Performance Simulation of Sequentially Turbocharged Marine Diesel Engines With Applications

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Pascal Chesse

Jean-François Hetet Performance Simulation of

Xavier Tauzia Sequentially Turbocharged
Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics,
U.M.R. 6598 C.N.R.S.,
Ecole Centrale de Nantes,
Marine Diesel Engines With
BP 92101,
44321 Nantes Cedex 3, France Applications to Compressor Surge
This paper presents the SELENDIA code designed for the simulation of marine diesel
Philippe Roy engines. Various measured and simulated results are compared for the performance of a
sequentially turbocharged marine diesel engine during a switch from one to two turbo-
Bahadir Inozu chargers. The results show a good agreement between measured and simulated data.
Surge loops that are experimentally observed in case of an anomaly are analyzed using
School of Naval Architecture simulated results. Finally, the predictive capabilities of the simulation code are utilized to
and Marine Engineering, investigate the influence of the inlet manifold volume on the engine and air charging
University of New Orleans, system performance with a special focus on compressor surge. 关S0742-4795共00兲01104-2兴
911, Engineering Building,
New Orleans, LA 70148

1 Introduction Subsequently, the turbine drives the second turbocharger whose

speed progressively increases. After a certain delay, the A valve
Turbocharger matching is a rather difficult challenge for the
located on the inlet air line is also opened and the second turbo-
design of high output diesel engines, particularly for naval appli-
charger starts supplying air to the engine.
cations. Test-bed measurements are usually tedious and expensive
due to the size of the power plant. As a result, engine simulation
can be a valuable tool when used in parallel to actual testing for 3 The Selendia Simulation Code
the objective of guiding experimental investigations and improv-
ing the global understanding of various aspects of the internal 3.1 Main Characteristics. The first version of the SELEN-
combustion engine. In previous publications, we reported the de- DIA simulation code was designed for the steady state perfor-
velopment of a simulation code that was used to investigate com- mance of marine diesel engines 关6兴. The code is based on the
pressor surge and the resulting engine operation limits 关1,2兴. In ‘‘filling and emptying’’ method which conceives the engine as a
this paper, a new version of this code designed for the optimiza- succession of control volumes such as the cylinders and manifolds
tion of turbocharging systems under transient conditions is pre- for which mass and energy balance equations are applied 关7兴.
sented. Various measured and simulated results are shown for a Despite the variations of the gas composition, the gas is assumed
sequentially turbocharged marine diesel engine. to be homogeneously distributed inside the entire control volume.
Furthermore, fresh air and exhaust gases are assumed to be per-
fect. The First Law of Thermodynamics in open systems applied
2 The SEMT Pielstick System Applied to the PA6 STC to the various control volumes allows the determination of the gas
Engine temperature and pressure as shown in Fig. 2.
S.E.M.T. Pielstick has been designing sequentially turbo-
charged diesel engines since the early eighties. Commercialization
started in 1990 for high speed and medium speed engines 关3–5兴.
The system used for the PA6-STC 共Sequentially TurboCharged兲
engine is presented in this section. The engine is equipped with
two turbochargers in parallel as shown in Fig. 1. At low and
medium loads, one turbocharger is in use. At high loads, valves G
and A are opened allowing the use of both turbochargers. Due to
a better air supply, the engine operating range at low speed and
high torque is significantly enlarged in comparison with a classic
single stage turbocharging system.
The advantages of a sequential turbocharging system are obvi-
ous at steady state. However, transient performance needs to be
thoroughly investigated, especially with respect to the system
switch from one to two turbochargers. This phase is critical due to
the large inertia of the turbochargers. The system switch, triggered
by a turbocharger speed threshold, is a two step procedure. The G
valve located on the exhaust gas line shown in Fig. 1 is opened.

