Hitler-Discurs 1933-Sportpalast Berlin-Transcriere Tip Imagini

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•German a’ c
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Wñ'á) o r ‘ h ® p r @ s g n c a l l i t t e
? h 'us war
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illioma of oth
Not from
the conviction that the
revolution is a crime on
the (icrman people,
which many then surely
I a m o n l y d i ff e r e n t i n
one thing, namely,
t lie* a\s a reness
Ihal one can onl\ com hat the
consequences of this crime
\vlien one »ants to learn from
the mistakes of the past, and to
create from its knowledge the
conditions for
overcoming the consequences.
And these consequences could
onl\ lead to a
state of sorrow and
m is cry*
So I then took one w a\ , m\ own
w ay
which was new. I or me in the
m i d d l e o f N o v e m b e r 1918
( ¿ c r m a i i N r e p e a t e d w h a t i t w a s 60
years a<*o. Just as before the
battle for the (German
union, the (■erinaii people were
di\ ided and t Inis
powerless, so in my opinion
the (iernuin people had to
<»o through exact l\ the same
ordeal a«»ain. Once torn
a >art still more divided,
dissolved, divided in
hostile «»roups that did not
understand each other.
What conceptions!
And so, j nsl as once out oft lie
n e c e s s i t y o f t h i s i n n e r c o n fl i c t
must conic the (¿crnian unity
in an unheard battle to secure
the prerequisites for the
(ici man life, so it »as clear to
me that from the disunity that
»its conclusively ushered in in
N o v e m b e r 1918
only one wa\ can lead to the
top: the way of the reclaiming
of a new C ic*i*mn 11 nnit\. Once
w e w e r e o ffi c i a l l y t o r n a p a r t ,
we were a divided people,
once we have torn down the
state borders, and created a
national and politicals united
Today we have
classes, statuses,
vocations, parties
to make again from
them a unified
(German People*
'Ane* t ~ à" I ‘ » a“ i

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back to the german people from out of this desolation
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And then I realized that
with this positive objective
you had to use w ar and
ti<4h( against the lowlifes of
our political life who not
only were not interested in
the objective, but, on the
contrary, hated it
for bein<* against the
inner turmoil. And so
t h e fi r s t l i n e o f b a t t l e
was necessary against
the classes, beliefs,
against the idea of class
war and class strn<*<*lc,
of class rule,
no motter wHare timone
At that time the struggle against marxism first was
raised as a goal of this fight
i then pledged to myself for the first time as
umkiFrown individual to start this war
and never to rest until this phenomenon was
driven out of german life
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And it must then he
inevitably a war
against the concept of
)eo )le and thus against
the concept of culture
which had »rown out of
the people.
A war against all the
traditions, beliefs, greatness
and Honor and freedom. It
will gradually o an a
all the Ionndations of our
community life. And thus
an attack against the
foundations of our lives.
Outwardly servilely
p a c i fi s t , i n w a r d l y
terrorist. Only in this
way can this worldview
of destruction and
eternal negation
r e a ffi r m i t s e l f .
And the consequences are just
as expected. This party iias
been ruling for 14 years. This
worldview ru es or
sometimes perhaps on a
l o w p r o fi l e , s o m e t i m e s
concealed modestly , hut in
essence still
the same spirit that you see a
thousand times everywhere,
and the results are gruesome.
I will not remember the past
and the sins of the past,
before the formation of these
15 years that lie behind us,
starting from the day in
which the munitions strike
broke out here in (.crmany
through to the (hiy \\ hen the
r e d fl a « w a s h o i s t e d , a n d t h e
revolution confounded our
people, through the time of
perpetual humiliations, the
time of this early submission,
of this early surrender of all
(.crnian necessities of life.
The time u lien everythin«» was
abandoned w hicli 40, 50 years
a«»o was laboriously acquired for
the (imnan people; our army w as
c estrovec , our would be shipped
a s s a y , o u r m e r c h a n t fl e e t s s a s
destroyed, in the time ss lien our
colonies ssere once and for all
¿»iven ¿in ;iy, » lien the (German
ccoiKMiiy lost its entire foreign
c a p i t a l , a n d t h e n fi n a l l y i n t h e
same peace treaty, the
iCTinan peop e »ere s;ic t ec
u ith obligations that »ere
crazy, outrageous because it
makes atone primarily on the
outcome ot the »in'
for ”oo(l, cli\ id inti the world in
two halves. \ ictor and
\ an<|uished, nations w i t h
justice and nations w ith
injustice, nations with
possibilities of living and
nations out of w liich
possibilities ol'liviii” were
ta ken.
Outrageous. . .
The consequences and effects
were outrageous. I lie then
(■ci'iuan people decayed more
from year to year. And not
only in sixe and in power - in
real terms - hut in honor and
reputation. There came a
moment when one only had
pride on the (iernian
In real terms but in
and reputation
There shall come a
W hen you again can proudly state you are
W hen we look upon our
arfd pO'W&r’pôliW'Gral
begcï'Jii ,thc doline ©fit he
E)iss©TuUf«n of allí tlîose great iorga®iiz'a'to®MS
oí our ;nat¡émail life and of our, national S'R&ng
The dac-Li.ne of our
allowed GOrr-wj^t-joIT1®> find. its
way i<n
The decline oof our administration
allowed corrupt-ion to find its way in
The (fcc«l<i«ne «four administration
allowed corruption' t® find its way
and abovy al'l fhe declame of ©wr national
Yes, com missioning of our political life
Dissolution ©f a Ml the fabric ©four
Victory, of the idea ©f internaţional
but again evem at odds w ithin
it>sc ;f.
A second international rises
and fights against a third and vice
and against both phenomena a world of civ ic
small groups, civic associations
Germany falls down into this bubbling
Political confusisjw of political disintegration
awd novy .above all that, financial capital
stands out as the winner 'XM
cirm'ana n cgor i a r o rs s ig'iü G d
obligations that cannot be kept
Hundreds of biilifens being ba^ndfed as if it were
merely a few thousand mar«k<s
What prey HOWS generations have created
Is now light heartedly given in pawn or abandoned
It comes and came with it the time of this most
Terrible crime against the German people
Of the eternal unrest and eternal looting of this
eternal oppression
And we have seen ourselves
in this time
the life of every German

