.e. peace of mind and
heightened self-esteem. You owe it to yourself to make good money and have nice things. In the
past, you have let life beat you up and take a dump on you, time and time again. Now, you will
put yourself on the track toward enlightenment by knowing that you should be living a much
more comfortable life, personally and financially, as a way of expressing true self-love. And it’s
the innate survival skills of your Scorpio South Node that will support the money-management of
your Taurus North Node. You already know how to handle your emotional resources. Now, life
must be about handling your financial resources. This will directly connect to your spiritual well-
being. By being able to live comfortably, you’ll understand that life is good and that everything
will be alright.

Uranus in the 5th House

Those who have a 5th House Uranus possess a charisma that is out of the ordinary. To have this
planet here means that you are capable of shining in ways that are brilliant as well as unusual.
Uranus’ house placement shows us where things do not unfold in the so-called normal or
conventional manner in our lives. The 5th House, meanwhile, symbolizes the special talents and
attributes that earn us the admiration of other people. Having Uranus in the 5th House,
therefore, can indicate someone who is wildly, almost freakishly talented. But, the dilemma here
is figuring out what to do with those gifts and how to express them in a way that will gain you
the recognition you deserve. As special as you are, you are as equally unconcerned with being
special, which is something that can baffle your many admirers.

Since we can be casual, detached, or indifferent about the concerns of our Uranus house, this
placement means that you don’t really care about shining or standing out as special, even though
you have an effortless ability to do so. Therefore, you can be that classic gifted individual who
does something phenomenally but then acts like it’s no big deal at all. It’s as if the heat of the
spotlight is too intense for you to handle. So, you will find ways to either minimize the attention
you’re getting or be removed from it altogether. The attention of the 5th House can come in so
many forms, from being a performer in the center of the stage to holding court in a room full of
people to gaining lots of romantic admiration. In any case, Uranus in the 5th House regularly
distances you from the feeling of personal glory that comes with the spotlight. There may be a
dissociative element to that, at times, as if someone else is getting the praise and attention and
you’re just observing it.

But, the irony is that the more you’re detached from your ego, the more you will attract such
ego-boosting situations and interactions. Sometimes, the passionate responses you get from
people are downright strange to you. Uranus in the 5th House individuals are like celebrities who
cannot understand why they are celebrities or who totally act as if they’re not (and famous
people with Uranus in the 5th do usually have this quality). At heart, you feel like some sort of
anomaly. Whatever’s in a person’s 5th House shows how they define themselves on this deeper
level; how they gain a sense of identity. Uranus being in this house means that you can identify
with being set apart from others and unlike them. This is often because of your giftedness, which
has made you an exceptional individual since childhood. You can also feel a powerful urge to
rebel against this kind of attention, not really wanting to be seen as special. But, there is another
side of you that cannot abide by blending in with others. Since you identify so much with being
unique, then you become unexpectedly ego-driven when you feel like someone is threatening
that uniqueness.

Uranus is already contradictory but having Uranus in the 5th is the most contradictory placement
of all, since the 5th House naturally opposes Uranus’ energy. Therefore, this influence means that
you switch between embracing the special privileges of this house and detaching from them. It’s
a pattern that stems back to childhood. The 5th House tells us a lot about how we were as
children, personality-wise. Uranus in the 5th House people were usually just different from
everyone else when they were kids. But, the contrast between this placement and, say, Uranus in
the 1st is that people with that influence typically felt alien-like and flat-out strange as children,
not receiving much approval from people for their behavior. Uranus in the 5th House, on the
other hand, indicates that the feeling of being different as a child is either consistently applauded
or eventually leads to some steady form of applause or positive reinforcement. 

We discover our talents through the 5th House and people with planets in the 5th figure out their
talents at a very early age. When I say “talent”, this can be the artistic flair that is so associated
with the 5th House via singing, acting, writing, dancing, drawing, etc. But, anything can be a
talent. Creative energy manifests in so many ways, not just artistically. Uranus in the 5th House
often times symbolizes a talent that is more intellectual. It can be something very academic or
technological that the child exceeds at early in life. Even if it’s artistic, there is an intellectual
brilliance to how it’s done that wows people. In fact, it’s to the point where these people can be
intellectually gifted, blessed with high IQ’s, or child prodigies, displaying remarkable talent early
on in life that defies description. Even you found yourself regularly amazed at the things you
were able to pull off.

If Uranus shows what cannot unfold normally for you, then Uranus in the 5th means that the
expression of your talent is far from normal or average. Because of this, you’re very used to
being above-average, in a way that set you apart from your peers as a child. At the same time,
you did this without exactly knowing how you did it. That talent of yours just seems to come
from a strange place and as a child, this could’ve been hard to deal with. You might’ve wondered
why everyone was praising you for something you didn’t see as that extraordinary. You might
have been busy winning all sorts of prizes, competitions, or talent shows, surpassing your peers,
while also feeling oddly amused that it was all happening. Because of this, you also might have
felt that other people weren’t getting the recognition that they deserved, which made you feel
quite uncomfortable about being this golden child. It’s a title that you tried to defy. But, you
inevitably found out that the less effort you put into impressing people, the more you impressed

Your inner child, therefore, is very used to people falling all over you for your greatness and not
making a big deal out of it. Due to its connection to the inner child, the 5th House shows how we
express spontaneity. For you, being spontaneous and in-the-moment is all about connecting to
people as equals. You are just as interested in what makes other people special. This is because
you grew up feeling highly unimpressed by your own talent, in spite of it being seen as downright
brilliant to others. Because of this, you felt liberated enough to focus on other people’s talents
and what makes them special. This is actually quite a gift that you possess: shining a light on the
gifts of others. It’s often something you can do just through praising them and validating their
own creative efforts. You’re the king or queen who can make everyone feel like they're royalty,
assured that there are enough thrones for everyone to enjoy.

However, this doesn’t mean that you are entirely without ego, either. Uranus in the 5th does give
you this heartfelt sense of being a genius. You do want recognition for that unique intelligence.
At the same time, you want to act like you don’t care that much about it. You really don’t care
but you really do care. Confusing, I know. But, as a child, you became very used to your creative
efforts giving you a sense of distinction. So, you never want to lose that distinctiveness and can
get quite dramatic when you feel like your brilliance is not being allowed full expression. As
artists, people with this placement operate very much by their own rules. Your creativity is of the
see-what-sticks variety, as you are really eager to experiment with whatever you’re doing. So,
when you channel that creative energy into something artistic, you produce something that no
one else can. You take enormous pride in this uniqueness, even if you don’t toot that horn too

The 5th House is where we “make things happen”. But, Uranus’ unpredictable energy is unable
to do that too consistently. So, in your creative ventures, you can be all over the place. There are
times when you are completely on and you’re so in the zone, knowing just what to do in order to
finish that project or make this endeavor work. Then, there are other times where you’re just
totally off and can feel as if you’re drawing a blank. Again, your talent manifests in such an
unpredictable way. The best thing to do is to not try and control it. By doing this, you will,
paradoxically, be in control of your talent. Knowing that this creative energy comes and goes,
absolutely whenever and however it wants to, will also be your way of finding mental freedom.
Uranus in the 5th House people feel free when they can enter this state of being alternately in
control of things and just letting things happen how they’re going to happen.

Due to this unorthodox style, anything goes when you are involved in a creative project, whether
that means finishing half of your novel less than a week before the deadline or suddenly
becoming all-consumed with the preparation to play a character and then throwing all of that
research out of the window. It may not make sense to anyone else, including you. But, it’s just
how you do it. It’s that spontaneous expression of advanced, often lightning-paced energy. You
have expressed this energy since a kid, which is why your inner child can feel so wired or
frenetic. It could have been a bit problematic for the adults around you to deal with. But, sooner
or later, it was discovered that this energy was just an expression of your high intelligence.
Because of this, you evolved into a child who felt like he or she was an on an equal intellectual
level as the adults around them. Quite a few important adults in your childhood could’ve just felt
like good friends, which helped significantly in terms of curbing your rebellious impulses. Still,
when faced with an adult who acted as if they were above you and like they knew everything,
you couldn’t help but be contrary.

This is why, as an adult, you’re capable of dealing with children as intellectual equals. You are
probably really turned off or upset by adults who cannot speak to kids rationally or talk to them
as if they’re stupid. But, because of this, you may not have much patience for overly emotional
displays from kids. The 5th House shows a person’s parenting style, in a general sense. So,
Uranus in the 5th House parents may prefer a more egalitarian relationship with their children
where they just talk things out logically. At the same time, you won’t have time for temper
tantrums or lots of tears and whining. So, you’ll probably just walk away, ignore them, or put
them in time-out until they’re ready to have a reasonable discussion because you know they’re
too smart for such behavior. The thing about the 5th House is that it does describe the sort of
children you’ll have. So, with Uranus in the 5th, these kids will be logical and reasonable. They
will also reflect your child-self by displaying their own form of uniqueness and advanced intellect,
thanks to a strong influence of Aquarius or Uranus within their own chart.

If you have children, being a parent can be liberating because of the unpredictable, exciting, and
stimulating energy they bring into your life. You will also free yourself of societal expectations in
terms of parenting. You will have none of your friend’s unsolicited advice about potty training or
your mother’s complaints about your son’s eating habits. Instead, Uranus in the 5th compels you
to do parenting your own way. In some sense or another, your kids will have a one-of-a-kind
relationship with you, as you’ll be far cooler and/or far weirder than most parents. But, there is
also the potential to find freedom through not being a parent at all. The detachment of Uranus
can manifest through insisting on being child-free. If so, you’ll have an easy, friendly relationship
with kids without having any of your own. You’ll maintain that sense of freedom by being the
cool aunt or uncle, with your relatives’ kids or friends’ kids, spending a certain amount of quality
time with the kids in your life and then handing them over to their parents while you go off and
live your own life.

The 5th House also represents dating and romance. With Uranus’ presence here, you will
definitely be an interesting person to date; that is, for as long as the other person can pin you
down. Matters of the heart are highly unpredictable for you. Sometimes, this is because you can
suddenly change your mind about someone who you were totally enamored with yesterday
(maybe even in the middle of a date, bringing it to an abrupt end). At other times, it’s because
they suddenly change their mind about you. You easily become infatuated with unpredictable
people who require much independence and space. Because of this, they may run hot and then
randomly become cold, turning the whole situation upside down or ending it altogether.
Unsurprisingly, your love life is quite messy and dramatic, even if (or especially if) you don’t want
it to be. Ideally, you would love to avoid the drama but you just can’t. The thing is that a part of
you loves the drama of these ever-changing love interests, as you never want your dating life to
become predictable or boring. 

But, this is why, until you actually commit to someone, your life can get quite crazy and even
unstable because of all of this drama. The 5th House is just where we generally date, as far as
going out on dates. The 7th House is where we officially become someone’s partner. Romantic
situations, therefore, are much more stable to you when you seriously commit to someone. It’s
why you may learn your lesson at some point and become very uninterested in dating around.
This is usually after racking up a history of one love affair or one fling (the 5th House is also
casual sex) after the next, creating a chaotic whirlwind of lovers. Once things become wildly
dramatic in your love life, you learn to disconnect. And you can be very good at disconnecting,
rapidly going from having a major crush on someone to being firmly convinced that they’re just a
Such a lack of investment can also make you a heartbreaker. You attract affairs and hook-ups in
totally unexpected ways. One minute, you’re minding your own business and the next, you’re
having a hot-and-heavy summer fling. But, as easy as these flings come, they go just as easily
for you. Yet, you can have such a strange effect on your preferred sex that whenever you expect
them to be just as cavalier about it, they end up falling for you. And the more they insist, the
more you distance yourself. Yet, in the moment, you can be totally passionate about it. So, your
sudden reversal of affection is enough to not only make them try harder but make you seem
flaky or insincere. That’s not necessarily the case. Uranus in the 5th just means that freedom of
mind, for you, stems from knowing you should never get attached to wild passion. It just doesn’t
So, it’s hard for you to take schoolboy or schoolgirl crushes seriously (and this means whether
you’re on the giving or receiving end) unless they can lead to something long-term. But, at the
same time, you’re very open about engaging in them. You keep your heart open in a unique way,
not worrying about how you will get from point A to point B romantically with someone else. And
this is why, much more than the average person, you end up giving your heart away to the
person who you never expected you would, often because you didn’t feel passionately about him
or her until becoming friends or knowing them for a while.

Jupiter in the 7th House

Here we are! This is the last article in the Jupiter series. I’ve saved Jupiter in the 7th House for
last because I’ve actually already written an article about Jupiter in the 7th when I was doing my
series on planets in the 7th House two years ago. Because of that, I was hesitant about even
doing this article because I didn’t want to just repeat myself. But, I am thinking that my
understanding of Jupiter and also of the 7th House has grown since 2015. So, let’s get into it!
What does it mean to have Jupiter in the 7th House of the birth chart? If Jupiter is the place
where we experience the most positive energy, the logic follows that having Jupiter in the 7th,
the house of relationships, means that relationships are where you experience the most positive
energy. While this can definitely be true, this placement also means that partnerships are where
you can go overboard and be prone to excess, in terms of either being a partner or the partner
that you choose to be with.
The 7th House is a tit-for-tat house, an endless reflection in which we see ourselves in those
close to us and they can see themselves in us. This applies to one’s wife or husband, boyfriend or
girlfriend, as well as to your best friend or close friend and also, potentially, your business
partner. Anyone who has to have close, long-time, one-on-one dealings with you is represented
by your 7th House. With Jupiter in the 7th, it seems as if you are always attracting a Lucky
Charm in the form of these partners. You are very drawn toward those who seem to embody a
lot of positive energy. They could be very optimistic, philosophical, or forward-moving, always
taking life’s knocks with resilience and good faith. These partners, therefore, bring a great deal of
spiritedness and positivity into your life. The 7th House indicates what our romantic and platonic
companions will have to offer and with Jupiter in the 7th, they will seem to offer you a lot of
wonderful opportunities.

This could create the kind of dynamic where you have an amazing trust and faith in these people,
more than you usually do with people. If Jupiter is conjunct the Descendant in the 7th, this is
even truer. Since Jupiter is what we believe, Jupiter in the 7th naturally means that you want to
believe in other people greatly. But, you won’t believe in just anybody. I feel like 7th House
Jupiter individuals are generally not that trusting. You possess a natural attitude of skepticism,
needing to be shown something to truly believe it. As a result, you could actually have an
individual perspective that is either rather cynical or that requires a great deal of reasoning and
evidence. In terms of your singular point of view, just believing something for the sake of
believing it may not be appealing and may actually seem quite stupid to you. After all, that’s how
people get conned!

However, when you get close to someone, something happens to you. Another side of you
emerges that really yearns to have faith and to have something to believe in. The 7th House
shows how we adjust our regular behavior in our close, one-on-one relationships. With your
significant other or close friend, your skepticism can subside in order for a more pure-hearted,
uplifting, and even surprisingly naïve side of you to emerge. The 7th House is not just about the
sort of partners we attract. As I say all the time, it’s also about the kind of partner we are to our
romantic companion or our best friend(s). So, Jupiter in the 7th means that in order to connect
to these people, you express more faith and more positivity. This is usually because of their own
faith and positivity, compelling you to meet them halfway and be more upbeat like them. 
The sign that Jupiter is in shows exactly how this dynamic will occur. Jupiter in the 7th in
Capricorn means that you will display positive energy in your personal relationships in a way that
focuses on never giving up, being self-sufficient, and persevering with the right attitude. Jupiter
in the 7th in Libra, on the other hand, means that a connection will take place that brings out a
positivity within you that makes you focused on keeping things balanced, harmonious, and fair.
In any case, it can seem as if the partner gives you something to believe in. But, this is the
potential drawback of the 7th House. It can breed co-dependency and with Jupiter here, you may
be too dependent on the other in order to feel positive and to have faith. You might feel like,
without them, your spirits would be flattened and you wouldn’t really know how to appreciate

The fact that Jupiter represents one’s beliefs means that there is also the potential that you could
be far too dependent on your partner to tell you what to believe. In your purely individual
expression, you can be so rational that you prefer logic over conviction. So, your partner can
really convince you of their point of view because they believe what they believe so strongly that
they treat it as fact, not opinion. Since you may have trouble having strong beliefs on your own,
the sheer power of their enthusiasm and opinionated energy can easily sway you. In spite of
your skepticism, you also can be very open to new ideas. This is because, as an individual, you
don’t believe that strongly in much. Your significant other or your best friend, however, can be so
insistent on their beliefs that they eventually wear you down because you generally don’t care
that much, anyway.

On the flip side, the 7th House Jupiter also means that you can be the one wearing down the
other person with your overly opinionated ways. Since this outspoken side is the “other half” of
your nature that is less acknowledged by you, it can take some time for you to really understand
this about yourself. You might, instead, spend a lot of time complaining about how the other
person is always shoving his or her beliefs down your throat. Sometimes, you can believe so
strongly that you’re in the right that you don’t budge or you spend a lot of time trying to
convince the other person. This is quite antithetical to your overall behavior, so it can catch you
by surprise. It’s not until you start hearing the complaint that you’re overbearing, you’re too
much, or that you always think you’re right that you have to stop and do some reflecting.

In spite of the 7th House’s reputation for harmony, I think one of two outcomes are possible with
Jupiter in the 7th. Either you get into close relationships that are so peaceful, agreeable, and
harmonious that it’s all way too good to be true or your partnerships are so full of conflict that
you are constantly striving for harmony and compromise. The latter is going to be true if you
have a square or an opposition to Jupiter. The 7th House is, after all, a constant balancing act
and we should not forget that Jupiter is about excess. Because of this, Jupiter in the 7th could
actually be one of the more troublesome placements for Jupiter. Excess and harmony do not
really go together. So, things may be thrown out of balance all too quickly in your relationships.
Even if it’s excessive harmony, all of that compromise, niceness, and sweet talk will get old
quickly. Plus, Jupiter is about standing up for what you believe in. So, it’s actually very likely that
a lot of conflict could occur because both parties’ beliefs are so strong. This is when you get the
constant arguing and the constant insistence, from either side, that they’re right.

The thing is that you both may have the best of intentions. But, with the dark side of Jupiter, we
often see that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. You both may be trying your
absolute best to make it work and make each other happy. The thing is that you are both trying
too hard to make the relationship work, to the degree where you either go over-the-top to find
happiness with one another or you go overboard trying to resolve the conflicts between you.
Jupiter in the 7th House can manifest as a marriage where you are always talking about what’s
gone wrong in the marriage. It can be the two best friends who are always texting, always
attached at the hip, always interfering with each other’s lives. It can also be the couple who keep
smiling their way through their relationship, convinced that with enough positivity, all of these
problems will go away.

I love the whole “marriage myth” that Dana Gerhardt, my favorite astrologer, came up with in
regards to the 7th House. I definitely have to credit her because this is not my idea and I love
how spot-on it is. She basically says that the 7th House is indicative of the way we viewed our
parents’ relationship and how, as a result, we go about our own relationships as adults. There is
so much complex psychology involved in the 7th House and this is definitely one element. So,
you would think that, with Jupiter in the 7th, the person is the product of the best marriage ever.
It could certainly seem that way to many people with this placement growing up. Your parents
may have seemed like the best couple in the world and in your relationships, you are always
striving hard to meet their exceptional standard, which taught you to believe in love,
compromise, and finding your equal (even if you don’t realize it).

Yet, it could also definitely happen the other way. Jupiter can actually be a disastrous area of the
chart, in certain ways, if not undertaken with enough balance. And there are some 7th House
Jupiter folks who witnessed a marriage or a union that was highly unbalanced: too much fighting,
too much resentment, too much ego, too much insincerity, etc. It all can depend on the sign that
Jupiter is in. If the 7th House Jupiter is in Leo, it may seem as if the parents constantly tried to
dominate one another and if Jupiter is in the 7th in Cancer, there could have been too much
moodiness, neediness, or insecurity. And the thing is the child is usually caught in the middle.
Kids with 7th House planets usually act as the “go-between” figures for their parents in times of
conflict, helping them serve as the mediator figures that they grow up to be. 

It's no wonder why, as an adult, you could feel so restless and so insatiable in your relationships.
Jupiter in the 7th isn’t always the best indicator for stable, long-lasting relationships. If you are a
product of the ideal marriage, you might always seek out partners, particularly romantic partners,
who live up to that ideal. If they don’t, you could easily look for the exit. If you are a child of a
messy marriage, then you might be so used to that messy way of connecting with people that
you don’t realize anything is wrong. The 7th House Jupiter can exhibit great foolishness or
naivete in thinking that fighting all the time, being totally passive-aggressive, or partaking in
other forms of psychological warfare is completely natural and fine in a relationship. You may be
so accustomed to these overblown relationships, thanks to your parents’ marriage myth, that
when you’re in a ridiculous relationship, you don’t believe that anything is wrong.

But, this is what could also lead to rampant divorces, a string of break-ups, or friendships that
end in just as much heartbreak. If not careful, Jupiter in the 7th House can become a total
heartbreaker, just because they are so ready to move on to another relationship. The good thing
is that, well, you can move on very easily. But, usually, it’s for the right reasons. If the other
person is not allowing you to grow, then you don’t see the point. Also, if you feel like you’re
holding the other person back, you can find it within yourself to let them go and with no hard
feelings. This is a big part of your expectation in relationships: you feel like both people should
be growing. So, feeling stagnant with your romantic partner or best friend is something you can
usually take as a sign to move on with your life, believing that this is all happening for a reason.
Relationships are nothing but growing experiences for you.

Life opens up for the 7th House Jupiter individual when they adopt this perspective. It means
that you can attract a limitless amount of people your way. As long as someone can bring
something good into your life, you don’t have much of a problem getting close to them. In fact, it
can get to a point where everyone is seemingly your best friend. Jupiter in the 7th usually makes
for a very easy person to connect with and get close to because you are so eager for
companionship and so open toward whoever comes your way. For this reason, finding yourself a
mate is probably downright effortless, as well. You are similar to Jupiter in the 5th, in this way.
But, with the 5th House Jupiter, the person finds it very easy to get dates, to gain general
romantic attention, and to embark on flings. The 7th House represents the commitment phase of
romance. And it can be astonishingly easy for you to commit; sometimes too easy. You can go
out on a date with someone and a month or two later, it’s like you’re already married (and I
wouldn’t put it past you to actually get married after a couple of months, either, if it seemed like
the right person).

This is the potential recklessness of Jupiter at play because Jupiter in the 7th can be notorious for
moving too quickly. You can be so ready to benefit from the relationship that you completely
jump in. If anyone is prone to overeager engagements or too-soon milestones, like moving in
together very suddenly, that worry their friends or relatives, it’s this person. You might even take
to considering someone your best friend too quickly and want to be fully involved in their life.
Yet, it is not necessarily out of a desperation or neediness, although it could be the case,
depending on the Jupiter sign. It is more so that you see relationships as such an adventure and
you don’t spend nearly as much time hesitating as the rest of us do. Love is like skydiving or
bungee-jumping to you. If it’s not crazy or wild or risky, you don’t really want to do it.

In a way, it’s quite a beautiful philosophy because you are so willing to risk so much on someone
if you feel like they are important enough. In the end, Jupiter in the 7th House individuals can
come out on the other end with wonderful memories of a marriage or relationship, no matter
when or even how it ended. You can be the ideal co-parent, still engaging with your ex-husband
or wife as if all of that history never even happened. You might also just find it very easy to
remain on amicable terms even if there are no children involved and even if it’s a former friend
we’re talking about. Then, of course, you also get the Jupiter in the 7th House person who is a
part of a really lovely marriage that reminds them, every day, of how much they are loved. You
can also see people with this placement in wonderfully supportive long-term friendships that
really go the distance. Your best friend may be the most amazing person in the world to you,
even more than your romantic partner, and everyone else may agree that you two might as well
be married because they are basically the platonic love of your life.

All of this can remind you to keep loving yourself and valuing yourself. At the end of the day, we
do have to remind ourselves to be self-loving via the 7th House, instead of constantly seeking
that love from others. It has to start within and Jupiter in the 7th House people seem to really
believe that. For this self-love to happen, you have to acknowledge and appreciate the side of
yourself that is philosophical, expansive, irrepressible, and upbeat. You might be close to
philosophical, expansive, irrepressible, and upbeat people. But, your relationship will not be
mutually fulfilling until you can see and love those traits within yourself. When the 7th House
Jupiter really cherishes their inner believer and cultivates a positive relationship with this other
half of themselves, they will not only find true fulfillment in their relationships but within
themselves. You can create a positive relationship with yourself by knowing that, even when you
have no one else, you still have an inner faith and positivity that you can rely, being your own
best friend or partner when needed.

The Activities and Events of the Twelve Houses

All twelve houses in astrology are represented by certain activities and occurrences. When
transiting planets enter these houses, especially when they are on the exact degree of the cusp
of the house, they can be experienced as significant events occurring. If it’s transiting Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, or the North Node on that house’s cusp, the event(s) can be
quite major and life-changing in terms of one’s path in life. In any case, if a transiting or a natal
placement is in a house, it can be expressed through many different happenings and outlets. It
may be a bit tough, sometimes, to know exactly how the placements in your chart are expressing
themselves. So, here’s a list of the many ways in which these placements may find expression.
Remember, of course, that the natal placements are in your birth chart and have a life-long
effect. However, transit placements are only going to affect you temporarily, during the period of
time that the placement is in your birth chart’s house. And if you are undergoing a Return of that
placement, as in the transiting planet or North Node coming back to the house it is within your
birth chart, then these activities are going to become extremely important and pivotal during this

Natal or Transiting:
THE SUN – Shining as an individual and gaining confidence through these activities
THE MOON – Finding emotional expression and comfort through these activities
MERCURY – Being stimulated by and informing others through these activities
VENUS – Expressing self-worth and love for others through these activities
MARS – Being assertive and pursuing passions through these activities
JUPITER – Expressing good faith and positive energy through these activities
SATURN – Developing strength and finding purpose through these activities
URANUS – Pursuing freedom and establishing equality through these activities
NEPTUNE – Losing yourself in and finding bliss through these activities
PLUTO – Empowering yourself and accessing inner depths through these activities
NORTH NODE – Evolving as a person and finding true fulfillment through these activities


Trying something you’ve never tried before, going places alone, telling people “no”, doing
whatever you want, remaining true to yourself, expressing your point of view, starting your day
off right, taking risks, re-inventing yourself, starting new projects or a whole new chapter,
presenting yourself how you see fit, accepting your body and appearance, getting a haircut,
picking out your outfit, meeting new people, enjoying the single life, taking care of yourself first,
acting on your impulses


Opening up a checking or savings account, working on your 401K, going shopping, retail therapy,
impulse buying, being concerned with the quality of what you buy, making a budget, keeping up
with your bank account balance, asking for a raise, looking for a job with more money, knowing
what you’re worth, knowing what your values are, enjoying a really nice and relaxing day,
treating yourself, indulging yourself, making yourself comfortable, expressing your likes and


Small talk, getting to know your neighbors, showing and acting on curiosity, asking lots of
questions, spilling all of the tea (gossiping), texting, talking on the phone, telling great jokes,
reading, writing, learning more or something new, intellectual games like crossword puzzles or
chess, quality time with your siblings, sibling rivalry or arguments, catching up with your cousins,
being a good listener, mastering a new language, changing your mind, expressing or acting on
your “evil twin”


Cooking, getting delivery, wearing sweatpants all day, not leaving the house, remodeling or
redecorating your house, moving in to a new place, going back to your hometown, going back to
your childhood home, moving back in with your parents, quality time with the parents or the
family, holiday visits, family dinners, family reunions, creating a surrogate family, making a family
of your own, being nostalgic, reflecting on the past, being at peace with the past


A day without “adulting”, acting like a big kid, interacting with children, having
children/parenting, having a crush, embarking on a love affair, dating without being officially
committed, opening up your heart to someone, hook-ups/one night stands, making a gamble,
going to Vegas, starting some drama, taking selfies or videos for your social media page, feeling
awesome, feeling hot, feeling like a star, showing off your talent, strengthening your talent,
performing, calling all of the shots
Making a to-do list, doing all of your chores, getting sick and then getting better, worrying about
your health, going to the doctor, going to the dentist, paying all of your bills on time, working
out/going to the gym, taking your vitamins, eating healthier, setting a schedule for yourself,
doing essentially the same thing every day, working hard, working harder, setting high standards
(for yourself and for others), arriving on time (or not), staying busy, dealing with stress


Quality time with your best friend, falling in love with your best friend, officially committing to the
person you’ve been seeing, moving in together, getting engaged, getting married, break-ups and
divorces, drifting apart from your best friend, forming new close friendships, being there for
other people, giving good counsel or advice, seeing yourself in others and them in you, being
your own partner or best friend, love-hate relationships, dealing with adoring fans, being an
adoring fan


Going to therapy, finally recognizing or understanding your emotional issues, unloading your
emotional baggage, either living out or stopping the family cycle/curse, resenting those who’ve
caused you pain, forgiving those who’ve caused you pain, finding your power from within,
expressing your shadow side, feeling dark, sharing or keeping secrets, seeing the ugly side of a
partner or vice versa, having sex after a few dates, having better sex, being sex-positive


Going to church/temple/mosque etc., prayer, joining or leaving a religion, adopting a new
philosophy, having faith, staying positive, helping other people stay positive, your faith being
tested, standing up for what you believe in, doing the right thing, expressing your opinions,
seeking more than what you have, visiting a new city, moving to a new city, leaving the country,
getting or renewing your passport, traveling for the sake of traveling, college life, going back to


Making a change in occupation or career, becoming more noticed by the public, public speaking,
thinking about or crafting your public image, being featured in the news or on television, getting
famous, feeling or acting like you’re already famous, being on social media, going viral, Googling
yourself, updating your resume, interviewing for jobs, getting a new job, getting a promotion,
becoming the boss, dealing with new responsibilities on the job, handling the pressure
Social networking, making new friends, bouncing from friend to friend, bar-hopping, being a part
of a social scene, joining groups, disrupting groups, retaining your individuality while socializing,
feeling unlike everyone else, being ahead of the trends, utilizing technology, adapting to random
and unexpected events, staying informed on current events, debating politics, protesting,
volunteering for a cause, voting, signing or starting petitions, working with or donating to


Alone time, shutting the rest of the world out, meditating, sleeping, keeping a dream journal,
engaging in spiritual devotion, connecting to the Higher Power, letting go of day-to-day worries
and concerns, having faith in the unknown or unexplainable, getting lost in imagination, exploring
your inner world, accepting the hidden or repressed side of yourself, art for the sake of art,
putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, doing something selfless, showing compassion, relying
on intuition

Jupiter in the 6th House

Those with Jupiter in the 6th House are going to get the most positive energy out of life from
their day-to-day living. The house that Jupiter falls in is where things happen best for us,
whether we realize it or not. When we’re truly grateful for the gifts that Jupiter bestows upon us,
we will find ourselves reaping that famous “luck” that this planet is known for. The 6th House
represents your work ethic. Whatever is in our 6th House tells us the ways in which we will feel
most productive and efficient. Basically, it’s how you roll up your sleeves and get stuff done!
Jupiter in the 6th House individuals have a huge ability to roll up their sleeves and get stuff done.
But, at the same time, they can also go overboard with this, if they’re not careful. 
With this placement, you feel most productive and efficient when you maintain a very positive
attitude. You must take a look at that to-do list and instead of sighing and complaining, simply
say “I can do this” and tackle all of those tasks. The thing is that few people have the ability to
be on top of their to-do list as much as a 6th House Jupiter person does. You can find yourself
checking off one item on the list after the next after the next until you look around and notice
that everything is taken care of. So, there must be more for you to do, right? This busy-bee
syndrome can swell out of control. As I keep saying through this series, Jupiter does represent
excess. It’s how we can go over-the-top and just be way too extra for our own good. With
Jupiter in the 6th, your potential for excess is to never know when to stop working, organizing,
correcting, and/or doing. 

There is that saying that goes “we’re called human beings, not human doings.” But, you, of all
people, would probably scoff at that. This is because life really opens up for you when you are
constantly doing something. Jupiter in the 6th House people feel very stagnant when they are
suffering from a case of idle hands. It’s to the point where you can create unnecessary things for
yourself to do. You just cleaned the shower? Oh, well, the kitchen needs to be straightened up.
You might have made a mess. Oh, no, you didn’t make a mess. Well, might as well clean out
your closet. You haven’t done that in about a week or so. But, not before you change the sheets
on the bed! 

It’s to the point where the people around you may wish that you could just take a break. Since
the 6th House is the house of work ethic, Jupiter in the 6th House people can be downright
workaholics. However, it’s not exactly like how a Saturn in the 6th or Pluto in the 6th House
people can be obsessed with work. For you, it’s generally a very positive thing. Being busy with
work combats all sorts of feelings of anxiety or stress for you. Many people with this placement
can even find themselves overcoming or managing their depression just by remaining busy,
especially if Jupiter is in a square or opposition to another planet, representing a certain inner
tension or imbalance that needs to be worked through. 
However, it can be a case of “the chicken or the egg”. Do you use work as a healthy antidote to
anxiety, stress, or depression or are those mental and emotional states the “withdrawal
symptoms” you experienced when you’re not doing something productive, showing the signs of
some kind of work addiction? Jupiter in the 6th can get a bit tricky, in that sense. But, either
way, you are capable of manifesting really positive results by just staying productive. You are
also often the hardest working person in the room, running circles around other people. I don’t
exactly agree with the interpretation that the 6th House is how you are “on the job”. That is
more so the 10th House. The 6th House doesn’t just involve your literal work performance,
though it can. Whether you’re finishing up a project at the office, washing the dishes, or
exercising at the gym, this irrepressible work performance can manifest in many different ways,
including you leaving other people in your dust. 

In fact, you might be too much of a taskmaster in this sense, without even realizing it. Saturn in
the 6th House folks can have nothing on you in terms of critiquing someone else’s efforts. They,
at least, know how to show some restraint. With you, if you see someone “getting it wrong”, you
can find it really, really hard to refrain from letting them know. “That’s not the way that you do
it!” can be one of your go-to phrases. It can be showing the new guy the ropes or telling your
friend how to best handle her diet and exercise regimen or insisting that your roommate get his
act together when it comes to cleaning the shower. There’s still a ring around the tub! Suffice to
say, when your Jupiter gets out of hand, you can become a complete nag. 

But, the thing is that you aren’t doing it maliciously. Since Jupiter is such a positive energy, you
nag with really excellent intentions. It will often come off that way, as well. Even during the
times where you annoy the hell out of someone else, it will also be easy to point out that you’re
just trying to help. Jupiter in the 6th House just means that you believe in your own form of
perfect order and want not only to benefit from that yourself but to have other people benefit, as
well. The sign that Jupiter is in can show how this perfect order comes out. If Jupiter is in Cancer
in the 6th, you have a very intuitive gut-felt sense of how things should go. If the 6th House
Jupiter is in Libra, this ideal of correctness is to make things equal and lovely for everyone and if
Jupiter happens to be in the sign of Capricorn, it’s so things go very successfully and everything
has a purpose. 

It will help you, though, to remember that not everyone believes in the sense of correctness that
you do. So, when you correct them, you are more so just doing it according to your own beliefs.
And there will be times when people don’t appreciate that, even if you mean well! It’s also good
for you to remember that it’s impossible for everyone and everything to be correct all the time.
This will allow you to not freak out so much when you fall short of those high standards. As
positive as you are, in terms of getting things done, there are those recurring times where you
are an absolute ball of nerves. The 6th House represents stress and how we deal with it. While
you are capable of bouncing back very well from stress, you usually do because your stress levels
can hit you like a runaway train. So, you have to be resilient or else you would collapse under the

This stress will inevitably end up manifesting on a very physical level. The 6th House is also the
link between the mind and the body. It’s how your thoughts end up affecting your health. And
Jupiter in the 6th House can show huge stress levels that mean that you are always getting sick.
It can get to the point where you end up having this nagging cough that just won’t go away or
these sinus reactions that just keep flaring up. The psychosomatic element of the 6th House
shows that when you aren’t being truly resilient and buoyant in the face of stress, you will feel by
it getting sick. 

It can just be these little symptoms that are easy to ignore until they get bigger and bigger and,
one day, absolutely can’t be ignored anymore. Jupiter also symbolizes how we can push our luck.
With Jupiter in the 6th, you can push your luck in terms of your health. Some people with this
placement can harbor the habit of never going to the doctor, even when it’s clear that they
should. You might believe that you’re being resilient by doing this but you’re really just believing
that you’re utterly immune to any sort of sickness or ailment. This is not true resilience and you
will inevitably pay for it with some disastrous health scare or emergency that forces you to see a

Still, even when this happens, you do have a knack for coming out of it unscathed.
Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that can encourage or re-instill your foolishness in terms of
your health, in the future. It’s best for you to find a fine balance, putting in the practical efforts
to stay healthy while also knowing that certain times call for a mind-over-matter approach. In
terms of something mild like a cold or a sore throat, you can be one of those people who “thinks
it away”, using the power of your thoughts to eradicate those symptoms. Some may scoff at that
but there is rather substantial evidence that it’s possible. You inherently know that it’s possible
and it’s been proven to it. But, still, remember that everyone benefits from medicine and a
regular check-up. 

The other end of the spectrum is the 6th House Jupiter person who is an all-out hypochondriac.
Again, this is more likely if there is a square or opposition to Jupiter. But, since this is the planet
of going over-the-top, your concerns for your health can be highly unnecessary. You may either
rush to the doctor or hop online and browse WebMD at the slightest physical symptom or sign.
You may even begin making up certain symptoms in your head, especially if Jupiter is in Cancer,
Scorpio, or Pisces, which I imagine can express itself in rather neurotic or paranoid ways in the
6th House. Instead of eliminating sickness with your mind, you can create sickness with your
mind. So, of course, this is something to watch out for. Your friends or family may get exhausted
with reminding you of this and it may take a professional to tell you, “This is all in your head.” 

