FIS - Thoughts and Reflections Emerging From The Presentation of Br. John Paul Muller and Answers To The Question

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FIS - Thoughts and reflections emerging from the presentation of

Br. John Paul Muller and answers to the question:

“What kind of Salesian Brothers are we for the young of today particularly
in the EAO Region?”

Fr. Godo: (on the seventh point of Br. Muller’s sharing, Salesian brother as an apostle who
makes a difference.) The experience of one of our brothers in the south province who
continues to inspire young people through consisten follow-up and guidance is one thing
from which we can learn from by deepening our relationship with these young people.

Bro. Tena: We continue to be present among the young people, especially in the moments
where they are who there are.

Bro. Ed: We are challenged by Bro. Muller to think outside of the box, to move out from
those which we are so used to do, that is, to move out from our comfort zones. We still
do so many things traditionally, which is not at all bad, but we are challenged all the
more to do these things differently, as a response to the changing times.

Fr. Mel: The accompaniment that the rector major is asking of us is for the Salesian
brothers to be pastors who could guide, who can accompany the young personally, to
listen to them intently, and to guide and direct them in their lives.

Br. Louie: Departing from the question asked by Br. Muller “Are we prepared to be the
Salesians of the future?” I was left to wonder if our province has ever reflected over who
the young people are of today and of the future. In line with this, have we updated our
program of formation and have we also equipped those who are in charge of formation to
respond to these changes. I see the need for us to have a deeper reflection on this.
Br. Manny: Salesian Brothers who have had initiated novel ideas in the past were criticized
and we have seen in our present moment the relevance of what they did. I would like us
then to encourage our young confreres not to be afraid in presenting and initiating these
new ideas and for us senior Salesians to support them.

Fr. Godo: Another area that I see as a way of “thinking outside the box” is to give emphasis
on our lay mission partners, to somehow counter the culture of clericalism. I believe that
this is now the signs of the times to give due importance to the lay.

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