sink slowly deeper and deeper

Our people had to suffer a high
Which robbed millions of people of their sav
Everything was instigated and achieved
and everything administered by the men of 1 9 1 8
The decav of our culture, these mounds of
contamination of our whole cultural life
The decomposition of our literature
The poisoning of our theaters
of our movie theaters, all the airt is now falling
for it
Millions of Germans do not participate any
more it does not appeal to Aem
This art that was not hor-n from our people
but is alien t« us and willl remain
That has n®thing do'äo^xvitln t>lnc (Sennajn
and did not come from our soul
It was imp«seel on «ur people fey a subversive press
•which made it pajatable
and parallel tco this
already nine assault begins aga'innst a education
th of our childrens
The Rearing out oPal'l tInc mnomor.ies of our
German past
The insult to all the great"innenn of our
the removal of its memory from the heart and
brain out of the German
vouth ✓
and with it a large defilement of the German history
Nothing of what was once great, nothing of what
helped create th.iS state and this nation
to make it stron
was spared from these corroding and corrosive
Everything is demolished starting from the symbol
of the past, from the cockades and flags to the
great men of our history
And this brings ns thus to our
sixth item, elearl\ the <»oal of
on r
stru«»«*le: the prcser\ ation of
this Volk and this soil, the
preservation of this Volk
lor the future, in the
realization that this alone can
constitute our reason for
hein<*. 11 is not for
Then they committed the crime of
and after this rampage on the part of their
minister Hilferding, a ruiffiSus usury set in.
Outrageously extortionate interest rates
O j
which should never Have been allowed
to go unpunished /ion any
are now part and parcel of the "social" Republic
and this is where the destruction of production
the destruction wreaked by these marxist theories
of economics as such.
and morecover fer t«lme madness of a taxation
which sees to the nest.
and now we witness how class up®m class collapsing
* "7

how hundreds ©f thousands are gtfad'iaally

* "7

driven to despair, are losing their

* "7

year after year tens of thousands go bankrupt,
hundreds of thousands of compulsory auctions take plac
and then the peasantry starts to beewrne impoverished
c most industrious class in tüne G-M-ÍTC
nation is driven to ruin, can no longer
and then this process spreads back to the
and the army of unemployed begins to grow
One million, two, three, four, five, six, seven million
today the number might be between seven and
I'hev destroyed what they could in 14 years of
</ ✓ V J

and no one did anything to stop them

Today, this distress can perhaps be best
illustrated by
a single comparison
One land: Thuringia.
Total revenues from its communities amount to 26
million marks
This must suffice to defray the costs of their admin,

