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NTIS #PB96-1 29119

SSC-385 A

Hydrodynamic Impact on
Displacement Ship Hulls
An Assessment of the State of the Art ~

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SSC-385A Hydrodynamic Impact on Displacement Ship Hulls-Bibliography Ship Structure Committee 1995
The SHIP STRUCTURE COMMllTEE is constituted to prosecute a research program to improve the hull structures of ships and other
marine structures by an extension of knowledge pertaining to design, materials, and methds of construction.

RADM J. C. Card, USCG (Chairman)

Chief, ~ce of Marine Safety, Security
and Environmental Protection
U.S. Coast Guard

Mr. Thomas H. Peirce Mr. Edwin B. Schimler Dr. Donatd liu

Marine Research and Development Pasociate Administrator for Ship- Senior Vice President
Coordinator building and Technology Development Ameriw Bureau of Shipping
Transportation Development Center Maritime Administration
Transport Canada

Mr. Robert McMarthy Mr. Thomas Connors Dr. Ross Grahm

Director, Survivability and Structural Acting Director of Engineering (N7) Head, Hydronauti= Section
Integrity Group (SEA 03P) Military Sealift Command Defence Research Establishment-Atlantic
Naval Sea Systems Command


CDR Stephen E. Sharpe, USCG Mr. William J. Siekierka

U.S. Coast Guard Naval Sea Systems Command


The SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMllTEE acts for the Ship Str~cture Committee on technical matters by providing technical
coordination for determinating the goals and objectives of the program and by evaluating and interpreting the results in terms of
structural design, construction, and operation.


Mr. Robert E. Van Jones (Chairman) Mr. Frederick Seibold CAPT Geur~e Wright
Mr. Rickard A. Anderson Mr. Richard P. Voelker Mr. Walter Lincoln
Mr. Michael W. Touma Mr. Chao H. Lin Mr. Rubin Sheinberg
Mr. Jeffrey E. Beach Dr. Wafter M. Maclean


Mr. Glenn Ashe Mr. W. Thorn= Packard Mr. John Grinstead

Mr. John F. ConIon Mr. Charles L Null Mr. Ian Bayly
Mr. Phillip G. Rynn Mr. Edward Kadala Mr. David L_ Stccks
Mr. William Hanzelek Mr. Allen H. Engle Mr. Peter Tlmonin


Dr. Neil Pegg

LCDFi Stephen Gibson
Dr. Roger Hollingshead
Mr. John Porter


Dr. William Sandberg Dr, Robert Slelski


Dr. William R, Tyson


Dr. Ramswar Bhattacharyya Dr. Martin Prager


Dr. C. B. Kim Mr. Afexander D. Wilson


LCDR Bruce R. Mustain Dr. Yapa D. S. Rajapaske


CAPT Charles Piersall CAPT Alan J. Brown

Mr. Jason Miller
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Member Agencies: c Addr= Correspondence to:
American Bureau Of Shipping Executive Director
De fence FZ6seamh Ek%blishment Aflantic Ship Structure Committee
Maritime Administration
Milita Sealift Command
Ship U.S. Coast Guard
2100 Seccnd Street,
Nav&Y Sea z ystems Command
Tkmport Canada
Structure Washin
ton, D.C. 205S3-0001
United States Coast Guard Committee Fax(202)

An Interagency Advisory ‘i-–-x’ lllllllee --

2 January 1996


The ability of the naval architect to optimize the structural

design of a ship is limited by both our understanding of, and our
ability to predict hydrodynamic loads. In addition to having to
account for the random nature of wave induced loads, transient
loadings such as slamming, wave slap and frontal impacts must
also be addressed. Failure to account for these impulsive loads
and how best to combine these loads with ever present slow
varying wave induced loads can result in, at best, reduced ship
Operational time and, at worst, catastrophic failure.

In order to address these concerns, a critical review of the

state of the art in predicting hydrodynamic impact forces has
been completed. This report identifies numerous theories of
hydrodynamic impact loading that have been developed over the
years by many researchers. These theories are evaluated to
identify which are most applicable for use in design with example
calculations presented. Recommendations for future research are

Rear Admi&l, U.S. Coast Guard
Chairman, Ship Structure Committee
Technical R*port Documentation Page
1. Raport No. 2. Government Accsssion No. 3. R*cipiontis Catalog No.

SSC-385 PB96-129119

4. Titl* and $ubtitlg S. R~pert Daia

DISPLACEMENT SHIP HULLS 6. Pgrfoming Organization Code
8. Porfermin90rgani zation Raport Na.
7“ ‘“’her’s) John C. Daidola, Victor Mishkevich
and Anthony Rromwell SR-1342
9. Porfarmin9 0r9mization Namomd Address 10. Wark Unit No. (TRAIS)


11. Contract or Grant No.
350 Broadway
New York, NY 10013 DTCG23-92–C–EO1O88
13.TYP*of R*porfond Period Cover-d
12. SPan~arinU AOoncYNamm *d Add,*s~

2100 Second Street, S.W.

I Final
A@rncy Cod=
Washington, D.C. 20592 G-M
IS.Supplementary NOT*S

Sponsored by the Ship Structure Committee. Jointly funded by its

member agencies.
16. Abstract
This bibliography was formulated during the development of the
Ship Structure Committee report: Hydrodynamic Impact Loading on
Displacement Ship Hulls, An Assessment of the State of the Art, by
Dr . John C. Daidola and Dr. Victor Mishkevich.

The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of

the art of hydrodynamic impact loading on displacement ship hulls.
The subject is considered in light of the three distinct phenomena of
slamming, wave slap, and frontal impact. Factors leading to hydro-
dynamic impact are defined in terms of environmental and vessel
characteristics. The theories of impact are reviewed in sub-
categories of two and three dimensional analytical hydrodynamic
models, hydroelastic models, seakeeping theory, model tests and full
scale data. The techniques and procedures identified which lend
themselves to analysis and potential design application are
identified and described, the characteristics of each summarized, and
example calculations relating the techni-ques and procedures presented.
The report concludes with recommendations for future research.

17. Koy Words lE. Distribution Statm.nt
Hydrodynamic Impact, Slamming, Distribution unlimited, available from:
Displacement Ships, Seakeeping, National Technical Information Service
Wave Slap, Frontal Impact, Theory, U.S. Department of Commerce
Hyd.roelastic, Model Tests, Springfield, VA 22151
Full Scale
19. S*cutity Clqssif, (of*iz r-port) I 20. S~suritY Classic. (ofthis page) i 21. No. of Pq,i 1 22. Pric*
$27.00 Paper
Unclassified Unclassified 126 $12.50 Micro
Form DOT F1700.7 (8-72) R-production of compl~tod page authori xed


Nlsr -$!l%iis?ik,w
Approximate Conversions to Metric Measures
‘— ApproximateCoxiversionsfromMetric
Symbol When You Know Multiply by To Find Symbol $- Symbol When You Know Multiply by To Find Symbol
in inches 2.5 centimeter cm ~ ‘, mm millimeters 0.04 inches in
ft feet 30 centimete~ cm — cm centimeters 0.4 inches in
yd yards 0.9 meters m ~~ .m meters 3,3 feet ft
mi miles 1.6 kilometers m metem 1.1 yards
km= yd
AREA km kilometms 0.6 miles mi
in2 Scplam inches 6.5 square centimeter cm z — AREA
fi2 square feet 0.09 square meters mZ = cm2 square centimeters 0.16 square inches in2
ydz square yards 0.8 squaremeters mI ~ rn2
square meters 1.2 square yards @2
square miles 2.6 square kilometers kml M ~ : ~2 SqUW Idometem ~.j square miles mi 2
acres 0.4 hectares ha ~ ha hedams acres
MASS (weight) (10,000mz)
Oz ounces 28 MASS (weight)
g= .
Ib pounds 0.45 &&s kg ~ . 0.035 ounces Oz
short tons 0.9 metric~on t~ [g l%&asns 2.2 pounds Ill
(2000 lb) U= ,t metric ton 1J short tons
VOLUME (1,000 kg)
tsp teaspoons 5 mWitem mL~ VOLUME
7J:p tablespoons 15milliliters mL~ mL milliliter 0,03 fluid ounces fl Oz
cubic inches 16
mil.lilitem n-IL ~ ~ rnL milliliters 0,06 cubic “inches in3
~ “
ffoz fluid ounces 30milliliter mL —z ~A
L liters 2.1 pints pt
c cups 0,24
liters GO’
L *=== ~ .L liters 1.06 quarts qt
pt pints 0.47
liters L~ ~ L liters 0.26 gallons gal
qt quarts ~A
liters L~ m3 cubic meters 35 cubic feet fi3
@ gallons 3.8
liters L= ~3 cubic meters 1.3 cubic yards ~dj
ft3 ~
cubic feet 0.03
cubic meters m 3 —_ ~-
yd 3 cubic yards 0.76
cubic meters m3 ~
~ “c degrees multiply by 9/5, degrees
~ *F
TEMPERATURE (exact) Ul~ ~A Celsius add 32 Fahrenheit
“F degrees subtract 32, degrees *C ~
Fahrenheit multiply by 5P Celsius
~h -40 -20 (1 20 37 60 80 100
.*C ! ! I I !
~ .. I I 1
I [ 1 I
~- F -40 0 32 80 98.6 160 212
water freezes body temperature water Ml Is


Acknowledgement vi

Introduction vii
Abbreviations Vm

Specialization Identifier Codes ix

Bibliography 1


The authors wish to thank the SSC Project Technical Committee for its guidance
during the conduct of this study.

At M. Rosenblatt & Soq Inc., Messrs. Anthony Bromwell and Christopher

Reyling contributed to the technical effort. Mrs. Evelyn Goodman painstakingly prepared
the text allowing for the authors’ indulgences.

Several references and literature sources were provided by Dr. Alfred T-

Senior Engineer, American Bureau of Shipping; Dr. Ephraim Suhir, Member of Technical
Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories; Dr. Vladimir Ankudinov, Vice-Presiden$ Designers and
Planners, Inc.; and Mrs. Leslie Mitchell, Administrative Assistant Science Applications
International Corporation. The authors appreciate helpful suggestions provided by Dr. P.
Kapkq Chairrnq Hydromechtics, Inc.; Mr. D. Lavis, Chief Executive Officer, Band,
Lavis and Assoc., Inc.; Prof. Armin Troesc~ IJniversi@ of Michigan; and the Survey’of
Russian / Soviet Studies results and data on hydrodynamic load estimation by Drs. O.
Rabinovitch, Dr. Rostovtsev and I. Stepanov at the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical
University, St. Petersburg, Russia.


This Bibliography was formulated during the development of the Ship Structure
Committee report: Hydrodynamic Impact Loading on Displacement Ship Hulls, An
Assessment of the State of the Art, by John C. Daidola and Victor Mishkevich.

The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of the art of

hydrodynamic impact loading on displacement ship hulls. The subject is considered in
light of the three distinct phenomena of slarnrning, wave slap and frontal impact. Factors
leading to hydrodynamic impact are defied in terms of environmental and vessel
characteristics. The theories of impact are reviewed in sub-categories of two and three
dimensional analytical hydrodynamic models, hydroelastic models, seakeeping theory,
model tests and W scale data. The. techniques and procedures identified which lend
themselves to analysis and potential design application are identified, describe~ the
characteristics of each summarized and example calculations relating the techniques and
procedures presented. The report concludes with recommendations for future research.

The Bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order by author. Three key

identifiers are provided indicating the specialization of the reference including type of
hydrodynamic impact, format of approach and nature of the data. These have been
provided only for those publications actually reviewed in the conduct of the study of the
aforementioned report.

A list of abbreviations utilized in the Bibliography is provided as well.

American Institute of Aeronautics & Aeronautics
AINA Arctic Institute of North America
AMM Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois
API American Petroleum Institute
APL/JHU Applied Physics Laborato~/John.s Hopkins Universi~
ARDE Armament Research and Development Establishment
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASNE Anerican Society of Naval Engineers
ATMA Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique, Paris

BARC British Aeronautical Research Council

BCF Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
BISI British Iron and Steel Industry Translation
BMT British Maritime Teclmo@y
BSRA British Ship Research Association
CAHI Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute, Moscow
CALTCH/CIT California Institute of Technology
CASO Council of American Steamship Operators
COE Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army
COSATI Committee on Scientific and Technical Information
CTs Consolidated Translation Survey
DDC Defense Documentation Center
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DON Department of Navy
DOT Department of Transportation
DTMB/DTRC David Taylor Model Basin/David Taylor Research Center
DTSRDC David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center
EI Engineering Index
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ESL Engineering Societies Librmy
GSU The Gorky State University
IAeSc Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, New York
IESS Transactions of the Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland
IME Institute of Mechanical Engineers
Isosc International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress
ISP International Shipbuilding Progress
Issc Proceedings of International Ship Structures Congress
JAP Journal of Applies Physics
JAS Journal of Aerospace Sciences
JFI Journal of the Franklin Institute

JPRS Joint Publications Research Service

JSR Journal of Ship Research, SNAME
JSTG Jahrbuch der SchifEbautechnischen Gesellsch~ Hamburg
JZK Journal of Zosen Kyokai (The Society of Naval Architects of Japan)
JSCSRI The Krylov Central Scientific Research Institute
Khsu The Kharkov State University
KSS The Krylov Scientific Society
L laingrad
Maritime Administration Research and Development
MarAd Maritime A@tratio~ DOT
MFG Mechanics of Fluid and Gas Journal
MIc Maritime Infmrnation Committee - National Research Service
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MR&s M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., New York, NY
MRIS Maritime Research Information Service
MSU The Moskow State University
Maritime Technical Information Facility
Maritime Transportation Research Board
NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Now NASA
NAE National Academy of Engineering
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administratio~ formerly NACA
NBs National Bureau of Standards
NECIES Trans of the Northeast Coast Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbuilders
NC Naval Intelligence Cormnand Headquarters
NMI National Maritime Institute
NMRC National Maritime Research Center
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOI)C Navy Oceanographic Data Center
NOIC Navy Oceanographic Instrumentation Center
NOO Naval Oceanographic Office
NOTS U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Statio~ China Lake, CA
Naval Research Laboratory
NSI The Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute
NSMB Netherlands Ship Model Basin
NSRDC Naval Ship Research and Development Center
NSSC Naval Ship Systems Command
NTIc National Technical Information Center
NTIs National Technical Information Service
PMM Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (U.S.S.R.)
RINA Royal Institute of Naval Architects
SCA Shipbuilders Council of America
SITDL/ETT Stevens Institute of Technology, Davidson Laboratory, Hoboke& NJ
SNJQ Society of Naval Architects of Japan

i 2:


SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Ssc Ship Structures Committee, USCG
SSIE Smithsonian Science Information Exchange
SWRI South West Research Institute, San Antonio, TX
TRIS Transportation Research Information Service, NAS
UCBER University of California, Berkeley
UCLLL University of Californi~ Ikvrence Livermore Laborato~
UOFM University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
USCG United States Coast Guard
USCGA United States Coast Guard Academy
USCGRD United States Coast Guard Research and Development
USNASC United States Naval Air Systems Command
WEBB/WINA Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Glen Cove, NY
WJSNA West Japan Society of Naval Architects
ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik


Identifier #1: Type of Hydrodynamic Impact

BS = Bottom S1amming
FI = Frontal Impact
Ws = Wave Slap
IL = Impact Loading
TH = Twin Hull

Identifier #2: Format of Approach

TP = Theoretical Progress / Development

ER = Experimental Research
CH = Case Histories
DR = Design Research

Identifier #3: Nature of Data

AM = Analytical Model
ER = Experimental Research
AE= Analytical -VS-Experimental

Num&er Description KeJQ K&J

1 Abramovich, S.N. AM
Investigation of llon~inear Iiydrodynamic Forces Acting on a Ship t!ul 1 in the Process of
Transactions of the Kry(ov Scientific Research Institute, v. 259

2 Abramvich, S.M. TP AM
Spactral Conpound Calculation Hethod for Hydrodynamic Loads on a Ship Moving in Irregular
W&Thesis, Laningrsd, 223 p.

3 Abramson, H. N.; Bass, R. L.; Fa[tinsen, O.; Olsen, H.A.

Liquid Slosh in LNG Carrters.
Synp on Maval Hydrodynamics, Tenth, Of fica of Maval Research
1974, June 24-28.

4 Abramson, H. N.; Dalzell, J.F. 3S TP - Revie~

Hydrodynamics of Shfp S(anming.
SURI, Ssn Antonio, TX,
1963, September.

5 Achtarides, T.A.
Plastic Design of Plate Panels for Ice Strengthening and S[anming
SthWE, Neu Eng Land Sect f on
1972, Septtir

6 Adams, J.L.
SW Notes on Damage to Ships.
NEC, No. 45, w4OO-41O,

7 Aertssen, G. Bs TP
An Estinwte of Uhicaing Vibration Stress Based on Slanrninq Data of Four ShiDs
International Shi@ilding Progress
1979, February

8 Aertsaen, G.
oeck Uetness and Ship Efficiency
International Shipbuilding Prograss, Volurn? 24, MO. 280
!9??, December

9 Aertssen, G.
Laboring of Ships in Rough Seas with Specia[ En@asis on the Fast ship.
SHAME Dianmnd Jubilee Int’t Mtg,
1968, June.

