A Detailed Lesson Plan in English: A. Opening Activity 1. Prayer

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I. Objectives
 Identify the proper and common nouns
 Write a short paragraph about their wishes for their birthday
 Share the importance of proper and common nouns for everyday life

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Two Kinds of Nouns (English)
Reference: Internet Phase Book for grade 4
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation (Common and Proper Nouns), Cartolina
Teaching Methodology: Inductive Method

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activities Pupils’ Activities
A. Opening Activity
1. Prayer
- “Class, let us stand for our prayer. (Name of the - The assigned pupil will go in front of the class
pupil), kindly lead the prayer for today.” and will lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
- “Good Morning Class!” - “Good Morning Sir Crysler!”
3. Checking of Attendance
- “Who is absent for today?” - The secretary will tell the absentee/s for
4. Review today.
- “Before we start our lesson for today, do you recall - “Yes, Teacher!”
on what you had learned yesterday?”
- “What part of speech tells the names of a person,
thing, place, events, animal, plants, and any forms of - “The Noun teacher.”
- “Correct! Give me one example of a name of a
Person?” - “Crysler teacher.”
- “Very Good! Give me one example of a name of a
thing?” - “ball point pen teacher.”
- “Very Good! Give me one example of a name of a
place that you visit most?” - “SM Tarlac teacher.”
- “Very Good! Give me one example of a name of an
- “My birthday teacher.”
event which is very special for you?”
- “When is your birthday?” - “This coming August 22 teacher.”
- “Very Good! Give me three examples of names of
animals, plants and other forms of nature?” - “Elephant teacher.”
- “Acacia tree teacher.”
- “For those who got the correct answer, let’s give - “flower teacher.”
them a Boom – Boom Clap.” - The pupils will do the Boom – Boom Clap.
5. Motivation
“Class, here’s the dialog of Liza and his dad about
their visit to her grandparents in Manila. On her way, - The call pupils will go in front to portray their
she sees many things in Manila. This conversation will roles in the conversation.
play only by one boy and one girl only. Who wants to
read the conversation of Ben and his dad? ”
- The teacher will call one boy and one girl in the

Liza: Oh, Daddy, I’m so excited to see Lolo and

Lola. I’m also eager to see Manila.
Daddy: There are many places to see in Manila
Liza: Really! What are those places?
Daddy: On our way, we will pass by Alabang,
Sucat, Taguig, Makati and Pasay.
Liza: Are there factories and big buildings?
Daddy: Of course, there are. There are also many
people, hospitals and schools. There are
animals at the zoo.
Liza: Mom, will we visit the Manila Zoo?
Daddy: Yes, we will

- “Thank you! Let’s give them a Hooray clap.”

- After the called pupils read the dialog, the teacher - The pupils will do the Hooray clap.
will command the pupils to read the whole dialog - The boys will read the dialog of Liza’s
(boys and girls). Daddy and the girls will read the dialog of
- “Thank you! Let’s give them a Yes! Yes! Clap.” Liza.
B. Developmental Activity - The pupils will do the Yes! Yes! Clap.
1. Presentation
- The teacher will ask the pupils regarding to the
dialog that they read.

1. Who are the characters mentioned in the dialog?

2. What places will Liza and her father visit?

- “The characters mentioned in the dialog are Liza
and her daddy.”
3. What do they expect to see in these places? - “The places that they will visit are Manila and
Malabon Zoo.”
4. What places that they will pass as they going to - “They expect to see factories, buildings,
Manila? hospitals and schools.”
- “They will pass Alabang, Sucat, Taguig, Makati
- “Based on the dialog, who wants to underline the and Pasay.”
nouns present to the answers to the previous questions
about the dialog?” - The called pupils will underline all the nouns
present to the answer from the previous questions
about the dialog.

- “The characters mentioned in the dialog are Liza
and her daddy.”
- “The places that they will visit are Manila and
Malabon Zoo.”
- “They expect to see factories, buildings, hospitals
and schools.”
2. Discussion - “They will pass Alabang, Sucat, Taguig, Makati
- “Class, what did you noticed to these underlined and Pasay.”
- “Very Good! Class, are these words considered as - “Teacher, there are some words that starts with big
or capital letter while other words starts with small
- “And why do you think that these words are nouns?” - “Yes, Teacher.”
- “Very Good!” The teacher will discuss and explain
the definition and description of the two kinds of - “Teacher because the underlined words are the
nouns: Common Nouns and Proper Nouns. Also, he names of persons and places.”
will give examples of proper and common nouns.
- The teacher will ask the pupils to give other
examples of Common and Proper Nouns on the names
of persons, places, things and animals.

C. Closing Activity
1. Generalization
- “Class, what are the differences between Common
and Proper Noun?”

- “Very Good! Let’s give them Check na Check clap.”

2. Application
- The teacher will call 12 pupils to answer the Let’s
Practice activity.
DIRECTION: Give the PROPER NOUN which is
counterpart to its COMMON NOUN.

- The pupils will the Common and Proper Nouns

based on the names of persons, places, things and

- “Teacher, Proper Nouns tell the specific names of

persons, places, things and animals. On the
other hand, Common Nouns tell the general names
of persons, places, things and animals. ”
- “Teacher, Proper Nouns begin with Capital letter
while Common Nouns begin with small letter.”
3. Valuing
- “Class, why the uses of Proper Nouns and Common - The pupils will do the Check na Check clap.
Nouns is very important in our everyday life?”
- The called 12 pupils will answer the Let’s
Practice activity.
ANSWERS (Sample Only):
1. Broccoli
2. Sun Silk Shampoo
3. Acer Laptop
4. Canon Camera
5. Jelly fish
6. Philippine President Noynoy Aquino
7. Dr. Jose P. Rizal
8. Car
9. T-Shirt
10. Butterfly
11. Sampaguita flower
12. Narra tree
- “Teacher because we cannot determine the
specific and general ideas and names.”
- “Teacher because we already know how do
we use small and capital letters in terms of
beginning of the letter for the names of persons,
places, things and animals.”

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Match the proper noun with its common noun. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before
the number.

1. Tarlac a. boy
2. China b. hero
3. Edgar c. province
4. Dr. Jose Rizal d. street
5. Manila e. fairy tale princess
6. Cinderella f. city
7. Aquino Boulevard g. country
8. Jecson Hospital h. teacher
9. BDO Unibank i. bank
10. Manila Bulletin j. hospital
11. Teacher Charizz k. car
12. Science l. subject
13. Banana m. fruit
14. Pokémon n. newspaper
15. Toyota o. anime

V. Assignment
Directions: In a whole sheet of paper, list 10 wishes for your incoming birthday that you want to receive. Apply the
proper usage of Common and Proper Noun (using capital and small letter at the beginning of the words/ names of
persons, places, things and animals).


10. Prepared By:
Joseph P. Gratil

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