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Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 39–46

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Waste-based geopolymeric mortars with very high moisture buffering

A. De Rossi a,⇑, J. Carvalheiras c, R.M. Novais c, M.J. Ribeiro b, J.A. Labrincha c, D. Hotza a, R.F.P.M. Moreira a
Department of Chemical Engineering (EQA), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), PO Box 476, 88040-900 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Polytechnique Institute of Viana do Castelo (UIDM-ESTG), 4900-348 Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering/CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

h i g h l i g h t s

 Construction wastes were used to produce high moisture buffering capacity.

 Addition of H2O2 dramatically enhanced the mortars’ moisture buffer value.
 Fly ash-based mortars presented low thermal conductivity.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, lightweight waste-based geopolymeric mortars were evaluated for the first time regarding
Received 14 March 2018 their potential to passively adjust indoor relative humidity (RH) levels. Geopolymer mortars were pre-
Received in revised form 11 September pared using a mixture of fly ash (FA) and metakaolin (MK) as a binder, in a proportion of 75:25 wt%
(FA:MK), construction and demolition waste as the fine aggregate and a pore forming agent in varying
Accepted 29 September 2018
Available online 8 October 2018
amounts. The results showed that the addition of a pore-forming agent to the compositions considerably
increased the moisture buffer value (MBV) of the mortars, that is, from 0.80 (reference mortar) to
5.61 g/m2 D%RH (mortar with highest porosity). The moisture buffering capacity shown by these eco-
Geopolymeric mortar
friendly mortars is higher than values reported for other binder materials and can be classified as excel-
Biomass fly ash lent (MBV > 2 g/m2 D%RH). The porous FA-based mortars also presented low thermal conductivity (as low
Construction and demolition waste as 0.19 W/m∙K), which suggests that these innovative binders could be simultaneously used for indoor
Pore forming agent moisture buffering and as low thermal conductivity materials.
Porosity Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Moisture buffering

1. Introduction The mechanism of moisture diffusion in hygroscopic materials

is dependent on the moisture capacity and water vapor or liquid
Interest in the development of novel building materials with permeability. The moisture buffer value (MBV) is used as an
improved moisture buffering capacity is related to the increasing unequivocal measure to characterize this property of building
energy consumption associated with mechanical heating, ventila- materials. This is a direct measurement of the amount of water
tion and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in buildings [1]. Besides vapor adsorbed or desorbed by a hygroscopic material when it is
the economic aspects, high indoor humidity levels can cause con- exposed to a periodic wave in daily cycles [4]. A hypothetical
densation on interior surfaces, material defacement and the prolif- example of such cycles could be 12 h of higher relative humidity
eration of microorganisms with negative effects on human comfort (RH = 75%) followed by 12 h of lower relative humidity
and health [1,2]. Thus, the use of alternative materials, devices and (RH = 50%). It has being reported that the energy saving increases
approaches to minimize the use of HVAC systems and conse- with increasing MBV values [1].
quently to reduce the energy demand in buildings has been Different studies have shown that materials commonly used in
recently proposed. One promising option is the use of novel mate- building and construction (wood and wood-based components
rials to control the indoor hygrothermal conditions passively [3]. [5–7], modified mortars [8–10], and cellulose insulation [11]) or
furnishings (textiles, wood and paper) [12], can be used for indoor
moisture buffering. Modified mortars with enhanced moisture
⇑ Corresponding author. buffering can be produced using a porogenic additive (aluminum
E-mail address: (A. De Rossi). powder, sodium olefin sulfonate or superabsorbent polymers)
0950-0618/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
40 A. De Rossi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 39–46