10 Aertssen, G.
Reduced Draught at Sea: Its Problems.
Trans. North East Cosst Institution of Engineers ati shi@uikfers, Vo~me 93, No. 4,
1977, March

M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc. April 15, 1995

Bibliography Page: 1
Ntier Description @/J

11 Aertssen, G.
Service Performance and Seakeeping Trials on f4/V Jordaena.
RINA, Tranaactiona, Vol. 108, No. 4,

12 Aertssen, G.; Delanbre, R.

A Survey of Vibratfon DaWing Forces Found From Slamning Experiments on Four Ships.
NECIES, Transactions, Vol. 87, Ho. 3,

Aertaaen. G.; van S[uya, M.F.

Service Performance and Seakeeping Triats on a Large Container$hip.
Trans. of Royal Inst. of Naval Architecture, v.116

14 Akita, Y.; Ochi, M.1(. ER

Investigations on the Strength of Ships Going In Uaves By Hodel Experinwnts.
JZK, Rpts 1-3, No. 95,96,97; or SNAklE,

15 Akita, Y.; Ochi, M.K. ER

Model Experinwnts On The Strength of Ships Moving In Uaves.
SilAME, Transactions, Vot. 63, pp 203-236,

16 Aksu, S.; Price, U. G.; Suhrbier, K. R.: Temsrel, P.

Comparative Study of the Dynamic Behavior of a Fast Patrol Boat Traveling in Rough Seas.
~a~ne Structuresf v.6, N5-6

17 Aksu, S.; Price, U. G.; Tamarel, P. 8s TP

A Three Dimensional Theory of Ship Slamning in Irregular Obiique Seauay
Advances in Marine Structures - 2 Elsevier Applied Science, PP 208-229

18 Aksu, S.; Price, U. G.; Temarel, P. ES TP

Comparison of Tu&Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Hvdroe{asticity Theories Including the
Effect of S{amning.
Proc. of the Institution of hlechanical Engineera, Part C: Mechanical Engineering Science,
v.205, NI

19 Aksu, S.; Price, U. G.; Temerel, P.

S [amni ng Loads and Responses
In Proceedings of Geini Insaati Teknik Kongresi ’89, Instanlwl, pp. 311-326
1989, Dacember.

20 Alexarder, H.C.; Herbich, J. B.; Kettleborough, C.F. us AM

Wave Force Prediction By CoqMter Simulation.
Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, Proceedings,
3979, September.

l+!. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc. April 15, 1995

Bibliography Page: 2
Number Descri Dt i on

21 Allen, R. G.; Jones, J.R.

A Si@ified Hethd for Determining Structural Design Limit Pressures on High Performance
t4arine Vehic[es.
AIM/S!lAME Advanced Marine Vehicle Conference,
1978, April.

22 Atten, R. G.; Jones, J.R. 0S

Considerations In the Structurs[ Design of High Performance K!arine Vehicles.
SHAME, MY Het. Section,
1977, Janusry.

23 American Bureau of Shipping 3s

Estimate of Ship Bottmn Slamning.
American Bureau of Shipping,
1979, Deceubsr.

24 Ardo, Y 0S ER
Cushioning of Shinning I~ct by Etaatometric Layara.
1989, Septerher.

25 Ando, Y.: Fujita, Y.; Yameguchi, [. ES ER

On The Inpdsive Force of a FLat Plate Fatting L@n The Uater surface.
JZK, VOL. 90, w 69-75,

26 Andes, S. 0S AM
Correlation of Wave loads Predicted kw the Extended SHIP140 Cater Program uith
Defence Research Establishment, Atlantic, Tkl-85/218, EMT-69.969,
1985, August.

27 Ardos, S. ER AM
Cushioning of S[anming Impact by Elastomeric Layers.
SWME, JSR, Vet. 33, w 169, BMT-89102301,
1989, September.

2a Andreu, R.N. 0s ER
Frigate Comparative Seakeeping Trials Behaviour in Severe Head Seas.
M#rs:~~eMarine Technology Establishment, Dunfermline, Fifa, Scotlsnd,
I .

29 Andreu, R. N.; Lloyd, A. R. J.$!. ES ER

Fu~l Scale Carperative kleasurements of the Behaviour of Two Frigates in Severe Mead Seas.
The Iiaval Architect
1981, January.

30 Andrew, R. N.; Price, U.G.

A@ications of Generalized Gan’ina Functions in Ship Dynamica.
Trans. RIMA, Vobm? 121

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Nmber Description

31 Andrws, J. N.; Chuang, S.1.

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32 Andrew, J. N.; Dinsenbecher, A.L.

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33 Andrew, J.Il.; Oinaenbacher, A.L.

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34 Andrew, J. N.; Dinsenbecher, A.L,

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35 Antonides, G.P.
A Comwter Program for Structural Response to Ship Slamning (SLAM)
Nava~- Ship Research and Oeveloprent Ckntar Report 4480
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36 Arai, h!.; Hatsunaga, K. FI ER

A Wms?r!cal ard Exwrimentsl Studv of Bou Flare Slamning.
SHAJ, Journal, Vol~ Iti,
wa9, oectir.

37 Aralt H.; Hatsunaga, K.

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38 Arai, Pt.; !!atsunaga, K. BS ER AM

A Numerical Study of Uater Entry of Tuo-Oimenaional Ship-Shaped Bodies.
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39 Arhar, G. P.; DeLenil, G. BS ER

Experimental Stwiv of the lnmsct of Horizontal Cvlinders on a Uater Surface.
Of ’fshore Technology Confaren~e, Proceedings, Ifou&ton, TX, Ilpt No. OTC-31O7,
197a, MSY.

40 Armand, J.L..; Cointa, R. ER

Hydrodynamic Impct Analysis of a Circular Cylinder.
5th l14AE ~, Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan,

M. Rosenb~att & Son, Inc. April !5, 1995

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Nmk-er Description KeJg

41 Arntson, S.G.
llu~[ Structures Panel Sunnary Refmrt
Ship of the Future
1990, May.

42 Astley, R.J. ES
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University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Neu Zealand
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43 Atlar, M. BS, FI TP AM-2D

Methd for Pradictlng First-Order Hydrodynamic Loads on Single and Twin Sections by the
Frank Ciose-Fit Technique.
Gtasgow Maritims Technology Center, Rpt No. NAOE-85-41, BMT-67.633,
1985, October.

44 Aurard, J.D.
On-Water HotIon Reiationshipa Study
RockueLl Intarnetional
1977, January

45 Baker, U.; Ueatine, P.; Garzs, L.; Hunter, P. BS ER

Water Impact Studies of Model Apollo Ccmnad Module.
T965, August.

46 Bales, N.K.
kfinimm freeboard Requirements for Dry Foredecks: A Design Procdure
SNAME STAR Syrpositnn
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47 Ba~es, tJ. K.
Skming and Deck Uetness Characteristic of a United States Coast Guard Madim Endurance
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48 Bales, M. K., et al
Seakeeping Characteristic of a Unitad States Coast Guard Buoy Tender
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49 Bates, N. K.; et a~
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50 Baias. N. K.; Foiey, E.U.

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Umber Description KeJ/J

51 Ba[es, N. K.; Jones, li.D.

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52 Bales. N. K.; Jones, tl.D. FI ER

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53 Bales, N. K.; Hotter, L. E.; Uatklns, I?.U.

Validfty of Strip Theory Linear Superposition Ajqwoach to Predicting Probabilities of Deck
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NSROC, Report No. SPD-643-01
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54 Ba[es, N. K.; Uatkins, R. Il. FI ER AM

Va[idity of Analytical Predictions of Deck Wetness for an Offshore Supply Vesse[ in
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55 Band, E. G.lJ.
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56 Band, E.G.U.
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57 Band, E.G.U. ER
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Uyte Laboratories, Payne Oivislon, Report Uo. 18008-2,

58 Bard, E.G.U. &R

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59 Band, E.G.U.; Euler, A.J. IJS, FI, US Oata Collection

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60 Bard, E. G. U.; Jawish 111, U.K.

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Loads Induced By Uind, Uavas, and Motions.
6th Int’( Ship Structures Congress, Boston, Mass,

442 lSSC
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Report of Cmnittee V.4., Proc. of the 10th ISOSC Structures Congress, Lyngby, v.2.
1986, August

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Society for Experimental Stress Ana[yaia, Proceedings, Vol. 8, No. 2,

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Statistical Presentation Of The Motions, Hull Bending Moments, and S~amning Pressures For
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Miaai[e Strike Cruiser (CSGN)
WRDC, SPD-724-06
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Pressure Distri Lwtions and Forces On High-Performance.
USRDC, Structures Department,
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I~ct Loading cm a High-Speed Planning Craft.
SNAME, SE Section,
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A Theoretical Stdy of the Dynamic Plastic Behavior of Beams and Plates with
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International Journal of Solids Structures, Volume 7, HO. 1007

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PRADS - International Symp on Practical Design in Shi@wi (ding, Tokyo, Japan, Paper A-17,
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Finite-Deflections of a Rigid-Viscoplastic Strain-Hardening Annu~ar Plate Loaded
Journal of App(iad Mechanics, Voluna 35, Ho. 349

474 Jones, M.
Finite-Oaf Iactions of a Simply Supported Rigid-P(astic Annular Plate Loaded Dynamica~ ly.
International Journal of Sol ids Structures, Vokne 4, No. 593.

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475 Jones, N. BS, FI, US

Ptast i c Behavior of Ship Structures.
SMAME, Transact i ens,

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Slamming Damage.
MIT, Dep’t of-Ocean Engineering, SNAME, JSR, Vo(. 7, No. 2, MRIS-044 58,
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Internat iona[ Journal of Sot ids Structures, Volume 6, No. 1499

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479 Kamel, A.M. k%

Shock Pressures Caused by Uaves Breaking Against Coaatat Structures.
ACOE, Uaterwaya Experiment Staticm, MRIs-054189,
1968, Septeuber.

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Water Wave Pressures on Seawal(s and Breakwaters.
ACOE, ArmyEngineer Experiment Station, Vicksburg MS, DDc-AD-667354, NTIS, MRIS-015072,
1968, February.

481 Katiel, F.G.

Kinematic Parameters of the Motion of Cargo Ship TOH Ouring the Process of Pitching on
lrregu(ar Uavea
Trans. of the KSS, v.109

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Statistical Characteristics of Impact Bending Hmnent in the Hulls of Sea-River ships.
Sudoatroeniye, 115

483 Kang, C.G. FI

Bow Flare Slamning and NonLinear Free Surface - Body Interaction in the Time Dmnain
Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, University of Michigan

484 Kang, C.G. FI TP

Time Domain Analyais of Ship Bow Flare Slamming.
UOFM, Ph.D Thesis,

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A Survey on Hydro-Ski Water Loads.
Edo Corp., Rpt !40. 4439,
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Anat Yais and Prediciton of Fiat Bottom S[anrning Imact of Advanced Marine Vehicles in
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1986, September

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Analysis and Prediciton of Fiat Bottom S[anwning Inpact of Advanced Marine Vehic(ea in
ISP, V. 34, N 391
1987, March.

488 Kaptan, P. ES, FI, US TP

C~ter Simulation of Ship Structural Loads Dua to Uavas,
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Deveiounent of Mathematical Models for Describing Shi D Structural Restmnse in Waves.
SSC-193, NSEC,
1949, January.

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Inpact Forces on Horizontal Members.
Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, Proceedings,
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The Effact of Motion- Inducd Surface Uava Generation on SES Vertical P me Motions in
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Intersociety Advanced Marine Vehicles Conference, Arlington, VA
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Dynamics and Hydrodynamics of surface-effect-ships.
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Hydrodynamic Loada Prdiction (Inclu!ing Slamming) ad Relation to Structural Reliability
Sh~p Structures Symqmium, Arlington -
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Hydrodynamic Anaiyats of llarge-Platform Systems in Uaves.
The Naval Architect
1983, July.

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495 Kaplan, P.; Malakhoff, A.

Hard Structure Simnning of SES Craft in Waves.
AIM/St4AME, Advanced Marine Vehicles Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper Mo. 78-746,
1978 Apri L.

496 Kaplan, P.; Raff, A. 0S, Fl TP

Evacuation and Verification of Coqwter Calculation of Uave-Induced Ship Structural
SSC-229, Contract Mo. CN-NOO024-70-C-5076, NTIS-AD-733220, MRIS-040W9,
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497 Kaplan, P.; Sargent, T.?. BS, F1 TP

Further Studies of Cor@er Simulation of SLamning and Other Uave-Induced Structural
Loadings on Ships in Waves.
SSC-231, MRIs-040601, NTIs-AD-752479,
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498 Kaplan, P.; Sargent, T. P.; CiLmi, J. 0S, FI ER

Theoretical Estimates of Wave Loads on tha S1-7 Container Ship in Regular and hregular
SSC, Rpt MO. 246, HRIs-084427,

499 Kaplan, P.; Sargent, T. P.; Raff, A.].

An [investigation of the Utiiity of Corputer Simulation to Predict Ship Structura[ Response
in Waves.
SSC-197, DON, Tech. Rpt
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500 Kaplan, P.; Sargent, T. P.; Silber~, M. ES, FI ER

A Correlation Study of SL-7 Contalnership Loads and Motions: Model Tasts and Camputer
Oceanics, Inc.,

501 Kaplan, P.; Silbert, H.U.

Irpsct Forces on Platform Horizontal Members in the Splash Zone
OTC Paper 2494, Houston, TX

502 Kartuzov, E. I.; Rabinovitch, O. N.; Rostovtsev, D. N.; Chipaick, V.A. BS, TH
On the Estimation of Loads Oue to Uave [mpact Into Catamaran Bridge Equipped uith
Sulxnerged Hydro-Foil.
WI, Far East Scientific Conference, Vladivostok

503 Kartuzova, T. A.; Rostovtsev, O.N.

@piication of Imitation Model in Problem of Externa~ Loads Acting on Ship in Uaves
Iiava( Architecture Problems, Ship Oesign, VOL. 42, p.85-91

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Number Description

504 Kartuzova, T. A.; Rostovtsev, D.N.

Estimation of Uave and Vibration Mcments Acting on Ship Hull on Irregular Waves
Trans. of the Leningrad Shiphilding Institute, Vol. 160, P.48-48

505 Karzas, U.J. 0S, FI ER

The Vertica[ Uater Entry of a Uedge.
NOTS, TM t/O. 576,

506 Kawakami, M. FI
On the Irpact Strength of Ships Due to Shipping Green Seas.
JSNA, VO( 8, No. 71, w 1-16, MRIS-035096,

507 Kawakami, M. F[, US

Wave Inpact on The Forebody of ships.
SNAJ, BuLLetin, Ho. 524,

508 Kawakami, M.; Kobayashi, K. 0S, FI TP

On Uhirming Vibrations of Ships Due to S[amning Impact.
UJSNA,-transactions, No. 52,
1976, August.

509 Kauakami, M.; Michiimto, J.

On the Stochastic Prediction of Whipping Vibrations of Ships Due to S(amning Impact
Trems, UJSNA, No. 52
1976, August.

510 Kawakami, M.; Michirrwto, J.; Kobsyashi, K.

Prediction of Long Term-Whipping Vibration Stress Due to SLamning of Large Full Ships n
Rough Seas
ISP, Volume 24, No. 272
1977, April.

511 Kawakami, M.; Nobukaua, H.; Tanaka, K.; Michimoto, J.; Shiraki, Y. BS TP
On Tranaient Vibration of Starn B~. Structures of Car Ferry Due to Have Irmact on Aft
Bottun (in Japanesa),
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512 Kawakami, M.; Tanaka, K. FI TP

On Shipping Impact of Green Seas & Whipping Vibrations of a Large Fu[i Ship.
UJSNA, Transactions, Mo. 50,
19758 August.

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Stochastic Prediction of Impact Pressure Oue to Shipping Green Sea on Fore Deck of Ship.
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Kawakami, M.; Tanaka, K.; Michirrmto, J.; Nitta, s.; Kanazama, M.

On the UhIpping Vibration Due to SIanuning of General Cargo ships.
Trans. UJSNA, No. 60
1980, August.

515 Kawaktimi, M.; Tanaka, T.

Stochastic Pradictionof Uhipping Vibration of Very High Speed Ships Due to Slamning.
Proceedings of EURC#lECH Colloquim, Nunerica( Analyais of the Dynamics of Ship Stuctures,
1979, Saptanb3r 3-5.

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Dastroyar Seakeaping, U.S. and U.S.S.R.
Naval Enginaers Journal, Votuna 85, No. 6
1973, 0acenb3r.

517 Keii,

The Reaponae of Ships to Underwater Explosions.
MB, R~t. No. 1576
1961, NoV&r.

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Plate Impacton Water of limited Oepth
Trana. CAHI, v.152, P.13-20

519 Kant, J.L. BS, F1

ships in Rough Water.
Thomaa Nelson ad Sons,

520 Kant, J.L. BS, F1

The Cause and Prevention of S1amning on Ships in a Seaway.
MECIES, No. 65,

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The Dasign of Seakidiy Ships.

522 Ket, N.!.; Duval, B.; Hugher, M.

Estimstlon of the Risk for SLanning by Ca[cu(ations
~:#tin de (’Association Technique Maritim et Aeronautique, No. 79 (French)

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Hydrodynamic Loads on the Hu[l Surfaca of a Seagoing Vessel.
SNAME, STAR SynIpositsn,

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524 Kim, M.H.

Sqn and Difference- Frequency Uave Loada on a Body in Unidirectional Gausaian Seas.
1991, Jtme.

525 King, D.A.; Adams, R.C. ES, FI ER

Mart in Model 270, Uater Loads Investigate ion, Hul 1 Bottcm Pressures and Impact Loads.
Martin Report ER 7516,
1955, Novenber.

