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My name is kind, the goddess of light. I am the

kindest and I live in people’s goodness. I inspire, give
life, and color the lives to every creature in the world.


 A great inspiration
 Most kind
 A role model of kindness
 Source of positivity
 She has a powerful and pure heart
 Selfless
 Radiant
 Promising
 Optimistic
 Most loving and friendly goddess
 Caring and appreciative
 Thoughtful and compassionate


The world now is in the pace of uncertainties. Time has gone through in a glimpse,
and things seemed to happen quickly that sometimes might bring great shock to people from
the unpredictable changes. The chaos and distress happening around may influence people to
change really quick in both physical and mental state which might be a cause from extreme
anxiety and stress. However, the mental condition of everyone is among of top priority. With
all the muds in life passing through, people can sometimes be rude to others, commit
intentional mistakes for the sake of oneself, and somewhat forgetting the essence of humanity
in general.

Looking back to all the unsparing events brought by time, I jumped into the
realization of restoring goodness among ourselves. I believe that being a hero is not about the
fame to be known by many, but the desire to help and make a great change to humanity. That
made me think of kindness. In the generation of today, I would rather choose and brand
myself as the hero of kindness. A hero that serves goodness and light of hope to people. It
might not be that strong, powerful characteristics of a hero to possess, however I believe that
the act of kindness will be a ladder and will forever stay in everyone’s heart, and I think that
is more than just the definition of a true and real life hero. That is to create change as to
sharing positivity to everyone she gets to meet along the way. For truly, a simple act of
kindness will create an endless riddle.

Kindness is what the world needs right now. A little act of goodness may become a
blessing and opportunity for a person to do the same onto others. Showing real concern,
empathy, mercy, and respect is not expensive and will never cost you anything. You do not
need also to have any super power or fancy life to be one, all that you need have is a pure and
compassionate heart to help without query. Not just me alone can do great things, because if
we use the habit of helping one another, all together, we can absolutely be a hero in every
little goodness that we do and that may stitch to bring positivity, light, and hope to everyone
for brighter days to come.

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