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Radiologic Notes in Cardiology

Angiographic Differentiation Between Tetralogy of Fallot

and Double-Outlet Right Ventricle
Relationship of the Mitral and Aortic Valves

The anatomic hallmark of a double-outlet right ventricle is the separation of the
mitral and aortic valves by a band of myocardium. The two valves remain in contact
with each other in tetralogy of Fallot no matter how far anteriorly the aorta is dis-
placed. The mitral-aortic relationship can usually be well demonstrated in both
anomalies by selective right ventricular angiocardiography.

T HE CLINICAL and hemodynamic pic- eventually form from the truncus. In other
tures associated with a double-outlet words, both great vessels, in essence, arise
right ventricle with pulmonic stenosis are from the right ventricle at this stage in
often identical to that seen in tetralogy of development.
Fallot.1 In both of these complexes, the aorta Where the cardiac tube is bent most
arises at least in part from the right ventricle, sharply, its wall becomes folded upon itself
a high ventricular septal defect is present, and and results in a ridge of embryonic tissue that
the pulmonary outflow tract is narrowed. In projects into the lumen. This ridge lies at the
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general, the techniques for surgical correction junction of the bulbus and the right ventricle
of the lesions are somewhat different and, not and is called the bulboventricular flange (fig.
uncommonly, the ultimate prognosis is more 1). As the heart matures, this flange is
favorable in the tetrad. The two anomalies can resorbed and is not represented in the adult
be differentiated quite accurately by angiocar- heart.
diography if both the aortic and mitral valves The bulbus is divided in two by the growth
are visualized. of opposing ridges of mesenchymal tissue
which join to form the conus septum. The
Embryologic Considerations2 cardiac end of the septum joins the ventricular
In the early embryo, the heart is represent- septum, while its upper end becomes contin-
ed by a single tube which becomes folded uous with a similar septum dividing the
upon itself. The ventricles at this stage are truncus. The anterior channel of the conus
aligned in series. Blood flows from the connects the right ventricle with the pulmo-
common atrium into the primitive left ventri- nary artery. Largely because of the alignment
cle, which must empty across the incomplete of the conus septum, the posterior conus
ventricular septum into the right ventricle. channel, which leads to the aorta, becomes
The only channel of egress from the heart is transferred to the left ventricle (fig. 2). This
the bulbus (conus) cordis, connecting the channel becomes foreshortened as the heart
right ventricle with the truncus arteriosus. develops, allowing the aortic valve to descend
Both the pulmonary artery and the aorta to its final position adjacent to the mitral
From the Department of Radiology of The Mount In order for the transfer of the posterior
Sinai Hospital and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, conus channel to be accomplished, the bulbo-
New York, New York 10029. ventricular flange must resorb. If the flange is
Circulation, Volume XLIII, March 1971 451
45-2 BARON
valves lie adjacent to each other. Actually, the
anterior mitral leaflet and a portion of the
noncoronary cusp insert on a common tendi-
nous ring. This can be demonstrated angio-
The mitral valve can be identified on a
selective left ventricular angiocardiogram,
especially during diastole. As the leaflets
swing open, they trap contrast material
between themselves and the wall of the
ventricle. The orifice of the valve is filled with
SEPTUM nonopaque blood entering from the left
Figure 1 atrium, and the trapped contrast material is
seen as a ring surrounding this lueency (fig.
Frontal view of the primitive cardiac loop. The an-
terior wall of the heart has been removed. The atria 3). This mitral ring indicates the line of
lie posteriorly and are not shown. At this stage, the attachment of the leaflets. The aortic valve is
primitive left ventricle (LV) must empty across the also best seen during diastole, as the cusps
incomplete ventricular septum into the right ven- remain relatively quiet when in the closed
tricle (RV). The bulbus cordis will eventually be position. During systole, there is considerable
divided into an anterior channel (white arrow) con-
necting the pulmonary artery and the right ventricle, motion and vibration of the cusps so that they
and a posterior channel (shaded arrow). In order for are blurred and cannot be clearly identified.
the posterior channel to be transferred to the left Before ejection of the contrast material occurs,
ventricle, the bulboventricular flange must resorb. the valve cusps are outlined only on their
cardiac surface by the opaque blood in the left
not resorbed, both conus channels remain with ventricle. When there is contrast material in
the right ventricle and both great vessels will
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both the aorta and ventricle, the cusps are