Contributed by the Internal Combustion Engine Division of THE AMERICAN

Division March 27, 2000; final revision received by the ASME Headquarters April Fig. 1 Sequential turbocharging system developed by
17, 2000. Technical Editor: D. Assanis. S.E.M.T. Pielstick for the PA6 STC

562 Õ Vol. 122, OCTOBER 2000 Copyright © 2000 by ASME Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 2 Structure of the SELENDIA Code

The cylinder volume as a function of the engine crank angle is tegration routines among other specific simulation programming
derived from simple geometry considerations. The Keenan and tools as well as extensive graphic capabilities for interactive run-
Kayes tables provide the thermodynamic properties of the exhaust time sessions.
gas and fresh air as a function of temperature and excess air 关8兴. After numerous validations for the simulation of steady state
The combustion heat release and all of the parameters related to performance, the code was modified to allow the transient re-
the combustion and injection processes are modeled using two sponse simulation of highly rated marine diesel engines as shown
Wiebe’s laws associated with Gaudart’s parameters 关9,10兴. The in Fig. 3. The governor model is a Proportional Integrator 共PI兲
heat transfer at the cylinder wall is evaluated using Woschni’s model. The fuel rack position is provided by the following differ-
model 关11兴. Friction losses are evaluated with a modified Chen ential equation:
and Flynn’s model 关12兴. Mass flows are derived using Barre de
Saint Venant’s laws. The inlet and exhaust valve effective areas
are either calculated based on geometry consideration or interpo-
⫽Rackn Kp. 冉
d 共 diff兲
⫹Ki.diff , 冊
lated from test bed data. Finally, the various parameters of the air
charging system are evaluated based on the compressor and tur- N eng⫺N requested
bine maps provided by the turbocharger manufacturer 关13兴. diff⫽ (1)
N eng
The SELENDIA simulation code makes use of a specific simu-
lation language called A.C.S.L. 共Advanced Continuous Simula- where Kp and Ki are provided by the governor’s manufacturer as
tion Language兲 关14兴. This language provides pre-programmed in- a function of the engine speed. In addition, the model includes

Fig. 3 Engine block diagram for the simulation of marine diesel engine transient

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 563

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various fuel rack position limits based on engine speed and boost
pressure and aimed at preventing engine over-speed and insuffi-
cient excess air. The code was validated and utilized for different
projects such as the performance simulation of marine diesel en-
gines under extreme conditions 关15,16兴.
3.2 Additional Models for Sequential Turbocharging.
Sequential turbocharging is a rather new technique. Publications
regarding this topic are extremely limited. Swain published some
results for the simulation of turbocharger switches with a special
focus on the turbocharger performance which was modeled in
detail 关17兴. However, the engine model was extremely simplified. Fig. 5 Equivalent air charging system
The study focused on sequential turbocharging system switches
assuming that the engine operation was quasi-constant.
The study presented in this paper includes an engine thermody- of the compressor wheel diameter according to our tests. When
namic model to simulate significant variations of the engine speed the inlet air valve is being opened, the compressor power is cal-
and torque. In addition to the switch phases, the simulation of the culated using an equation which combines the formula of the
turbocharger performance is based on two major criteria which compressor power under normal operating conditions given by
are the turbocharger speed evaluated with Newton’s Second Law Eqs. 5 and 6 and the simplified compressor power law given by
and the pressure ratios derived from the First Law of Thermody- Eq. 4.

冉 冊
namics applied to the inlet and exhaust manifolds. Mass flows and
isentropic efficiencies are obtained using a two-dimensional inter- dm comp Cp o ⫹Cp i
polation of the compressor and turbine maps in matrix form. W comp⫽ 共 T o ⫺T i 兲 , (5)
dt 2
The switch phases are triggered by a pre-determined turbo-
charger speed threshold. The model includes the opening charac- where
teristics of the two valves mentioned in the previous section in Ti 共 ␥ ⫺1兲/␥ i
terms of timing and duration. An ‘‘opening coefficient’’ OV is T o⫽ 共 ␩ comp⫺1⫹ ␶ comp
兲. (6)
defined for each valve as the ratio between the current section and ␩ comp
the fully opened section, as follows: The compressor map is extrapolated to include negative mass
S flows as shown in Fig. 4. The objective is to determine the effect
OV⫽ . (2) of inadequate valve opening timings, including compressor surge
Sfo 关18兴. The extrapolation is based on the modeling of the various
The turbine mass flow during the exhaust line valve 共valve G兲 losses occurring when the compressor operates beyond the adap-
opening and closing is obtained by multiplying the turbine mass tation line. The relevant equations are presented in Appendix 1.
flow when the valve is fully opened and the opening coefficient As shown in Fig. 5, the combination of the ‘‘filling and emp-
OV as shown in Eq. 3. tying’’ equations and those associated with the inertia of the fluid