526 King, J.F. BS, FI

Heavy Heather Damege.
NECIES, Transactions,

527 Kirkgoz, H.S.

An Experimental Investigation of a Vertica[ Wall Respmse to Breaking Uave Impact.
Ocean Engineering,
Date Unknoun.

528 Klrkgoz, M. S.; Mengi, Y. us TP, ER AH

Dasign of a Caisaon Plate Under Uave Impact.
Ocean Engineering, Vo[. 14, No. 4, pp. 275, EMT-73.239,

529 Kitagawa, H.; Kakugawa, A.

Experimental Study on Shipping Uater on the Ship in waves, Part 1: On Shipping Uater Onto
Deck of the Ship in Oblique ReguLar Uavea.
JournaL of Society of Nava 1 Arch i tects of Jepan, Vohns 143 (Japanese)

530 Kjeldsen, S. P.; Dea~, R.G. us

Uava Forces on Vartlca[ Pi [es Caused by 2 ad 3 Dimensions Uaves.
20th Intt 1 Conference on Coastal Engineering,
19B6, Noven?bar.

!531 Kline, R.G,

Springing and Hydroelastic ProbIma of Large Ships
SNAME STAR Sympoaiun, Uaahington, DC
1975, August 26-29.

532 K(ine, R. G.; Clough, R.IJ. TP

Dynamic Responsa of Ship’s HuLL as Influenced by Proportions, Arrangement, Loading acd
Structural Stiffness.
Trans. SNAME, Voiune 75

Kiine, R. G.; Daldola, J.C. AM

Ship Vibration Predlctfon Methcds ad Evaluation of lnf(uence of Hull Stiffnass Variation
on Vibretory Response.
SSC, Rpt No. 249,

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534 Koehier; Kettleborough

Hydrodynamic Irqmct of a Fatling Body upon a Viscous Incompressible Fluid.
1977, Septenber.

535 )@elbd, J.
Comments on the Structure of Design of High Speed Craft
Chesapeake Sect ion SWIME
1993, Noverber

536 Kotiricov, D.V. IL

S{amning Estimation from the Position of Limitation of Accelerations Due to Impact.
Trans. llArchitectural Ship Typ, Seaworthiness, Navigation on Ice’i, L

537 Korkegi, R. Ii. BS ER

Pressure Distribution on a Sphere Due to Vertical Inpact on e Plane Water Surface.
NOTS, TM No. 656,

53a Korkegi, R.H. ES ER

Pressure Distribution on a Stiere Enterin9 Uater Based on Various Linearized Theoretical
IJOTS, TM 8-8-40,

539 Korobkin, A. A.; Pukhnachov, V.V. AM

Initial Asymptotic in Contact HydrodWamics Problem.
Int. Cmf. Nmer. Ship Hydrodyn., 4th, pp. 138-51, Bethesda, MD: NSRDC

540 Korobkin, A. A.; Pukhnachov, V .V. IL AM

Initia( Stage of Water Impact.
Annual Revien on Fluid Mechanica, v.20, p.159-185

541 Korotkin, J. I.; ; Rostovtsev, D. M.; Sivers, N.L. IL OR

Ship Strength
L, Stiostroeniye, 432 p.

542 Korotkin, J. 1.; Rabinovitch, O. N.; Rostovtsev, D.M. BS, IL CH, DR

Uave Loads on Ship Hui 1
l#ostroeni ye, 235 p.

543 Korsmeyer, F. T. ER
Secord Series of Rough Water Tests of a Catamaran Tug.
S1101, Rpt 9-2’f75, Ha(ter Marine, Proprietary Dist.
1981, February.

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544 Kosugi, T. BS, FI

S[anming Tests on M.S. Hcdakasan Meru.
SNAJ, Journal,

545 Kreps, R.L. 3s ER

Experimental Investigatfcm of Impact in Larding on Water.
NACA, TM No. 1046,

546 Kreps, R.L.

ExpsrirwntaL Investigation of [npact on Uater.
Trans. CA!41, ti38

547 Krupitsky, E.Z. ER

Determination of Hydrodynamic Loads Due to Bottmn Structure Fiat Impact on Uater
Trana. of the KSS, v.145, P.69-74

548 Kubenko, V.D.

Nonstationary Interaction of Structure, Components with Media.
Kiev, Naukova Dmka.

549 Kudrin, 14.A.

Ana[ysia of Ship BOH Form Influences on Dynamic Bending Mc#nt
Trans. of the KSS, v.539, p.34-48

550 Kumai, T.; Tasai, F.

On the Uave Exciting Force ard Response of Whipping of Ships
European Shipbuilding, No. 4

551 Kunakura, Y.; Nagano, T.; Okunoto, Y.; Tanicfa, K.

Stress and Motion Measurem?nta on the Container Ship JAPAN ACE in Service.
lHI Engineering Review, Volur!e 8, No. 2
1975, May.

552 Kumezaki, S.; Miyata, M. FI TP, ER Au

Estimation of Impact Prassure and the Design of Bow in Fast Ships ~ith Large Fiare Angle.
I.H. I. Engineering Revieu, Vol. 27, PP 27, BMT-71 .782,
1987, January.

553 Kunx, J.; Lesko, J. J.; Le~is, R. R.; et al BS, FI ER

Praaaura Panel Design Snd Application for MeasureInsnt of Wave Impacts.
22nd American ToMing Tank Conference, Proceedings, MT IF-11498-A13,
1989, August.

554 Kuo, C. T.; stavovy, A. B.;

Structural Design St@ of a High Length-To-Beam Ratio Surf act Effect Ship.
PRADS, Tokyo
1977, October

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555 Kurata, K.; Ijms, T.

Finite Element Ans[ysis of Wave Forces on Structures.
Civi L Engineering in the Oceans IV, Proceedings,
1979, September.

556 Kurtzemsnn, B.
Pyrotechnic Simulation of the Pressures due to Uave Action - Appl cation to tha Problem of
Sloshing in (L14G) Tankers.
Noweautes Techniques Maritime (French)

557 Lacey, P.; Edwards R. ER ER

ARCO Tanker Stanmting Study
Marine Technology, VO1.30, #3
1993, Juty

558 Lankford, Jr., B.U. FI, US

Structural Design of the ASR Catamaran Cross-Structure.
M!?&s Librsry,
Date Unknown.

559 Lavis, (1. R. BS ER

Rigid-Segnh?nted Loada Model SIT-3 BOM Slamming Orop Tast Rewrt.
Payne, Inc., Annapoiis MO,

560 Lavis, D. R.; Barthoicaw, R: J.; Jones, J.C.

RasDonse of Air Cushion Vehicles to Rsndom Sesways and the Inherent Distortion of Scale
Journa( of Hydronautics, Vohre 8, No. 3
1974, Ju(y.

561 Lavrentiev, M. A.; Keldysh, M.V. IL AM

General Problem of Rigid Body Impact on Uater
Trana, CAHI, v.152

562 Lavrent(ev, H. T.; Kelctush, t4. V. BS, FI

Collation of Papers on the IWact Against Uater Surface.
Central Aerodynamic institute, Proceedings, USSR, No. 152,

5b3 Lee, C. M.; Jones, H. D.; Cur@ey, R.H. FI TP

Prediction of Motion ad Hvdrodvnsmic Loads of Catamarans.
NSROC, SNAME, Chesapeake Sectio;, MRIS-044413,
7973, March.

564 Lehman, G.
Bodenacheden in Vorschiff und die neuen Vorschri ten dar Klaasi ications.
Schiffahrt und Hafenbau, 37,
1936, April.

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565 LeiboHitz, R.C. BS, FI

A Methcd for Predicting the Hull-Girder Response Incident to Slamning.
MB, Rpt. 1704,
1964, October,

566 Leibowitz, R.C. BS, FI TP

A Uethwl for Predicting the PLate Hul 1 Girder Response of a Ship Incident to Slsm.
klBa Rpt 1706,
1964, October.

567 Leibowitz, R.C. BS, FI, US TP, ER AM

Comparison of Theory snd Experiment for Slamming of a Dutch Destroyer.
MB, Rpt 1511,
1962, June.

568 Leibowitz, R.C. 0S, FI TP

Methcd for Predicting Slamming Forces on snd Response of a Ship Iiull.
MB, ftpt. 1691,
1963, Septetier.

569 Leuis, E.V. BS, FI, US TP

Forces and Moments on Ships in a Seaway.
8th International Towing Tank Conference, Madrid, Spain,

570 Lewis, E.V. SS, FI

Ships Speeds in Irregular Seas.
SNAME, Transactions, No. 63, pp 134-202,

571 Lewis, E.V.

Structural Dynamics of Ships
International Syrposiunon the Dynamics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Uaves, RIh’A
1974, Aprit 1-5

572 Lewis, E. V.; Gerard, G.

A Long Range Research Program in Ship Structural Design.
SSC, Finsl Rpt No. SSC-124,
1959, November.

573 Lewis, E. V.; Hoffman, D.; Mac Lean, U. M.; Van Hoof, B.; Zubaly, R.B. 0S, FI TP AH-2D
Load Criteria For Ship Structura[ Design.
SSC-240, MR[s-051224, NTIS-AD-76i389/0,
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574 Lewis, E. V.; Zubaly, R.B. BS, F?, US TP, ER AM

Dynamic Losding Due to Uaves and Ship Motions.
StJAME, Ship Structure Syqmsiun, Wash. D. C., MRIS-127055,
1975, October.

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575 Lewison G.; MaClean, U.M.

The Effect of Entrapped Air Upon the Slsinning of ships Bottoms.
UCBERK, Rpt Mo. NA-66-5,

576 Lewison, G.
An Experimental Investigation on the Rote of Air in Ship SLarnIing.
UCBERK, Rpt MA-66-12,
1966, Movenbsr.

57? Lewison, G. BS, FI

On the Reduction of Siari’rning Pressures.
RIMA, Transactions, Volum? 112,

578 Leuison, G.; Mac Lean, U.M. BS ER

On the Cushioning of Uatar Inpact by Entrapped Air.
1968, June.

579 Le~iaon, G.R. G. BS, FI, US

NatJl Phyaicel Lab Ship Division, Rpt 138, Teddington, Englad,

580 Lin, U.-M.; Yue, D.K. P.

Mumerica[ Sotutions for Large Amptitwie Ship Motions in the Time Domain
18th S~siun on Naval Hydrodynamics, Ann Arbor
1990, Auust

581 Lir?demann, K.
Possib[e Uarning Conditions and Systems for Ship Handling in Rough Ueather.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Ship Operation Automation Symposiun, Washington, DC
1976, Aug.30-Sept.2.

582 Lipis, V. B.; Remez, Y.V. BS TP

Diagrams for Safe ship Routing in Rough Sess, (In Russian)
Handbook, Moacou, Transport Pub(. Ilouae

583 Litonov, O.E. BS

Impact Betxling Momnt in Ship HuLLs in Uaves
XXI-at All Union Scientific Conference, 1, p.42-48

584 LittLe, R. S.; LeMis, E.U. 0S, FI, W

Statistical Stdy of Wave Ifuiuced Bending Mmnents on Large Ocean Going Tinkers and Bulk
S!iAME, Arutual Mtg,
1971, November.

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585 Liu, D.; Spencer, J.; et at AM

Dynamic Load Approach in Tanker Design.
SNAME, Transactions, Papw Ho. 5,

586 Lloyd, A. R. J. M.; AndreI#, R.M.

Criteria for Ship Speed in Rough Ueather
18th Ai’m?rican Towing Tank Conference, U.S. Naval Academy, AnnaPot is, MO
1977, August.

587 LIow, A. R. J, M.; Brown, J. C.; AnstoH, J. F.H. ES, FI ER

Uave I rduced Mot ions & Loads on e $!ode 1 Uarsh i p.
M::, Occasiona[ Pub, No. 3,

588 Lloyd, A. R. J. M.; Sa[insich, J. O.; Zaeteczky, J.J.

The Effect of Bow Shape and Deck Uetness in Head Seaa

589 Ltoyd, A. R. J. M.; Sharpe, D.

Effect of Bou Shape on Deck Uetnesa.
AdmiraLty Marine Technology Establishment, Wnfermline, Scotland, Technical Menm AMTE(H)
1978, February.

590 Lofft, R.E.

Effect of Water Disturbance Due to Ship Motion of Uetness PrAictions.
AchirULtY Experiment Works, Eng[and, Report 58/74
1974, Oecember.

591 Logvinotiitch, G,V. IL TP AM

Body Immersion Into Liquid ard Unsteady Planning; Inpact with Variabla Velocity
Trans. CAHI, N807

592 Logvinowitch, G.V.

Hydrodynamic of Jeta with Free Boundaries.
Kiev, Naukova Dumka

593 Loiko, G. L.; Froshin, V. A.; 0S, FI TP, ER AH

Determination of Over(oads During the Impact of a Profi[e On the Surface of a Liquid.
Izveatiya Adademii Nauk (SSSR), Mekhanika Zhidk Gaz, Moscow, pp 35-38, MRIS-099453
1975, February.

594 Loscomk, R. TP AM
Initial Oesign Sta9G Slam PreSSUre Prediction for Smet( SWATH Ships.
Ship& Boat Int’t, pg 17, BMT-91010140,
1990, October.

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595 Lou, Y. K.; Su, T. C.; Filpse, J.E.

NonLineer Analysis of Liquid Sloshing in Rigid Containers.
Texas A&M University, Ocean Engimering Program {for U. S. Maritime Administration}, MarAd
Report Mo. MA-RD940-80092

596 Loukakis, T.A.

Computer Aided Prediction of Seakeeping Performance in Ship Design.
Mesaachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Naval Architecture ard Marine Engineering,
Catiridge, MA
1970, August.

597 Loukakis, T.A.

Experimental and Theoretical Determination of Uaveform and Ship Response Extremes.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Navat Architecture and Marine Engineering,
Cambridge, MA
1970, Hay.

598 LoukaiCis, T.A.

Extreme Usve Heights and ship Respmses in a Seauay
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering,
Cambridge, MA
1970, May.

599 Lunchick, M. E.; EibLing,; Short, R. D. Jr.

A Feasibility Study of Methods for Simulating by Static Forces the Nonuniform Hydrodynamic
Pressures on Sonar Dories
MB, Rpt 1134
1957, Hay

600 Lurd9ren, H.; Brink-k jacr, O.; Sard, S. E.; Jacobsen, V. us TP

I~roved Physical Basis of Uave Forces.
Civii Engineering in the Oceans IV, Proceedings,
1979, September.

601 LurKigren, J.; Price, U. G.; Yongshu, Uu

A Iiydroeiastic Investigation Into the Behavior of a Float ing’’Dry” Oock in Uavea.
Trans. R. Inst. Arch., v. 131, pp. 2?3-231

602 MecCutcheon, E. M.; Oakley, O. H.; Stout, R.D. IL TP, ER

ship Structure Ccmmittee, Long-Range Research P[an
Guidelines for Program Oeveiopnent, Ship Structure Ccmittee, SSC-316

603 MacDonatd, K.; Te[fer, E.V. 8S, FI

Sea Kindliness snd Ship Desfgn.

604 Mackay, M.; Schmitke, R.T.

PHHS. A Fortran Progranrne for Ship Pitch, Heave and Seakeeping Prediction
Defense Research, Establishment Atlantic Dartmmuth, Halifax, Nova Scotia
1978, April.

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605 Mackie, A.G. BS, FI TP

A Linearized Theory of the Uater Entry ProbLein.
Mechanically Applied Mathematics, Journal,

606 Mac(ea~, U.M.

The Ship Dynamic Test Machine at tha University of California.
UCBERK, Report No. NA-66-1,
1966, January.

607 Mac Lean, U. M.; Lewis, E.V. M ER

Analysia of SlaInning Stresses on S.S. mLVERINE’ STATE
Marina TachnoIogy,
1973, January.

608 Maclean,U.M.; Lauis, E.V. BS ER

Further AnaLysfa of Slannjng Stresaea on S.S. WOLVERINE STATE.
We& Institute of Nava[ Architecture, Glan Cove, NY, Report 10-17

609 MecNeat R.Ii.

Ana(og Ccmutar Analyais of tha Bou Slamnfng Problem for the USS Essex.
Cmnpu~ar Engring Proj, ESD 172,
1961, January.

610 Maduraainghe, M.A.D.

Splash leaa Ship Eoua Mith Stagnant Attachment
19EXi, Sept*r.

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Hydrodynamical Forces on a Cross-Section of a Stationary Structure.
Int’1 SW on the Dynamics of Marine Vehicies and Structures in Waves,
1974, April.

612 Mahone, KR.M.: Molk, H.L. ER

The De~eLopment of a Slam-Mitigating System for Crew Use, Evaluation Owing Sea Tri&ls
Aboard an OSPREY-C(ass PTF.
19~, January.

Malliris, A.P.
Prediction of the Generalized Response of a Ship Hull Girder to Slamning.
Msaachusatta lnatitute of Technology, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering, Cardmidge, MA
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A Mote on the Extreme Uava Load and the Associated Probability of Faiiure.
1986, June.

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615 Mansour, A.E.

Ctiining Extreme Envirotnnentai Loads for Reliability-lJased Designs.
SSC/SWME Extreme Loads Response Synqmiun, Arlington, VA,
1981, October.

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Extrem VaLue Distribution of Uave Loads and Their Application to Marine Structures
SHAME, JSR, w 159,
1987, October.

