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21/1/2021 Test Units 7-8 FORMA B (página 2 de 6)

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21/1/2021 Test Units 7-8 FORMA B (página 2 de 6)

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11 I like ………. jeans and a T-shirt at home. What about you?       B             

  A Wear B to wear C Wears

12 How much ………. these jackets? They are really beautiful.       B

  A Is B are C ‘re

13 My brother is in the army. He ………. wear a nice uniform every day. C

  A Has B have to C has to

14 How much are ………. scarves? I love them.                              C

  A This B that C those  

15 Do you like ………. things on line?                                              B

  A buy B to buy C bought

16 I am exhausted. I ………. go to the pool to swim and relax.        A

  A need to B need C don’t need

17 Where ………. you ………. go?   To the disco or to the movies?        C

  A do / want B are / want to C do / want to

18 How much is this?             ………. 24,99.                                    B

  A Is B It is C This

19 How much are………. sunglasses?                                             C

  A that B this C These

20 That baseball cap is $55, 99.          Oh!, ………. really expensive.   A

  A It’s B It C Are 2/3
21/1/2021 Test Units 7-8 FORMA B (página 2 de 6)


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