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(UNIT 1)
Joseph P. Gratil
Angeline guyud
Anjeline Larona Jabonitalla
Glo-anne Dayag Lampad
Alona Mariano joaquin
MODULE 4 Research in Child and Adolescent

Read each statement below. Do you agree/disagree with each statement? Put
a check mark to indicate your answer.
Statement No Yes
1. Research is only for those who plan to take ✅
master’s degree or doctorate degrees.
2. Research is easy to do. ✅
3. Research is all about giving questionnaires and ✅
tallying the responses.
4. Research with one or two respondents is not a ✅
valid research.
5. Teachers, because they are busy in their ✅
classrooms, are expected to use existing
research rather than conduct their own research
in the classroom.
6. There is no need to go into research because a ✅
lot of researches have already been conducted.
7. Students are mere users of knowledge arrived at ✅
by research. It is not their tasks to conduct
8. Students do not possess the qualifications to ✅
conduct research.
9. It is not worth conducting research considering ✅
the time and money it requires.
The class may be divided into groups. Except this Module on Research, divided the Modules
in this book among the groups. Go over the Modules of the Unit assigned to your group and
look for statements of research findings. If the research design and the data-gathering
techniques were not identified, identify to the best of your ability what must have been
used in the researchers. The table below can make your task easier. APPLICATION
1. The class may be divided into groups. Except this Module on Research, divided the Modules in
this book among the groups. Go over the Modules of the Unit assigned to your group and look
for statements of research findings. If the research design and the data-gathering techniques
were not identified, identify to the best of your ability what must have been used in the
researchers. The table below can make your task easier.

Unit/Module Statement of Research Page  Research Data-gathering

Finding Design Used technique

Unit 1- Module 1:Human How Human       1- Quantitative  Direct or

Development:  Development Happens?  15  Research  Interview
Meaning, Concept and Methods. 

Module 2 The stage of Stages and     15- Qualitative  Direct Method 

Development and Developmental task of 29  Researchers 
Developmental task.  child to adolescence 

Module 3 Issue of Human Different issue of human        30 Qualitative  Direct Method 
Development  development  Research 

Write T the statement is CORRECT and F if the statement is WRONG.
T 1. Quality research adheres to the scientific method.
T 2. For research on child and the adolescent development to serve its ultimate purpose,
researchers must be governed by ethical principles
F 3. Which research design and data-gathering technique to use has nothing to do with the
nature of the research problem and objective/s of the research.
F 4. Teachers are both producers of knowledge when they conduct research and are
consumers or end user of knowledge when they research findings to improved instruction.
T 5. Research has a transformative effect on teachers’ self-understanding and on their
classroom practice. It enables teachers to develop a better understanding of themselves, their
classrooms, and their practice through the act of reflective inquiry.

Group Research
1. You may to replicate a researcher that you came across in your readings of research
abstracts (APPLICATION # 2 above). Or you may want to research on a research
problem you consider to be relevant and significant. Have it checked by your teacher.
With your teacher as research adviser, conduct research on the approved problem.
Your teacher may set aside a day or two for the research presentation by group. The
research groups may take turns serving as panel of reactors during the research
Title: Online Collaborative Learning for High School Students
Using a Blended Approach for the Promotion of Self-Monitoring Skills
Researcher: Sharon Peters
Date of research: September 2006 
Introduction: Self-monitoring skills, which is a type of self-regulation, have shown to be a

characteristic of academic success for elementary and high school students. In spite of the

widespread recognition of the importance of self-monitoring skills, the mandatory Ministère

de l’Éducation, des Sports et des Loisirs (MELS) curricula did not promote or require its

instruction in secondary education at the time of this study. Results from a pre-unit

questionnaire and journal reflections by the students indicated a need for the instruction of

self-monitoring skills and an interest in those skills by the students.

Result of study: Statistically significant differences in responses between the two groups

became evident on several questions in the pre-unit questionnaire. Question #2 reads “When I

perform poorly on a test, it is because I do not study the right material for a long enough

period of time”. On the Likert scale rating, “Always” represented a choice of 1 while “Never”

was represented a 5 on the scale. The mean of the ten high academic achieving students for

this question was 2.24 while the mean of the other average achievers was 2.93, showing that

the higher achievers were more inclined to take responsibility for their poor performance due

to lack of preparation.

Conclusion: The initial hypothesis of this study was that the use of an online learning environment

to promote self-monitoring skills for high school students would lead to better student grasp of the

course content, and consequently, better academic performance. The online learning environment

included conference areas where students could post and respond asynchronously to each other

about ideas and questions the teacher had posed. It also provided areas where students could

access resources, such as webpages and uploaded documents which contained information

pertinent to the course. The students were also required to upload their collaborative group

documents as a way of sharing their products with the rest of the class. In the students’ responses of

the post-unit questionnaire, online conference area, and focus-group interview, most agreed that

the online unit about self-monitoring skills did indeed have an influence on their academic

performance. However, there was marked divide between the perceptions of the higher academic

achieving students and the average achievers

Recommendation: As the digital divide closes and technology becomes more accessible and more

stable, a greater number of teachers will be challenged to explore online communication as an

alternative learning environment to supplement and augment the classroom experience. Some schools

are already moving to a blended learning model as a cost-saving measure. As more schools are
moving to a one-to-one laptop approach, it may be soon that many teachers will be expected to use

this model. Facilitation and guidance will be needed by those teaching pioneers who are now making

the move to blended learning and experimenting so that they can share practices that are safe,

effective and engaging for the students. High school students are a different breed than the adult

learner and these differences will have to be highlighted and noted so that the instructional design of a

blended approach may be optimized. Clear presentation must be made of the expectations of good

netiquette practices and appropriate use of language at the outset of an online learning unit. The

teacher should establish a clear presence in the online unit by offering encouragement and prompting

to the students’ posts (Salmon, 2000).