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Hull Be~ing Moment Due to Ship Bottom Slanmaing in Regular Uaves.
S!IAME, JSR, Vol. 19, No. 2,
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Stochastic Theory of the S(armning Response of Marine Vehicles in Random Seas.
SNAME, JSR, Vol. 26, NO. 276,
1982, December.

619 $larchant, A; Stevens, K.T. BS ER

The Development of Efficient Ccmqmsite Structures for High Speed Vessels by Full Scale
7th ln~JL High Speed Surface Craft Conference, Proceedings, BMT-90013032,
1990, January.

620 Markey, M.F. BS, FI TP

A Generalized Hydrodynamic Impact Theory for the Loads and Motions of Deeply Imnersed
Prismatic Bodies.
NASA, Memo 2-10 -59L,

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Rough Uatar Impact Load Investigation of a Chine mnersed V-Bottom Mode[ Having a Deadr se
Angle of 10 Degrees.
tiACA, TN 4123,

622 Marsich, S.; Podenzanz-Bonvino, C.; Ruggiero, V,

Ccm-@er Program for Statistical Prevision on Slamming on Confused Sea
2nd PoLisy-Ital ian Seminar, Genove

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A #on-Linear Numerical Method for Transient Uava/Hull Problems on Arbitrary Vessels.
SNAME, Transact ions,, VOL. 99

624 MaakeH, B.; Troesch, A.; Uang, M.

Comparison of Calculated and Measured Loads on a F(ared Body Oscillating in a Free Surface
20th Synposiun on Naval Hydrodynamics, Santa Barbara
W94, August

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Uunber Description KeJQ

625 Mathisen, J.
Loads on Transverse Merhers in Oi~ Carrier Tank
Det Norse Veritaa Seminar on Liquid Sloshing, Oslo, Noruay, Paper Ho. 7
1976, May.

626 Mathisen, J.
Sloshing Loads due to Random Pitch Motion
No#gian Maritime Research, Vohma 4, NO. 3

627 Matoain, S.
sm.? Aspects of Uave Impact on Ships.
Translation of a paper in Proca4ings of Synpsiun on the Theory and Practice of ,
Shipbuilding, Zagreb, Yugosiavie, Volwne 1, Ho. 1
1976, January 29-30.

628 Matveev, G. A.; et a[

Resu[ts of Fuil Scale Tests of the l’Krimil Class Tankers
KryLov Research Institute, Leningrad/

629 Mauo, H.; Kawaki, H.; Mearoka, K. us TP, ER AM

A@ication of Statistics of E~treme Loads to Predict the Extreme Valuea of a Response to
Ocean Waves frcin Results of Fu[i-State Measurements.
4th Int’L SW orI Practical Design of Ships snd Mobile Units, Proceedings,
MT IF-lo/11491 -A53,

630 MaximOva, E. A.; Petuhovs, V. I.; Shachverdy, C.U. 11 TP

Numerical Sirrdation of Bodies and Structures tmnarsiori Into Liquid.
X-th Far East Scientific Conference, Vladivostok, pp.89-90

631 May, A. BS, US TP

Forces ard Uater lnpact.
Alden Research Lab, Rep# 119-72/SP, SITDL TR 1302,
1972, December.

632 Mayo, U.L.

Analyaia and Modification of Theory for Inpact of Seaplanes on Uater.

633 Mayo, U.L. ES

Hydrodynamic Irpect of a System ~ith a Single E[astic Mode.
NACA, Report 1074,
Date Unknotm.

634 Uayo, U.L. 0S, F[ TP, ER

Theoretical and Experimental Dynamic Loads for a Prismatic FLoat Having an Angle of
deadrise of 22-1/2 Degraes.
MACA, Rpt No. L-5-F-15,

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635 McCaLhan, J.
Structural Developments in Lsrge Energy Carriers.
Uest European Conference on Marine Technology, Delft
1974, May 14-17.

636 McCreight, K.K.

Assessing the Seaworthiness of SWATH Ships.
Trans. SMAME

637 McGoldrick, R.T. BS, FI, US TP

Calculation of the Responsa of a Ship Hu[l to a Transient Load by a Digital Process,
MB, Report 1119,
1957, Merch.

638 Menon, kB.; Vienneau, J. Bs TP

SHIPMO Saakaeping Predictions and Corratations
23rd Americsn Towing Tank Conferanca, Naw Orleans

639 Merciar, J.A. BS ER

Impact Loads on Warped Planning Surfaces Landing on Smooth Water & Rough Uater.
USNASC, SITDL !lpt 9-1514,
1971, March.

640 Mes, M.J. BS, US TP AM-Static

Hou to Predict Wave Forces uith h Hand Hetd Calculator.
Energy Mgt Rpt, Vol. 51, Mo. 4, pp 4, MRIS-20 302070,

641 Meyerhoff, U.K.

A Procedure for Calculating the Loads on Ships in a Seaway, Taking Hydrodynamic
Impact-Forces into Account.
Date Unknown

642 Meyerhoff, U.K.

Considerations of Seaworthinasa of Warships with Special Emphasis on Slamning.
Translated frmn German by A,G. Booker, Defense Research Information Center, Orpington,
Eng [ and

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Dia Berechnung Hydroelasticher Stotze.
Schiffstachnik, Vo(ume 12, No. 60,61,

644 Mayerhoff, U.K.

Ein Ansatz zur Bestimug dar Belastung von Shiffen im Seegang Under Berucksichtung
Hydrodynamischer Strosse
Jarbuch Schiffbautechrii sche Gal(eachaft, No. 71 (German)

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645 Meyerhoff, U.K. us

lmpsct of a Hater Uedge ll~n a Uedge-Shaped Wall.
ISP, Vol. 17,
1970, August.

646 Mayerhoff, U.K.

Prediction of Hul[ Girdar Loads in Uavas Incitiing Hydrodynamic Slamning Inpact
Internatiorta( Uave Technology Expo 78, Rotterdam
1978, Juna.

647 Meyerhoff, U.K.; Schlachter, G.

An Approach for tha Oatarmination of Hull Girder Loads in a Seaway Including ilydrdynamic
Ocean Engineering, Volum? 7, Ho. 2

648 Mayerhoff, U. K.; Schlachter, G. BS, Fl, US

Procedure for Ca[cuL@ing the Loads on Ships in a Seauay, Taking tlydrodynamic
Inpect-Forces into Account.
Schiff urd Mafen,
1977, Oecenber.

649 Miao, G. W, FI, US TP, ER AM-3D

Oynamic Response of E(astic Horizontal Circular Cylinders by Uave Slamning.
WE 90, Offshore Mechanica and Arctic Engineering, Proceedings, Houston, Texaa, Vol. 1,
Part A, pp 239, LU!T-9101O2I2,
1990, February.

650 Michinmto, J.; lmyoshi, N. BS

On tha Stern Flare Inpsct Pressure of RO/RO Ship.
SNAJ, Journa[,
J9az, Juty.

651 Mi[gram, J.H. us TP AM

Uava Forces on Large Objects in the Sea.
SMAME, JSR, Vol. 15, Mo. 2, pp 115-124, MRIS-025617, EI-7169806,
1971, June.

652 Milgram, J.H. BS, FI, US TP AM-2D

Uaves ad Have Forces.
MIT, Sea Grant, Rpt MO. MITsG-76-19, MRIS-20 159947,
1976, Movember.

653 Mi[Ler, B.L.

Wave Slamming Loads on Iiorfzontal Circu[ar Elements of Offshore Structures
Paper No. 5, Spring Meeting Royal [nstitute of Naval Architects (RINA)

654 Mi[ler, B.L.

Wave SLarming Loads on Of fshora Structures
National Mer~time [nstitute, Engiand
1980, March.

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Nmber Description KeJq

655 Mi[[er, R.U. BS

Hydrodynamic IopSCt Loads in Rough Uater for a Priamatlc Float Having an An91e of Deadrise
of 30-degrees.
MACA, TN 1776,

656 Miller, R.U. M ER

Uater Landing Investigation of A F[at-Bottom V-Step Modet and Comparison Uith a Theory
Incor~rating Planing Data.
NACA, W-2932,
1953, May.

657 Miine-Thompson, L.M. BS, FI, US 1P

Theoretical Hydrodynamic.
;~OMacmi [(ian Ccmpany,

658 Mi(oh, T. IL TP AM
wave Siam on a SDhere Penetrating a Free-Surface
L&ng Math, v.15, #3.

659 Miluitzlty, B. 0s TP, ER

A Generalized Theoratlca[ ad Experimental Investigation of the Motions and Hydrodynamic
Loads Experienced by V-8ottcm Seaplanea During Step Lsndings.
NACA, Tff 15!6,
1948, February.

660 Mi[witzky, B,
A Theoraticai Invest! gatlon of Hvdrodvnamic Impact Loada on Scalioped Bottcm Seaplanes and
Comparisons with Expe~ient. -
NACA. RDt MO. 86?.
1947: ‘

641 Miluitzky, B. 3s TP AM
Generalized Theory for Seaplane Inpact.
NACA, TR 1103,

662 Minami, Y.
Fatigue Strength of an A[uminUn Alloy a!%i Its Ueldad Joint Accompanied with the
Sidtaneous Action of Corrosion and Intermittent Impact.
The Camnittee of Light fleta[s for Shipbuilding [rduatry, Japan, Report MO. 14 (Japanese)

663 Miner, E. U.; Griffin, O. M.; Ramberg, S. E.; Fritts, M.J. BS, US 1P
Nmerica( Calculations of Have Effects on Structures.
Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, Proceedings,
?979, September.

664 MIT us
Wave and [ca Impact Loading and Reaponae of Ocaan Structures.
MIT, Rpt MI TSG 85-20,
1985, August.

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M5 Miyamoto, T.; Tanizawa, K.

A Stdy of the Impact Load on a Ship Bow.
SNAJ, Journa[,
1985, December.

666 Miyata, M.; Takahashi, Y. FI TP AM

Inpact Pressure on Fast Ships/ Bou with a Large F[are Angle (in Japanese.
WSNA, Transacticm, No. 74, BMT-88020269,
1987, August.

667 Mnev, E. N.; Pertsev, A.K.

Hydroeiasticity of Shahs
#dost roaniya

668 Molchenko, L.V.

Concerning Dynamic Elastic-Plastic Banding of a Rigid[y Fastened Beam-Bank
Transactions Gorky Poiytechnical Instftute, USSR, Volume 25, No. 2

669 Monaghan, R.J.

A Review of the Essentials of Impact Force Theorfes for Seapianes and Suggestions for
Approximate Design Fornwiae.
ARC, Rpt No. Z~O,

670 Monaghan, R,J.

A Theoretical Examination of the Effact of Deadrise on Uetted Area and Associated Mass in
Seep[ane-Uater Inpact
ARC, Report & Memoramls, No. 2681,

671 klonaghan, R. J.; Creue, P.R. 0S ER

FormUIae for Eatimeting the Forces in Seap(ane+ater Impacts Uithout Rotation or Chine
ARC, Report & Memoranda, No. 2804,

672 Moran, J.P. BS, FI

On the Hydrodynamic Theory of Hater-Exit and Entry.
Tharm Advanced Research tnc., TAR-TR-6501,
1965, March.

673 Moran, J. P.; Kerney, K.P. BS, FI TP

On the SmI~-Perturbation Theory of Water-Exit and Entry.
Oeve[opments In Mechanics, 8th Midwastarn Mechanics Conference, Proceedings,
1963, Aprii.

674 Mori, K.
Response of Bottom Plates of tfigh Sped Craft Under Impulsive Hater Pressure.
h#al of Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Votune 142 (Japanese)

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675 Mori, K; Nagsi, T.

Response of Stiffened Plates under I~lsive Hater Pressure
Journai of Society of Nava( Architects of Japan, volume 140

676 Morris, H.D.M.

Pressures in a Tank Due to Sioshing.
Shipping World & Shipbui Ider, Votuns 167, MO. 3890
1974, February

677 Motors, S.; Fujino, M.; Sakurai, K.

On the Mechanism of the Occurrence of Uave Impact on High -SWed Boats
2rd International Symposiun on Sme~i Fast Uarships and Security Vessels, London, RINA
1982, May.

67a Hotter, L.E.

Frequency of S[amrning and Propeller Tip Emergence of Three High Speed Nevat Vessels in
Irregular Seas.
NSRDC Rpt No. HML-c-0227-H-03,
1967, December.

679 Mu(tiple
Slamning and Impact.
6th Int’1 Ship Structures Congress, Boston, MA, MR8S-21 157150

680 Muttiple
SWsiun on Impact Testing of Metals
Philadebhia Society for Testfng & Materials
1969 -

681 Multip[e
Transient Dynamic Loadings and Response.
7th Int’t Ship Structures Congress, Paris, France

682 Multiple
T rensient Dynamic Loadings and Res~nse.
8th Int’[ Ship Structures Congress, Gdansk

683 Hurdey, 13.C. F] ER

Pressurea on the Bow Oue to Uave Imscts.
RINA, The IJaval Architect, MRIS-044’100, EI-72 072714,
1972, Apr~l.

684 IJagai, T. ES, FI

Design Charts for Bottom Shell Plate Scant lings to Uithstand Slsm Loads.
LJCBERK, Inst. of Engineering Research, Series 186, Issue 6,
1963, January.

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685 Uagai, T.
Large Permanent Set of Ship Bottom PLating Dua to S(mn Loads.
UCBERK, Institute of Engineering Research, Series 186, Issue 5,
1962, December.

686 Nagai, T.
on the Strength Calculation of All+elded Aluninum Alloy liigh-Speed Craft Durin9 S(armtin9.
The Committee for Lfght Metais in Shipbuilding Industry, Japan, Report Ho. 13, D. Eng,
Thasis, Univ of Tokyo (Japanese)

687 Nsgai, T. 8s
Permanent Set of Bottom Shei[ Plate due to Slam Loads.
UCBERK, Institute of Engineering Research, Series 186 Issue 2,
1962, August.

688 Nagai, T.
Research on the Structure Withstanding Slenming, Fifth ReWrt.
Defense Agency of Japan, Institute of Technical Research, Tehnical Reports, Volume 7, No.

689 Nagai, T.
Research on the Structure Uithstatiing Slmning, Fina[ Report.
Defense Agency of Japan, Institute of Technicai Research, Tehnicsl Reports, Volume 8,” No.

690 Nagai, T.
Ship Foruard Bottom Damages Due to Slmnning - Part 2
Journal of Society of Naval Architects of Japan

691 Nagai, T.; Chuang, S.L.

Review of Structura( Response Aspects of SLamning
Journal of Ship Research, Volune 21, No. 3
1977, Septcwber.

692 Nagai, T.; Hsnnmmta, M. 3s

On the Determination of Pressure of the Flat Plate Due to Water Impact.
Defense Agency of Japan, Institute of Technical Research,

693 Nagai, T.; Hashimoto, T.

On the Maximun Stress of Bottom Shel[ and Inqmlsive Water Pressure of FRP High Speed Craft
Hest Japan Sot. Nav. Arch., N 79
W90, Merch.

694 Nagai, T.; Miyoshi, M.; Mori, K.

On the Experimental Results by Repeated Uater Pressure of Stiffened AluninLmt Atloy Plates
~he4Comnittee for Light MetaLs in Shiphuitding Industry, Japan, Re~rt No. 14 (Japanese)

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Eiib( iography Psge: 69 Description &/J

695 Nagai, T.; Miyoshi, M.; Mori, K.

On the Results of Dropping Test of Ahninun Bottm Structure
The Committee on Light Metals for Shipbuilding Industry, Japan, Report No. 14 (Japanese)

696 Naga i, T .; Mori, K.

On the Determination of Permanent Seta Oue to Repetitive Impact.
Annual Meeting of Comnittee on Lfght Meta[s for Shipbuilding Industry, Japan (Japane?e)

697 Magai, T’.; Mori, K.

On the Uater I~ct of Stiffened PLates
Trans. UJSNA. No. 49
1975, Februa;y.

698 Nagai, T.; Sakurai, T. BS ER

Test Results of Bottan Pressure Distritwtion of STOL Seaplane Model.
JSASS, Journal, Vohne 16,, N0. 179 (Japanese)

699 Nagamatau, S.; Watanabe, S.

Reports on Tank Testa and Full -Sca[e Experiment for ASH Feeder Barge.
Japan Shi@ui [ding and Martne Engineering, Volune 11 NO. 2

700 Nagamoto, R.; Taukamto, O. FI TP, ER

Evaluation of Impulsive Pressure on Ship Bou Flare.
UJSMA, Tranaactiona, No. 49,

701 Namrmto. R.: Tsukamoto. O. ~ BS, F[

On-tha E~tim&tion of th~ [rpact Pressure on the Ship~s Bou.
UJSNA, Transactions, No. 49,
19?5, Decerber.

702 Nagarmto, R.; Hagiwara, K.; et aL

On the Sloshing Force of Rectangular Tank-Type LNG Carriars.
Iht/1 Cormress on Liauafied Hatural Gas. 6th. Kyoto, JaDan, Smnsored by Intll Gas Union,
Int’1 Inaj of Refrig~ration, ard Ins. o; Gasr Te~hno~ogy” - ‘
1980, Apri L 7-10

703 Nakaj ima, S. FI ER

Experiments On Uater Praaaure Acting on the BOH of a Large Full Tanker in Rough Seas.
I.H. I Engineering RevieM, Vol. 12, No. 5, Koto-ku Tokyo, Japan, pp 497-514, MRIS-084483,
1972, September.

