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Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of

the Attainment of the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in
English Language Education

NPM : 15420024




English Department, 15420024

This research is the effectiveness of implementation by using Problem
Based Learning to improve writing ability students. Based on curriculum 2013,
writing is one of skills in mastering English that must be taught and learned in
senior high school. SMA Teuku Umar Semarang is one of school that uses it as
a guide in teaching learning process. Writing is one of the skills of English that
must be mastered by students. But on the fact, many students find difficulty in
the process of writing. However, it is considered a difficult skill, particularly in
English as a second language (ESL) context where students face many
challenges in writing. Moreover the eleventh grade students of SMA Teuku
Umar Semarang, also faced some problems in learning writing. Some of the
students still have low ability in their writing. The researcher interpret that they
low ability in writing were indicated because they have lack of self confidence
in expressing their ideas in English. The purpose of this research is to find out
how Problem Based Learning Method improves writing ability of the student
of SMA Teuku Umar Semarang, and to find out the responses of the students
on the applications of Problem Based Language Method in teaching writing.
Research method applied in this research is collaborative classroom action
research with the setting of this study is at SMA Teuku Umar Semarang, and
the subjects of this research are the students of the eleventh grade students of
SMA Teuku Umar Semarang in the academic year of 2019/2020. Meanwhile,
the research instruments are observation sheet, list of students’ names, and test.
Problem Based Learning as a learning model could motivate the students
involved in the learning process and could encourage and engage the students’
to write.

Keyword : Problem Based Learning, Writing Ability.


Writing is an activity of expressing and communicating ideas in the

written form. People communicate by writing a letter, short message

service, e-mail, and even they express their feelings by writing diary. By

writing, people create and express their ideas in an organized process. The

more they write, the better their thinking skill will be. As a result, the way

they communicate their ideas becomes better and easier to understand.

In the English proficiency, defines as having proficient at four skills;

listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, the students should

have good ability to use those four skills to be competent mastering

English language. In writing, students require to understand how the

words, sentences, and structures can explain the meaning of the utterance

made by them. Writing is a part of language skill which important to be

taught and it is the most difficult skill to master for language learners. The

difficulty of writing lies not only in organizing idea but also in translating

this idea into readable text (Richards and Renandya, 2002: 303).

In writing process, learners always deal with the process of arranging

words into sentences and the putting sentences into paragraph until they

can create a piece of written text. According to Tarigan (1985:5) writing is

productive skills for writing an indirect communication and the nature of

the character is very different from that expressed by speaking directly,

therefore writing is included an ability.

It is very important to be learned because writing well is not just an

opinion. Graham and Perin (2007, p. 3) state writing well is not just and

option for young people it is a necessity. Writing is complex cognitive

activity which required. The writer control several variables like

punctuation, grammatical system, vocabulary and letter information. So,

writing is a crucial part in English, it will be difficult to communicate in

English in written form. Writing is not simply putting meaning down some

into a number of unrelated sentences but it is the ability to produce a

sequence of sentence arranged in a particular order and linked together in a

certain way in order in produce some ideas, thoughts and desires (Byrne,

1990: 1).

Problem Based Learning is an appropriate model in teaching

writing. It is a learning process conducted by a group which focused in

problem solving scientifically. Margeston in Rusman (2011: 230) states

that Problem Based curriculum can improve the development of long life

education in form of open-ended thinking, reflective, and active learning.

The activity encourages students to stimulate thinking activity based on

actual problem. Afterwards this problem can be reported in written form.

The source that comes from actual problem, used by the students and

implemented into writing expression. The problem that frequently appear

are also implementing, comprehending and reporting the implementation

of the discourse. The pillar for argumentative writing is the problem. The
writing contains arguments supported by reason and fact, as well as the


Problem Based curriculum facilitate student to solve the problems,

communication, and group work discussion. Thus, Problem Based

Learning can help students in solving the problem around team in writing.

They will solve the problem together in their group and discuss each other

so that their ideas and information can develop. From this statement, the

writer believes that Problem Based Learning can make students active.

They can know how to critically the problems in writing. Based on the

statement, the writer wants to conduct a research of how the “Problem

Based Learning Teaching Writing of Senior High School Students”.

The problem faced by the students will be outlined in the following

phenomena :
1. How is the students’ ability in writing taught by using Problem Based
Learning method?
2. How is the implementation Problem Based Learning in English
teaching writing to the eleventh graders of SMA Teuku Umar
3. Is there any significant effects by using Problem Based Learning to
students’ writing ability at SMA Teuku Umar Semarang?

