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PART 2. Write the answer based on your thought.

1. Why is air pollution bad?

10 sec
It is bad for ecosystems

 Too much can kill you

 It is corrosive to certain materials
 All answers are correct

Who is affected by air pollution?

10 sec

  Birds
 Mammals
 All living things
 Humans

Which of the following produces air pollution?

10 sec

 The burning of fossil fuels

 Nuclear radiation
 Transpiration
 Heat

In what ways can you help reduce air pollution, except…

20 sec

 Reduce
 <p>Reuse</p>
 Reject
 Recycle

How can rivers be polluted?

20 sec
 Only if toxic chemicals are washed off the land
 From waste dumped in them and toxic chemicals from farm land
 Only if waste is discharged into them

Solid particles and gases that are released into the air are called?
20 sec

 smog
 ozone
 emissions
 oxygen

What layer of the upper atmosphere helps protect people from harmful ultraviolet
20 sec

 chlorofluorocarbons
 Radon
 oxygen
 ozone layer

What is the source of most water pollution?

20 sec

 Birds
 Ultraviolet rays
 ground water
 human activity

Chemicals that kill crop-destroying organisms are 

20 sec
 sewage
 sediments
 pesticides
 fertilizers

The ozone layer protects people from

20 sec

 cars
 ultraviolet radiation
 carbon monoxide
 radon

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