The hypochondriac-type Jupiter in the 6th House person may just be making all of this fuss over
their health just to keep their day-to-day life exciting. There is a humdrum element to the 6th
House; a kind of “not much interesting going on here” thing. We’ve all caught ourselves saying,
at least once, “Oh, the same old, same old” or “the usual” or “it was alright” when asked about
our day or how things are going. Jupiter in the 6th House people can experience a lot of that. In
fact, this is really the way they prefer it. With this placement, you get a lot of positivity out of
having a predictable schedule and an average daily rhythm that you can count on. It’s to a
degree where you don’t see it as boring, like others might. You see it as the thing that keeps you

And depending on the Jupiter sign, the day-to-day boringness may not even be all that dull. If
Jupiter is in the 6th in Aquarius, for instance, you will love being able to count on a certain
unpredictability, such as eagerly and abruptly changing your plans and always scheduling things
around the unexpected. Consistent inconsistency is what keeps you going on a daily basis; the
regular feeling of anything being able to happen at any time. In a way, you experience great
freedom through consistency and functionality. It’s why Jupiter in the 6th House people really
benefit from their lists, their schedules, their planners, their work calendars, or whatever else you
use to keep yourself organized. When you finally establish your own form of order, you feel free.
In fact, being able to schedule your day in any direction you like is your ticket to freedom. 
We crave lots of different experiences through our Jupiter. The house that Jupiter is in is where
we have no limits. With Jupiter in the 6th, it’s as if the limits you impose gives you a sense of no
limitations. Once you know what you have to get done, once things have been laid out, you feel
as if you can do anything. When those with the 6th House Jupiter really get down to work, they
gain a sense of anything being possible. You believe that there is no limit to the tasks that you
can accomplish and may display a seemingly endless ability to be curious (Jupiter in Gemini),
responsive (Jupiter in Cancer), creative (Jupiter in Leo), thoughtful (Jupiter in Libra) or whatever
skill your Jupiter specializes in for the purpose of getting the job done. Jupiter in the 6th House
people are very multiskilled and life opens up for them when these skills are really being put to
practical use.

Pluto in the Houses: You're My Obsession

Pluto is the planet that can push us to extremes. Therefore, the house placement of Pluto in your
birth chart shows where you have the potential to go to those extremes. In doing so, you might
go right over the edge. Like with the other two outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, and even, to
a great extent, with the semi-outer planets, Jupiter and Saturn, the house placement becomes
more personally felt than the sign (unless there are conjunctions from that planet to the personal
planets in the chart). This is especially the case with Pluto, which spends about a decade
transiting each sign. While the sign itself affects your generation and how you all will go about
finding your power and tapping into your inner resources, the house placement indicates the
individual way you do this.

As a result, we can become obsessive and intense in our Pluto house. We all have the potential
to become obsessed over someone or something. It’s to a degree that can overpower us and
bring out a passion, force, or darkness that we might not have known was there. So, the house
in your birth chart where Pluto resides is also the place where plenty of pain and destruction can
take place. But, in the midst of this destruction, there is the opportunity to be reborn, rising from
the ashes of the past. While it is important for us to exercise more balance in our Pluto house so
we don’t have to go through such a dramatic and painful cycle, it is probably a rite of passage for
everyone to be “destroyed” in this area of life at least once. In doing so, you come out on the
other side and develop an understanding of how to not go off of the deep end again. 

Pluto in the 1st House

Obsessive behavior. You have a noticeably intense attitude and it influences virtually everything
that you do in life. Your remarkable air of power may make you seem indestructible but this is
because no one is as much of a threat to you than you are. When you get totally consumed in
toxic, controlling, obsessive, or manipulative behaviors, you will end up metaphorically killing
yourself. The good thing is how awesomely you can transform yourself, playing the role of a true
Pluto in the 2nd House
Obsessive values. Whatever you like, you like it wholeheartedly. Such extreme pleasures can
make you incredibly self-indulgent. But, this can lead you to develop a deeply compulsive attitude
toward money and material things that causes these possessions to be ripped away from you.
Eventually, your self-esteem will become broken down to the point of forcing you to love yourself
via an inner power and depth. Your psychological resources will then strengthen your material

Pluto in the 3rd House

Obsessive communication. Your thought processes can be an endless loop that you find difficult
to shut off. Your mindset can be paranoid or suspicious, making you very curious about what
people are hiding from you. This can poison the line of communication between you and others,
due to a sense of mistrust. But, you also have the power to use your insightfulness in order to
communicate better with others. You’re a deep thinker and your words and ideas can profoundly
impact people.

Pluto in the 4th House

Obsessive foundation. At the end of the day, you are a complicated, deep, powerful, and
mysterious person. You feel most at home with yourself by being able to be truly introspective
and profound, within the realm of your private life. But, you may also be far too preoccupied with
keeping your personal life personal. This can prevent you from letting people in, even loved ones,
destroying your support system. It’s important to disengage from battles for power or control in

Pluto in the 5th House

Obsessive self-awareness. When expressing yourself from the heart, you are passionate, intense,
and enriching toward others. This also gives you powerful creative talents and an ability to go all-
in regarding romance. But, you may see yourself as so empowered that you express yourself as a
control freak. You may also feel like such a passionate person that you make the act of giving
love all-consuming, which can cause you to suffocate, drain, or exhaust people in matters of the

Pluto in the 6th House

Obsessive productivity. You are capable of remaining efficient and industrious when you
obsessively channel all of your energy into your tasks. Therefore, you can get a tremendous
amount done, developing a truly powerful work ethic. But, you might also absolutely work
yourself into the ground. You can become too focused on controlling everything that happens in
your daily life, creating intense stress that destroys your health. So, work hard while also
knowing how to turn it on and off.

Pluto in the 7th House

Obsessive companionship. You expect for your close relationships to be intense and
wholehearted. As a result, you are really drawn to powerful, passionate, mysterious people, in
romance and friendship. But, you are also a powerful, passionate, mysterious romantic partner
and friend. If turbulent, traumatic, or controlling, such relationships can virtually ruin either
person’s life. But, you can also cultivate positively life-changing relationships that are truly
enriching and empowering.

Pluto in the 8th House

Obsessive intimacy. When sharing the hidden or darker parts of yourself, you can go to extremes
and suck the other person and/or yourself down a terrifying rabbit hole. You might experience a
lot of ongoing emotional, psychological pain that secretly wreaks havoc on your soul. But, this is
only so you can empower yourself by working through these emotional issues. Facing and
conquering your demons allows you to be emotionally and sexually intimate with another in a
rich, moving way.

Pluto in the 9th House

Obsessive morals. Your sense of right and wrong can be extreme, which can make you a real
fanatic. You are easily guided down a destructive path or create a lot of destruction along the
way, due to this feeling of being in control by doing the right thing. The road to Hell is paved
with good intentions! This powerful sense of morality can be used in order to transform others’
lives, inspiring them with an intense passion that makes them (and you) feel like anything is

Pluto in the 10th House

Obsessive goals. You can be consumed with ambition, wanting to do something important with
your life and be somebody powerful in society. Yet, going to extremes to achieve your life goals
and/or assume a status of power will lead to disaster and on a very public scale. You should,
instead, be obsessed with your actual passion itself, not the result, transforming it a true calling.
This public display of depth and power will give you the reputation for being formidable and
Pluto in the 11th House
Obsessive ideals. You can be a downright radical because you have such an extreme desire to
bring about change on a wide scale. You may be so obsessed with your particular cause or with
being a misunderstood outsider that you can destroy anything or anyone that goes against your
ideals, making you a social danger or threat. Eventually, you will use this sense of rebellion in an
empowering way, allowing you to wield a transformative impact on your peers and associates.

Pluto in the 12th House

Obsessive spirituality. When living unconsciously, you may delude yourself into feeling powerless
in ways that only cause you to obsessively seek power, on an unconscious level, creating a ton of
negative karma. The only way out of this cycle is developing a forgiving, loving connection to
your inner sense of power, seeing it as part of your humanity to selflessly give to others. But, you
also must recharge your own batteries by tapping into your depths through art, spirituality, and

The Chart Ruler: Gemini Rising (Mercury)

Well, here we are: the final article in my chart ruler series! The last Rising sign left to discuss is
Gemini Rising. If you have this placement, you may have displayed your famously short
attention-span through losing your patience numerous times with me in terms of getting to this
article. So, here it finally is and thanks for hanging in there! Now, with the Ascendant in Gemini,
your chart ruler is going to be Mercury. This is because Mercury is the ruling planet of the sign
Gemini. Again, the chart ruler is not the most dominant planetary influence in your chart or an
angular planet (although the chart ruler definitely can be on one of the angles). The chart ruler is
the planet that rules the sign that your Ascendant is in.
We have already looked at Mercury being the chart ruler once before when we discussed Virgo
Rising. But, the Gemini Rising’s Mercury-ruled life is a rather different kettle of fish. As I said in
the Virgo Rising article, Mercury’s dominion over Virgo is earthy, practical, sensible, and
organized. But, Mercury is far more scattered and diffuse in its expression through Gemini. This is
because Gemini is an Air sign. Air likes to get around and circulate! Getting some “fresh air” is
what allows us to breathe, to clear our minds, to break out of confining situations. And as a
Gemini Ascendant, your life is about being that breath of fresh air. The chart ruler defines the
kind of role we play in our lives. There’s not a single person alive who doesn’t play a role. But,
this does not mean being fake or inauthentic. It just means entering into a situation and saying,
“This is how I’m going to act and this is what I’m going to do.” The Ascendant is how we are able
to do this.

With a Gemini Ascendant, you circulate and move around as much as air itself. The restlessness
and changeability of this Element is probably most evident in Gemini. While Libra can vacillate
and be indecisive and Aquarius is known for being unpredictable and free, Gemini is the Air sign
that is most likely to be here one minute and then gone the next. If you think about it, this goes
back to Mercury being its ruler. Mercury represents the mind: our thought processes and how we
communicate. The thoughts that bounce around in our brain move quickly and can sometimes be
hard to keep up with. Just when you think one thing, you suddenly move on to the next thought.
It is pretty much impossible to make one’s mind work in a predictable and consistent fashion,
even if you happen to have Mercury in stable, steady Taurus. All of us, in some way or another,
have ideas or thoughts that just pop into our heads and leave just as immediately. How often do
people forget what they were about to say or try to come up with the answer to something and
then don’t figure it out until moments later, when they least expected it?

The chart ruler determines how your life unfolds. And when Mercury is your chart ruler, this is
just your life! Gemini Rising folks are like limitless channels of information. It’s as if they are a
radio that will never shut off, always receiving different signals and then spitting them back out
in order to engage with and stimulate other people. So, with this placement, you have a point of
view that makes you chock-full of various ideas, thoughts, and observations. In any given
situation, you will be a very avid communicator. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all Gemini
Rising people are going to be really chatty and never able to shut up. Many of them fit the highly
talkative description, running their mouths a mile a minute for anyone who will listen. But, just as
many of them are surprisingly reserved in speech, sometimes. However, I think that the quieter
types with this placement can really get going once you give them a topic that interests them. In
any case, the quiet ones have an awesome way with words, as well. So, you can be surprised to
hear them cultivate amazing conversation once you mentally connect with them.

Another thing to remember when you meet a Gemini person who isn’t a big talker is that they
also may be an excellent writer, either getting it all out through a journal or enchanting everyone
with their creative writing abilities. But, then again, the loud and chatty ones also tend to make
wonderful writers, as well. If the chart ruler describes someone’s life story, then Mercury ruling
the chart means that you will live your life as a superb storyteller, in some fashion or another. In
fact, many Gemini Rising people are the types to tell you big chunks of their life story, even when
you don’t know them that well. They have a way of turning virtually anything into casual
conversation, so even the most private or intimate moments of their lives can be fodder for a
random chit-chat. I think it’s because these people are always innately in touch with their life
story. I talk about the metaphor of the chart ruler being the protagonist you are and how you act
out this story of yours. But, when Mercury rules your chart, particularly in its Airy form, you are
constantly, intelligently aware of your part in this story and how your “biography” has progressed
up to this point.

Such an active intellect is written all over your face. The Ascendant is a person’s default
expression and those with the Ascendant in Gemini have something very bright and curious
about their “resting face.” It’s as if they are always preparing to ask you a question, whether it’s
about yourself or about what’s going on around you. This placement gives a person a particularly
“cool” face, as they view and approach things through that very rational Mercury ruler. It’s not
exactly a calm or collected aura, though, because Gemini Rising folks do tend to exude nervous
energy, especially the more extroverted ones. Their mannerisms are very fidgety and their overall
demeanor can make it seem as if they are constantly ready to go on to something else more
interesting. If you have this placement, you may actually be a bit offensive to people, without
realizing it, because you can so obviously switch off, at random and unexpected times, and turn
your attention to something else.
Therefore, it can easily seem as if you are bored with the person you’re with. That’s not exactly
true. You aren’t going to relish spending time with people who you find boring. But, your idea of
boring is often an intellectual one: those who can’t hold good conversation, who don’t make you
laugh, who have nothing new or interesting to say. But, in general, you are just easily bored with
your environment. The Gemini manifestation of Mercury is so restless. So, whatever you’re doing,
you can easily find your attention bouncing from one thing to the next. Often times, it’s not even
about the other person. You just need the space to spread yourself around. It can all be
observed in the look on your face. Gemini Rising people can have particularly darting or
wandering eyes. They also regularly appear to have their minds elsewhere, through wearing a
humorous expression on their face, laughing at something no one else is thinking of, or just
thinking intently about something.

Yet, you are also excellent at connecting with people intellectually in your environment. Mentally,
you are there and not there, at the same time. It makes you appear aloof and engaged, bored
and inquisitive, all at the same time. This highlights the essential duality of Mercury, which has
defined your outlook on and approach to life from the beginning. Since the chart ruler tells us
how we came into this world, Mercury ruling the chart could indicate a birth that was both
scattered and scheduled, chaotic and precise. Like the Virgo Rising, you may have been brought
into this world in a way that was very logical and calculated. At least, that was the plan. But, I
think that such a plan turned very much upside down. Maybe everything was set for a scheduled
date of delivery and you just suddenly came on a totally unexpected day. In some way, I can see
the birth of the Gemini Rising child bringing a feeling of mischief and unpredictability into the
early environment.

This environment was a highly stimulating one for you. The Ascendant heavily influences a
person’s first several years of life and tells us how they were conditioned to behave. With the
Gemini Ascendant, you were conditioned to behave in a way that constantly utilized your brain.
Maybe your parents wanted to turn you into a real thinker and really encouraged you to be
intellectual. This is often the placement of a particularly smart child who walks and talks and
potty-trains and goes through all the toddler rites of passage with noticeable intelligence.
Thinking your way through your environment then became your default way of being. There was
also probably a huge emphasis on communication in your earliest years. You were taught to “talk
it out” and “use your words” a lot. Therefore, you learned to take on the role in life of the
communicator and the intellectual; someone who has a brain and a mouth and who can use both
with great clarity.
Yet, Gemini also has a cunning and tricky side. This is yet another behavioral trait that you took
on: the ability to outsmart or outwit people in whatever situation you were in. Being conditioned
to be so smart and clever is something that you could have taken to some mischievous lengths.
Gemini Rising kids can display a rather advanced intellect in their ability to think things through.
The terrible two’s may not have been so terrible for you because instead of stomping and yelling
and throwing tantrums, you used your head to get the candy bar or the toy that you wanted.
Gemini is so adaptable and versatile that it understands that you often have to tap into another
side of yourself in order to get by. Thus began your way of virtually becoming another person in
order to thrive in your environment. Acting like someone else, you discovered, allowed you to
more easily get on the same mental page as the other person. So, if you had to act nicely to get
more dessert, even if you weren’t feeling that way, you would and you then easily got the
dessert you were looking for. Parents of a Gemini Rising child may often not realize the
mastermind that they’re creating!

From the beginning, you have been full of ideas and you act on them freely, which doesn’t
always make you consistent in your behavior. In fact, a very common trait of this placement is to
behave like two different people on a regular basis. The Ascendant, after all, is how we carry
ourselves. And you’re so used to carrying yourself with such duality that you often don’t even
realize when you’re switching into your other self. Some Gemini Rising people may feel like it’s
their “evil twin” taking over, making them moodier, wilder, colder, crazier, or more sensitive than
they sometimes would like to be. As rational as you are, you sometimes feel helplessly driven to
act out all of these nutty contradictions. When we look at the Gemini rulership of Mercury, we are
purely looking at the mind itself. The thing that people don’t mention enough about Gemini is
that it’s not entirely logical but our brains aren’t entirely logical. We have a rational, left-brain
side and an intuitive, right-brain side. So, life is played out for the Gemini Ascendant soul with
the sense of, “I know how clear-headed and sane I am. But, sometimes, I’m just plain out of my

There is also a huge sensitivity that Gemini displays in terms of all of its ever-shifting thoughts.
Much like with Aquarius, the intelligence that Gemini exhibits can feel like a gift and a curse. It’s
sometimes so easy for you to get lost in all of those non-stop thoughts and ideas. This is why life
can feel like an endless merry-go-round of stimulation for you that you can never get off, even if
you try. The burden of being easily bored can border on ADD-level behavior for these people and
it’s not a surprise to see quite a few of them diagnosed with ADD or ADHD (although, sometimes,
it can be a misdiagnosis, especially in childhood). Mercury’s house placement will show where all
of this restlessness and duality plays out. If your Mercury is in the 4th House, you become this
total whirlwind behind closed doors. In your private life, it can be very difficult to sit still or just
focus on one thing. Mercury being in the 9th House, meanwhile, would mean that all of these
ever-changing thoughts send you on an endless journey. You will think that anything is possible
and this can keep you darting from one path to the next.

With Mercury ruling the chart, life is going to be about learning just how your brain works and
how to manage all of that super-charged mental energy. The practical manifestation of Mercury
via the Virgo Ascendant makes those with that placement use their intellect to live a life of
problem-solving. However, it’s not really about problem-solving, for you. It’s just about being
intellectual for the sheer sake of being intellectual. There is no real “purpose” to Gemini’s
curiosity other than just learning. And since Mercury rules your chart, you need to make your life
about learning as much as possible. I think you will stop feeling so mentally scattered and chaotic
when you can buckle down and figure out what there is, in this given situation, that’s important
for you to learn. Ask yourself all the questions, like “why is this happening?” and “what does this
mean?” Mercury is our inner student and I think you can find more centeredness for yourself
when you see life as being one big classroom. But, that also means that you will need to be a bit
more stable and not so easily dart from one class to the next class. Otherwise, you’ll end up
failing your classes.

I don’t think a Gemini Ascendant can live their best possible life if they don’t seek to constantly
learn. You need to engage in all of those nerdy interests, like taking up a new language, learning
about history, or reading on a regular basis. If not, your intellectual energy has nowhere to go
and that just results in sheer chaos. Where Mercury is in your chart will tell you how you pick
things up and learn them. Mercury in the 4th House would give you the ability to reflect on all
the information you’ve accumulated, in private, and use it as a means of safety and comfort.
You’d be an excellent studier at home! Meanwhile, Mercury in the 9th House would give you this
ability to take in information with great enthusiasm and a sense of inspiration. The things that
you learn build and strengthen your inner compass, guiding you toward the right direction in life.

The thing about Mercury is that it describes our experiences in grade school (kindergarten
through the 12th grade). So, with Mercury as your chart ruler, you will find that this was an
especially powerful time in your life. In fact, you probably look back on those grade school
experiences with a strong fondness or sense of nostalgia. Gemini Rising people usually make
excellent students growing up because their whole life is about being “the student.” In a way,
you are constantly trying to recapture this time. Being in the 10th grade may have felt like your
glory days because that’s when you were constantly challenged on an intellectual level. Now, as
an adult, you have to keep challenging yourself intellectually and learn all that you can. But, you
will find that you are now evolving into “the teacher” in adulthood. Gemini Rising people are the
types to introduce people to all kinds of literature, languages, art, studies, etc. It plays into your
Sagittarius Descendant. When you connect with someone, one-on-one, you have a way of
expanding them and enlightening them, broadening their scope of what’s around them and what
to experience. Being able to educate people essentially allows you to make others “bigger” than
they are. Yet, with Sagittarius Descending, these relationships also require you to be more
honest and straightforward, as well as to own up to the inner bluntness you possess, on account
of being so observant of other people.

The chart ruler is lived out like a constant Return of that planet. Mercury ruling the chart means
that you are essentially always living out a Mercury Return. For everyone else, this is a time
when we become mentally sharper, when we’re full of a lot more ideas, and when we’re more
eager to communicate. However, this is already your life! As a result, you can find yourself really
reaping the benefits of being so curious, so mentally active, and so communicative. The best
metaphor for your Mercury Return is that it’s like the summertime when you were a kid. School is
out, you’ve passed all your finals, you made all A’s. Now, all you have to do is relax until the next
school year starts.

The Return of a person’s chart ruler is experienced as the preparation for a new cycle and a new
beginning. It’s a time where you can really start over. Maybe you will feel your intellectual
interests shifting during this time. You have already learned that! Now, you have the time to
unplug your brain for a little while and figure out what else there is to learn. The benefits of
being so intellectually engaged will also be felt during your Mercury Return. The house Mercury is
in is where you may realize that you’ve gotten smarter and picked up new skills, like in your
career, if Mercury is in the 10th, or in being intimate with others, if Mercury falls in the 8th. And
this will give you the renewed mental strength to start a new chapter and learn something
entirely new.

The Chart Ruler: Sagittarius Rising (Jupiter)

When you’re born with a Sagittarius Ascendant, you have Jupiter acting as your chart ruler. This
is because the chart ruler is the planet that rules the sign that you’re Ascendant is in. And when
you look at the chart ruler, primarily by planet and house but also, of course, by sign and
aspects, you will understand a lot about how your life unfolds and the kind of part that you’re
playing it. For those of you with Jupiter as the chart ruler, this is the part of someone who cannot
be contained. Jupiter is a planet without limitations, giving us an endless sense of discovery and
adventure. So, with this planet shaping your life story, life, for you, is one big adventure.

Sagittarius Rising people view and approach any given situation like explorers. If the Ascendant is
our individual outlook, with this placement, your outlook is that there are limitless opportunities
and possibilities, just waiting to be grabbed. A pessimistic demeanor would be very rare for a
Sagittarius Rising, at least on the surface. Even if you have placements in your chart that would
incline you toward being more cynical, skeptical, or negative, this is definitely not the way you
put your foot forward. Instead, your general approach is an optimistic one. After all, Jupiter is the
planet of belief! So, when Jupiter rules your chart, you’ve got to have faith. The funny thing is
that Sagittarius Ascendants end up serving as living proof of those Laws of Attraction. The more
you expect, embrace, or welcome positive opportunities, the more they will come your way. This
is something we can all learn through our Jupiter. But, for Sagittarius Rising folks, this is what life
is all about.

It’s why you can regularly observe those with this Rising sign and see that they have some sort
of grin on their face, even if they’re not feeling all that happy. This placement means that your
default expression is a cheery, buoyant one. Jupiter is an irrepressible energy. When we tap into
it, little to nothing can really get us down. But, with Jupiter ruling one’s chart, this is the essential
role that you play throughout your life. Those with a Sagittarius Ascendant just appear to be so
sanguine and so upbeat. Your perspective keeps you focused on the silver lining of any situation.
Even when you’re looking right at a dark cloud, your point of view manages to brighten things
somehow. It’s why, when you walk into a room, you can really lift the energy. This is what you’re
used to doing: being a beacon of positivity in order to cheer up and inspire other people.
The interesting thing about Jupiter is that there is quite a “savior” element to it. After all, this
planet and the sign Sagittarius are so associated with religion. It’s not a self-sacrificing, martyring
energy, like Pisces and Neptune. But, it is this energy that can really turn a person’s life around.
Jupiter is your particular religion and it doesn’t have to be a literal religion. It’s just whatever
belief that you can invest in that will alleviate your troubles and make you feel like everything is
going to be alright. It’s funny, then, having a Sagittarius Ascendant because it shows that you
will appear and behave like a savior for other people. This is why you have that larger-than-life
aura. In fact, it’s not uncommon for Sagittarius Rising individuals to be assigned this Jesus-like
persona, coming off as downright epic. It’s not only because of that incredibly positive, expansive
demeanor of yours. It’s also because you’re so full of faith that you can be convinced you can
walk on water. 

Of course, life will regularly remind you of the foolishness of being so blindly faithful. Still, you
have an amazing way of bouncing back from anything. It can be to the point where you might
see the negatives of the situation as having not even happened. Very few people can turn a
negative event into a positive like a Sagittarius Ascendant. This goes back to the very beginning,
as one’s Ascendant shows how the person entered the world and the primary experiences of
their first several years of life. It is quite common to hear of people with a Sagittarius Ascendant
being a “miracle baby”. Maybe the parents had a hard time conceiving or having a child for a
while and, then, all of a sudden, you showed up. So, there is typically a very positive attitude
that surrounds your entry into the world, unless you have planets in the 12th, which can
symbolizes serious fears or issues that your mother had while she was pregnant with you. Even
then, however, such complaints are cheerfully brushed to the side. Everyone was just ready to
see you come to life, which probably made for a delivery-room experience that felt like not only
an adventure but a blessing.

In your early years, Jupiter ruling your chart means that you were probably treated like a gift
from God. Again, certain difficult placements in the chart can modify this somewhat. But, usually,
Sagittarius Rising children are conditioned with this sense of being lucky to be here and of other
people being grateful for them being there. I often see this Rising sign in children who are the
younger ones in their family, meaning that they swept into their early environment and really
turned things around. Maybe there were serious family problems that were a source of struggle
before you were born. Yet, somehow, things began looking up once you came. In any case, with
the planet of blessings and good fortune as the chart ruler, one not only plays the role of the
person full of blessings to offer others but comes to see life as being full of blessings and

It’s no surprise, then, why you cannot be contained or kept down for long, if at all. Being so
conditioned to behave with a sense of good faith and of gratitude, life is constantly awe-inspiring
and glorious to you. It’s something that can annoy some of the more cynical, reserved, or
melancholy individuals around you. In fact, your behavior can easily be a bit “too much”, in some
way or another. Jupiter, after all, is excessive. So, this means that you live your life as an
excessive person, in some way or another. Sagittarius Rising people can be seen as being too
loud, too wild, too opinionated, too nice, too passionate, too silly, etc. Regardless, you are used
to being the person in any given situation who goes rather over-the-top.

The house placement of Jupiter indicates just where and how you’re over-the-top. If Jupiter was
in your 2nd House, you’re easily a complete hedonist, fully indulging in money and pleasure and
all the good things life has to offer. Jupiter in the 5th House ruling the chart means that your
sheer self-expression can be over-the-top, as you’re so intent on giving a good “performance”
and often overly focused on how everything is affecting you. Of course, problems can arise if you
don’t learn how to moderate your Jupiter somewhat. This is the dark side of Jupiter that we don’t
always hear about. This planet is not completely beneficial, as no energy is all-good (or all-bad,
for that matter). When it comes to Jupiter, a person can overdo it, push their luck, and then end
up with a disaster on their hands. And since Jupiter rules your chart, this is basically the story of
your life!

I think just about every Sagittarius Rising has to have a chapter or two in their lives where they
went to the excesses of excess. Jupiter and Sagittarius represent the gambler archetype. So, with
this influence, you have to spend a part of your life as a compulsive gambler, metaphorically or
literally speaking, not knowing when to stop and then, eventually, ending up with nothing. When
we push our luck too much, our hubris can cause us to be empty-handed. Maybe, with Jupiter in
the 5th, you overestimate your ability to gain the applause of others and to show off your
specialness. So, you become more and more attention-seeking, throughout life, until nobody is
left in the audience. Jupiter in the 12th as the chart ruler shows a life that is lived with limitless
compassion and a very expansive imagination. You have an unflagging connection to The Source
yet you might be overly compelled to surrender and leave it up to the Creator or your Guardian
Angels, to a degree that causes you to release all personal responsibility whatsoever. Then, you
screw yourself over. You might also become utterly absorbed in solitude, neglecting to realize
that how much this is isolating you from other people and from the everyday world until too
much time has passed.

Regardless of what house Jupiter is in, you will have to learn how to rein it in some. Until you do,
you can live out the overly opinionated, self-righteous downside of this planet. You are the kind
of “protagonist” who is an utter believer, even when everything is crashing down around you.
The way you see it, your life needs to be about inspiration. This can often blind you to more
factual and objective viewpoints, unless your Jupiter is in the 3rd or the 11th. Even then, you can
still be very biased, in your own way. This is the irony that gets you closely involved, via your
Gemini Descendant, with really logical, intellectual, and mischievous people. These folks are keen
enough to play Devil’s Advocate, poke holes in your beliefs, and maybe even confuse you or
mess with your head somewhat. This will eventually bring out the side of you that is a clear,
objective thinker, as well, bringing more balance to your nature when you embrace and express
the part of yourself that can use its head and see things from multiple perspectives.

The unfortunate thing about Sagittarius, which is what speaks to that opposition to rational and
articulate Gemini, is that it can be the “village idiot” much of the time. Sagittarius doesn’t really
think. It just wants to experience. This is why you find balance by embracing your Gemini
Descendant and being more intellectual. If not, you can make plenty of downright stupid
mistakes, including the total no-filter bluntness you’re regularly built of. It’s not that Sagittarius is
stupid, though. It does, after all, represent the “higher learning” that we find in college. But, it
just isn’t all that interested in facts and logic. True to Jupiter’s form, it is more about just
enjoying the journey. This is what can make you pretty myopic and clumsy in the way you carry
yourself, though.

One of the best ways to pinpoint a Sagittarius Ascendant is that there will be something sloppy or
careless about their demeanor, in some way or another. Many people with this placement have
to be told to lower their voice or whisper. Using your “inside voice” can be a problem, as you
often don’t think about the difference between inside and outside. A blindness to the nuances of
their environment is pretty common, unless they have some Virgo or Scorpio placements. Still,
that wouldn’t prevent them from being total klutzes. With this placement, you probably run into
walls, trip going up the stairs or over your own two feet, or accidentally break things on a regular
basis. You know where you want to go but you never really watch where you’re going. So, the
poor people around you can also be regularly subjected to you stepping on their feet or running
into them.

It’s true that having this placement means that you live with a constant sense of embarrassment.
It’s why you don’t take yourself seriously, as you’re used to being laughed at and experiencing
things, in all situations, that are worth laughing at. However, those with Sagittarius Rising just
have a way of making these “fails” work. Maybe it’s because you’re laughing at yourself just as
hard as everyone else is. It’s also due to the positivity of Jupiter. Thanks to your ability to turn
any experience around into a positive, even the most embarrassing situations end up working out
to your advantage. The house that Jupiter’s in will tell you how you’re able to do this. If Jupiter is
in the 12th, it’s because you trust so much in the Higher Plan. Jupiter being in the 7th ruling the
chart would mean that it’s because you have such faith in other people and in connecting to

So, again, you spend a lot of your life just feeling really lucky, even in times where other people
would feel mortified, depressed, or disheartened. This is when that myopic point of view actually
works to your advantage. Not over-analyzing the situation or worrying about it too much leaves
you focused on the positive. Then, eventually, the positive manifests itself into your life. Now, I
would not be surprised, however, if they were certain Sagittarius Rising people who don’t feel like
they have been that lucky in their life. In this case, the good fortune of Jupiter is so natural to
them that they don’t even notice it. That can be the case for many people with their Jupiter. The
life area it represents is so easy and effortless that we can take it for granted. But, this is why we
must be truly appreciative. If Jupiter is ruling your chart, you need to stop and look around, living
your life with a genuine sense of appreciation for everything you have, instead of being
wastefully unappreciative. You’re more blessed than most and you have to acknowledge that to
keep those blessings coming.

You are also someone who is constantly moving forward. The idea of your life consisting of
“chapters” really appeals to you because you always want to move on to the next phase. Jupiter
is about opportunity and experience. Therefore, you want to live your life by having as many
experiences as possible; always growing, never being stagnant. This is what makes you the free
spirit in life, much like your Aquarius Rising brothers and sisters. These placements are quite
similar, in that way. But, while the Aquarius Ascendant has a free-spirited outlook and demeanor
due to their way of expecting the unexpected, you are acting as the free spirit because you have
such a thirst for adventure and discovery. It’s quite common for Sagittarius Rising people to
spend a great deal of their lives, if not most of their lives, traveling to all sorts of cities and
countries, as well as just engaging in wildly adventurous hobbies like skydiving, piloting or
mountain climbing.

You love embarking on these journeys because they confirm your outlook that life is one big
exploration. You do not want to be held back, thanks to Jupiter ruling your chart. But, this can
apply in an everyday context, as well. You have got to give a Sagittarius Ascendant room to
breathe and move about and be free. If you’re at a party, you’re going to want to mingle and
work the room, saying hello to everyone you know and also people who you don’t know. This is
one of the friendliest and most outgoing Rising signs you could have. After all, the Ascendant is
how we are with new people and new situations. The insatiable nature of Jupiter means that you
probably really love and feel very at ease with new people. If not, you’re extremely good at
acting like you do. Life is all about accumulating new experiences for you. Therefore, you freely
welcome the opportunity of engaging with someone you don’t know, thereby making another one
of your “discoveries.”

You’re not going to be easy to pin down, as a result. While at said party, your significant other or
good friend would just have to get used to you kind of being all over the place. The truth is that
you can get easily bored with confining relationships and this can lead to an aversion to
commitment. That element of Sagittarius is legendary. But, this also keys into your Gemini
Descendant. You need a partner, romantic or platonic, who is rather restless and free and hard
to pin down themselves (as Gemini can be, albeit in a more intellectual manner). They’ll just
need to trust that you have a powerful mental connection with them that you will keep coming
back to, at the end of the day. When it comes to living your life, you always want to know that
you have the freedom you yearn for. By establishing such a trust, it will be much easier for you
to commit and let them get close.

The Return of a person’s chart ruler is a time where they can really re-write the script they’ve
written for themselves. You experience your chart ruler’s Return as quite the reverse of how
everyone else does. So, while everyone else experiences their Jupiter Return as a time of
increased opportunity, renewed faith, and great exploration, it’s actually not that big of a deal for
you. Your life is essentially one non-stop Jupiter Return. Therefore, what I think happens is that
when you go through your Jupiter Return, as a Sagittarius Rising, it can be a time to just give
that good fortune back to others. Instead of experiencing the benefits of Jupiter, you can use
your Jupiter to benefit others. So, you may feel especially generous, charitable, or motivational
toward others.

The Jupiter Return happens every 12 years in a person’s life. This is more than enough time to
experience one major chapter closing and a new one beginning. But, since you’re so obsessed
with moving on, your Jupiter Return might give you a centeredness that you rarely feel. Your
restlessness can be calmed down enormously during this time. You can then stop and realize
how many positive experiences you’ve had in your life and how you don’t need to be in a massive
rush to gain more. You have already attracted, manifested, and experienced so many blessings.
So, during the Jupiter Return, all that’s left to do is sit back, calmly count those blessings, and
prepare for the new cycle, trusting that more exciting adventures and wonderful things will
happen soon.

The 8th House: Signs and Planets

Whether you have an empty 8th House or planets in the 8th, whatever is residing in this house
represents your dark side. It’s the covert, scary part of yourself that can emerge when provoked
and can have a destructive influence on your relationships. At the same time, your 8th House
sign and/or planet(s) can also have a wonderfully healing influence. The placement(s) in your 8th
House show the ways in which you should work through your emotional issues and hash through
any of the psychological inheritances, good or bad, that have been passed down to you via your
family’s history. Here is how we can break the cycle and transform it, extending this power to

So, even though your 8th House has been wounded, it also shows how you are capable of being
a survivor. Emotional, internal resources are found in the 8th House and this is something that
will enrich your relationships. The ways in which you engage in intimacy are described by the
sign and/or planet(s) residing in your 8th House. This includes emotional intimacy and the
disclosure of certain secrets. But, it also means sexual intimacy. Sex is represented by this house
but in a way that’s about cultivating a deeper sexual connection, as well as overcoming any
emotional problems that might be standing in the way of better sex between you and your
partner. Therefore, things get very passionate and intense in the 8th House, in many different

8th House in Aries and/or Mars in the 8th House

You have been most wounded in life through a sense of being bullied and pushed around.
Traumatic episodes of physical violence or sexual abuse could’ve occurred that made you feel
dominated and weak. There also could have been unbalanced or unhealthy displays of anger that
really impacted you. So, your dark side emerges through sheer rage and frustration, making you
destructive through being obsessed with staying strong and winning out over other people. You
are living out this inherited pattern of killing or being killed, which can make you terribly selfish
and highly aggressive in ways that only create more pain and more conflict.

So, you are working through your emotional issues by managing your anger and understanding
that you can achieve victories without having to destroy someone else. You have a cutthroat kind
of strength that can help you survive. But, real healing occurs when you use this obsessive drive
as a healthy inner resource, instead of a way to eat other people alive. You are capable of being
a true force of nature and finding your power through this ferocious drive and determination,
which will, of course, help you emerge as a winner in the face of emotional trials. When being
intimate, you are very assertive and passionate, as you are so motivated to hash out deeper
issues. You are highly sexual and seek a connection in sex that is fierce and invigorating. If
anything is messing up this sexual connection, you will want to address the issue head-on and
overcome it.

Taurus in the 8th House

Your feeling of being wounded has occurred through feeling like there is not enough harmony
and security. A traumatizing experience of whoever you loved or whatever you owned being
taken away has scarred you. It has created a shadow side that is scarily possessive and rigid,
making you sink your claws into something or someone until you draw blood. You may stop at
nothing in order to obtain the material possessions and pleasures you want. You’ve inherited a
certain amount of greed and materialism that is often a desperate cry for power and control
underneath. But, this only creates chaos and destruction, as your inability to let go only makes it
harder to feel secure.

Mastering these personal demons comes by finding a feeling of security within that no one and
nothing can take away from you. Then, you can mellow out some by not being so obsessed with
hanging on to what or who makes you feel comfortable. Deep down, you have an almost ruthless
ability to not budge. But, when you find true healing, you can use this inner consistency as a
resourceful way to survive. In intimacy, you are quite level and grounded, taking a simple
approach to emotional sharing. Sex is more of a physical, sensual connection for you. This is why
you have to examine yourself and make sure you’re fully comfortable in your skin to cultivate a
sexual bond.