The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of

Problem Based Learning for improving the English teaching. This study
was conducted to describe how the teacher implements Problem Based
Learning in teaching writing. The writing activity is not only the activity,
which could be finish in one time, then get the good result. The writer
should pass some steps in writing; however, sometimes the writer requires
re-writing to revise again. The writing process as a classroom activity
incorporates the four basic writing stages. They are Planning, Drafting
(writing), Revising (re-drafting) and Editing. There other stages are also
externally imposed on students by the teacher, namely, responding
(sharing), evaluating and post-writing.
The steps above will be explained clearly by the researcher below.
Writing activity is not simple as changing thoughts to words in a paper.
The writer should pass some steps in writing; however, sometimes the
writer requires re-writing to revise again. Richards and Renandya (2002)
agrees that writing should be completed through four stages; Planning,
Drafting, Revising and Editing. There are some steps of writing as
explained by them:

a. Planning (Pre-writing)
The first step that students have to do before they write a text. There
are some activities which provided the learning experiences for
students at this stage, such as group brainstorming, clustering, rapid
free writing and WH-questions to generate ideas for the students
before they write a text.
b. Drafting (Writing)
In the draft stage, students are expected to put the arrangement they
did in the planning stage on a paper. In this stage, spelling rules for the
written text are ignored. The students primarily try to create the
c. Revising (Re-drafting)
This stage consist of the students’ review of the written draft, sharing
the draft with a writing group formed in the classroom, and
rearranging the content according to feedback from friends in the
writing group. The students might expand the text with new ideas or
remove the unnecessary parts. Revising is a difficult stage for
d. Editing
In this stage spelling rules and punctuation, which are called the
mechanical aspect of writing, are checked. Before sharing what they
have written with others, the students review the draft for the last time
and make corrections for readability. An editing checklist might be
prepared illustrating the spelling errors.
- The first component is problem. Problem in PBL should be
provided in the form of unstructured realistic problems. It means
that the problems should allow and encourage students to evaluate
their current knowledge, reasoning and learning strategies. The
problems should also enable the students to know and learn. For
example, the problems provide real-world problems or
experiences around students’ daily life. Such problems should
help students become engaged in the learning process based on
their understanding.


1. Problem Based Learning
Problem Based Learning (PBL) [Dolmans et al. 2005; Boud and
Feletti 1997] is an instructional approach that makes the student the
focus of the learning process, seeking to empower them such that they
take responsibility themselves for their own learning. Problem Based
Learning is a teaching and learning method which puts a problem first
in which further learning is conducted in the context of that problem.
Problem Based Learning method means in this research is a method
used by researcher to know its effect towards students’ writing ability.
Problem Based Learning is a teaching and learning method
which puts a problem first learning is conducted in the context of that
problem. Problem Based Learning method means in this research is a
method used by the researcher to find out the effectiveness by using
problem based learning to improve teaching writing ability students.

2. Writing
Writing is how person communicates his or her thoughts and
feelings by visible signs, understandable not only for himself but also
for all other people. It means that when one writes, she or he can
express her or his feelings and thoughts, from words into sentences
and sentences into paragraphs which have meaning (Siddiq, 2013).
Thus, writing is defined as a ‘process of thinking’ (Rukayah, 2014).
Hence, writing is as linguistics communication, since this language
skill is used to communicate to each other (Quirk et al., 1985;
Rukayah, 2014). For the students, writing skills is a significant skill to
be possessed by the second language learners (Javed et al., 2013)
because it gives positive impacts on the students’ life. Unfortunately,
the learners’ still have difficulties in writing, such as the problems of
language, cognitive and content (Wigati, 2015).
In this case, the teacher is a very important part in the process of
teaching writing. As educators teachers must ensure that their students
learn something useful, beneficial and lasting for their future. Three
roles of the teacher in the teaching and learning process of writing are
as a motivator, a resource (giving clarification and facilitation), and a
feedback provider (Harmer, 2002). Therefore, the teacher has full
responsibilities and significant roles in the teaching and learning
process of writing.

1. Subject of Research
This study was conducted in SMA Teuku Umar Semarang
especially at Eleventh Grade who want to improve writing ability. The
subject of this study was 32 students the Eleventh Grade class in
Academic Year of 2019/2020.
2. Research design
This research applied by quantitative research as the research
design. This research took the data by the score of the student Pre-Test
and Post Test, after that the researcher will analyze the data , at least
the researcher will describe the result of the data.
3. Data Collection
The data in this research will be collected from Pre-Test and Post
Test. The method of the data collection the researcher uses will be
implemented in the following stages :
1. The teacher will give the materials about writing suggestions and
offer to the student.
2. The teacher will give the materials about writing asking for giving
opinion to the students.
3. The teacher will give Pre-Test about suggestions and offer and
asking for giving opinion to the students.
4. The teacher will give the materials about suggestions and offer
and asking for giving opinion to the students.
5. The reseacher will give Post Test about suggestions and offer and
asking for giving opinion to the students.
4. Data Analysis
In this research, the researcher will use the narrative method in
analyzing the data. Since the main purpose was to understand the
material about suggestions and offer and asking for giving opinion
ability to the students. This research will use narrative quantitative.
The data of this research are the students’ writing of narrative
text. The data source of this research are the informant and writing
text. The technique for analyzing data is (1) Reading the students’
work daily sheets in the form of narrative text. (2) Analyzing the
aspects of narrative text; content, organization, vocabulary, grammar
and mechanic. (3) Classifying and scoring the students test of writing
narrative paragraphs. (4) Drawing conclusion based on the results of
research of the students’ ability in writing narrative text at SMA
Teuku Umar Semarang.


1. Result

2. Discussion

Siddiq, A. 2013. The Use of Semantic Mapping Technique to Improve Writing

Skill in descriptive Text. JPG, 1(12), 8-15.

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