arise from this chamber. The persistent seen as curvilinear lucent lines against the
bulboventricular flange will develop into background of opacified blood above and
myocardium which is interposed between the below.
aortic and mitral valves in the mature heart.
Tetralogy of Fallot is due to a single
embryonic fault, displacement of the conus
septum, which develops too far anteriorly. As a ORTIC OUTLET
result, the conus is divided unequally and the
anterior channel is compromised, leading to CONUS
stenosis of the outflow portion of the right CUSHION
ventricle. Because of its anterior position, the
cardiac end of the conus septum is not aligned
properly with the ventricular septum, leaving
a sizable defect between the two ventricles.
The position of the aortic valve is largely
determined by the conus septum and, there- MITRAL VALVE

fore, is also displaced anteriorly, arising Figure 2

astride the ventricular septal defect. The Cross-sectional vietw of the heart, looking tup)wvard
bulboventricular flange, however, does resorb from the apex. The conus septtum is alnmost colllplete,
normally, and the aortic and mitral valves are dividing the bulbus cordis into a pulmoniary antd an
aortic channel. The dashed line indicates the approxi-
in continuity. mate position of the bulboventrictular flange which
n ormally has been resorbed by this stage. If the
Angiocardiography flange persists, it is interposed betweent the aortic
In the normal heart, the aortic and mitral and mitral valves.
Circulation, Volume XLIII, March 1971
.... ..... ...serves almost as well. We prefer to performn
.biplane studies in the frontal and lateral
. . . . -E4 projections with the patient in the supine
........p.osition because it is easiest to accurately
reproduce these projections on subsequent
....t|0. 0 studies and to compare studies from one
| ll _ *igi;0';'; i;>ER~i9X,o'8,',z(o>,(:('.............. ...(. . . .; .......... patient to the next.

.: |i Mt(tto The
the position of the aortic
ventricular septum,
valve in relation
as seen in the
lateral view, cannot be used to distinguish a
double-outlet right ventricle from a tetralogy
of Fallot. In a severe tetrad, the valve may
E ;o;;;ag^x,,;xi33,<o>6S8 *appear to arise almost entirely from the right
ventricle. However, no matter how anteriorly
the aortic valve is situated, it remains in
fibrous continuity with the mitral valve (fig.
Figure 3 ......

Normnal selective left ventricular angiocardiogramn,

lateral view. During diastole, the line of attachment
of the mitral leaflets is seen as an opaqtue ring (arrow
heads) suirrounding the radiolucent blood within the
valve orifice. In this early filmi, the ventricle has not
yet contracted, and there is nio contrast material in
the aorta. Only the uindersuirface of the aortic valve........
is ouitlinied (arriows). The aortic and mitral valves arep
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in direct continuitity.

Both the aortic and mitral valves can be

identified in any projection of a left ventricu-
lar angiocardiogram. However, in the frontal
view the upper portion of the mitral ring, the
area that is normally in contact with the aortic
valve, is obscured by the opacified outflow
tract of the left ventricle. In addition, if there
is separation of two valves, it will occur in the2
anteroposterior direction and cannot be seen
in this view. Although the mitral valve is best
studied in the left posterior oblique view, in
which it is projected tangentially, any separa-
tion of this valve from the aortic valve will be
foreshortened and may not be seen. Figure 4
The right posterior oblique is the optimal Tetralogy of Fallot. Selective right ventricular angio-
projection not only for evaluation of the cardiogram, lateral view. There is a sizable right-to-
mitral-aortic relationship, but also for demon- left shunt through a ventricular septal defect. The
contrast material in the two ventricles outlines the
stration of the elongated appearance of the inndersuirface of the aortic valve (arrows) whlich is
left ventricular outflow tract as it extends sittuated astride the septal defect and overrides the
through the ventricular septal defect when ventricular septuim (VS). The mitral valve (M) is in
both great vessels arise from the right normal continuity twith the aortic valve (X). There is
marked steniosis of the inftundibulum (S) leading to
ventricle. The lateral projection, however, the pulmonary artery (P).
Circiriation, Voluine XLIII, March 1971