Gemini in the 8th House and/or Mercury in the 8th House

Your emotional scars have stemmed from experiences of being tricked, lied to, or manipulated.
In more dramatic cases, serious mental abuse could have occurred where someone was always
getting inside your head and planting toxic ideas or cutting you down to size with their words.
So, your shadow side can make you scarily manipulative, playing dangerous or destructive mind
games with others, as well as sharp-tongued and verbally cutting. You have inherited an ability to
always stay two steps ahead that can get quite controlling, making you either withhold
information from other people or use the information you’ve obtained against someone else.

You have the power to hash out these psychological problems in a very intelligent way, as you
possess a logical understanding of your issues. In fact, this is sometimes the bad thing as you
clearly know what you’re doing wrong but still do it anyhow. Yet, this cleverness and intelligence
can be used as a weapon to survive emotional difficulties. Then, you’ll find healing by knowing
you’re smart enough to rise above the darkness. Your intimate self is communicative and clear,
eager to discuss whatever problems are going on. This applies to sexual intimacy, as well. You’re
a real problem-solver in terms of the sexual problems you or your partner may be having. Sex is
constantly on your brain, but as a way to truly connect, and you have a very erotic way with

Cancer in the 8th House and/or Moon in the 8th House

You have endured emotional pain due to a sense of not truly being taken care of or emotionally
understood. Experiences of your actual needs not being met, acknowledged, or supported have
scarred you. It’s why when you go to a dark place, you can become frighteningly needy and
insecure. Your feelings consume you and devour you as well as the other person. This stems
from an inherited emotional pattern of never feeling safe or protected, meaning that you can
express a very destructive view that nobody will ever be able to care for you enough. Yet, when
you actually find someone who is genuinely caring, you may not entirely trust it or receive it.

Because of this, you will gain a feeling of inner security from being aware of your emotional
issues and working through them. You have a powerful ability to understand your feelings, even
at your most irrational. But, when distorted, this can be expressed a bitter idea that no one feels
the way that you do. So, you will heal when you can integrate both the ability to self-nurture and
be nurtured, surviving trials by knowing when to support yourself and when to look to others for
support. Intimacy makes you feel very vulnerable and emotional sharing fulfills a deep inner need
of yours. You also really need passionate, satisfying sex in your life. Insecurities and fears may
easily throw you off. But, you just need to go with the flow, as you have an instinct for

Leo in the 8th House and/or Sun in the 8th House

The difficult emotional experiences you have can give you this identity of being a very wounded
individual. This can take your self-expression to dark places that make you remain that person
you were when you were hurt, scarred, or traumatized. Because of this, it can be difficult for you
to separate your shadow self from your general personality. It might seem like the only way to
get attention is to be destructive and you can become self-absorbed in your desire to be
powerful, which is the result of a long line of powerful personalities whose traits you’ve inherited.
In short, you often express your dark side just because you can, turning your will into a deadly

The more you conquer your emotional problems, the more self-confident you will feel. In fact,
delving deep into your psyche gives you this sense of coming alive. Yet, this is also why you can
be so obsessed with drama: you may only feel alive when things are emotionally difficult or
upsetting. But, the good thing is that you can find healing through this. Your true self is a
survivor and your resourceful personality keeps you going through trials and tribulations. You
discover and maintain your self-awareness through intimacy. The deeper you go, the more you
stay true to who you are. You’re a very sexual person and learn a lot about yourself through
sexual connections. This can potentially make you very self-absorbed during sex, though, so
don’t make it all about you.

Virgo in the 8th House

Your experiences of being emotionally scarred have come from harsh criticisms and unreasonable
standards of other people. You could have been victimized or abused in a way that made you feel
ripped to shreds, like you were never good enough. Also, this emotional pain may have stemmed
from having to obsessively serve others and be up to par. As a result, you have developed a dark
side that can be obsessively critical and dissatisfied, not only with other people but with yourself.
When these shadows emerge, your tongue becomes a deadly weapon, most of all against
yourself. You have inherited a trait of being smart and observant to a very powerful degree and
this is something that can become destructive if you allow yourself to abuse this power.

Since you have such an acute sense of judgment, you can delve into your psychological problems
and work through them with great clarity. You are very humble about your issues, being the first
to admit your deep flaws. But, you might also be so preoccupied with your flaws that they take
on a chaotic life of their own, keeping you distracted from the good within you. Yet, this is where
your power comes from: having a resourceful ability to assess your strengths and weaknesses
and use them constructively. Such self-criticism helps you survive. You are also willing to work
hard in terms of intimacy, constantly identifying the problems between you and the other person.
This may bring frequent dissatisfaction on a sexual level, if you’re too busy figuring out what’s
not working. Yet, you also have the ability to fully dedicate yourself toward improving the sexual
part of the relationship.

Libra in the 8th House and/or Venus in the 8th House

You are dealing with psychological scars in terms of how you were valued and loved. Your beauty
or sensuality was likely recognized intensely or at an inappropriate age, making your
attractiveness difficult to handle or something that could have even felt wrong on some level.
You also could have been involved in an abusive or toxic situation where you had to keep the
peace, no matter what the cost to your own happiness or peace. As a result, your inner darkness
emerges by either making you obsessed with being liked or causing you to ruin whatever love
you do receive. You can possibly veer between the two. Your emotional inheritance has instilled
an unbalanced idea of self-love and of relating to others that can make relationships feel
dangerous or threatening.
Therefore, working on your emotional issues will allow you to truly love yourself and others,
more than the average person. You have a dysfunctional knack of creating chaos or destroying
things in order to find your peace. Yet, your internal power stems from this ability to cultivate
harmony from a profound place within. When you do, you will be able to tap into inner resources
that help you survive emotional challenges with your peace of mind intact. Your intimate self is
very appealing, kindhearted, and agreeable. You strive to share yourself emotionally in
cooperative ways. You possess plenty of sex appeal, as well, and seek to make the sexual
connection a real give-and-take. Having a rich sex life not only gives you a feeling of peace but of
healthy self-esteem.

Scorpio in the 8th House and/or Pluto in the 8th House

The emotional trauma in your life goes particularly deep and is something that you really need to
face. You have been scarred from just having to confront the grittier, more intense aspects of life
at an early age: death, abuse, abandonment, betrayal, or cruelty. Really upsetting experiences in
terms of sex can also definitely be possible, including being raped, molested, or just given too
much sexual attention too soon. Your dark side can be especially frightening, causing you to
spiral down into the abyss or bring others with you. Such destructiveness is usually a distorted
expression of a yearning for power, as you come from a long line of people who misused their
power in some way.

Yet, you are truly made to figure out your psychological problems and just what to do with them.
You are blessed with the magnificent power to transmute your darkness into something healing
and beautiful. The thing is that you just have to learn how to pull yourself out of that darkness,
as you can be so accepting of the shadows that you lose track of the light. Once you consciously
choose healing, you will be unstoppable in the path toward becoming a better person,
transforming others along the way. Your deep-seated resourcefulness means that you can truly
change the lives of those you’re intimate with, as you know how to share inner resources and
feelings in ways that are very powerful. When it comes to sex, you are wholehearted and seek a
very intense connection. You may go to total extremes of being powerful and powerless in bed
that need to be addressed. You have great sexual charisma yet this energy can be so obsessive
that it needs to be redirected a bit.

Sagittarius in the 8th House and/or Jupiter in the 8th House

The emotional wounds you have that need healing revolve around your sense of faith and
freedom. You could have endured something very painful or traumatic that prevented you from
feeling like anything is possible. As a result, you developed a dark side that makes you feel in
control by refusing to be hemmed in or brought down. When this part of you emerges, you can
go to the excesses of excess, hurting others and yourself by not knowing when to stop. Your
passed-down inheritance centers on this addiction to pushing your luck that can push you right
over the edge. And the thing is that you might not care or be bothered by who falls off the cliff
with you.

This is why dealing with your emotional problems will allow you to not be too naïve or reckless.
When you work on your issues, you can stop and realize that you actually have issues.
Otherwise, you can be quite ruthless in your compulsion to walk through the fire and not care
about being burned. But, this attitude can become transformed into a formidable kind of faith.
You heal yourself and find your power by believing that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you
stronger. This resourceful attitude brings good fortune into your life, helping you turn any sort of
emotional pain into a positive. While being intimate, you are quite irrepressible, as you gain so
much enthusiasm and freedom from this process of deep sharing. You take a sanguine attitude
to the complex issues of the relationship, which means that you can almost magically heal any
sexual blockages going on with your positivity. Yet, your sexual appetite is huge and you’ll want
more and more of this bond.

Capricorn in the 8th House and/or Saturn in the 8th House

Emotional pain has manifested in your life in a way that has made you feel like quite a failure.
You might have suffered through some experience that gave you a terrible feeling of not being in
control and not being able to accomplish what you set out to. Therefore, your shadow side
comes out in ways that can totally overwhelm you with worry, anxiety, and a sense of defeat.
You can also become deeply calculated in your attempt to be in command again, placing you in a
destructive mode. You have inherited this haunting feeling of not being able to achieve what you
would like and it’s something that can bring deep bitterness and resentment at your lack of

What’s going to make you feel truly accomplished is facing your personal demons and
understanding how to manage and overcome the inner darkness. You have the potential to be
very obsessive in terms of gaining the upper hand. Yet, when you work as hard as you can on
honestly confronting and transforming your issues, you will find yourself experiencing that upper
hand in a profound way. So, you heal yourself and discover your inner power by using this self-
therapy as a way of gaining authority. You’re going to take intimacy very seriously and this is
something that can make it more difficult than it needs to be. You may also strongly resist the
process of emotional sharing out of fear as well as of fully giving yourself sexually to your
partner. You will have to work hard on keeping the sexual bond deep and alive, as well as not
letting your fears ruin it.

Aquarius in the 8th House and/or Uranus in the 8th House

You can be that classic person who is quite detached from their actual emotional pain. Your
attitude toward the traumatic things you’ve faced could be very nonchalant and aloof, keeping
you distanced from your inner darkness. In truth, you have been deeply impacted by a feeling of
being an outcast, being misunderstood, or not having your personal feelings respected. Ignoring
your personal needs for others is something that only feeds your dark side, making it emerge in
ways that can bring out a scarily impersonal and cold side to you, either toward others or toward
yourself. This stems from a psychological inheritance that can easily keep you at arm’s length
from your deeper self.

You have the ability to work through your psychological damage in a way that allows you to treat
yourself like someone else. Your process of beating your personal demons is quite offbeat and
unusual. In the end, emotional chaos feeds your secret sense of being weird and uncontrollable.
If you transform this pattern, you can develop survival skills by never allowing yourself to be
controlled by toxic programming or the pain of the past. Finding your power gives you freedom,
which allows you to engage in intimacy by liberating your partner. Your tolerant approach to the
sexual connection means that you’re open to whatever weird, wild things the other person wants
to do. Yet, you will expect the same of them or will go somewhere else where your sexuality can

Pisces in the 8th House and/or Neptune in the 8th House

You will have a particularly tough time seeing your emotional scars clearly or even knowing how
they got there in the first place. During anything traumatic or painful in your life, you easily
disassociated and went off to some other world, especially if you’ve faced abuse of any kind. So,
when your inner shadows come to the surface, it can be like a case of multiple personality
disorder. And the more deluded you remain about the chaos you’re creating, the more
destructive you’ll be. This is due to coming from a long line of people who were very deceptive or
delusional about what was going on, playing power games by remaining out-of-touch with reality
somehow. There is also usually a psychological inheritance you’re dealing with of being a victim
and robbed of your power.

Therefore, confronting your personal demons will really require you to “wake up” and see things
more clearly. Your imaginative side can become quite dangerous, if you let it, either making you
psychotic or making you attract psychotics without even knowing it. But, this knack for creating a
deeply ideal state will eventually become your power. You become a survivor by visualizing just
how you want to transform and work through your issues. Then, you can pour all of your energy
into doing just that, operating on a more empowered wavelength. In your intimate relationships,
you have the power to take you and the other person to another plane of being. Profound
healing, acceptance, and compassion is your way of handling the complexities of intimacy. So,
sexual healing is going to be a strong focus here, creating a sexual bond that can become
downright blissful.

Neptune in the Houses: Go with the Flow

The house in your birth chart that is occupied by Neptune is the house where you have to go
with the flow. There is going to be a feeling of surrender in this area of your life. You cannot
control the activities of this house or have them act in accordance to your will. Instead, you have
to become completely fluid in this house. Since Neptune is such a distant outer planet, the ways
in which we feel and express our Neptune on a personal level are through the aspects to
Neptune and the house placement of Neptune. In our Neptune house, we find transcendence.

But, this can also be the area of our life that is particularly chaotic, confusing, and nonlinear.
Very few things can make sense in the house that we have Neptune in. That is, they won’t really
make sense on a logical, straightforward level because Neptune is not logical or straightforward.
Still, it’s very easy for us to lose ourselves in this area of life, to develop a certain addiction for
what it represents. Everyone has a certain desire to “escape” and that is expressed in the house
you have Neptune in. This is where we have a looser hold on reality and where we might even
be downright oblivious to certain things, leading us toward a path of oblivion. But, here, we learn
that “reality” is often more of a concept than a fact. And for all the confusion and chaos of this
house, it’s also where we can experience a beautiful feeling of bliss and higher understanding.
Neptune in the 1st House
Transcendent behavior. When you go with the flow, you can behave like anyone and at any given
time. Yet, this can give off the impression that you’re somehow deceptive or out-of-reach. But,
you just get so immersed in whatever role you take on that it overwhelms you. From your point
of view, life is something to be lived with imagination and empathy, as if you’re a character actor.

Neptune in the 2nd House

Transcendent security. You put the “flow” in “cash flow”, as you handle your money by not
holding on to it. You have a metaphysical approach to your finances, earning more by giving
back a lot and not being attached to money. This selflessness and compassion raises your self-
esteem. But, it’s possible to indulge too much by either spending obliviously or letting others
virtually rob you.

Neptune in the 3rd House

Transcendent communication. Your mind works in highly intuitive ways, causing you to give and
receive information a lot like a telepath or a psychic. You are a channel for a boundless stream of
ideas, which can sometimes overwhelm you, causing you to either never stop talking or feel at a
loss for words. At your best, you can serve as a voice for the voiceless.

Neptune in the 4th House

Transcendent privacy. Behind closed doors, you are quite an escapist. Anything in your home life
that will take you into another world makes you feel safe and comforted. You might spend a lot
of time alone in your personal life and could easily become a recluse. You’re very empathetic with
your loved ones but also a mystery to them, as your private self is elusive, unknowable, and
Neptune in the 5th House
Transcendent creativity. When you’re truly living in the moment, you get utterly lost in the
moment. So, your self-expression can become quite confusing or vague to others. Your creative
talents and energies can take you to otherworldly heights, turning into an addictive passion. Your
heart can deceive you, at times, bringing crushes, dates, or flings that feel like chasing a mirage.

Neptune in the 6th House

Transcendent routine. You don’t want to keep the mundane parts of life mundane. Instead, you
are capable of being very imaginative when it comes to getting these day-to-day things done.
You feel most productive when you can work on your own wavelength. But, it can also be very
easy for you to get caught up in fantasizing about the tasks you’ll do instead of actually
completing them.

Neptune in the 7th House

Transcendent relationships. In your personal bonds, you seek a dynamic that will sweep you off
your feet and be a give and take of compassion. You are most compatible with fluid, sensitive
companions but you are also a fluid, sensitive companion to others. Still, it’s crucial for neither
person in the relationship to put the other on a pedestal, as the illusion will painfully shatter.

Neptune in the 8th House

Transcendent intimacy. You are capable of going with the flow by loving the deepest, darkest
parts of yourself and another person in an unconditional manner. Emotional and sexual intimacy
can act as an exchange of profound healing in your life. But, toxic projection and deception can
occur, as well, making it very difficult for you to tell which psychological issues belong to you or
your partner.

Neptune in the 9th House

Transcendent conviction. You can tap into an all-paths-lead-to-God mentality (whatever your God
is) that makes you very accepting toward the convictions of others. Yet, having such a loose
sense of faith will make it harder to understand your own inner compass. In the end, you will feel
freed and inspired by this ability to flow wherever the waves take you, trusting that it will all work

Neptune in the 10th House

Transcendent status. Throughout life, you will achieve the status of the chameleon, getting
ahead and gaining recognition by being a shape-shifter. But, this means that while your
community thinks they have you figured out, they really don’t have a clue. Your life goals aren’t
always clear or even realistic. Your ideal profession is something that is either out-of-this-world
or heals humanity.

Neptune in the 11th House

Transcendent experimentation. You have to welcome unexpected chaos into your life. The more
you try to be logical and clear-headed, the more confused or overwhelmed you’ll feel. You are
oddly intuitive and imaginative, capable of experimenting with really visionary ideas. Eventually,
you’ll use this psychic brilliance to collaborate with others and move toward common goals with

Neptune in the 12th House

Transcendent empathy. You go with the flow when you acknowledge and accept your
exceptional compassion, becoming deeply in tune with all of humanity and the Universe itself.
This sense of oneness requires remarkable egolessness, which can be very draining, confusing,
even downright scary. But, this level of empathy also brings bliss and wonderful spiritual, artistic,
and psychic gifts.

Uranus in the Houses: Find Your Freedom

Both Jupiter and Uranus are what I would call the “freedom planets” of the birth chart. It’s in the
houses where one’s Jupiter and Uranus fall that you will feel the most liberated. But, while
Jupiter’s form of freedom sends you on an adventure and makes everything a grand discovery,
Uranus’ version of freedom is more about freedom of thought, instead of freedom of action. It’s
in your Uranus house that you can fully detach from expectations and develop your own
independent-minded ideas about the concerns of that house. Because of this, you will not be
very concerned with what other people think in regards to the life area of that house.

I keep talking about the house because Uranus is a distant outer planet, along with Neptune and
Pluto. While Jupiter and Saturn are intermediate outer planets, meaning that the sign is going to
be felt as personally as the house, there is nothing personal about the sign that Uranus is in. It
stays in that sign for seven years, so it’s not going to be a unique placement. At the same time,
Uranus’ house placement is going to be experienced on a very personal level for you and can
help you experience the uniqueness of this planet. And Uranus loves its uniqueness! Also, of
course, you’re going to have to consider aspects because this is how Uranus will express itself in
your life. But, the house placement is where it’s going to express itself.

It will end up turning everything upside down in this house’s domain, in order for you to find that
free-thinking sensibility here. Uranus has zero expectations and you are supposed to have no
expectations when it comes to your Uranus house’s principles. In this regard, you will be able to
rebel against other people’s expectations of you in this life area. More of the focus will be placed
on how you can use the brilliance that you experience here in order to benefit other people.
Everyone is capable of a certain brilliance: thinking outside the box, coming up with something
new, defying norms and regulations for the sake of a greater ideal. And it’s through your Uranus’
house that you can bring your inner genius to life. It’s also where anything can happen and
where there is no such thing as a dull moment. 

Uranus in the 1st House

Behavioral freedom. Do what you want and when you want to do it. You must resist the
expectations of people within just about any given situation. This also means that you must have
zero expectations when it comes to life itself. Just live and let live. Experiment and see what
happens. Your role in life is of the livewire, capable of doing anything and at anytime.

Uranus in the 2nd House

Financial freedom. Make your own money in the way you want to make it. Do not give into
pressures to try and hold down a predictable way of making income. Find experimental, unique
ways to earn money and also stay detached from a boring obsession with the material. This
attitude will manifest a greater cash flow in your life, boosting your overall pleasure and self-

Uranus in the 3rd House

Intellectual freedom. You are truly being pushed to think for yourself and in an unusual manner.
Your mind can feel like it’s undergoing an endless brainstorm, filling you with all sorts of exciting
ideas. Share these ideas openly with others, even if they think they’re weird, shocking, or
unacceptable. Be that independent thinker; the kind of conversationalist who electrifies others.

Uranus in the 4th House

Private freedom. You are only going to feel safe and supported when your personal space is
turned upside down. Home is not home for you unless things are quite eccentric and crazy. But,
there is a very comfortable rhythm to this madness and you thrive on it, even if it unnerves your
loved ones. Behind closed doors, you are a maverick and often feel like the odd one out in your

Uranus in the 5th House

Creative freedom. When you live in the moment, you completely throw the rule book out the
window. Your creative energy is quite rebellious and unconventional. You possess a detached
sort of passion that can stand back and coolly observe the drama of life unfold, all while still
getting heatedly involved. You’re very hot-and-cold in matters of the heart, needing a lot of
loving space.

Uranus in the 6th House

Constructive freedom. You want to get things done in your own unusual way, experimenting with
various routines. There is a method to your madness or a madness to your method, which can
confuse others. You may seem to “wing it” even when you’re really calculated or vice versa. You
will rebel against others’ advice unless it’s truly practical and has been tested as being so by you.

Uranus in the 7th House

Relational freedom. In your personal connections with other people, you do not want to be
controlled or suffocated. You are looking for a real give-and-take of independence and tolerance
in love and friendship. You make for a rather eccentric companion and are attracted to eccentric
companions. The approval of others in terms of your friends and lovers means nothing to you.

Uranus in the 8th House

Profound freedom. When you go deep with someone or with yourself, you do not judge whatever
is exposed. This makes you very tolerant when being intimate or introspective. But, you might
sometimes thrive on the chaos of the darkness. You may remain detached and nonchalant about
your emotional issues. But, you are also brilliantly capable of being your own therapist.

Uranus in the 9th House

Philosophical freedom. You must develop a moral compass that is not reliant on anyone else’s
issues. You can rebel against the convictions of others by insisting on your own. It’s liberating
and inspiring for you to not have to follow a typical path in life. You are on your own
unpredictable journey, so you must become this explorer who welcomes the weirdness around
the corner.

Uranus in the 10th House

Professional freedom. It is your mission to make a living and a calling out of being a free spirit.
You have to pursue the goals in life that you really think are worthwhile, instead of surrendering
to society’s expectations, building your reputation as a nonconformist. Career success will be
highly unexpected, in its coming and going. Your ideal profession feels like an endless

Uranus in the 11th House

Universal freedom. You are not just freeing yourself but freeing everyone around you. By
releasing all expectations, you’re not only welcoming the random, unusual elements of life your
way but giving others free reign to be individuals. This makes you a full-on individual in all of
your quirkiness. Yet, you are an excellent collaborator, with a very progressive, brilliant view of
the big picture.

Uranus in the 12th House

Spiritual freedom. You must detach from conventional expectations of humanity and the Higher
Power, understanding how weird we all can be and how unpredictable the Universe is. Your own
eccentricities work in mysterious ways, through a genius insight into alternative forms of
spirituality, wild and erratic fantasies/dreams, and/or artistic talents that are from another planet.
The 12th House: Signs and Planets

Whether your 12th House is empty or occupied, this part of your birth chart represents where
you are limitless. The sign on your 12th House cusp and/or the planet(s) in your 12th House
show the ways in which you transcend yourself and are able to tap into the universal. The
energies in this house belong to you and don’t belong to you, at the same time. They say
something about how you feel in regards to your essential humanity, as well as the ways in
which you might be denying, running from, or projecting these parts of yourself. You might be
blind or oblivious in expressing whatever’s in your 12th House, so a “waking up” process is

There is a strong access to archetypes, fantasies, and mysteries of the Universe within the 12th
House. Your 12th House sign and/or planet(s) gives you keys to the collective unconscious.
Unlocking this energy can be quite terrifying or overwhelming yet the process is required for a
deeper understanding of existence. Placements in the 12th indicate what has been denied or
repressed within a person’s nature. It’s through this initial feeling of sacrifice and victimization
that you can end up developing the empathy needed to awaken and heal these traits within
other people, without expecting some sort of earthly reward or personal gain.

"Collective Unconscious" by Dreams of Downfall 

Aries in the 12th House and/or Mars in the 12th House

When living unconsciously, you can be in serious denial of your anger, drive, or aggression. You
might delude yourself into thinking that you’re perfectly sweet, reasonable, and agreeable, as
you were taught to be level-headed and not make a fuss. Yet, there is a lot of rage brewing
within and when it emerges, it can feel like temporary psychosis. You have to deal with that
angry monster within and find a certain loving acceptance and peace for it. Then, you will be able
to understand that this kind of passion is just a part of being human that everyone shares.

You are meant to find your selflessness in a rather selfish manner. Serving as a spiritual guide for
other people, helping them to unleash their inner warrior, will be very motivating for you. You’re
meant to push your fellow man toward strength and drive without trying so hard to win the
competition yourself. You can be very intuitively connected to the fighter within everyone,
including you. Releasing this energy within can come from constantly raising your game in terms
of your spiritual practice or artistic talent. You will also relish using art as an outlet for your
internal passion.

Taurus in the 12th House

Being in denial will make you constantly seek to live in the fast lane without stopping to slow
down and smell the roses. You may believe that it’s best to seek everything immediately and to
not maintain that much consistency. You were conditioned to never be boring, so you may
believe that you just don’t have that much chill. But, deep within, you are harboring a part of
yourself that just wants to take it easy and calm down. You can suddenly express this through
unexpected rigidity or stubbornness that makes absolutely no sense. So, you have to awaken
yourself to your inner yearning for peace and stability, learning that this is a natural part of

When you rise above the ego, you will be able to carve out a grounded, settled space. Yet, you
have to do this for the benefit of other people. You can display a psychic awareness of how much
everyone just wants security, at the end of the day. Therefore, you can bless other people by
helping them stabilize themselves and find the peace of mind they yearn for. It might take some
moments of solitude for you to do this for yourself. Anything spiritual will bring you a very
private, internal harmony, as well artistic things that can get you away from life’s daily hustle and

Gemini in the 12th House and/or Mercury in the 12th House

Until you are able to wake up, you might fool yourself into believing that you’re not all that
smart, interesting, or articulate. You were always taught to play a more instinctual role in your
environment, acting more on feelings and less on rational promptings. So, you can be oblivious
to the strength of your intellect, while it manifests in ways that make you over-think to the point
of insanity as well as through shrewd manipulation. It’s important for you to realize that every
human being has something on their mind and something to say that needs to be truly listened

When operating from an egoless place, you can truly act as a voice for the voiceless. You are
able to provide communication for those who are too scared, confused, or helpless to really
communicate what they’re thinking. You understand that there’s both a teacher and a student
within us all, so we all have something to learn as well as something to instruct others on.
Coming to terms with this energy within yourself can come from the very dedicated study of
something spiritual or metaphysical. You can also use art as a way to constantly learn and teach
your fellow man.

Cancer in the 12th House and/or Moon in the 12th House

Living unconsciously will cause you to not be fully aware of your feelings and just how they’re
impacting your life. Your behavioral conditioning instilled a certain strength, confidence, or
extroversion within you that might make it tough for you to accept your vulnerability or
insecurity. But, it doesn’t go anywhere, simply emerging in increasingly irrational ways that can
cause a total breakdown. You must learn to see emotion, need, and vulnerability as all
inescapable parts of being human. When you deal, you can heal your inner child and also
discover your inner Mother.

Finding selflessness, for you, comes from giving this nurturing and support to other people
without demanding it back. You are being tasked to develop the emotional awareness and
intelligence needed to be unconditionally caring and responsive. In tune with the maternal
archetype, as well as the child archetype, you are capable of establishing very healing
relationships with others and finding a profound inner healing. You will find great comfort with
the idea of the Goddess, the divine Spirit Mother, as well with using art and imagination as a
transcendent outlet for your emotions.

Leo in the 12th House and/or Sun in the 12th House

You will need to wake up when you live in a way that denies the truth of who you really are. You
have been taught how to serve others and exist in ways that they find correct or useful. This can
turn you into an endless chameleon, only playing whatever role that is needed to be played,
fragmenting your actual personality to dramatic degrees. Instead, you have to stop running from
what makes you truly special and embrace it. There is something special and recognizable within
every human being. When you lovingly accept your light, you can accept everyone’s light.

Yet, for you, transcending the ego is done by embracing the ego. You are supposed to take a
look in the mirror and figure out what makes you amazing. By doing this, you will be able to
intuitively see what’s amazing in everyone you come across. You are meant to awaken other
people to their inner confidence. You are tapped into the superstar archetype and should serve
your fellow man like a Hollywood agent, leading them toward awesomeness and praise. Your
own confidence is strengthened by spiritual awareness or expressing your charisma through any
sort of art.

Virgo in the 12th House

If you remain in denial, you might not think of yourself as all that judgmental or sharp-tongued.
Seeing as how you were conditioned to be very nice and agreeable, you can repress the critical,
snappy side of your nature. Yet, it only builds within to the point of emerging in ways that make
you occasionally rip other people to shreds, often illogically or irrationally. This is because you’re
not acknowledging your internal feeling of things somehow being wrong or not up to par. All
human beings have certain standards that they want to meet and concerns about falling short.
You must accept the idea of working hard to meet these standards, even if it means being a bit

You will reach the state of egolessness when you are able to dedicate yourself to a job that will
end up serving and benefiting mankind. You possess an intuition that will tell you just what
everyone is satisfied or dissatisfied about. Being as in touch with the archetype of the helper, you
are able to rise above yourself in order to help to improve things for everyone. Hard work is the
key to transcendence for you. When it comes to spirituality, you can be tireless about improving
your consciousness and you may sweat just as much over any sort of art, striving for blissful

Libra in the 12th House and/or Venus in the 12th House

When you live unconsciously, you may remain oblivious to just what makes you lovable and
appealing. You probably didn’t grow up with much demonstration of affection or positive
reinforcement in this sense. So, you can blind yourself to your attractiveness, instead putting
others up on a pedestal. Yet, a vanity and self-indulgence can emerge in extremes, causing you
to know no boundaries in your attempts to make someone love you. Therefore, you have to stop
and realize that there is something lovable and attractive about everyone, including yourself.
For you, transcending the ego is achieved when you are able to make other people feel loved, all
while knowing that you are loved, no matter what you say or do. Instead of demanding that
affection back from others, you can tune in to what makes the people around you so beautiful,
appealing, or valuable. The collective unconscious archetype of the lover is very accessible to
you. As a result, you are able to live out your spiritual nature in ways that make you feel deeply
appreciated. Art can also bring you a profound feeling of love, joy, and sensual pleasure.

Scorpio in the 12th House and/or Pluto in the 12th House

You might delude yourself into thinking that you don’t have much of a dark side. You were
conditioned to behave in very happy, optimistic, lighthearted ways. So, you can deny the shadow
side of your psyche. But, that darkness doesn’t go anywhere, only building internally to the point
where you may, at times, feel like you’re truly going psycho. You will be able to wake up when
you accept the fact that we all have a dark side, that we’re all just as capable of evil as we are of
good. Knowing that this is a basic element of humanity will bring you healing and peace.

You will become selfless by helping people come to terms with their demons. There is a certain
power that comes from this, as it gives way to transformation and insight. To rise above the ego,
you must be willing to guide others toward their inner power, without turning it into a battle for
power or control. Inwardly, you are in tune with a formidable force that is inside of us all. This
energy can be deeply felt for you by aligning yourself with a spiritual system that will empower
you. It can also come through artistic endeavors that keep you in tune with the depths of

Sagittarius in the 12th House and/or Jupiter in the 12th House

You will have to wake up by letting go of a denial of your own good fortune and faith. You might
be conditioned with a certain cynicism or fatalism that prevents you from fully believing in the
goodness of the Universe. This can keep you feeling limited, when an internal part of you just
desperately wants to be free. It’s an energy that will eventually emerge as an uncontrollable
restlessness that creates giant messes in your life. Therefore, you have to realize that all human
beings, including you, need genuine hope and need to feel free and inspired. It’s what connects
us all.

If you develop a truly egoless approach, you will be able to help other people find their freedom
as well as figure out what they really believe in. You are meant to be an enlightening spiritual
guide for other people, broadening their horizons in empathetic ways. You possess a profound
connection to the adventurer archetype within the collective unconscious. So, internally, there is
this yearning to just do it big and bold. Being spiritual will help you to feel limitless and like you
can do anything. Artistic ventures will also provide you with this freedom, like a journey where
anything can happen.

Capricorn in the 12th House and/or Saturn in the 12th House

When you live unconsciously, you can insist that you are untroubled or unaffected by the issues
of life. You have been conditioned to not dwell on your problems or maybe even to not admit to
them. So, when you remain in denial, you will just shrug off any doubts, fears, or emotional
issues. Yet, intense anxiety or haunting melancholy can wear you down to the point where you
constantly are hitting a wall. You have to come to a place of acceptance by realizing that
sadness, difficulty, and fear are just a part of humanity. We all are dealing with these burdens,
including yourself.

Becoming selfless will happen when you are able to wisely counsel people and help them find
their purpose. You must develop the strength to help your fellow man with their problems and
bring a certain structure to their lives, all while not seeking the same from them. You are deeply
connected to the Father within us all, understanding how we all can be our own authority. You
will be able to find your own structure in a transcendent way. Spiritual or artistic practices will
give you purpose, help you work through your issues, and allow you to experience internal
feelings of success.

Aquarius in the 12th House and/or Uranus in the 12th House

You might be in denial of your brilliance and your differentness. Growing up, you were taught to
tow the more conventional or predictable line in life. Therefore, you may strive to be more even-
keeled or “normal”. Yet, even if you try to be like everyone else, your strangeness and wildness
will keep emerging in ways that eventually create overwhelming chaos. So, you have to develop
a loving acceptance of your own weirdness. You might be haunted by feelings of being
misunderstood but if you stop and realize that we all feel misunderstood, at times, you’ll see this
as a human struggle.

When you transcend your ego, you will be able to show a lack of judgment toward other people.
An amazing tolerance will emerge when you are truly selfless, as you will be able to completely
treat others like equal human beings, regardless of any superficial trappings. It’s just one way
that you can intuitively think outside the box. You are attuned to the innovator and the inventor
within everyone. So, your psychic channels are very open to different, non-mainstream forms of
spirituality. Your artistic expression will also be wild, experimental, and unpredictable.

Pisces in the 12th House and/or Neptune in the 12th House

Self-delusion can be particularly powerful with you, as you can fool yourself into thinking
whatever you want to think. But, you can especially run from the very sensitive, fragile, fluid side
of yourself. You were conditioned to behave in stronger, tougher, more assertive ways. So, it can
be tough for you to accept just how tender and transcendent you are. This ends up emerging as
an overwhelming sensitivity that mysteriously drains you, as well as an unhealthy, dramatic
escapism. You have to accept that to be human is to be full of fragilities, hopes, dreams, and all
sorts of facets. Then, you will be able to truly understand the vast Universe that’s inside of

You are capable of amazing egolessness once you nail the art of truly surrendering. You will
achieve this selflessness by simply giving without expecting much of anything back. This
charitable, compassionate nature must be expressed in ways that will genuinely touch and heal
others. You possess a very wide ranging understanding of other people, as you are in touch with
all sorts of archetypes. So, you can step into anyone’s shoes, which helps you enormously as an
artist. On a spiritual level, you can speak the mysterious language of spirituality as if it were a
native tongue.

Saturn in the 12th House: Accepting Aloneness

Having Saturn in the 12th House of your birth chart is not an easy experience and that’s
something that those of us with this placement have to own up to. I’ve already written an article
about Saturn in the 12th. But 12th House planets are so complicated that you could easily write
quite a few posts about them. Seeing as how I have Saturn in the 12th House, my own
experiences with this placement have led me to realizations that I want to share, in order to
expound on it.

The 12th House isn’t called the “house of isolation” for nothing. But, as I’ve said a few times
before, let’s not limit it to prisons, asylums, hospitals, and monasteries. That’s how they classified
the 12th House in the olden days, when it got labeled by traditional astrologers as the gloomiest,
scariest house. Keep in mind, though, even though I’m not a fatalistic astrologer, I do think that
the 12th House is quite possibly the scariest house in the birth chart, alongside the 8th House.
It’s not because it’s a “bad” house but because it represents the thing human beings are taught
to fear: aloneness. So, having Saturn in your 12th House can feel like a burden, if you let it feel
that way.

We live in an extroverted society; at least, speaking for Americans and those in the Western
world. That’s become truer and truer as in this modern age. It’s why introversion can be such a
misunderstood thing by people. As you probably have already heard, introversion does not have
to equal shyness, fear, insecurity, or some sort of emotional problem. It’s simply the feeling of
being able to recharge while alone; something that the majority of people with 12th House
planets can relate to. But, the state of aloneness can be perplexing, depressing, terrifying, or
strange to many people. The reason why is because to be alone is to be faced with the end. 

The 12th House represents where we feel alone and how, in some ways, we must
be alone. It is not a direct, obvious house and planets here do not have to be, and actually
cannot be, all out in the open and in your face, even if they are conjunct the Ascendant. They
don’t function that way. Instead, they are meant to function on a mysterious other plane. Planets
in the 12th House operate behind a veil that separates this world from another: whether it’s vivid
dreams, the fantasies that fuel great art, the musings of the soul, or the spiritual awareness that
takes you to another realm. But, essentially, all these trips to a different realm are connected to
one thing: death. 

Saturn in the 12th House is a deeply existential placement, then. The 12th House represents the
end, so it is innately connected to what it feels like to die. It’s not like the 8th House death of
something passing on, only to be transformed and reborn. The 12th House is the feeling that
inevitably tells you that you’re going to have to leave this world alone. You can’t take anything or
anyone with you. All of the things that you’ve accomplished in this life are just going to drift
away, as you prepare to head off into the next one. Now, again, this death doesn’t have to be
taken so literally. Just like the 8th House has metaphorical “deaths”, so does the 12th. But,
essentially, your responsibility, with Saturn in the 12th, is coming to grips with what it means to
be alone.

Therefore, life just cannot be as lighthearted and carefree for you as society wants it to be. For
us 12th House Saturn folks, we can try very hard to make it that way. Since planets in the 12th
House are often repressed through conditioned shame, we were made to feel ashamed,
particularly by our caregivers, of our unshakable awareness of life’s deeper, sadder elements. We
were brought up in an environment that was desperately cheerful or oblivious, with at least one
of our parental figures doing whatever they can to avoid their unhappiness. So, we were taught
to avoid our own unhappiness or sadness, remaining in denial of the angst-ridden depression or
the consuming anxiety that keeps making life challenging for us. In the denial phase, we
experience it like some sort of outside force that’s trying to get us, instead of a dark unrest that’s
inside of us.