[8–10,13] or an aggregate (sand, zeolite, perlite, biomass waste) 2.3. Characterization of materials
[14,15]. Although the MBV of these modified mortars is improved,
The chemical compositions of FA and MK were determined by X-ray fluores-
all of these materials are classified as ‘‘moderate” (0.5 < MBV < 1.0) cence (XRF, X’Pert PRO MPD Philips). The values for the loss on ignition (LOI) at
or ‘‘good” (1.0 < MBV < 2.0) [4] in terms of their moisture buffering 1000 °C were also obtained. The mineralogical compositions of MK, FA and pulver-
capacity. Moreover, these mortars contain Portland cement, which ized geopolymer specimens (cured for 28 days) were determined by X-ray diffrac-
has excellent binder properties but its use is considered unsustain- tion (XRD, D8 Advance, Bruker) with Cu Ka radiation, at 5–80°, with 0.02° steps and
10 s/step. Phase identification was carried out using dedicated software (EVA
able due to the high level of CO2 emissions arising from its produc-
tion [16]. One eco-friendly alternative to Portland cement is the The compressive strength of the mortars (cured for 28 days) was determined
use of geopolymers. Geopolymers are synthesized by mixing solid using a universal testing machine (LR 30 K, Lloyd) running at a displacement rate
aluminosilicates with alkaline activators at low temperatures of 0.5 mm/min. Five cylindrical samples, which were polished flat, of each formula-
(below 100 °C) [17,18]. This exciting technology also allows the tion (22 mm diameter and 44 mm length) were tested and the average data was
use of various waste streams as raw materials [19,20] which fur- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, SU1510 Hitachi) was used to characterize
ther decreases the production cost and carbon footprint. However, the porous microstructure of the mortars. The Brunauer–Emmer–Teller (BET) sur-
despite the promising properties of these innovative binder sys- face area and pore properties were measured by a N2 adsorption–desorption iso-
tems the possibility of using geopolymer mortars as moisture buf- therm at liquid nitrogen temperature by using (Gemini V2, Micromeritics
Instrument Corporation, Norcross, GA), and utilizing N2 as adsorbate after drying
fer materials remains unexplored.
of the monolith samples (0.1 mg) at 200 °C. Mercury intrusion porosimetry was
In this study, lightweight waste-based geopolymeric mortars conducted using a porosimeter (Autopore IV 9500, Micromeritics Instrument Corp.,
were prepared using varying amounts of hydrogen peroxide Norcross, GA). Single-intrusion data were measured to provide information on the
(pore-forming agent) to produce very high moisture buffering total porosity and the pore size.
eco-friendly materials, able to provide an efficient control of indoor The thermal conductivity (ASTM C518-04) [24] and water absorption coefficient
(NP EN 1015-18) [25] were measured using cubic specimens (40  40  40 mm3).
humidity levels. The bulk density was measured geometrically, considering the sample weight
and dimensions. Three specimens were analyzed per composition.

2. Experimental section 2.4. Moisture buffering tests

2.1. Raw materials The MBV was determined through the Nordtest method [4], using a climate
chamber (Fitoclima 300 EDTU Aralab). The mass variation of cylindrical samples
Geopolymers were prepared using a mixture of biomass waste (fly ash – FA) (diameter = 90 mm and height = 10 mm) was continuously determined and the
and metakaolin (MK, Argical M 1200 S, Univar) as a source of reactive silica and alu- data was recorded during the cyclic variation of the moisture according to ISO
mina (binder). The FA provided the main aluminosilicate source (75 wt%), while MK 24353:2008 [26] at a constant temperature of 23 °C.
was used in lower amounts (25 wt%) to balance the molar ratio of the compositions. The MBV was calculated through Eq. (1):
The FA (particle size of d50 = 32.63 mm and d90 = 86.91 mm) was derived from
biomass (eucalyptus) burning in the bubbling fluidized combustor of a paper pulp MBV ¼ ð1Þ
plant in Portugal. The SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio of the binder was 4.56. A  D%RH
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) were used as the fine aggregate in where Dm is the mass variation, A is the exposed surface of the sample, and D%RH is
the production of the mortars, and the binder:aggregate ratio was 1:1 (by weight). the amplitude of the humidity variation. In this study, the specimens were first pre-
The CDW was collected from a typical source, according to LER 1701 [21] and Direc- conditioned at 63% relative humidity for 24 h and then the humidity levels inside the
tive 2008/98/EC [22]. The residues were dried at 110 °C for 24 h and prepared via a chamber fluctuated between 75% (12 h) and 50% (12 h), this corresponding to middle
double comminution process: jaw crushing (BB2 Retsch) followed by hammer humidity levels according to ISO 24353:2008 [26]. The humidity changes were
milling (5657 Retsch). The grain size distribution curve of the fine aggregate is given imposed four times in order to obtain four adsorption/desorption cycles.
in Fig. S1. After milling, a CDW fraction of 0.5–1.0 mm was selected by sieving.
For the alkaline activation, a mixture of sodium silicate (9.13 wt% Na2O,
28.77 wt% SiO2, 62.1 wt% H2O; Quimiamel) and sodium hydroxide (97 wt% purity, 3. Results and discussion
Sigma Aldrich) was used with a weight ratio of Na2SiO3:NaOH = 1. The NaOH solu-
tion (10 M) was prepared by the dissolution of sodium hydroxide beads in distilled
water. Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 (reagent grade 30 wt%, Analar Normapur), was
3.1. Evaluation of moisture buffering performance
used as a porogenic agent, with contents of 0.15, 0.30 and 0.45 wt%.
The mass evolution of the mortars during the cyclic variation of
the ambient moisture is shown in Fig. 1. All specimens show a
2.2. Geopolymeric mortar preparation slight increase in mass after each adsorption/desorption cycle.
Nevertheless, the weight gain is moderate and the rate of increase
The alkaline activators were previously mixed by agitation at 60 rpm for 5 min, tends to decrease with the number of cycles. For the mortar with
and all solid materials (FA, MK and CDW) were added to the reactor. The mixture
the highest porosity (containing 0.45 wt% H2O2), the specimen
was maintained under agitation (60 rpm) for 10 min until complete homogeniza-
tion was achieved. The H2O2 was then added in the appropriate amount and the
mass increase was 0.8 wt% after the 1st cycle and decreased to
mixture was homogenized for 2 min at 95 rpm [23]. In the next step, the geopoly- 0.2 wt% after the 4th cycle. This result indicates that these samples
meric mortars were transferred to prismatic molds (40 mm  40 mm  160 mm), do not have a strong tendency toward saturation.
cylindrical molds (22 mm  44 mm) and circular molds (12 mm  94 mm) for the The mass evolution for the least porous mortar (prepared with-
thermal conductivity, compressive strength and MBV measurements, respectively
out H2O2) indicates a poor moisture buffer ability. In fact, the mois-
[4]. The samples were removed from the molds after 24 h and subsequently cured
at ambient temperature (20 °C) and humidity (68%) for 28 days. Table 1 summa- ture adsorption and desorption rates for this mortar, shown in
rizes the composition of the samples prepared in this study. Fig. 2, confirm that the specimen was not efficient in terms of pro-
moting indoor humidity control. The compositions containing dif-
ferent amounts of the pore-forming agent displayed distinct
Table 1
behaviors, as clearly demonstrated by the adsorption/desorption
Mix design of geopolymeric mortars (wt%).
curves (see Fig. 1). Thus, the additional porosity promoted by the
H2O2 FA MK CDW Na2SiO3:NaOH oxygen release, due to the H2O2 decomposition in the alkaline
0.00 25.05 8.35 33.3 33.3 medium, plays a vital role in the moisture buffer ability of the mor-
0.15 25.01 8.34 33.25 33.25 tars, with the MBV increasing from 0.80 g/m2D%RH (reference
0.30 24.98 8.32 33.2 33.2 mortar) to 5.61 g/m2D%RH (higher porosity mortar). Nevertheless,
0.45 24.94 8.31 33.15 33.15
the results show that desorption is less efficient that adsorption,
that is, the moisture removal/desorption during exposure at 50 %
A. De Rossi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 39–46 41

