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Name: Andy Gender: Male

Age: 25 Civil Status: Single


The client felt extremely uncomfortable in social situation, often led him to

“panic attacks” (his term) and preferred to be by himself.


The client shows cooperative behavior for the research study he participated



The client lives with his mother and brother. He had no close friends and

preferred to be alone since adolescence and young adulthood. The is a college

dropped out after 2 years in, due to severe nervousness. During college, he

formed several friendship but became self conscious when speaking to people

even his friend. He had difficulty speaking, had buzzing head, felt “outside his

body” and sometimes couldn’t hear what his classmate was saying because of his

nervousness. He has not dated, avoided group settings, and turn withdrawn to

social activities.

Slight impairment was found in his cognitive functioning as he had a difficult

time maintaining focus in conversation as well impaired reasoning and judgement

about social situation. His intrapersonal, interpersonal, and adapting is

significantly impaired. He had low image and experienced “super self-conscious”

when interacting with people. The client avoided social setting, he even got a job

that doesn’t include much interaction. However, the client work domain is

adequate as he found no problem with authority figures and welcome

constructive criticism from his supervisor


The client showed characteristic signs of Social Anxiety Disorder. The

client had marked fear, intense fear of social situation and interaction. He fears of

showing his nervous/anxiety symptoms, resulting him to avoid social setting.

Furthermore, the social situations almost always provoke intense anxiety as he

experienced “panic attack” in situation that frightened him.

Psychoanalytic theorist Karen Horney developed one of the best-known

theories of neurosis. She believed that neurosis resulted from basic anxiety

caused by interpersonal relationships. She identified three broad categories;

Moving towards people, moving against people, moving away from people. The

client fall into the third one, where according to Horney, are people who fears

criticism and the harm that other people may bring. This trend causes the client to

pull back from people and hold parts of themselves at a safe distance.


The assessor recommend the client to take exposure-based Cognitive

Behavioral Therapy. In this therapy, the client gradually work up to facing the
situations the fear most. This can improve his coping skills and help the client

develop the confidence to deal with anxiety-inducing situations. Client may also

participate in skills training or role-playing to practice his social skills and gain

comfort and confidence relating to others. Practicing exposures to social

situations is particularly helpful to challenge his worries.

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