cover the cost of maintenance of the public buldings

as well as everVttmng they spend for
and educat-ioipial purposes
this must also cover what they spend on welfare.
A total of 26 million in revenues and welfare support
alone requires45 million
That's what Germany looks like today
Under these p'a'rt-ies \v hoÿha^irÂmVd ©urr
nation for
14 years
And the only question is,
for how much longer-?
because of my con viel-
that \vc must begin with the rescue work now if we
do not want to come too late
I declared my willigness on January 30th
to'make use of t-he'mo\iemerit which has gone from
seven men to a'force of twelve million
towards saving the German nation and fatherland
Our opponents are asking
about our program. My
national comrades, I
could now pose the
question to these same
opponents: “W here was
you r
p r o » r a m ? *'*'
Did you actually
intend to have
happen what did
happen to
Germany! Was
that your program,
or didn't you want that?
W ho p r e v e n t e d
you from doin<* the
o p p o s i t e ? S u r e l y t h e y do
not intend to now suddenly
that they hear the
responsibility for fourteen
yea rs.
However, we shall
remind and reproach
them and thus make
certain that their
conscience may not
that their memory does not lade.
Wilt'll they say , "Show us the
details of y our program," then
my only
answer is this: any <»o\eminent
at any time would presumably
have been able to
have a program with a lew
concrete points. But after your
fine state <d'
a ff a i r s ,
after your dabblin'», after
your subversion, the
(■ermaii Volk must he
f r o m ( o p t o bo t t o m , j u s t a s
you destroyed it from top
to bottom! That is our
And a number of
great tasks tower
before us* The
best and thus the
fi rst item on our
program is:
We will not lie and we will not
i have therefore m m m
I have declined to come forth to the nation with
cheap promises
No one herevcan stand up against me and testify
‘that i have ever
said that Germany-^ resurrection was only
a matter of days
Again and again i
the resurrection' of the German nation
is a question of recovering the inner strength
and health of the German people
Just as i myself have now worked for 14 years tirelessley
and without ever wavering, to build this movement
and just as i have succeeded in turning seven men into a
force of twelve million in the same wav
I want and we all want to build and work on giving
new heart to our German nation
and just as this movement today has been
given the
responsability of the leadership of the German Reich
so shall \vc one day lead this German Reich back to life
and to greatness
We are determined to allow nothing to shake us in this
and so i come to tfhe^seeond item on m\r program
f do not want to promise them that this resurrection of the
german nation will come by itself
we are willing to work but^the nation must help us
It should never make the mistake of believing that life,
liberty and happiness will fall from the sky
Everything is rooted in one's own will, in one's own work.
And thirdly, we
wish to have all of
our eff orts guided
by one
one conviction:
Never believe in foreign
Never believe in help which lies outside of our
own nation
or our people
J-n%osur s e:f\Ae s*a 1 o n e , l i e s t h e f u t u r e o f t h e G e r m a n n a t i o n
■If \\ie*raise the German nation and demonstrate
That- t-hrQU-g.h^our own labour, through our
Our own
Our own defiance
roiuuoAOsa^d UAVO anQ
Gnly then w ill \ve be able to rise
Just like our forefathers
Ger.manv was not recicvcd as a °ift thcv created it
The fourth item on our
program dictates that we
rebuild our Volk not
according to theories hatched
by some alien brain, but
accordin'* to the eternal
laws valid for all time. Not
accordin'* to theories of class,
not accordin'* to
concepts of class.
The fourth item on our
program dictates that \u*
rebuild our Volk not
accord in«» to theories hatched
l)y some alien bruin, but
according to the eternal
laws valid lor all time. Not
according to theories of class,
not according to
concepts of class.
We can sumnuiri/c our I’il'tli
item in a single realization:
I lie l‘n ndaincntals ofour life arc
tonn(led on values which no one can
take away from ns except w e
ourselves; they are founded on our
o w n fl e s h a n d h l o o d a n d w i l l p o w e r
and in our soil. Volk und l\rde
—those are the two
roots from
which we » ill draw
our strength and
upon which we
propose to base our
resolves. And this . . .
brings us thus to our sixth
item, clcarl\ the »oal of our
stru<i<ile: the preservation of