Fig. 1. Mass evolution of mortars with different hydrogen peroxide contents registered during cyclic variation of the ambient moisture: a) 0.00 wt%, b) 0.15 wt%, c) 0.30 wt%
and d) 0.45 wt%.

Nevertheless, it should be highlighted that the humidity fluctua-

tions imposed (following ISO 24353:2008 [26]) differ from those
prescribed in the Nordtest method (16 h at 33 %RH and 8 h at 75
%RH) and the final MBV value may differ slightly when using the
Nordtest humidity fluctuations. This issue will be addressed in
future work.
The maximum MBV observed for the FA-based geopolymeric
mortars was compared with previously reported values, as shown
in Table 2. It can be observed that the results for the FA-based
geopolymer mortars surpass all of the MBVs obtained in other
studies, being 8 times higher compared with hydraulic lime mor-
tars [15], between 2 and 5 times higher compared with cement
mortars [8–10,13] and around 3 times higher compared with
lime-based plaster [27]. The humidity fluctuations used here are
Fig. 2. Moisture buffer value obtained from adsorption and desorption tests for the similar to those used in [13] for cement mortar. In this study the
porous geopolymeric mortars (cured for 28 days) with different amounts of authors reported an MBV of 1.3 g/m2D%RH, which is 4.3 lower than
porogenic agent. the one here reported. These results demonstrate the excellent
moisture buffering capacity of the FA-based geopolymer mortars
produced. To understand the phenomena involved in the moisture
RH (12 h) does not fully compensate the adsorption that occurred adsorption by the porous geopolymeric mortars, the analysis of
in the previous step at 75 %RH (12 h). This result is in line with adsorption-desorption moisture isotherms is fundamental and this
other studies performed with Portland cement mortars [10]. The will be discussed below.
difference between the adsorption and desorption values shows
that the geopolymeric mortars studied have a low saturation ten- 3.2. Effect of porogenic agent concentration on phase composition and
dency over time in an environment with humidity and tempera- physical properties
ture conditions similar to those applied in this study.
The highest MBV value (5.61 g/m2D%RH), obtained in this study The raw materials used to produce the geopolymeric mortars
for the mortar with the highest porosity, demonstrates the good present mainly SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO in their chemical composition,
potential of this waste-based material for promoting indoor mois- as shown in Table 3. Quartz, calcite and muscovite were identified
ture control. In fact, based on this result, according to the Nordtest in the FA and CDW, while quartz and muscovite are the main min-
classification method, this mortar shows excellent performance in erals present in the MK (see Fig. 3). The mineralogical composition
terms of its moisture buffering capacity (>2.0 g/m2 D%RH) [4]. of the geopolymeric mortars (GMs) produced showed the phases
42 A. De Rossi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 39–46

