4Q Resource Guide 2016

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Conducting Internal Fighting Fraud in the Data Analysis Techniques for

Investigations, PG. 21 Government, PG. 44 Fraud Examiners, PG. 45

ANTI-FRAUD Resource Guide


To Manage Fraud Risk
The ACFE Partners with COSO
How to Testify CPE: 16
Detecting and Deterring
Conflicts of Interest CPE: 6 47

Membership and Certification (pgs. 3-11)
Joining Forces to Manage Fraud Risk..................................................................................................................3
ACFE Membership Benefits.................................................................................................................................6
How to Become a CFE.........................................................................................................................................7
CFE Exam Review Course....................................................................................................................................8
The Association of Certified Fraud
CFE Exam Prep Course......................................................................................................................................10 Examiners is registered with the
National Association of State Boards of
Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of
continuing professional education on
ACFE Learning Events (pgs. 12-43) the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
State boards of accountancy have final
authority on the acceptance of individual
Upcoming Events...............................................................................................................................................12 courses for CPE credit. Complaints
regarding registered sponsors may
be submitted to the National Registry
of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Conferences (pgs. 14-18) www.learningmarket.org.

28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference.....................................................................................................14

2016 ACFE Fraud Conference Asia-Pacific.........................................................................................................15
Cancellation Policy — Our cancellation
ACFE Law Enforcement and Government Anti-Fraud Summit �������������������������������������������������������������������������16 policy is intended to keep costs low for
attendees. Due to financial obligations
2017 ACFE Fraud Conference Middle East.......................................................................................................17 incurred by ACFE, Inc. you must cancel
2017 ACFE Fraud Conference Europe...............................................................................................................18 your registration prior to the start of the
event. Cancellations received less than
14 calendar days prior to an event start
date are subject to a $100 administrative
Seminars (pgs. 19-43) fee. No refunds or credits will be given
for cancellations received on or after the
start date of the event. Those who do
Principles of Fraud Examination.........................................................................................................................19 not cancel and do not attend are respon-
Auditing for Internal Fraud.................................................................................................................................20 sible for the full registration fee. Terms
and conditions are subject to change
Conducting Internal Investigations....................................................................................................................21 without notice. Visit ACFE.com for the
latest updates.
Fraud Prevention................................................................................................................................................22 *
Reservations subject to availability.
Professional Interviewing Skills.........................................................................................................................23
Payment must be received by Early

Featured Items: Protecting "We the People" From Fraud..................................................................................24 Registration Deadline to obtain savings.
Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud................................................................................................................25 I understand if I reserve a room at the
course hotel, the hotel may disclose
How to Testify....................................................................................................................................................26 to ACFE non-financial reservation
Investigating Conflicts of Interest......................................................................................................................27 information (name, dates of stay) for
the purpose of confirming the event
NEW! Obtaining, Managing and Searching Electronic Evidence ������������������������������������������������������������������������28 room block.

Fraud Risk Management....................................................................................................................................29 Photo/Video Release — By registering

for this event, I grant the ACFE or
Advanced Fraud Examination Techniques.........................................................................................................30 anyone authorized by the ACFE, the
right to use or publish in print or
Featured Items: Banking on Fraud.....................................................................................................................31 electronic format, any photographs or
video containing my image or likeness
Bribery and Corruption.......................................................................................................................................32 for any promotional purpose, without
Building Your Fraud Examination Practice.........................................................................................................33 compensation.

Contract and Procurement Fraud.......................................................................................................................34 Your mailing address may be dissem-

inated to conference sponsors or
NEW! Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud, Compliance and Ethics Program ��������������������������������������������������35 exhibitors for promotional purposes. In
no event will ACFE share your phone
Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners ..................................................................................................36 or email address with these sponsors
or exhibitors.
Financial Institution Fraud..................................................................................................................................37
ACFE self-study courses do not require
Protecting Against Data Breaches and Cyberfraud...........................................................................................38 advanced preparation. For more
NEW! Understanding the Mindset of a Fraudster................................................................................................39 information on ACFE self-study courses,
including fields of study and learning
Additional Events...............................................................................................................................................40 objectives, please visit ACFE.com/shop

ACFE Faculty......................................................................................................................................................41 © 2016 Association of Certified Fraud

Examiners, Inc. “ACFE,” “CFE,” “Certi-
ACFE Webinars..................................................................................................................................................42 fied Fraud Examiner,” “CFE Exam Prep
Course,” “Fraud Magazine,” “Association
ACFE On-Site Training........................................................................................................................................43 of Certified Fraud Examiners,” “Report
to the Nations,” the ACFE Seal, the
ACFE Logo and related trademarks,
names and logos are the property
ACFE Bookstore (pgs. 44-50) of the Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners, Inc., and are registered and/
or used in the U.S. and countries around
Self-Study CPE...................................................................................................................................................44 the world.
Books and Manuals...........................................................................................................................................48
ACFE Merchandise............................................................................................................................................50

2 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Joining Forces to Manage Fraud Risk:
The ACFE Partners with COSO
By Courtney Babin with Mandy Moody, CFE

The ACFE has collaborated with the Committee of Spon- deliberate misappropriation of assets — fraud.
soring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)
“If you want to say that you conform to the COSO frame-
to produce the Fraud Risk Management Guide (FRMG) to
work, you have to have procedures in place for all 17 prin-
help organizations focus their anti-fraud efforts. The ACFE is
ciples,” Cotton said. As soon as COSO issued the updated
also producing a website on ACFE.com that will host several
framework, users began trying to implement its new princi-
interactive tools to complement the FRMG and assist organi-
ples. Unfortunately, they were doing so with little guidance on
zations in applying its principles. The FRMG and the website
how to follow through with fraud risk management. “When
are scheduled to be released this fall.
intent is considered, controls designed to guard against unin-
COSO, a joint initiative of five private-sector accounting tentional errors, misstatements or loss of assets may no longer
and auditing associations organized in 1985, published Inter- do the job,” Cotton said.
nal Control — Integrated Framework in 1992.
The FRMG taskforce’s mission was to update a previous
“The [1992 COSO] framework quickly became the guide published by the ACFE, Institute of Internal Auditors
best-practice roadmap for designing, implementing and main- (IIA) and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
taining a system of internal control,” said David Cotton, CFE, (AICPA) in 2008 — Managing the Business Risk of Fraud: A
CPA, CGFM, chairman of Cotton & Company LLP. Cotton Practical Guide (MBRF) — and make it consistent with the
leads the taskforce of anti-fraud experts that came together last 2013 COSO framework.
year to produce the FRMG.
According to Cotton, the new FRMG is similar to MBRF
According to Cotton, the focus of the 1992 COSO frame- but with slightly modified principles. Organizations can use
work was to establish a system to prevent errors or misstate- the FRMG just to comply with COSO Principle No. 8, or
ments within organizations. But it did not explicitly focus on to develop and implement a more comprehensive fraud risk
fraud. In 2013, COSO updated its framework to include 17 management program.
principles in addition to the already established five internal
“Principle No. 8 should cause all organizations to pause
control components. So, with the issuance of this framework
and reconsider the adequacy of their controls by asking a sim-
update, many users were taken by surprise when it included an
ple question with respect to every control: ‘Is this control ade-
explicit fraud-related principle, Principle No. 8:
quate if someone tries to intentionally override or circumvent
The organization considers the potential for fraud in assessing it?’ ” Cotton said.
risks to the achievement of objectives.
To assist with compliance, the taskforce also modified the
After focusing primarily on unintentional errors and mis- principles from the MBRF process. Cotton said that organiza-
statements for more than 20 years, COSO users were now tions committed to protecting assets from fraud should carry
being told to also focus on intentional misstatements and the out these processes:

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Fraud Risk Management
3. Select, develop and deploy preventive and detective
trol En t
Con fraud control activities.
Establish a Fraud Risk
s Management Policy as
Part of Organizational
This principle focuses on both prevention and detection


of fraud with respect to each fraud risk exposure identi-


the Fraud Risk
fied by the fraud risk assessment team. “Fraud prevention
Monitoring A

Perform a

Management 1 Comprehensive
Process, Report Fraud Risk control procedures are designed to stop a fraud before it

Results and Improve Assessment
the Process 5Fraud Risk 2 happens,” Cotton said. “Fraud detection control activities
are designed to identify any frauds that happen as soon as
Establish a
4 3 possible after they happen.”
Select, Develop
Fraud Reporting Pro-
and Deploy Preven-

cess and Coordinated

tive and Detective 4. Establish a fraud-reporting process and coordinated

Approach to

Fraud Control

Investigation and
approach to investigation and corrective action.

n Activities iv t

a Corrective Action
nd Ac
Co tr ol
mm Con “You need to anticipate what can happen if a fraud
u nic
a ti o n
perpetrator succeeds despite your fraud risk management
The new Fraud Risk Management Guide focuses on five modified
efforts,” Cotton said. “A common mistake many organi-
principles for organizations to develop and implement a compre- zations make is waiting until they are victimized to decide
hensive fraud risk management program.
what to do.” Cotton recommends having a well-thought-
1. Establish a fraud risk management policy as part of out plan that’s ready to be implemented immediately when
organizational governance. chaos strikes, which will provide your organization with
a better chance to avoid making emotional — and often
“When an organization falls victim to fraud, board
unwise — decisions after it discovers a fraud.
members almost always absorb much or most of the blame,”
Cotton said. “The commitment to implement the fraud 5. Monitor the fraud risk management process, report
risk management process needs to come from the highest results and improve the process.
organizational level — ideally the governing board.” As you make these changes and implement processes to
The fraud risk governance policy: manage your organization’s fraud risk, know that you must
continually monitor everything. Organizations are dynam-
• Establishes and documents the commitment to
ic and will change. “Consequently, implementing a fraud
managing fraud risk.
risk management program is not a one-and-done exercise,”
• Summarizes fraud control strategies. Cotton said. “Any organizational or operational changes
• Outlines the fraud risk management program. that happen trigger the need to reassess your fraud risk.”
• Defines procedures for reporting fraud. FRMG website to supply practical tools
• Establishes employment conditions. “The COSO framework for internal control has be-
• Defines conflict of interest policies. come the globally recognized best practice,” Cotton said.
• Establishes procedures for fraud investigation. “And internal control is the most important aspect of fraud
prevention.” The FRMG website on ACFE.com will help
• Sets forth an internal audit strategy.
your organization take internal controls to the next level by
• Explains the review, monitoring and feedback process. providing documentation templates, interactive scorecards
2. Perform a comprehensive fraud risk assessment. to use in assessing your FRMG program and a library of
anti-fraud data analytics tests.
“This is the most important fraud risk management step,
because it establishes the baseline for succeeding steps,” Cotton and the taskforce recommend that organizations
Cotton said. He recommends assembling a fraud risk man- embrace the entire Fraud Risk Management Guide and use
agement team that consists of employees from throughout it to instill an entity-wide focus on fraud risk management
the organization, he said. This team will brainstorm with — not just on assessing fraud risk. 
the goal of identifying all possible ways fraud could happen
within or against the organization.

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Investigative Journalist Discovers Passion
Playing “Gumshoe”

Natalie St. John’s career has morphed from teaching and free- more difficult to address in any
lance reporting to an unconventional field within fraud detection meaningful way. For example,
— investigative journalism. Since becoming an ACFE member in a local woman who systemat-
2015, St. John has discovered a passion for playing “gumshoe” ically misappropriated funds
(detective) and is preparing to take the CFE Exam. Her desire for through a fake receipt scheme
justice and truth has led her on adventures like researching pup- at her city job was ultimately
py mills and investigating landslides. When faced with the diffi- only charged with a couple of
cult task of investigating stories, St. John has become strategic. counts because the county
“I make it my business to know what records exist, who keeps justice system simply couldn’t
them, how to write smart requests and where to find elusive in- afford to investigate or try her
formation,” St. John said. “Surprisingly often, the truth is buried Natalie St. John
for all of her alleged crimes.
in an old dusty box that no one else wanted to deal with.” Investigative and Visual
Journalist, EO Media Group
Another example is that the
What does your role as an investigative journalist entail?
state only requires nonprofits to
give detailed financial reports if they earn more than a certain
Finding potential stories involves intuition, vigilance and tips amount. Smaller nonprofits operate on an honor system, virtually
from trusted sources. In the planning phase, I give a lot of without oversight. It may not be a big deal to the state of Wash-
thought to ethical and practical considerations. I ask subject area
ington if a so-called charity can’t account for $4,000. But if it was
experts what they know, try to develop a working theory and
a low-income grandma’s hard-earned savings that got lost, you
come up with a strategy for testing it.
can bet it’s a very big deal to her.

The investigative phase is fascinating, rewarding and often

Being from an unconventional field within fraud prevention,
extremely difficult. The truth is often buried in mind-numbing
what do you hope to personally pass on to the next genera-
datasets or hard-to-find documents, and I usually need to inter-
tion of fraud fighters?
view people who don’t want to talk to me.