704 Makawra, S.
Hydrodynamic Impact Prasaure Acting on Forward Bottmn of a Full Form Ship in Waves.
Kansai Society of MavaL Architects, Journs[, No. 161,
1976, June.

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Bibliography Page: 70
Mdr Description

705 Makamwa, S.
Investigations on Seakeeping Qua[ities of Container Ships.
Int’t !%minar on Ship Technology, Seoul, Korea
1980, April 7-10.

706 tiakashima, S. FI ER
Ful( Scale Measurement of Usve Loads on Bou Flare of Large Tanker.
W#ui[ding Engineering, Japan,

707 Nash, J.M.

Wave Slam on Horizontal Menbers of an Offshore Structure
Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX
1976, May.

708 Nawman, J.N.

Marine Hydrodynamics.
MIT Press, Carkridge, MA

709 Meman, J. Il. IL TP

The Nunerical To!#ing Tank - Fact or Fiction?
Schiffstechnik, Vol. 36, N 4

710 Uenton, R.N. FI, US

Uetnesa RaLated to Freeboard and FLare.
RIMA, Transactions, VOL. 101,

711 Ilg, R. C.; Chen, H.H. IL TP

Ana[ytica( Stdy on Bou Flare’Impact.
American Bureeu of Shipping, Phase l-July 1979, Phase 2-Feb.1980, Phase 3-May 1981, Phase
4-June W%?.

712 Micho[s, B. D.; Hirt, C.U. BS, FI, US TP

lWn-Linear Hydrodynamic Forces on Floating Bodies.
;~dlnt’1 Conf. on Wnerica[ Ship Itydrodymemics, Proceedings, Rerke(ey, CA,

713 Niesewanger, C.R. 0S ER

E~perimenta( Determination of Pressure Distribution on a Sphere Ouring Water Entry.
MOTS, Tech. Rept. 2804,

714 Nikolaidis, E.; Kaplan, P. 0S DR

Corhination of Slamming and Uave-induced Motion: A Simulation Study
~M~ Proceedings, Safety and Reliability, Vol. 11

715 Noblesse, F. W, F1 TP
Nonlinear Local Analysis of Steady F1OM About a Ship.
1991, December.

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Nurber Description ~ ~

716 llordenstrun, M. 9S, FI, US TP

Methwl To Predict Long-Term Distributions of Haves and Uave-Itiuced Motions and Loads on
Ships and Other F(oating Structures.
Det Uors!te Veritas Pub. N81, Noruay, pp 40, MRIS-054035,’
1973, April.

7?7 Nordenstrom, N. ES, FI, US TP

Calculations of Usve Induced Motions & Loads: Progress Raport,
Det Norske Veritas Research Dept, Rpt 05-10-5,

718 Nott, J.A. BS TP AI+2D

Techniques For Simlating the Hydrodynamic Forces on Sonar Omes By Static Loads.
MB, Rpt 1441,
1961, April.

719 Oakiey, O.H.

An Analytical and Experimental Study for Prediction of Ship Impact Forces in a Seauay.
1969, August.

?20 Ochi, M.O.; Bonilla-Norat, J. ES, FI ER

Pressure-Velicity Relationship in Irpact of a Ship Model Drop@ Onto the Water Surface
and in Slemning in Uavas.
N#,J~prt 3153, MRIS-007570,
8 .

721 Ochi, M. D.; Schwartz, F.M. ES, F1

Two Dimensional Experiments on the Effects of Hull Form on Hydrodynamic Impact.
t44hRpt 1994,

722 Ochi, M.K. ES, FI, US ER

Experiments on the Effect of Bou Form ori Ship S(amning.
MB, Report 1400,

723 Ochi, M.K. 6S, F[ ER AM

Extrere Behavior of a Ship in Rough Sees - SLamning and Shipping Green Water,
SNAME, Transactions, VOL. 72,

724 Ochi, M.K. ES, FI

Investigations on the [nfluence of Ship Form Umn the Strength of Ships Going in Haves
JZK, 2nd Rpt, No. 101,
1957, August.

725 Ochi, M.K. BS, F1 ER

Hodd Experinwmts on Ship Strength ad Slarmting in Regular Uavea.
:~~E, Transactions, Vol. 66, PP 345-383,

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Bibliography Page: 72
Number Description ~ KeJQ

726 Ochi, M.K. BS, FI ER

Mdel Experiments on the Effect of a Bu[tmus Bow on ship S(amning.
MB, Rpt 1360,

Ochf, M.K. BS
on Prediction of Extreme Values.
SNAME, JSR, VO[. 17, HO. 1, w 29-37, HSRDC, MRIS 048039
1973, March.

728 Ochi, M.K. BS, FI

Performance of Two Huli Forms (U & V) in Irregular Waves
SHAME, Report S-1, T&R S~SiLSII,

729 Ochi~ M.K. es, FI, us TP AH-2D

Prachction of Occurrence and Severity of ship Slamning at Sea.
5th Symp of Naval Hydrodynamics, ONR,

730 Ochi, 14.K.

Principles of Extreme Value Statistics ard Their Application.
SSCjSNAME Extreme Loads Rea~nse Symposiun, Arlington, VA
1981, October.

731 CIchi, M.K. BS, F], US

Randmn Impact Lods Due to Ship Slanwning in Rough Seaa.
Ist Con fere=e on Ship Vibration, M% &Dt,
1965; January.

7X? Ochi, M.K. BS, FI

Racent Theoretical and Experimental Work on S(anwning.
SITOL, 2nd Summer Seminar, ship Behavior at Sea,

733 Ochi, M.K. BS

Ship SLanxning- Hydrodynamic I~ct Between Haves and ship Bottom Forward.
ASME, F(uid-SoLid Interaction Syrposiun,
1967, Novenbar.

734 Dchi, M. K.; Akita, Y. BS, FI

Ship Behavior and Slanmting in Regular Uaves.
S~siun on Behavior of Ships in a Seauay, Proceedings, Uageningen, Nether lamcis,

735 uhf, H. K.; Bledsoe, M.D. BS, F[ TP

Hydrodynamic lnpct uith Application to Ship S[arrming.
#t20MR Synp on tJavaL Hydrodynamic, Vol. 3,

736 Dchi, M. K.; Bladsoe, M.D. BS, FI TP

Theoretical Consideration of lnqact Pressure During Ship Siamming.
MB, RPt No. 1321,
1960, Ilovsnbr.

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Mumber Descri Dt ion

737 Ochi, M. K.; Bolton, U.E.

Statistics for Prediction of Ship Performance in a Seauay.
International Shipbuilding Progress
1973, September.

738 Ochi, M. K.; Hotter, L.E. 8S, FI, US TP Pressure

A Method to Estimate Slenming Characteristics for Ship Design.
SNAME, Marine Technology,
1971, April.

739 Ochi, M. K.; Hotter, t..E. BS, FI TP AM-2D, S14

Prediction of Extreme Ship Responses in Rough Seas of the North At Lantic.
Int’1 SYMP on the Respmse of Msrine Vehicles and Structures in Uaves, Unversity Cotlege,
19?4, April.

740 Ochi, M. K.; Hotter, L.E. BS, F1 TP AM-2D,

Prediction of Extreme Velues of Irpect Pressures Associated with Ship Slmnning.

SNAME, JSR, VO(. 13, No. 2, MRIs-015291,
1969. - -

741 Ochi, M. K.; Hotter, L.E. 0S, FI, US TP AM-2D,

Prediction of Sksning Characteristics and Hull Responses for Ship Design.
SNAME, Transactions, Vol. 81

742 Ogilvie, T.F. BS, FI, US TP

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All Union Scientific Conference, IlprobLems of strength and Retiabitity of Future Shi W ad
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757 Oaipw, O.A.

Effect of F(uid Motion on the Process of Body Immersion Uith Respect to Slamming.
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Immersion of Rigfd Symmetric Contour Into Cmpreaaible Liquid.
~r#a. of the Central Maritime Research ard Design Institute, N186

739 Osipov, 0.A.

On the Probkm of Determination of External Forces in S[amning.
Trans. of the KSS, VO1 .262

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Electrostatic Mode[ Studies.
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Structural Seaworthiness ard Hul 1 Deckhouse InteractIon of Lk3CG Hami (ton (UHEC 715).
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Three-Dimensional S[oahing of Water on Deck
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Discussion on Venkat & Spau[ding: Numerica[ Sirmlation of Monlinear Free-Surface Flows
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Inproved Method for the Evaluation of Secord-Order Motions and Loads of 3-D Floating
Bodies in Waves.
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Number Description

767 Patel, PI.H.

Dynamics of Offshore Structures.
London, Best on; Butt erworths.

768 Patei, R,K.

Analysia of Ship Hut{ Girder Response to S[amning.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dapt. of Ocean Engineering, Canbridge, MA
1978, Janusry.

769 Pau~~ing, J.R.

Strength of Ships.
Principles of Naval Architecture, SNAME, v. I

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Approximate Formula for Ship Pitching Motion in Stamning Calculation.
Trans. KCSR 1, N264

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Practical Methods for Calcu(stion of Dynamic Bending Moments Due to Slamming in the Cargo
Ship Hu[t Uith Flat Parta of the Bottom
Trans. of tha KCSRI, N251

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A Theoretical ad Nunerical Model of Ship Motions in Heavy Seas
Transactions SNAME, Vol. 99

773 Payne, P.R. 0s Reviau AM

A Discussion of the Design Pressures Appropriate to the 8ottmn of a Planing Boat.
Ocean Engineer, No. 5,

774 Payne, P.R. ES TP

Ptaning and Impacting PLate Forces at Large Trim Ang(es.
Ocean Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3, BMT-90081884,

775 Payne, P.R. BS

Supercritical Planing Huiia.
AIM/SNAME Advanced Marine Vehicles Conference, MRIS-054292,
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776 Pedersen, B. 8S, F1 TP AM

Uave Irduced Mot Ions and Loacfa: C~ariaon Betueen Theoretical Resu~ts, Model Teats, and
FuLL Scale Maaauraments.
Europ?an Shipbuilding, Vol. 21, No. 2, MRIS-035982, USMMA-N-479,

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Number Description KeJQ

777 Pedersen, B.
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Europaan Shi@ilding, Volume 17,

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Load. 140tion ad Structural Response Trisis of the SWATH Vessel “Frederick G. Creed”.
Dymmics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Waves, Elsevier (Daveloprents in Marine
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779 Pegg, N. G.; Vernon, T. A.; Uegner, L.; et al ER AM

Force ELevation Prediction of Measured Bow Flare Plate Stresses Under Dynamic Uave
RINA, VO[. 131, MTIF-12/12164,

780 Pegg, H. G.; Vernon, et al FI AM

Finite ELement Prediction of Measured Bow F(are Plate Stresses Under Oynamic Uave Loading.
}J~, Transactions,

781 Perez y Perez, L.

A Generel Calcu(aticm of the Structural Loads orI s Ship in a Seanay.
Marine Technology, Vo(uns 8, No. 2
1971, April.

782 Petrie, G. L.; Placlean, U. M.; Cojeen, H. P.; Schtdel, G.U. Data Acquisition
The Uaefulneas of Response Monitoring for Estiamtfon of Bow Structural Loadings.
SHAME, NY Section, 1985, Aprit; Marine Technology, 1986, JULY

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MIT, Cambridga MA,
1975, Oeceirber.

784 Pierson, J.D. BS, FI ER

On the Pressure Distribution fora Uedge Penetrating a Fluid Surface.
Preprint No. 167, SMF Fund Paper, Inst. Aero. Sciences,

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On the Virtual Mass of Uater Associated with an Immersing Uadge.
Journal of Aeronautical Science,
1951, June.

786 P{erson, J.D. 0S, Fi ER

The Penetration of a Fluid Surface by a Uadge.
SMF Fund Paper FF-3, Inst. of Aero Sciences,
1950, July.

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Umber Description

787 Piven, I.D.

Experimental Investigation of Disc Inpact on Uater Surface.
Trans. of the KCSRI, v.208, p.55-67

788 Piven, 1.0.; Tupikov, B.N. Shats, V.N.

Experimental investigation of Pressures and Stresses in Plstes of V-Formed Models Due to
lnpact on Ueter.
Trans. of the KSS, v.94, p.43-48

789 Planeix, J.M. us TP, ER

Uave Loads - A Correiaticm Between Ca(cuiations and Measurements at Sea.
ISP, Vol. 19, kfO. 216, PP 249-270, MRIS-04T374,
1972, August.

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Correlat~ Diagrams of Relative Foreuarci End Vibrations on [rregular Head Sees.
Sudostroenfe. No. 9 (Russian), ---(English Translation by Naval Intelligence Support Center,

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Pressure Distributions, Added-Mass, and Damping Coefficient for Cylinders Oscillating in a
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Contract Ho. 222 (30), Berketey CA,
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AMM, Vol. 35, N 1

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Disk Impact on the Surface of Non-Viscous Coiipressible Liquid.
AMM, VO(. 26, N 4

794 Povitsky, A.S.

Hydroplane Touch Do~n.
Trans. of the CAHI, v.423

795 Prescott, P.L. 0S, FI TP

Spectral Methods of Determining Dynamic Loading
SIJAME, GF Section,
1978, February.

796 Preu, l.. R.

Ir@rtance of Sloshing in LUG Carriera frmn an Operational Point of View.
Det Morske Veritas S~inar on Liquid Sioshing, O~[o Noruay, Papar No. 3
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797 Pritchett, C.
Mcdel Stuiies of ASR-Catamaran Inpact Pressurea on Between Hu([ Structures.
NSRDC, Rpt No. HMD-0340-HO1 ,
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798 Paaraftis, H. Ii.

Scnne New Aspects of SLamning Probability Theory.
Journa 1 of Ship Rasearch
1978, September.

799 Puknachov, V. V., Korobkin, A.A. IL TP

Initia[ Asyrptotics in Prob{ein of Blunt Body Entrance Into Liquid.
Int. Conf. on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics

800 PurceLl, E. S.; Allen, S. J.; iJalker, R.T.

Structural Ana{yaia of the U.S. Coast Guard ls~and Class Patrol Boat
~~ra. SHAME VO[ . 96

801 Rabinovitch, 0.; !lostwtsav, D; Stepermr, 1. FI, US TP, ER

A Survey of the Russian/Soziat Studies, Resu~ts , and Data on Hydrodynamic Impact Load
Estimation in Marine (and Non-Marine) Structure Design Practice
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Hydrodynamic Loscfs in the Bow Due to Bottan Slamming in Regular Uaves.
Trans. of tha Leningrad Shipbui Iding institute, llMechanics and Strength of Ship
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803 Rabinovitch, O. N.; Rostovtsev, D. M.: Tchizhick. V.A.

Analysis of Oynamic Leeds Dua to Ship Bow Inpa~t on Wave
Trans. of the KSS, v.8, p.31-35

804 Radev, D. Il. TP

Numerical Realization of ProbLem for Entry of Rigid Circular Cylinder in Cqresaible
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805 Raff , A. 1.
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SSC, Rpt HO. 230,
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807 Rask, 1.
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SSPA Research Report, III05; Chalrm?rs Univ. of Technology, Goteborg

Reilly, E. T.; Shin, Y. S.; Kotte, E.H.

A Prediction of Structura( Load ad Respse of a SUATH Ship in Uavea.
Maval Engineers Journal, Vo(, 100, pp 251,
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809 Richardson, E.G. 0S TP

The Inpect of a Solid on a Liquid Surface.
Phyaica Society of London, Proceedings,

810 Ricketts. M. V.: Gale, A.

On Mot i ~. Uethess. hi Such: The USS W!idwav’i B1 ister Story
Trans. SN~ME, 489 “

811 RidLey, J.A.

A Study of Some Theoretical Aspects of Slamning
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1952, Moverber.

812 Ridley, J.A. BS, FI TP

Study of Sme Theoretical Aspects of S[amning.
U.K. Department of Industry, NMI,
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Engineering Approximation of the Maximm Acceleration Exper enced By Planing Craft n
Rough Water.
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1969, Decenb?r.

814 Rostovt sev, D .H. IL TP

Hydroe(astic Osci I Iation of Ship Structures.
Textbook, L, Leningrad Shipbuilding [nstitute.

815 Roatovtsev, D .M. IL TP

[nvestigaticm of Hydroe(astic Osci Ltation of Ship Structures
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817 Ruthr L.C.

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NSRDC, Report SPD-495-19
1976, JU[y.

818 Saganmlan, A.Ya. 1P

Impacts and Penetration of Bodies Into Liquid
M, MSU Publishing Dept.

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Penetration (in Russian)
Moscow, Moscow Stata Univ. Pub[., 300 pp.