冉 冊
between the compressor and the inlet manifold allows the calcu-
dm tur dm tur lation of surge loops 关19,20兴. The mathematical model is pre-
⫽OV exh . (3)
dt dt sented in Appendix 2. It provides the boost pressure and the com-
pressor mass flow during surge as a function of time. The
When the exhaust gas valve is open and the inlet air valve is compressor power is evaluated using Eq. 5 when the compressor
closed, the compressor operates with a certain speed and no mass mass flow is positive and Eq. 4 when the compressor mass flow is
flow. As a result, the development of a new compressor model null or negative.
was necessary. The operating point is located in the surge area of
the compressor map. Due to insufficient information in this region
4 Validation
of the compressor map, the power consumed by the compressor is
derived from the following simplified equation: The validation phase was performed for the SEMT Pielstick
PA6-STC engine for which measured data were available. The
W comp⫽K comp .N TC
. (4) main characteristics of the PA6-STC engine are shown in Table 1.
The K comp coefficient is specific to the compressor being used. Figure 6 shows the measured and simulated boost pressure and
However, it may be extrapolated from a known value for a given turbocharger speeds for the 12PA6 STC 共12 cylinders兲 engine
type of compressor since it seems to be proportional to the square during a switch from one turbocharger to two turbochargers at
constant engine speed 共1010 rpm兲. The turbocharger switch is
induced by a slight load increase. For this specific test, the delay
between the exhaust line valve and inlet line valve openings is
two seconds. This delay was adjusted to avoid compressor surge
by allowing a sufficient turbocharger speed at the inlet line valve
opening as well as to sustain the engine air supply by maintaining
the boost pressure. Indeed, when the A valve is closed and the G

Table 1 Main characteristics of the Pielstick PA6 STC engine

Number of cylinders: 12 or 16
Type: Vee 共60°兲
Bore: 280 mm
Stroke: 290 mm
MCR Speed: 1050 rpm
MCR Power: 325 kw/cyl
Turbocharging system: sequential 共axial turbine and
centrifugal compressor兲
Fig. 4 Extrapolated compressor map

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Fig. 6 Engine and air charging system performance during a 1TCÕ2TC switch at 1010 rpm for the 12PA6STC

Fig. 7 Engine performance during a 1TCÕ2TC switch at 1010 rpm for the 12PA6STC engine

Fig. 8 Air charging system performance during a 1TCÕ2TC switch at 900 rpm for the 16PA6STC engine

valve is open, the single turbocharger which supplies air to the turbocharger switch with an absolute minimum of 1.8 bar two
engine no longer uses the full energy flow of the exhaust gas since seconds after the exhaust line valve opening. The results show a
the exhaust gas flow is shared by the two turbines. As a result, the satisfactory agreement between measured and simulated data. The
boost pressure significantly decreases. It is thus critical to adjust error margin for the extreme values of the turbocharger speed and
the timing of the G and A valve opening to avoid penalizing the boost pressure is within 8 percent. The duration of each phase is
engine performance when the engine loading process includes a predicted with sufficient accuracy.
turbocharger switch. Figure 7 also shows a good agreement between measured and
Figure 6 shows that both turbochargers reach the same speed calculated results for the engine. The exhaust line valve opening
after 1.8 s. The ‘‘OVE’’ and ‘‘OVA’’ vertical lines correspond to initially results in a pressure drop in the exhaust manifold, which
the beginning of the exhaust and inlet line valve opening, respec- temporarily improves the engine performance. Consequently, the
tively. The boost pressure decreases from 3.5 to 2.2 bar during the engine scavenging improves, resulting in a slight increase of the