Table 2
Moisture buffer value (MBV) for mortars with different additives.

Materials Porogenic agent MBV (g/m2D% Cycles Temperature and References

RH) Humidity
Cement mortar superabsorbent polymer, vermiculite and perlite v 2.5 5 cycles [8]
75% (8 h) and 33% (16 h)
Cement mortar aluminum powder, sodium olefin-sulfonate and superabsorbent 1.3 5 cycles [10]
polymer 75% (8 h) and 33% (16 h)
Cement mortar superabsorbent polymer v 1.1 5 cycles [9]
75% (8 h) and 33% (16 h)
Cement mortar superabsorbent polymer, vermiculite and TiO2 nanoparticles v 1.3 5 cycles [13]
75% (12 h) and 53% (12 h)
Hydraulic lime mortar spruce sawdust shavings, biomass bottom ash and biomass fly ash 0.7 5 cycles [15]
75% (8 h) and 33% (16 h)
Lime-based plaster cellulose fibers 1.9 5 cycles [27]
75% (8 h) and 33% (16 h)
FA-based geopolymer H2O2 (0.45 wt%) 5.6 5 cycles This study
mortar 75% (12 h) and 50% (12 h)

Table 3 Table 4
Chemical composition (in wt%) of metakaolin (MK), fly ash (FA) and construction and Mechanical, porosity and surface characterization of the porous geopolymeric
demolition waste (CDW) determined by XRF. mortars.

Oxides SiO2 Al2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O Fe2O3 TiO2 SO3 LOI H2O2 Compressive Porosity BET surface area Pore size
(wt.%) strength (MPa) (%) (m2/g) (lm)
MK 54.40 39.40 0.14 0.10 – 1.03 1.75 1.55 – 2.66
FA 34.00 13.50 3.10 16.50 1.50 5.50 5.00 0.60 2.80 14.30 0.00 11.9 ± 0.7 44.40 18.93 0.198
CDW 70.51 8.01 1.11 9.62 0.16 1.80 2.27 0.32 0.41 5.48 0.15 5.9 ± 0.8 47.79 24.40 0.786
0.30 2.7 ± 0.1 54.52 23.97 22.84
0.45 3.6 ± 0.2 55.92 26.70 31.88

Table 4 shows the compressive strength, porosity, BET surface

area and pore size for the different GMs. As expected, increasing
the amount of H2O2 in the composition induces a decrease in the
compressive strength of the specimen from 11.9 MPa to values
ranging from 2.7 to 3.6 MPa, for compositions containing 0.30
and 0.45 wt% H2O2, respectively.
The mortars solid to liquid ratio was intentionally kept at low
levels in order to produce lightweight geopolymers. This is the rea-
son why the reference mortar presents such high total porosity,
despite the fact that no pore forming agent was been added to this
composition. Thus the reference mortar had exhibiting total poros-
ity of around 44.40%, and the mortar with 0.45 wt% H2O2 obtained
55.92%. Else, the compressive strength of mortar with 0.30% H2O2
is slightly lower than that with 0.45% of H2O2 even if the total
porosity is almost the same. Further studies about the microstruc-
ture of these mortars using microtomography, for example, could
explain these results.”
The results for the optical and SEM characterization of the GMs
can be observed in Figs. 4 and 5. The micrographs clearly show an
increase in the size and volume of the pores with increasing H2O2
concentration in the GMs.
The N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms (measured at 77 K)
for the distinct mortars and the pore size distribution of the spec-
imens, are shown in Fig. 6. While the results for the BET specific
surface area (SSA) and pore size are reported in Table 4.
The GMs exhibited type II isotherms, which are characteristic of
non-porous or macroporous solids [28]. The pore size (Table 4)
obtained from the mercury intrusion porosimetry were different
Fig. 3. XRD patterns for metakaolin (MK), fly ash (FA), construction and demolition
waste (CDW) and geopolymeric mortar containing 0.30 wt% H2O2 (GM). for GMs, and macroporosity was prevalent, as seen by the inserts
of Fig. 6. The SSA increased as the H2O2 concentration in the com-
identified in the raw materials. The presence of H2O2 did not mod- positions increased, similarly to the pore size (Table 4) except in
ify the mineralogical compositions of the geopolymeric mortars mortar with 0.30 wt%.
(for the sake of brevity only one mortar composition is shown in The results of the water absorption by capillarity tests per-
Fig. 3), which is in agreement with findings reported by Novais formed on the porous mortars are shown in Fig. 7. It can be
et al. [23]. observed that the addition of 0.15 and 0.30 wt% H2O2 decreases
A. De Rossi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 39–46 43