Abdelraheem, Ahmed Yousif (2003). Computerized Learning Environments:

Problems, Design Challenges and Future Promises. Journal of Interactive Online Learning. 2,
Retrieved July 14, 2005, from

Bell, Philip (2004). On the Theoretical Breadth of Design-Based Research in Education. Educational
Psychologist, 39, 243-253.

Bereiter, C. (2002). Design Research for Sustained Innovation. Cognitive Studies, Bulletin of the
Japanese Cognitive Science Society, 9, 321-327.

Boekarts, M. (1997). Self-regulated Learning: A new concept embraced by researchers, concept

makers, educators, teachers, and students. Learning and Instruction, 71, 61-186.

Butler, D.L. (1995). Promoting strategic learning by post secondary students with learning
disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 28, 170-190.

Butler, Deborah (1997). Goal Setting and Self-Monitoring in Self-Regulated Learning. Paper
presented at the 1997 (April) meeting of American Educational Research Association in Chicago,
Illinois. Found online Oct. 11,
Campos, Milton (2004). A Constructivist Method For The Analysis Of Networked Cognitive
Communication And The Assessment Of Collaborative Learning And Knowledge-Building, Journal
of Asynchronous Learning Network, 8,1 -29. Retrieved on July 12, 2004 from

Surf the internet for samples of research abstracts/researchers on child and adolescent
development. Select one research abstract then using the matrix given below, write the
problem, the research methodology, findings and conclusions.
Research Methodology

This research is conducted to discover The researcher used the descriptive method
further what is truly meant by teenage of research because she tried to present the
rebellion from different views and different Causes and Effects of Child
comprehend each situation. The purpose of Rebellion. Descriptive research is also called
this research is to identify the causes and Statistical Research. The main goal of this
effects of teenage rebellion so that guidance type of research is to describe the data and
may be given to parents/guardians in dealing characteristics about what is being studied.
with their rebellious teens, and also on The idea behind this type of research is to
understanding that this is some kind of study frequencies, averages, and other
natural phenomenon in every child’s life statistical calculations. It is mainly done
whether they are encountering emotional, when a researcher wants to gain a better
behavioral and mental problems regarding understanding of a topic. It is quantitative
on the parent’s manner of authority.This and uses surveys and panels and also the use
study also aims to give idea to parents who of probability sampling.
have small kids on how to deal with their
growing up children so that they can prevent
them from revolting against them, as they
need to struggle to fulfill their roles as a
parent. Likewise, it hopes to establish better
relationship between parent(s) and their
child(ren) Source: (bibliography entry format)
Mona El-Sheikh, (2001), Parental Problem
Drinking and Children's Adjustment: Family
Conflict and Parental Depression as Mediators and
Moderators of Risk, Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, Oct, 2001.
Findings Conclusions:
Out of the 10 respondents, 3 had 1 sibling, 3 Based on the findings of this study,
had 2 siblings, none had 3 siblings, 3 had 4 the researcher therefore concludes that
sibling and only 1 had the other option.5 out of rebellion is somewhat a natural phase of a
10 respondents are the eldest, 2 out of 10 are in person’s life, especially in his teenage years.
the middle and 3 out of 10 are the youngest The results only varies on how the person
among them. 9 out of 10 respondents said that handles or reacts with it. There may be
they are given enough attention by their parents positive, yet rebellious children are more
and there was only 1 who said no.Out of 10 prone to dangerous activity when fuelled by
respondents, 4 of them belonged to a broken rebellion. The teenagers, as they grow old
family and 6 of them said no.This chart shows wants independence for them to learn in this
that 1 out of 10 respondents said yes, both of world, because they feel that they are already
his parents are working while 9 out of 10 adults, but not yet. That independence is
respondents said no. often misunderstood by parents that leads to
miscommunication between the parent and
the child.The parents must understand that
what they have now is not a baby boy/girl
anymore. He/She must realize that their child
is a growing young mind and needs to have
space for them to learn and experience life in
their way. But of course, their guidance is
still important for the child to get in the right
track. They must also understand that their
role as parents is the most important and
wonderful thing in this world. It is to them
how a child learns and grows. They should
keep in mind that no matter how rebellious
their child is, it is only a child. A child
longing for someone who is there for her, a
child finding her place in this world, and a
child learning life through experiences.

How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?

It will become helpful to the teacher in the way that teacher may have the knowledge
and ideas especially in the behaviour of his/her students towards his/her environment,
towards his/her peer. By having an ideas about the situation of our students we can able
to refer a solution to their problems or we can help them in a lot of ways.

BEED 2-2
It is said that because teachers are overloaded with work, they usually frown on the
conduct of research. Reflect on the consequences of this attitude. What can be done to
prevent this? Write your reflection here.
As a future teacher, I believe that smile was one of the major equipment that a
teacher should have not only just in the field of teaching but in general. Teachers are
known for being strong and bright because that’s how students sees us and we should
embraced it because we truly strong human beings , but for us to become an effective
teacher, to fulfil our duty as a teacher we must show to our students that we can do
every school works we have , disregard our personal problems because once our class
notice especially in the first meeting or in first day of school that you look problematic,
sad and pale were giving them the first impression that we teachers are not interesting
at all thus, We must focus ourselves to our reputable job as a teacher and molder of the
future , moreover , I always believe in the saying that “every problems that we
encounter has a solution” we just need to be braver as we could because at the end of
the day trees will never stay just as trees, they will bear fruits.

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