I have huge respect for investigators in law enforcement and

I love it when my projects require creative problem-solving and
legal arenas, but I often see how they limit their own investiga-
old-fashioned detective work. A story about puppy mills involved
using a reverse directory to cross- tive potential by getting locked into the techniques and mental-
reference online puppy ads with ities unique to their professions. As a reporter, I don’t have any
county inspection reports, then legal authority, assistants, budget or access to high-powered
staking out suspected breeding databases. I’ve learned to be resourceful and to cultivate good
facilities from adjacent properties. working relationships with experts. I’d encourage anyone who’s
I also recently found myself hitting a wall to try some unconventional or creative strategies.
digging through a landslide in Ask yourself, “How would I approach this if I had none of the
search of pieces of trash that I usual tools of my trade?”
could use to determine whether
illegal dumping played a role in What activities or hobbies do you like to do outside of work?
the slide.
I am a proud volunteer EMT and wildland firefighter with my lo-
What are the most challenging aspects of being involved with cal fire department. It’s challenging, fun and occasionally scary
investigative journalism? while providing me a wonderful way to see my community from
an entirely different perspective. I also have a special place
I live in an economically challenged rural area, so fraud — in all in my heart for unsolved disappearances and homicides, so I
its myriad forms — is rife. However, much of it falls below the spend some of my own time researching local cold cases. 
threshold for scrutiny by state agencies or prosecution under the
law. Smaller-scale frauds are often more difficult to detect and

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ACFE Member Benefits
The anti-fraud profession is constantly changing. How will you keep
up? ACFE membership provides you with the knowledge and tools to help
you detect and deter fraud.

Exclusive membership benefits include:

• Knowledge and tools — Gain access to timely and practical information
including Fraud MagazineTM, monthly member newsletters, free quarterly
webinars, videos, tools and resources to support your anti-fraud efforts.

• Networking opportunities — Become a part of the world’s largest net- “I wish I knew in the early part
work of anti-fraud professionals and connect through online communities,
LinkedIn groups, local chapters, and ACFE seminars and conferences. of my career that there was
• Professional Development — Sharpen your skills and stay competitive
a formal organization of fraud
with world-class online and face-to-face training opportunities. warriors.”
• Member savings — Last year ACFE Members saved more than $3 million — Dante Fuentes, CFE, CPA
on the best anti-fraud training available including the CFE Exam Prep Chief Compliance Officer
Course® and ACFE Global Fraud Conference.

• Career Support — Advance your career using our members-only job

board and our online Career Center, and attending free career webinars.

• Earn your Certified Fraud Examiner credential — Joining the ACFE is the
first step to earning the prestigious Certified Fraud Examiner credential and
positioning yourself as an anti-fraud expert.

Not an ACFE Member? Don’t miss out on these exclusive member benefits.
Visit ACFE.com/Join and join today.

6 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/Membership CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

How to Become a CFE
Join an elite group of anti-fraud professionals by earning your CFE credential.

1. Join the ACFE. You must be a member to take the CFE Exam and earn your CFE credential.

2. Prepare for the Exam. Choose one of the following methods to prepare for the CFE Exam: Did you know?
• Study with the self-paced CFE Exam Prep Course. Including study questions and practice exams,
this course will help you prepare to pass the CFE Exam. See pages 10-11 to learn more. CFEs earn on average 23%
more than their non-certi-
• Do you prefer a classroom environment? Attend the CFE Exam Review Course, a 4-day, instructor-led fied peers.
course that will help you master the concepts tested on the CFE Exam. See pages 8–9 to learn more.

• Study on your own using the 2,000-page Fraud Examiners Manual. This comprehensive guide More than 75% of the
explores the four areas covered by the CFE Exam. See page 48 to learn more. Fortune 500 employ CFEs.

Fraud losses were 55%

3. Apply for the CFE Exam. A complete CFE Exam application with supporting documentation lower and durations were
is required to take the CFE Exam. 50% shorter in organiza-
tions that had CFEs on staff.
4. Pass the CFE Exam. The CFE Exam tests your knowledge and expertise in the four primary
areas of fraud examination: financial transactions and fraud schemes; law; investigation; and
fraud prevention and deterrence.

Upon passing the CFE Exam, your application will be reviewed by the Certification Committee.
After your application is approved, you will be a CFE.

Visit ACFE.com/Join and take the first step to earning your CFE credential.

“I found the Prep Course to be “This was the best training course I have attended;
user-friendly, and when used the speakers were knowledgeable, the materials
with the Fraud Examiners relevant and I will be able to incorporate the learn-
Manual, helped to not just de- ings into my day-to-day job responsibilities.”
termine the correct answer, but — Diane DeLoria, CFE
Health Care Compliance Officer
be able to understand the what & Director of Investigations
and the why behind the cor- Johnson & Johnson
rect answer. I would definitely
recommend this course.”
— Kimberly Bartuska, CFE

ACFE.com/CFE CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 7
CFE Exam Review Course
If you are pursuing the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential, the
CFE Exam Review Course will help you master the concepts found on
the CFE Exam: financial transactions and fraud schemes; law; investi-
gation; and fraud prevention and deterrence. The 4-day, instructor-led
course provides the essentials needed to prepare for the CFE Exam and
become a Certified Fraud Examiner. This course, together with the CFE
Exam Prep Course software (pg. 10), will provide you with an unbeat-
able combination for passing the exam.

Heightened fraud awareness combined with new laws and regulations CPE Credit
have increased the already growing demand in the workforce for pro- 30
fessionals who are highly skilled at fighting fraud. The CFE credential is
Course Level
the premier certification for anti-fraud professionals around the world. Basic
CFEs are specialists in the deterrence, detection and investigation of
fraud, and possess a broad range of skills that uniquely qualifies them Prerequisites
This course is designed to review material
to effectively combat fraud.
required to pass the CFE Exam and as-
sumes a basic knowledge of fraud exam-
ination principles. If you are unfamiliar
Benefits of Attending Who Should Attend with the basic tenets of fraud examina-
tion, we recommend taking the Principles
• Structured Learning Environment — • Anyone who prefers learning in an
of Fraud Examination course (pg. 19) in
Learn how to prepare for the CFE instructor-led, classroom environment
• Individuals who favor table discus-
• Fast Track — Participate in an sions with peers and experienced
intense, 4-day preparation period instructors

• Instructor-Led — Receive guidance • Those who need extra encourage-

from experienced instructors ment to take the CFE Exam

• Interactive Sessions — Participate

in open discussions on a variety of What’s Included
topics in fraud prevention
• The CFE Exam Prep Course — a
• Team Environment — Meet others $945 value!
preparing for the CFE Exam and CFE
instructors who will help you orga- • Printed course materials that outline
nize study sessions to review mate- the topics covered in the exam and
rials, and provide you with tips and aid in preparation
processes designed for the working
professional’s busy schedule • Essential knowledge from experi-
enced instructors to help you pass
• On-Site Testing — Take the CFE the CFE Exam
Exam on-site while the material is
still fresh in your mind. Go home • Exam fee
knowing you’ve passed your CFE

See page 9.
*Event price includes 2016 CFE Exam Prep Course. Participants who currently own an older version of the CFE Exam Prep Course
can register for a discounted rate and get a free upgrade to the 2016 CFE Exam Prep Course.

8 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/ExamReview CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Upcoming Dates

U.S. Locations International Locations

Washington, D.C. | September 26-29 Arusha, Tanzania | October 10-14
New York, NY | October 17-20 Sydney, Australia | October 25-28
Austin, TX | November 7-10 Nicosia, Cyprus | October 22-25
Dubai, UAE | November 13-17
Paris, France | November 14-18
Lagos, Nigeria | November 17-20
Doha, Qatar | November 27-December 1
Casablanca, Morocco | December 5-9
Athens, Greece | February 16-19, 2017
Denotes Authorised Traininer

Register early for an upcoming

“This is a high-impact, must-take course for those
course to save $100†!
individuals preparing for the CFE Exam.”
— John Heidebrecht, CFE, ASA, MAFF
Berning & Heidebrecht, Ltd.

Take the Exam at the Event

Take the exam on-site and earn your CFE credential within days.
Visit ACFE.com/ExamReview for more information.

ACFE.com/ExamReview CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 9
Efficient Use of Your
Study Time 2016 CFE Exam
The CFE Exam Prep Course streamlines
CFE Exam preparation. Use your time
more efficiently by focusing on the areas
Prep Course
you need to study the most. Designed with the busy anti-fraud
professional in mind, the CFE Exam
• Create a personalized study plan Prep Course® gives you the flexibil-
tailored to your individual strengths
ity you need to prepare for the CFE
and weaknesses with an optional
100-question Pre-Assessment. Exam on your schedule. Includ-
ing study questions and practice
• Pick the sections and topics most
exams, the CFE Exam Prep Course
relevant to your exam
preparation by creating custom will help you prepare to pass the
review sessions. rigorous CFE Exam.

• Learn more from your practice

exam sessions by reviewing the Highlights of the Prep Course:
questions you missed, analyzing • Review important concepts of the CFE Exam with 1,500 study questions
your results by subsection and
tracking your progress over time. • Simulate the CFE Exam environment with timed practice exams

• Read more about topics on which you need additional review with the included PDF
• Focus on the areas where you edition of the Fraud Examiners Manual
need the most work with an
enhanced review of results and • Money-Back Pass Guarantee — Prepare for the CFE Exam with confidence knowing
progress by exam section, that the CFE Exam Prep Course is backed by our Money-Back Pass Guarantee
subsection and topic.
Establish yourself as an anti-fraud expert and advance your career by obtaining the CFE
credential. The CFE Exam Prep Course is the most effective tool available to prepare you
to pass the CFE Exam.
User-friendly Exam Prep
This easy-to-use course puts the most
relevant information at your fingertips. Which format should I choose?
Quickly review your Prep Course prog-
ress by subsection and topic, access
on-screen help menus and study tips, CFE Exam Prep Course Format Comparison
and stay on track to meet your target
certification date. Online Download CD-ROM
System Compatibility PC, Mac, iPad PC Only PC Only
• Review your progress with a
Installation Web-Based Installed Installed
streamlined design.
Number of Devices Multiple Two Two
• Get immediate answers to your
Progress Saved Online Locally Locally
questions with Guides to Success,
on-screen FAQs and an improved Offline Access ✗ ✓ ✓
help section. Instant Access ✓ ✓ ✗
Stay on track to earn your CFE credential Shipping Required ✗ ✗ ✓
by measuring your progress towards your
target dates for certification and using
helpful checklists within the Prep Course. Online, Download or CD-ROM:
$745 Members / $945 Non-Members
Also available: 2016 CFE Exam Prep Course, International Edition

10 | BUY NOW VISIT ACFE.com/CFEPrep CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

2016 CFE Exam The CFE Exam Prep
Course is worth
Prep Toolkit every penny. It
Acquire the tools you need to prepare for efficiently and effec-
the rigorous CFE Exam with the CFE Exam
Prep Toolkit, U.S. Edition. This toolkit con- tively prepares you
sists of four valuable study tools, including:
for the exam.”
• 2016 CFE Exam Prep Course, U.S.
Edition (CD-ROM) — This compre-
hensive tool will help you pass the CFE Nick Potocska, CFE, CPA
Exam. The CFE Exam Prep Course is a
computer self-study course that pre-
pares you for the exam while letting
you study at your own pace.

• 2016 Fraud Examiners Manual, U.S. Edition (Printed) — The anti-fraud pro-
fession’s body of knowledge is captured in the Fraud Examiners Manual, from
which the CFE Exam is derived. Use this for more in-depth study of challeng-
ing topics.
Just finished the
• 2016 CFE Exam Prep Flashcards App (Toolkit Exclusive) — Familiarize
Prep Course and
yourself with the terminology and concepts covered on the exam with an app
consisting of 900 flashcards that complement the CFE Exam Prep Course.
CFE Exam online
Android and iOS versions available.
via my iPad; it
• 2016 CFE Exam Study Guide (Toolkit Exclusive) — This study guide offers a
breakdown of the key points and foundational concepts found in the four main worked flawlessly…
sections of the exam.
great job ACFE!”

Jeffrey Kraft, CFE
$895 Members / $1345 Non-Members
Also available: 2016 CFE Exam Prep Toolkit, International Edition

The Prep Course is

well worth the in-
vestment. It crystal-
lizes the major con-
cepts of the immense
amount of data that
candidates need to
absorb, and helps
the material become
second nature.”
Andrew Levine, CFE

ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 11
ACFE Upcoming Events
For information or to register, visit ACFE.com/Training


Combo Event Savings: Register to attend two Early Registration Savings: Register and pay Group Savings: Gather a team of three or more
events being held consecutively in select cities before the Early Registration Deadline listed for individuals to register for the event that best
and receive up to $200 in savings! Combo the event (generally one month before event suits the learning needs of your group. Call the
events are designated with this icon: start date) and SAVE $95 or more off of the ACFE at (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000
regular price for the event. to determine your savings.

