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It is a learning theory based on he

idea, that Behaviour can be
controlled & modified based on the
consequences of a behaviour.
Learning occurs by copying others.
Learning occurs by Repetition.
There are two types of
conditioning in
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
What is conditioning?
“A process of behavior
modification by which a
subject comes to associate
a desired behavior with a
previously unrelated
stimulus is called
What is classical
Classical conditioning -
a type of learning in
which an organism learns
to connect or associate,
Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849 – February 27, 1936)

Famous Russian physiologist.

Classical conditioning - a type of learning in which an organism learns to

connect or associate, stimuli.
To fully understand Pavlov’s (1927) theory of
classical conditioning we need to understand
two types of stimuli and two types of

Unconditioned response
Stimulus (UCS)

Conditioned Conditioned
Stimulus Response
(CS) (CR)
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)

A stimulus that automatically produces a response without

any prior learning.
(Food was the UCS in Pavlov’s esperiment)

Unconditioned Response (UCR)

An unlearned response that is automatically elicited by the

UCS. (the dog’s salivation in response to food was the UCR)

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

A previously neutral stimulus (NS) that eventually elicits

a conditioned response after being associated with the UCS.

Conditioned Response(CR)
1.Extinction : Weakening
Conditioned Responses

a conditioned response (salivation) will disappear over

time when the conditioned stimulus (bell) is no longer

The response is the result of gradual weakening and

vanishing of a conditioned response.

As an example, after conditioning, the bell continues to

ring at certain intermission without any meat powder
given, and the rate of salivation would gradually reduce
and finally stop after a period of time.
2. Stimulus Generalization.

refers to the conditioned response of an organism that

applies not only to the real, original conditioned
stimulus, but also to other stimuli that are alike.

after conditioning, there are possibilities for Pavlov’s

dog to respond to different kind of bell sound in
different situation.

stimulus generalization occurs when an individual is

able to respond the same way to any other stimuli that
are similar with the original stimuli.
Implications of Pavlov’s Conditioning
Theory in Teaching Learning
Before Conditioning
Science Teacher (UCS)
Unconditioned response
teaching in the class for
(pupil’s attention) towards
the first time.
the teaching activities only.

During Conditioning

Pupils pay attention to

Teacher (CS) teaching in an
teacher’s teaching (CR).
interesting manner.

After Conditioning

Pupils pay attention to

Teacher’s presence (CS).
teacher’s teaching (CR)
Before Conditioning

“book” verbally expressed

by pupils

(UCS ------------------------------------------------------------
During Conditioning

Book (CS)

“book” verbally
-- UCS --> expressed by the
After Conditioning

-------------> Pupils expressed “book”

Book verbally
J. B. Watson (1878-1958)

An American psychologist.
The first person to use the term ‘behaviourism’ to
study human behaviour.
Research - influenced by Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning
Famous research – related to children’s emotion
The experiment
Together with colleague,
Rosalie Rayner (1920), they
used a nine-month old baby,
named Little Albert and a
white tame mouse to conduct
the experiment.
1. A white mouse was brought to Little Albert whom he
showed interest to play with.

2. As soon as the white mouse was shown to Albert the

second time, a loud, startling sound was emitted all of
a sudden from the back.

3. Immediately, Albert’s reaction was panic and


4. After conditioned response was established, Little

Albert began to show fear of the white mouse itself.
Implications of Watson’s Learning
Theory in Teaching and Learning
1. All types of behaviour can be learned through
conditioning process. Positive behaviour can be
taught by using suitable stimulus.

2. Pupils ought to relate the relationship between

all responses systematically in order to master
the skill of solving problems.
3. More exercises should be carried out after
learning in order to strengthen what has been
learned in the memory

4. Teacher should use suitable stimulus during

the teaching process to motivate pupils in
learning, and at the same time, avoid using
stimulus which will produce negative effect.
What is operant
Operant conditioning is an
association made between
a behavior and a
consequence for that
B.F. Skinner
American psychologist, author,
inventor, advocate for social
reform, and poet.
Wanted to find principles that
controlled behavior.
Wrote controversial books which
describe utopian society based on
rules of behaviorism.
Ii is a process which
strengthen a desired
behaviour with in any
Any event or stimulus, that
when following a response,
increases the probability
that the response will occur
Any event that strengthens
the behavior it follows.
Types of
A. Positive reinforcement
The reinforcement of a response by
the addition or experiencing of a
pleasurable stimulus.
B. Negative reinforcement
The reinforcement of a response by
the removal, escape from, or
avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus.
children completing homework to
earn a reward from a parent or
employees finishing projects to
receive praise or promotions
a child who lost recess privileges
because he talk out of turn in class
Educational Implications

We can use operant conditioning

in classroom to enhance:
Behaviour modification
Conceptual Understanding

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