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 565

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Fig. 9 Air charging system performance during a ITCÕ2TC switch at 900 rpm in case of a reduced valve opening
timing—16PA6STC engine

engine BMEP as well as the engine speed. The actual engine compressor mass flow quickly increases to reach ‘‘B.’’ Then, the
speed exceeds the requested speed and the governor orders a de- boost pressure increases at constant speed and the compressor
crease of the fuel rack position. However, the boost pressure drops operating point reaches ‘‘C.’’ However, the compressor speed is
after approximately one second since the air is supplied by a insufficient and the operating point goes to the surge area to even-
single turbocharger which receives only half of the exhaust gas tually reach ‘‘D’’ while the compressor mass flow significantly
flow. As a result, the inlet air flow decreases as well as the engine decreases.
speed. The rack reaches its higher limit and the governor cannot Due to a reversed compressor flow, the inlet manifold pressure
compensate the speed decrease. After the inlet air line valve open- decreases and the compressor operating point reaches ‘‘A’’ which
ing, the boost pressure augmentation allows a slight increase of corresponds to the minimum of the 270 rps speed line. Subse-
the engine speed. However, the engine BMEP does not increase quently, the compressor mass flow quickly increases to reach
significantly due to the higher limit of the fuel rack position. After ‘‘E.’’ The ‘‘A-B-C-D-E’’ surge loop lasted approximately .5 s and
approximately five seconds since the beginning of the switching the compressor speed reached 280 rps. Since the compressor mass
process, the fuel rack limit associated with the use of one turbo- flow is again positive, the inlet manifold pressure progressively
charger is replaced with the much higher fuel rack limit associated increases. The turbocharger speed is now sufficient and the oper-
with the use of two turbochargers. As a result, the fuel rack posi- ating point is no longer in the surge area of the compressor map.
tion slightly increases for a few seconds allowing the engine to The inlet manifold pressure stabilizes around ‘‘F.’’
stabilize at the requested speed. The SELENDIA code showed good predictive capabilities in
The validation process was continued with the 16PA6 STC 共16 case of anomalies. These predictive capabilities were utilized to
cylinders兲 engine, which is equipped with bigger turbochargers determine the effect of geometry modifications on the engine per-
than the 12PA6 STC engine. The simulation is again at constant formance during a turbocharger switch. The effect of the inlet
speed 共900 rpm兲. The delay between the exhaust and inlet line manifold volume was investigated. The inlet manifold volume of
valve openings is 2.7 s for this engine instead of 2 s for the the test engine is 1.3 m3. Figure 11 shows the performance pre-
previous engine due to higher turbocharger inertia. Figure 8 shows diction of the SELENDIA code for an inlet manifold volume of .8
a satisfactory agreement between measured and simulated results. m3, which was chosen arbitrarily.
The error margin on the turbocharger speeds, boost pressure and The simulated results indicate the occurrence of two surge
duration of the various phases remains quite low. loops before the stabilization of the engine operation. Figure 12
shows the compressor operating point on the compressor map.
5 Predicted Results The initial operation of the compressor illustrated by the curve
The SELENDIA code was utilized to simulate the 16PA6-STC labeled ‘‘A’’ corresponds to the previously described compressor
engine performance in case of an anomaly. Figure 9 shows the
performance of the air charging system when the delay between
the exhaust and inlet line valve openings is reduced from 2.7 s to
2.2 s. In such a case, the speed of the second turbocharger is
insufficient when the inlet line valve is opened. This results in
compressor surge as shown by the turbocharger speed curve and
especially the boost pressure curve for which a sudden drop is
observed, indicating a negative compressor mass flow. Figure 9
shows that the simulated results are satisfactory. The results show
that there is only one surge ‘‘loop’’ whose amplitude and duration
are predicted with good accuracy. The trajectory of the compres-
sor operating point on the compressor map contributes to a better
understanding of the air charging system performance. This tra-
jectory can be plotted using the simulated inlet manifold pressure
and compressor mass flow. Figure 10 shows the operating point of
the compressor that is being started during a switch from one
turbocharger to two turbochargers. In this figure, ‘‘A’’ is the com-
pressor operating point at the inlet line valve opening. The corre-
sponding compressor speed is 270 revolutions per sec 共rps兲. The Fig. 10 Surge loop on the compressor map