this \'oik and this soil, the
preser\at ion of this \ oik
for the future, in the
realization that this alone
can constitute our reason for
hein«. 11 is not for
ideas that we live, not for
theories or fantastie party
n o , w e l i v e a n d fi < * h t f o r
the (ierman Volk, for the
preservation of its
that it may undertake its
own stru<*<*le for existence,
and we are thereby
convinced that only in this way
do we make our eontrihution
to w hat e\ t'l yonc
else so gladly plaees in the
foreground: world peace.
This peace has always
rct|nired strong peoples who
strive for and protect it.
WOrld culture is founded
upon the cultures of tile
d i ff e r e n t n a t i o n s a n d p e o p l e s .
A world economy is only
conceivable if supported l>\
the economies of healthy
iiiclix ¡dual nations.
In starting w ith our own \ 'oik,
w e are assisting in the
reconstruction of the
entire world in that
we are repairing one buildiii“
block which cannot be
removed from the framework
and structure ol' (he rest of the
w oriel.
And another item reads:
because we perceive our
highest <*oal to be the
preservation of our Volk,
enabling it to undertake its ow n
struggle lor existence,
ue must eliminate the causes
of oni* o\\ n disintegration and
thus bring about the
reconciliation of the (•crnian
classes. A goal \> Inch cannot
be achieved in six
weeks or I'onr months if others
ha\ e been laboring at this
decay for
se\ eil I \
y e a r s , l iu i a « ¿ o a l w l i i c l i w e
alwa\s keep in mind, because we
shall rebuild this
new community on rsel\es and
slow l\ eliminate the
manifestât ions oi l his
disintegration. The parties \\ hieh
support this class di\ ision can,
h o w e\ er , be
certain that
a s l o n g as t h e A l m i g h t y
k e e p s m e a l i v e , m y r es o l v e a n d
my \vi
destroy them » ill know no
Never, « * «
never will I stray
from the task of
stamping out
Marxism and its
side eff ects in
and never will I he
willing to make any
compromise on this
There can he only one
victor: either Marxism or
the (German Volk! And
(iermanv will triumph!
In brin<»in<* about this
reconciliation of the
classes, directly and
\\e want to proceed in
leading this united
(¿e nil a n Volk back to the
sources of its strength;
we want, by means of
an education starting
in the cradle,
to implant in young
minds a belief in a (>od,
the belief in and w ill to
defend our Volk.
we want to resurrect
this Volk on the
fo u n cl a t i o n of t h e
(iernian peasants,
the cornerstones of
all volkisch life*
W h e n I fi < » l i t l o r t h e f u t u r e o f
< .erniany, I must
fi « » l i t f o r ( ■ e r m a n s o i l a n d I
m u s t fi < > l i t f o r t h e ( • e r n i a n
peasant, lie renews us,
he jjives us the people in the
cities, he liiis been the
e\ erlastiii” source for
millenniums, and his existence
m list he seen red.
And I lie*n I proceed to the
second pillar ol'mir national
tradition: the (German
the Cicrinan worker
who, in future, shall no longer and
must no longer he an alien in the
(ierman Reich; \shom we want to
lead hack to the coni in n nit\ of our
\ oik and for
whom we » ill break
(low 11 the doors so that
he, too, eau
become part of the
Volks<»ememseliaft as one
oft lie bulwarks of the
CHernian nation.
\\ e i 11 then on sine tli at the
Ciernian spirit lias the
opportu n ¡tv
to inirokl; w e want to restore
the value of'character anti the
creati\ e pow er of t he
individual to their everlasting
prerogatives. I Inis we want to
break w i t h all the
manirestations of a rotten
democracy and place in its
stead the ev erlastin«»
realisation that everythin”
>vliicli is <»rcat can originate
only in the pov\ cr of the
indiv idual and that everythin«»
w hich is to he preserved must
he entrusted once
more to the ability of the
Wo will combat tho
in a ni testations of our
parliamentary and
democratic system, which
leads us to our twelfth
restoring decency to our
Volk. I n addition to
ill all areas of our life:
decency in our
administration, decency
in public life, and
decency in our culture
as well, we want to
restore (icrman honor,
to restore
its due respect and the
commit ment to it, and \u‘ want
to engrave upon our hearts the
com ill itmen t to
treedom; in doin'* so, we
desire to bestow once more
upon the Volk a '>entiinel\
(.crinan culture w itli (ierman
art, (ierman architecture, and
(icrnian music,
which shall
restore to us
our soul.
and we shall thus evoke
reverence for the «peat
traditions of our \Oik; evoke
deep reverence for the
aeeoni plisli nients ol ( he past,