820 Sakato, T.; IHahashi, Y.; Mikami, K, BS ER

Total System Approach of Bulk Carriar Analyais: The Characteristic Loads orI Double Bottoms
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Ship Motions and Sea Loads.
SMAME, Transactions, Vol. 78, No. 70, pp 30, MRIS-007485,

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Uava I rpact Loads on Cy 1i riders.
AlME, Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp 29-36, MRIS-20 308722,
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Mechanics of Wave Forcas on Offshore Structures.
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Hydrodynamic Impect Loed Calculations On ELEC~ 100.
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summery of Hydrodynamic Technology ReLated to Large Seaplanes and Methods for Estimating
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Procedural for Hydrodynamic Evaluation of P(aning liulls in Snmoth and Rough Uater
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Hydrodynamic Development of a tligh Speed Hydrofoil Catamaran
Stevens institute of Technology, Davidson laboratory, Hoboken, NJ, Report sIT-DL-73-1671

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Hydrodynamic Develofxoent of a High Speed P(aning tlu~l For Rough Water.
9th 0!4R Synp on NavaL Hydrodynamics, Paria, France,
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Experimental Study on tha Sloshing Pressure of Rectangular Tanks: Ist Report.
Mitsui Technical Review, No. 99 (Japenesa)

835 Sanayanagi, M.; Matamoto, Y.

Experimental Study on the Sloshing Pressure of Rectangular Tanks: 2nd Report.
Mitsui Technical Raview, Ho. 98 (Japanese)

836 Sawayanagi, M.; Matsunoto, Y.

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Mitaui Technical Review No. 101 (Japanese)

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837 Scarsi, G.; Brizzolara, E.

Behaviour of Liquids in a Rectangular Tank in Motion
International Shipbuilding Progress, Votma 17, Mo. 194
1970, October.

838 Schaffran, R.
The Mationa( Shi@i Lding Research Program: An Overview and Status Report
1990, February

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War dia Vorhersage von Slam-Stosaen.
lnatitut fur Schiffbau, Hatirg University, Hamburg, U. Germany, Report Ho. 190 (German)

840 Schlachter, G.
tfull Girder Loada in a Seaway Including Non-Linear Effects.
~~~~technik, GmbH, Hatirg, Germany, Schiffstechnik, VO1. 36. N. 4

841 Schmitke, R.T.

Iwproved Slamning PredictIons for the PHHS Computer Program
Defense Resaarch Establishment Dartmouth Atlantic, Halifax, Ilova Scotia, Technical Memo
?9/A .

842 Schmitke, R. T.; Murdey, O.C.

Seakeeping and Resistance Trade-Offs in Frigate Hult Form Design.
Proc. 13th Synpoaiun on Navai Hydrodynamics, Tokyo

843 Schnitzer, E. BS, FI ER

Theory and Procedure for Determining Loads and Motions in Chine- Inmarsed Hydrodynamic
Inmects of Prismatic Bodies.
NAbA Rpt NO. 1152,

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Estimation of Hydrmiynamic Irpact Loads and Pressure Distributions on Board Approximating
Eliiptica[ Cytinder uith Special Reference to Uater Landings of Helicopters.
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Schumacher & Associates, Inc., Sacrawnto, CA
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ConpJter Engineering Associates Report on Project ESD-178,
1962, Aprii.

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847 SMIOV, L.I.

Inpact of F(oating Uedge.
Trans. of the CAH1, v.152

848 Sadov, L.I. IL TP

On the Hit on the Rigid Body F(oating on the Surface of Incompressible Liquid.
Trans. of the CAHI, v.187

849 Sedov, 1.1.

Two-Dimensional Protdems In Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics
I ntersci ence

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A Survey of Research on Slanrning Impact Pressures.
16th American Towing Tank Conference,
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Cqarison of Modal & Full Scale Slanxning Irpact Pressure Data.
MPR Associates, Inc., Wash. D. C., Final Rpt. No. MPR-351, MRIS-043227,
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852 Sellars, F. Ii. BS, FI, US

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SIMME. T&R Bulletin 1-37.
197t3, -March.

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Slamning Impact Pressure.
MPR Associates, Inc., Washington D. C., Rpt No. $IPR-282, MRIS-025595, NT IS-AO-730084,
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The Infiuence of Structura[ Characteristics of Slarmning Inpact Pressures.
StJAHE, JSR, VOi. 15, No. 1, pp 49-58, MRIS-015309,
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SNAME, Chesapeake Section, MRIS-084451 ati SNAME MT, 1976, Jan. ds
1975, February.

856 Serdutchenko, A.N.

Method of Calculation of Uave Forces as a Function of Observed Irregular Waves Pararetera
~~ra. of KSS, v.295, p.17-26

857 Serdutchenko, A.N.

Nonlinear Uave Groups in the Problems of Uave Loads in Ships.
Sudostroeniye, NIO

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858 Serdutchenko, A.N.

Wave Loads on Ships Structures with the Influence of Group Structure of Ueves.
Ph.D. Thesis, Nikolaev, HSI

859 Sharme, J.D. us TP AH

Secord-Order Directional Seas ard Associated IJave Forces.
Ilth OTC, Proceedings, Houston TX, Vol. 4, MRIS-20 195813,
1979, May.

860 Sharov, Ia. F. 0s

On the Ship Bottmn Impact in Head Uaves
Trans. of the KSS. v.35, p.29-38

861 Shats, V.N. BS

Results of Calculations of Inpect of Flat Bottmn on Uater.
Al( Union Conference %trength ad Reliability of Perspective Ships Hulls ad Floating
Structures, L

862 Shats, V.N.

Vertical Irmmrsion of Floating Cylindrical Body
~~ro. of Academy of Sciances of USSR MFG, N2, pp.27-31

863 Sha~, T. L., ed. 6S TP

The Mechanics of Have Induced Forces on Cyiinders.
Pitmsn Publishing Co.

864 Shen, M.; Wa[ker, K.; Ga(e, P.A.

Immroved Procedure for Pradictiw the Soeeds of Surfece Ships in Rough Head Seas.
Ma~al Ship Engineering Center, H~attsvi’l Le, MD, Report Mo. 6114-71-8-
1970, flecenber.

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Systemataische Untersuchung von S[ermming-Drucken mit Hi~fe von Dreh-Fal -Versuchen in
Institut fur Schiffbeu, Universitat of Hstirg,

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The Forca of l~act on a Cone Striking a Uater Surfsce (Vertical Entry)
Comnittee of Pure and App(ied Mathematics, pp 379-417,
1951, Uovamber.

867 Shimensky, U.A.

Ship Structure Dynamics
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868 Shin, Y.; Kotte, E.; et a~

Ana[ysis Procedure of Hydrcwlymamic Load ard Fatigue Life Prediction for SUATli Ships in
M;, ;~aociaty Advanced Marine Vehic(e Conference, Arlington, VA,
s .

869 Shutt Leuorth, J.

MuLtihull Desfgn Considerations for Seaworthiness
Mew Englar%i Sal Ling Yacht Syr@siun
1988, March.

870 Sfbul. O. J.: Huang. R.T. FI, US

Slarming Pr&ssura-Gn a Barge Modal.
St/AME. T&R Builetin R-12.
1971,’ October.

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SUATli Structure: Navy Research ad Oevelopr!ent Application.
SNAME, Marina Technology, Vol. 27, No.4, pp 211-220,
IWO, July.

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Inpsct-on tha Su~face of a Compreaaibla F[uid.
ASME, Paper No. 65-UA/UnT-3, Cokrmbia University Dept. of C’ wil Engr ng ech. Rpt 31,
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Uave Forces on Lerga Morth Sea Gravity Structures.
Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, Proceedings,
1979, Saptenber.

874 Smiley, R.F.

A Semi -EWiricai Procedure for Ccmrputing the Uater-Pressure DistriLwtion on Flat ard
V-Bottom Priamstic Surfaces during Imact on Planing
NACA Tach. Nota 2583
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875 Smiley, R.F.

A Studvof Uatar Prassura Distribution durirm Landings with Specia[ Reference to a
Prisma~ic Mtiel Having a Heavy Beam Loading ~rd a 30-Degree Angle of Deadrisa.
NACA, TN 2111,

876 Smiley, R.F.

An Experimental Study of lJater-Pressure Distributions During Landing and Planning of a
Heavily Loaded Rectangular Flatp[ate Mode(.
NACA, TN 2453,

877 Smiley, R.F.

Application of P(aning Characteristic to the Calculation of the Uatar Landing Loads and
Motions of SeapLanes of Arbitrary Constant Cross Section.
NACA, TN-2814,

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Bibliography Page: 87
Number Description ~ ~

878 Smith, C.S. BS, FI Revi eu

Load Prediction and Stress Analyais in Re(ation To Fatigue of Ships and Offshore
RItJA, The Naval Architect, ‘~ 66-69, Ei 72080572, MRIs-044408,
1972, JuiY.

879 smith, D.E. BS, FI

Statistical Rasearch on Problems Associated uith Navy lrpect Acceleration and Ship Motions
Desmetica, Inc., Philadelphia, PA,
1979, Apri[.

880 SNAJ
Repmt on the Investigation Cmnittee on Damage of Diesel Ships due to Slarmning
Sociaty of )laval Architects of Japan

Notes on Ship Slamnfng
SHAME Technical and Research Buil(atin 2-30
1993, May

882 SMAME Panel H-7 BS, FI, US Survay

Survey of Raaearch in Saakeeping, July 1961 to September 1965.
SNAME Publication No. 1-26,
Data Unknown.

883 SMAME; Motterr L. E., Chairmen 8S, FI, US Review Various

Notes on Ship Slanrning.
SNAME, ilS-2 Panel, T&R Bu((atin 2-30,
1993, January.

884 Seeding, H.
Simulation Methods in Determination of Ship’s Behavior in Rough Sea.
Schiffstechnik, Vo[me 25, No. 122
1978, November.

885 SoLmnentsev, 0.1. IL

Consideration of the Seaworthiness Requirements on Designing Sea-Going Catamarans
Sudoatroenie, N4

886 Song, J.; Oai, Y; Li, U.

Tha Computation of Oaci(latory Pressure and [rpect Praaaure for Tuo-Dimensional Bdies
Journa( of Harbin Shipb. Engng. Inst, VOL. 9, N4 .

887 Spencar, J.
Design of Aiuninun Crewbaats
SNAME Marine Technok-gy
1975, Jldy.

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Nmker Description IteJcJ

888 Spinelii, L. 0S, FI

Theoretical Research and Experirmts in Slamning.
Registro Ital iano Nava[e, Genoa, Italy,
1967, February.

889 Ssc BS, FI ER

Pressure Distribution Model Tests in Uaves.
SSC, SR-1271, MRIS-20 190232,
1979, December.

890 SSC; Eric Greene Aaaociates, [nc, BS, FI, US Bibliography

special Bibliography (1946-1992)
1992, Hay.

891 St. Denis, M.; Fersht BS

The Effect of Ship Stiffness Upon the Structural Response of a Cargo Ship to an I~lsive
National Engineering Science Cmmpsnyt
Date L!nknonn.

892 St. Denis, M.; Pierson, U.J. BS, FI

On tha Motions of Ships in Confused Seas.
SNAME, Transactions,

893 Stavovy, A. B.; Chuang, S.1. 0S TP AM

Analytical Determination of SLanmfng Pressurea for tt~gh Speed Vehicles in Waves.
SNAME, JSR, Vol. 20, No. 4,
1976, December.

894 Stepanov, I.V. BS, IL TP

Principles of Free-Fa(l Life Boata Design (in Russian)
Ph.D. Thesis, Leningrad Shichilding Institute
1988. “ - “ -

895 Stiansen, S. G.; Mansour, A.E.

Ship Primary Strength Based on Statiatica( Data Analysia
Trans. SNAME, Volum 83

896 Stianaen, S. G.; Mansour, A. E.; Chen, Y.N.

Dynamic Response of Large Great Lakes 8ulk Carriera to Uave-Excited Loads.
Trans. SNAME, Volums 85

897 Structural Design Manual for tlavai Surface Ships

tlavat Engineering Center, Dapt. of tha Navy
1987, December.

898 Stuntz, G. It. Design

Some Effacta of liu(l Form on Ship Performance in a Seaway.
NSROC Rpt MO. u210B15,

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13ib1iogra@y Page: 89
Ntnmber Description ~

899 Sugai, K. BS, FI

F!ode( Tests on I@sive Uater Pressure Acting on the Hu[l Surface of an Ore Carrier in
Tuo-Directional Uaves.
SNAJ, Journsl,

Sugai, K.; Kitagawa, H.; Fuwa, T.; Ohomstsu, S. BS, FI ER A14-2D

Experimental [investigations into Impulsive Water Pressure Upon the Hull Surface in
TMo-Dimensional Irregular Uaves.
SNAJ, Jourml, -

901 Sugai, K.; Kitagaua, H.; Kan, H.; Omatsu, S.; Goda, K.; Takei, Y.; Miyamota, T.; Okamto, M. us ER
MAel Tests of Hydrodynamic Pressures Acting on the Hull of an Ore Carrier in Oblique
SMAJ, Journal, pp 101-117, MRIS-084645,
1973, June.

902 Suhara, T. FI TP AM-2D

Bow Flare Oamages of Large Full Ships Oue to Uave Impact.
ISP, Vol. 23, No. 261, w 156-170, MRIS-20-156826,
1976, Hay.

903 Suhir, E. BS, FI ER

Shock-Excited Vibrations with Application to the Slamning Response of a flexible Ship to a
Regu(ar Wave Packet.
1982, Oecerber.

904 Suhir, E.
Slamning Response of a Ship Heading in Regular Uaves.
Trans. Seventh Far East Conference on the !leliabitity of Ship Structures, Vladivostok
Potvtechnical Institute

905 Suhir. E. IL TP AH
Stoch;s~ic A~roach to the Problem of Non-Linear Oscillations of a One- Oegree-of-Freedo+n
Hen-Linear System, Subjected to Repetitive Impacts.
Trans. All-Union Conference on Men-Linear Vibrations in Mechanical Systems, Kiev, USSR,
Sponsored by the Academies of Science of USSR
1974, September.

906 Suhir, E. [1 TP
Stochastical Ly Unstable Vibrations of Rectangular Plates Oue to Periodic lrpacts.
Trans. Tenth Al L-Union Conference on the Theory of Shells and Plates, Kutaisi, USSR,
Spmsored by the Academies of Science of USSR
1975, Septanber.

907 Suhir, E.L. IL TP

On the Calculation of Hydrodynamic Load on the Body in the Process of its Fast Immersion
llshi~ilding ad Sea Structuresll, Kharkov, KhSLJ pub~ishing oep~., p.z,$-~o

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Nmber DescrirJt ion ~ KeJQ

908 Suhir, E.L. BS

Ship Motion and BerxAing in Slamming Conditions
;~rats. of the Kss, v.85

909 Sua(ov, V.P.

On the Estimation of Maximum Wave loads in Ship Strength Calculation.
;~~ion Scientific Conference, L

910 Suslov, V. P.; Serdutchenko, A.FJ.

;r”c Structure of Sea Uaves in the Problem of Estimation of Extreme Wave Loads in Ship

~r#s. of the NSI, v.135


911 Swan, H.A.; Vosser, G. 0S, FI

The Effect of Forebody Section Shape on Ship Behavior in Waves.
RIMA, Transactions, VOL. 13,

912 symonds, P. S.; Jones, N.

Impdsive Loading of Fuily Ciamped Beams With Finite Plastic Defections and Strein Rate
International Journal of Mechanical Science, Volune 14, No. 49

913 Szabet’tely, V.G, 13S, FI, US

Hydrodynamic c I Watt.
NEJ, pg 137, Reprinted From Applied Mechanica Reviews,
1960, February.

914 Szebehely, V. G.; Brooks, S. Ii. BS, FI

Iiydrdynamics of Simmning of Ships.
MB, Report 823,
1952, Ju[Y.

915 Szebehely, V. G.; Ochi, M.K. BS, FI, US TP

Hydrodynamic hpact and Uater Entry.
AppLied Mechanics Surveys, Spartan Books,

916 Szebahely, V. G.; ~odd, M.A. BS, FI, US

Ship Slananing in Head Seas.
MB, Rpt No. 913,
1955, February.

917 Szebehely, V. G.; Todd, M. A.; Lun, S.M. Y. BS, FI

On Slamming.
MB, Rpt. 995, Europem Shipkwilding, VOL. 3-4,
1956, January.

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Bib( iography Page: 91
Nurber Description

918 Szebeh[y, V.G.

Hydrodymmic Approsch to the SLsrming of Ships.
2nd Midwestern Conference on Fluid Mechsnics, Proceedings,

919 Tai, T. C.; Uhftehead, R.E. AM

Discrete Vortex Method for Predicting Hydrodynamic Losds on Sidewalls of Surface Effect
W3RDC, Rpt Ho. 7710035,
19778 Septerber.

920 Taksgi, M.; Furnkaua, H.; Takagi, K. W, FI, US TP AM-2D

On The Precision of Various Hvdrodvnamic So(utions of Two-Dimensional Oscillating Bodies.
UCL?ERK, Intrl Workshop on Ship and” Platform Motions,
1983, October.

921 Takahashi, T.; Matsura, M. 0S, FI AM-2D

Investigation-of Wave ~oacfs for an Ultra Shal[ow Draught Vessel (in Japanese}.
UJSNA, Transactions, No. 71, pg 43, BMT-69.468
1986, March.

922 Takaishi, Y.; et al

On tha Relativa Wave Elevations at tha Shipfa Side in Oblique Seas.
Journal of Society of Navai Architects of Japsn, Vo[ma 132

923 Takekaua, M. 0S, FI TP

Prediction of Hydrodynamic impact Pressures Acting on the Bow in Rough Sea; Part
l-Expsrim?ntal Research.
SNAJ, Journal
1976, Decetir.

924 Takemoto, H. 0S ER
On the Fult Sca(e MeasureImmt of Motions ard Impact Losds of a High-Speed Patro( Boat in
UJSNA, Transactions,
1981, March.

925 Takemoto, H.; Hashizurta, Y .; Oka, S. BS, FI T?

A Method to Predict Uave Impact Pressure.
UJSNA, Transactions,
1966, March.

926 Takemoto, H.; Itashizune, Y.; Oka, S. BS, FI, US ER

Full -Sca{e Measurement of Uave Impact Loads and Hull Responses of s Ship in Uaves.
SNAJ, Journal, Vol. 158, pp 256, BMT-68.811,
1985, Decenbar.

927 Tskezawa, S.
Testing Ship Models on Longitudinal Ship Motions by Transient Response Method - Part 4:
Hydrodynamic Pressure atd Impact Pressure
JournsL of Sociaty of Mava[ Architects of Japan, Voime 134 (Japanese)

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Number Description ~ KeJQ

928 Takezaua, S.; Hasqaua, S. BS, Fl, US

On The Characteristics Of Water Impact Pressures Acting On A Hull Surface Among Waves.
SNAJ, Journal, Vol. 13, M!tl S-071550,
1974, June.

929 Takezaua, S.; Hirayams, T.; Kishimto, Kobayashi, K. BS, Fl, US TP, ER AM-20
Strip Methds for Motion and Wave Loads In Following and Oblique Seas and Cmnpared with
UCBERK, Intl L Workshop cm Ship and Ptatform Motions,
4983, Octotnw.

930 Takezawa, S.; Kobeyshi, K.; Hagino, K.; Sauada,

On the Deck Uetness and the Irpu[sive Uater Pressure Acting on the Deck in Head Seas,
SNAJ, Joural, Volune 142

931 Tan, S.G.

Observations Mede on Board of Dutch Merchant Sh i pa
International Shiptui lding Progress, Volume 16, No. 181
1969, Sapter&r.

932 Tanaka, K,; Ka wakami, K. BS, FI

Stochastic Prediction of Uhipping of a Vary High Speed Ship due to Slamning.

933 Tanaka, K.
On the Have Conditions of Critical Navigation of an Ore Carrier in View of Structural
Seaworthiness Against Whipping Bending Mmnent Due to SIsmning and Wave Bending Mament.
Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation, Vo[me 66, Mo. 2 (Japanese)

934 Tanaka, II. Bs

On the Inpact of a Body Fal 1 ing Upon the Water Surface.
SMAHJ, Journal, Vol. 72,

935 Tanizaua, K. IL TP AM
Self-Similar Sotut ion of Wedge Entry Probiem by B.E. M.
Journat of Sot. of Nava( Arch. of Japan, N 160
1987, Oecenber.

936 Tasai, P. BS, FI TP, ER

Model Experiments and Theoretical Calculations in Waves on a High Speed Container Ship
with Tride Screus.
UJSNA, Journal, No. 45,

937 Tasaki, R. F[
On the Shi~ing of Uater in Head Seas.
SNAJ, Journa(,

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Bibliography Paga: 93
Nmber Description

93a Tasaki, R.; Takerawa, S.; Takaishi, V.

Co~lection and Analysis of Fu([ Scale Data
Report of Seakeeping Comnittee, ~4th iTTC, Ottawa

939 Tatiin, G.0. Efi

Full Scala Tests Resu[ts for Ship “Kuibyshevgestl
Trans. of the KSS, v.59

940 Taubin, G.O. BS TP AM

Mathd of Calculating the Local Strength of Ship Bottom During Slamming.

941 Taubin, G. O.; Grabeniuk, Ia. P., Epshtein, M.N, Bs OR

Calculation MathM for Local Strength of Bottom Under Siarmning Loads
W#troeniye, Nl, p.14-16
. ..

942 Taya, M.; Uura, T.

Dynamic Pbstic Behavior of Structures Under Inpact Loading investigated by the Exterded
Hamilton’s Principle.
International Journal of Sotids Structures, Vo[me 10, No. 197

943 Taylor. R. E.: Htmm. S,M. FI, US TP

S~ U;ve Lo&d Ef%cts in the Design of SUATH Ships.
3rd Intll Synp. on Practical Design of Ships and Mobila Units, Proceedings, Trondheim,
~~y;~~ -88030523,
* .

944 Taylor, U. F.; West, G.L. 0S, F1

A Brief Investigation of Impact Forces on Ships.
Newport Mews Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Rpt 48,

945 Tchizhick, V.A.

Investigation of Ship Hull Bending Oue to S[armning
~~~. Thesis, L, Leningrad Shi~ilding Institute