It’s ridiculous, though, that the process of soul-searching and quiet, solitary reflection is
somehow looked at as “weird” or “depressing.” But, that’s the society we live in. People with
Saturn in the 12th House have a responsibility to accept aloneness because of the chance it gives
us to reflect and to develop our internal life. In order to do this, we have to figure out how to
regularly disconnect from a world that often discourages such introspection and to, instead, find
strength and purpose in it. That can be difficult for some with this placement to do until their
Saturn Return. You may sometimes see those with a 12th House Saturn running from solitude,
seeing it as too difficult or frightening. The other world it opens us up to is what can be feared,
even for those of us who embrace our solitude. Just about anything that involves a surrender can
feel like a terrifying death.

There are usually deep anxieties within those with this placement about what is unseen,
unknown or uncontrollable that need to be overcome. Fear is already irrational but it becomes
highly irrational with this placement because it’s a fear of what’s irrational. So, it’s fear feeding
off of fear, basically. I’m not scared of what most people are scared of and I think that a lot of
other Saturn in the 12th House people can relate to this. I’m not scared of heights, flying in a
plane, public speaking, spiders, talking to strangers, walking alone at night. Things that scare me
aren’t regular, day-to-day things. It’s this quality that can make Saturn in the 12th House people
seem like we are just flat-out fearless or free of doubt because our fear usually doesn’t emerge in
“normal” situations or contexts. But, I am scared of ghosts and the idea of losing my mind and
the thought of getting a sudden illness and the possibility of dying without having done anything
meaningful or important.

This is why we have such intense anxiety because what we fear the most are the things we can’t
touch or that we don’t know. But, this is why we have such a duty to come to terms with these
existential fears. It’s all something that will come to a head during the Saturn Return, especially
the first. Throughout a Saturn Return in the 12th House, if you’ve avoided this process, it will be
easy to feel like you’re losing your mind, bringing your worst fear to reality. It’s not something
that many other people will be able to know about or discern. In fact, you can get yourself into
difficult situations, during this time, where you feel lonelier than ever. A Saturn Return in the
12th can be increasingly isolating and if you haven’t made the effort to stay consciously aware of
your fears, challenges, and sorrows, you can be the one isolating yourself without even knowing

But, for those of us with this placement, the time that our Saturn comes back around is the time
where we have to face all of what’s within us. In doing so, we face all that’s within everyone.
Even though the 12th House is about being alone, it’s also about realizing that you’re not totally
alone because what you’re feeling is what anyone else has felt at any given time. This house is
about the collective unconscious and it’s our job, with Saturn in the 12th, to tap into that. The
collective unconscious is a rich, profound, disturbing, beautiful place, where everything lives and
everything dies. So, by accepting the fact that you’re always going to feel alone, you’re going to
clear the way and develop the strength to “pass away” into this other realm, where great spiritual
wisdom, artistic inspiration, and universal empathy lie. You have to be able to do so by yourself.

That brings us to the father figure element of Saturn, as this is what Saturn represents. With
Saturn in the 12th, you have to come to a place of peace by realizing that you’re probably not
going to have much of one. There are feelings of abandonment, sorrow, or disillusion
surrounding one’s father figure with this placement that need to be worked out. Maybe this is a
parent who walked out on the family and never came back. Maybe the father died at some point
in your childhood, particularly from some illness or weakness. You can also see a father figure
who is struggling with some sort of addiction that becomes very absorbing. But, more commonly,
perhaps, is the Dad who is there but not really there: emotionally absent and distant. So, the
connection is always fleeting and even when the father is physically present, he is always
somehow out of your reach.

But, life is fleeting and if there’s anything that a 12th House Saturn person learns from their
father figure, it’s this lesson. I keep talking about being alone but that doesn’t mean that you will
literally be alone. You can find a lot of people with a 12th House Saturn who have plenty of
friends or a steady relationship. Still, the presence of others does not take away that loneliness,
just like the physical presence of the father doesn’t mean that he’s really “there.” In the end, this
is what we have to come to grips with, thanks to this placement. I’m not saying that you have to
totally isolate yourself. However, in the end, you cannot look to other people to help you with
your problems. You have to face them by yourself because the majority of people won’t be able
to effectively help, anyway, particularly since your issues are of a more psychological, internal

This is why Saturn in the 12th is one of the toughest placements of all but also one of the most
rewarding. We have to develop the strength to face nothingness. There is this deep resistance
within many of us with this Saturn to being a “loser” or a “nobody.” Instead of facing our duty to
release earthly attachments, we can cling to them and desperately try to make it in the world. On
the flip side, we may unconsciously set ourselves up for failure without realizing it. Either way,
our Saturn Return in the 12th can bring us situations that make us feel like nobodies or losers,
only for us to realize that none of this matters. The 12th House is about loss and Saturn in the
12th means that we have to learn to accept loss, while understanding that the only true losses
are material.

So, by detaching from the material plane, we will grasp a greater, deeper sense of purpose on
the spiritual plane. Of course, we all have to live and eat and house ourselves. But, with a 12th
House Saturn, our purpose in life goes beyond that. We have to find success on spiritual levels.
Our anxiety, depression, or just overall sense of melancholy will be managed once we learn that
the realm of the spirit is where we’re meant to achieve. With Saturn in this house, we are not
just living this one life. We are meant to be constantly prepared for another one. So, we find self-
mastery in strengthening our intuition and our trust in the unknown. Time becomes an endless
thing to us, transcending days, states of consciousness, identities, and even lifetimes.

It’s no wonder, then, why we can’t really be “helped.” People with Saturn in the 12th cannot seek
structure from the day-to-day world, as planets in the 12th House have to be expressed
selflessly. And it personally bugs me whenever I see someone protesting that. If you don’t think
the 12th House is about being selfless, I’m sorry, you don’t know as much about the 12th House
as you think. We have to learn to just give whatever is in the 12th to others, without expectation
of it in return. Since you have to master whatever house your Saturn is in, I know this for
certain. Somehow, someway, 12th House Saturn people feel like fatherless children. Because of
this, we cannot look for that guidance and stability from everyday life. Instead, we have to seek
it within or through some solitary pursuit. Then, our cup will be full enough to provide structure
to other people and to help guide them toward the purpose and strength they need to be their
own boss.

Compassion and empathy are required in order to achieve this. With this placement, I know that
it’s easier to try and avoid your sensitivity. But, we have to really use our high sensitivity because
the paradox is that it gives us strength. With Saturn in the 12th, we are demanded to find
purpose in something that allows us to empathize with and/or heal other living beings. Because
of this, we can carve out great careers in the visual or performing arts (a big trend for this
Saturn), counseling, medical work (for humans and animals), relief work/charity, or anything
spiritual/metaphysical. In some way, we will be able to succeed in work that allows us to exercise
an otherworldly touch: through our imagination, our sensitivity, or our intuitive awareness. Yet,
more artistic or nonlinear careers have a success rate that can be tough to predict or pin down.
So, all of this hard work may not really “pay off” in pragmatic terms until one’s first Saturn Return
in the 12th, reinforcing the importance of focusing less on material success and more on internal
feelings of success.

The 4th House: Signs and Planets

Even if you have an empty 4th House, this is still a house in your birth chart that is highly
important. Everyone feels their 4th House on a powerful level. Whatever sign is on the 4th House
cusp and/or planets are in the 4th describe how you are going to feel at home. This can be
translated in multiple ways: the way you want your home life to be and the way you feel like
when you “return home” in a more personal, figurative sense. When you engage in your 4th
House, you retreat into to a safe place that’s rooted in what was comfortable for you and healing
for you in the past. Your 4th House sign/planet(s) have dominated your private life since
childhood and remind you of where you come from as a person, as a result. It symbolizes your
foundation and your roots.

Whatever role you play in your family is described by what’s going on with your chart’s 4th
House. You were this person in the family from childhood because everyone expected you to be
and you’re still playing this familial role with them as an adult. With people who aren’t blood-
related but are like your family, you will also be playing out the traits of your 4th House sign or
planet(s). It shows how you will really get comfortable and intimate with people, behind closed
doors. It also indicates the things in your home life that you need and that you’re most sensitive
or reactive to. 
Aries in the 4th House (Aries Nadir) and/or Mars in the 4th House
You experience a true homecoming whenever you can engage in your passion, directness, and
aggression. Your private, safe place is one where you can feel free to be a firecracker and assert
your desires. For this reason, fights and confrontations will regularly occur for you, behind closed
doors. In fact, you need them to. You actually feel more hurt when your loved ones won’t butt
heads with you over things in your home life. When they breathe some fire themselves, you’re
reminded that they care. Apathy, passivity, or fake niceness makes you feel uncomfortable.

With whoever you call family, you’re the one who doesn’t hold back. As a child, you were feisty,
spirited, and dynamic. So, your family members have always expected you to invigorate the
home environment and challenge them. Therefore, people will feel like family to you when they
don’t take this personally when you’re not too delicate with them. You’re coming from a past
where you found solace in healthy selfishness. So, you must honor this foundation by being me-
oriented on a regular basis in private, focusing more on your own wants. But, of course, just
don’t over-do it.

Taurus in the 4th House (Taurus Nadir)

When you go home, on literal and spiritual levels, you want to engage in comfort, harmony, and
relaxation. That safe place for you is one where you can just kick back and enjoy yourself.
Behind closed doors, you are slow-moving to the point of sheer laziness or self-indulgence. Yet,
this is just an expression of your need for pleasure. Your private self immerses in all the sensual
joys that life has to offer; not just sex but food, music and other possessions. So, you’ll be
distinctly uncomfortable or upset whenever someone tries to interrupt, change, or take the things
you love.
Being such a creature of habit is how you found your place in your family. Since childhood, you
always knew how to steady and stabilize yourself. You’ve always been expected by your relatives
to be a really reliable, consistent, and patient person. They’re also very familiar with your total
stubbornness. Anyone else who you see as family will be, too. But, this is why your foundation is
so rock-solid. You’ve always known what you love and what you value. So, you will constantly
remember who you are by honoring the things you enjoy and sticking to them very firmly.

Gemini in the 4th House (Gemini Nadir) and/or Mercury in the 4th House
Your private self is restless, curious, and quite a stimulation junkie. Retreating into your safe
place must never be a boring experience. It must be something that constantly feeds and
awakens your mind. Therefore, coming home must be a time where things are exciting and
communicative. It can genuinely upset you when you feel like the people you live with aren’t
willing to talk to you and maintain that open dialogue. You are most sensitive when there’s a lack
of communication, as well as when things are too serious. Behind closed doors, you want to
constantly chat and laugh.

You’re the whirlwind of your family, playing an unpredictable role where no one knows what
you’ll say next. Since childhood, you have been the type to bounce all over the walls. So, your
family expects that there won’t be much of a dull moment whenever they’re bonding with you.
Anyone who feels like family to you will experience this attention-deficit side of yourself. Your
past felt really informative and educational, even if it was outside the classroom. Therefore,
you’ve built a strong foundation of intellect and curiosity for yourself that you must constantly
honor and engage in.

Cancer in the 4th House (Cancer Nadir) and/or Moon in the 4th House
You are deeply dependent on the safe place you create for yourself in private. So, you will seek
out this process of withdrawal and reflection in a powerful way. Being able to be immersed in
your feelings and needs is what home should feel like, to you, as well as being responsive and
sensitive toward others. Your private self is highly reactive, as you really need to release your
crazier side behind closed doors. You go through strong cycles of irrationality, moodiness, and
neediness at home. Yet, you also need people to understand these phases of yours. Any
insensitivity, whether it’s intended or perceived, will really upset you and cause you to withdraw
more into yourself.

You’ve always been the most vulnerable, sensitive member of your family. From childhood
onward, your relatives have always seen you as being really dominated and swayed by your
feelings and needs. This can often makes them expect you to constantly need to be taken care
of. But, on the flip side, they can expect you to readily take care of and nurture them because of
your sensitivity. People who become surrogate family members, as well, will be very familiar with
your tenderness. The foundation you’ve established is based on your highly instinctual,
supportive past self. So, you honor where you come from by creating a cozy, warm place to be
nurture and be nurtured.

Leo in the 4th House (Leo Nadir) and/or Sun in the 4th House
When you go to your safe place, you establish a strong sense of who you are. Therefore, at
home, you need to feel comfortable and confident enough to just be yourself. Your private self is
your true self and you use this home atmosphere to have the stage you need to express yourself.
Yet, you may become quite demanding or self-absorbed, behind closed doors, especially if other
people aren’t giving you the attention or the respect that you need. Whenever you’re being
ignored or underestimated, you feel very uncomfortable and may cause quite a private scene
because of it.

In your family, you’ve always been the entertaining one or the one with a lot of personality. Ever
since you were a child, you knew how to get everyone in the family’s attention. So, your relatives
still expect you to perform, in some way, yet might also become exhausted by having to be your
audience. You bond with people who you treat like family by providing them with a good time
and with a lot of confidence. Your foundation as a person comes from being a leader. So, you
stay in touch with your roots by being able to be this positive, empowering influence toward
loved ones.

Virgo in the 4th House (Virgo Nadir)

Going home, in a metaphorical or a literal sense, requires you to get your act together and honor
various systems or routines. In your private life, you’re going to thrive on a lot of regularity. This
might mean having to compulsively clean or organize things at home. But, it can also just mean
sticking to daily routines that will help bring order to your life. Behind closed doors, you’re a very
helpful, modest individual, gaining a feeling of safety by being able to help others improve as
much as you. Yet, this also means that you get easily upset when you can’t fix something or

You’ve always played the familial role of the little helper. Since childhood, you’ve been able to not
only really assist your relatives but take certain orders from them well. Whatever you can do to
help! But, your family also expects quite a bit of criticism from you, in return, whether it’s
constructive or nitpicky. People will feel like your surrogate family when you can do the same for
them, in private. You’re coming from a past that is all about being the healthiest, most improved
version of yourself you can be. So, you build a strong base for yourself when you can do so and
help others do so.

Libra in the 4th House (Libra Nadir) and/or Venus in the 4th House
The process of recharging and reflecting is found, for you, by really connecting with other
people. Whenever you retreat into your safe place, you aren’t going to want to do it alone. It
feels safer when you’re with someone else. Therefore, home needs to be a place where your
relationships can be truly nourished. Your private self may be quite co-dependent because of
this. It can be really uncomfortable or upsetting for you to live alone or, worse, with people who
are rude and selfish. Therefore, you need an atmosphere of peace and love for you to really feel
at home.

Within your family unit, you are the nice one who doesn’t really rock the boat. As a child, you
played the role of just wanting everyone to get along and love each other. Therefore, your family
members look to you now to maintain the harmony and cooperation. This very easygoing, loving
private self is what you share with people who end up becoming your family. It’s due to you
having a personal foundation that’s built off of being really well-liked and agreeable. You’re
reminded of who you are and where you’ve been when you stay in touch with these charming
people skills of yours.

Scorpio in the 4th House (Scorpio Nadir) and/or Pluto in the 4th House
Your personal safe place can feel rather dangerous, at times, but that’s actually what you love
about it. You feel at home when an atmosphere is established that is intense and that will
provoke change. So, you find true comfort in a certain amount of discomfort. Your private self is
highly passionate and perceptive, seeking to know those you live with on deeply intimate levels.
You need to be able to immerse yourself in strong emotion and raw sexuality, behind closed
doors. Things cannot be kept on a lukewarm or superficial level. If they are, then you won’t truly
feel at home.

You’ve always possessed a certain position of power in your family, even as a child. From the
start, you were really magnetic and intense, wielding an uncanny influence over everyone. Your
relatives also expect you to be very complicated and mysterious, so they’ll never fully know you.
Yet, with anyone who you treat like family, you have the power to deeply heal and transform
them. For you, staying in touch with your roots means owning your power and knowing what to
do with it. You maintain your foundation as a person by not being scared of your depth or of
your darkness.

Sagittarius in the 4th House (Sagittarius Nadir) and/or Jupiter in the 4th House
Whenever you go home, you don’t want to be caged in. You always prefer to keep your options
and possibilities open in your private life. So, retreating into this safe place gives you the chance
to reflect on all the adventures you could be having. Therefore, when you’re at home, you’re not
going to want to always be at home. Also, you possess the flair for making a home anywhere.
It’s truly wherever your heart is. Your private self is quite gypsy-like, in this way, as you feel
distinctly uncomfortable when you’re being pinned down or limited to a single place.

In your family, you’ve always played the role of the irrepressible one. Since childhood, your
relatives have known that they cannot put a leash on you or try to stop you from doing what you
believe in. So, you’re expected to be the adventurous one who is always trying something new
and leaving your family behind, for a while, to do it. People will feel like family to you when they
give you the space to be free and don’t hem you in. You remember where you come from when
you remain faithful and in tune with the grand journey, always knowing that there’s somewhere
else to go.

Capricorn in the 4th House (Capricorn Nadir) and/or Saturn in the 4th House
Going home is quite a paradox for you because it means getting down to business. You feel at
home in a private atmosphere that is really structured and solid. You need to work hard, in some
way, in your personal life. Yet, this can also lead to serious struggles or burdens behind closed
doors. Your private self can be very easily stressed, over-anxious, or full of melancholy. At the
same time, you find your safe place by being a strong, reliable manager on the home front.
When you trust in how dependable and persevering that you are, you will establish the feeling of
safety that you need.

As a child, you weren’t fully a child, always expected to be the mature one or the responsible
one. In your family, you’re the glue that holds everyone together. It can be exhausting yet you
play this role with great diligence and dedication. So, whenever you treat someone like family,
you’re eager to be their rock. You’ve established a rich personal foundation of toughness and
self-discipline for yourself. It’s always there to draw on when you need it, especially when things
get difficult. You’re very rooted in your ability to just get on with things and to turn any sort of
hardship around.
Aquarius in the 4th House (Aquarius Nadir) and/or Uranus in the 4th House
Going into your safe place is a wild and crazy experience. You feel comfortable with a distinct
amount of chaos and weirdness. So, whenever you go home, you don’t want things to be
predictable or traditional. A conventional kind of private life is going to make you feel
uncomfortable. Also, behind closed doors, you’re most sensitive to whenever someone tries to
control you or possess you. Your private self is highly tolerant and always interesting. But, if you
can’t get the same tolerant understanding that you need, you’d much rather live alone.

Your familial role was always somewhat detached and rebellious. Since you were a kid, you’ve
always been seen as the “different one.” You’re the free spirit of your family who can easily
shock your relatives because you don’t care much about their approval. Yet, you’re also very cool
with them, treating them all like good buddies. In the end, anyone who becomes your family also
becomes your friend. You find your foundation in life when you see everyone as equals. When
you don’t judge, you can easily think outside the box, which gives you a sense of roots as a

Pisces in the 4th House (Pisces Nadir) and/or Neptune in the 4th House
You recharge by going into a safe place that’s wildly imaginative and highly idealistic. You’re
going to require a lot of private alone time to reflect because you just get consumed with your
fantasies and psychic impressions. Therefore, going home is quite a reclusive experience for you.
Yet, when you’re not being a hermit, you’re very empathetic and forgiving toward the people in
your personal life. You just have to watch out for a lack of boundaries. What upsets or
discomforts them can very easily upset or discomfort you, so you have to remember to not get
too lost in other people.

Your role within your family has always been chameleon-like, allowing you to be whoever you
need to be with them and when. From the start, your family has projected a lot on to you,
sometimes unfairly, because of your psychic openness. You’re a ton of things to them yet none of
them know you as well as they think. So, you treat people like family by being quite elusive and
mysterious with them yet also very intuitive and giving. You stay in touch with where you’ve
come from when you honor your spiritual, sensitive roots. Art, faith, fluidity, and compassion
create your foundation.

North Node in Aquarius: The Free-Spirited Soul

***Also for if you have North Node in the 11th House

The North Node in Aquarius is arguably one of the most wonderful placements for the North
Node that you could have. I’m not just saying that because this is my North Node sign. Aquarius
is such an advanced, progressive energy. And the North Node is about learning how to progress
and grow. Therefore, the process tends to be sped up with Aquarius North Node individuals. We
become very attuned, early on, to something bigger than ourselves. Aquarius is future-oriented
and having the North Node in this sign means that you can truly see a vision of yourself being a
better, bigger person. In order to reach this higher self, we are overcoming the trap of our egos.

When a person has an Aquarius North Node, they also have a Leo South Node. So, we are
coming from a past of wanting recognition for being special and amazing. In a past lives’ context,
we were very important people in our most recent past life. We fed off of the admiration, the
applause, and the attention of other people. Leo South Node individuals were most likely famous
in their past life, as politicians, performers, or public figures. We might have even been lucky
enough to have been a member of royalty. But, even if we weren’t a monarch, we were treated
like kings and queens. We ruled in this past life yet the South Node shows issues that occurred in
the past life, as well.

Therefore, we ruled with an iron fist or we let the head that held the crown become massive. A
person with their South Node in Leo had an out-of-control ego in their past life. It led to
arrogant, self-absorbed, domineering, and/or snotty behavior. But, the South Node is what we
never let go of in that past life. So, we left that life with a giant ego and came into this one with
a giant ego. Our karmic debt, therefore, revolves around taming our self-obsession, which is
going to get in the way of a true connection with others. Leo South Node people have huge
hearts, which makes us gravitate toward romance and passion. Yet, the passion easily becomes a
drama. Did I mention that being highly dramatic is also a problem for this South Node? Because
it is. In our past life, there was never a dull moment. We were fantastic actors, either by
profession or just by personality, and all the world was our stage. But, did we ever learn to get
off stage and turn off the drama? Not really.

Now, you might not believe in past lives. Yet, you can still look back and see how your Leo South
Node dominated your past in this life with its bad habits. Our worst habits come from acting as if
we are the center of everything. We can behave as if we are the protagonist of some dramatic
movie that will never end. This not only makes us self-absorbed but it’s going to make us treat
everyone else as if they need to play their part. We can all too easily give people roles to play
because we are constantly playing the role we feel we need to in order to gain that applause or
be special. So, South Node in Leo makes us easily disappointed, annoyed, or even outraged
when others aren’t giving a good performance like we are. We can demand that people act like a
lover or a best friend or a colleague is “supposed” to act, instead of just giving people the
freedom to be individuals.

What happens because of that? Well, we never really get the fulfillment of acting out this drama
that we seek. Being the center of attention and trying to get everything and everyone to bend to
our will is just going to make us feel empty. This has been a challenging yet interesting lesson for
me because I have my Leo Sun conjunct my South Node. Therefore, I have identified (Sun) so
much with being the Leo superstar that it’s been hard for me to realize how self-defeating that’s
been. The Universe is set up to deny us our South Node, if we go to extremes with it. Now, I
firmly believe that people should not “leave behind” their South Node. There are excellent things
about the South Node. But, to access those more positive traits, you have to be balanced out by
your North Node.

That’s where we get to the Aquarius North Node. While the South Node is the more comfortable,
familiar soul-expression for you, the North Node is the higher, more enlightened soul-expression.
And it’s not exactly that you’re “learning” to be your North Node. It’s just that you are developing
more conscious awareness of the North Node because it’s already in you. It develops through a
constant dissatisfaction with your South Node. That’s the funny thing about everyone’s South
Node. We cling to it even when it doesn’t make us happy. The South Node is like that job that
gives you basic security but isn’t fulfilling. The North Node is like the job that you really want to
do but might have pushed it to the back of your mind because it’ll take you out of your comfort

Aquarius North Node people have to be very humbled by life in order to access this part of
themselves. After a lifetime of pursuing the superstar role, of trying to be widely adored, of
attempting to find that life-defining passion with someone else, we will still come up short
somehow. Maybe we don’t find that fame or recognition we searched for. Maybe we are
continually being ostracized or judged socially. Maybe we end up single for forever or bouncing
from one empty love affair to the next. These situations will be painful but they will break down
our ego and allow us to develop the ability to care less and less about being fabulous and loved.
The more Aquarius North Node is denied the amazing lifestyle that they crave so much, the more
they will be able to get in touch with their free-spirited nature and let go of what people think.
So, the higher self of someone with their North Node in Aquarius is capable of not being in it for
themselves. When that glorious fame or magical love doesn’t come to us, we master the art of
healthy detachment. When people with this placement are in this mode of thinking, they can
truly blow wherever the wind takes them. We have a habit of wanting what we want and when
we want it, which is what can make us so demanding or spoiled. But, getting in touch with our
inner detachment allows us to release what we want. And when we do, greater things end up
coming back to us. Therefore, our truest soul-expression allows us to see that life is random and
unpredictable. We cannot script it or control it. We just have to have a high tolerance for the

Aquarius North Node people also rise above their self-obsession when they stop worrying about
their “celebrity.” At the same time, we will always be quite self-aware. That’s the foundation that
our Leo South Node gives us. With my Sun on my South Node, as well, I’ll never exactly lose my
self-regard. But, this can just be expressed as an amazing self-awareness, knowing exactly who
we are. Then, we experience true self-confidence. When we’re unbalanced with our Leo South
Node, we are just faking the confidence, when in reality we’re very obsessed with others’
approval. But, when we evolve and consciously express our Aquarius North Node, other people’s
approval becomes much less important. We have the acceptance and love that really matters:
the self-love of our South Node in Leo. So, we stop trying hard and we learn to just coolly rest in
that inner confidence, without having to put on such a show. We don’t get anywhere when we
try hard, anyway, because people have a way of sensing it and seeing it as an obsessive
performance, which it is.

Therefore, developing that true self-confidence makes us want to make other people the
superstars. Our fame stops being important to us. Instead, we want to shine a spotlight on what
makes other people special. In our less evolved mode, we constantly hit a wall when we try to
make our specialness so visible and known. But, through that process, we unconsciously develop
the ability to notice what’s wonderful about the people around us and why they’re getting the
recognition that we’re not. As a result, the conscious Aquarius North Node is there to applaud
others, to show each and everyone that they are a individual worth recognition in their own right.
The ego is being transcended, in this stage. We already know we’re special and important. Now,
we’re egalitarians, wanting others to know that they have something special and important to
offer, as well.

This focus on other people is very important for the Aquarius North Node’s spiritual development.
It also helps to focus on higher ideals and causes. Whenever we’re in something just for our own
fulfillment, it’s not going to get anywhere. So, with this North Node, your greatest potential
comes from being able to contribute something important to society and this world. You must
stretch yourself beyond concerns of the self and become focused on concerns of the collective.
Are you opening people’s minds? Are you introducing and developing interesting concepts and
meaningful projects? Are you helping to change the world around you? This is where your
spiritual growth lies. You can no longer be solely concerned with how something in the world
affects only you. It’s not just your world anymore. It’s everyone’s world and you just live in it.

North Node in Aquarius people find their true success in being innovative, championing causes,
promoting projects, and/or working outside of the mainstream. When you go against the grain,
you express your true soul nature. Aquarius North Node individuals are rebels and
nonconformists at a soul level. So, you have to allow yourself to go crazy or get weird, without
worrying about the response from your “audience.” Your higher self is independent-minded and
sort of eccentric, not caring too much what people think. After all, this free-thinking gives you the
space to do the innovation and experimentation that you need to do. When you take true charge
of yourself via your Leo South Node, without seeking others’ approval, no one will really be able
to influence you. And as a result of owning yourself so strongly, you can give other people the
freedom to totally be whoever they want to be, within rational limits, and not judge them for it.

So, your greatest soul-expression allows people to feel very accepted and befriended. You can
make a wide range of social connections, thanks to your powerful social skills. Aquarius is very
friendly and approachable. Yet, the legendary aloofness of this sign is balanced out by the giant
heart and deep-seated warmth of your Leo South Node. So, you have enormous charisma at your
disposal, as you can blend cool casualness with a lively exuberance and generosity. The fact that
you’re such a natural performer also helps you socially and creatively. You are very charming and
magnetic, with a lot of presence. Therefore, you’re capable of effortlessly reeling your audience
in, no matter how crazy or unusual your presentation is. You know how to command a crowd and
have people eating out of your palm. But, at this stage, you’ll be doing it for something beyond
the self.

With the North Node in Aquarius, we are meant to understand very advanced topics and
concepts. We’re meant to strengthen our intellect and our brilliance. Our soul is tired of the
unfulfilling focus on our love life, our clothes, our favorite celebrities, our best attributes, etc. We
have to move beyond superficial preoccupations. There is a real genius inside of the soul of every
Aquarius North Node. We have to develop this potential, charging up our brainpower with
exciting, fascinating, and out-there subjects. People with this North Node exhibit a very powerful
interest in anything from astrology to science to technology to the study of human nature. It’s no
coincidence that I first got into astrology when I was around 18 and having my North Node
Return in Aquarius. It’s become a love affair ever since, getting me increasingly in touch with
something bigger than myself. We eventually become avid astrologers, scientists, tech-
specialists, or observers of the human condition because of this, blending sharp logic with
strange intuition in that Aquarian way.

The more we focus on these things beyond the self, the less of a yearning for drama we will
have. Again, there is an objectivity that is required when you have the North Node in Aquarius.
It’s not to say that we will no longer be dramatic. There will always be a drama queen or drama
king inside of those with this placement because of our South Node in Leo. But, we need to be
able to objectively use this dramatic flair. How can we channel this passionate, theatrical energy
in ways that will still keep us clear-headed and objective? The answer is through some sort of
creative outlet.

Aquarius North Node people are extremely creative. It just comes naturally for us. So, we have to
apply that drama to something else. It has no room in our lives. This is what makes us such
great performers, in more ways than one. Maybe the outlet for our drama comes from acting,
writing, or singing. Maybe it’s through being able to present things to people in entertaining,
colorful ways. And when we need to entertain, we absolutely entertain. But, balance with these
Nodes comes from being able to use our dramatic side in an impersonal way, snapping into being
highly emotional or the center of attention, when needed creatively, and then snapping right
back out of it.

The people in our personal lives will be thankful, as it really allows us to chill out. Yet, those with
an Aquarius North Node are amazingly chill individuals, even though we’re really crazy, at the
same time. But, we must be quirky-crazy, not exhausting-crazy. When we get rid of unnecessary
drama, we realize how much better we feel when we keep a cooler head. This also allows us to
stop being such love-struck schoolboys and schoolgirls all the time. Thanks to that impassioned
Leo South Node, when we crush or fall in love, we crush or fall in love hard, to a point where it’s
rather embarrassing. Once those feelings of passion kick in, we start having delusions of
grandeur about our love life or our romantic interest. But, when we stop making our life a drama,
we remain more objective. We don’t get so caught up in the whirlwind of romance. We will still
be loving and sincere and warm. But, that side gets balanced by a cool confidence that not only
takes the pressure off of our lover but makes us more attractive to them. When we want the
other person too insistently, it can push them away.

As much as we want to be in love and be passionately connected, we have to detach somewhat.

Having the North Node in Aquarius means that you cannot base your fulfillment on who you fall
in love with. This makes you unbalanced and will keep them from ever really satisfying you.
Instead, you have to find your satisfaction through projects, ideals, and causes that keep you
engaged with the greater world. When you do, your love life will actually become more
satisfying. People with an Aquarius North Node have the soul of a mad scientist, always tinkering
away at one experiment or another. And you must remember that you cannot and should not
control the results. It’s very easy to try to have your way all the time, with this placement. But,
you should be willing to just let things happen. Just see where things go, without some
expectation of what should happen. When you creatively and brilliantly live in the chaos, your
free spirit within will flourish.
The 11th House: Expect the Unexpected

The 11th House is a slightly difficult house to explain. It shares something in common with the
12th House in that way. But, while the 12th House is just elusive and transcendent, the 11th
House is just… strange. It’s totally unpredictable. You never know what’s going to happen in the
11th House of your chart, represented by the sign on your 11th House cusp and/or the planets
you possibly have in your 11th House. This is where you can truly expect the unexpected. It’s
why it’s ruled by the sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus. There’s a really crazy, out-there
energy to this sector of the birth chart but it’s also where genius and change and tolerance

I think the best way to understand the 11th House is to see it as a reaction to the 10th House.
The 10th House/Midheaven represents your life goals, your ambitions, what you really want to
achieve in the world. We make projected plans, in some sort of way, through whatever’s in our
10th House. But, guess what? The 11th House doesn’t give a damn about your plans. This is the
house that doesn’t make plans. It just lets things happen. Not in the spiritual state of surrender
of the 12th. It’s more so in the way of not only accepting chaos and oddness but embracing it.
That’s why there’s a spirit of rebellion or defiance in your 11th House. But, it doesn’t always
mean your rebellion against other people’s plans. Sometimes, it’s the rebellion of others against
your plans.

After all, we think we’re the boss when it comes to our Midheaven. There’s always a certain
agenda through this placement and the older we get, the more we’ll assert this agenda with
authority. But, not everyone is going to listen to us or agree with us. This is often one of the
unexpected elements of the 11th House: it’s what happens when we face dissent or disapproval
of some kind. We never really know what people are going to think of what we have to offer. We
also never know, in any sort of group setting, just how all of our heads are going to come
together. And this can bring a chaos that could possibly throw off whatever structure our
Midheaven is aiming for. If the Midheaven sits at the top of our chart, gazing down on the world
it’s influencing, the 11th House represents when we need to come from off of our throne and
really engage with the people.
I don’t agree with the 11th being described as “the house of your hopes and dreams.” I think
that dreaming is more of a 12th House specialty and hope is definitely the 9th House’s territory.
But, I do believe that you can’t fully get anywhere in the world without your 11th House. Your
Midheaven is what you want to accomplish and the 11th is how you’re going to have to
collaborate with other people in order to achieve it. After all, nothing is accomplished while flying
solo. Every success comes from team effort and that’s what this house is about. You can’t control
these collaborations, either. You just have to be willing to be open to whatever everyone else is
bringing to the table. If you are, then you might find yourself adjusting your goals (Midheaven)
because you just got some really good ideas from others (11th House) that you never thought of

Look to the sign and/or planets here to figure this out. Libra in the 11th House means that you
have to collaborate with others tactfully, thoughtfully taking their ideas into consideration. The
Sun in the 11th House means that you truly identify with being a collaborator, which is going to
make you gravitate toward these group situations. This is why the 11th House is about “groups.”
It’s about how a bunch of like-minded people come together to achieve a common goal. And who
knows what could happen? Who knows what brilliant brainstorming can occur when all of these
people join forces, moving past their individual aims to work together on something bigger than

You also constantly hear “friendship” when the 11th House is talked about. But, I don’t believe
that your BFF’s are going to be reflected by your 11th. In my opinion, a person’s closest, truest
friends are reflected by their 7th House/Descendant. This is the relationship house and that
doesn’t just mean romance. Our 7th House also describes the qualities we want in good friends.
The 11th House, meanwhile, is about sporadic, arm’s-length friendships (reflecting the affable
detachment of ruling sign Aquarius). These aren’t personal relationships. These are the people
who you’re really cool with but who you don’t feel overly connected to. Maybe you work with
them or have the same occupation or just know the same people. They’re what you could call
“associates” or “acquaintances.” This is also where the networking side of the 11th House comes
in. When you’re friendly with someone but don’t need to regularly speak to them, your 11th
House is at play.

My 11th House is in Sagittarius. Those with Sagittarius on the 11th House cusp will make a lot of
these at-a-distance social connections. I can network really easily and spread myself around. But,
I’m quick to move on to another “group”, especially if the current one becomes stagnant.
Sagittarius is freedom-seeking and eager to move forward to the next chapter. So, I restlessly
network, comfortable with finding associates and then finding new ones, often growing beyond
the old ones. However, when it comes to my actual friendships, my Leo Descendant and Sun in
the 7th make me very attached. I get my identity (Sun) here, so my best friends are my life, in
many ways. With casual acquaintances, I seek a lot more breathing room, which allows me to be
very easygoing and highly positive when collaborating in groups because they never weigh me

If you have the Moon in the 11th, you might feel an irrational push-pull with acquaintances in
that you need that space from them but you also find a lot of emotional security from these
relationships. That could make you emotionally act out, sometimes, in groups. Is Aries in the
11th? You’re very competitive and assertive when you socially connect with other people. Those
with this placement never forget about the self-serving side of networking, which isn’t always a
bad thing. The people we connect with through our 11th House, in some way or another, will
abruptly come into our life and most likely leave it abruptly. And since this is the house of
detachment, we don’t really have a problem with it. That’s why I don’t like seeing this as the
“friendship house.” We’re very affected if the relationship (7th House) with our good friend ends.
When things with an associate ends, we usually just say, “Meh”, and move on to other associates
with no hard feelings (unless, again, you have Cancer or the Moon in the 11th; then things get
more complicated).

Because of this, if something’s transiting your 11th House, don’t expect significant, close
friendships to be that affected. Expect social connections, as a whole, to be affected. Saturn’s
currently transiting my 11th House and it’s bringing this stronger awareness to networking and
collaborating, as well as a mature acceptance of how these acquaintances can come and go. And
if you actually have Saturn in the 11th House, then this is your life. It’s also making me feel both
more inventive and more aware of the challenges that come with trying out my inventions.
Another element of the 11th House’s unpredictability is how it electrifies us and gives us the
brilliant ideas that we can hopefully use to contribute to various groups or causes. But, we might
think it’s brilliant. Other people? It can be a different story, which is where the alienation of the
11th House comes in. We can feel ahead of other people here and like the misfit in the group
because of it. 

Everyone has an 11th House and even if it’s empty, you still feel it and live with it. And it’s the
reason why everyone feels misunderstood, at some time or another. It doesn’t matter if you
actually feel like a complete weirdo (which is the classic archetype for the 11th) or if you just
have ideas about something that happen to differ from everyone else’s or if you just somehow
don’t fully fit into the group because of something about you. You’re going to get that sense of
being one of those things that’s not like the other in this house. But, hopefully, this is only
something that’s going to give you a greater tolerance for other people’s differences: different
opinions, beliefs, personality traits, classifications, etc. If you’re making the most out of your
11th, it will open your mind, preparing you for the nonjudgmental empathy of the 12th.