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Fig. 11 Engine and air charging system performance during a 1TCÕ2TC switch at 1010 rpm for the 16PA6STC with
an inlet manifold volume of .8 m3

performance when the inlet line valve is opened. When the com- the second surge loop corresponds to a compressor speed of 278
pressor mass flow is again positive, the inlet manifold pressure is rps. The compressor speed after the second surge loop is 280 rps,
approximately 1.75 bar. During the first surge loop labeled ‘‘B,’’ which is sufficient to prevent a third surge loop. The compressor
the compressor did not reach a sufficient speed that would prevent operating point leaves the surge area of the compressor map and
surge. As a result, another surge loop labeled ‘‘C’’ is observed. the boost pressure stabilizes around ‘‘D.’’
The first loop corresponds to a compressor speed of 275 rps and Figure 13 shows the engine and air charging system perfor-
mance for a switch from one to two turbochargers with an inlet
manifold volume of 2 m3. This figure shows that the turbocharger
switch does not induce surge when the inlet manifold volume is
2 m3.
A larger exhaust manifold volume results in a larger inertia of
the engine/turbocharger assembly. The amplitude of the inlet
manifold pressure drop is thus smaller with a large manifold than
with a small manifold. This may appear as a penalizing factor for
the engine performance since a higher boost pressure puts the
compressor operation closer to the surge area. However, a higher
boost pressure increases the engine power. This power increase
provides a better energy flow to the turbine which is being started
during the one to two turbocharger switch. Consequently, the tur-
bocharger speed increases faster and reaches a higher value when
the inlet line valve is opened. This significantly diminishes the
risk of surge as predicted by the simulated results.

6 Conclusion
Fig. 12 Performance of the compressor being started during a The steady state performance and transient response of high
1TCÕ2TC switch with an inlet manifold volume of .8 m3 output marine diesel engines must be thoroughly investigated. As

Fig. 13 Engine and air charging system performance during a 1TCÕ2TC switch at 1010 rpm for the 16PA6STC with
an inlet manifold volume of 2 m3

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 567

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shown in this paper, the SELENDIA simulation code allows a
comprehensive investigation of the engine/turbocharger assembly
under transient conditions in the case of sequentially turbocharged
engines. The various results show a good agreement between
measured and simulated data. As an added advantage, simulation
can be used to investigate the influence of specific engine param-
eters. In parallel to test bed measurements, it may be useful for the
design, development and optimization of turbocharged marine
diesel engines for both healthy and faulty operations.

We would like to thank the Center d’Etude des Machines Ther- Fig. 14 Schematic of compressor operating map
miques of SEMT Pielstick and especially M. G. Grosshans for his
• A compressor characteristic is unique, independently of the
Nomenclature steady or dynamic 共during surge兲 nature of the compressor
N ⫽ rotation speed 关rpm兴 • A compressor characteristic is represented by a function that
n ⫽ number of cylinders is continuous and derivable across the complete mass flow
BMEP ⫽ Brake Mean Effective Pressure 关bar兴 range.
W ⫽ power 关W兴 • The minimum of a compressor characteristic occurs when the
P ⫽ cylinder pressure 关bar兴 mass flow is equal to zero.
diff ⫽ difference between requested & actual speed 关-兴 • Section 4 can be assimilated as the parabolic curve of a pres-
m ⫽ mass 关kg兴 sure loss.
S ⫽ area 关m2兴
Cp ⫽ specific heat at constant pressure 关J/kg/K兴 Using the various notations defined in the general nomenclature
␩ ⫽ efficiency 关-兴 as well as the appendix nomenclature, the compressor character-
␥ ⫽ specific heat ratio 关-兴 istics are modeled as follows:
V ⫽ volume 关m3兴
I ⫽ inertia 关kgm2兴
t ⫽ time 关s兴 Section 2: DÌD p Õ2
rack ⫽ fuel rack position 关mm兴 The following equations are based on energy conservation, Eu-
K ⫽ coefficients 关-兴 ler’s theorem and experimental data. They include the effect of
␶ ⫽ compression rate 关-兴 slip factor ␴, friction and incidence losses as well as the previ-
OV ⫽ opening coefficient 关-兴 ously listed assumptions.