946 Threes, U.duB.

Uhither the LNG Ship?
The Naval Architect, N 3
1975, July.

947 Tick, L.J. BS, FI TP

Certain Probebilitles Associated ~ith Bou Submergence and Ship Slamming in Irregular Seas.
~~:~E,J~~, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp30-36, Engineering Statistics Group, New York University,
f .

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Nurber Description ~ KeJQ

948 Todd, M.A. BS, FI

Slamning Due to Pure Pitching Motion.
MB, RPt No. 833,

949 Togaki, M.; Niimi

Theoretical Approech to Bow Deck Uetness of a High-Spead Ship
1990, September

950 Tokir N.; Hatakenaka, K.; Takahashi, T.; Fujii, H. Bs, us TP, ER AM
Experimental and Theoretical Approach to the Estimation of Non-Linear Vertical Uave Loads.
SNAJ, Journal, Autum Meeting,
1983, November

951 Townsend, H.S. BS, Fl, US

Can Design E[iminata Forebady Damage?
NEJ, pp 659, Reprint: Marine Engineering/Log,
1960, November.

952 Townse@ H.S.

Observation of Ship Oamege Over the Past Quarter century
SNAME Ship Structure S~siun, Washington, DC
1975, October 6-8.

953 Townsend. H.S. BS, FI

Some Observations on the Shape of Ship Forebodes with Relation to Heavy Ueather.
SNAME, NY Section,
1960, April.

954 Toyame, Y. IL TP
Tuo-Dimensional Uater Imact of UmymnetricaLBodies
~ol of the Sot. of Nav. Arch. Japan, Vol. 173

955 Tri[ting, L. 3s Eli

The Compressional Shock Due to the Impact of a Body on a Plane Water Surface.
NOTS, TM 808-39,
1950, September.

956 Troasch, A.
Private Connnmications
1993, July 13.

957 Troesch, A.U. BS, FI TP, ER

Wave Irduced Hull Vibrations: An Experimental and Theoretical Study.
SNAME, JSR, No. 141,
1984, June.

958 Troesch, A. U.; Kang, C.G. M, FI TP AM-2D

Bow Inpact Loads Inc(uding Effects of Flare, FinaL Raport.
IJJ Rpt for MarAd, Rept. No. HA-RO-840-88037, MTIF-03/8451,

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Number Description I@Q ~

959 Troesch, A. U.; Kang, C.G. TP, ER AF+2D

Evaluation of Irpact Loads Associated with Flare Stanming.
SMAME, 13th STAR Syn-positsn, PP 117, MT IF-01 /26588-A8,
1988, Juna.

960 Troesch, A. U.; Kang, C.G. BS, FI, US TP AM

tlydrcdynarnic Inpct Loads on Three-Dimensional Bodies .
16th SynqI on Naval Hydrodynamics, Proceedingsf MTI F-1 l/9054 -A19,

961 Uhlin, R.C. BS, FI

Predicting the Area of Slamning Damage on a Ship.
SITDL, Maatera Thesis,

962 ULbricht, H. ES, FI TP Ak+2D

HuLL Loads due to Slamning (in German).
Schiffbauforschung, 35, No. 3, pp 158, BMT-67.488,
1985, August.

963 U[bricht, H, 0S, FI

Loads on Ships due to S[amn~ng.
Further Education Seminar on Ship Strength, Restock, E. Germany,
1979, Novemim.

964 United States Government

Code of Federal Regulatfona, Title Ik, Chapter 1, Federal Aviation Administration
CFR 14, Part 25, PP 263-267, 1980; or pp. 321-326, 1993

965 Unknown ES, FI TP, ER

Conference on Ships & Uavas
SNAME, CA Section, Counci( on Wave Research,

966 Unknomn FI ER
Contribution to Fu(t-Sca(e Wet Deck Panel Impact Test
Payne, Inc., Annaplia, MD, Raport SDRL-SOOf-A,
1975, JuLY.

967 Unknoun us ER
Deck Uetneaa and Forces on Deck of a 425,000 DUT Tanker in Bad Ueather Codltions.

968 Unknown BS, F] TP AM

Determining Inmosed Loads During Slamming.
WRC-06/944, USMMA,

969 Unknown FI, US ER AM

Evacuation of Hydrodynamic Loads in Side Slam ard Shipping Green Uater.
HMRC- 09/11 89,

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Bibliography Page: 96
Nuber Description

970 Unknoun
Experiments on Destroyer Model Moving in Regular Waves.
Shipbuilding Research-Association of Japan,

971 Unknown BS, FI, US ER

Experiments on the Strength of Ships in Rough Seaa.
Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan, 10th and 24th Research Committee,

972 Unknown 0S TP AH,

External Siamning Loads and the Design of BOH Bottcm Structure.

973 Unknown
Finite Element Prediction of Measured Bow Fiare P(ate Stresses Under Dynamic Uave Loading
RINA Transactions, pp 135-143

974 Unknoun ES, Fl, US ER

Full-Scale Pressure Distribution Measurements of M/V S.J. Cert.
lJSRDC, MRIS-23 190236,
1979, Dacembar.

975 Unknown BS, F1 ER

Full-Scale Slam Investigation.
Payne, Inc., Annapolfa, MD, M!tIS-21 148176,
1977, May.

976 Unknown
Gas Transprt Ueathera LNG Tanker Storm.
Noroil, Volune 7, No. 2

977 Unknown
Handbook on Ship Strength
v.3, Section V, L, Sudprangiz

978 Unknown 0s ER
Hydrodynamic Loading Distribution on a Model of a llOFt. UFB Istand Class Patrol Boat
Operating in Head Seas.
USCGRD, SITDL Rpt 9-2584,
1987, August.

979 Unknown es ER
Investigation of Bottom Pressure and of the Effects of Step Ventilation on a Seaplane
NACA, SITOL Rpt 9-01=,
1944, Oec*r.

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Uunber Description

980 Unknown
Loading and Dynamics Of Cc@iant Structures.
The Achnira(ty Research Establishment, Proceedings, fmnfermline, Fife, Scotlati,

981 Unknown F[, US ER

Loads Criteria FuIL Scale Uet Deck Panel Inwact Test Report, Votune 1.
Rohr Industries, Inc., San Diego, CA,
1975, Jdy.

982 Unknown
Loads Inducedby Wind, Uaves, and Motions
6th Int’1 Ship Structures Congress, Boston, Mass

9s3 Unknown !3S, FI TP

NSRDC Ship-Motion and Sea-Load Computer Program Manual.
NSRDC, MRIS-098500, NT IS-AD-AO08335/2GA,
1975, February.

904 Unknom us TP AM-2D

Mumerical Prediction of Wave Loads and Response Motions of Offshore Structures.
MM1, Rpt 56, MRIs-20 303W2, NSFI-18504,
1979, May.

9a5 Unknonn ES, FI

On The Stress Distritition Of Ships At the Slamming Speed.
Transportation Technica L Research Inst. Rpt,

986 Unknoun BS, FI ER

Prediction of Impact Pressures, Fortes, and Momenta During Vertical Oblique Uater Entry.
Meva[ Surface Ueaps Center,
1977, January.

987 Unknonn Bs ER
Preliminary Study of Smooth Uater Impact Theory of Chfnes-Dry warped Surface.
King Engineering, USMASC, SITDL Rpt 9-1374, Proprietary Oist.
1969, February ---

908 Unknoun
Pressure Distribution Model Tests in Waves
SSC, SR-1271, MRIS-20 190232
1979, December.

9a9 Unknoun us TP
Probebi(istic Prediction of Uave Loads.
Science and Technology of Harbin Ship Engineering Inst’ tute, Mo. 3,

990 Unknown 8S, FI, US

Ship Behavior At Sea: Lectures on Mew Oeve[opnents & Bi sic Principles.

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Nunber Description ~

991 Unknonn ES, FI

Simulation of the Sea ad Analog C~tation of the Forces on a Ship in Waves.
Reed Research, Rpt RR-1458-H,
1959, November.

992 Unknown BS, F1 T?

S[am Situations: An Application of Cqressible Fluid Dynamics.

993 Unknoun
Siamning Loads on High-Speed Vesseis.
ONR ’92

994 Unknoun BS
Slamming of High Performance Marine Vehic(es.
NSEC, Ilyattsville MD, Rpt No. 6136-73-32,

995 Unknown
Synposiun on Inpact Tasting of Meta[s.
Philide[phis Socfaty for Testing & MateriaLs,

996 Unknonn BS ER
Tank Experiment On A Hydroplane Model.
Transportation Technical Research Inst. Report,

997 Unknown BS ER
The Force of I~act on A Sphere Striking a Uater Surface.
Appli A Panel Rpt 42.1 R. AMG-NUY No. 105,

998 Unknown 0S, FI ER

Water Landing Investigation of a Model Having Heavy Beam Loading and O-Deg Angle of
NACA, TN 2330,

999 Unknown
Uave and Ice Impact Loading ard Response of Ocean Structures
MIT, Rpt MITSG 85-20
1985, August.

1000 Unknown us Eft

Uave Forces on Of fahora Structures.
NRCC, MRIS-20190153,
1979, April.

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Bibliography Paga: 99
Ikslber Description

1001 Unknown
Have Induced HUI1 Vibrations: An Experimental and Theoretical Study
SNAME. JSR. No.141

1002 Unknoun
Uave [ncfuced Loading in Warships
Proc. of the Achniralty Research Establishment, Sunfermline, Fife, Scotland

1003 Unknonn us
Wave Induced Loads on a Ship Hu(l.
NTIS, 23-166, 125, PC A03/MF Aol, PB91-234906,

1004 Unknown
Uave Loads
~~. 4th Int’s SYKQ on Practicai Design of Ships and Mobile Units, MTIF-07/10536-A2

1005 Ushij ima, M.; Aikawa, N.; Matauyams, M; Hashimoto, K.

on the Strength of Bottmn Forward Structure Against Stanrning.
Trans. HJ SNA, No. 59
1980, March.

1006 USSR Register of Shippfng

Ru(es for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
L, Transport.
1990. *

1007 USSR Regfster of Ships BS

Strength of Seagoing Ships
LJ~J Register of Ships, L

1008 Van Dyck, R.L. 3S, FI ER

A Constant Speed Method for Obtaining Rough Uater Landing Irmact Characteristics of Uater
Based Aircraft.
Bureau of Aeronautics, SITDL Rpt 9-0682,
1958, March.

1009 Van Gunsteren, F.F. 8S, FI, US

Some Further Calculation of Uave Induced Ship Hull Vibrations.
Int/1 Synp. Dynamics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Uaves.
1974, Aprit.

1010 Van Mater, Jr, P. R.; Giannotti, O.

A Time Domain Simulation Method for Ship Motion erd Load Prediction.
SNAME, SyIr@siun,
1984, October.

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Number Description

1o11 Van S[uijs, M.F.

Ship Relative Motions and ReLated Phenomena
Symposium on the Dynamics of Marine Vehicles end Structures in Usves, University Col lege,
1974, Apri (.

1012 Van Sluijs, M. F.; Tan, S.G.

Behavior-ad Performance of c~act Frigatas in Head Seas.
International Shiphilding Progress, Velure 19, No. 210
1972, February.

1013 Vardivar, J. K.; Mitme, S.

Effect of liquid Storage Tanks on the Dynamic Response of Offshore P~atforms.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Cambridge, HZ,
1978, March 13.

1014 Vaughan, V.L. BS ER

Uater-Larding [rpsct Acce~erations of Three Mode[s of Re-entry Capsules.
NASA, TN D-145,

1015 Vankat, U. K.; Spaulding, M.L. 8S, F1 TP

Numerical Siwlation of Nonlinear Free-Surface Flous Generated by a Heaving Body of
Arbitrary Croaa Section.
SNAME, JSR, VOt. 34, No. 2,
1990, June.

1016 Verhagen, J.H. G. BS

On the Hydrodynamic Impact Problem for F[at-Bottmed Bodies.
4th Int’1 Ship Structures Congress, Report of Committee 2,

lo~7 Verhagen, J.H. G. BS ER

The Impact of a FLat Plate on a Uater Surface.
SNAME, JSR, Vol. 11, MO. 4
1967, Decerher

1018 Veshutkin, V.O.

Determination of Hydrodynamic Inpact Load Due to Slamming for Sea-River Ship.
Ail-Union Scientific Conference on Cargo Ship and F(oating Structures Strangth; L

1019 Veahutkin, V.D.

Dynamics Moments Due to Slamming for Sea-Rivar Ships
Strarigth and Reliability of Ship Structures, Vladivostok

1020 Von Karman, T. BS TP, ER AM-2D

Calculation of the Pressure Distritition on Airship Hu[ls.
U.S. Experimental Model Basin (MB), SITDL TR 1856,
1930, March.

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Von Karman, T. ER
The Impsct on Seaplane Floats During Lmding.
MACA, Tech Plots 321, SITDL TR 1854,
1929, oCtOber .

Vulovich, R.; Iiirayama, T.; et a~ FI TP, ER

Characteristics of Hull Stresses Measured on a Large Containership in Rough Seaa.
SNAME, Annual Maeting, BMT-90040786,
1989, IJoverber.

Uachnik, Z.G. BS, FI Review

Brief Revi eu of Inpact Load Measurements.
19th American Towing Tank Conference, Ann Arbor, Ml,
1980, July.