People with planets in their 11th experience this outcast status on a more powerful level. As an
11th House person, no matter where you go, you feel like you stick out like a sore thumb. But,
this is something that only fuels your genius. And every individual with a pronounced 11th House
has a definite stroke of genius to them. Yes, it’s an overused word and no, it doesn’t have to
mean a high IQ. This brilliance just comes from the 11th House person’s ability to twist and turn
anything into something original, unprecedented, or not thought of before. It’s why they’re so
inventive and, okay, rather odd and eccentric. 11th House people constantly do and say things
that make you go, “What?” They startle us and shock us, much like lightning-quick Uranus. And
they’re so exciting because they’re so random and have such a high tolerance for randomness.

For all of us, things get very random in the 11th. Whatever is in this house describes the things
that occur in your life without much rhyme or reason. If you have Sagittarius in the 11th, like me,
your life will be full of sudden accidents. They can be messy accidents, sometimes. But, more
often than not, I constantly experience happy accidents that come out of nowhere. And even the
bad accidents eventually turn out in my favor. Whenever I don’t have expectations of something
going well, that’s when it turns out amazingly, making me feel lucky or blessed. However, don’t
forget that the 11th House will rebel against our expectations if they’re constricting. So, when I
approach things with a rigid agenda of the situation turning out in my favor, they don’t. Then,
things feel all screwed and make me feel unlucky until I forget about trying to get lucky and then
I get lucky again.

The 11th House can drive you crazy, in that way, and it sort of likes doing it. Another interesting
thing I find about this house is that it represents our relationship with technology. We are truly in
an 11th House age, after all (aka the Age of Aquarius, which rules the 11th). So, it makes sense.
I think it’s a very modern perspective that astrologers who were prevalent before the late
90’s/early 00’s didn’t have the chance to think about. Now, as us 21st century astrologers can tell
you, your relationship with the tech-world seriously defines your everyday life. And the 11th
House tells you how this relationship works and what chaos comes into your life because of it.

I’m very clumsy and reckless with my gadgets, thanks to Sagittarius in the 11th. I constantly
drop my phone and I haven’t had the same laptop for more than a year or so because I always
mess it up somehow. I’m never cautious with these things. Thankfully, the situation usually turns
itself around. But, at the same time, it does seem like they almost want to screw up.
Technological gadgets do feel like they have a mind of their own. Can’t you just sometimes feel
your computer intentionally not doing what you want it to do? So, this is the 11th House
conundrum, too. Taurus in the 11th House people have to develop a very patient relationship
with technology, for example, because it feels like every technological thing they touch begins
moving very slowly.

I would say those with a strong 11th House have a powerful way with technology but it won’t
always be the case. A lot of these people are amazingly tech-savvy, while some of them go the
total opposite route and just can’t even deal with complicated technology. That’s often the case if
Saturn or Pluto is ruling or in the 11th, causing some control issues in this area of life. And the
wayward will of tech gadgets just compel them to rebel against these devices themselves. After
all, 11th House people almost always need something to rebel against.
Libra Midheaven: A Lover for the World

***Also for if you have Venus conjunct Midheaven

With the Midheaven in Libra, your mission in life is to give and receive as much love as possible.
Therefore, the profession that you pursue must be something that harmonizes and beautifies the
world. No matter what your actual career is, you will approach it with a very aesthetic sensibility,
as well as a yearning to please other people. Libra Midheaven people cannot go around
pretending like they don’t care what people think of them. You really want those in your
community to like you; to even fall in love with you! You’ll take whatever kind of appreciation and
flattery you receive because gaining these compliments actually feels like an achievement for

After all, the Midheaven shows what we want to achieve throughout our lives. So, with a Libra
Midheaven, you feel accomplished by being widely adored and pined after. Besides, you
understand the power of being so charming and seductive: it gets you further in life. This works
for you better than many others. While most of us have to rely more on our work ethic, passion,
skill set, or intelligence, you’re one of those lucky people who can slide by more on just being
really likable and attractive. Yet, that’s not to say that you don’t have to work hard! Midheaven in
Libra can become an indolent placement, in this way, expecting to get by too much on their good
looks or nice personality. However, your attractiveness is a powerful asset and you know how to
work it.

You’ll find many famous people with a Libra Midheaven who are renowned for being so adorable,
impossible to dislike, and totally beautiful. It’s funny because the Midheaven doesn’t affect your
appearance yet having this placement just makes you so highly appealing that people can’t help
but pay homage to your beauty, on many levels. This is evident with Elizabeth Taylor, one of the
best examples of a Libra Midheaven you could find. The late Oscar-winner was pretty much the
top stunner in Hollywood, in her prime; the most beautiful woman in the world! She was that
coveted goddess: you either wanted to bed her or to be her. Elizabeth’s love of fashion and
glamour is also legendary. She was once quoted as saying that diamonds were the third love of
her life, behind husbands Mike Todd and Richard Burton. She also, of course, had an actual
diamond named after her: The Elizabeth Taylor Diamond, of which she was quite proud.

But, surely, there was more to Elizabeth Taylor than beauty and fashion. She was also a very talented

Elizabeth Taylor: Midheaven in Libra

actress, with her iconic performances in films like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Who’s Afraid of
Virginia Woolf? showing off her range. However, her substance usually came to second to her
attractiveness to most, which can be a major problem for Libra Midheaven people. A lot of them
get frustrated that people only see them as the hottie or as the nice guy/girl. Some just learn to
go with it, resigned to the fact that they’ll be viewed in lightweight, superficial terms. It’s clear
from quite a few other famous Libra Midheaven folks that it takes a lot of effort for them to
become seen as having more to offer than their sex appeal or their sweetness. Yet, the catch is
that you know that this is your calling card, so you don’t want to give up that image altogether,

This is a dilemma that can come into play during the high school years, which is when your
Midheaven began to emerge and really take form. Libra Midheaven teenagers have a shrewd
understanding of how to play the social game. You make the right friends and influence the right
people. You also never wanted to be on anybody’s bad side. This is a very peace-loving
placement, when it comes to one’s social life. It’s an attitude that began in adolescence. Even if
you had some disagreements with your peers, you tried to handle it all in a civil, kindhearted
way. You didn’t want enemies, often because you could be quite scared of the confrontations
that could follow.

At the same time, you really did just desire to be nice to people. There is a life goal, with this
Midheaven, to love everyone you can. But, this could’ve made things complicated in your dating
life. Libra Midheaven can freely flirt, tease, and lead others on, sometimes because you’re too
enamored with the idea of romance and affection to stop such behavior. It didn’t help that plenty
of people probably wanted to be your boyfriend or your girlfriend in your high school days. Now,
not every Midheaven in Libra teenager is going to be voted Most Attractive. Some might blossom
later and if that’s the case, it makes dating around or landing a relationship even more of a goal
for them. Late-bloomer Libra Midheaven folks will not be held back from finding that special
someone, as they have a pretty pent-up drive to do so, thanks to their delayed sense of

All of this is what makes you the lover for the world. You not only want the world to be in love
with you but you want to be in love with what you do with your life. So, in a way, you aim for a
sense of romance with your career, as well. There are some Libra Midheaven people who can
find themselves substituting a romantic life for a professional one. And the opposite can be true,
as well. Libra is about finding balance, after all, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfectly balanced all
the time. Therefore, you often feel like you need to choose between loving your career and
loving your significant other. It can indecisively send you back and forth. When you’re single, you
might become career-obsessed. When you’re with someone, your motivation toward your career
may drop. It can easily feel like you’re cheating on your career with your significant other and
vice versa.

It doesn’t help matters that your relationships become public knowledge so easily. It’s really
difficult for you to have a private life where romance is concerned. Your love life is the talk of the
town! Look at Elizabeth Taylor. At one point, she was just as well-known for being tumultuously
married to Richard Burton as being an actress and no profile of her goes without mentioning that
she was married eight times (but, then again, that’s just astounding, anyway). A big reason for
this level of attention on your love life is that you’re widely seen as such a catch. So, being the
sex symbol you are, people are naturally going to ask, “Is he/she single?” After all, they’re
probably crushing on you and want to know if you’re on the market or not. When you’re not
single, it can lead to plenty of disappointment as well as judgment. Since you’re valued so highly
on the market, some people in your public sphere may unfairly judge your partner (or partners)
for not being successful enough, good-looking enough, talented enough, or whatever else
enough for you.

Who could really measure up? That might be many people’s idea of you. Libra Midheaven
individuals can regularly give those in their community sweaty palms and wobbly knees, making
them feel like love-struck schoolboys or schoolgirls. Yet, you understand this and milk it for all its
worth! If you find yourself in positions of authority, you wouldn’t be above using that personal
appeal to set the rules. It’s a funny thing but Libra Midheaven bosses lay down the law without
seeming to do so. So, you can charm your employees into doing things, possibly even by making
them feel like it was their idea. On the other side of the equation, with your bosses, you’re going
to be just as charming. Yet, you might have a way of still directing the operation, without them
knowing. Due to your sweetheart persona, people can underestimate you. But, you know how to
use this to your advantage, getting just what you want from your boss while still somehow
pleasing them.

And when it comes to any conflicts in your professional environment, you make an excellent
mediator. Midheaven in Libra individuals know how to diffuse any sort of tension in the
workplace. After all, you just want to be the lover and spread good vibes around! But, you can
also listen to both sides of the argument intelligently and come up with a way for everyone to
meet in the middle. Therefore, this brings another element to your public image: one that’s
soothing, understanding, and reasonable. People will look to you to be the person with the level
head who brings balance and harmony to your working situation. When things get too intense,
though, you might just seek to run off somewhere. You can handle disagreements but you don’t
want serious fighting or drama on the job at all, which will certainly be one of the rules you
enforce with your employees.

You also want to play a professional role that allows you to seek justice. On a smaller level, you
might just be the person on the job who is always trying to make things equal and fair. But, you
can also become involved in a career or a public venture that is about fighting for justice. This is
really going to bring you satisfaction. Elizabeth found a way to do this, becoming the first
celebrity to stand up and seek justice for those suffering from AIDS, when the disease first had
its outbreak in the 1980’s. She believed that it wasn’t fair the way people were shoving these
victims aside and used her high profile to fight for their equality. This was her Libra Midheaven at
play and you’ll feel like you’re on the right track when you’re doing something similar. It doesn’t
have to be charitable or political but it has to bring balance to the world in some sort of way.

I like to keep advice about the Midheaven general, just telling people what they want out of their
career, instead of the specific career choice they should be making. But, with a Libra Midheaven,
this stance of mine may just frustrate you because it can be difficult enough for you to make a
career choice! This is something that probably started back in your high school days. When you
were figuring out what you wanted to be, out in the world, you saw the goodness in many
different choices. But, then, you could also see the con’s of many different choices. So, what
choice should you make? This indecisiveness can lead some Libra Midheaven people to straddle
the fence throughout their lives, as far as what they want to achieve. Even if you have a certain
field nailed down, there’s still so many options within that field. You can do this project or that
one or work for this person or that person. It’s enough to drive you pretty crazy, sometimes.

This is why Libra Midheaven people find more success teaming up with someone. In many cases,
it can be a partner. You may easily find yourself falling in love with someone who is in the same
field as you and, therefore, can partner up with you in a business sense, as well. But, it can also
be through the help of a special contact, supporter or frequent collaborator. In any case, you just
require someone to have your back, throughout your professional path, so you have a safe bet to
go with when you’re busy vacillating. Just don’t become too dependent on this career partner,
though, or you may find yourself feeling unbalanced without their input, decisions, or help. Learn
how to make your own decisions more, concerning your career, and just meet others halfway.

When you head out into the world, a switch flips on that allows you to project a lot of elegance
and grace. Many Libra Midheaven folks are the picture of sophistication when they are out and
about in public. And even if you’re having a bad day, you’re going to try your best to give off
very kind, considerate, and polite vibes. Because of this, you’ll find yourself welcomed and liked
just about everywhere you go. The people at your regular places are used to you treating them
exactly how you’d want to be treated. And just like with Taurus Midheaven, one of these regular
places may be the mall. You’re going to love to shop and also love to be seen as your best
groomed self. Most people with this placement never want others to think they’re having an off-
day, style-wise. You are also regularly up for public displays of affection, to the point of not even
being self-conscious about it. There is a powerful yearning here to show off one’s love and one’s
partner to the public. So, you think it’s simply natural to kiss and get close out in the world, no
matter who’s looking.
Posted by Wayman Stewart at 6:08 PM 14 comments:
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The 9th House: Where Are You Going?

When I think of the 9th House, the first word that comes to mind is “direction.” And this isn’t the
10th House version of “direction” that has to do with ambition, life goals, and success. But, it’s no
coincidence that the 9th House precedes the 10th. And if you have any 9th House planets that
are near the very end of the 9th, they’ll be conjunct your Midheaven, allowing these two forms of
direction to merge. 9th House direction is about believing in where you’re going. It’s not
necessarily about the success you’ll receive on the way there. That’s why the Midheaven/10th
House is at the top of our charts. This part of our chart is concerned with getting to the top. The
9th House is just concerned with getting out there, with embarking on the journey.

If the 3rd House represents your grade school years (kindergarten through 12th grade), the 9th
House represents the years right after you graduate from high school. You’ve put in all of that
time of studying, of logically knowing the answers in order to do well on your tests and pass your
grade. There’s something sort of mechanical about those years because of that. We’re just sort
of bumping along, from one class to the next, not really thinking about the meaning of it all. But,
then, what happens near the end of high school? We have to figure out what we’re going to do
afterwards and that’s where the search for meaning starts to kick in.

Figuring out what you want to do with your life is, again, a 10th House matter, in general. But, I
would say that the inspiration that allows you to build the life goals of your Midheaven comes
from the 9th House. In your teenage years, you get a vision of your most amazing, impressive
self, which is your Midheaven. Yet, what’s going to propel you there? You need more than just
ambition, work ethic, or determination. You also need to have the faith that you can get there.
This is what the 9th House gives you. Without inspiration, our mission in life would be
So, you start having wild dreams about the journey on the way to those goals. The sign on your
9th House cusp and/or the planets in your 9th House determine just how those grand visions
unfold. We don’t need to be sobered up or have reality come knocking when it comes to our 9th
House sign and/or planets. These placement believe anything is possible (unless you have Saturn
or Capricorn in the 9th, which can make matters quite depressing here but eventually
successful). Therefore, as our grade school years come to a close, we start envisioning various
possibilities: choosing colleges, thinking of where we’ll live, when we’ll move out and how, and
how the world will open up for us. That’s why “idealism” is a key 9th House phrase. This house is
faithful, in many senses of the word.

Since the 9th House is the path we embark on once we turn 18 and leave home, I do think that it
greatly defines your college self. Nowadays, it’s difficult to find someone who didn’t spend, at
least, a few semesters in college, even if they didn’t finish. I personally don’t believe that a
college education should be as wildly important as it is in our society. But, I do think it’s good to
go just as an experience, if not anything else, so you can see what it’s like and if it’s for you. The
thing about college is that it’s supposed to be meaningful. While many people just go for the
degree, it really is a time to grow as a person and gain lots of important experiences.

How you do so depends on your 9th House sign and/or planets. Those with Cancer in the 9th
House or the Moon will have a college experience that, looking back, makes them highly
sentimental. With this placement, growing up, you never really felt like you had found your
home. Going off to college feels like coming home for you, so it brings out a wide range of
emotions in you. With Uranus in the 9th, you might rebel against the college experience. You sort
of feel like an alien on campus, never quite fitting into the structure. So, you didn’t care too much
about your college education, even though you were more than intelligent. This is often the
placement of someone who just abruptly drops out or goes to college in wild starts and stops. 

I have Libra in the 9th House. I became very refined by my time at college. My college self was
highly intellectual, a la Libra which is a real thinker of a sign. I practically lived at the library,
devouring classic novels and poetry, as well as spending my spare time reading up on subjects
like Existentialism and Anthropology (which was one of my favorite classes that I took). I also
went through a phase of loving classical music and I became obsessed with visual art. I was an
Arts major, too, studying Theatre and learning more about the art form and getting introduced to
various plays.
Thanks to Libra on my 9th House cusp, college made me more sophisticated, which also made
me way less blunt and harsh when it came to my opinions (Aries in the 3rd, Mercury conjunct
Mars). I learned to really listen to people’s point of view and be more considerate and polite
regarding where they’re coming from, even if I didn’t agree with them. I, however, did not finish
college. Without irony, I left school when Saturn in Libra was transiting my 9th House and
squaring my natal Saturn, bringing many dissatisfactions when it came to the education I was
receiving and the direction I was going. I don’t plan on finishing but I’m so glad I went because I
grew a lot as a person.

Unlike the facts you spit out to pass tests in grade school, the experiences you have in college
really stick with you. To this day, I still have a real love of the fine arts and literature and I try to
be very fair when it comes to voicing my opinions. My 9th House in Libra also affected me
socially, gradually making me more diplomatic and easygoing with all of the new people I’d meet.
Going off to college is a true adventure. I do realize that there are some people who’ve never
been to college. But, if that’s the case, your 9th House remains an adventure because it shows
the journey you embarked on once you became an adult and had to develop some direction of
your own. As a result, whatever’s in your 9th House defines the way you still go on adventures

If the 3rd House is your neighborhood, then the 9th House is like your whole city. I sort of have
an issue with people overly associating the 9th House with “travel.” Yes, this place can show the
way that you travel abroad, go off to foreign lands, or even just visit other cities. But, many
people don’t travel on a regular basis. In fact, traveling, for lots of people, is like a random phase
in their life. “Oh, yeah, I did some traveling in my early twenties.” So, to just think of the 9th
House as traveling far away is pretty limiting. And, of course, this house hates limitations.

Being in your general neighborhood doesn’t feel like an adventure. Whether it’s going to your
neighbor’s house, the supermarket down the street, or the post office, it’s more so about
dabbling in a lot of little things with no real meaning. But, what happens when you want to go
out for a night on the town? That’s your 9th House, in my opinion. The sign and/or planets here
define the ways in which you go out. When you and your friends are planning a night of fun,
there seems to be so many possibilities (9th House) doesn’t there? You can go to the movies,
you can go out to dinner, or maybe you can see a show. Is there a concert playing tonight or
some comedian? You know what? Why don’t you just go out to that bar downtown? The 9th
House is activated, then, because these times feel like an adventure, where anything can happen
and where you want to be uplifted. 
The role you play in these times can be found through this house. People with Leo in the 9th are
very likely to take charge while going out, being the one to throw out all the ideas and get
everyone to agree. With Neptune in the 9th, you may be the confused one in the group, unsure
of what’s even going on. It’s also possible that you’re a recluse who’d rather just fantasize about
doing adventurous things, out and about in the city, than actually do them. Not everyone likes to
go out and be adventurous, after all. And any issues with that can be found in the 9th.

With my 9th House in Libra, I have to admit that I’m pretty indecisive and noncommittal when
I’m going out. Whatever house Libra is in is where you have a tough time saying “no.” My sense
of direction allows me to see the good in more than one option. So, I usually say “yes” to just
about any suggestion for a good time. I’m so agreeable and, yes, passive in these moments that
something would have to be truly awful and ridiculous for me to not agree to do it. Going out
with others is a harmonious time and I don’t want to ruin it by thinking too much about myself.

The 9th House is ruled by Sagittarius, naturally, which is a freedom-loving sign. This is another
reason why our 9th House really kicks in after the age of 18. It’s when we’re free! No curfew, no
rules! But, some of us have more rules than others when it comes to going out. And how much
freedom you do or don’t give yourself is defined by your 9th House. I should also say that people
with 9th House placements, especially if it’s a stellium, should not live in small towns. If you’re a
9th House person and you grow up in a little city where there’s nothing to do, you’ll rip your hair
out and you’ll move far, far away, as soon as possible. You want a city where there’s always
something new to discover; where things are busy and exciting and promise to make life feel
bigger and better.

So, 9th House people are particularly metropolitan. The bigger and busier the city, the better.
This is why people with prominent 9th Houses are prone to moving a lot. You are eager to find
that city that’s the best fit. And that’s why I think the 9th House has gotten such a reputation of
being associated with “travel.” 9th House individuals do travel a lot because they get restless so
easily. They need a place with a lot of different options and even a really exciting place to live
can start to feel dull to them. So, they might keep upping the ante, eventually moving out of the
country in order to find the constant excitement and newness that they crave. The grass always
seems greener elsewhere to those with a strong 9th House.

Naturally ruled by Jupiter, this house is such a big house that it seems like there’s too much to
say about it at once! While Jupiter represents your beliefs, I think the 9th House is more about
your compass. It’s not only a compass that maintains your sense of direction (in a lot of different
situations) but it’s a moral compass, as well. This house is your sense of right or wrong, while
Jupiter is more so the faith that gets you through life. And because of your 9th House morals,
you will have the conviction needed to face the world via your 10th House. It’s hard to think of
two back-to-back houses that are more connected (except the 7th and the 8th). With the 9th
House, you have something to stand for and that makes you feel solid enough and mature
enough to stand in front of society through your Midheaven. And if you have a 9th House planet
actually conjunct your Midheaven, it can get a more than a little preachy, forever on a soapbox
yet with good intentions.

That’s why you can really tap into your 9th House when you feel lost. It’s even better than a
GPS, in that sense. In fact, if you are somewhere new and don’t know where you’re going, it’s
good to access the qualities of the sign and/or planets in the 9th. Have Leo in the 9th? Stay
confident and get creative. You’ll get there. Is Saturn in your 9th? Don’t give up and be realistic.
You’ll figure out where you need to go. It goes all the way back to your college or post-high
school self: that kid who was just trying to figure out his or her path. That 20-year-old version of
yourself is always within you, via your 9th House. And when life starts getting too boring, too
uninspired, too limiting, all you have to do is reach within and find that young adult who feels like
they have a world of possibilities open to them. He or she will lead the way.
Posted by Wayman Stewart at 1:32 PM 12 comments:
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The 9th House: Signs and Planets

Whenever you don’t know your way, you should access your 9th House. Empty houses are still
important, so even if you have no planets here, look at the sign in the 9th. The sign on the 9th
House cusp and/or the planets in your 9th define the compass that gets you through various
situations. It’s not only your sense of direction but your morals; what you feel is right and why.
This attitude was instilled once you left high school. Whatever’s in your 9th House symbolizes the
experiences of your college or post-high school self that are still with you to this day. This house
is also about adventure. So, whenever you just want to go out and explore your possibilities,
you’re tapping into your 9th House. The sky’s the limit and the night is young! 

Aries in the 9th House and/or Mars in the 9th House

After high school, you became more of a fighter. Your college or post-high school self declared
that you could look after yourself and pursue your own desires. Therefore, your sense of
direction comes from getting what’s yours. You feel perfectly justified in putting yourself first,
believing that if you don’t stand up for yourself, nobody will! Yet, you might become too self-
righteous when you feel like someone has one-upped or outdone you, always believing there’s
some competition near.

Whenever you’re feeling lost, you just have to trust your impulses. Your inner compass emerges
when you have the balls to just do whatever you want to do. So, being courageous really uplifts
you and makes you feel enthusiastic. When it comes to going out and doing things, you can be
quite pushy or aggressive. You don’t like the process of waiting around for everyone else or
compromising too much. If push comes to shove, you may just get impatient and go out on your

Taurus in the 9th House

Getting out in the world made you more patient. Being in college and/or out of high school
taught you that it’s important to be more cautious and persistent. You were in various situations
where you felt more like the tortoise, instead of the hare, yet ended up winning as a result.
Therefore, your sense of direction is found through taking your sweet time. You think you’re in
the right when you insist on going at your own pace and can feel indignant when people try to
prod you to speed up.

Figuring out just where you’re going can be kind of time-consuming for you. When you’re lost, it
might feel like you’re going to be lost for awhile. Then, a common sense solution will come
through, if you keep on going, and you’ll feel inspired by being able to be so practical. You have
to work up the energy to go out and you can be that stubborn friend who doesn’t want to go
somewhere new. However, once you’re out, you’re out! And you know how to have an
uncomplicated good time.

Gemini in the 9th House and/or Mercury in the 9th House

Once you gained your freedom, you had to constantly fight off boredom. The college or post-high
school version of you was a real busybody, always doing a million different things just because
you could. So, you gained experiences that were varied and interesting yet all over the place.
The compass you developed is a highly curious one. Some may scoff at your willingness to put a
finger in every pie. But, you really believe you’re right by wanting to keep things interesting.

You’re never lost for long because you always seem to switch paths anyway. Therefore, your
particular form of direction is just to figure out another one. The more you bounce around, the
more inspired you are, as it keeps you sharp and stimulated. The idea of embarking on any
adventurous outing excites you. Yet, you might lose your enthusiasm just as quickly. So, your
road buddies may learn to just jump on these ideas and do them right away or they may lose
your interest.

Cancer in the 9th House and/or Moon in the 9th House

After high school, you felt like you found the place where you really belonged. Your college or
post-high school self could finally feel comfortable and supported. Being out in the world made
you feel safe to truly express your feelings and needs. As a result, your sense of direction is very
intuitive and emotionally honest. You’re guided by what feels true to your gut. It might seem
crazy to others but you’re convinced that your gut responses are right (and they usually are!)

Being lost can be emotionally upsetting for you or put you in a bad mood. Yet, your innate
compass gives you a knack for feeling out a situation and mysteriously figuring out where to go.
So, not always having to be logical is very inspiring to you. You’re nourished by a night out on
the town yet you may be very needy in this way. If you’re not doing something exciting, you can
feel down. However, you also love making others feel good by sweeping them away on

Leo in the 9th House and/or Sun in the 9th House

You figured out who you truly were once you left high school. Being in college or just out in the
world made you feel more self-confident and more comfortable with recognition. You became a
more authentic version of you! So, the sense of direction you developed is very self-willed. You
see yourself as the boss of your personal journey. But, you can get self-righteous when you
shoot down the input or the direction of other people as wrong, often without even considering

Even when you’re lost, you’re self-assured that you’ll get on the right track. You’ll regularly refuse
to ask for directions. This may be overconfident but you do usually end up getting back on path.
It’s easy for you to feel inspired because just the sheer act of living gives you a lot of
enthusiasm. You’re usually the bossy or the dominant one when embarking on adventures with
others. You like calling the shots but you also have a genuine desire for everyone to have a good

Virgo in the 9th House

After high school, you became more sensible and clear-headed. Your experiences in college or
out in the world made you believe in the importance of tending to the details. This became the
sense of direction you developed in life, which sometimes made you more critical than you
needed to be. Yet, you have a sincere conviction that you’re in the right with your criticisms. You
feel justified by the process of trying to improve things, even when other people just think you’re

Whenever you’re lost, all you have to do is step back and analyze the situation some more. Then,
you’ll usually come up with a way to get back on track. Your inner compass is shrewd and
intelligent, allowing you to become inspired by figuring out solutions and identifying problems.
You’re quite skeptical when it comes to going out and doing things. You’ll be the one poking
holes in everyone’s suggestions. But, at the same time, you really enjoy planning these various

Libra in the 9th House and/or Venus in the 9th House

You felt more attractive and elegant once you gained your freedom. Your college or post-high
school self was a more refined version of you, becoming more polite, sophisticated, and
appealing. You developed a high consideration of others that became your sense of direction.
You think it’s only right to be as nice as you can to other people and to not offend. While some
may believe you’re just putting on the charm, you just have a conviction that rudeness is wrong.

Don’t go at it alone when you’re lost somewhere. You do best when you rely on other people,
asking for directions or any sort of help. You have a compass that feels incomplete with someone
else’s, so any form of partnership will be highly inspiring for you. It’s also because you can be
quite indecisive or passive when embarking on adventures. When going out, you’ll either let
others choose or just piggyback off of what they suggest. In this sense, you prefer to be
agreeable and not rock the boat.

Scorpio in the 9th House and/or Pluto in the 9th House

Graduating high school brought out a deeper, more introspective you. In college or out in the
world, you may have had some traumatic or intense experiences that brought you face to face
with the nitty gritty. Therefore, you honed a sense of direction that was ever-aware of danger
and threat. So, you can be guided by the conviction that some sort of radical drama is waiting
around the corner. Others may see it as paranoid or controlling but you just know that there’s
something out there.

Whenever you feel lost, you can tap into an amazing power that turns everything around. Your
inner compass is quite psychic, capable of understanding all that’s unseen in ways that will put
you on the right path. So, it’s spooky but this ability to grasp the intangible is your source of
inspiration. You’re not the biggest fan of going out, as it can feel quite superficial to you. But, if
you do embark on an adventurous outing, it has to be in a very intimate setting and it has to be
deeply meaningful.

Sagittarius in the 9th House and/or Jupiter in the 9th House

All you ever wanted was to be free and you were thrilled to finally be unleashed onto the world.
Your college or post-high school experiences were freewheeling, enlightening, and probably even
quite wild. So, your sense of direction became to depend on feeling like you were limitless and
could do anything. You’re truly convinced of this and don’t appreciate anyone raining on this
parade. It may not always make you realistic or moderate but it does keep you endlessly moving

You don’t stay lost for long because you have an undying sense of faith that gets you through.
Even when you don’t exactly know where you’re going, you see it as an adventure, which always
leads to new discoveries. You have a compass that makes you feel very lucky and full of
enthusiasm. You love going out, doing anything you can to just burst free of any confinement.
Painting the town red is your specialty and you can easily be the party animal that just doesn’t
want to quit.

Capricorn in the 9th House and/or Saturn in the 9th House

Upon leaving high school, you became more aware of the pressures of life. You couldn’t be as
irresponsible or carefree as your friends while in college or out in the world. If you were, you
definitely paid the consequences for it. It might have taken some time but you eventually
developed a sense of direction that made you well-aware of life’s harsh consequences. It may
seem like pessimism to others but you feel like you’re in the right, which is often proven to you
by your trials.

You have an inner compass that is made to be put to the test. So, when you’re lost, it’s just an
opportunity to be realistic and sensible. You feel inspired by acknowledging limitations and
obstacles while not being crushed by them, which helps guide you through many situations. You
take going out quite seriously, as embarking on an adventure should feel like something
important. If the activity doesn’t feel purposeful and worthwhile, you might just prefer to stay in.

Aquarius in the 9th House and/or Uranus in the 9th House

Once you got out in the world, you began caring less what people thought. Your college or post-
high school self was quite an eccentric, gaining experiences that taught you how to get weird
and go crazy. Therefore, the internal direction you gained from this time was an unconventional
one. You’re that mad genius who will go on your own path, feeling justified in your unusual
choices, even when other people disapprove. In fact, the more they disapprove, the more right
you feel.

Being lost is an opportunity for you to get inventive. You have a compass within that allows you
to freely experiment. So, you can end up finding your way by just going in kamikaze mode.
Therefore, the process of thinking outside the box gives you the greatest inspiration. You are
always down for sudden, unexpected adventures. So, you don’t mind having plans to go out
being sprung on you and vice versa. However, you can also just break off and do your own thing,
often to others’ surprise.

Pisces in the 9th House and/or Neptune in the 9th House

After high school, you became more willing to just go along with the flow of things. Your
experiences in college or out in the world taught you how to be sponge-like and simply adapt.
But, this instilled a sense of direction that can be easily confused. Your convictions can change a
lot, depending on whoever you’re with. But, whatever you’ve convinced yourself of at the
moment is totally right, even when you have others believing that you have multiple

Getting lost can often mean staying lost for you. However, you are actually inspired by being lost,
in a positive way. Your compass urges you to wander, bringing you great enthusiasm when you
can just drift, not worrying about the results. When you go out, you easily merge with others’
plans but often neglect or forget your own. Another alternative is that you just prefer to stay in,
while just dreaming about going out. The fantasy of an adventure is often better than the reality
to you.

The North and South Node: The Memories and Potential of Your Soul

I love discussing the North and the South Node because I really think that these are placements
of destiny, as well as origin. There is something that just runs deep about your Nodes and it’s
why they need investigating and need your attention. I always say that the key to overcoming a
lot of the negatives in your chart, as well as accessing a lot of the positives, comes from
understanding the sign and house that your South Node and North Node are in.

However, I should just dispel one common myth: you’re not supposed to leave behind your
South Node. I hear people talking like that frequently and I feel like they’re missing the point.
Your South Node sign and house do represent poor habits and negative tendencies that can
seriously hold you back. And, yes, you’re supposed to overcome the flaws and the
counterproductive nature of your South Node. But, there are many good things about your South
Node, as well. It’s not all bad.
What your South Node is that it gives you fundamental traits that work as a base, as you pursue
your North Node sign/house. This is why the Nodes are in opposite signs. They’re in an axis,
meant to balance each other out. They feed each other. Without your South Node, you wouldn’t
be able to be as strong in your North Node. For example, with my Leo South Node in the 7th
conjunct the Sun, I have to get over seeing myself as the center of my personal relationships,
the most interesting factor, and trying to manipulate everything into the dramatic script I want to

But, my South Node also gives me warmth, kindness, generosity, an ability to cheer other people
on, that supports me on my Aquarius North Node in the 1st journey. Without these traits, the
healthy detachment and the courage to experiment that I’m cultivating would go out of balance
and just turn me into some cold, aloof person who does nothing but cause chaos and maintain a
scientific viewpoint. So, your North Node needs your South Node. Yet, you also need to be able
to keep your South Node’s negativity in check. It’s a constant balancing act, then.

There is something really spiritual about the Nodes. They have to do with your soul, as they are
connected to the Moon. As far as the South Node goes, it represents your past but your past life.
Now, I always remember that not everyone subscribes to the theory of past lives. Even so, the
South Node still has a way of strongly influencing your past in this life. But, I’m definitely down
with the theory of past lives. I think it makes sense because there’s just some part of ourselves
that is responding from a place that has not much to do with what we’ve done in this life. If you
respond from your Moon based on memories of what happened when you were six, you respond
from your South Node based on memories of what happened when you were someone else

Some people like to say that the South Node is a symbol of your past lives, as in plural; the kind
of life you lived, over and over and over again. I personally don’t know if we’re that destined to
repeat ourselves. Maybe in this life and even the next but not over the course of several. I just
think the South Node represents your most recent past life. The sign and house the South Node
is in (as well as any planets conjunct it) symbolize how you lived last time around and the things
that you didn’t get right. So, I think the South Node were the things you repeatedly messed up at
in your last life. And you never resolved those issues. Maybe you never found forgiveness or
humility or maturity or success; whatever the case might be. Therefore, it’s like a spiritual debt.
It’s been carried over into this lifetime in order for you to pay it off.

That’s why there’s some element of “cruel fate” attached to your South Node, when you’re
expressing it in unevolved ways. The Universe is set up, in this lifetime, to deny you the things of
your South Node until you let go of its bad habits and work more on your North Node. But,
unconscious of our karmic debt, we keep seeking “happiness” in this life area. We did these
things so much the last time around and got them so easily that we just innately assume that life
should be like our South Node. It’s just not going to work that way, folks. It’s like trying to go on
a shopping spree with a maxed-out credit card and then being bewildered when the card is
declined. If you over-focus on your South Node, you set yourself up for disappointment.

When I’m giving birth chart readings, interpreting people’s past lives based on their South Node
is possibly my favorite thing to do. And I’m sure, deep down, it always resonates. This is the
person who we just feel like we’re supposed to be! My South Node gave me a previous life of
high popularity and personal recognition, alongside some equally amazing person. Having a
personal planet conjunct the South Node makes you identify with it even more. So, with my Sun
in Leo conjunct my South Node and in the 7th, I’ve always felt cut from special cloth and it’s
something that I’ve (unfortunately) measured just about anyone who gets close to me against.

Yet, life has never rewarded me by living off these past-life memories of fame and idealized
relationships. Leo South Node people are forced into humility by their circumstances, some way
or another. It’s a process that I’m now so grateful for. But, pride goes before a fall and before I
developed that awareness, I just had always a sense of how unfair it was that I wasn’t being
given the special due that my regal past-life self received (even though I didn’t know that was
the reason I felt that way for most of my life). And for those who don’t believe in past lives, you
still have this nagging feeling that something’s missing, thanks to you coming up short when it
comes to your South Node, that has followed you throughout life, maybe even creating some
painful memories.

Enter your North Node! This is your soul’s greatest potential. I like to look at it as your origin
story. Your South Node is like Bruce Wayne before he becomes Batman and your North Node is
Batman. You can reach amazing heights through this placement but you have to be able to
believe that you can. Yet, it’s something that’s always brewing, thanks to the denial of fulfillment
that you crave via your South Node. With me, feeling like some sort of undiscovered,
unappreciated superstar all my life created the misfit outlook of my Aquarius North Node in the
1st. I’ve never been used to fitting in or getting a lot of praise (I know; imagine how crazy-
making that is for a Leo!), so I’ve always just resolved to do my own thing. And this
independent-mindedness kept growing and growing within me until I realized it was a

That’s how you have to see your North Node: as a superpower. I think some people believe that
you have to evolve into your North Node. And it’s true: you do have to challenge yourself to be
that person. But, what you actually have to realize is that you already are your North Node. You
just have to dig deep and embrace it. Since the North Node and the South Node are in
opposition, the more life has disappointed you by denying you the wants of your South Node, the
more you’ve been able to develop the strengths of your North Node. It’s just that the North Node
is, again, a part of your soul. So, these are unconscious strengths; things we’re unaware of. We
just have to challenge ourselves to bring them into the light and use them.

Let’s say you have the South Node in Pisces in the 4th. So, all you’ve ever wanted was a very
forgiving, relaxing, compassionate private life and family environment. But, you spent a big part
of your life not being able to have that: maybe things were too stressful at home growing up
and, even as an adult, you just cannot seem to find much peace in your home life. So, you
withdraw into a little shell, in private and when you’re all alone, creating your own world to
crying over your hurts. And this becomes a very habitual way for you to deal with things.