SEPTEMBER CPE Effective Report Writing for CPE Auditing for Internal Fraud
8 Fraud Examiners 16 November 17-18
CPE Building Your Fraud October 26 New Orleans, LA
8 Examination Practice Nashville, TN Members $695 / Non-Members $845
September 28 Members $295 / Non-Members $395
Los Angeles, CA
CPE 2016 ACFE Fraud Conference
Members $295 / Non-Members $395 CPE Bribery and Corruption 4-20 Asia-Pacific
16 October 27-28 November 20-22
Nashville, TN Singapore
CPE Using Data Analytics to
Members $695 / Non-Members $845 See page 15 for pricing.
16 Detect Fraud
September 29-30
CPE Financial Institution Fraud CPE 2016 ACFE Law Enforcement and
Los Angeles, CA
16 October 31- November 1 8 Government Anti-Fraud Summit
Members $695 / Non-Members $845
Salt Lake City, UT November 21
Members $695 / Non-Members $845 Washington, D.C.
OCTOBER Members $595 / Non-Members $745

CPE Conducting Internal Investigations

16 October 6-7 DECEMBER
Baltimore, MD
CPE Principles of Fraud Examination
Members $695 / Non-Members $845
28 December 5-8
Austin, TX
CPE Conducting Internal Investigations Members $1195 / Non-Members $1395*
16 October 17-18
Portland, OR Obtaining, Managing and
Members $695 / Non-Members $845
16 Searching Electronic Evidence
CPE Using Data Analytics to December 12-13
CPE CFE Exam Review Course 16 Detect Fraud Indianapolis, IN
30 October 17-20 November 7-8 Members $695 / Non-Members $845
New York, NY Charlotte, NC
Members $2295 / Non-Members $2295* Members $695 / Non-Members $845 CPE Fraud Prevention
8 December 12
CPE Investigating Conflicts of Interest CPE CFE Exam Review Course Las Vegas, NV
8 October 24 30 November 7-10 Members $295 / Non-Members $395
Dallas, TX Austin, TX
Members $295 / Non-Members $395 Members $2295 / Non-Members $2295* CPE Bribery and Corruption
16 December 13-14
CPE How to Testify CPE Contract and Procurement Fraud Las Vegas, NV
16 October 25-26 16 November 14-15 Members $695 / Non-Members $845
Dallas, TX Tampa, FL
Members $795 / Non-Members $945 Members $695 / Non-Members $845

*Event price includes the cost of the 2016 CFE Exam Prep Course software. Participants who own an older version of the Prep Course may register for a discounted fee. Visit ACFE.com/ExamReview for rates.
Schedule subject to change. Visit ACFE.com/Calendar for the most up-to-date Calendar of Events.

12 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Advance your career with training from
the global leader in anti-fraud education.

JANUARY 2017 MARCH 2017 CPE Auditing for Internal Fraud

16 March 27-28
CPE Protecting Against Data Breaches CPE Contract and Procurement Fraud New York, NY
16 and Cyberfraud 16 March 6-7 Members $695 / Non-Members $845
January 19-20 Denver, CO
Phoenix, AZ Members $695 / Non-Members $845 CPE Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud,
Members $695 / Non-Members $845 16 Compliance and Ethics Program
March 29-30
CPE 2017 ACFE Fraud Conference New York, NY
4-17 Middle East Members $695 / Non-Members $845
January 29-31
Dubai, UAE CPE Professional Interviewing Skills
See page 17 for pricing. 16 Miami, FL
Members $695 / Non-Members $845
CPE CFE Exam Review Course CPE Financial Statement Fraud
CPE CFE Exam Review Course 30 March 6-9 16 Sydney, Australia
30 February 13-16 Washington, D.C. Members $695 / Non-Members $845
Los Angeles, CA Members $2295 / Non-Members $2295*
Members $2295 / Non-Members $2295*
CPE 2017 ACFE Fraud Conference
4-20 Europe
March 19-21
London, U.K.
See page 18 for pricing.


CPE Understanding the Mindset of a
8 Fraudster
Atlanta, GA
Members $295 / Non-Members $395

CPE Conducting Internal Investigations

16 Atlanta, GA
Members $695 / Non-Members $845
How will you spread
CPE Using Data Analytics to Detect
fraud awareness?
16 Fraud
San Francisco, CA
Members $695 / Non-Members $845
International Fraud 
Awareness Week
November 13-19, 2016
See page 24 to learn more.

Visit FraudWeek.com to sign up as an

*Event price includes the cost of the 2016 CFE Exam Prep Course software.
Participants who own an older version of the Prep Course may register for a
discounted fee. Visit ACFE.com/ExamReview for rates. Schedule subject to
Official Supporter today.
change. Visit ACFE.com/Calendar for the most up-to-date Calendar of Events.

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 13

28th Annual ACFE Global
Fraud Conference
June 18-23, 2017 | Music City Center | Nashville, TN
From saving millions of dollars each year to mitigating reputational dam-
age to their organizations, fraud fighters like you are making an impact Venue
around the world. Join more than 3,000 leading anti-fraud professionals at Music City Center
201 5th Avenue South
Nashville’s Music City Center, June 18-23, 2017, for the 28th Annual ACFE
Nashville, TN 37203
Global Fraud Conference. Secure your spot early at FraudConference.com.
Hotel Information
• Choose from more than 80 sessions on the latest anti-fraud issues, featuring Special rates for ACFE attendees are avail-
international speakers addressing global concerns. able at the following nearby hotels. Please
• Connect with anti-fraud professionals from more than 60 countries. visit FraudConference.com for complete
• Take the next step in your career with professional development advice.
Omni Nashville
• Discover the latest anti-fraud products and services from leading vendors.
Renaissance Nashville
Sheraton Nashville Downtown
Hyatt Place Nashville
DoubleTree by Hilton Nashville
“The ACFE is the No. 1 provider of CPE for fraud fighters.
World-renowned speakers, first-class venue, exceptional CPE Credit
staff on-site assistance. Attention to detail to provide the
best experience to attendees.” Course Levels
— Debbie Cutler, CPA, CFF Basic-Advanced
President, Cutler Forensics

Are you ready to share your expertise at

the world’s largest gathering of anti-fraud
TO SAVE $200!*
professionals? The ACFE is accepting Visit FraudConference.com
presentation proposals for the 28th Annual
ACFE Global Fraud Conference through
November 1. Visit FraudConference.com
for guidelines and online submission.

Conference Fees
Registration Early Registration* Advanced Registration Standard Registration Government Pricing
Packages (by April 5, 2017) (by May 10, 2017) (after May 10, 2017)
Full Conference Package Members......................$1450 Members ����������������������� $1550 Members..................... $1650 Members.................. $1375
Pre, Main, and Post Non-Members �������������$1700 Non-Members ���������������� $1800 Non-Members ������������� $1900 Non-Members ���������� $1625
Events (June 18-23)
Main Conference Only Members......................$1050 Members. ����������������������� $1150 Members. �������������������� $1250 Members..................... $925
(June 19-21) Non-Members �������������$1300 Non-Members ���������������� $1400 Non-Members. ������������ $1500 Non-Members ���������� $1175

Group Registration — Make the ACFE Global Fraud Conference a team event and save even more. Groups of three or more
from the same organization will receive additional savings on conference packages. Visit FraudConference.com for details.

*Rates valid through December 31, 2016. Payment must be received by April 5, 2017 to receive early registration savings. Discount does not apply to government, group or other special pricing.

14 | REGISTER NOW VISIT FraudConference.com CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

2016 ACFE Fraud
Conference Asia-Pacific
November 20-22, 2016 | Singapore
What challenges do organizations in the Asia-Pacific region face in the fight
against fraud — and what can you do to combat them? Join more than 200 top Hotel Information
anti-fraud professionals in Singapore, November 20-22, and learn proven best Marina Bay Sands
Hotel Phone: +65 6688 8888
practices you can immediately incorporate into your anti-fraud program. From
Room Rate*: SGD 330 single, double
expert speakers to informative sessions on current trends, you’ll discover new Hotel Cut-Off: October 18, 2016
knowledge, skills and connections to prevent, detect and deter fraud. Also,
make plans to attend the Pre-Conference session, "Understanding the Mindset Venue Information
Sands Expo and Convention Center
of a Fraudster," taught by Dr. Annamaria Kurtovic, CFE, CA, CICA, SCCE, Principal
1 Bayfront Ave
Forensic Accountant and Fraud Investigator at Integrity Forensic Accountants & Singapore 018971
Fraud Investigators.
CPE Credit
Conference Fees 4-20

Registration Packages Early Registration† Standard Registration Course Levels

(by October 20, 2016) (after October 20, 2016) Basic-Advanced
Full Conference Package Members....................$1100 Members ���������������������� $1250
Pre-Conference and Non-Members �����������$1225 Non-Members ��������������� $1375 Prerequisites
Main Conference None
Members......................$925 Members. ���������������������� $1075
Main Conference Only Non-Members �����������$1050 Non-Members. �������������� $1200

Pre-Conference Only
N/A Members ������������������������ $295 REGISTER BY OCTOBER 20 AND
Non-Members ����������������� $395
SAVE $150!†
Group Registration — Bring a team of three or more from your organization and save an Visit FraudConference.com/AsiaPac
additional $25 on Full and Main Conference packages. For details or to register, contact
MemberServices@ACFE.com or call +1 (512) 478-9000.

Keynote Speakers

Includes 5% GST. Residents of Quebec will be charged an additional 13% HST. Registration fees paid for by credit cards will be charged the U.S. dollar
equivalent of the total fee. Differences may occur due to bank currency translation.

Clare Rewcastle Brown Manhim Yu, CFE, CAMS Cliff Lansley Brian Hay
Editor-in-Chief, Sarawak Report Partner, Fraud Investigation Director, Former Detective Superintendent,
Investigative Journalist, & Dispute Services, Emotional Intelligence Academy Queensland Police
Malaysian 1MDB Exposé EY U.K. General Manager, Security,
U.K. Hong Kong Dimension Data

Register today at FraudConference.com/AsiaPac

*Reservations subject to availability.
†Registration fees listed in USD. Payment must be received by October 20, 2016, to obtain early registration savings.

VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 15
ACFE Law Enforcement &
Government Anti-Fraud
November 21, 2016 | Washington, D.C.
Hotel Information
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Join industry experts and anti-fraud professionals in Washington, D.C., for Hotel Phone: +1 (202) 737-1234
the first-ever ACFE Law Enforcement & Government Anti-Fraud Summit, Room Rate: $109* single/double
Hotel Cut-Off: October 23, 2016
November 21. Hosted by the ACFE Law Enforcement and Government
Alliance, this event delivers the latest insights, techniques and tools to ad- CPE Credit
dress today’s biggest anti-fraud challenges specific to law enforcement and 8
government agencies.
Course Levels
Gain practical knowledge and skills you can immediately apply to your
anti-fraud program during five educational sessions led by experienced Prerequisites
practitioners. Combined with networking opportunities to help you connect
with others in your industry, this 1-day event offers an unbeatable chance to
strengthen your fight against fraud and make an impact at your organization.
SAVE $95!†
Keynote Speakers Visit ACFE.com/FraudSummit

Gregory A. Coleman Gerard Zack, CFE, CPA, Liseli Pennings, CFE

Founder & CEO, CIA, CCEP Training Director,
Coleman Worldwide Managing Director – ACFE
Advisors Global Forensics,
Early Registration† Standard Registration
(by October 21, 2016) (after October 21, 2016)
Members..................... $500 Register today$595
Members.................... at FraudConference.com/AsiaPac!
Non-Members............. $700 Non-Members.............$795

*Reservations subject to availability.

*Reservations subject to availability.
†Payment must be received by October 21, 2016 to receive early registration savings. Early registration discount may not be combined with existing discounts for
†Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.
ACFE Law Enforcement and Government Alliance members.

Register today at ACFE.com/FraudSummit

16 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/FraudSummit CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

2017 ACFE Fraud
Conference Middle East
January 29-31, 2017 | Dubai, UAE

Join nearly 500 anti-fraud professionals in Dubai for the 2017 ACFE Fraud
Hotel Information
Conference Middle East, January 29-31. With four tracks of educational Atlantis, The Palm Hotel
sessions, an optional Post-Conference workshop, inspiring keynote Dubai, UAE
speakers and invaluable networking opportunities, this conference is the Hotel Phone: +971 4 426-2000
region’s best opportunity to learn the latest techniques and tools in the
CPE Credit
fight against fraud. 4-17

Course Levels
“When budgets are tight and demand for accountability
is growing, this conference is a valuable resource and Prerequisites
event that will help professionals better understand and
mitigate fraud risks and promote fraud awareness in the
Middle East and the Gulf region.”
— Mohammed Subaie,
General Auditor of Saudi Aramco
AND SAVE $150!†
Visit FraudConference.com/MiddleEast

Conference Fees*
Registration Packages Early Registration† Standard Registration Government Rate††
(by December 29, 2016) (after December 29, 2016)
Members ����������������������� $995 Members ������������������������ $1145 Members......................$795
Main Conference Only Non-Members ������������� $1195 Non-Members ���������������� $1345 Non-Members �������������$945

Full Conference Package

Members...................... $1145 Members ������������������������ $1295 Members......................$945
Main Conference and Non-Members ������������� $1345 Non-Members ���������������� $1495 Non-Members �����������$1095
Post-Conference Only $295 $395 $250

Space is limited and last year’s event sold out. Register now to reserve
your space! FraudConference.com/MiddleEast

*Pricing is subject to change

†Payment must be received by December 29, 2016, to obtain savings.

††To qualify for the government rate, registrant must be an employee of a government department or entity. Rate is subject to approval.

Register today at FraudConference.com/MiddleEast

VISIT FraudConference.com/MiddleEast
NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 17
2017 ACFE Fraud
Conference Europe
March 19-21, 2017 | London, U.K.

The ACFE Fraud Conference Europe offers you the opportunity to exchange
Hotel Information
insights and develop cutting-edge skills in the global fight against fraud. In Park Plaza Victoria
addition to attending informative sessions offering practical techniques and Hotel Phone: +44 844 415 6750
tips, you’ll network with leaders of Europe’s anti-fraud community and earn Room Rate*: GBP 169 (inclusive of break-
fast, exclusive of VAT)
up to 20 CPE credits.
Hotel Cut-Off: February 15, 2017

Conference Fees CPE Credit

Registration Packages Early Registration† Standard Registration
(by February 17, 2017) (after February 17, 2017) Course Levels
Full Conference Package Members...................... EUR 1250 Members................ EUR 1375 Basic-Advanced
Pre-Conference and Non-Members ������������� EUR 1400 Non-Members.........EUR 1525
Main Conference

Main Conference Only

Members...................... EUR 1200
Non-Members ������������� EUR 1350
Members................ EUR 1325
Non-Members.........EUR 1475
N/A Members................. EUR 275
Pre-Conference Only Non-Members..........EUR 365 Visit FraudConference.com/Europe

Group Registration — Bring a team of three or more from your organization and save an
additional EUR 25 on Full and Main Conference packages. For details or to register, contact
MemberServices@ACFE.com or call (800) 245-3321.

