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RIC Local Communications Team | Pout Sith ACPOINCSB POLICE ADVISOR wietcoarmct + Advise and brief on ‘what works’ locally + Highlight good practice and positive experiences, + Promote RICU services to local Police Forces, Local Authorities and associated agencies. + Match the messages with Local delivery structures (cu) Why are Local communications important ? + International events immediately resonate at a local level producing different consequences. + Messages can have a disproportionate effect on local communities. + Done property-can increase confidence in Police, Local Authorities and HG, + Support Faith based etwas and rcouage jgement in community based CT initiatives tocallytallored to sur public policy RicU: Why are CT communications important? “More than half ofthis bat staking place in tho Dated ofthe mesi.we ae in 2 media race for {he hoarts and minds of our Uma.” Aizawa (0st 2008) “You wll not win aginst extrome trroit a and particularly the propaganda actives, ur have tis bata of hearts and mands thats won ~ Gordon Brow (an 2007) Examples of Delivery Preparation and Prevention Language and communication methods used every day to engage people in the violent extremism conversation- increasing their confidence and capacity to represent their community and protect the vulnerable (Rc During enforcement or ‘operations “+ Engagement with the right individuals and organisations to deliver messages which explain local action and eliminate rumour and speculation. Reassure local people that action is proportionate and forthe safety of all, Reduces the sensitivity of high profile arrests, RICU] Aftermath management ‘Messages that maintain confidence in local agencies, secure support from Community Leaders and the wider public. Providing information which is factual and encourages witnesses to come forward. (Rieu! What might a Strategy look like? + faved wha ou ae abou & hy, wat is + Key Messages clear an simple. + Contest-explanaion of Barer and drivers, who Sifectes audience! consultees/partners). Strategie Statements or Objectives hat we want to beneve ‘tat do we want tay “wo shall ay and how “ei vcved “StariFinsh Measurement RICU] £ een esi a eras ‘canis Questions... cu! Breakout Sessions + Your group's task is to devise a CT communications campaign + You will need to come up with: ‘Atitle for your campaign 2-4 campaign objectives 2-4 key campaign messages A credible means of message delivery «And, for bonus points... ‘An evaluation mechanism (Reo) Breakout Sessions (cont.) + Audienes ‘Young UK Musi males considered tobe “wunerable toradiettaten™ + Group 1 - a CT campaign. “0 expore the weaknete of violet extremists? ‘eateges and brands + Group 2 a CT campaign. ‘to promote and support credible aterat + Group 3 -a CT campaign... to strengthen and protect the UX Goverment Tivoush effective communication, Next Steps + Iwill write up campaign ideas for the RICU campaigns manager + You can: Explore the RICU pages on the OSCT intranet Get in touch with the RICU member(s) most relevant to your role Contact me if you have campaign ideas or feedback for RICU ‘Jonathan. (RIC ======— | Breakout Session Templates Team Leader Name: Email: Tel: Campaign Title Campaign Objectives (acy) Campaign Key Messages (ricu] Credible Means of Delivery (rucu)} Evaluation Mechanism (optional) (ricu!

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