Yet, another part of you develops that is just no-nonsense and authoritative. If everything is
going to be so crazy and chaotic, then you’re going to develop an internal mechanism that
organizes things and keeps them in control. And you’ve got big plans for what you’d like to do
because of this organizational way of thinking. This side to you – your Virgo North Node in the
10th – keeps growing and growing until, when it’s finally unleashed, you can be a real structuring
force in the world, tinkering things exactly to your liking.

But, what would get in the way of the expression of your 10th House Virgo North Node? Your 4th
House Pisces South Node is still too scared, too self-protective, too lost in its own fantasies to
actually act on those surprisingly effective plans. Like I said, when unevolved, your South Node
just becomes your own Kryptonite, preventing you from saving the day. My Aquarius North Node
in the 1st just wants me to soar as a free-spirit, doing whatever interests me and, at the same
time, will benefit other people and be a worthwhile contribution. But, once my South Node steps
in with thoughts of, “Well, everyone’s just going to love this! Or will they? I don’t know”, I lose
my ability to fly. So, you have to allow yourself to be free enough to embrace the fullest potential
of your North Node. It’s a great challenge but one worth tackling because it will really transform

Something else I should also say is that you should not interpret your North Node’s house as
being exactly the same as the North Node in that sign. A 10th House North Node is not the same
as a Capricorn North Node. Usually, the “alphabet system”, as it’s called (sign=house=planet),
works out but when it comes to the North Node, it’s really not applicable because this is a
placement that’s very specifically about direction in life. The North Node sign always dominates
the house position. And that’s why being able to synthesize is important. If you’re not careful,
you could find yourself flying off in two very different directions.

The Moon and Your Mother

A lot of people know that your Moon sign, house placement, and aspects represent your mother
figure. As I always say, just which parent it is depends on the household and the parents raising
the child. But, for many of us, the mother figure is the female parent. And because of the yin
element of the Moon, I’ll be using the pronouns “she” and “her” to describe the mother figure.
The Moon is feminine yet is embodied and expressed by both women and men. But, enough of
all of that. I don’t like gender stereotypes; that should be noted by now.

Your Moon will tell you something about your mother’s nature. Sometimes, it’s wonderful and
sometimes, it’s not. It’s what you responded to within her, whether it was her light or her
shadow material. There is a darkness and a depth to the Moon, after all. But, I think the power
of the lunar goddess’ dark side can really terrify or bother people. It’s why there are so many
fairy tales with wicked witches, evil stepmothers, and jealous hags. And this can be a particular
issue that your Moon harbors. Our culture’s ideals say that the Mother is supposed to take good
care of us. Figuring out the ways in which she might not always have can be really distressing.

I’m not saying that you need to all of a sudden hate your mother. But, there’s a fear I see in
some astrology teachers or followers in fully confronting the shadow side of their Moon and, in
return, all of their true feelings about their mother figure. One thing I cannot stand is hearing
“Your Moon is just your perception of your mother. It’s not actually your mother.” I can
confidently tell you that’s this is nonsense. Children probably know their mothers better than
anyone (especially once they reach adulthood); better even than their mother’s spouse. So,
you’re saying that I don’t actually know the person I’ve known my entire life? Yeah, right.

My first reason for not believing this is, virtually without fail, a person’s Moon always reflects
something in their mother’s chart. It’s really freaky and I’ve never seen it not be true. Now, it
might not be your Moon sign. It might be your Moon’s house placement or a couple of aspects.
Sometimes, there’s just one thing about your Moon that speaks volumes about your Mom.
Sometimes, it’s two or three things or all of them combined. 

Either way, your Moon, in some way, symbolizes the traits that you’ve always been highly
receptive or sensitive to about your mother. Take someone with a Libra Moon, for example. Their
mother will probably have some Libra planets or an occupied 7th House that gives her strong
Libra energy. So, from the beginning, you reacted to this energy within her. It’s something you
honed in on, often times more than other people would. That’s where I think that nonsense
about “it’s just your perception” comes in. Your Moon defines the things you can see in your
mother better than anyone. It’s a big part of her, even though it’s not entirely her. So, it can
sometimes just look like your irrational, biased perception but it’s really your gut talking.

A person with a 5th House Moon may have a mother with significant Leo energy and someone
with a Moon-Neptune aspect can have a mother who’s very influenced by Pisces or Neptune. And
this, in turn, affects how the mother deals with her child. It is said, and accurately so, that a
parent just can’t help but deal with their children differently. Different relationships are
established, not only based on various personality differences or similarities but also the buttons
that one can push in the other. So, your Moon defines the emotional buttons that you end up
pushing in your mother figure.
Mothers with children who have Libra Moons will feel the need to keep the peace when their
harmony-seeking child is around because they sense how easily rattled they are and this brings
out their easily rattled side. A mom with a Gemini Moon or Moon-Mercury child, on the other
hand, will be very talkative with her children because her children talk so much and are so smart
and interesting. And this brings out the very curious, witty nature within the mother.

So, where does one end and the other begin? How a mother and child are constantly reacting off
of one another is symbolized by the Moon. And this, of course, is a deep, instinctive part of your
nature; a way you’ve emotionally responded to things since birth. It’s just that, through the
rapport with your mother figure, it becomes more and more reinforced, until you’re so used to it
that it feels completely natural. It turns into the most automatic part of you.

Another thing that astrologers seem to use to reinforce their idea that your Moon-mother image
is “just your perception” is the fact that siblings will usually have different Moon signs. But, to
isolate the signs is a mistake, as I’ve found that there is always some common thread between
siblings and their Moon signs. A brother can have a Virgo Moon and a sister can have an Aries
Moon. But, the sister’s Aries Moon can be in the 6th House (Virgo’s house) and the brother’s
Virgo Moon can be conjunct Mars (Aries’ ruler). You can also see one sibling with the Moon in
Taurus and another sibling with the Moon trine Venus, which rules Taurus. And so on.

Something like that is always happening. There will virtually always be similarities between
siblings’ Moons. And then you often get siblings with Moon signs in the same element and even
the same sign. So, that makes their interactions with mother even more similar. Even though
they will have different relationships and experiences with their Mom, it would be unrealistic to
think that they will all see her as a completely different person. She’s still the same person and
siblings will still have shared experiences, which are symbolized by the echoing aspects and
house placements.

Now, how many resentments, fond memories, horror stories, and heartwarming moments are
surrounding your Moon does truly depend on your mother’s personal growth and maturity.
Anybody can have an exceptional mother and anyone can have one who leaves a lot of scars.
Traditionally, we’ve been told that the “worst” mother figures have children with the Moon in
Scorpio or Capricorn. Is this always true? Of course not. These mothers can just be seen as
passionate, deep, insightful, and complex (Scorpio) as well as ambitious, reliable, respectable,
and in charge (Capricorn). This can set the stage for a really beautiful, solid relationship between
mom and child.
Yet, unfortunately, it is quite common to see people with these Moon signs have very unhealthy
relationships with their mothers: dysfunctional, controlling, very conditional, deeply manipulative.
And since these unhealthy mothers can often be narcissistic, on a clinical level, it definitely
doesn’t help to tell someone that their discomfort with them is only a perception. Because these
moms can be so skilled at using mind games (Scorpio) or their public image (Capricorn) in a
controlling way that they can deceive people into thinking highly of them, including their own

It’s not a pretty picture but it’s important to realize. However, again, narcissistic or sociopathic
mothers can have children of any Moon sign and it often comes from some sort of difficult aspect
(a square or an opposition). Whatever the case may be, you have to be open to whatever issues
your Moon might have. It can be a painful process but it’s necessary. It doesn’t mean that you
have to stop loving your mother or something. But, this kind of self-therapy needs to be done, no
matter how ideal you believe your childhood was. None of us are faultless and the flaws you see
in your mother, via your Moon, may not have been selfish, cruel or uncaring. Maybe they were
really accidental or unintentional. Either way, those explorations need to be made to heal

If not, they will become your issues. Because, after all, your Moon is still your Moon and not
anyone else’s. As an adult, you have to take full responsibility for it. So, it describes your inner
nature in ways that you have to own up to. If you don’t, the things your mother did wrong will be
the things you do wrong. That’s why Scorpio Moons with toxic mother relationships who don’t
heal will end up becoming controlling emotional vampires, as she was, and why Moon-Neptune
people who don’t confront these mommy issues will display the same complete delusion,
boundary issues, and run-from-my-feelings attitude that she had.

The cycle has to break somehow. And if you don’t deal with the less than pleasant side of your
Moon, you’ll never rise above those generation-to-generation issues and experience the amazing
aspects of your Moon as fully as you can. I don’t mean to be harsh but I don’t totally believe in
the phrase that “everyone does the best they can with what they have”. I don’t think that’s true.
I believe it’s just a way for some people to find comfort. I do think a lot of people do their best
but many people don’t. Trying your best, to me, comes from doing the work on yourself to
recognize your issues and become a better person. Some are scared to do this and some are not.
If you really go deep with your Moon, you can do just that.
The 3rd House: Signs and Planets

The sign and or planets in the 3rd House of your birth chart determine what you’re looking to
intellectually get from and give to a situation. It’s how you take that information in and what you
want to do with it, making it not only how we learn things but how we teach things to other
people. This is a process learned very much from the relationship with one’s siblings growing up,
which is what the 3rd House represents. Of course, you may also be an only child, so this house
will then symbolize what you sought to teach other children, like a little adult. And this interaction
with siblings and/or other kids influenced how we are in our neighborhood; another 3rd House

This continues into adulthood, defining the ways that you connect to your neighbors and why
you do or don’t gossip. And because the 3rd House is so full of ideas and changing thoughts, it’s
also your “flip side”: the evil-twin sort of part of you that emerges in conversations in unexpected
or sudden ways. This house is dualistic, after all, and can get pretty unpredictable.

Aries in the 3rd House and/or Mars in the 3rd House

You learn things very quickly, as you’re driven to figure out the essential point. And once you
you’ve got the gist, your mind can go elsewhere. You strongly insist on thinking for yourself. So,
you teach people to think in ways that are dynamic and full of conviction. Yet, you have a real
attitude when your flip side comes out, becoming snappy, testy, or overly forceful. It’s an
impulsive, quick-trigger thing, so you often don’t realize when you burn people verbally until

If you have siblings, you could handle yourself well with them and weren’t reliant on or
influenced by them. You always saw yourself as being in your own lane and didn’t care too much
what they did. If you’re an only child, you thought it was important to show other kids how to be
brave and stand alone. Either way, you flew solo in your neighborhood and still do now. You’re
only concerned with what happens in your literal backyard, so very little of your energy is wasted
through gossip.

Taurus in the 3rd House

You savor every little bit of information that comes your way, building and building toward a solid
understanding. So, you pick up on things in ways that might make you seem slower but actually
gives you a stronger mind than most. Therefore, your flip-side is extremely stubborn, to a point
of making you seem less reasonable than you are. But, you think that you have a lot of common
sense and like to teach other people to come to the practical conclusions that you do.

With your siblings, there is a huge amount of loyalty there that would take something really
massive and serious to break. You always felt like you could relax around them and that life was
more pleasurable with them. If you’re an only child, you wanted to teach the other kids to just
relax and enjoy life. So, your neighborhood was a big source of pleasure for you, growing up,
and it still is. You love connecting with your neighbors for the sake of it, not the accompanying

Gemini in the 3rd House and/or Mercury in the 3rd House

You’re always learning, picking up bits and pieces of everything as you go. So, you’re the eternal
student and the eternal teacher, as well. You believe that you’re very logical and insist on others
having the same rationale. But, your flip-side can come from being so rational that you justify
everything you do, as well as using your shrewd mind to play with others’ heads. It comes from
an ability to understand things in multiple ways which is, inevitably, what makes you so
Your relationship with your sibling(s) has always been special. You were two (or more) peas in a
pod, probably even seeming like the same person. And you were always getting into schemes
together that landed you in trouble. Even if you were an only child, you found some long-lost
twin to get into mischief with, taking the lead more so in this way. You’ve always been very
active in your neighborhood, as a result: sociable, restless, and, yes, a lover of getting the dirt on

Cancer in the 3rd House and/or Moon in the 3rd House

Your learning style is to feel your way through the information. It has to really sink in your gut
for you to grasp it and, as a result, you’re able to use logic to help you understand your feelings
and vice versa. So, you like teaching people how to make rational sense out of more mysterious
things. Yet, this also means that when your flip-side comes out, you can be so irrational that you
see your craziness as pure logic. Your moods change like the wind but this also makes you

If you have siblings, your relationship with them is supportive and comforting. You felt like you
were very able to just talk about your feelings freely with them, making you used to verbally
venting what you feel or writing it out. If you’re an only child, you became the counselor for all
the kids on the block. So, as an adult, you relate to your neighbors by inviting them in and
getting them to spill. But, you can unconsciously slip into gossip mode by repeating these
confidences to others.

Leo in the 3rd House and/or Sun in the 3rd House

Your intellectual objective is figuring out what this information has to do with you or how you can
relate to it. Therefore, you always want the lessons you both learn and teach to be really exciting
and alive! If it’s not interesting, you flat line. The fact that you’re mentally stimulated by drama
shows that you can teach people to shake up their lives. Yet, your flip side is truly another
person, as you crave so much excitement that you feel the need to switch into various
personalities to get it.

This placement points to a relationship with one or more of the siblings that is non-stop fun and
glory. You may have looked up to a fabulous, attention-getting brother or sister so much that you
imitated them highly, to the point of becoming their doppelganger. However, being an only child
would make you seek a “twin” or two in the neighborhood to imitate you. Now, you’re very used
to being a real character in your neighborhood, full of fun, mischief, and the latest scoop on
Virgo in the 3rd House
You learn through acute analysis and attention to detail, which can sidetrack you in
conversations. You might easily get too caught up in a tiny thing someone said, to the point
where you didn’t listen to anything else. But, this also makes you a good teacher when it comes
to urging people to think critically and use good sense. Still, when you get too critical, your flip
side emerges by causing you to be too fault-finding and judgmental with information or points of
view, particularly your own.

Your sibling(s) taught you what was seen as right and wrong. There was an emphasis on
correctness in this relationship, as they were always trying to straighten you out. You obliged,
taking to the process of being perfected by them. If you grew up as an only child, then you were
more focused on correcting other kids. So, you’re very focused on what’s wrong with your
neighborhood. As an adult, your interest in gossip is solely to criticize what or who needs
improving around here.

Libra in the 3rd House and/or Venus in the 3rd House

The learning process is a very thoughtful one for you, as you’re well-aware of how people give
and receive information. Therefore, your objective in conversations is to get on the same page
intellectually with the other person. You teach people through your charm and your sweetness.
Yet, the flip-side of your people skills is being highly manipulative, working people by knowing all
the right things to say, as well as being so focused on both sides that you become crazily

If you have siblings, you highly appreciated their companionship. You might have developed a
co-dependent bond with them where you did everything together, including sharing artistic skills
and lots of affection. If you’re an only child, however, you were intent on culturing kids your age
and bringing beauty to their perspective. You like to play a very peaceful, kind role in your
neighborhood now. You probably see most gossiping as unfair or mean yet you’ll still probably
hear it out first.

Scorpio in the 3rd House and/or Pluto in the 3rd House

You’re most interested in the subtext of information, instead of what’s on the surface. So, your
learning process is investigative, figuring out what’s being left unsaid or unrevealed. You teach
people to not think superficially and to hone their detective skills. But, if you go too far, you
express a flip side that’s highly paranoid, though you can often take this paranoia as fact. It’s a
destructive and also hypocritical mentality, as you’re prone to not exposing much of your own

You have a very intense relationship with at least one sibling. It can be love-hate, tumultuous, or
obsessively close. You sense a power within them that you strive to investigate, especially since
they find that power through some sort of trauma, like abuse, self-destruction, or death. As an
only child, you’ll be that mystery child, forcing the other kids to figure you out. Now, you’re very
private with your neighbors. And if they gossip about you behind your back, you’ll quickly cut
them off.

Sagittarius in the 3rd House and/or Jupiter in the 3rd House

Your objective is to grasp the big picture, so you learn by not being too interested in the little
things about the information. Instead, you want to see the whole scope of it and be inspired by
it. Data has to make you enthusiastic to get those mental juices flowing. You’re an enthusiastic
teacher, as you can turn every lesson into a funny, colorful story. But, your flip side makes you
an exaggerated clown, going over-the-top verbally in ways that make people just want to put
you on mute.

Your sibling relationships felt like wonderful adventures, while growing up. You went off on your
own explorations together, discovering whole new worlds by straying far from your own territory.
If you’re an only child, you encouraged the kids on your block to follow you wherever you went,
whether they were allowed or not. So, you’re still not limited by your neighborhood, making
gossip small-minded to you. If you do it, it’s not malicious. You don’t see it as gossip; just a good

Capricorn in the 3rd House and/or Saturn in the 3rd House

You think that you have to work really hard to understand things and impress people with your
intellect. So, you know how to see the purpose in the information you come across and how to
take in and convey that purpose. Therefore, you’re a formidable teacher, making your students
take you seriously and even look up to you. Yet, when your flip side comes out, you’re overly
pessimistic and negative about what you’re saying, as well as highly anxious about how it’ll be

With one of your siblings, you always felt like you had to be more intellectually accomplished
than them, probably since they’re so talented and recognized elsewhere that you see intellect as
your domain. They might also have hated school, done poorly, or dropped out, even if they were
very smart, so you felt the pressure to pick up that baton. As an only child, you’ll strive to be this
example for other kids, though you feel the weight of being the “nerd”. You’re very status-
conscious with neighbors and may gossip to take someone else down. But, you’ll eventually learn

Aquarius in the 3rd House and/or Uranus in the 3rd House

The learning process for you is an unconventional one, encouraging you to think outside of the
box. Your whole agenda in conversations is to give and receive unusual thoughts and ideas. This
ensures that you have a flip side that seems to go totally nuts, breaking rules and pushing
buttons with the wild things you say. However, you are also capable of teaching other people to
express their ideas freely, through your own offbeat verbal style, without worrying what others
will think.

There is a genuine friendship that occurs with one or more of the siblings, to the point where you
are truly friends first and siblings second. You grew up feeling free to be your quirky self around
your tolerant brother or sister. You also probably teamed up with them in a few rebellions against
your parents. If you’re an only child, though, you were that liberating influence toward other
kids, showing them how to march to a different beat. As an adult, you’re detached from what
your neighbors think of you. They can gossip about you all they want but you shut them up
about others.

Pisces in the 3rd House and/or Neptune in the 3rd House

Information enters your brain like a fog, making you uncertain, sometimes, of exactly what you
want out of a conversation. You’re often vague or confusing when you’re trying to teach
someone something. Facts easily become fantasies for you, leading to a flip side that can become
so deluded and such a “character” that people wonder if you’re seeing straight. Yet, your skill is
blending intellect with imagination, giving you a mental outlook that comprehends beyond what
is seen.

If you have siblings, you grew up feeling unconditionally loved by them. Your bond was a
forgiving, peaceful one and also a Universe unto itself. You truly got lost in the make-believe
games you played with your brother or sister and you shared many secrets with them. Yet, if you
grew up an only child, you were forever trying to sweep the kids on your block away to a new
world. So, you’ve always free-flowed through your neighborhood. You’d rather just love thy
neighbor and you’re deeply affected and hurt by gossip, even if (or maybe especially if) you’re
not the subject of it.
The 6th House: Signs and Planets

I’m going to be doing articles on all of the houses from now on and I figure that I might as well
do descriptions of all of the signs and/or planets in each house, especially since it’s quite hard to
find information on the signs in the houses. I already did it for the 5th. And even though I just
wrote my article on the 6th House a few days ago, I put off doing it for that house, appropriately
enough. Everyone’s guilty of a bit of procrastination regarding the 6th.

Just to reiterate, the 6th House is the house of everything you have to get done every day. Yes,
work can fall under that umbrella but just about everything that’s a chore or a task is work,
whether it’s your actual job or that other stuff on the to-do list. The 6th House is also the house
of health, describing the mind-body dynamic that can either boost our health or make it suffer. If
you have an empty 6th House, look at the sign on the 6th House cusp to see how this all plays
out. If you have planets in the 6th, they drive your routine every day, in either predictable or
uncontrollable ways.

6th House in Aries and/or Mars in the 6th House

You take an aggressive approach to each day. You don’t stop to think too much about what you
have to do because that’s oddly depressing for you. You’d rather just burn through the day,
which can either make you compulsively productive, unable to tolerate idle periods, or very
selfish about your agenda, wanting things to happen how you want them to. You can easily get
mad when your plans mess up and you need to learn to not try and force everything to happen.
Your health tends to be vigorous and robust. Getting sick can be a rarity for you and you get
over it very quickly. This is because you’ve got it in your head that you have so much to do.
There’s just no time to be sick! It’s to a point where you don’t even really think much about
getting sick, giving you quite a bad-ass immune system. Other people can be coughing up a
storm around you and you don’t even catch it. Why would you? It’s not your problem.

6th House in Taurus

There is a sluggishness to how you get things done through the day. You’re quite blessed with an
ability to not get anxious or worried about much, if anything. It’ll get finished when it gets
finished. Therefore, you might actually manage to be more productive than most people, even if
it takes you longer to do things, because you don’t overexert your energy in stress or tension. In
fact, there’s often something very enjoyable and relaxing about your routine.

This slowness can also translate into your health, which gives you a pretty extended recovery
time. Colds and illnesses might really stick to you, lasting for what seems like weeks. But, this
can also be because you don’t jump on these illnesses when they arise as quickly as you
sometimes should. So, it just builds and builds into a prolonged sickness. However, there is also
great potential, with this placement, to go the opposite route and build a very durable immune

6th House in Gemini and/or Mercury in the 6th House

You’re a master at multi-tasking, with a clever ability to take on different tasks at once. You can
juggle your chores and your work like nobody’s business. There’s also a real clarity here that
allows you to observe things in your daily routine that others miss and, as a result, take a more
logical approach. Yet, you cannot tolerate boredom from day-to-day. When you work, it has to be
stimulating and you have a knack for constantly switching things up so they don’t get stale.

Health can be a manic or bi-polar area of your life, making you switch from being as healthy as a
horse to having an overloaded immune system. This is usually due to your thoughts, as there is
often an obsessive hypochondriac on your shoulder, making you over-think health issues. The
mind-body link is especially powerful for you and you must learn how to wield it. Gaining clarity
of your thoughts is what will keep you healthy, allowing your body to be as cleansed as your

6th House in Cancer and/or Moon in the 6th House

How each day unfolds all depends on your mood. You can get very emotionally worked up over
your routines because you seek an innate safety and comfort from these daily rhythms.
Therefore, things not going as scheduled can really upset you. But, they often don’t go as
scheduled because you get so upset! Stress takes a deep toll on you, so remember to just find
comfort in the little things themselves. You’re a total creature of habit and feel at ease doing the
same thing every day.

Being so easily stressed can take immediate toll on your health. But, these illnesses often come
and go. Getting sick is usually a sign that you’re not in a good place emotionally or not taking
good care of yourself. So, a cold or something will pop up to get you to tend to yourself for a
while. You’re also very good at nurturing others back to health. Your favorite thing to do is to
play nurse or doctor, immediately responding with comforting solutions once someone is feeling
under the weather.

6th House in Leo and/or Sun in the 6th House

You want to be the boss of your routine and you organize your days so they revolve around you,
in some way. You might do a lot of things for others but you often do so for the self-importance
that it gives you. But, don’t go around demanding attention for helping other people because you
should be doing that to genuinely help. This position also gives you the ability to make your day
feel exciting and vibrant; at least to you. Even if those chores bore everyone else, they’re fun to

There can be something quite heroic about your immune system. You can get yourself back to
good health out of sheer strength of will. In fact, you might make something of a drama out of
being sick, seeing it as an opportunity to show how strong you can be by overcoming it. You may
also be quite bossy when it comes to others’ health, feeling the need to lead them toward a
lifestyle that is more organic or nutritious. It might often annoy others, especially since you tend
to be right.

6th House in Virgo

You basically live for routines, even if you don’t want to admit it. You’re the kind of person who
absolutely loves scheduling their day and planning everything they have to do. But, this might
not leave much room for spontaneity and fluidity. You have to realize when you’re being too
militant about your plan. Things mess up all the time and you’ll feel even more efficient and
capable when you can respond to these malfunctions without malfunctioning yourself.
You may also be a total health nut, embracing a very organic, clean way of living. But, while
some with this placement might be the health-conscious gym rats who never smoke and always
diet, there can be some who are the opposite. You might be very messy with your health, out of
some inner compulsion to improve. Knowing that you’re not so healthy is something that can
keep you humble and always give you something to work on, instead of already being perfect.

6th House in Libra and/or Venus in the 6th House

Relating to others is a big part of your daily routine, which brings your personal bonds into a very
mundane sphere. You are perfectly fine with a romantic life or friendships that aren’t too
spontaneous or exciting. In fact, you find great pleasure in sharing all the “boring” stuff with
someone else, believing that this is what allows people to truly connect. Yet, you might have too
much of a plan when it comes to the other person and need to give them more space to flow.

The health of others might sometimes be more important to you than your own health. There
can be co-dependency here, through you making sure that your partner or friend is staying on
top of their diet or exercise regimen. There may be too much enmeshment, which can also make
it very easy for you to catch what others have. However, you just feel healthier when everyone
else around you is good, too. So, it’ll help to make that commitment to healthy living a joint

6th House in Scorpio and/or Pluto in the 6th House

You gain a feeling of control from your daily routine but might also become too obsessive about
it. When things don’t go as planned, it can feel like a battle for control or power. So, letting go of
your preconceived ideas of what’s supposed to happen is key. You are capable of enormous hard
work, to the point of giving every ounce of your energy into all the little things. But, be aware of
going to extremes, as you can give away all of your reserves to your work and then feel empty.

Health issues can plague you more than the next person, to the point where staying healthy feels
like a virtual struggle to survive. Serious health problems or traumas can occur. However,
obsessing over your pain is what makes it worse, as well as unhealthy obsessive thoughts, in
general. You can find great empowerment through mastering your mind-body link, allowing your
health to experience a total overhaul. The deep healing and transformation of one’s immune
system is the focus here.

6th House in Sagittarius and/or Jupiter in the 6th House

Each day must unfold like an adventure for you. The feeling of never knowing what’s around the
corner will give you an inner sense of inspiration that allows those mundane tasks to become
truly enlightening. A strong belief in the Greater Plan is necessary for you to feel more efficient.
You can be excessively productive but also easily put way too much on your plate. It’s good that
you believe so much in your efficiency yet it can lead to an overconfidence that makes you

Sometimes, it might seem like there’s no limit to the stress that comes your way, which is the
kind of thing that can make you sick all the time via your thoughts. However, a tireless buoyancy
can also be developed when faced with stress that sends you the other way and makes you
amazingly healthy. You can go years without getting sick. The importance of mind-body
awareness is very pronounced here, making you quite an enthusiastic healer when faced with
unhealthy souls.

6th House in Capricorn and/or Saturn in the 6th House

The tasks and duties of each day can be very intimidating and challenging for you. It can feel like
every little thing is a climb up a mountain. How you deal or don’t deal with this difficulty is the
test. You must realize that you can set ridiculously high standards for yourself, as if each little
thing you do has to be incredible and faultless. When you can overcome this attitude and relax
more into your routine, you’ll find that you have the enormous stamina and dedication you need
to accomplish all.

A rather debilitated health is usually an essential problem for this placement. You struggle with a
deep anticipation of something terrible happening every day and these worries can severely
affect your health. And you can simply worry a lot about your health, to a degree that becomes
self-fulfilling. You must learn to only focus on solutions to health issues and not the potential
disasters. When you do, you’ll find yourself develop an increasingly strong, reliable immune

6th House in Aquarius and/or Uranus in the 6th House

There is a real method to your madness, even if no one else really understands it. Even if you do
have a plan for what you're going to do every day, it never sticks. So you regularly rely on just
winging it. This is what actually brings consistency into your daily routine, as you adhere to the
intuitive insights you always get that tell you exactly what to do. It’s just your way and others
must give you the freedom to work in your own idiosyncratic way. If not, you can cause chaos
out of sheer frustration.
Unusual methods toward staying healthy are usually your forte. You’re open to just about any
odd remedy or healing practice there is out there. However, you’re not really one to take health
advice from others. You’re quite defiant in this way and you might even feel compelled to rebel
against your diet or your exercise routine. You can abruptly break off, just when you were
getting used to it, and find another one, experiencing a breakthrough idea of a better way to stay

6th House in Pisces and/or Neptune in the 6th House

It might be very hard, if seemingly impossible, for you to stick to a daily plan. You aren’t really
interested in mapping out each and every day. Instead, you’re very open to surrendering to the
plan of unseen forces. While that is spiritually fulfilling, it can prevent you from being as
productive as you sometimes should be. Thinking about the work you need to do can be
confusing or overwhelming. Yet, when you’re really inspired, you can also get deeply lost in the
groove of work.

You’ll spend at least a portion of your life with a highly vulnerable immune system. You’re always
catching illnesses from others yet it’s difficult to say where it’s all coming from. This is the kind of
thing that can make you very paranoid about your health and a massive germaphobe. Yet, your
health will be strengthened by focusing your energy on healing others, within boundaries. Your
mind-body link is very symbiotic and immediately strengthened by making others healthier.
The 5th House: Signs and Planets

If you have an empty 5th House, do not fear. You still have a 5th House and it's still important,
just like every house, whether it has planets or no planets in it. The sign on the 5th House cusp
and/or planets in the 5th represent what you need to cultivate in order to be fully creative and
live an entertaining life, as well as get yourself out there in the dating scene. It also relates to
your inner child (how you were as a kid) and how you deal with children. However, you might
care more about your inner kid and not like kids. You might not even want or have kids.
Whatever the case may be. But, it's the childlike spirit that you access. 
Aries in the 5th House and/or Mars in the 5th House
You have a very aggressive, assertive sense of creativity. You’re capable of completely living in
the moment, even if this spontaneity ends up causing a lot of damage in the end. As a child, you
were really active and athletic. So, with children, you push them a lot to do things. You want to
them to grab life by the horns and not rest on their laurels. If you have children, they’ll have a
strong Mars or Aries influence. They’ll be courageous, blunt, and competitive, even with you!

You come on really strong whenever you’re flirting and aren’t hesitant to make the first move.
Dominant, ballsy types draw you in, so you regularly get crushes on Aries-influenced folks. The
process of the chase is so exciting to you. However, once the sex has been had, the spark might
die out because now they’re no longer a challenge. Are they the player or are you?

Taurus in the 5th House

Creativity is about taking your sweet time. You hate being rushed into doing anything. But, once
you do it, you really stick to it. You were really lazy as a child and loved nothing more than eating
and being a couch potato. It was almost like meditation for you. Therefore, around kids, you’re
always making sure they’re comfortable and at peace. You can indulge them a lot. Your own kids
will have either a dominant Taurus or Venus energy. They’re sweet but they expect all the good
things you have to offer.

You’re flirty in a really sensual, laidback way, not trying too hard to broadcast your interest. If
they’re attracted, too, they’ll come your way. You find Taurus types really hot, as that slow and
steady vibe just activates all of your hormones. Right off the bat, you want to be wined and
dined or shower them in riches. Yet, the fabulous life can soon get old and cause you to move

Gemini in the 5th House and/or Mercury in the 5th House

You feel most creative when you’re bouncing around all sorts of thoughts. Feel free to change
your mind, as that switch in your head is always flipping. When you were a kid, you were highly
curious and talkative, maybe to a degree that drove adults crazy. But, you were very intelligent.
Now, kids find you very easy to talk to and interesting to be around. Your children will have a
strong Gemini or Mercury influence. They’re witty and unpredictable, just like you, and are often
your little Mini Me.

You’re a massive flirt but can also be the master of leading people on, as you flirt in a way that
doesn’t take it seriously. Your eye constantly roams and you find a hottie in just about every
direction. Gemini folks catch your attention easily, as that quick wit and bright mind is just so
sexy to you. Amazing conversation easily seduces you but that doesn’t mean that it keeps you

Cancer in the 5th House and/or Moon in the 5th House

Your sense of creativity is very intuitive. When you follow your gut, you’re truly living in-the-
moment. You must have confidence in your instincts! As a child, you were super-sensitive and
emotional but might have often felt targeted because of that. So, you’re really protective around
children now as an adult, never wanting them to be hurt. Your children will have Cancer
placements or a strongly placed Moon. They’re deep and receptive, often even making you feel

You’re often quite shy when you’re feeling someone because you tend to feel so much for them
right away. Your romantic interest is sparked by someone who makes you feel safe, which is why
you’re often so hot for Cancer people. Intimacy and opening up can happen quickly and lead to
great sex. But, the let’s-share-our-feelings bit can grow stale after a while and cause it to fizzle

Leo in the 5th House and/or Sun in the 5th House

Well, you’re just an amazingly creative person. Not only are you super-expressive and
entertaining but you have wonderful confidence in your endeavors. You really sought out the
spotlight as a kid. Yet, you sometimes needed an off switch. Therefore, you readily give children
a chance to shine but might then sweep in and upstage them. If you have kids, they will have a
strong Leo or Sun influence. They’re self-assured little superstars and, in that sense, real chips
off the old block.

You are not only bold about your romantic interest but pretty presumptuous, as you can just
assume that whoever you find hot thinks you’re hot, too. Luckily, you’re often drawn to Leo folks
who dig this same sort of confidence. Your heart flutters at how glamorous and exciting
everything around them feels like. However, the party’s got to end sometime. When it does, is it
still fulfilling?

Virgo in the 5th House

You have a knack for being both spontaneous and analytical. You’re excellent at planning really
fun things to do because so much of your creativity and enjoyment comes from organizing
things. In childhood, you were a real smarty-pants, probably correcting the adults around you all
the time. And you try to guide kids toward thinking more sensibly now as an adult. Your children
will have either strong Virgo or Mercury energy, serving as a reflection of you by giving you
advice all of the time.

You’re quite sensible and humble when you’re crushing on someone. You might doubt that they
like you yet this humility can be a turn-on to others. You’re often into Virgo types, as intelligence
is hotter to you right away than anything else. Things start off in the romance in a very practical
way. In the beginning, you keep things down-to-earth. But, you may start craving something
Libra in the 5th House and/or Venus in the 5th House
You feel most creative when you’re paired up with someone, which often means your partner.
You started early as a kid, as your heart fluttered more quickly than the other children. There
was always a new crush, a new apple of your eye, and you were very flirty. Now, you encourage
children to look their best as well as to be considerate and polite. Since your own kids will have
Libra planets or a strong Venus, they’ll be just as flirty and sophisticated as you were at their

You’ve mastered the art of flirting, keeping it classy while still broadcasting your interest. You
can’t ignore a cutie when you see one and tend to crush on Libra-influenced people, as their
sophisticated charm is like catnip to you. You definitely want the romance to feel like a romance:
candlelight dinner, good movie, the works. But, what happens when all of the charm and
politeness wears thin?

Scorpio in the 5th House and/or Pluto in the 5th House

Your creative moments are secretive and mysterious. You’re not totally open or direct about your
plans, which was how you were even as a kid. There were always hidden depths about you that
the adults around you could only guess at. As an adult now, you’re very tuned into children,
intuiting their secret feelings and motives. If you have children, they’ll be strong in Scorpio or
Pluto energy. They’re enigmatic and even a bit unnerving cause they see right through you.

Whenever you’re romantically interested in someone, you’re very subtle about it. Scorpio types
are the ones you find particularly crush-worthy, as their air of mystery is very seductive to you.
Dating can be like falling down the rabbit hole to you. Your all or nothing is invested instantly,
which makes things very torrid and intense right away. Then, you may feel the need to come to
your senses.

Sagittarius in the 5th House and/or Jupiter in the 5th House

You believe that being creative is all about exploring different options. An active sense of
discovery is very fun to you. As a child, you were very restless as well as irrepressible, too larger-
than-life to be contained. Therefore, you relate to children now by allowing them to be totally
free and live with the wind in their hair. You’ll want your own children to see the whole world!
They will have either prominent Sagittarius or Jupiter influences, making them free-spirited
sidekicks on all of your journeys.
You’re most seduced by someone who promises to take you away out of your dreary life to
somewhere exciting. This is why Sagittarius-influenced people are so sexy to you: their thirst for
adventure. The crush tends to last as long as things remain fun and bigger-than-life. But, you
might then feel the need to move on toward another adventure. Dating is an endless exploration
for you.

Capricorn in the 5th House and/or Saturn in the 5th House

Your sense of creativity just comes from working hard. Every moment is like a goal to you and
you live in that moment by dedicating yourself to the goal. You probably weren’t really a childlike
kid, acting more like an adult. You felt like you had to work hard and get stuff done. You might
to be too strict with kids, sometimes. Yet, you can encourage them to achieve anything they
want to. If you have kids, they’ll be Capricorn or Saturn types who are just as mature and dutiful
as your inner kid.

You find someone who seems like a real boss very attractive. This is why those with Capricorn
planets are often really hot to you. They’re just in command of their situation, maybe even of
you! When the first flush of romance hits, you want things to remain practical and structured.
However, that can stop being so attractive after a while, causing you or them to get “fired.”

Aquarius in the 5th House and/or Uranus in the 5th House

Living in the moment, for you, is about daring to be different. You have a wild, eccentric creative
flair that doesn’t care much what others think. You were a very quirky child because of this, as
well as highly independent-minded and even rebellious. As a result, you’re very hands-off with
children, encouraging them to think for themselves and be individuals. Your children will have
strong Aquarius or Uranus influences that make them march to their own drumbeat, like their
eccentric parent.

Craziness and sexiness are the same thing to you. So, you develop a lot of crushes on Aquarius
types, as you find a chemistry with them that’s really electrifying and exciting. You seek to turn
their world upside down, introducing them to all sorts of things they never knew or tried before
and vice versa. However, this wild, rebellious abandon might not be what you need to actually

Pisces in the 5th House and/or Neptune in the 5th House

You’re highly creative but in a way that might not always translate to the “real world.” You find
the moment elusive and hard to explain, as you get completely lost in it. You had a big
imagination as a kid, as well as a painfully empathetic awareness of others. Therefore, you’re
very delicate and selfless with children. Yet, you might also give up too much of yourself! If you
have kids, they will be dominant in Pisces or Neptune traits, making them ethereal beings on
their own plane.