冉 冉 冊冊
T ⫽ temperature 关K兴 2 ␥ / 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲
D ad
Subscripts si D c ⬎D ad⌸⫽ a 1 ⫺a 2 .D c ⫺K f .D 2c ⫺a 3 1⫺

冉 冉 冊冊
eng engine
2 ␥ / 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲
cyl ⫽ cylinder Dc
comp ⫽ compressor si D c ⬍D ad⌸⫽ a 1 ⫺a 2 .D c ⫺K f .D 2c ⫺a 3 1⫺
D ad
tot ⫽ total
exh ⫽ exhaust where a 1 ⫽1⫹ ␴ (4 ␲ 2 r 22 )/(Cp.T *
1 )N

TC ⫽ turbocharger ␴ .N
tur ⫽ turbine a 2⫽
max ⫽ maximum Cp.T 1 . ␳ 1 共 ⌸ p 兲 ␥ .l 2 .tg 共 ␤ 2 兲
n ⫽ nominal
2 ␲ 2 共 r 21 ⫹r 22 兲
i ⫽ inlet a 3⫽ N 2 et
o ⫽ outlet Cp.T 1
fo ⫽ full opening
a 3 .D p
D ad⫽
a 2 .D p
共 ⌸ p 兲 共 ␥ ⫺1兲/␥ ⫺a 1 ⫹a 3 ⫹
Appendix I: Elements for the Extrapolation of the Con- 2

冉 冊
stant Speed Lines of a Compressor 1 1 a2
A single equation cannot characterize the compressor pressure- K f ⫽a 3 ⫺ 2 ⫺
D ad .D p D p 2.D p
flow diagram across its complete range. Figure 14 identifies the
following 4 distinct sections:
Section 3: 0ËD c ËD p Õ2
• Section 1 is obtained by the experiment and usually provided The formulation of this section was arbitrarily selected to link
by the manufacturer section 2 and 4. K is fitted to ensure continuity and derivability.
• Sections 2 and 4 may be obtained by the experiment 关18兴 ⌸⫽K.D 2c ⫹⌸ 0 where:

冋 冉 冊册
• Section 3 does not seem to be accessible by the experiment
␥ a2 2a 3 1 1
The parametric expressions of the compressor’s characteristics K⫽ ⫺ ⫺K f ⫹ ⫺
presented in this appendix are derived from a combination of the ␥ ⫺1 Dp D ad D p 2D ad
classical equations and those related to the main losses experi-
enced in sections 1, 2, 3 and 4. The following assumptions were

⫻ a 1⫺
a 2 .D p K f .D 2p

⫹a 3 1⫺
2D ad 冉 冊册2 1/共 ␥ ⫺1 兲

568 Õ Vol. 122, OCTOBER 2000 Transactions of the ASME

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⌸ 0⫽ a 1⫺冋 a 2 .D p K f .D 2p

⫹a 3 1⫺冉 Dp
2D ad 冊册
2 ␥ / 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲

K.D 2p


Polytropic coefficient
Compressor pressure ratio
Pressure ratio at surge occurrence
⌸0 ⫽ Pressure ratio at compressor zero mass flow
Section 4: D c Ë0 ␳1 ⫽ Air density at the compressor inlet
⌸⫽K ⬘ .D 2c ⫹⌸ 0 where K ⬘ ⫽ 共 ⌸ p ⫺⌸ 0 兲 /D 2p ␴ ⫽ Slip factor
⍀r ⫽ Manifold volume
Appendix II: Equations Resulting from the Air Charg-
ing System Model Shown in Figure 5 References
关1兴 Chessé, P., Hetet, J. F., Tauzia, X., and Frayret, J. P., 1995, ‘‘Influence of the
• Valve: Barre de Saint Venant’s equation for subsonic flows Alteration of the Compressor Surge Line on the Operation Limit of a Marine
• Pipe: Newton’s First Law Turbocharged Diesel Engine,’’ Internal Combustion Engine Division of the
dDc Ac ASME—Fall Technical Conference 24–27 Sept., Milwaukee.
⫽ 共 Pc⫺Pr兲 关2兴 Chessé, P., Tauzia, X., Hetet, J. F., Inozu, B., and Roy, P. 1996, ‘‘Study by
dt Lc Simulation of the Behavior of a Two Stage Turbocharged System During
Surge,’’ ASME Spring Technical Conference, Engine Simulation Cession,
• Manifold: Mass and energy conservation Proceedings, 27-4, pp. 107–113, October 20–23, Fairborn OH 共USA兲.