An abnormal mitral-aortic relationship is

the sine qua non of a double-outlet right
ventricle, and both valves should appear on
the angiocardiogram if the diagnosis is to be
established with certainty. This can almost
always be accomplished if the left ventricle is
selectively opacified. If the left atrium is filled
with contrast material along with the ventri-
cle, as when the injection is made into the
pulmonary artery, it may be difficult to
determine the exact position of the mitral ring.
Because of the ventricular septal defect, a
right xventricular injection will usually suffice
to outline the mitral and aortic valves in
tetralogy of Fallot and double-outlet right
ventricle, and selective catheterization of the
left ventricle is rarely required.
In a tetralogy, there is a considerable right-
to-left flow across the ventricular septum, as a
rule, providing adequate opacification of the
left ventricle. The mitral ring can be identified
before the left atrium becomes filled with the
contrast material reaching it through the
pulmonary circulation (fig. 4). Despite the
fact that the flow across the septal defect is
almost entirely from left to right in a double-
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Figure 5
Douible-ouitlet right ventricle with infundibuilar ste-
outlet right ventricle, the forceful injection of
nio.sis. Right venitricular angiocardiogram, lateral viewt. contrast material into the right ventricle
Corntrast m7aterial flowinlg across the ventricular septal usually produces enough backwash through
dLefeet outlines the mitral valve (M), which is separated the defect to outline the mitral valve (figs. 5
from the posterior aspect of the aortic valve by a and 6). This is especially likely in the presence
segmient of myocarditum (arrows).
of infundibular or pulmonary valvular steno-
4). The anterior overriding of the aorta is due, If the mitral orifice cannot be accurately
in large part, to its increased diameter, the localized in the lateral projection of a right
posterior aspect of the valve remaining ventricular angiocardiogram wxhen the differ-
approximately in its normal position. ential between a tetralogy and a double-outlet
In a double-outlet right ventricle, although is considered, the injection should be repeated
the aorta arises entirely from the right with the patient in the right posterior obli(que
ventricle, it may appear, on the angiocardio- position. In some cases, a selective left
gram, to override the ventricular septum. The ventricular angiocardiogram may be required
mitral valve is in its normal position, on the to establish the diagnosis preoperatively.
posterior aspect of the left ventricle, and is Separation of the aortic and mitral valves
separated from the aortic valve by a segment does not occur in other cardiac anomalies
of the ventricular wall.." This segment is the uinless there is transposition of the great
adult derivative of the persistent bulboven- vessels. In this instance, the position of the
tricular flange, and usually forms the superior aortic and pulmonic valves are reversed and
margin of the ventricuilar septal defect (figs. 5 the mitral valve will then be in continuity with
and 6). the ptulmonic rather than the aortic valve. The
(iru/lation. Volume XLIII MArlab 1 971

Figure 6
Double-ouitlet right ventricle wvith infundlibular sten osis. Right ventricular angiocardiogram,
lateral view. (a) An film show;s the mitral ring (M) ouitlined by contrast material that
ha.s flowced through the ventricular septal defect (V). The nmitral valve is separated from the
aurtic valve (arrows). The root of the aorta is faintly opacified, but largely obscured by the
p)tulmonlatry artery (P). (1) A later film showcs the aorta arising fromn the right ventricle (R),
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anterior to the ventricular septum (VS). The separation of the rmitral atId aortic valves can
still be secen (arrows), althotugh the nmitral ring is nlot as twell delinleated as on the earlier filmi.

same is true in cases of ventricular inversion Origin of both gieat vessels from the r ight
(corrected transposition). In double-outlet ventricle. II. With pulmonary stenosis. Circula-
tion 23: 603, 1961
right ventricle, the mitral valve is separated 2. VAN MIEROP LHS: In The Ciba Collection of
from both the aortic and pulmonic valves Medical Illustrations. Vol V, Heart, edited by F
regardless of the relative positions of the two Younkman. Summit, New Jersey, Ciba Phar-
great vessels. imaceutical Co, 1969
References AL: Mitral-semilunar relationships in the
angiography of cardiac malformation. Radiol-
1. NELUFELD IN, Du SHANE JW, EDWARDS JE: ogy 94: 63, 1970

Circlation, Volume XLII!. Malrb l971

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