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Examen Final - Sección II

Septiembre 10, 2020 DISEÑO DE SISTEMAS MECÁNICOS C.G. Helguero

Nombre: Firma:

Este examen está dividido en 2 secciones. Usted tendrá 30 minutos para realizar y subir al repositorio
respectivo de SidWeb cada sección. Luego de cargar el documento usted no podrá realizar ninguna
modificación al respecto. Esta es la segunda sección.

Problema II Desarrolle el siguiente problema, incluya todos los detalles necesarios para
obtener todo el crédito (10 %)
A ball screw system is illustrated in Figure 1(a). The ball screw has single thread with a pitch of
p = 6 mm, a coefficient of friction of µ = 0,018, and an efficiency of 92 %. The ball screw is attached
to a step motor, through a coupler, that has a 0.9◦ step angle. The platform with tool on it weighs
W = 600 N. The mass moment of inertia of the motor and the ball screws are 40 g-cm2 and 240
g-cm2 , respectively.

speed, m/sec
0.8 B C
A D time, sec
1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19
(a) A ball screw moving a platform (b) Velocity profile of the platform
Figura 1: Figures showing a ball screw system and motion control

1. (4 %) As perceived by the motor, what is the reflected inertia of the platform in kg-m2 ?

2. The linear speed of the platform is given in Figure 1(b). Determine the total torque required
by the step motor to move the platform at each of the following segments:

a) (2 %) segment AB with acceleration

b) (2 %) segment BC with constant speed of 0.75 m/s
c) (2 %) segment CD with deceleration

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