冉 冊
关3兴 Herrmann, R., 1989, ‘‘Sequential Turbocharging for PA6 Engine,’’ IMechE
dPr r.␥.Tr Tc seminar, Sprint Rated Engines, London Nov. 28 1989.
⫽ Dc ⫺Dv 关4兴 Herrmann, R., 1990, ‘‘Sequential Turbocharging for PA 6 Engines,’’ ISME
dt ⍀r Tr

冋冉 冊 册
dTr r.Tr2 Tc 关5兴 Grosshans, G., 1995, ‘‘The Marine Version of SEMT Pielstick’s New Genera-
⫽ ␥ Dc ⫺Dv ⫺共Dc⫺Dv兲 tion of Medium Speed Engines,’’ Fall Technical Conference, 共Milwaukee兲,
dt Pr .⍀r Tr ASME 95, I.C.E. Vol. 25-1.
关6兴 Hetet, J. F., Chessé, P., and Inozu, B., 1994, ‘‘An ACSL Simulation for Op-
• Compressor: timum Operation of Turbocharged Marine Diesel Engines,’’ ASME Paper 94-

冉 冊 共 ␧⫺1兲/␧ ICE-7.
Pc 关7兴 Heywood, J. B., 1988, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Mc Graw
T c ⫽T 0 Hill, New York.
关8兴 Keenan, J. H., and Kayes, J., 1948, Gas Tables, John Willey, New York.

D c⫽ f 冉 冊Pc
关9兴 Wiebe, 1967, ‘‘Halbempirische Formel für die Verbre nungsggeschwind-
igkeit,’’ Verlag der Akademie der Wissenchaft der UdssR 共Moscow兲.
关10兴 Gaudart, L., 1987, ‘‘Incidence des configurations de fonctionnement de
navires militaires sur la suralimentation à deux étages de leurs moteurs diesel
de propulsion PA6-BTC,’’ Thèse de doctorat ENSM.
Appendix Nomenclature 关11兴 Woschni, G., 1967, ‘‘An Universally Applicable Equation for the Tinstanta-
neous Heat Ransfert Coefficient in the Internal Combustion Engine,’’ SAE
Ac ⫽ Pipe cross section Paper 670931.
Dc ⫽ Compressor mass flow 关12兴 Chen, S. K., and Flynn P. F., 1965, ‘‘Development of a Single Cylinder Com-
D ad ⫽ Compressor mass flow at adaptation pression Ignition Research Engine,’’ SAE Paper 650773.
Dp ⫽ Compressor mass flow during surge 关13兴 Watson, N., and Janota, M. S., 1982, ‘‘Turbocharging the Internal Combustion
Engine,’’ Mac Millan, New York.
Dv ⫽ Valve mass flow 关14兴 Mitchell, G., ‘‘A.C.S.L.: Advanced Continuous Simulation Language,’’ Con-
l2 ⫽ Width of the wheel outlet cord, MA, USA.
Lc ⫽ Pipe length 关15兴 Inozu, B., Gervaise, H., Roy, P., and Hetet, J. F., 1995, ‘‘Performance Simu-
N ⫽ Compressor speed lation of Marine Diesel Engines Under Extreme Conditions.’’ ASME Fall
Technical Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Pr ⫽ Manifold pressure 关16兴 Inozu, B., 1996, ‘‘Performance Simulation of Marine Propulsion Systems Un-
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Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 569

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