1024 Uachnik, Z.G.

USS Miduav (CVA-41 ) Model Studv of Uave Irmact Loads on Appendages.
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1968, January.

1025 Uagner, 1!. 0s TP

Irpact Forces at Uater Entry.
8th Underrater Bali istlcs Conference, Proceedings,

1026 Uagner, H. 3s
Landing of Sea P[anes.
NI+CA Tech. tie-m 622, SITDL TR 2101
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1027 Uagner, H.
Uber Stress-und Gle{tvorgange an der Oberflache von Flussigkei ten.
ZAMM, Vol. 12, Mo. 4,

1028 Mahab, R. BS, FI TP

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1029 Uahab, R.; Baitis, A.E. 0S

Hydrodynamic S[amrning on a Large Sonar Dane Fitted a DL-2 Oestroyer.
1968, Movhr.

1030 Uahab, R.; Pritchett, C.; Ruth, L.

On the Behavior of the ASR Catamaran in Uaves
Marina Technology
1971, July.

1031 Uahab, R.; Stijmman, J.J.

Observations Made on Board Dutch ships, Part 3: Behavior of Victory Ships.
1967, Decerber.

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1032 Uahl, G.
Seaworthiness Oata, Visual Observations and Ful 1 Scale Measurements
Swedish State Shiplwf lding Experimenta~ Tank, Goteborg, Ftefwt No. 2076-2 (Swedish)

1033 Uaktwrura, S.; et al

Hydrodynamic Inpsct Pressure Acting on ‘orward Bottom of a Ful( Form Ship in Waves.
Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, no. 161 (Japanese)
1976, June.

Ualker, U.F. ES TP AM
Slam loading For Use in HuLL Girder Respmse Ana(yais.
MIT, MRIS-21 131204,
1976, January.

1035 Wang, K. H.; Chwang, A.T. TP

Ilordinear Free-Surface Flow Arourd an Inpulsive Moving Cylirwier.
SNAME, JSR, VO[.194,
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1036 Wang, X. C.; !iuang, Z. J.; Hsiung, C.C.

Appl Icat ion of the Flux Vector Splitting Methd to Capture Shock Uaves and Ca(culate
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20th Symposiun on Wval Hydrodynamics, Santa Barbara
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1037 iJang, X. M., Spaulding

A Two-D imenaiona[ Potential FLOW Model of the Uave Field Generated by a Semisubmersible
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1038 Uard, L.U. 0S, FI 1P

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iiardla~, Jr, A. B.; Aronson, P.M. ES, FI

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Ship& Boat Intarnationa(, Volume 36, No.. 7/8
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1041 Watanabe, E.; Hori, M.

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1042 Uatanabe, I,; Tanizaua, K.; Saweda, It.

And~~rvation of Bottmm Impact Phenomene by Means of High SWed Video and Transparent
Journal of Sot. Nav. Arch. of Japan, N 164
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1043 Watanabe, I. IL TP AM
Analytical Expression of Hydrodynamic Impact Prasaure by Matched Asymptotic Expansion
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1986, March.

1044 Watanabe, I. %S, FI ER AM-2Q-3D

Effects of the Three Dimensionality of Ship Hull on the Usve Imect Pressure.
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1045 tlatanabe. I. BS TP
On Hydr@namic Impact Prassura Acting upn Flat Bottomed Ships (in Japanesa).
Journat of Naval Architects of Japan, v. 159

1046 Uatanabe, T.
ReFrt of S(oshing Pilot Test.
?4itaui Technica[ Review, No. 82

1047 Watanabe, Y. 3S, FI TP

On Properties of Hydrodynamic Inpact on Ship Bottom and Uhipping.
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1048 Watanabe, Y. 0S TP
On the Correlation Between Impact on 8ottmn of Forebody ard Uhipping.
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1049 14atanah, Y. 0s
On the Determination of the Initiation of S(anning, . . and its Relation to the Draft of
SNAUJ, Journa[,

1050 Uatanabe, Y.; Sawada, H.; Ueno, H. FI

Effects of Bow Flare Shape Due to the Uave Loads of a Container Ship.
stJAJ, Journal, Vol 166, MTIF-09/10799,

1051 Uatanabe, 1; Tanazawa, K.; Sawada, H. BS ER

An Observation of Bottmn Impact Phenomena by Means of High Speed Video ard Transparent Model
Journa[ of Sot. Nav. Arch. of Japan, Vol. 164
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1052 Uatkinsr R. M.; Ba(es, N.K.

Seakeeping Characteristic of a U.S. Coast Guard Mediun Endurance Cutter (bMEC).
1976, August.

1053 Uatson, J. A.; Hayden

Overvie~ of Coast Guard Plan Review for High-Tech Ship Design
Marine Technology
1990, January

1054 Uaugh, J. G.; Stubstad, G.U. BS, FI ER

Hater-Entry Cavity Modeiing, Part I Vertical Cavitiea.
NAVORD, Rpt 5365-1,

1055 Webster, U.C.

Design for T8nks for Use in an Active Tank System
Hvdronautics, Inc., LaureL, HO, NYDRo-TR-490-3
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1056 Ueinig, F. BS ER
Impact of a Vee-Typa Seaplane on Water with Reference to Elasticity.
NACA, TM810,

1057 Ueirnicki, C.J. FI, US TP AM

Damage of Ship P(ating Due to Have Impact Loads.
SMAME, STAR SymP, w 186,
1986, May.

1058 Uermter, R. 8S
Motion Performance Characteristics of ASU Ships.
FtSRDC Rpt No. IJ210746,

1059 Uheaton, J.U. BS, FI ER

Further Ana Lysia of SLarmning Oata From the S.S. Uolverine State.
SSC-255, MTIS-AD-A021339/9ST,

1060 Uheaton, J. U.; et al 0s ER

Analysis of Slamning Data frm the S.S. Wolverine State.
Tetadyna Materia( Research Co., Rpt No, E-l16(a),
1969, December.

1061 Uhlte, F.G. BS, FI ER

Photographic Studies of Spiash in Vertica( snd Oblique Uatar Entry of Sphares.
NAVORD, Rpt 1228,

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Nunber Description

1062 Uhitehead, R.E.

Theoretical Prediction Technique for Lateral Hydrodynamic Loads on Sidewal Ls of Surface
Effect Ships.
IJSUDC, Ffpt No. 4766,
1975, Dacember.

1063 Uhftmen, A. M.; Pancione, M.C. m TP

Similitude Re[at ion for FLat-P(ate Hydrodynamic [npect.
1973, March.

1064 Ulerzbicki; Chryssostomidis BS, F], US TP

Rupture Ana lysfs of Ship Plating Due to Hydrodynamic c Uave Inpact.
SNAME, Sympas iun,
?984, October.

1065 Uisnieuaki, Z.
Inf Luence of Sloshing in Cargo Tanka on the Strength of Tankers. Part 11
Budounictwo Okretowe, No. 1 (Po[ish)

1066 Uo~k, H. L.; Tauber, J.F.

hlan~s Performance Degradation Ouring Sim[ated Snwl I Boat Stamning.
W3RDC, Report No. 4234
1974, January.

1067 Yagle, R.A.

Experimental Investigation of Green Sea loadings on Oeckhouse Gecmetry for Destroyer-Type
Mode t.
University of Michigan, Department of Nava( Architecture ad Marine Engineering, Ann
ArLm, M[, Report Ho. 08193-1-F
1968, Oecenber.

1068 Yamanmto, T.; Nath, J. H.; Stotta, 1.S. us ER-

Wave Forces on Cylinders Near Plane Soutiary.
ASCE, Uateruays, Harbors & Coastai Engineering Oivision, Journal, Vet. 100, No. 4, PP
345-359, MRIS-084590,
1974, Novem&er.

1069 Yamemoto, Y. W3, FI, US TP

Structure-Fluid Interaction Probtema for a ship Among Uaves.
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tokyo, Japan,

1070 Yamamto, Y.; Fujino, M.; et al BS

Disastrous Damage of a Bu(k Carrier Due to SLarnning
Journai of Sot. Nav. Arch. of Japan

1071 Yamsmmto, Y.; Fujino, M.; FukasaMa, T.

Motion and Longit~inal Strength of a Ship in Head Sea ard Effects of Non-l inearitys. (lst,
2rd, 3rd Reports) (Japenesa)
Journal, Society of Maval Architects of Japan, Vol. 143 (1978), Vo[. 144 (1978), Vol 145
(1979) (Also Maval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Vol. 18, 1980).

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1072 Yamamoto, Y.; Fujino, M.; Fukasawa, T.; Ohtsubo, H.

Slmrning ard Uhipping of Ships Among Rough Seas
Proceedings of EUROMECH Colioquirn Nmericat Analysis of the Dynamics of Ship Structures,
1979, September 3-5.

loi3 Yamemoto, Y.; Fukasawa, T.; Arai, M.; Kajita, E. BS, F1 TP

~o#f#?ar Effects for Ship Motions in Heavy Seas.

198; .

1074 Yamemoto, Y.; Iida, K.; Fukasawa, T.; Murakami, T.; Arai, f4.; Ando, M.
Structural Omage Analysis of a Fast Ship Due to Bou FLare Sianrning.
International Shipbuilding Progress, v. 32, No. 369, pp. 124-136.

1075 Yamammto, Y.; Ohtsubo, H.; Takacfa, Y.; Fukasawa, T.

Structural Failure of a Small Cargo Veaaet Among Rough Seas.
SSC/SNAME Extreme Loads Response Synpos{um, Ar{ington, VA
1981, October.

1076 Yamamoto, Y.; Ohtsubo, H.; Takada, Y.; Fukasaua, T.; Murakami, T.
slamming Response and Structural Fai Lure of a Small Cargo Vessel Ist Report - Stamning in
Rough Seas.
Journa( of Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Volum? 149 (Japanese)

1077 Yamaimto, Y.; Sugai, K. us T?

Wave Loads And Responsa Of Ships And Offshore Structures FrcmI The Viewpoint Of
Advances in Marine Structures, ARE, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, BMT-71 .367,
1986, Hay.

1078 Yeh, H.Y.

Power and Motion Studies for a D)(/D)(G Ship In Uaves With ard Uithout SQS-26 Sonar Dome.
NSRDC, Rpt NO. HML-c-0250-H-02,
1868, October.

1079 Yeung, R.U. IL 1P

Numerical Methods in Free-Surface Flous.
Annual Revieu on fluid Mechanics, v.14

1080 Yihaz, o. 8S, FI, US 1P, ER AM

Calculation of Uava Forces on a Tanker.
Univ. Glssgow; Dept Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering Rpt No. NAOE-90-22,
BMT -90092216,
1990, May.

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Ntir Description

1081 Yim, B.
Nunerical Solution for Two-Dimensiona~ Hedge Slamming uith a Nonlinear Free Surface
4th Int’1 Conf. Numerica[ Ship Hydrodymemics, Proceedings, Washington D. C.,
NMRC-ll/2086-A8 (IWO),

1082 Yuhara. T. FI, US ER AM

Funda~ntal Study of Wave Inpct Loads on Ship Bows, 3rd Report:
SNAJ, Journat,

1083 Zapalsky, V.V.

Determination of Hydrodymmic Loads on Hutl of High Speed Vessel.
A(i Union Scientific Conference on Cargo Ships and Floating Structures Strength, L, p.

1084 Zarnick, E.E.

Prediction of SWATH Cross-Structure Slam Pressure.
NSRDC, Bethesda MD, MTIF-01/8095,

1085 Zhang, Q.; Li, S.; Zheng, L.

Dynamic Response, Buckling and Collapsing of Elastic-Plastic Straight Columns Under Axial
Solid-Fluid Siamning Ccmpreaaion.
intern. Journal of solids and Structures, VO[.29, N3

1086 Zhao, R.; Feltinsen, O. BS TP

S[amrning Loads on High Speed Vassels.
0NN2Sympasiun, Norwegian Institute of Technoioly, Trondheim, Norway,

1087 Zhao, R.; Fa[tinsen, O. IL TP

Water Entry of Two-Dimensional Bodies.
Journal of Fluid Mechanica, v. 246

1088 Zhidko, A.A. 8S TP

Results of Solving the Equations Describing Impact Against the Bottom Flat of a High-Speed
Gorky Polytechnical Institute, USSR,

1089 Zie(inski, T.E.

User Manual for Program SCOMOT Secord Part of USCG Ship Motion Program
Hoffman Maritime Consultants, Inc., Glen Head, MY
1981, February.

1090 Zubaty, R.B.

An Evaluation of Fu[l-Sca(e Wave Loads.
SNAME, T&R Bul(etin,
1981, January.

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Number Description

1091 Zuhsty, R.B.

Dynamic Loadings Due to Waves ard Shi D Hot Ions
197S, October.

1092 Zukas, J. A.; et al BS, FI, W TP AU

Inpact ilynamica.
Wiley& Son, Inc., tieu York, NY,

M. Rosenblatt k Son, Inc. April 15, 1995

Bibliogra~y Page: 109
The following persons were members of the committee that represented the Ship Structure
Committee to the Contractor as resident subject matter experts. As such they performed
technieal review of the initial proposals to select the contractor, advised the contractor in
cognizant matters pertaining to the contract of which the agencies were aware, and performed
technical review of the work in progress and edited the final report.

Mr. Alan Engle Naval Sea Systems Command

Dr. Walter Maclean U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

Mr. James White U.S. Coast Guard

Mr. Richard Dai U.S. Coast Guard

Dr.$ubrataChakrabard Chicago Bridge and Iron

Mr. Raymond Ng American Bureau of Shipping

Mr. William Siekierka Naval Sea Systems Command,

Contracting Offi=r’s
Technical Representative

Dr. Robert Sielski National Academy of Sciemce,

Mr. Alex Stavavoy Marine Board Liaison

Cdr. Steve Sharpe U.S. Coast Guard, Executive Director

Ship Structure Committee

Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems

National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council

The COMMllTEE ON MARINE STRUCTURES has technical cognizance over the

interagency Ship Structure Committee’s research program.

John Landes, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Howard M. Bunch, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml
Bruce G. Collipp, Marine Engineering Consultant, Houston, TX
Dale G. Karr, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml
Andrew Kendrick, NKF Services, Montreal, Quebec
John Niedzwecki, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
Barbara A. Shaw, Chairman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Robert Sielski, National Research Council, Washington, DC
Stephen E. Sharpe, Ship Structure Committee, Washington, DC


John Niedzwecki, Chairman, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Bilal Ayyub, University of MaWland, College Park, MD
Ovide J. Davis, Pascagoula, MS
Maria Celia Ximenes, Chevron Shipping Co., San Francisco, CA


Barbara A. Shaw, Chairman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
David P. Edmonds, Edison Welding Institute, Columbus, OH
John F. McIntyre, Advanced Polymer Sciences, Avon, OH
Harold S. Reemsnyder, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, PA
Bruce R. Somers, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

Ship Structure Committee Publications - A Special Bibliography

SSC-386 Ship’s Maintenance Proiect R. Bea, E. Cramer, R. Schulte-Strauthaus, R.

Mayoss, K. Gallion, K. Ma, R. Holzman, L. Demsetz 1995

SSC-385 Hvdrodvnamic Impact on Displacement Ship Hulls -An Assessment of

the State of the Art J. Daidola, V. Mishkevich 1995

SSC-384 Post-Yield Strenqth of Icebreakinq Ship Structural Members C.

DesRochers, J. Crocker, R. Kumar, D. Brennan, B. Dick, S. Lantos 1995

SSC-383 Optimum Weld-Metal Strermth for Hiqh Strenqth Steel Structures R.

Dexter and M. Ferrell 1995

SSC-382 Reexamination of Desian Criteria for Stiffened Plate Panels by D. Ghose

and N. Nappi 1995

SSC-381 Residual Strermth of Damaqed Marine Structures by C. Wiernicki, D.

Ghose, N. Nappi 1995

SSC-380 Ship Structural Inteqritv Information System by R. Schulte-Strathaus,

B. Bea 1995

SSC-379 Improved Ship Hull Structural Details Relative to Fatiq~

by K. Stambaugh, F. Lawrence and S. Dimitriakis 1994

SSC-378 The Role of Human Error in Desian, Construction and Reliability of

Marine Structures by R. Bea 1994

SSC-377 Hull Structural Concepts For Improved Producibility by J. Daidola,

J. Parente, and W. Robinson 1994

SSC-376 Ice Load Impact Studv on the NSF R/V Nathanial B. Palmer by J. St.
John and P. Minnick 1995

SSC-375 Uncertainty in Stren@h Models for Marine Structures by O. Hughes,

E. Nikolaidis, B. Ayyub, G. White, P. Hess 1994

SSC-374 Effect of Hiqh Strenqth Steels on Strenath Considerations of Desiqn and

Construction Details of Ships by R. Heyburn and D. Riker 1994

SSG373 Loads and Load Combinations by A. Mansour and A. Thayamballi 1994

SSC-372 Maintenance of Marine Structures: A State of the Art Summary . by

S. Hutchinson and R. Bea 1993

SSC-371 Establishment of a Uniform Format for Data Reportinq of Structural

Material Properties for Reliability Analysis by N. Pussegoda, L. Malik,
and A. Dinovitzer 1993

SSC-370 Underwater Repair Procedures for Ship Hulls (Fatique and Ductilitv of
Underwater Wet Welds] by K. Grubbs and C. Zanis 1993

SSC-369 Reduction of S-N Curves for Ship Structural Details by K. Stambaugh,

D. Lesson, F. Lawrence, C-Y. Hou, and G. Banas 1993

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