Sometimes, you might be confused about who you find sexy or why exactly you find them sexy.
And this is what draws you to those with a Pisces influence because there’s just something
intangible about them that’s crush-worthy. The early parts of the romance are often like a dream
for the both of you, as you drift away to your own little landscape together. But, this might mean
that you’re also highly prone to disappointment and disillusion while dating because this can
never hold up. 

Planets in the 7th House: Uranus

Wild and zany Uranus is the next planet I’m tackling in my Planets in the 7th House series. Only
Pluto and the Moon are left! Uranus in the 7th House is definitely going to be an interesting
influence in a person’s life. If you have this placement, you strive to keep your relationships very
interesting. Never should they become boring or predictable. Planets in the 7th define what we
expect from other people in our one-on-one bonds. But, if we expect too much of this without
being able to give it back, these planets go out of whack. The 7th House is all about balance, so
any planet here must be given as much as it is received.

Uranus in the 7th wants a strong friendship, above all else. And it doesn’t matter if the
relationship actually is a friendship or if it’s a romance. They need to be your buddy. Even in
business partnerships, those with this position want a more casual, laidback rapport. Uranus does
not put on airs and does not treat anyone differently than the next person. So, a 7th House
Uranus person does not see why they have to treat their significant other differently than they
treat their friend. And they will want the same thing back from you, in that they don’t want you
making too many demands on them that you don’t make on anyone else.

There is a real paradox at the heart of this placement, as uber-friendly Uranus can also be a
loner, at heart, and the 7th House is about other people. So, its placement here can make a
person feel oddly separate and detached even while in a committed relationship. And this
interestingly makes for what is probably the least dependent 7th House placement; at least, on
the surface. But, they are very dependent on independent people. Make sense? Basically, Uranus
in the 7th House really wants someone who gives them plenty freedom and space. And it’s when
they don’t get that freedom that they can start malfunctioning.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

The worst thing you can do to Uranus in the 7th is make them feel as if they cannot breathe. The
less independence they feel in their relationships, the less their Uranus comes out to play. 7th
House planets, as I’ve been saying throughout the series, can sometimes feel like they’re not
even there without being reflected back by another person. So, Uranus in this house has a tough
time feeling as free-spirited and nonconforming as possible without someone who is free-spirited
and nonconforming by their side. People who are quite square make them feel square! If a
Uranus in the 7th House person finds themselves in a relationship with someone who is dull and
colors inside the lines all the time, they can be horrified to find themselves doing the same thing.
“When did I get so boring?” can be their thought, when mismatched with a very un-Uranus-like

And this is the kind of thing that can make them avoid relationships altogether. They are more
able than others with planets in this house to establish an independent sense of this planet. But,
it is still prevents life from being as enriching as it could be. So, they are real contradictions.
Uranus in the 7th House people need to be someone’s best friend. But, they need to be the best
friend of someone who is exciting and keeps them on the edge, as well as who gives them the
space that they need to breathe and be an individual. It’s a constant dance between
independence and dependence that 7th House Uranus folks will get better at with time.

This need for a best friend doesn’t just manifest in their romances, of course. It manifests in their
friendships. In fact, good friendships might be all that those with Uranus in their 7th House really
need. They may remain single for long stretches of time. But, going without friends? Never. And
these friends need to be very accepting, tolerant people who can get weird with and not worry
about being judged. Though Uranus is such a nonjudgmental planet itself, these are not people
who can handle the super-judgmental for very long. They can be friends with anyone and
everyone, so long as they have an open mind and don’t tell them what to do. Giving unsolicited
advice to your 7th House Uranus friend about who they should date or what they should wear is
a good way to be on the outs with them. They probably don’t do that to you, so don’t do that to

Besides, no one could ever really give these people love advice anyway. We are constantly told to
follow our hearts in love. These people follow their heads when it comes to their relationships, as
they enjoy a dynamic that is an intriguing intellectual connection. So, if they’re interested in their
significant other, who is someone else to tell them not to date them? Wherever Uranus is, this is
the life area where we think outside the box. Therefore, 7th House Uranus people definitely think
outside of the box concerning relationships, in more ways than one. A major way is that they
don’t care if you approve of their choices in mates, which is quite different from how a 1st House
Uranus person doesn’t care what you think about them. Uranus in the 7th’s nonconformity more
so extends toward who people expect them to end up with. If their family has very critical or,
even worse, bigoted standards about who they should be with, they’ll be more than happy to
bring that “unapproved of” partner home and dare them to judge.

Uranus is quite a shocking energy and those with this placement can get off on shocking
(Uranus) other people (7th House), especially if in aspect to Mars. Planets in the 7th House
define our one-on-one influence. And Uranus in the 7th House people have an influence like
electricity: they can shock you and illuminate you, at the same time. With Uranus in the 1st, this
more so happens immediately, whenever they’re faced with new situations. It might take some
time for the erratic side of a 7th House Uranus individual to come out but it’s often once you’ve
gotten to know them more. When they really become your friend or your lover, they will take you
on a wild ride. They see this as a social influence they must uphold, as things can often get so
boring without them.

They are highly unpredictable with people. You never know what they will do. If your Uranus in
the 7th House buddy is always canceling on you, don’t worry. Just hold out for that inevitable
moment when they suddenly come up with something awesome for you to do. Keeping people
on their toes is their agenda because it keeps themselves on their toes. Uranus has a mad
brilliance to it and these folks do feel more innovative around others. This leads to a lot of crazy
ideas for things that you two can do together. Whether or not you can go along with their
madness is going to be the test! Uranus is a planet of progression and they are often urging you
to progress, by throwing out the rule book, trying something unusual, and not caring what
people think.
But, their craziest partner in crime is often their romantic partner. I should use the term
“romantic” sparingly here as this won’t be the most lovey-dovey of partners, even if Uranus is a
passionate sign in Leo or Scorpio. They actually prefer their relationship to begin without much
sentiment. The perfect situation for them would be starting out as friends and gradually
becoming romantic partners who are still, as I said before, virtually like friends. Their significant
other must be someone who brings a cutting-edge, eccentric excitement to their lives. After all,
they do the same for them! When it comes to dates and couples activities, anything can and
should go and I mean anything. No cookie-cutter old “dinner and a movie” scenario will hold up
for long in this union.

7th House Uranus people can also be big fans of unconventional relationships; anything that
promotes freedom and prevents too much possessiveness. This can mean open relationships,
long-distance relationships, or long-term commitments without marriage. Uranus in the 7th
House can actually be very opposed to marriage which doesn’t, as I’m sure they’ll tell you, mean
that they are opposed to commitment. They are just forever thinking outside of convention
(Uranus) when it comes to relationships (7th House). So, why do they need a piece of paper to
be committed to someone? Their ideal partner feels the same way.

Mars in the 8th House

People with their Mars in the 8th House have huge reserves of passion and focus to channel
toward their goals and endeavors. The desires of the Mars sign are intensified in this house,
sometimes to an overwhelming degree. Gemini Mars in the 8th House, for example, would take
their desire for communication and mental stimulation to impassioned extremes. However, the
desire nature of an 8th House Mars individual can also become downright destructive, if taken
too far. These people want what they want so ferociously, and sometimes so desperately, that
they are willing to push themselves all the way to the edge to get it. And they might just end up
plummeting off the cliff.

But, the intensity of confrontations, formidable challenges, and the facing of fears gets their
blood-pumping. Mars is at home in the 8th House, giving these individuals a ferocity that
shouldn’t be underestimated. What scares the hell out of most people is something that they
simply find invigorating. Though 8th House Mars people don’t flinch or waver, this doesn’t mean
that they’re necessarily as fearless as they might seem to be. In fact, they might be full of fear,
which is why they are so driven to conquer their fears. This position can instill some unnecessary
paranoia, especially in situations where they’re powerless or not in control. Mars in the 8th
individuals can feel constantly thrown into fated situations that are out of their control. These
dilemmas can sometimes be totally catastrophic, forcing them to look inward, be reborn, and
strengthen their inner resources.

Yet, few people can survive like those with an 8th House Mars. If they learn to focus on
developing their inner power, instead of obsessively trying to be in control of their environment,
an incredible strength and courage can emerge. These are the kinds of people you want in an
emergency situation. Many people with this placement know how to keep a cool lid on their
intense passions when they need to, controlling themselves and focusing on the matter at hand.
Other people with this Mars might be more expressive and reactive but it’s still rare for them to
helplessly collapse when faced with trouble. Instead, they charge right ahead in the face of
danger, confident in their ability to survive. It’s just important for them to remember that they’re
not invincible.

Mars in the 8th House is very driven but is often better suited at directing their drive toward
more intuitive or spiritual things. They have an incredible kind of radar, focusing and sharpening
the observational powers of their Mars sign to cut right to the core of a situation. Virgo Mars in
the 8th, therefore, isn’t going to let absolutely anything get by them. Their approach to taking
action is to read the situation and intuitively feel their way through it. Gut responses and insights
are their hidden weapon, which can sometimes make people feel a bit uneasy, as if they are
concealing secrets from you or nonverbally sizing you up. Well, they are. But, 8th House Mars
people feel energized by digging below the surface. When they are forced to take a very
superficial, simple approach, it’s rather disheartening. They desire a case to solve and are
exceptionally good at it. But, they have to also remember that a cigar can sometimes just be a

Because of their detective-like drive and determination, any sort of activity that involves
unraveling mysteries and uncovering the truth is where they can achieve the most. You don’t
want to bet against the typical 8th House Mars person’s penetrating insight. They can strongly
assert themselves as researchers, psychologists, spiritualists, or artists, due to their uncanny
understanding of human nature and unseen forces. But, it’s this same understanding that can
turn many moments with them into a constant game of chess. They know how to predict your
next move, as well as leave you in the dark as far as theirs. Mars in the 8th House isn’t quick to
reveal their motives. The trickiest of these people are the ones who seem like such open books.
They might be outspoken and even unfiltered. But, they are always aware of what to reveal and
what to conceal. So, they might be playing the ultimate trick of seeming to give away everything
when they are actually full of secrets.

And since there is so much stored up inside of them, it can be very shocking to some when it all
comes spilling out. The temper of a Mars in the 8th House person can be quite devastating. All of
this darkness seems to bubble up and drives them to brutally aim for the jugular, in a way that
seems intent on annihilating the other person. Because of this reason, people with this placement
usually learn how to gain a kind of self-control over their temper that allows them to let go of
their anger more easily. They hopefully learn to relax more and/or express their frustration or
dissatisfaction right away, preventing the build up that leads to the immense explosion.

Still, this is a highly passionate placement, motivated by a smoldering fire within that cannot be
put out. Sometimes, the passion and intensity of those with Mars in the 8th are just ever so
visible, but not fully detected. Sometimes, these qualities burst out so strongly that they startle
others. There is usually a lot of sex appeal that goes with having an 8th House Mars. These
people simmer with raw sexuality and power, in a way that mesmerizes those around them and
gains really intense responses from people. Sex is something they like to dive in wholeheartedly,
stripping away everything (literally and figuratively) in order to really let loose. It might seem as
if they are saving up a lot of their energy for their bedroom, using it as a visceral outlet for their
passion. They desire someone who can meet them on their level. Basically, they like getting
animalistic, so people who are restrained, hesitant, or detached in their sexual nature will be a
turn-off for them.
This brings up the issue of desire, again, because it’s something that a Mars in the 8th House
person needs to come to terms with. They must maintain their laser-focus drive without
becoming too attached to their desires and that includes people. Having this placement can make
you very obsessive over the object of your lust and/or affection, particularly if they reject you. To
be blunt, there is a stalker streak within these people, which is when the dark side of not getting
what they want overwhelms them. It’s just that they have such a tremendous desire to connect
on a very deep level with someone else that it’s often excruciating when it’s not returned. But,
this desire can be properly directed by focusing their attention on those that give them the
attention they deserve.

With Mars in the 8th, being very sexual is something that also needs to be fully accepted, which
can be tough to do in an often sex-negative culture. But, sex-positivity is one of the highest
expressions of this placement. Though they’re often very subtle or very private about it, sex is a
total preoccupation with them, to a point where it might become rather difficult to handle. But,
Mars represents what we have to act on in order to feel invigorated. So, the intensity of their
sexual desires needs to be constantly explored and expressed. It’s like this very primal being
inside of them that insists on being fed. This is where the sexiness of many 8th House Mars
people comes in because they give off these really powerful vibrations of always being ready to
get it on. And they typically don’t disappoint in bed, either, with their highly intuitive sense of
what to do and when. Understanding people as accurately and deeply as they do, being an
amazing lover and pushing all of the right buttons seems to come very easily to them. 

The Chart Ruler: What Kind of Movie is Your Life?

Astrologers with a more holistic approach advise, and wisely, to not single out one placement in
the chart too much. You’ve got to take in the whole picture. But, if there’s one placement that
deserves some singling out, it’s the chart ruler. How well you express your chart ruler can make
or break you.

What is the chart ruler? Well, if you don’t know, the chart ruler is the planet ruling your Rising
sign. And since the Rising sign determines your entire chart, this planet rules the chart. So, if you
have an Aries Rising, then Mars is your chart ruler because Mars rules the sign of Aries. I trust
most of you reading this already know your chart’s ruling planet but let’s just go through them

Aries Rising – Mars is the chart ruler

Taurus Rising – Venus is the chart ruler
Gemini Rising – Mercury is the chart ruler
Cancer Rising – Moon is the chart ruler
Leo Rising – Sun is the chart ruler
Virgo Rising – Mercury is the chart ruler
Libra Rising – Venus is the chart ruler
Sagittarius Rising – Jupiter is the chart ruler
Capricorn Rising – Saturn is the chart ruler

These three signs have both a traditional and a modern ruling planet. So, you can consider both:
Scorpio Rising – Mars is the traditional chart ruler; Pluto is the modern chart ruler
Aquarius Rising – Saturn is the traditional chart ruler; Uranus is the modern chart ruler
Pisces Rising – Jupiter is the traditional chart ruler; Neptune is the modern chart ruler

So, if you know your Rising sign, look at your chart ruler and then find its house placement and
aspects in your birth chart. There, we’ve got the basics out of the way. Now, what does your
chart ruler mean? This isn’t something that’s as delved into as it should be. In my view, the chart
ruler defines the tone of your life. Nothing in astrology completely defines us, of course. But, a
person’s life will generally be dominated by their chart ruler, as well as the house that planet is in
and the aspects that it makes. If your life were a movie, basically, the chart ruler tells what kind
of movie it’d be, for good or worse. But, it’s up to you to decide what kind of movie you want to
be in.

Say you have Cancer Rising and your Moon is in the 7th House. Then, the movie of your life
could be a moving and sentimental (Moon) romance (7th House), defined by the warm, fuzzy,
comforting love you receive in your relationship. What if you’re a Sagittarius Rising with Jupiter in
the 5th House? Well, that makes your life a wildly entertaining (5th House) kind of movie, full of
constant adventures (Jupiter) around the corner.

People live out their chart rulers much more powerfully than they may realize. And that leads me
to the other thing about your chart ruler. It could turn your potentially brilliant life story into a
critically panned flop. In other words, it can make your life suck as much as it makes wonderful.
With a 7th House Moon ruling the chart, that compulsive search for a comfortable relationship
could make you live the existence of an unstable co-dependent. A 5th House Jupiter as the chart
ruler can turn all of those colorful adventures you thrive on into an irresponsible journey toward
ruins, through all of your reckless gambling and childish decisions. We don’t always do this on
purpose, of course. Since the chart ruler also rules the Ascendant, which represents immediate
behavior, this just becomes an automatic way of operating for us. But, that’s why we have to
change the script here.

Aspects, of course, are going to make a difference, too. They will tell you the ways in which you
can express your chart ruler, especially if it’s an outer planet. If your chart ruler is forming a
square or opposition to any other planet, this is a trouble area in your life that’s going to need to
be addressed. So, if Pluto is your chart ruler and it’s opposite your Venus, your life is
characterized by an imbalance between Pluto’s urge for power and Venus’ yearning to
harmoniously relate. That is, until you learn how to find a happy medium.

If the chart ruler is conjunct a planet, it’s sort of like a co-chart ruler. It becomes a pretty big
deal in your life. If Saturn was your chart ruler but also conjunct Uranus and Neptune, being a
nonconformist (Uranus) and being empathic (Neptune) dominate your life, as well, but not as
much as Saturn. Planets conjunct the chart ruler are like the co-stars but the chart ruler gets top
billing. Trines and sextiles represent natural talents that planet has. If the Sun rules the chart and
is trine Mars and sextile the Moon, you can be a leader (Sun) in ways that are assertive (Mars)
yet caring (Moon).

It’s all important to be aware of because, in the end, I think the chart’s ruling planet and its
house and aspects have a lot to do with the life that we really want for ourselves. It’s just that
we can be a little misguided in our search, ending up writing ourselves into an unsatisfying story.
And you can use your chart ruler to throw out that old draft and start a much better one.

P.S. Whenever your chart’s ruling planet has its “return”, it’s an empowering time for you. A
planetary return is when a planet comes back to the same exact sign and house placement in a
person’s birth chart. Depending on the planet, it can happen once a year, once every few years,
or a few times in a lifetime. If you’re a Cancer Rising, though, your ruler’s return is once a
Your chart ruler’s return is a time of rebirth, allowing you to make a shift in the way that you live
and see the world. So, it’s the perfect time to change your script. That’s why I’m looking forward
to my Saturn return, which is still a few years from now. Most people dread it and suffer through
it. But, for Capricorn Rising people, it’s when things start really changing for the better for us.

If you have Scorpio, Aquarius, or Pisces Rising, though, you’re going to have to look forward to
traditional chart ruler’s return instead. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto take several years (about a
decade and a half for the latter two) to transit just one sign. So, there’s no possible way you can
live to see your modern chart ruler’s return unless you live to be 150 years old!

Trust in the Universe with Jupiter

The Jupiter sign in a person’s birth chart is one of the outer planets, so it doesn’t really represent
someone’s personality. The outer planets, I believe, are expressed most strongly through their
aspects to the inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), as well as if they are placed in
the angular houses/conjunct one of the angles. (Also, of course, the house that the outer planet's
in really influences its expression). If your Jupiter doesn’t make many aspects to these five core
planets, then it might be harder for you to channel its energy. If your Jupiter is in aspect to two
or more, then you might be more in touch with it. Either way, we all must find ways to express
our Jupiter. We do so by using it to trust in the unfolding of the Universe.

Jupiter is about personal growth and expansion; the attitudes and beliefs that assist us on our
way through this big adventure called life. Embracing these beliefs will allow us to grow as
people, as well as to attract good fortune and abundance into our lives. People with a strong
Jupiter influence can seem to be the lucky ones, catching one good break after the next and
living life with a constant smile on their face. However, we all have the potential to benefit from
Jupiter’s golden touch. Jupiter also rules religion but it doesn’t necessarily make you religious or
not. We should just see this as a metaphor. Our Jupiter sign describes the “God” we must pray
to, in a way, asking for guidance on our journey as well as to be blessed with good things in our

Also, Jupiter is whole-hog. So, you can’t just express your Jupiter sign’s faith with a half-hearted
sense of belief. Like many people with their religion, your Jupiter’s beliefs need to be something
that no one and nothing can talk you out of. You must be totally devoted to them. 
Jupiter in Aries
You must trust in the process of starting new things and embarking on challenges, no matter
how daunting or frightening they might be. With Jupiter in Aries, you grow as a person by
internalizing the lesson of having no fear except for fear itself. You need to develop the faith to
live and act without a net. In doing so, the gutsy risks that you take will consistently end up
paying off.

Mantra: “If I fall on my face, I can always get back up.”

Jupiter in Taurus
Your sense of faith is built by believing that slow and steady does indeed win the race. Any sort
of impatience or impetuousness needs to be mellowed and calmed. Jupiter in Taurus must
believe that they’ll get there eventually and that there’s no need to rush. Being guided by this
sense of calm is ultimately what allows you to manifest a bountiful harvest of rewards and riches
into your life.

Mantra: “Everything happens when it’s supposed to happen.”

Jupiter in Gemini
You must find personal guidance in the wide breadth of ways that there are to respond to a
situation. Jupiter in Gemini develops faith by looking at every situation from every point of view,
capable of finding levity and light in difficult times. Your clever wit and ability to freely converse
with anyone about anything is what makes you lucky, bringing a multitude of opportunities your

Mantra: “There’s always another way to think about this.”

Jupiter in Cancer
Personal faith, with Jupiter in Cancer, stems from fully believing that others care for you, as well
as believing that it’s important to care for others. In doing so, you establish an infinite support
system in your life that allows all of your needs to be met. You are guided by your intuitive sense
of other people and the events around you, constantly flowing with the shifting tides.
Mantra: “I am taken care of and will do the same for others.”

Jupiter in Leo
Your Jupiter in Leo provides personal guidance by teaching you how to allow yourself to be an
individual and shine like a star. You are meant to develop faith in yourself, first and foremost,
and trust in your abilities as a strong leader for those around you. In doing so, you can end up
living a life full of a certain fame and popularity, attracting numerous fans and followers your

Mantra: “I am special and the world will recognize this.”

Jupiter in Virgo
You are learning how to develop faith in your ability to work hard and provide useful services for
other people. This belief can cause you to become amazingly helpful toward others, receiving an
abundance of appreciation, as well as success, in return. With Jupiter in Virgo, efficiency and
common sense guide you along the journey, showing you the most constructive route.

Mantra: “I will roll up my sleeves and tackle the task at hand.”

Jupiter in Libra
You personally grow by embracing the concept of fairness, being guided by a decision making
process that’s just for all involved. Jupiter in Libra has to develop faith in the innate beauty and
harmony of the world, as well as other people. By fully believing in the importance and existence
of peace, your life becomes wonderfully peaceful, with truly satisfying, balanced relationships.

Mantra: “We must treat each other how we wanted to be treated.”

Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter in Scorpio guides you through life by teaching you how to accept the natural cycles of life,
death, and rebirth, both literally and metaphorically. You must trust that endings only give way to
new beginnings and that the shadow side of life is nothing to fear. In doing so, you develop the
inner strength and survival instincts to get you through Hell and back without a scratch.

Mantra: “Whatever doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”

Jupiter in Sagittarius
Having Jupiter in Sagittarius means that you are always looking to grow personally and to expand
your horizons. Your personal faith is developed through pure optimism, believing that the darkest
cloud always has a silver lining and that everything truly does happen for a reason. When your
faith remains unshakable, you manage to manifest the most boundless abundance into your life.

Mantra: “I will always see the glass as half full, not half empty.”

Jupiter in Capricorn
Your personal faith stems from developing a long-term plan for your life and fully dedicating
yourself to it. Jupiter in Capricorn means that you must trust in the belief that you can achieve
anything if you work hard enough. Therefore, you get lucky by becoming that “overnight
success” who toiled away tirelessly and never gave up. You constantly succeed even when your
odds look grim.

Mantra: “I will persist and work hard for good things to come my way.”

Jupiter in Aquarius
You will find personal guidance through veering off the beaten path and embarking on your
journey in an unconventional way, due to having Jupiter in Aquarius. You must develop the faith
to go out on a limb and act on your inventive ideas, no matter what anyone thinks. By keeping
this faith, you will attract many opportunities your way in which your left-field thinking leads to
wild success.

Mantra: “I'm willing to experiment and travel a different path.”

Jupiter in Pisces
With Jupiter in Pisces, you need to fully believe in the oneness of humanity and that everyone
must be unconditionally accepted. Your widespread empathy will then come back tenfold,
causing you to be enveloped in everyone else’s love. You are guided by acute psychic powers as
well as a deep imagination, causing you to live out your journey as a brilliant artist or a bohemian

Mantra: “There is a part of me in every human being and vice versa.” 

Start Your Day with Your Rising Sign/Planet

Since the Rising sign and/or the planet conjunct the Rising sign are the immediate ways in which
we engage with the world, doesn’t it make since that these placements should indicate how we
start our day? It’s called “rising” for a reason, isn’t it? So, use these placements to define how
you rise and shine. Try setting aside special time at the beginning of each day for the suggested
activities and routines of your rising sign and/or planet and see if it makes a difference. Even if
you’re not a morning person, it can significantly improve your morning. If you have a planet or
more rising, get creative and combine or juxtapose the suggested activities of the rising planet(s)
and sign.

Aries Rising and/or Mars Rising: Starting the day with some strenuous physical activity is going to
make a huge difference for you. Your blood needs to be pumping first thing in the morning for
your day to start right. Hit the gym early or go for a refreshing run. You’re much better off
exercising in the morning than afternoon or night. Also, that strenuous physical activity can
extend toward the bedroom. So, your significant other might have to brace for some passionate
bedroom action in the morning.

Taurus Rising: You need to feel engaged with Mother Earth first in the morning. So, gardening
would be the perfect activity for you, as well as watering the plants or doing other yard work.
You can also greatly benefit from a set period of time to do nothing, preferably lounged out on
the lawn, luxuriously soaking up the sun. Take the time to have a tasty, home-cooked breakfast
and fully enjoy it, sitting to eat with no interruptions. The less you rush in the a.m., the happier
you’ll be.

Gemini Rising and/or Mercury Rising: When you start off your day, you’re happiest and most
functional when your brain is being engaged. So, flip through the pages of the latest book you’re
working on (or scroll through it on your device or listen to it via audio book on the way to work).
You need to feel fully informed in the morning, so the news will be your best friend. Also, if that
news just comes from phoning or texting a friend for a chat or some gossip, then that’ll work,

Cancer Rising and/or Moon Rising: Since the start of a new day can actually make you feel quite
crabby and moody, you must gain a healthy hold over your emotions to have a good morning.
So, writing a journal entry once you wake up to acknowledge and release whatever you're feeling
would be great for you. Always make sure to eat breakfast, possibly even cooking it from scratch.
The morning is also an ideal time for you to make that daily call or text to your mom, best friend,
or significant other.

Leo Rising and/or Sun Rising: You feel best in the morning when you’re taking out the time to
affirm your awesomeness. Literally doing affirmations would be the ideal morning activity for you.
The start of your day depends on how much you boost yourself up. Write out things you want to
conquer that day and encourage yourself to do them. You also need to take charge at the start
of your day and if you live with others, you'll feel very good by (appropriately) directing and
organizing their morning.

Virgo Rising: Your day needs to start off with a sense of order. The best thing for you in the
morning would be to make a to-do list of all the things you need to get done that day, which
you’ll probably start doing and checking off immediately. One of these things might be cleaning,
which can have a very calming, centering influence on you in the morning. You also definitely
hate to forget things, so keep a mental checklist of everything you need before you leave to stay

Libra Rising and/or Venus Rising: The morning just doesn’t feel right if you don’t have someone
else by your side. Whether it’s your significant other, roommate, or relative, your day starts off
much more smoothly when you’re interacting with others and peacefully. A disagreement in the
morning seriously throws you off. The choosing of your wardrobe is very crucial in the a.m., as
well as the beautifying of your appearance. You always want to polish yourself up before walking
out the door.

Scorpio Rising and/or Pluto Rising: You need to feel empowered whenever you start your day
and can have a way of exerting control, first thing in the morning, especially if you live with
others. You might need to simply figure out a part of your daily life that you can control and just
engage in that in the morning. Intensity is welcomed by you in the morning, as you need to feel
passionately alive when you wake up. So, anything from intimate sex to a steamy hot shower will
do the trick.

Sagittarius Rising and/or Jupiter Rising: Suggesting things to do around the house might be
rather beside the point for you, as you like to start off your day by roaming free. You’re inclined
to simply roll out of bed, do the requisite activities (or not), and then explore the outer world.
You might enjoy having to commute for work, as the more adventurous your morning feels the
better, and you should regularly make time to veer off your route to see some place you’ve never
seen before.

Capricorn Rising and/or Saturn Rising: Work might start before you even get there, as your ideal
morning begins with you taking care of business. You’ll enjoy structuring your day when you
wake up and handling duties. There’s not much time for messing around. Working from home
can be ideal, as you can just jump right into the job while having breakfast. If you work outside
the home, you’ll be one of the first people there and might conduct most of your morning routine
at the office instead of at home.

Aquarius Rising and/or Uranus Rising: It’s somewhat difficult to suggest typical morning activities
for you because you’re definitely going to march to whatever drum beat you want to in the
morning. People who live with you might never be able to predict what you’ll do or be like every
morning. The more unusual your routine, the better. Things like having dinner food for breakfast
or experimenting with the order around the house brighten up your morning. The day needs to
start out chaotic.

Pisces Rising and/or Neptune Rising: You need to operate on your own wavelength in the
morning and can seem solitary and unreachable to others during this time. It’s often self-
protective, as you want to avoid getting too absorbed in someone else’s rhythm. You need to
create a sort of bubble around yourself, when you wake up, to function. Anything that stimulates
your inner world and takes you away, from listening to music or doing something creative, is
your ideal a.m. activity. 

Pluto conjunct Ascendant

With Pluto conjunct the Ascendant, you’re a real powerhouse and it’s something that you make
instantly known. You won’t announce this power in a way that’s too loud or obvious. Instead, it’s
something that just emanates from you in waves. As Pluto is another generational planet, your
ability to immediately tap into the collective environment is similar to Neptune rising. But, you dig
to a darker level, sharply perceiving and intuiting all of the secrets and hidden desires of those
around you in an effortless way. And you might not be above using them to your advantage
which, of course, is a misuse of your gift. It’s also the kind of thing that people can sense and
that can make them back away slowly from you. Pluto rising folks need to learn to harness their
enormous power for constructive means. You have a high awareness, often through hard
experience, of life’s depths and need to use for that good.

It doesn’t matter what your actual size is. Pluto conjunct the Ascendant makes you a formidable
presence that can instantly make people bow down in respect or feel strangely nervous or fearful
all of a sudden. Whether it’s intense admiration or repulsion, people can’t help but respond
powerfully to your really intense aura. You have the air of someone with concealed knowledge or
information. People might find your gaze, in particular, quite unnerving, which seems to be
searching them like a laser-beam. There’s something enigmatic about you that affects your
appearance. Whether male or female, you’re like the Mona Lisa, whose features seem to give not
much of anything away of what’s really going on. People might find you simply hard to grasp or
understand. You’re not hard to pin down or label like Neptune rising. You’re more so inscrutable,
often keeping your true essence under wraps. Pluto also rules radical transformation, so you can
dramatically change your look on a regular basis as a form of rebirth.

Though the will-to-power is very strong with this placement, if your Pluto in the 12th House is
conjunct the Ascendant, then you can be deeply unaware of your power and how to use it
properly. You can find yourself squandering this immense energy through constantly victimizing
yourself, acting as if your worst enemy is out there in the world when it’s really looking right at
you in the mirror. When you finally learn how to tap into your power, you can achieve
extraordinary things, manifesting exactly what you want. Pluto in the 1st House conjunct the
Ascendant, on the other hand, is more apt to veer off on unhealthy power trips because of an
overuse or poor use of their personal power. It’s your task to learn detach your ego from your
desire for power, instead making your quests about the empowerment of others. At this point,
your iron will and obsessive focus become tools for healing others’ lives and bringing good to the
world, instead of destruction and chaos. 
Moon in the 6th House

The day-to-day grind is what matters the most to a 6th House Moon individual. This means all of
those practicalities like work, bills, chores, and finances. In this House, a fiery and wildly
spontaneous Aries or Leo Moon gets tamed and brought down-to-earth. It’s not to say that they
can’t be fun. But, they’ll have their fun while washing the dishes or running their errands for the
day. For those with this placement, emotional security and satisfaction is gained from taking care
of all of the little things in life. The emotional reactions of the person’s Moon sign are simplified
and channeled into something productive. They are very emotionally aware yet they will use
these emotions as fuel to tackle problems or to get things done. 6th House Moons don’t wallow.
They get on with it.

Since they are such problem solvers, those with their Moon in the 6th House are driven to solve
the problems of those around them. This is how they take care of others and show their
affection. How they solve their loved ones’ problems depends on their respective Moon sign. A
Scorpio Moon, for example, placed in this house will find solutions by digging deep beneath the
surface of the situation to figure out the root of the problem, then coming up with a plan for to
how to conquer the problem. It can be difficult, though, for a person with this placement to be
faced with something that they can’t fix. In fact, they might find themselves compulsively fixing,
especially when it comes to other people. Their knee-jerk reaction is to look for the trouble spots
in others.

But, they are also this way with themselves. These people push themselves hard in their work
and in their areas of self-improvement. They devote a lot of their emotional energy into things
like their job, their health and exercise routines, and the condition of their home because it just
makes them feel good. But, Moon in the 6th House people need to be wary of becoming too
neurotically dependent on these things, as well. They can become too fixated on an idea of
“perfection” which can prevent them from relaxing and bring out their Moon’s anxiety. It’s
important for them to learn how to let go and let things be. There is a strongly domestic side to
6th House Moons because they are so big on routine and on maintaining a certain status quo in
their lives. They can be deeply dedicated to their home life. In a way, this simple little lifestyle is
all they need to be happy. Some might call it dull. They call it bliss. 

Moon in the 8th House

This is a house that’s charged with emotional intensity. Therefore, having the Moon in the 8th
House makes the emotional responses of a person’s Moon sign very powerful and passionate,
even if the Moon is in a light-hearted Air sign or reasonable Earth sign. This placement takes the
feelings of their Moon and turns them up a few notches. But, the sign’s reactions and needs are
often hidden or compartmentalized. With a Pisces Moon, for example, their vast imagination and
desire for transcendence is something that will be dealt with in an even more internal manner
when placed here. 8th House Moons deal with their inner lives in a private, solitary fashion that
some might call secrecy. They feel the need to protect themselves as they know how easily their
high intensity is misunderstood.

An alluring air of mystery will surround those with this position. It’s as if people can’t blatantly
see their Moon sign but they can definitely sense it, smoldering beneath the surface. There is a
labyrinth-like quality to those with their Moon in the 8th House, as you can never really figure
them out. But, they prefer it this way. Even when they reveal themselves emotionally, they still
keep a part of themselves or their lives concealed. Such behavior can easily veer into paranoia,
especially when they feel the need to defend or preserve themselves. The survival instinct of an
8th House Moon is overwhelming and a nagging feeling that danger is around the corner can
exaggerate the defense mechanisms of their particular Moon sign. They can find themselves
looking for trouble when it’s nowhere near.

However, they have remarkable inner strength and resilience. People with an 8th House Moon
have an uncanny ability to face the toughest times and only grow wiser and more empowered
from it. Struggles only add to their emotional depth, but they must be careful of displaying a
masochistic attraction to pain or darkness. With all that they’ve faced, these people make
excellent counselors, helping others through their trials and dark hours. They have extraordinary
people-reading skills, with an ability to “just know” things about people. This helps forge the
profound connection they seek with others. 8th House Moons need intensity and depth in their
relationships. Sex isn’t just a way to have fun for them but a soulful way to really know someone
else. It should be said that sex really “feeds” these folks. It’s a strong emotional need and it’s
best to not keep them starved, in this regard. 

Jupiter in the 8th House

Quite a few of you with Jupiter in the 8th House requested this placement next in the Jupiter
series. So, let’s get to it. What does it mean to have Jupiter in the 8th House of your birth chart?
Well, I have spent this series pointing out how Jupiter is not “all good” and how it can, in fact,
bring so much excess into your life that it ends up becoming a drawback. But, to have Jupiter in
the 8th certainly means that your Jupiter is not going to manifest in an absolutely benevolent
way all the time. This is because the 8th House is the dark side of the birth chart. It’s where all
of our personal demons and emotional issues reside, creating the psychological shadow material
that can stay hidden until it rises to the surface destructively. So, it’s safe to say that there is a
fair share of darkness that manifests when one has this placement.

But, of course, the house that you have Jupiter in is also the place where the most positive things
happen for you and they can happen quite effortlessly. We can sometimes just fall right into the
circumstances of our Jupiter’s house, in the way that resembles the luck that is so associated
with Jupiter. When Jupiter is in the 8th House, it goes to show that you gain the most positive
energy out of life by exploring, confronting, and transforming these psychological problems of
yours. Because of this, life opens up for you when you are not afraid to dwell in the darkness
inside of your own soul. You must be eager to face your sadness, rage, grief, obsession, or
paranoia. Ironically, these seemingly threatening and dangerous emotional states are often a
very good thing for you.

When you believe that it’s good to face that darkness within, you will be able to heal long-held
emotional wounds and conquer that internal instability. But, it may feel as if it takes a
tremendous amount of courage to do so. True to Jupiter’s form of going over-the-top, it might
seem as if once you unlock that emotional Pandora’s Box, it is very difficult for you to put a lid on
it again. Jupiter in the 8th House can make you feel highly overwhelmed by all sorts of
grievances, resentments, and compulsions. It’s enough to make you feel as if you have
transformed into an outright monster. But, the sign that Jupiter is in shows how this monstrous
inner self can emerge. Jupiter is in the 8th in Aquarius, you could become so utterly detached
and indifferent that you wreak havoc all around you. The 8th House Jupiter being in Cancer
would turn you into a total emotional hurricane of ever-changing moods while Jupiter in the 8th
in the sign of Leo would bring out an inner pride and willfulness that expresses itself in a
downright dictatorial manner. 
The funny thing is that Jupiter is what brings expansion into our lives. So, if you are not exploring
this dark side within yourself, you cannot truly broaden your horizons. This is why this can be a
particularly difficult placement for Jupiter because it may seem as if that’s really not going to
benefit you or your life. You might think, “What’s the good of being that hateful, depressed,
enraged, or fearful?” But, it’s when you are capable of exploring these inner depths of yours, no
matter how frightening they are, that you will awaken your ability to achieve and sustain
magnificent emotional healing. You have to confront those demons of yours because it’s only
through doing this that you will be able to confront the painful source of your demons; just
where all of that hate, depression, rage or fear is coming from.