a humble admiration for the
»reat men ol'tierman history.
W e want to lead our youth
hack to this glorious Reich of
our past.
H 11 i n b l e d
shall they bow before
those who lived
before us and labored
and worked and
toiled so that they
eould live today.
And wc wiiiit most of all to
edtiente this
youth to revere those w ho once
m a d e t h e m o s t d i ffi c u l t
s a c r i fi c e f o r t h e l i f e o f
our Volk and the future of our
Volk, f in* all the damage these
fourteen years
wrought, their worst crime
was that they defrauded two
dead of t heir
s a c r i fi c e , a n d t h e s e t w o m i l l i o n
shall rise anew before the eyes
of on i' von til as
an eternal warning, as a
demand that they be revenged.
W e want to educate our
youth to revere our time-
honored army, which they
should remember, which
dead of their
sacrilice, and these luo million
shall rise anew he fore the eyes
of on i' youth as
an eternal warning, as a
demand that they he revenged.
We want to educate our
youth to revere our time-
honored army , which they
should remember, which
they should admire, and in
vvliich they should once more
recognize the
powerful expression of the
strength ol the (iennan
nation, the epitome of the
greatest achievement our \ oil
has ever accomplished in its
this program w ill he a
program of national
resurrection in all
areas of
life, intolerant against
anyone who sins
against the nation,
but a brother and
friend to anyone
who has the will to
fi ght with us for the
resurrection of his
Volk, of our nation *
T li oro Tore I todas address ms
fi n al a p p e a l t o i n s
\ ' oiks«» on os so n :
Oil Januars 30, we took oser
oos eminent* Des astatine
conditions hase
descended upon our Yolk. It is
our desire to renieds them, and
ss e s\ ill succeed
in doiii” so. Just as ss e hase
these adversaries
despite all the
scorn, we
shall also eliminate
the consequences
of their rule.
To do justice to (iod and
our own conscience, w e
have turned once more to
the (ierman Volk. It shall
now plav a helping role.
It will not deter us should
the (ierman Volk
abandon us in this hour.
will adhere to
whatever is
necessary to keep
Germany from
I I OW C\ c r,it is OUI* s\ ish t liât
t his a<»e ol' restorat ion of t lie
(.ernian nation ht*
a s s o e i a t e d n o t o n l \ s v i t l i a l'ew
naines, l>ut >\ it h tht* naine ol
t lie C .crm an Volk
itsclf; tliat the «¿o\ernment not
lie workin«* alonc, but tliat a
mass ol millions
corne to stand heliind
this government; that
the government have
the will, with
to fortify us once
again for this great
and difficult task.
know that, were the «raves to
open today, the ghosts of the past
w h o o n c e 011« i t a n c c l e t
( i e r m a n y w o u l d fl o a t a l o f t , a n t i
our place today would he
behind them.
All the great men of
« n r h i s t o r y , o f t h is I
am certain, are
ns t o d a y a n d w a t c h
over our work and
our labors*
l or fourteen years the parties
of disintegration, of t lie
\ (ivcin her
Res olution, have seduced and
abused the (¿erman Volk. for
fourteen sears they
ss l e a k e d d e s t r u c t i o n ,
i n fi l t r a t i o n , a n d d i s s o l u t i o n .
Considering this, it is not
presumptuous of me to stand
before I lie nation today and
plead of it: (■¡ernian Volk, <»i\-e
ns tour years' time and then pass
judgment , ernia n
»ive ns four years, and I
swear to yon, just as we, just
a s I h a v e t a k e n t h i s o ffi c e ,
so shall I leave it.
I have done it
neither for salary
nor for wages; I
have done it for
your sake!
I hau' dared to make this
decision because I am certain
that one cannot
a ff o r d t o h e s i t a t e a n y l o n g e r .
I hau* dai ed to make this
decision because it is my
conviction that our Volk
> \ i l l fi n a l l y r e t u r n t o i t s
senses and that,
even if millions mi^ht
curse us today,
the hour will come in
which they » ill march
with us after all, having
that we really wanted
nothing hut the best
and had no other goal in
sight than serving what is,
to us, most previous on
for 1 cannot divest myself
of niy faith in my Volk,
cannot disassociate
myself from the conv iction
that this nation will one
day rise a «»a in, cannot
divorce my self from my
love for this, my Volk, and
I cherish
t h e fi r m
conviction that the hour
will come at last in which
the millions w ho despise ns
today will stand by ns and
with ns will hail the new,
hard-w on and painfully
acquired Cierman Reich
we have created together,
(he now German Reich of
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