Fig. 4. Influence of the hydrogen peroxide content on the microstructure of geopolymeric mortars: a) 0.00 wt%, b) 0.15 wt%, c) 0.30 wt% and d) 0.45 wt%.

Fig. 5. SEM characterization of the geopolymeric mortars prepared with different hydrogen peroxide contents: a) 0.00 wt%, b) 0.15 wt%, c) 0.30 wt% and d) 0.45 wt%.
44 A. De Rossi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 39–46

Fig. 6. Nitrogen adsorption (green diamonds) and desorption (red squares) isotherms and pore size distribution of the geopolymeric mortars prepared with increasing
hydrogen peroxide content: a) 0.00 wt%, b) 0.15 wt%, c) 0.30 wt% and d) 0.45 wt%. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

The mortar with 0.45% wt% H2O2 did not follow the tendency
previously observed for the mortars, showing an increase in the
capillary index. This difference may be related to the amount of
porogenic agent added, which caused the generation of pores with
larger dimensions through the coalescence of smaller pores [29], as
can be observed in Fig. 5 and the pore size. This would lead to the
formation of macropores in some parts of the mortars and com-
pressing loads in other areas, thus favoring the creation of capillary
pores and making it possible to increase the capillary index.
In fact, despite having similar total porosity in comparison with
the composition prepared with 0.30 wt% H2O2, this mortar (0.45%
wt% H2O2) showed much faster and greater water absorption, as
demonstrated by the water absorption evolution over time, shown
in Fig. 8. The water absorption for this composition reached 36%,
Fig. 7. Capillary water absorption of mortars prepared with different hydrogen
while that observed for the mortar containing 0.30 wt% H2O2 was
peroxide contents. only 30%. These results suggest that the mortars have a distinct
pore size distribution, which in the case of the mortar containing
the capillary index when compared to the reference mortar. This is a higher amount of pore forming agent resulted in a high capillary
because the addition of H2O2 leads to an increase in the quantity index.
and size of the pores, affecting the capillary absorption by reducing During the capillary tests, some efflorescence was observed in
the capillary pores. Moreover, although the GMs with 0.30 and the mortars. One possible explanation for this is an excess of
0.45 wt% H2O2 presented similar total porosity, the pore size is dif- cations (Na+ and Ca2+) in the materials, as show is in the Fig. S2.
ferent (Table 4), the addition of 0.45 wt% H2O2 is expected to lead As the samples come into contact with water, the solubilization
to a higher amount of interconnected pores than 0.30 wt% H2O2. of salts and their migration through the pores to the surface of
A. De Rossi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 39–46 45

aluminosilicate source (biomass fly ash) and the fine aggregate

was obtained from construction and demolition waste. The use of
hydrogen peroxide as a porogenic agent increased the moisture
buffering performance of developed geopolymeric mortars. The
moisture buffer values for the mortar specimens increased from
0.80 (reference mortar) to 5.61 g/m2D%RH (higher porosity mor-
tar), this being the highest value ever reported for binder materials.
On increasing the H2O2 content in the compositions there was a
decrease in the thermal conductivity and mechanical performance
and an increase in the water absorption and porosity. The very high
moisture buffering capacity of the waste-based geopolymer mor-
tars associated with their low thermal conductivity (0.19 W/m∙K)
indicates the potential for their simultaneous use for indoor mois-
ture buffering and as a low thermal conductivity material, aimed at
improving the health of the building occupants and decreasing the
Fig. 8. Water absorption of mortars prepared with different hydrogen peroxide
contents (wt%). energy consumption associated with HVACs.

Conflict of interest



This study was conducted within the scope of the project

CAPES/FCT 88887.125458/2016-00. The funding agencies CAPES
(Brazil) and FCT (Portugal) are gratefully acknowledged.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Fig. 9. Thermal conductivity and apparent density of the geopolymeric mortars as a References
function of hydrogen peroxide content.
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