The 8th House of the birth chart is what I like to think of as the deeply wounded part of
ourselves. No one escapes life without an emotional scar or two. We all have emotionally difficult
and even traumatic things occur to us that forever change us and can instill an inner pain that
has to be dealt with, sooner or later. If it’s not dealt with, this pain will keep repeating. The 8th
House is also a symbol of how “the cycle repeats”; not just the cycle of disappointment, turmoil,
dysfunction, or even abuse that we inherited from our family (depending on your family
situation) but the situations that will keep repeating until we deal with this inner wound and find
a way to heal it.

So, with Jupiter in the 8th, you may actually be enormously wounded. Not everyone with this
placement will come from a very traumatic background. But, it’s quite a common pattern.
However, the difference between this placement and other planets in the 8th is that the positive
energy of Jupiter prevents the person from seeing their past as having been that traumatic.
Jupiter in the 8th House people can often lose a parent during childhood or endure abuse at
some point in their upbringing, either of the physical, mental/emotional, or sexual variety. Yet,
these are people who are true survivors. The 8th House also tells us how we can survive on a
psychological level and those with an 8th House Jupiter have some of the most amazing survival
skills around.

Since the 8th House is about emotional resources, you have those in spades. No matter what
happens, you are capable of drawing on an inner resilience, hope, and faith. This is because
something happened to you, at some point in life, to really damage your faith. Often times, this
is being affected by death or abuse as a child. Many Jupiter in the 8th House children grow up
quickly by having their childish ideals shattered by the harsh inevitabilities of life, whether it’s the
fact that we are all going to die one day or the realization that people can be horribly cruel and
destructive to one another. Something happened to rob you of your innocence and it might even
be something that you’re not entirely conscious of. This consciousness doesn’t happen, though,
until you have to stop and realize just why you are so easily triggered when life proves itself to
be not all that it’s cracked up to be.

Whatever is in the 8th House feels really damaged until we can take it, reshape it, and bring it
back to life. With Jupiter representing your faith, you really have to revive your seemingly dead
sense of faith because, in the end, you are capable of extreme inspiration and hope. The 8th
House’s energy is extreme and whatever is in there is amplified with great intensity. It’s just that
a person can also stifle or even deaden their 8th House planet because they are too afraid of the
pain that could come with expressing it. Jupiter in the 8th means that you have to stop being
afraid of being let down by life. You can feel deeply tormented by this sense of the rug eventually
getting pulled out from right under you. So, why even bother? Everything’s going to go to ruins
anyway. But, of course, this is not the attitude to have. You have to be strong enough and
resourceful enough to have hope.

This is something that can heal those inner wounds of yours. If you’ve survived any sort of
abuse, which could also be a sexual assault of some kind in adulthood (another common
experience of 8th House people), you must dig deep and unlock the inner faith needed to
overcome that. You have to believe that you had to experience this pain in order to become a
bigger, better person. By believing this, you can regard the trauma with a certain positivity. This
does not mean pretending that it never happened, sweeping it under the rug, or being okay with
it happening. It means knowing and trusting that you’re a survivor and that whatever happened
to you is done. You don’t need to let it define you anymore. Just let the awareness of how you
survived it give you strength. It's a strength that will allow you to push through other emotional
difficulties in your life, trusting that if you got through one painful time period, you can get
through another.

Jupiter in the 8th House can create an amazing release of any sort of built-up resentment, to the
point where you feel like a completely new person. The Jupiter sign shows why you will feel the
need to not hold on to any emotional pain from the past. If the 8th House Jupiter is in Pisces, it’s
because you believe it’s important to forgive, to let go, to let the Higher Power do its will. Jupiter
in Capricorn in the 8th means that you would release this inner pain because you want to be
mature and take responsibility for yourself and adopt the more efficient route. It’s an attitude
that should extend to anyone who’s hurt you, particularly anyone in your family. While your
emotional issues may be traced back to them, you have to make sure that they end with them,
as well.

People with planets in the 8th have the power to be the one who breaks the cycle. Many can
struggle with this, though. But, with Jupiter in the 8th, as long as you take the positive approach
to your emotional issues, you will find it easy to rise above the emotional turmoil and dysfunction
you might have inherited. More than the average person, you can also benefit greatly from going
to therapy. Anything that requires you to be truly honest about your emotional issues and move
on from them will continually bring a lot of positive energy into your life. Also, journaling and just
sheer introspection can work in this regard, especially since you may have an effortless way of
hashing through all of your psychological “stuff.” But, you can also go overboard by being too
immersed in introspection and the analysis of your own psyche. It’s good to know when to give it
a rest, so you’re not constantly obsessing over your trust issues or fear of abandonment.

I always say that the infamous “deaths” of the 8th House can be metaphorical. It’s often not so
literal, simply meaning that, as someone with Jupiter in the 8th, you can possess a tremendous
knack for killing off a destructive part of yourself that is holding you back. At the same time, it is
also wise to remember that your dark side can be quite enriching, when properly accessed and
expressed. You can be the artist who is unafraid of primal, terrifying emotional states, getting
lucky in terms of knowing how to go deep, often because you’re all too familiar with trauma, loss,
or suffering. You can also use your rage as a motivator, in moderation, or find great compassion
for others through your recurring spells of sadness and despair. This is just another way for you
to turn those demons of yours around, killing off an unnecessary fear of them instead.

But, of course, the 8th House can also represent literal death. 8th House Jupiter people can go
through a time where it seems as if too many folks they love are passing away. It’d be tough to
find a person with this placement who wasn’t profoundly impacted by the death of a person they
love. It’s very possible that it’s more than one person but there will be one that feels especially
tragic or heartbreaking. Of course, we all unfortunately lose someone close to us or important to
us at some point and it is something that hits us all hard. However, the death of a loved one
affects the Jupiter in the 8th House individual in an incredibly powerful and undeniable manner.
Your life will absolutely never be the same after that person is gone but, again, you have this
ability to turn that around.

If this loss occurs during childhood, this heightened awareness of your mortality can bring a
maturity and urgency to your perspective that most children don’t have. You might have spent a
lot of time dwelling on death but this could have positively prepared you for life. Because you
knew how fragile it was and how easily a life could be taken, you became empowered and intent
on always being appreciative and grateful. For Jupiter in the 8th, gratitude becomes a survival
skill because it not only helps you push through the bad times, it attracts the kind of situations
your way that show you that, while life can be depressing and sad and can end all too suddenly,
there are still plenty of reasons to appreciate and enjoy being alive. 

I’m not going to tell you that this helps you avoid death because I just don’t think a person can
predict anyone’s death by looking at their birth chart. Jupiter in the 8th House people do not
necessarily live longer. I do feel like they have the potential to live more fully, though, to the
degree where at that moment when they die, when their life flashes before their eyes, they don’t
have any regret because they lived as wholeheartedly as they could. This is an attitude that can
also help you cope with someone else’s death. 8th House Jupiter people can be very positive
presences at a funeral or a wake. You might understand that they did all that they needed to do
while they were here. A lot of people can just say “it was their time” because it’s the standard
phrase people say when someone dies. But, you probably really believe that, even if their death
really pains you.

Getting through the grief process can be much easier for those with Jupiter in the 8th, especially
if they happened to lose someone in their formative years. All of the stages of dealing with death
can happen quite seamlessly for you, especially if you are living with an embrace of your dark
side. The anger, denial, sadness, etc. can all hit you like a tremendous wave, though. In fact,
when you experience that first major death in your life, it may feel as if you are downright
drowning in grief. But, you can see that grieving period as a real growing experience that’ll teach
you how to deal with the deaths of other people with a greater perspective and understanding of
the mysterious reasons why these things just have to happen. You can see the positivity in
letting someone go.
It's hard to tell which house is more mediumistic: the 8th House or the 12th. Both houses deal
with death and the dead, in different ways. The 8th is more about conjuring spirits, as in a
séance, while the 12th is about co-existing with them, as in a haunted house. Jupiter in the 8th
can bring certain experiences of speaking to the dead, especially if it’s a loved one. I’m not
saying you can actually speak to ghosts. Yet, it can just be through the form of certain signs or
even visions. It can scare you and freak you out or utterly fascinate you. Regardless, believing
that there is an afterlife, that we do go somewhere once we die (even if it’s not of the
Heaven/Hell variety), is very beneficial for you. If anything, you can gain a lot of comfort from
the sense of knowing that the person who died is “out there” somewhere and feeling their spirit
with you, often times as a protector.

As far as the inheritance thing goes, I’m not going to tell you that Jupiter in the 8th means that
you will gain a huge inheritance financially from someone else. I just don’t like that interpretation
of the 8th House, as I have said before, because I think it’s disempowering. Yet, it is a thread
through 8th House people’s lives. You might get the best part of your grandfather’s will when he
passes. You may also find yourself living off of someone else financially in a major way. It’s not
uncommon for those with this placement to very easily find themselves a sugar daddy or mama
to live off of, especially if Venus is involved here. Hopefully, you will eventually realize how that is
just sucking the power away from you in the situation and set up a financially independent life
for yourself.

Jupiter in the 8th also amplifies the intimacy in your life, since the 8th House stands for how we
engage in emotional and sexual intimacy. The sexy part of the 8th House is legendary and you
could be so eager to be intimate with someone else that you do end up sleeping around. But, it
can be hard for the sex to remain casual because you expect so much else to come with it. There
has to be passion, intensity, ecstasy, thrills! You believe that a truly substantial, memorable
sexual experience should be mind-blowing. This should draw you toward a more secure, long-
term relationship, where the sex is more than casual hooking-up. However, this is why, on the
flip side, you may adopt the perspective of needing to abstain from sex until you find that really
important sexual connection and chemistry, which can happen after a string of lackluster or half-
hearted lovers.

You will also find that you can have many positive experiences in terms of being intimate with
someone. I’m not just talking about great sex. I also mean being able to really share yourself
emotionally with another person. The chances of this are even greater if you have worked
through your emotional issues and are not held back by the pain of your past. In fact, Jupiter in
the 8th House individuals may want to share everything with their partner, to the point of them
knowing more than a few things about you that you’ve never told anyone. You also love being
able to be a vault for their secrets, gaining their trust and making them feel safe in an amazingly
healing way.

North Node in Libra: The Refined Soul

***Also for if you have North Node in the 7th House

Being born with the North Node in the sign of Libra indicates that this lifetime is a partnership
lifetime for you. Your greatest potential will be realized through being the best companion you
can be, whether in romance, in friendship, or in any other partnership with other people. North
Node in Libra individuals possess a soul that has a deep yearning to just get along with others.
True fulfillment, for you, stems from being able to achieve this harmony and this easy sense of
understanding with other people. Throughout your process of spiritual growth and personal
evolution, you will discover how to tap into the side of yourself that is charming, loving,
thoughtful, and kind. We always have our North Node within us. It’s just deep down inside and
we have to challenge ourselves to become aware of this part of ourselves and bring it to the

What could possibly be getting in the way? Your South Node in Aries, of course. The South Node
is the comfort zone that we cling to that keeps us so stuck in our ways that we struggle to really
access and develop our latent North Node strengths and potential. Before you can evolve into
this elegant, lovely peacemaker, you have to contend with the part of yourself that sees
everything as a fight and a competition. With an Aries South Node, you are at your most
counterproductive when you remain in a mode that is overly aggressive and headstrong. It’s
most natural for you to want what you want and just go out and get it, no questions asked. But,
it can be difficult for you to stop and realize the people you’re stepping on or running over in the
process. This blind sort of selfishness is your Achilles’ heel. If you stay caught up in it, you’re not
going to be able to grow.

The theory of the South Node is that it is the result of our actions from our past life. It’s a karmic
debt that we have amassed prior to this lifetime. It’s why you cannot stay focused on your South
Node. If you believe that continuing to be this way is going to bring you satisfaction, it’s like
trying to go on a shopping spree with a maxed-out credit card. It’s just not going to work. With
the South Node in Aries, you are coming from a very recent past life where it was all about you.
In this former lifetime, you constantly put yourself first. While this made you a brave,
enterprising, self-reliant individual, never backing down from what you want and always able to
take care of yourself, it also made you, unsurprisingly, more than a little self-absorbed. You spent
this last life in a highly self-involved state, forever focused on what you wanted and needed, to a
degree that blotted out the needs, desires, and feelings of the folks around you.

I have my own theory about the Aries South Node. I think this is a placement that often shows
someone who lived a very short past life. I believe that many (although not all, of course) people
with the South Node in Aries died young in their most recent past life or in a very recent past life.
This was probably the natural result of living life in the fast lane, as well as being unable to heed
anyone’s advice on anything. You were too headstrong and foolish to listen, which eventually led
to your downfall. And the fact that you might have died as a teenager, twenty-something, or
around the age of 30 means that you never had time to really slow down. You also left that
former life in a very selfish state, as a lot of people tend to be in their youth. You didn’t have the
opportunity to learn how to not be self-involved and how to be truly giving and compromising in
your relationships. Even if you didn’t die young in your last life, this was still something you never
really learned.

Your personal relationships suffered, as a result. Sure, you might have accomplished everything
you wanted to. But, there was no one to share that with. You could’ve gone very long stretches
of time being single or bouncing from one messy relationship to the next. No one could tolerate
your selfishness and willfulness for long. Even in friendships, you were often quite careless and
thoughtless. Yet, there was usually no harm meant by any of your actions. You just lived a life
where everything felt urgent and like an emergency. Sometimes, you see Aries South Node
people who were soldiers, cops, firefighters, or athletes in their former life. Therefore, you were
so used to things being charged with a feeling of competition, urgency, and even danger that
you never knew how to just calm down. You could go from zero to sixty in a heartbeat, especially
with that fiery temper. You also never had time for social niceties because they prevented you
from really going for the jugular, in the way you were used to, and getting what you wanted.

These issues were never resolved in your last life. So, they are your unfinished business. You
have brought them over into this life in order to be truly confronted and settled. The South Node
will keep haunting you until you conquer it. It usually emerges in the form of a nagging sense of
dissatisfaction and emptiness. Now, as I always say, even if you don’t believe in past lives, the
South Node is still about your past in this present lifetime, as well. So, regardless, you can still
look back and see the wreckage that your Aries South Node has left. In this life, you have been
very wrapped up in yourself, to the point of constantly burning other people with your lack of
consideration. You have been too quick on the trigger, too impatient, and too focused on the
fight of life that you make things more difficult than they need to be. A certain point has to come
where you’re fed up with all of this. Hopefully, the breakthrough moment happens when you’re
tired of your love affairs or friendships crashing and burning, when you’re exhausted by always
having to prove yourself, and when you wish you could just be a nicer, gentler human being.

This is when your North Node in Libra will be awakened. The North Node builds inside of oneself
in response to never really getting what your South Node wants. The Universe keeps our South
Node’s desires and goals away from us until we are able to unlock and express our North Node.
With a Libra North Node, your South Node in Aries’ goal of constantly coming out on top will be
thwarted, again and again, until you get the message. Maybe, as hard as you fight and struggle
and try, you still end up coming out the “loser” in the situation (and nothing aggravates you
more than losing!). Maybe you still win, on a surface level, but it’s never enough. You’re hungry
for more and will do whatever it takes. But, of course, this kind of cutthroat spirit does not win
you any friends and, eventually, you end up being forced to eat some humble pie by being taken
down by others.

Eventually, you must realize that it’s important to be as respectful to the competition as possible.
After a long time of either constantly losing or having to relentlessly fight to remain the winner,
either in your mind or in reality, you become tired of the endless battle. Instead of wanting to
outdo everyone, you turn toward the path of wanting to work together with other people.
Enlightenment, for you, comes from understanding how sweet a victory can be when it’s
achieved alongside someone else, instead of against them. This strengthens the expression of
your Libra North Node. It’s your higher calling to discover how to truly cooperate with people and
co-exist harmoniously with them. You will still have an appetite for winning, thanks to the Aries
South Node. Your South Node will never, and should never, disappear completely. So, you’re
always going to be a warrior. But, now, you have to be a warrior in the name of love, not just for
yourself and for personal glory.

With your vast experience of taking action and getting things done, you will have the tactical skill
to be an excellent mediator in any sort of interpersonal situation. You’re very used to pushing
people’s buttons and not backing down from a fight. But, all this time, your soul has developed
an ability to ask just why the fight took place, who started it, what their motivation was, and how
everything can be resolved. So, your higher self is meant to bring conflicts between other people
to a place of peace, instead of just creating the conflicts. The good thing about this is that, unlike
many a Libra Sun or Moon, you’re actually not scared of confrontation. A balanced expression of
the Nodes brings out the very best in the North Node sign. Therefore, North Node in Libra people
know how to work hard to keep the peace without being wishy-washy about it or running away
when things escalate.

It’s very natural for things to escalate quickly with you. Managing your hair-trigger temper and
explosive impatience is another part of your spiritual journey. This is why I see you as the refined
soul. You are realizing your greatest potential by being able to smooth out your rough edges. We
can surprise ourselves when we really get into our North Node’s way of being. It’s been inside of
us all along! Libra North Node people, therefore, can be very surprised at how well-mannered
and polite they are capable of being. At your worst, you can be quite abrasive, rude, and
exasperating. It’s enough to make you feel like you’re just not that nice of a person. But, you are
far nicer than you realize. You have actually been so tired of being so rough-around-the-edges
that a part of your spirit, deep down inside, has been wondering how to be more graceful and
sophisticated. Due to your competitive instincts, you can size up other people who seem to be
winning at the social game, charming and delighting everyone they come across, and figure out
how to beat them.

Whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve. So, that same headstrong determination can be
applied to transforming into a more refined individual. It’s like those with the North Node in Libra
go through a lifetime of Charm School but by their own doing. You will always want to do things
your way. At the same time, you must develop the ability to truly take in the input and the
perspective of the other person in the situation. Instead of just barreling through everything, only
thinking about your point of view, you must realize how valuable and important it is for you to
genuinely receive and often even follow the feedback of other people. It doesn’t make you a
follower. It just means that you’re becoming open to more ideas than your own. After all,
relationships are a crucial part of your spiritual growth and no relationship can thrive without that
kind of compromise. You’re not compromising yourself. You’re just figuring out how to make
things work with others.
Your higher self is an excellent boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, or friend to others. You need
to put the passionate energy you channel into your pursuits and your goals into your personal
relationships. But, you are independent to a fault, meaning that you think you’re perfectly well-
off by just going at it alone and living your life exactly the way you want to live it. Again, no
one’s telling you to give up your self-reliance. It provides a balance in your relationships that
prevents you from being too needy. However, it is crucial for you to understand that, yes, you do
need somebody. Too much time living the single life is actually not good for Libra North Node
individuals nor is doing too many things by themselves. This makes you fall back on that comfort
zone of only seeing things your way. So, you need to push yourself toward consistent, steady
companionship, whether it’s romantic or platonic. This forces you to remain open and to
remember to think of others.

You’re very used to either draining people, hurting their feelings, or making them angry. It can
seem like you offend without even meaning to! Such a pattern has caused an inner voice to
develop that makes you think, “What did I do wrong?” As much as your Aries South Node loves
to be unapologetic toward others, you are actually more bothered when you upset people or
when people don’t like you than you’d like to admit. Pushing forward regardless of the effect on
others may be what you’re used to but it doesn’t actually fulfill you. What fulfills you is learning
how to take the other person’s response into consideration. Instead of just responding in a totally
impulsive, self-absorbed way, you have to take it easier. Be gentler, figure out what the other
person is thinking or feeling, and then move forward or say what you want to say. You find it
very easy to be honest and straightforward. But, don’t be so honest that you’re only caught up in
what you feel or think.
This will often require you to apologize; something that does not come easily to you. But, you
have to remember that nobody is faultless. There are times when you mess up. Because you live
with a no-regrets attitude, you usually just shrug it off when things go wrong, say “oh, well”, and
move on. If you keep doing that, you’ll be moving on with no one by your side and that will keep
you off-track spiritually. So, you will truly evolve when you realize how to check in with your
partner or friend, find out if they’re okay or not okay, figure out what went wrong, and make the
effort to make it right. Your way of saying “sorry” could be just by saying the actual words (which
will probably feel like speaking a foreign language, at first) or doing something very kind and
thoughtful to make up for it. In this lifetime, tenderness, sweetness, and consideration go a very
long way for you, keeping your relationships a success. And when your relationships are a
success, you’re a success.

Those with the North Node in Libra are at their best when they are a part of a team. You might
find that things you try to do on your own eventually end up stagnating and going nowhere.
That’s because the Universe wants you to work alongside others toward success. This will make
you the most fulfilled and bring out your true potential. Whether you realize it or not, you will get
a lot of help from other people. In your most selfish phase, you might overlook the contributions
of others, too stuck in your me-against-the-world mentality. But, when you are on the right path,
you will be able to step back and realize how you and the other person have come together to
create something great, whether it’s a project, a business, or any other joint venture that can
bring you both joy. It’s not about being completed by the other person. It’s about joining forces
with them in order to complete something that only the two of you could. Besides, you’re so
impulsive and impatient that you usually aren’t actually able to finish things on your own. You’re
a fantastic starter and initiator. You just require someone to pass the baton to when you get

Eventually, you will reach the stage where you aren’t just living for yourself. You are living for the
pleasure and the peace you can experience with others and bring to others. Helping people find
their happiness (which is not the same as being a people-pleaser) is what this lifetime is
supposed to be about for you. As a result, you will attract the right kind of people who will help
you find your happiness in life. You have the potential to become highly popular and likable. It’s
hard for someone to resist a person who just sincerely wants the best for them. Even if a
relationship ends, you have the ability to understand that your mate or your friend might be
happier elsewhere or with someone else. So, instead of it turning into a vicious battle, you can
give them your blessing and your love at the parting. The North Node in Libra is opening you up
to the love that is available everywhere, if you are ready to receive it. So, when one door closes,
another can open amazingly fast for you, bringing you a lot of positive experiences in the
relationship department.

Developing your thinking skills is another aspect of your spiritual journey. You must now think
before you act and before you speak. Considering your perspective and the other person’s
perspective and then finding a solution is the key in any relationship. But, the Libra North Node is
making you more thoughtful in a lot of ways. Your newfound sense of balance can emerge in a
way that’s highly cultured and intelligent. Anything in the arts can awaken your intellectual side,
as you can view these things from a very refined, high-minded perspective. Your elegance can
also shine through in any social situation. You’re sort of like a new-money socialite, impressing
and stunning all sorts of people with your newly gained classiness and sophistication. This only
draws more admirers your way who seek to get closer to you and bask in that graceful glow. 

Saturn in Capricorn: It's Time

Happy 2017, everyone! Astrology Arena (this incarnation of it) will be three years old this
February. So, thanks for reading and I hope you keep on reading. For the first article of this new
year, I wanted to tackle Saturn in Capricorn, which is a transit that is going to begin in December
of this year. Saturn is at the latter half of its transit through Sagittarius, meaning that those of us
with Saturn in Capricorn are approaching our Saturn Return. Whether it’s your first or your
second, it is good to be prepared for it because, well, that’s what Saturn in Capricorn wants you
to do. Prepare! And when this is your actual Saturn sign, your whole purpose in life is getting
your shit together.

Saturn is dignified in Capricorn because Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn. Dignified planets
are not a complete walk in the park, though, especially when it’s a planet as challenging as
Saturn. It’s my theory that dignified planets bring out either the absolute best or the absolute
worst of whatever that planet stands for. Saturn, on the negative end, stands for self-doubt,
inadequacy, worry, anxiety; your worst fears coming to life. So, congrats to us Capricorn Saturn
folks. It means that we can be terribly haunted by this feeling of doom, cynicism, or insecurity; of
everything we’ve worked for somehow crumbling in front of our eyes or just never coming to
fruition. If Saturn represents what you fear the most, Saturn in Capricorn is a highly generalized
fear of failure.
The house that Saturn is in shows how this will manifest. Dignified planets in a certain house
really, really symbolize what that placement stands for. Therefore, if you have Saturn in
Capricorn in the 3rd House, you struggle with really serious feelings of inadequacy or anxiety in
regards to communicating and being well-informed. A 7th House Saturn in Capricorn would make
the idea of ending up with the wrong person or losing your significant other or best friend the
worst thing ever to you. I have Saturn in Capricorn and in the 12th House. I have already gone
over, in a post on that placement, how intensely I experience the 12th House Saturn, such as
that gnawing sense of isolation or loneliness and the highly irrational worries that can make me
feel pretty crazy. All in all, Saturn in Capricorn people cannot afford to run away from their fears
in life. Having such a strong Saturn does not let you. Instead, Saturn grabs you by the collar and
demands that you face them.

That’s why Saturn in Capricorn can feel like such a harsh placement. It is serious business and
isn’t going to cut you much slack throughout your life. I think that people with other Saturn signs
are more allowed to freewheel their way through life until their first Saturn Return without having
to really confront their doubts or figure out their purpose. Saturn in Capricorn people, on the
other hand, are not allowed to. If they do, they face some serious consequences for doing so.
Therefore, the life experiences leading up to the first Saturn Return are an absolute crash course
in the house that Saturn is in. You either find your strength by standing up to the challenge and
passing the test or you falter and have to learn your lesson over and over and over again.

I have quite a few close friends with Saturn in Capricorn, as well, and I feel like we all have been
through the ringer and back in terms of what our Saturn house represents. I have one who I
really suspect has Saturn in Capricorn in the 6th and has struggled with serious health issues,
demanding that she manage her diet in a very rigorous way (‘gluten-free diet’ is putting it a bit
mildly) and stay on top of any potential stress or anxiety. Another close friend has Saturn in
Capricorn in the 4th and has spent so many years worrying about his family and taking care of
them, while also working really hard to settle down and create a stable, solid home life.
As for me, I am truly a textbook Saturn in the 12th House person. But, it hasn’t been until
recently that I’ve been able to sit back and realize how far I’ve gotten in the midst of my heavy
struggles with this placement. I have devoted so much energy to being spiritually aware. All of
the time and effort I’ve spent on this blog and my readings for the past few years have
disciplined me to be attuned to that higher consciousness. I’ve had to turn my back on certain
worldly gains or rewards, in a downright bohemian way. I have also sacrificed so much to be an
artist and live that life, taking it very seriously from an early age and never wavering or giving up
when the path got difficult (which it most certainly did, in that typical struggling-artist way).
Saturn in Capricorn brings a person many hardships in the house that Saturn resides in. But, at
the same time, being forced to work through these hardships is what will make you amazingly
strong and accomplished.

The interesting thing about Saturn in Capricorn is that it can bring not only intense fears of
failure but also intense fears of success. Maybe the scariest thing to those of us with this
placement is that we are so strong and so capable. With all of that strength and capability comes
responsibility and that is something that, during the first quarter or so of our life, can be all too
tempting to resist. So, Saturn in Capricorn puts us all of those obstacles in our path to force us to
overcome them and to make us see that we are efficient and respectable and worthy of whatever
authority comes our way. Responsibility can feel like a real burden. But, that is the immature
view of it. Responsibility is also something that earns us the respect of other people and having
Saturn in Capricorn means that it is your purpose in life to be this very respectable individual.

When you have this placement, your Saturn is innately strengthened and if Saturn is also making
many aspects in your chart, it’s even stronger. Because of this, you may have already put in a lot
of work into your Saturn before your first Return occurs. For those with this placement who are
my age, the upcoming Saturn in Capricorn transit may be the chance that you need to finally, for
the first time in your life, give yourself a break.

Having a dignified Saturn means that, as long as you’ve put in the necessary effort over the
years, the Saturn Return can be a time where you end up experiencing the positive
consequences of all of your dedicated actions. Since this can be such a tough placement to have,
when the Saturn Return is experienced, it can be taken on as business as usual. You’re pushing
30 at this point and you’re already vastly experienced in the hardships of your Saturn’s house.
So, even if it’s not a walk in the park, you can gracefully rise to the occasion of the challenges.
Saturn, of course, gets better with age and that is especially true with Saturn in Capricorn. There
may be a newfound sophistication that is acquired during that first Saturn Return, as if life was
so awkward, difficult, or stressful before and now you’re taking to it all with exceptional maturity
and grace. There is a certain class to Saturn and it can feel as if, during this time, you finally get
a chance to achieve a higher “position”. You’ve paid all the dues that you need to pay. Whatever
goal or sense of purpose that is symbolized by your Saturn house can be achieved in a
remarkable way during this time, whether it’s becoming very well-read (Saturn in the 3rd),
making the money you want to make (Saturn in the 2nd), conquering certain personal demons
(Saturn in the 8th), etc.

During the Saturn Return in Capricorn, you get the message that “it’s time.” While it’s possible
that it could be time for that glorious “promotion” in terms of what you’ve been working hard to
accomplish all of these years, it could also mean that it’s just time to face the music. Not every
Capricorn Saturn person has put in all of the needed work. I feel like the ones who haven’t are
quite rare and probably particularly stunted, in some way or another. But, if this is the case, their
Saturn Return is going to tell them that “it’s time to get real” about whatever their Saturn house
concerns, whether it’s relationships (Saturn in the 7th) or goals in life (Saturn in the 10th) or just
their general persona and self-awareness (Saturn in the 1st).  

This is why things can be especially disastrous for them during this period of time. Again,
dignified placements are like textbook examples of the planet in that house. People warn Saturn
in the 7th House people to not get married before their first Saturn Return unless they are really
putting in the necessary work or else it will end in divorce. I don’t like being fatalistic but a
person with a 7th House Saturn in Capricorn who does not learn how to conduct relationships
with true maturity will almost certainly get divorced during their Return. And if they keep at it,
they will set themselves up for deeply disappointing relationships down the road, long after their
Return. Saturn in Capricorn has very strict and firm rules. If we are not effectively, maturely
aligned with the principles of the house that the Capricorn Saturn is in, we will undoubtedly
experience the consequences.

It's quite a tough hand to be dealt but the rewards of such a life are also remarkable and
completely worth all of the struggle. With a dignified Saturn, you can look back at all of those
trying experiences and see them as blessings in disguise; strife that you eventually transformed
into success and strength. I feel like we gain the most strength in life from our Saturn and with
Saturn in Capricorn, you are capable of being enormously strong and substantial. This placement
shows that the only thing to really fear is the fear itself. Once you gain enough hard-earned
experience, you understand how to master and have great command over those fears.

It’s not like they go away completely. The hang-ups and insecurities of your Saturn will always
remain, in some form. It’s just that the more mature a Capricorn Saturn is, the more effective he
or she is at dealing with them. So, hopefully, by the time you reach the second Saturn Return,
you have many decades of experience at your disposal and have acquired the sense of knowing
exactly what you’re doing. Nobody has their shit together completely and we all falter. But,
Saturn in Capricorn is about trying as hard as you absolutely can to get it together or accomplish
something. When you do, you might surprise yourself with how effective you are.

The Self-Limitations of Saturn

Saturn’s often negative reputation in astrology comes from the fact that it’s “the planet of
limitations.” But, this is more of a complex phrase than some people think. Some hear it and
believe that Saturn is where we will be continually screwed over. There can be a sense of
fatalism attached to this planet for that reason, as if it’s a source of bad luck and obstacles. But,
the limitations of Saturn often come just as much from our own negative thought patterns, if not
Our Saturn sign and house placement represent the things we can worry about, while aspects to
Saturn symbolize how those worries are expressed. This is where we want to have control. Not
the power-based control that Pluto focuses on. It’s a control that is geared toward structure and
duty. It’s how we feel like things have to happen; our overall plan of life. But, if this plan gets too
rigid, it obviously becomes self-limiting. We become too cautious, pessimistic, or self-defeating.
Or maybe we go the other way and become too irresponsible, unable to handle the pressure. 

So, Saturn can send hard times our way, time and time again, in the concerns regarding its sign
and house until we learn to deal with its limitations in a positive way. We must take on the
responsibility of our Saturn without the excessive worry or debilitating doubt that we might
respond to that responsibility with. It’s an area of our chart that has the potential to be a
promotion. But, if you immediately respond to getting promoted with worries and fears over your
capability, you’re not going to succeed. The more you worry about not being successful at
Saturn, the least successful you’ll be. But, if you can take on this job with perseverance and a
positive attitude, anything can happen. Gaining a mature balance over your Saturn sign, house
placement, and aspects are what can bring a significant amount of success and personal
development your way. And whenever your Saturn Return happens, you’re being tested on how
well you have or haven’t learned these lessons.

These descriptions are for both Saturn in a sign and Saturn in that sign’s house. I’ve found that,
generally speaking, such placements operate in very similar ways. You can combine the specific
description of your Saturn sign and Saturn house placement to get the more nuanced
interpretation of your Saturn and the best way to work with it.

Saturn in Aries and/or Saturn in the 1st House

Starting new projects or endeavors can instill tremendous doubt within you, as you are always
worried that you won’t be able to pull it off. Making mistakes, in particular, can feel intolerable to
you. If you can’t make an impression of doing something awesome and worth recognition, you
might not do it at all. But, you must see life as a learning process and roll with whatever punches
come your way. You’ve got to develop a thick skin because you are being called on to put
yourself out there and be an example. For you, maturity is expressed through courage and

Saturn in Taurus and/or Saturn in the 2nd House

You might constantly worry about your resources, plagued with an endless poverty-
consciousness that makes you feel like you never have enough. So, you might become
particularly stingy with your money or a hoarder of the first degree, always preoccupied with
what you have and what you might lose. So, obviously, truly enjoying life can become difficult.
Your task, then, is to make your money and not let your money make you! Your expression of
maturity is through resourcefulness, capable of making a dollar out of fifteen cents and realizing
that security is more of an inner state.

Saturn in Gemini and/or Saturn in the 3rd House

Communicating in clear, witty, and interesting ways can be such a rigid agenda that you monitor
your speech way too much. You can fear being boring or being seen as stupid, making you too
calculating in your conversations with others. You feel like you’re always being tested and must
always know the right answer. So, your primary responsibility is to be able to find other people
interesting! You must learn that the more genuinely engaged you are, the more connected and
interested the other people will be. You mature by learning the fine art of listening.

Saturn in Cancer and/or Saturn in the 4th House

You intend to be very responsive and caring but might worry too much about your caregiving
skills, feeling guilty about not being supportive or emotionally available enough. You also feel
such a duty to take care of others that you don’t want anyone taking care of you, shutting
yourself off from fully sharing your vulnerabilities or true feelings. Therefore, your task is learning
how, when, and from whom to seek out the support you need. You express maturity by
establishing truly intimate, emotional connections, doing away with those who will deny or
dismiss your needs.

Saturn in Leo and/or Saturn in the 5th House

Worries over disapproval or a lack of applause from others can cripple you. It’s as if you are
constantly trying to control your audience, wanting them all to love your performance and tell
you that you’re great. So, doubts over the reception of your creative efforts can be enough to
make you feel creatively blocked or stage shy. Because of this, you have a responsibility to give
yourself enough applause to allow the show to go on. The more mature you become, the more
you’ll be able to accept that you can’t always be popular yet also realize how to maintain your
loyal fans.

Saturn in Virgo and/or Saturn in the 6th House

You can be a real hypochondriac, worrying so much about your health that the cold you swear
you have ends up truly manifesting in your body, creating an unhealthy mind-body cycle. You
might also be far too picky for your own good, criticizing and rejecting so much that comes your
way that you end up with very little. So, you have a duty to learn how to be as constructive as
possible. Find a solution for your problem, execute it, and then direct your practical energies
elsewhere. Your maturity depends on developing high standards for health and work that are still

Saturn in Libra and/or Saturn in the 7th House

Relationships are a source of deep doubt and fear for you, as you can endlessly worry about the
state of a relationship, particularly a romantic one, and if it’ll work out. Signs of disharmony or
incompatibility can feel like signs of doom, leading you to either try too hard make it work or
quickly head off in the other direction. Therefore, you are being challenged to learn how to
balance things out in your relationships by truly taking responsibility for your share, without
projecting it on to someone else or taking on someone else’s share. You mature through a solid
sense of equality.

Saturn in Scorpio and/or Saturn in the 8th House

Powerlessness is your greatest worry, which can make your striving for power more and more
overbearing. You can become the classic control freak, to the point of even wanting to pull the
emotional strings of others. If you aren’t in command of the situation, it might seem to be
unbearable. So, you have a duty to learn what power and control really mean and how they
should be exercised with light, not dark, intentions. You can develop a command over situations
that displays your maturity, capable of using your insights into others to help and heal them.

Saturn in Sagittarius and/or Saturn in 9th House

You often seriously doubt that you’ll be able to get past your own backyard. Your biggest worries
are over not living an inspiring or adventurous enough life, instead trapped in a mundane
existence. And you can act out this frustration in totally dogmatic ways, seeing others’ beliefs as
ignorant and wrong while your viewpoint is right. However, you are being called upon to share
these beliefs in a way that will truly inspire others. Your maturity is expressed through realizing
that we’re all on our own amazing path and to discover more exciting things on your path that
you never saw before.

Saturn in Capricorn and/or Saturn in the 10th House

Your worries and doubts can truly feed themselves, as you live with a high awareness of
difficulties and challenges. But, the more you focus on life being tough, the tougher it will be.
This attitude also makes it harder for you to achieve what you really want, which brings out that
tremendous fear of failure that you harbor. So, your main responsibility is to find a way to
embrace challenges without becoming negative or fearful. The more mature you become, the
more you see the sheer act of meeting and pushing through challenges as a success and that the
only failure is quitting.

Saturn in Aquarius and/or Saturn in the 11th House

Fears of being misunderstood can loom so large that you act out in defiant or bizarre ways as a
pre-emptive strike. You can feel crippled by your own loneliness, whether you’re with a group of
friends or walking your path alone. So, you might behave in many self-defeating ways that limit
your friendships or your involvement in organizations and causes. As a result, you are being
called on to use your solitary perspective to bring something important to the group. You mature
by seeing bringing about progress and opening up others’ minds as a personal responsibility.

Saturn in Pisces and/or Saturn in the 12th House

You can feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, worrying way more about the problems
of others than your own. On the other hand, being so easily overwhelmed leads you to worry
about losing yourself too much in chaos. Therefore, you may blind yourself to suffering, as well
as feel uneasy with things relating to the spirit or fantasy realm. So, you must see it as a
responsibility to surrender yourself, in service to something much bigger than yourself, like
charitable work, spirituality, or art. You develop maturity through becoming truly egoless and

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