“A well-organized event in every aspect. Would definitely

recommend for everyone who is in the anti-fraud profession.
Great opportunity to exchange experience, knowledge and
gain contacts.”
— Aleksandar Vidovic
CEO, Salviol D.O.O.

Register today at FraudConference.com/Europe

*Reservations subject to availability.

†Registration fees include 20% VAT. Registration fees paid for by credit cards will be charged the U.S. dollar equivalent of the total fee. Differences may occur due to bank currency translation. Payment must be
received by February 17, 2017, to receive the early registration discount.

18 | REGISTER NOW VISIT FraudConference.com/Europe CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Principles of Fraud
Build a solid foundation in fraud prevention, detection and deterrence
with Principles of Fraud Examination, the most comprehensive course
on the subject. Explore the four fundamental areas of fraud examination:
fraud prevention and deterrence, law, financial transactions and fraud Fees
schemes, and investigation. This course is taught by leading practitioners Members: $1195
Non-Members: $1395
who will provide best-practices guidance and expert insight on dealing
with the professional challenges you encounter daily. CPE Credit
For 3½ days, immerse yourself in anti-fraud training while interacting with
colleagues and peers. The course includes lectures, group discussions
Field of Study
Visit ACFE.com/POFE for more information.
and video presentations.
Course Level
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: Basic
• Interpret the causes of frauds, and • Business professionals, educators
how to prevent and deter future and students interested in the Prerequisites
frauds by detecting red flags anti-fraud field None

• Conduct all steps of a fraud exam- • Experienced fraud examiners seek- This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
ination from planning the examina- ing to complement their practical for CFEs.

tion and interviewing prospective experience with the knowledge of

witnesses to writing effective leading anti-fraud experts
• Individuals who are considering REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $200!†
• Detect fraudulent financial trans- starting a practice focused on fraud Visit ACFE.com/POFE
actions and conduct fraud risk deterrence and detection
• Anti-fraud professionals interested
• Identify occupational fraud schemes in becoming Certified Fraud
and external threats of fraud Examiners

• Examine the legal issues that affect

fraud examinations including rules
of evidence, key legal rights and
privacy issues, and testifying

Schedule “This is an amazing course and I have

already recommended it to others. The
Austin, TX | December 5-8, 2016
JW Marriott Austin speakers were great. They all had great
Hotel Phone: (888) 236-2427
Room Rate*:$239 single/double, limited gov’t rate rooms available examples/stories to help make the learning
Hotel Cut-Off Date: November 13, 2016 fun, easy to understand and relevant. I can’t
Early Registration Deadline†: November 4, 2016
wait to go to the next ACFE conference!”
— Patricia Parker, CFE, MS
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

*Reservations subject to availability.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/POFE CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 19

Auditing for Internal Fraud
Finding fraud is part of your professional responsibility as an auditor.
Auditing for Internal Fraud will help you develop and sharpen your ex-
isting skills and teach you the techniques necessary for effective fraud
detection. During this 2-day course, you will explore the challenges
that auditors traditionally face in identifying fraud and learn the funda-
mentals of auditing for fraud, with an emphasis on understanding the Fees
common schemes, detection techniques and methods of preventing Members: $695
occupational fraud. Non-Members: $845

You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: CPE Credit
• Identify the types, costs and red • Controllers and corporate
flags of common internal fraud managers Field of Study
schemes, including: Auditing
• Financial statement fraud • CPAs, CAs or equivalent
• Bribery and corruption
• Asset misappropriation
• Forensic and management Course Level
accountants Basic
• Recognize the auditor’s fraud-
• Internal and external auditors
related responsibilities in audit
engagements and avoid potential
• Certified Fraud Examiners and None
malpractice other anti-fraud professionals
• Identify and avoid the obstacles This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
for CFEs.
auditors often face in finding fraud

• Define and strengthen the traits

necessary to apply professional
skepticism REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
Visit ACFE.com/AIF
• Employ strategies to overcome
bias during audits
Register for for this event and
• Effectively assess an organization’s
Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud,
fraud risks
Compliance and Ethics Program in
• Apply data analysis techniques to New York (p. 35) and SAVE!
find fraud

• Implement mechanisms to prevent

occupational fraud

Schedule “I took away at least 25

New Orleans, LA | November 17-18, 2016
Renaissance New Orleans Arts Hotel ideas I can put into practice
Hotel Phone: (800) 468-3571 right away.”
Room Rate*: $149 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: October 26, 2016 — Mary Nicks, CPA, CGMA
Early Registration Deadline†: October 17, 2016 Explorer Pipeline CAE

New York, NY | March 27-28, 2017

Executive Conference Center
Venue Phone: (212) 903-8060
No room block established.
Early Registration Deadline†: February 27, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

20 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/AIF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Conducting Internal
A well-run internal investigation can enhance a company’s overall
well-being and can help detect the source of lost funds, identify respon-
sible parties and recover losses. It can also provide a defense to legal
charges by terminated or disgruntled employees. But perhaps most Fees
importantly, an internal investigation will signal to other employees that Members: $695
Non-Members: $845
the company will not tolerate fraud.
CPE Credit
This seminar will prepare you for every step of an internal investigation 16
into potential fraud, from receiving the initial allegation to testifying as a
witness. Learn to lead an internal investigation with accuracy and confi-
Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
dence by gaining knowledge about various topics, such as relevant legal
aspects of internal investigations, using computers in an investigation, Course Level
collecting and analyzing internal and external information, interviewing Basic
witnesses and writing reports.
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
for CFEs.
• Assess the risk of fraud within • Attorneys, legal professionals and
your organization and respond law enforcement personnel
when it is identified
• Controllers and corporate REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
• Detect and investigate fraud with managers Visit ACFE.com/CII
the use of data analytics
• Detectives and private investigators
• Collect documents and electronic
evidence needed in the course of • Governance, risk management and Register for this course and Under-
an investigation compliance officers standing the Mindset of a Fraudster in
Atlanta (pg. 39) and SAVE!
• Perform effective information- • IT professionals
gathering and admission-seeking
• Loss prevention and security
• Discern legal and regulatory
• Certified Fraud Examiners and
concerns related to internal
other anti-fraud professionals

Baltimore, MD | October 6-7, 2016
Baltimore Marriott Harbor at Camden Yards
Hotel Phone: +1 (410) 962-0202

Portland, OR | October 17-18, 2016

Hotel Monaco Portland
Hotel Phone: +1 (503) 423-3100

Atlanta, GA | February 2017

Montreal, QC | April 2017

Visit ACFE.com/CII for updated seminar information.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/CII CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 21

Fraud Prevention
Virtually every entity suffers from fraud, though management might
not know it. With fraud costing organizations an estimated 5 percent of
their annual revenues, organizations lacking proactive fraud prevention
measures are the most at risk. This 1-day, instructor-led course will show
you why traditional internal controls can be ineffective in preventing many
frauds and how to combat fraud more effectively and economically. Fees
Members: $295
Discover what you can do to protect your company from fraud. Learn Non-Members: $395
about management’s responsibilities for preventing fraud and effective
CPE Credit
internal controls to aid in this effort. This course will take you further into 8
leading techniques to manage the risk of fraud and cut its ongoing cost
for all types of entities. Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: Course Level
• Define the legal aspects of fraud • Controllers and corporate managers Basic
• Forensic and management accoun-
• Recognize the differences between tants, accounts payable and financial
fraud deterrence and fraud detection analysts None

• Identify reasons why traditional inter- • Governance, risk management and This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
for CFEs.
nal controls often fail to deter fraud compliance officers

• Implement the seven factors for • Internal and external auditors, CPAs
establishing an anti-fraud program and CAs
Register for this course in Las Vegas
and Bribery and Corruption (pg. 32)
• Find the gaps in your fraud preven- • Loss prevention and security and SAVE!
tion process professionals

• Outline the elements typically found • Business professionals, educators

in an anti-fraud policy and students interested in the
anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other

anti-fraud professionals

Las Vegas, NV | December 12, 2016
Hotel Phone: (866) 359-7757 or +1 (702) 590-7757
Room Rate*: $129 single (exclusive of daily resort fees and taxes)
Hotel Cut-Off Date: November 11, 2016

*Reservations subject to availability.

22 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/FP CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Interviewing Skills
Are people lying to you? Do you know for sure? When do actions
speak louder than words? This 2-day, interactive seminar will teach you
how to be more effective in asking direct and follow-up questions, while
evaluating both verbal and non-verbal responses, so you can detect lies Fees
and uncover the truth during interviews. Members: $695
Non-Members: $845

You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: CPE Credit
• Plan and schedule interviews • Business professionals who 16
conduct interviews
• Comply with legal issues that affect Field of Study
interviews • Attorneys, legal professionals and Communications
law enforcement personnel
• Identify different types of interview
questions for individual personality • Controllers and corporate managers Course Level
styles Basic
• Detectives and private investigators
• Detect deception and create strate-
gies to gain quality information • Governance, risk management and Prerequisites
compliance officers None
• Obtain confessions and signed
statements • Internal and external auditors, CPAs,
CAs and forensic accountants

• Loss prevention and security


• Business professionals, educators

and students interested in the
anti-fraud field

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other

anti-fraud professionals

“I enjoyed attending the Professional Interviewing Skills seminar.

The experience was insightful, interesting and suggestive of dif-
ferent perspectives and approaches on interviewing. I loved it!”
— Natalie LePage, CFE

Miami, FL | March 2017

Visit ACFE.com/PIS for updated seminar information.

ACFE.com/PIS CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 23
Sign Up Today to Support Protecting "We the
Fraud Week People" From Fraud
International Fraud Awareness Week,
The ACFE is proud to support law enforcement and
November 13-19, 2016, is an important
time for organizations and individuals government personnel around the world in their fight
to show their dedication to preventing against fraud. Whether you are responsible for safe-
fraud in their communities, and we guarding public assets or you combat fraud directly as
would love for you to be a part of it. As
part of a law enforcement agency, keep one step ahead
an awareness campaign, Fraud Week
is the perfect time to go a step further of the fraudsters with training from the ACFE.
in your role as an anti-fraud profes-
sional and begin discussions among Law Enforcement & Government
peers, coworkers, executives and stakeholders in your community
Anti-Fraud Summit
about how important fraud prevention is to society as a whole. Get the latest insights, techniques and
tools to address challenges specific to law
The first step to getting involved is for you, or your organization, enforcement and government agencies.
to sign up as a supporter at FraudWeek.com. Sharing your support Hosted by the ACFE Law Enforcement
for Fraud Week with the public establishes your organization as a and Government Alliance, this 1-day
trustworthy body within your industry. In addition to signing up, event is an unparalleled opportunity
there are many other ways you can show your dedication to fraud
to enhance your skills, earn CPE and
prevention and awareness.
expand your public-sector network.
See page 16.
Here are some ideas of ways you can help educate those around
you about the gravity and scope of fraud:
Fighting Fraud in the
• Post on social media using new badges and informative images Government
with the tag #fraudweek. When fraudsters steal from the govern-
ment, they are actually stealing from the
• Print and post free downloadable posters and infographics,
available at FraudWeek.com, in your office, community center people; we all pay the price. Learn how
or anywhere you think people would benefit from learning more COURSE to prevent and investigate fraud schemes
about fraud. that target government agencies.
• Share videos of fraudsters explaining their crimes to give insight See page 44.
into how perpetrators begin on their paths, and how they
attempt to cover their tracks.
Fraud Against Government
• Invite a CFE to talk to your employees and coworkers on how to
Health Care Programs
avoid common mistakes when fighting fraud.
Fraud against government health care
• Involve your local chamber of commerce or city council to programs endangers the health and safe-
spread tips on fraud prevention for small businesses. SELF-STUDY ty of the public at large and, in particu-
• Host a talk or seminar for your coworkers or community on lar, society’s most vulnerable individuals.
regularly staying aware of fraud prevention best practices. Learn about fraud schemes commonly
used against government programs and
• Perform a fraud check-up for your organization and present your
findings to executives, as well as create a proactive plan for the unique aspects of health care fraud
how to remedy weak spots in your current controls. examinations.
See page 46.
This year, the ACFE is happy to provide a number of new resources.
We will have new social media badges, infographics, videos and
even interactive risk assesments. Whether you use this week to
spearhead new anti-fraud initiatives within your organization, or turn
your message outward to the community as a whole, any work you
do will help to reduce and mitigate fraud risk.

International Fraud Awareness Week will be November 13-19, 2016.

Sign up today at FraudWeek.com! 

