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Process Control & Instrumentation Laboratory BKF3791



1. To demonstrate the properties of a first and second order systems for different input
2. To illustrate the dynamic response of a first and second order systems to different
input signals.



1. To start the first order system, click the First and Second Order Systems button
from the Main Menu then select the First Order System button.
2. Based on the first order system block, set the system gain Kp and time constant τP both
to 10.0. Now set the step time to 10.0 with value of the step function from 0.0 to 1.0.
3. Start the simulation and record the new steady state value and the length of time it
takes for the output to reach the new steady state. Take several points along the
response curve in your analysis.
4. Now repeat step 3 using a different set of Kp and τP as shown in Table 1. How does this
response differ from the response in step 3 for each simulation? Hint: Use different
values for your own choice.
Table 1
No. Kp τP Time Output Comments
1 10 10
2 40 10
3 10 20
4 Own choice 5
5 20 Own choice
6 Own choice Own choice


From the Main Menu, select the System Identification Problem 1 button. Using a step input,
run the simulation to generate output data that can be used to determine the system gain (Kp)
and the system time constant (τP). Take several points along the response curve in your
analysis of the system output.


1. What is the slope of initial response?

2. Calculate the final output value minus the initial output value.
3. Fill in the following table with the parameter values you calculated and give the first
order transfer function of this unknown system.

Table 2

1. What effect does increasing the gain have on the system output?
2. What is meant physically by a system with a large gain?
3. What effect does decreasing the time constant have on the system output?
4. What is meant physically by a system with a small time constant?
Process Control & Instrumentation Laboratory BKF3791

5. Is it possible for a system to have a negative gain? What is the expected behavior?
6. Is it possible for a system to have a negative time constant? What is the expected
7. What is the expected response from a first order system driven by a sinusoidal input?


1. To start the second order system, select the Second Order Systems button.
2. Set the system gain (Kp) to 10.0, the value of A to 40.0 and the value of B to 14.0.
3. Set the initial and final values of the Step Function to 0.0 to 1.0.
4. Start the simulation and determine whether the system is overdamped, underdamped
or critically damped? If the system is underdamped, what is the overshoot, decay ratio,
rise time, settling time and the period of oscillation?
5. Repeat the simulation by changing different set of values as shown in Table 3 and
analyse the system as indicated in Step 5.


Select the System Identification Problem 2 button. Using a step input, run the simulation to
generate data that can be used to determine the parameters of second order system.

Table 3
No. Kp A B Type Overshoot Decay Rise Settling Period
Ratio Time Time
1 10 40 14
2 10 18 2
3 10 42.25 13
4 20 42.25 13
5 Own Own Own
Choice Choice Choice

1. What is the overshoot in the response?
2. What is the period of the oscillatory response?
3. Calculate the final output value minus the initial output value.
4. Fill in the following table with the parameter values you calculated and derive the
second order transfer function for this unknown system.

Kp τP ξ

Consider the following values for the damping coefficient for a second order dynamic system.

Region I Region II Region III

ξ<1 ξ=1 ξ>1

1. What types of poles does this system have? What types of response would be expected
for a system with a damping coefficient in Region I, II and III?
2. Sketch the corresponding response of the output variable to a step input in Region I, II
and III.
Process Control & Instrumentation Laboratory BKF3791

3. How does a decrease in the damping coefficient affect the speed of response?
4. Which of the three responses would be expected to have a shorter response time and
5. What is the trade-offs from a control perspective of the different responses?

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