24 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Using Data Analytics to
Detect Fraud
Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud will introduce you to the basic
techniques of uncovering fraud through data analysis. Taking a
software-independent approach, this 2-day course provides numerous
data analytics tests that can be used to detect various fraud schemes. Fees
You will also discover how to examine and interpret the results of those Members: $695
Non-Members: $845
tests to identify the red flags of fraud.
CPE Credit
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: 16

• Use data analytics to detect fraud • Controllers and corporate

Field of Study
• Implement the full data analytics Auditing
process, from determining which • Forensic and management
data to acquire to spotting the accountants, accounts payable Course Level
warning signs of fraud and financial analysts Basic
• Use different tools available to • Internal and external auditors,
perform data analytics CPAs and CAs Prerequisites
• Recognize common red flags of • IT professionals
fraud that appear in the data
• Certified Fraud Examiners and
• Implement data analytics tests other anti-fraud professionals REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
that can be used to detect
numerous fraud schemes Visit ACFE.com/DA

• Analyze non-numeric data, such

as text and timelines, for signs of Register for this course in Los Angeles
fraud and Building Your Fraud Examination
Practice (pg. 33) and SAVE $100!

Los Angeles, CA | September 29-30, 2016
Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza “Data analysis techniques,
Hotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNI
applicability and fraud scheme
Charlotte, NC | November 7-8, 2016 red flags information was
Hyatt House Charlotte/Center City
Hotel Phone: +1 (704) 373-9700 extremely well laid out. Very
Room Rate*: $179 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: October 6, 2016 helpful.”
Early Registration Deadline†: October 7, 2016 — Jackie Mounts, CFE
Florida Dept. of Revenue,
San Francisco, CA | February 2017 Office of Inspector General

Visit ACFE.com/DA for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/DA CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 25

How to Testify
Establish yourself as a consummate courtroom professional. Learn how
to testify effectively on direct and cross-examination, basic courtroom proce-
dures, and most important, tricks for surviving on the witness stand.

Improve your techniques on how to offer testimony about damages and

restitution while learning to know when to draw the line between aggressive Fees
testimony and improper advocacy. Walk away with more effective report writ- Members: $795
ing skills and explore the different types of evidence and legal remedies in this Non-Members: $945
2-day, instructor-led course.
CPE Credit

You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: Field of Study
• Meet the qualifications to serve • Attorneys, legal professionals and
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
as an expert witness in a legal law enforcement personnel
proceeding Course Level
• Controllers and corporate Intermediate
• Comply with the rules governing managers
the content and procedure of
expert testimony • Criminal investigators from local, Prerequisites
state and federal agencies Understanding of basic fraud examination
• Prepare the proper subject matter techniques
for testimony concerning fraud • Detectives and private investigators
cases This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
• Internal and external auditors, for CFEs.

• Testify effectively before a judge CPAs, CAs and forensic

and jury accountants

• Loss prevention and security

• Maintain credibility during
professionals Visit ACFE.com/HTT
cross-examination by opposing
• Business managers and educators
who may be called upon to testify Register for this course and
in court Investigating Conflicts of Interest
in Dallas (pg. 27) and SAVE!
• Certified Fraud Examiners and
other anti-fraud professionals

Dallas, TX | October 25-26, 2016
Omni Dallas Hotel
Hotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNI
Room Rate*: $239 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: September 26, 2016
Early Registration Deadline†: September 23, 2016

*Reservations subject to availability.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

26 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/HTT CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Investigating Conflicts of
Conflicts of interest can present significant fraud risks for corporations,
government agencies, fiduciaries, customers and suppliers. It is also one
of the most difficult areas of fraud to investigate and obtain adequate evi-
dence. Improper investigations can create counterclaims and civil actions Fees
against organizations and fraud examiners. Members: $295
Non-Members: $395

In this class, gain an understanding of how and why conflicts arise and
CPE Credit
how to spot the warning signs of a conflict of interest. Plus leave with an 8
understanding of issues specific to these types of engagements.
Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
• Implement investigative tech- • Attorneys, legal professionals and Course Level
niques for conflict of interest law enforcement personnel Intermediate
• Controllers and corporate Prerequisites
• Conduct the flow of conflict of managers
Understanding of basic fraud examination
interest investigations
• Detectives and private investigators techniques
• Deal with witnesses and the
legal implications of these unique • Forensic and management This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
investigations accountants for CFEs.

• Prepare witness statements, docu- • Internal and external auditors

ments and electronic evidence Register for this course and How to
• Loss prevention and security Testify in Dallas (pg. 26) and SAVE!
• Obtain appropriate evidence and professionals
preserve it to build a conflict of
• Certified Fraud Examiners and
interest case
other anti-fraud professionals

Dallas, TX | October 24, 2016
Omni Dallas Hotel
Hotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNI
Room Rate*: $239 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: September 26, 2016

*Reservations subject to availability.

ACFE.com/ICI CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 27

Obtaining, Managing and

Searching Electronic Evidence
Fraud examinations are constantly evolving, and technology is often the
driving force behind these changes. In today’s data-driven environment, the
evidence obtained to investigate and eventually prosecute a fraud can come
from numerous sources — many of which are now digital. Identifying where Fees
digital evidence might be stored, and using specialized tools and techniques Members: $695
to preserve this data, will require new expertise from both the digital forensics Non-Members: $845

practitioner and the fraud examiner.

CPE Credit
This 2-day seminar will introduce you to digital forensics and discuss accepted
techniques to identify, preserve and manage digital evidence. You will learn Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
how to qualify and work with digital forensics experts to effectively narrow the
focus of large volumes of data and identify those elements that will best serve Course Level
the case. Learning how to work with these professionals and how to plan an Intermediate
investigative strategy in the digital environment will maximize your chance for
a successful fraud examination. Some familiarity with how electronic
evidence is obtained and secured

You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:

• Identify digital forensics best • Attorneys, legal professionals and REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
practices as they apply to a fraud law enforcement personnel Visit ACFE.com/EE
• Detectives and private investigators
• Obtain and secure the digital
evidence you are looking for • IT professionals

• Locate evidence in the cloud and • Internal auditors, forensic accoun-

on mobile devices tants and bank examiners

• Certified Fraud Examiners and

other anti-fraud professionals

Indianapolis, IN | December 12-13, 2016
Hyatt Regency Indianapolis
Hotel Phone: (888) 241-1442
Room Rate*: $119 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: December 5, 2016
Early Registration Deadline†: November 11, 2016

Las Vegas, NV | April 2017

Visit ACFE.com/EE for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability. Limited gov’t rate rooms available.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings..

28 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/EE CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Fraud Risk Management
With organizations losing an estimated 5 percent of their annual reve-
nues to fraud, the need for a strong anti-fraud stance and proactive, com-
prehensive approach to combating fraud is clear. Develop an effective
fraud risk management program and apply a supporting risk assessment
framework within your organization. In this 2-day seminar, you will learn
to design and implement entity-wide controls to prevent fraud, as well as Fees
support fraud risk management initiatives by establishing an anti-fraud Members: $795
culture and promoting fraud awareness throughout the organization. Non-Members: $945

CPE Credit
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
• Identify fraud risks and the factors • Bank and financial institution Field of Study
that influence them auditors Management Advisory Services

• Analyze existing risk management • Forensic and management Course Level

frameworks and how they accountants, accounts payable
pertain to managing fraud risk and financial analysts

• Develop and implement the • Governance, risk management and Prerequisites

necessary components of a compliance officers Familiarity with common fraud schemes
successful fraud risk management and risks
program • Internal and external auditors,
CPAs and CAs This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
• Identify the elements of a strong, for CFEs.
ethical corporate culture • Certified Fraud Examiners and
other anti-fraud professionals
• Promote fraud awareness to
employees at all levels of the REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
organization Visit ACFE.com/FRM

Register for this course and Effective

Report Writing for Fraud Examiners in
Houston (pg. 36) and SAVE!

Houston, TX | April 2017
“This is a course that
Visit ACFE.com/FRM for updated seminar information. should be taken no matter
what level of experience
you may have.”
— Noel L. Barreto, CFE
Bank of America

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

ACFE.com/FRM CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 29
Advanced Fraud
Examination Techniques
Acquire the case experience and know-how you need to excel in your
job. This 3-day advanced course takes place in a uniquely interactive
learning environment where you will work on two actual fraud cases
that have been modified for teaching purposes. Working through these Fees
scenarios, you will simulate many aspects of a real case — interviewing Members: $995
Non-Members: $1195
a suspect and trying to obtain a confession; compiling evidence and
building your case; offering testimony and being cross-examined. By CPE Credit
understanding how it feels to be part of a small team working a real 24
investigation, you will enhance your skills as a fraud examiner and expand
your capabilities.
Field of Study
See ACFE.com/AFET for more information.

Course Level
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: Advanced
• Plan and execute complex fraud • Experienced fraud examiners
examinations seeking to complement their prac- Prerequisites
tical experience with the knowl- A solid understanding of the legal,
• Use functional knowledge of edge of leading anti-fraud experts financial, investigative and criminological
advanced legal issues principles of fraud prevention, detection
pertaining to your investigation • Attorneys, legal professionals and and examination.
law enforcement personnel
• Strengthen your evidence-
gathering skills by determining • Controllers and corporate This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
for CFEs.
what items are relevant and how managers
they should be collected and
interpreted • Detectives and private
• Implement advanced analytical
techniques for detecting common • Forensic and management
fraud schemes accountants, accounts payable
and financial analysts
• Improve your ability to use tech-
nology and the latest computer • Governance, risk management and
software compliance officers
“The best CPE course that
• Prepare for and conduct critical • Government employees
interviews of both witnesses and
I have taken in my
• Internal and external auditors,
suspects pertinent to the case
CPAs and CAs professional career.”
• Testify under direct and cross- — Marlin Evenson
• Loss prevention and security

Austin, TX | September 2017

Visit ACFE.com/AFET for updated seminar information.

30 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/AFET CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Get the Training You Need to
Banking on Fraud
Fight Fraud in 2016
Financial institutions are directly involved in the safe
To address the growing instances of fraud pres- holding and transfer of assets which underlies the
ent in many different kinds of criminal activity, the modern global economy, a crucial role that makes
ACFE’s Law Enforcement and Government Alliance
(LEGA) is proud to host the first-ever ACFE Law
them prime targets for fraudsters. ACFE resources can
Enforcement & Government Anti-Fraud Summit, help protect your organization and its customers.
November 21, 2016. This 1-day, 5-session training
event is designed for you to sharpen the skills you
Financial Institution Fraud
use to tackle fraud every day.
Learn more about the unique fraud
LEGA is committed to bridging the gap between the financial and inves- challenges faced by financial insti-
tigative worlds for law enforcement agencies and government entities tutions at this 2-day, instructor-led
around the world. By hosting this 1-day summit, LEGA is expanding ac- SEMINAR course. Deepen your understanding of
cess to educational tools and the most up-to-date training available. relevant regulations, the latest schemes
and appropriate internal controls.
Agencies that send their team members to the ACFE Law Enforcement
See page 37.
& Government Anti-Fraud Summit will be doing so because they want to
take a visible stance against fraud. Many of the organizations planning
to attend are making a commitment to educate their staff and continue
Preventing and Detecting
the ongoing fight against fraud, which was a primary reason they joined
Financial Institution Fraud
LEGA in the first place. Departments within agencies such as the FBI,
the Department of Homeland Security and the DEA have stepped up This course explores fraud schemes
to ensure they have the most up-to-date knowledge and are equipped — including embezzlement, loan
to close more cases involving fraud. For more information on the ACFE SELF-STUDY fraud, money laundering and others —
Law Enforcement & Government Anti-Fraud Summit, see page 16 or visit faced by financial institutions. It also
recommends controls and techniques
designed to prevent and detect each
In addition to the world-class training that the ACFE and LEGA offer, all
type of scheme.
alliance agencies are eligible for discounted pricing on seminars, training
resources, and ACFE products and merchandise. Partners can post em- See page 45.
ployment ads on the ACFE Career Center Job Board at no charge and are
given complimentary booth space annually at the world’s largest anti-fraud
Financial Services Anti-Fraud
conference. With assistance in recruiting, training and networking, LEGA
Risk and Control Workbook
offers an abundant amount of benefits and resources to its members.
This book takes a practical approach
to the nuts-and-bolts of detecting and
Current LEGA members include:
BOOKS AND preventing fraud in financial services
• U.S. Department of State • South African Revenue Service organizations. Learn how fraudsters
explore and exploit your organization’s
• U.S. Department of Defense • United Nations
weaknesses, red flags of internal and
• Federal Bureau of Investigations • City of London Police external fraud, and how to conduct a
successful fraud risk assessment.
For more information on joining the LEGA and the benefits the pro- See page 49.
gram offers, please visit ACFE.com/LEGA, email LEGA@ACFE.com or
call (800) 245-3321.

Please note, when requesting membership with LEGA, there are no

applications and joining is free upon written formal recognition of the
CFE credential. If you are currently a member of LEGA, don’t forget
to take advantage of the new LEGA member portal and to request ac-
cess to the ACFE Law Enforcement and Government Alliance LinkedIn
group. Both the member portal and LinkedIn group offer access to
fraud-related stories, the ability to request help from other members
on cases and a way to keep up-to-date on all things happening with
the alliance. 

LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/LEGA CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 31

Bribery and Corruption
A dramatic increase in the number of enforcements and in the penal-
ties paid during settlements has made bribery and corruption key issues
for many global organizations. The extension of anti-corruption laws to
vendors presents an added vulnerability to companies in the U.S. How
do you ensure that both your employees and the third parties that play a
critical role for your organization are following the rules? Fees
Members: $695
Non-Members: $845
Learn how to effectively incorporate anti-bribery and corruption compli-
ance policies into your anti-fraud strategy at this 2-day ACFE seminar. CPE Credit
You will gain an understanding of how the Foreign Corrupt Practices 16
Act (FCPA), U.K. Bribery Act and other anti-corruption legislation impact
Field of Study
your organization. You will also learn how to protect against the twin
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
threats of bribery and corruption, from identifying possible violations to
managing a global investigation. Course Level
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
• Navigate the legal elements of • Attorneys, legal professionals and None
bribery and corruption law enforcement personnel
This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
• Implement policies and proce- • Controllers and corporate managers for CFEs.
dures to comply with the FCPA,
U.K. Bribery Act and other • Detectives and private investigators
anti-corruption legislation
• Forensic and management REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
• Identify common corruption accountants, accounts payable and Visit ACFE.com/BC
schemes financial analysts

• Evaluate the effectiveness of • Governance, risk management and Register for this course in Nashville
your anti-corruption compliance compliance officers and Effective Report Writing for Fraud
• Internal and external auditors, CPAs
Examiners (pg. 36) and SAVE!
• Conduct third-party due diligence and CAs
Register for this course in Las Vegas
• Respond to red flags of corruption • Business professionals, educators and Fraud Prevention (pg. 22) and
and students interested in the SAVE!
• Manage investigations across anti-fraud field
international borders
• Certified Fraud Examiners and other
anti-fraud specialists

Schedule “Very relevant, dynamic and

Nashville, TN | October 27-28, 2016 engaging course.”
Radisson Hotel Nashville Airport
Hotel Phone: (800) 333-3333 or +1 (615) 889-9090 — Agnessa Vartanova, CFE, CIA, CPA
Room Rate*: $145 single/double Internal Audit Manager
Hotel Cut-Off Date: September 27, 2016 Ball Corporation
Early Registration Deadline†: September 26, 2016

Las Vegas, NV | December 13-14, 2016

Hotel Phone: (866) 359-7757 or +1 (702) 590-7757
Room Rate*: $129 single (exclusive of daily resort fee and taxes)
Hotel Cut-Off Date: November 11, 2016
Early Registration Deadline†: November 11, 2016

Boston, MA | April 2017

Visit ACFE.com/BC for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

32 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/BC CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Building Your Fraud
Examination Practice
Demand for fraud examination services is at an all-time high. Lawyers,
consulting firms, government agencies and companies of all sizes require the
expertise of fraud examiners. A challenge for many small firms and solo practi-
tioners is connecting with these opportunities and growing their business. Fees
Members: $295
Non-Members: $395
This 1-day, instructor-led course will teach you the types of fraud examination
services in demand and provide practical advice on how to market your services CPE Credit
to those who need them most. Find your niche in the anti-fraud profession. 8

Field of Study
Business Management and Organization
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
Course Level
• Build a personal brand that will • Attorneys, legal professionals and Overview
help you attract and retain clients law enforcement personnel

• Develop your business plan • Business professionals with mid- Prerequisites

size and larger firms who plan to None
• Promote your firm through a introduce or expand their current
variety of media offering to include fraud examina-
tion services
• Network to build your client base Register for this course in Los Angeles
through referrals • Detectives and private investigators and Using Data Analytics to Detect
• Individuals who are considering Fraud (pg. 25) and SAVE!
starting a practice focused on
fraud deterrence and detection

• Internal and external auditors,

CPAs, CAs and forensic

• IT professionals

• Certified Fraud Examiners and

other anti-fraud professionals

Los Angeles, CA | September 28, 2016
Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza
Hotel Phone: (800) THE-OMNI
Room Rate*: $219 single/double

*Reservations subject to availability.

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/BYFP CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 33

Contract and
Procurement Fraud
The rise in contract management and the outsourcing of goods and
services has created an increase in procurement fraud, which can occur
at any stage of the contracting and procurement process. Appropriate
controls, fraud prevention strategies and proper tendering processes are Fees
necessary in the fight against this fraud. This 2-day course will teach you Members: $695
Non-Members: $845
the best practices for preventing, detecting and investigating contract
and procurement fraud. CPE Credit
Organizations can be defrauded through collusion among bidders,
between employers and contractors, and by sole procurement employ-
Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
ees. Consequently, you need to be aware of the vulnerabilities and risks
associated with fraud schemes that attack the purchasing, procurement Course Level
and contract functions. Acquire the knowledge, skills and techniques you Overview
need to prevent, detect and deter these devastating frauds.
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend
• Determine if a procurement • Government procurement officers
scheme violates legal statutes or REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
civil laws • Internal and external auditors, CPAs and CAs Visit ACFE.com/CPF
• Identify the red flags of bribery • Professionals and educators seeking knowl-
and corruption edge of fraud in the procurement process

• Recognize bid-rigging and • Forensic and management accountants,

market-allocation schemes accounts payable and financial analysts

• Reduce the risk of vendor fraud • Controllers and corporate managers

• Develop an investigation plan to • Governance, risk management and

respond to suspected procure- compliance officers
ment fraud
• Attorneys, legal professionals and law
enforcement personnel

• Detectives and private investigators

• Certified Fraud Examiners and other

anti-fraud professionals

Tampa, FL | November 14-15, 2016
Hilton Tampa Downtown
Hotel Phone: (800) 774-1500 or +1 (813) 204-3000
Room Rate*: $149 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: October 14, 2016
Early Registration Deadline†: October 14, 2016

Denver, CO | March 6-7, 2017

Embassy Suites Denver
Hotel Phone: 800-HILTONS
Room Rate*: $189 single
Hotel Cut-Off Date: February 3, 2017
Early Registration Deadline†: February 6, 2017

*Reservations subject to availability.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

34 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/CPF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000


Developing an Integrated
Anti-Fraud, Compliance
and Ethics Program
The tone at the top can set a precedent for an ethical corporate culture,
but a formal ethics program provides a clear framework for the organization’s Fees
expectations, policies and potential consequences. While compliance and Members: $695
Non-Members: $845
ethics are the foundation of such programs, the pervasive threat of fraud
makes it critical to also integrate fraud-focused initiatives into the program, CPE Credit
including anti-fraud and whistleblower policies. 16

Field of Study
Learn best practices for creating an effective compliance and ethics program Behavioral Ethics
that incorporates anti-fraud measures. This 2-day course will explore the
essential steps your organization needs to take in developing a program that Course Level
will effectively foster ethical behavior, promote compliance and deter fraudu-
lent activities by your employees. Prerequisites

You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
for CFEs.
• Assess an organization’s ethical • Certified Fraud Examiners and
and compliance culture other anti-fraud professionals

• Create effective anti-fraud, • Governance, risk management and REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
compliance and ethics policies compliance officers Visit ACFE.com/DACEP
• Structure the organization to • Internal auditors
reinforce a culture of ethics and
• Attorneys and legal professionals Register for this course in New York
and Auditing for Internal Fraud (pg. 20)
• Implement a whistleblower and SAVE!
reporting system

• Design and conduct effective

ethics and compliance training

• Address ethical breaches and


• Monitor the anti-fraud, compliance

and ethics programs, and remedi-
ate any identified deficiencies

New York, NY | March 29-30, 2017
Executive Conference Center
Venue Phone: (212) 903-8060
No room block established.
Early Registration Deadline†: February 27, 2017

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/DACEP CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 35

Effective Report Writing
for Fraud Examiners
Communicating your findings is an important part of the fraud exam-
ination process, whether working with a client or as part of an internal
investigation. A written report provides not only a record of the inves-
tigation’s results, but can build credibility for your work. Learn to write Fees
Members: $295
an effective report during this 1-day ACFE seminar. This instructor-led
Non-Members: $395
course will introduce you to the fundamentals of good report writing
and enable you to clearly and effectively communicate the results of CPE Credit
your investigation. 8

Field of Study
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
• Assess your audience and plan • Certified Fraud Examiners and Course Level
your report other anti-fraud professionals Overview

• Organize your report content to • Business professionals who

maximize readability conduct interviews
• Incorporate visual aids to illustrate • Attorneys, legal professionals and
key points law enforcement personnel

• Identify and address relevant legal • Controllers and corporate

Register for this course in Nashville
issues in report writing managers
with Bribery and Corruption (pg. 32),
• Write effective expert witness • Detectives and private or register in Houston with Fraud Risk
reports investigators Management (p. 29) and SAVE!
• Avoid common mistakes when • Governance, risk management and
preparing reports compliance officers

• Internal and external auditors,

CPAs, CAs and forensic

• Loss prevention and security


• Business professionals, educators

and students interested in the
anti-fraud field

Nashville, TN | October 26, 2016
Radisson Hotel Nashville Airport
Hotel Phone: (800) 333-3333 or +1 (615) 889-9090
Room Rate*: $145 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: September 27, 2016

Houston, TX | April 2017

Visit ACFE.com/RW for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability.

36 | REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/RW CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Financial Institution Fraud
Financial institutions have always been targets for criminals. But in this
age of technological advancements and increases in organized criminal
activity, financial institutions are finding it difficult to stay ahead of the
fraudsters. Add to this the significant regulations related to the industry
and it becomes clear that you must maintain constant vigilance in order
to detect and prevent fraud at banks and other financial institutions. Fees
Members: $695
This 2-day, instructor-led course addresses challenges and solutions re- Non-Members: $845
lated to fraud and financial institutions, including cyberfrauds and privacy
CPE Credit
issues. Relevant regulations, such as anti-money laundering laws and 16
practices, the Bank Secrecy Act, the USA PATRIOT Act and the Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act, are explored along with related and applicable anti-fraud Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
solutions. Learn what controls can be implemented to secure your data in
order to minimize the threat of data and identity theft. Course Level

You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend: Prerequisites

• Identify common fraud schemes • Attorneys, legal professionals and None
particular to financial institutions, law enforcement personnel
including loan fraud and check
fraud • Controllers and corporate REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $95!†
• Implement Anti-Money Laundering
Visit ACFE.com/FIF
(AML) and Know Your Customer • Detectives and private
(KYC) best practices investigators

• Identify the warning signs of • Governance, risk management and

insider embezzlement compliance officers

• Secure data to prevent data and • Internal auditors, forensic “This course is one of the
identity theft accountants and bank examiners
most complete seminars I
• Perform due diligence and • Certified Fraud Examiners and
prevention other anti-fraud professionals have attended! Great job.”
— Donaldo A. Laird, CFE
• Establish fraud risk assessments
and an anti-fraud framework
Certified Forensic Auditor and

Salt Lake City, UT | October 31-November 1, 2016
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
Hotel Phone: (800) HILTONS
Room Rate*: $159 single/double
Hotel Cut-Off Date: October 10, 2016
Early Registration Deadline†: September 30, 2016

*Reservations subject to availability.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

ACFE.com/FIF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 37
Protecting Against Data
Breaches and Cyberfraud
Losing data to fraud can be more costly than the loss of cash or other
assets. To ensure data security, safeguard intellectual property and pro-
tect against cyberfraud, fraud examiners must stay informed of rapidly
advancing technologies, emerging business trends and the methods Fees
employed by increasingly sophisticated information thieves. Members: $695
Non-Members: $845

This 2-day, instructor-led course will clarify these issues while guiding you CPE Credit
through the crucial strategies needed to mitigate the threat of malicious 16
data theft and minimize the risk of inadvertent data loss. You will also
learn useful steps for the creation of data security policies and related
Course Level
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
internal controls.
Course Level
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
• Describe the ways data can be • Governance, risk management and Prerequisites
stolen by employees and informa- compliance officers None
tion thieves
• Corporate managers
• Enact data security measures and
be prepared in the event of a data • IT professionals
• Loss prevention and security
• Contend with data theft maneu- professionals
vers such as social engineering,
• Government employees
hacking and espionage
• Internal and external auditors,
• Identify various sources of data
CPAs and CAs
loss, both internal and external
• Business professionals, educators
• Recognize the impacts of converg-
and students interested in the
ing trends such as cloud comput-
anti-fraud field
ing and BYOD
• Certified Fraud Examiners and
• Evaluate legal and regulatory con-
other anti-fraud professionals
cerns related to data security

Phoenix, AZ | January 19-20, 2017
Sheraton Grand Phoenix
Hotel Phone: (800) 325-3535
Room Rate*: $239 single/double
Early Registration Deadline†: December 12, 2016

Vancouver, BC | July 2017

Visit ACFE.com/PADB for updated seminar information.

*Reservations subject to availability.

Payment must be received by Early Registration Deadline to obtain savings.

38 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/PADB CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000


Understanding the
Mindset of a Fraudster
Once a fraud scandal goes public, the “what, when, where and how”
become a matter of public record. But what about the “why”? Why do
these individuals lie, cheat and swindle? Understanding the path a fraud-
ster takes from employee to criminal can provide valuable insight that can Fees
help strengthen your anti-fraud initiatives and make your fraud examina- Members: $295
Non-Members: $395
tions more successful.
CPE Credit
Take a fascinating look inside the mind of a fraudster during this 1-day 8
ACFE course. Through discussions of human behavior, video interviews
with convicted fraudsters and interactive problem-solving, you will gain
Field of Study:
Specialized Knowledge and Applications
a deeper understanding of motivations and personality traits common to
many fraudsters. Course Level
You Will Learn How To: Who Should Attend:
• Recognize common characteris- • Certified Fraud Examiners and None
tics of fraud perpetrators other anti-fraud professionals
This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement
• See what societal and organiza- • Attorneys, legal professionals and for CFEs.
tional factors can lead to fraud law enforcement personnel

• Recognize red flags in employee • Detectives and private investigators

• Internal and external auditors, CPAs, Register for this course in Atlanta and
• Use behavioral knowledge to en- CAs and forensic accountants Conducting Internal Investigations
hance your fraud examination (pg. 21) and SAVE!
• Governance, risk management and
• Design anti-fraud programs to compliance officers
include behavioral characteristics
• Loss prevention and security

Atlanta, GA | February 2017

Visit ACFE.com/UMF for updated seminar information.

LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/UMF CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 39

Additional Events
These courses are part of the ACFE anti-fraud curriculum. They are not currently on the schedule, but will be offered
again in the future. Please visit ACFE.com/Training for updated information on scheduled courses.

Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation

Learn how to stay a step ahead of the most common form of employee fraud with the ACFE's 2-day
seminar, Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation. This training course will help you assess
your organization’s risk of asset misappropriation and will provide best practices for deterring and
identifying the costly theft or misuse of company resources.

Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits

The potential for fraud is not solely an internal threat; the businesses that provide an organization
with goods and services can engage in fraudulent behavior as well. The ACFE Detecting Fraud
Through Vendor Audits seminar is a 1-day course designed to explain how to develop a solid founda-
tion for vendor audits; how to identify which vendors to target; how to prepare for a vendor audit;
CPE CREDIT: 8 how to identify, gather, and audit relevant vendor documentation; and what common vendor fraud
schemes to look for.

Financial Statement Fraud

The complexity of financial statement fraud has received considerable attention over the past few
years and will continue to cause concern. This course is designed for those who regularly review
and evaluate financial statements. This 2-day, instructor-led course also discusses the fraud-related
responsibilities of financial professionals and provides you with practical techniques to detect finan-
CPE CREDIT: 16 cial statement manipulation. 

Investigating on the Internet

With a better understanding of the information available online, you can increase the efficiency and
success of your fraud examinations. In this seminar, you will learn how to locate evidence online
using search engines, commercial databases and social-networking sites. This seminar will also
discuss methods for researching foreign corporate records and various techniques for optimizing
CPE CREDIT: 16 online searches, including advanced search functions and alternative search engines with unique
COURSE LEVEL: OVERVIEW features that might improve search quality. 

Money Laundering Schemes

Money laundering is a common element in many fraud, corruption and terrorist-financing cases and
has an economic impact on most businesses and government entities. As technology’s accessi-
bility and ease of use increases, so does the number of ways a fraudster can conceal his ill-gotten
gains. This ACFE money laundering seminar will teach you how to recognize both traditional and
CPE CREDIT: 16 emerging methods of laundering assets, including new payment technologies. You will also learn
the tools and techniques you need to conduct a successful money laundering investigation.

40 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

ACFE Faculty
ACFE faculty members are leading experts in various aspects of de-
tecting, preventing and deterring fraud. They combine years of practical,
professional experience with exceptional speaking and presentation skills.
Although they come from diverse backgrounds, they all share a common
commitment to giving you knowledge, strategies and techniques you can
begin applying immediately to become more effective at fighting fraud. For detailed bios of ACFE faculty, visit
ACFE.com/Faculty. Course leaders
subject to change. Visit ACFE.com/Faculty
for updated information.
Jenny Brawley, CFE Hugo A. Holland, Jr., J.D.,
Mortgage Fraud Investigations CFE
Associate Director, Prosecutor,
Freddie Mac State of Louisiana
James D. Ratley, CFE
Allen F. Brown, CFE, CPA Ryan C. Hubbs, CFE, CIA, President,
Former Assistant Legislative CCEP, PHR, CCSA ACFE
Auditor Sr. Manager,
Fraud Investigation & Dispute
Services, Chris Rosetti, CFE, CPA
Rebecca S. Busch, RN, CFE EY Chief Operating Officer,
CEO and President, NYSNA Pension Plan &
Medical Business Associates, Andrew H. Kautz, CFE Benefits Fund
Inc. Manager,
Special Investigations Unit, Alton Sizemore Jr., CFE, CPA
J. Aaron Christopher, Ph.D., Great-West Life Assurance President,
CFE, CPA Company Alton Sizemore and
Vice President for Associates
Administration and Finance, Bethmara Kessler, CFE, CISA
Northeastern State University Chief Audit Executive Ralph Q. Summerford, CFE,
Campbell Soup Company CPA/ABV, CIRA
Tiffany Couch, CFE, CPA, CFF President,
Principal, Forensic Strategic Solutions,
Acuity Forensics Walter W. Manning, CFE Inc.
Investigations MD E. Michael Thomas, CFE,
Bruce Dorris, J.D., CFE, CPA, CBA, CIA, CPA
CVA Partner,
Vice President and Program Tamara May, CFE, CPC-P, Crowe Horwath, LLP
Director, PMP
ACFE President, Jonathan E. Turner, CFE, CII
T.R. Turner & Associates Inc. Senior Director,
Eric Feldman, CFE, CIG Corporate Compliance,
Managing Director for Sherman McGrew, J.D., CFE Wright Medical Technology
Corporate Ethics and Program Analyst,
Compliance Programs, U.S. TSA Gerard M. Zack, CFE,
Affiliated Monitors, Inc. CPA, CIA, ACFE Fellow
Managing Director – Global
John Gill, J.D., CFE Janet McHard, CFE, CPA, CFF Forensics,
Vice President – Education, President, BDO Consulting
ACFE McHard Accounting
Consulting, LLC

Cynthia Hetherington, CFE Don Rabon, CFE

President, President,
Hetherington Group Successful Interviewing

ACFE.com/Faculty CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 41
ACFE Webinars
ACFE Webinars help you stay on the leading edge of the fight against
fraud by providing training and professional development on relevant,
timely topics.

Earn CPE wherever you have internet access, without worrying about travel
or shipping hassles. ACFE Webinars are focused on providing you with For the most current information on
actionable insights you can begin using in your work immediately. upcoming live CPE webinars, plus a wide
selection of archived webinars, please visit

Ghostbusters: Fighting Fictitious Employee Schemes

CPE Credit: 2
Businesses are no place for ghost stories, especially if they are told in payroll reports. Fictitious or ghost employee
schemes can cause significant losses that might go undetected for months or years. These losses not only include
financial losses, but also losses to morale and employee engagement after the full extent of an insider threat has
MAY 2016 been exposed. This webinar will follow a case study involving a $146,000 loss to a small college and the investigation
that led to the fraudster’s sentencing on federal wire fraud charges.

Ethics and Compliance Through the Eyes of an Independent Monitor

CPE Credit: 2
This course explores the role of an independent monitor and prepares your company for an assessment of your
internal operations. The course examines what independent monitors look for, how they do their work and the
proactive steps you can take to demonstrate improvements to ethical culture.

Ethics in an Unethical World

CPE Credit: 2
Today we live in a sea of ethical challenges, but is that any different from the ways of the past? In this course, you
will learn about the challenges all of us face on a day-to-day basis and the personal impacts of each decision we
make. Examine instances where failures in ethical leadership have ruined the businesses and lives of many while
JANUARY 2013 only a few got rich. Also take a look into the drivers of unethical behavior and how we as a society reward, not pun-
ish, that behavior. Lastly, you will discuss strategies for raising ethical awareness to be agent of change.

Health Care Reform – A Potential Playground for Fraud

CPE Credit: 2
The government is becoming more aggressive with its fight against fraud and that can truly be seen with some of
the changes that are resulting from the implementation of Health Care Reform. Many of the forthcoming changes
will also add to the pool of risk associated with the new Health Care Reform mandate (I.e. annual lifetime limits
SEPTEMBER 2011 on essential plans). This presentation will cover in detail some of the most popular mandates such as: coverage
for over-aged dependents, grandfathered plans, rescissions and cancellations of coverage, pre-existing changes
for dependents, preventative services, emergency services (in and out of network), medical expense ratio and the
removal of lifetime limits.

= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.

42 | LEARN MORE VISIT ACFE.com/Webinars CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

ACFE On-Site Training
ACFE On-Site Training is a cost-effective way to meet the professional
development needs of your staff. Instead of booking flights, hotels and
rental cars, have one or more of our industry-leading faculty members
come to your location, at a time that’s convenient for you and your team.
The instructor(s) will bring years of experience on the front lines of the fight
against fraud and the ACFE course materials that have helped make the Learn More
CFE the “gold standard” in the anti-fraud profession. For more information about how ACFE
On-Site Training can provide a convenient,
cost-effective way to make your team
Benefits of On-Site Training more skilled at fighting fraud, contact us
• Productive — Increase your team’s ability to detect and prevent fraud with knowledge
and solutions that can be applied immediately. ACFE On-Site Training uses the ACFE ACFE.com/OnsiteTraining
course materials that have helped the ACFE become the world’s leading provider of
anti-fraud education.
Toll-Free: (800) 245-3321
• Convenient — On-Site Training is conducted at a time that works with your team’s Phone: +1 (512) 478-9000
schedule. And since it takes place at your location, you save travel time.

• Cost-Effective — Hosting an ACFE On-Site Training session costs less than sending a
group of people to an off-site training event.

• Dynamic — During the course, your team will experience an interactive learning environment where their specific concerns
and questions will be addressed in a positive atmosphere. And there are no distractions from questions that have no rele-
vance for your business — all discussions are focused on your specific needs and concerns.

• Motivating — The shared learning experience provides a valuable opportunity for team building and increasing staff motiva-
tion and morale.

• NASBA Compliant — ACFE On-Site Training Courses are NASBA compliant to meet the continuing professional education
needs of your staff.

ACFE On-Site Training Topics

Choose topics from the ACFE’s comprehensive anti-fraud curriculum that most directly address the training needs of your staff. Our
Core courses provide a solid foundation in fraud prevention, detection and deterrence, and are recommended for all anti-fraud pro-
fessionals. Advanced and Specialized courses provide more in-depth knowledge to help develop expertise in focused areas. We will
be happy to help you determine, based on the experience of your team and your specific training needs, the best training options.

Fraud Examination Core Courses CFE Exam Review Course

Do you have a group of people who need the fraud-fighting
• Auditing for Internal Fraud
knowledge and skills represented by the CFE credential? The
• Conducting Internal Investigations CFE Exam Review Course can help your team master the con-
• Fraud Prevention cepts tested on the CFE Exam.

• Fraud Risk Management

The CFE Exam Review Course is available as an On-Site Train-
• Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud ing Course. Your team will benefit from the comprehensive
review and instructor-led discussions, as well as added motiva-
Fraud Examination Advanced and Specialized Courses tion from attending class with colleagues.

• Bribery and Corruption

• Contract and Procurement Fraud

• Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation EXAMINER

• Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits

• Financial Statement Fraud

• Uncovering Fraud with Financial and Ratio Analysis

ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 43
Fighting Fraud in the Government
Government entities fall victim to every conceivable kind of scheme, and everyone
pays, directly or indirectly. This course focuses on strategies to prevent, detect and
investigate government fraud schemes.

You Will Learn How To:

• Recognize the different ways government employees steal or misuse their

employer’s cash and non-cash assets

• Devise measures to prevent and detect the different types of government

fraud schemes
Self-Study CPE

• Evaluate the stages of a government fraud examination from planning to


• Identify the elements of conspiracy schemes designed to defraud the


CPE Credit: 20 • Assess why sensitive information maintained by government entities must be
Course Level: Overview protected, how it can be compromised and the appropriate controls needed
Prerequisite: None to protect such information
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge • Recognize the various types of frauds that target and challenge the integrity
and Applications of government programs including social, subsidy, grant and student financial
aid programs

PDF/Workbook Self-Study Course: • Differentiate the benefits and barriers to using data analytics to prevent and
detect government fraud
$159 Members / $179 Non-Members
• Identify the appropriate data analysis tools and techniques to use when
targeting specific types of government fraud
Also of Interest

Fraud Against
Government Health
Care Programs
See page 46

ONLINE SELF STUDY I definitely recommend this course because I

learned many interesting things about fraud in
the government in the comfort of my home.”
Government Fraud
See page 46 — Beth A. Van Cleve, CFE
Fraud Analyst


= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement

for CFEs.

44 | ORDER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/SelfStudy CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

CPE Credit: 16 CPE Credit: 4

Conducting Internal Investigations: Data Analysis Techniques for

Gathering Evidence and Protecting Fraud Examiners
Your Company Course Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

Course Level: Intermediate This course explores the basics of using data analysis to uncover
Prerequisite: Understanding of basic fraud examination techniques fraud. You will work through several interactive examples to illus-
trate simple analysis techniques. With these examples, you will
This self-study CPE course presents a complete guide to setting
learn how to perform a variety of tests and interpret the results to
and achieving investigation goals, gathering evidence, interview-
identify common red flags of fraud.
ing witnesses, preparing reports and discharging employees who
commit fraud. Learn how to avoid the legal landmines that make $119 Members / $159 Non-Members
internal investigations so hazardous.
You Will Learn How To:
• Identify documentary and electronic evidence
• Recognize an employee’s legal rights in an investigation
CPE Credit: 4
• Describe an effective approach to conducting a successful
admission-seeking interview
• Determine the best practices to use while composing the
investigation report
• Ascertain effective methods to organize and plan your
Preventing and Detecting
• Describe fraud examination methodology
Financial Institution Fraud
Course Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None
$139 Members / $159 Non-Members
This course explores fraud schemes against financial institutions,
and recommends controls and techniques designed to prevent and
detect each type of scheme. The specific schemes include embez-
zlement and internal fraud, customer schemes, loan fraud, fraud by
third parties, money laundering and institutional schemes.
CPE Credit: 2
You Will Learn How To:

• Recognize common internal, external and money laundering

fraud schemes at depository institutions
Introduction to Fraud Schemes • Identify the legal elements of fraudulent conduct against
Course Level: Basic | Prerequisite: None financial institutions
Fraud can be devastating to a business, especially in today’s turbu- • Assess the factors involved in planning and conducting a
lent economy. Even more alarming, as financial pressures bear down financial fraud risk assessment
on individuals, their need for money and rationalization to commit
fraud grow. With this online self-study course from the ACFE, learn • Determine the relevant internal controls and policies needed
to recognize some of the most common and threatening internal and to prevent fraud committed against an institution
external fraud schemes including asset misappropriations schemes,
$119 Members / $159 Non-Members
fraud by vendors and corruption.

$59 Members / $79 Non-Members

= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.


(800) 245-3321
+1 (512) 478-9000 | 45
CPE Credit: 4 CPE Credit: 14

Fraud Against Government Investment Swindles

Health Care Programs and Con Schemes
Course Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None Course Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None

In this course, you will learn how to combat the costly This course will help you identify the red flags of investment
Self-Study CPE

health care fraud epidemic. You will examine common fraud fraud. It provides you with a general understanding of deliv-
schemes against government programs, legal initiatives ery methods and techniques associated with the major types
associated with health care fraud, data analytics techniques of investment swindles and con schemes. It also provides re-
to identify suspicious activity and the unique aspects of health sources and remedies available for the detection, deterrence,
care fraud investigations. reporting and prevention of these schemes.

$139 Members / $159 Non-Members

You Will Learn How To:

• Identify specific types of health care fraud, including bill-

ing, coding, marketing, insurer and beneficiary schemes STAFF
• Navigate the third-party payment system and key players
of government health care NEW!
CPE Credit: 4
• Associate legal violations with fraudulent acts

• Recognize ongoing changes resulting from the Patient

Protection and Affordable Care Act

• Select data analysis techniques to identify health care

fraud schemes
Interviewing Witnesses
• Determine an effective approach to conduct a health care
and Suspects
fraud examination Course Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None
Interviewing Witnesses and Suspects offers an introduction to
$119 Members / $159 Non-Members interviewing by examining the entire interview process. From
choosing an interview strategy to obtaining a signed state-
ment of confession, this course provides helpful tips to make
your next interview successful.

CPE Credit: 4 You Will Learn How To:

• Compare the different types of interview questions

• Ascertain legal considerations regarding the interview

Government Fraud • Identify common interviewing obstacles
Course Level: Overview
Prerequisite: Fundamental knowledge of audit procedures • Recognize the mechanics of an interview

This course provides an overview of the most significant types • Discern behaviors that either facilitate or inhibit
of government fraud including public corruption, false claims communication
and statements, procurement fraud, social security fraud and • Identify techniques for obtaining cooperation from
welfare fraud. The course also examines Medicare and Medic- interview subjects
aid fraud, tax fraud, counterfeit currency and grant fraud.
• Recognize strategies for admission-seeking interviews
and obtaining signed statements
$119 Members / $159 Non-Members
$119 Members / $159 Non-Members

46 | ORDER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/SelfStudy CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

ACFE Bookstore Staff
CPE Credit: 2 Pick: Interviewing
Witnesses and Suspects
The ACFE Bookstore offers hundreds of resourc-
Common Ethical Lapses by CFEs es including books and manuals, self-study CPE
courses, the CFE Exam Prep Course, merchan-
Course Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None
dise and more. In this interview, ACFE Associate
This course is designed to educate you about common circum- General Counsel Jacob Parks, J.D., CFE, offers his
stances that lead to ethical lapses in judgment and help you gain suggestion on one must-have ACFE resource to
insights regarding the potential consequences of your actions.
help you in your fight against fraud.
$59 Members / $79 Non-Members
What is your professional background and current role
at the ACFE?
I started in the ACFE Research Department almost six years ago,
where I focused on course review and development, especially
CPE Credit: 6 with our materials involving legal issues. Last year, I moved to the
role of Associate General Counsel, where I provide day-to-day legal
advice for staff and help ensure compliance with applicable laws.

Why would CFEs be interested in this product?

Detecting and Deterring Interviewing Witnesses and Suspects

Conflicts of Interest STAFF

offers a step-by-step overview of inter-
viewing witnesses and fraud suspects,
Course Level: Overview | Prerequisite: None which is beneficial both for those with
Conflicts of interest present major risks at all organizations, and little-to-no experience interviewing, as
these risks only increase with globalization. This course will teach well as seasoned veterans who would
you how to identify, combat and investigate conflicts of interest like to enhance their interview style. The
that arise in businesses and government agencies. SEE PAGE 46 course focuses on improving the types
of questions fraud examiners ask during
You Will Learn How To:
an interview, how to react to different behaviors of the subject
• Identify characteristics of conflicts of interest and obtaining the cooperation of the subject.
• Recognize common factors that hinder ethical decisions
• Recognize conflict-of-interest scenarios How is the information in this product useful for CFEs in
their professional roles?
• Identify measures used to prevent, detect and remediate I think interviewing is one of the most difficult skills to master
conflicts of interest
in fraud examination, because there are so many ways that an
• Determine the components needed to perform interview can go poorly. Unlike some errors that can be revised,
conflict-of-interest risk assessments
such as a typo in a report draft, the harm from mistakes made
• Identify challenges that often arise when addressing con- during an interview might be immediate and irreversible. One
flicts of interest across multiple cultures
improper question could violate the rights of the interview
$149 Members / $179 Non-Members subject, while another poorly worded question concerning a
sensitive topic might cause the subject to be less cooperative.

Every interview opportunity — especially with the subject of

an investigation — could be the last chance available, so it is
important to enter the interview knowing what information is
needed and the best ways to get it. This course lays out what
the procedural and psychological obstacles are to obtaining
that information, and how to maneuver around them. 

= This course fulfills the annual ethics CPE requirement for CFEs.


(800) 245-3321
+1 (512) 478-9000 | 47
2016 Fraud Examiners
Manual, U.S. Edition
The Fraud Examiners Manual is the global standard for the anti-fraud
profession. Because no other work provides such a comprehensive
guide, every fraud fighter should keep a copy in their library.

The Fraud Examiners Manual:

• Examines hundreds of fraud schemes

• Reviews legal principles involved in prosecuting fraudsters

Books and Manuals

through both the criminal and civil systems

• Provides the tools and techniques necessary to gather information and evidence when conducting a
fraud examination

• Explores why people commit fraud and what can be done to prevent it

• Contains a sample fraud examination report, fraud examination checklist, and sample engagement
and advisory letters

CD-ROM or Download: $79 Members / $159 Non-Members

Printed: $159 Members / $249 Non-Members
Printed/CD Set: $179 Members / $299 Non-Members
2016 International Edition also available.

Report Writing Manual

By the ACFE Research Team | Paperback, 162 pages

Being able to write a clear and thorough report is a key component of fraud examination and can
greatly influence your professional credibility with litigators, management, direct supervisors and
peers. The Report Writing Manual provides simple, informative explanations detailing the elements
that a fraud examination report should include and how to express the results of your investigation in
an eloquent and succinct manner.

Combining example reports, format recommendations and style tips, this manual can help writers of
any level improve their written communication skills and sharpen the quality of their work.
$39 Members / $49 Non-Members

Financial Statement Fraud Casebook: Baking the Ledgers and Cooking the Books
Edited by Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA | Hardcover, 360 pages

Financial Statement Fraud Casebook presents the collected insights of some of the most experienced
fraud examiners around the world. Handpicked and edited by Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA, the
founder and chairman of the ACFE, this collection of revealing case studies sheds new light into the
dark corners of financial statement fraud.
$59 Members / $95 Non-Members

Small Business Fraud Prevention Manual

By the ACFE Research Team | Paperback, 273 pages

Small business owners and managers cannot afford losses due to fraud yet these types of businesses
are the most common victims. The ACFE’s Small Business Fraud Prevention Manual provides informa-
tion on the most common internal and external fraud schemes committed by customers, employees
and vendors against small businesses, as well as tips on how to prevent these schemes from happen-
ing to you.
$39 Members / $59 Non-Members

48 | ORDER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Shop CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk
and Control Workbook
By Peter Goldmann, CFE | Paperback, 288 pages
An excellent primer for developing and implementing an anti-fraud program that
works, Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook engages you in
an absorbing self-paced learning experience to develop familiarity with the prac-
tical aspects of fraud detection and prevention at banks, investment firms, credit
unions, insurance companies, and other financial services providers.

Highlights Include:
• How fraudsters exploit weaknesses in financial services organizations
• How fraudsters think and operate
• The tell-tale signs of different types of internal and external fraud against financial services companies
• Detecting corruption schemes such as bribery, kickbacks, and conflicts of interest, and the many innova-
tive forms of financial records manipulation
• Conducting a successful fraud risk assessment
• Basic fraud detection tools and techniques for financial services companies, auditors, and investigators

$40 Members / $50 Non-Members


A Guide to Forensic Accounting Forensic Analytics: Methods Internal Control/Anti-Fraud

Investigation, Second Edition and Techniques for Forensic Program Design for the Small
By Steven L. Skalak, Thomas W. Golden, CFE, Accounting Investigations Business
Mona M. Clayton, CFE, Jessica S. Pill By Mark J. Nigrini, PhD By Steve Dawson, CFE
Hardcover, 648 pages Hardcover, 463 pages Hardcover, 224 pages
$155 Members / $205 Non-Members $59 Members / $95 Non-Members $60 Members / $65 Non-Members

Fraud Analysis Techniques Using Using Analytics to Detect Possible

ACL Fraud: Tools and Techniques
By David Coderre By Pamela S. Mantone, CFE, CPA
Paperback, 176 pages Hardcover, 340 pages

$169 Members / $210 Non-Members $64 Members / $95 Non-Members

The Guide to Online Due Diligence Liespotting: Proven Techniques to

Investigations Detect Deception
By Pamela Meyer, CFE
By Cynthia Hetherington, CFE
Paperback, 236 pages
Paperback, 336 pages
$11 Members / $15 Non-Members
$16 Members / $23 Non-Members


Laptop Computer Bag
This functional business bag is perfect for professionals on the go. Featuring
a checkpoint-friendly design, this versatile laptop bag folds flat on the X-ray
belt to increase your speed, convenience and security.


• Designated laptop-only zip compartment that fits up to a 17” laptop

• Unfolds to lay completely flat, offering an unobstructed view of the

laptop compartment

• Additional large zip compartment and front flap pocket with an organizer for business accessories

• Detachable adjustable shoulder strap

$89 Members / $109 Non-Members

Executive Pen Challenge Coin

The ACFE Executive Pen features
the ACFE logo laser etched into this
Since their origin in World War I,
challenge coins have been used
Writing Pad
Thin enough to throw into your
Parker IM Rollerball. Featuring intricate to unite members of organizations
briefcase and go, the ACFE Writing
grooved details and a standard black sharing a common goal. Featuring the
Pad features interior pockets for
roller ball ink cartridge, the ACFE Exec- ACFE seal and tagline, the ACFE 1.34”
documents and business cards, and
utive Pen has style that delights both die-cast Challenge Coin symbolizes
includes 8.5” x 11” writing pad.
the eye and the hand. your commitment to reduce fraud
worldwide. $79 Members / $99 Non-Members
$22 Members / $28 Non-Members
$9 Members / $19 Non-Members

ACFE Leather Gift Set

The ACFE Leather Gift Set includes a
leather messenger bag and iPad case,
both made from full-grain, pull-up cow-
hide and 18 oz. washed brown cotton
Mousepad canvas. The set is packaged in a rustic
This navy circular mousepad, 8” in tin, making it a perfect gift for you or your
diameter, features the ACFE seal and favorite fraud examiner.
compliments any office décor. Its slick
surface provides smooth and easy $169 Members / $200 Non-Members
mouse movement.

$7 Members / $10 Non-Members

50 | ORDER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Shop CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000

Earn additional CPE credit and save on training costs by attending an
ACFE combo event. These events offer two courses back-to-back in one location, allowing you the
opportunity to get the latest anti-fraud education on two topics.

Register for a combo course and save up to $200 on registration fees. Plus, register by the course’s early
registration date to save an additional $95! See individual event pages for full details.

Upcoming Combo Events:

Sept 28-30, 2016 | Los Angeles, CA February 2017 | Atlanta, GA
Building Your Fraud Examination Practice Understanding the Mindset of a Fraudster
Using Data Analytics to Detect Fraud Conducting Internal Investigations

October 24-26, 2016 | Dallas, TX March 27-30, 2017 | New York, NY

Investigating Conflicts of Interest Developing an Integrated Anti-Fraud, Compliance
How to Testify and Ethics Program
Auditing for Internal Fraud

October 26-28, 2016 | Nashville, TN April 2017 | Houston, TX

Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners Effective Report Writing for Fraud Examiners
Bribery and Corruption Fraud Risk Management

December 12-14, 2016 | Las Vegas, NV April 2017 | Chicago, IL

Fraud Prevention Detecting Fraud Through Vendor Audits
Bribery and Corruption Financial Statement Fraud

Register today at ACFE.com/Training

REGISTER NOW VISIT ACFE.com/Training CALL (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 | 51

716 West Ave • Austin, TX 78701-2727 • USA


Earn CPE Anywhere

Expand your anti-fraud knowledge with our popular online self-study CPE courses. These self-paced courses
give you the flexibility to earn CPE at any time, from anywhere you have internet access.

24/7 access to courses through your

internet browser

Quickly earn CPE credits with instant access,

online grading and printable certificate

Flexibility to start or stop a course and pick

up right where you left off






Visit ACFE.com/SelfstudyCPE to learn more.

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