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Frequency and Load Shedding

Network Protection & Automation Guide

Network Protection & Automation Guide


Frequency and Load Shedding

1. Introduction 485

2. Frequency protection 486

3. Load shedding 488

4. Load restoration 490

5. Turbine abnormal 491

6. References 492
Frequency and Load Shedding

D4 1. Introduction

Generation plant normally operates reliably within a defined initiated only after the event and whilst some salvaging of the
frequency band around nominal frequency. However, it can situation can be achieved, this form of corrective action may
only tolerate short time operation at frequencies outside the not be effective enough and cannot cope with sudden load
nominal range without sustaining damage. This consideration increases, causing large frequency decays in very short times.
also applies to some types of load. Conditions which can In such cases a device that can anticipate the severity of
affect the generation frequency include overloads caused by frequency decay and act to disconnect loads before the
a sudden increase in load (e.g. switching on a motor) or loss frequency actually reaches dangerously low levels, can
of a generator set or sudden loss of load due to a downstream become very effective in containing damage.
fault. Frequency protection is generally used to protect against
During severe disturbances, the frequency of the power
the overload conditions in generator protection as described
system oscillates as various generators try to synchronise on
in the Generator Protection part of this manual. Fast-acting
to a common frequency. The measurement of instantaneous
current-based protection is generally used to clear short
rate of change of frequency can be misleading during such
circuit faults.
a disturbance. The frequency decay needs to be monitored
Generation and utilisation need to be well balanced in any over a longer period of time to make the correct decision for
industrial, distribution or transmission network. As load load shedding.
increases, the generation needs to be correspondingly
Normally, generators are rated for a lifetime operation in a
increased to maintain the frequency of the supply because
particular band of frequency and operation outside this band
there are many types of frequency-sensitive electrical
can cause mechanical damage to the turbine blades.
apparatus that can be damaged when network frequency
Protection against such out-of-band operation is required
departs from the allowed band for safe operation. At times,
when the frequency does not improve, even after load shedding
when sudden overloads occur, the frequency drops at a rate
measures have been taken, to trip the turbine. Faster turbine
decided by the system inertia constant, magnitude of overload,
trip clearance times are required for lower system frequency,
system damping constant and various other parameters.
as in case of severe frequency decay.
Unless corrective measures are taken at the appropriate time,
frequency decay can go beyond the point of no return and Whilst load shedding leads to an improvement in the system
cause widespread network collapse. In a wider scenario, this frequency, the disconnected loads do need to be reconnected
can result in “Blackouts”. after the system has become stable again. Loads should only
be restored if the frequency remains stable, above a defined
To put the network back into a healthy state, considerable
restoration level, for a set period of time. Minor frequency
amount of time and effort is required to re-synchronise and
excursions below the restoration level, of short time duration,
re-energise the system, potentially involving an expert team
can be tolerated during the restoration process, but longer
of power system protection and control engineers. If recovering
term excursions will cause restoration to be abandoned. The
from a blackout also “black start capable” power plants might
number of load restoration steps is normally less than the
be needed (e.g. pump storage).
number of load shedding steps to reduce repeated
Protective relays that can detect a low frequency condition disturbances while restoring load.
are generally used in such cases to automatically disconnect
The amount of load to be shed in such emergency situations
unimportant loads (also called loadshedding) in order to save
is typically defined in Grid Codes [Ref D4.1: Continental
the network, by re-establishing the balance of the “generation-
Europe Operational Handbook Appendix].
load equation”. However, with such devices, the action is

485 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide

Frequency and Load Shedding

2. Frequency protection D4

Protective relays that provide frequency protection require a Over-frequency protection operates if the input frequency is
voltage input in order to provide accurate voltage and greater than a set overfrequency threshold and usually includes
frequency measurements. Additionally, accurate rate of a definite time operate delay. It is often used as a basis for
change of frequency measurement is required for advanced initiating load restoration.
types of frequency protection. The ability of the frequency
2.3 ROCOF 81R
and df/dt measurements to track with real power system
frequency profiles (e.g. in frequency decay or oscillating As mentioned in earlier sections, conditions involving very large
scenarios) is required to ensure correct operation of the load - generation imbalances may occur, accompanied by rapid
protection. Also, these measurements should be immune to decline in system frequency. This corresponds to a high negative
harmonics or noise spikes on the voltage inputs which can rate of change of frequency where the df/dt value provides
cause problems with zero-crossing based techniques. indication of the mismatch between generation and load, i.e.
how much load should be shed. If the discrepancy is large, then
Generally all types of frequency protection include the
shedding of one or two stages of load may be insufficient to
capability of being optionally blocked by an undervoltage
stop the decline in frequency. In such a situation, it is advantageous
condition. This ensures that the voltage has not collapsed
to have an element that identifies the high rate of decline of
due to a fault condition and avoids unnecessary load shedding
frequency, and adapts the load shedding scheme accordingly.
Since the rate of change monitoring is independent of
2.1 Underfrequency 81U
frequency, the element can identify frequency variations
Frequency variations on a power system are an indication that occurring close to nominal frequency and thus provide early
the power balance between generation and load has been warning to the operator on a developing frequency problem.
lost. In particular, an under-frequency condition implies that Additionally, the element could also be used as an alarm to
the net load is in excess of the available generation. Such a warn operators of unusually high system frequency variations.
condition can arise, when an interconnected system splits,
Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) protection often has
and the load left connected to one of the subsystems is in
different operating modes where it can be set to operate for
excess of the capacity of the generators in that particular
only negative rate of change, or positive rate of change, or
subsystem. Industrial plants that are dependent on utilities
either. It usually includes a definite time operate delay.
to supply part of their loads will experience under-frequency
conditions when the incoming lines are lost. In load shedding applications, it is usually set for negative df/
dt operation. It is often used in conjunction with under-
An under-frequency condition at nominal voltage can result
frequency protection in these applications to provide extra
in over-fluxing of generators and transformers and many types
flexibility in dealing with severe load to generation imbalances.
of industrial loads have limited tolerances on the operating
frequency and running speeds e.g. synchronous motors. In a Chinese application, df/dt is used to block 81U if df/dt
Sustained under-frequency has implications on the stability exceeds the related setting. This is done to differentiate
of the system, whereby any subsequent disturbance may between system faults and the deficit of active power. Typically,
lead to damage to frequency sensitive equipment and even 2 stages of 81U are employed, one set to 49.25 Hz with time
blackouts, if the under-frequency condition is not corrected delay 20 s and one set to 48.5 Hz with time delay 0.1 s with
sufficiently quickly. a df/dt> inhibit set to 5 Hz/s. The df/dt> inhibit of 5 Hz/s is
typical for large power systems, however, no df/dt inhibit is
Under-frequency protection operates if the input frequency
used for small systems (such as DG).
is less than a set underfrequency threshold and usually
includes a definite time operate delay. It is often used as a Considerable care should be taken when setting this element
basis for initiating load shedding. because it is not supervised by a frequency setting. Setting
of the time delay or increasing the number of df/dt averaging
2.2 Overfrequency 81O
cycles will lead to a more stable element, but this should be
Over-frequency running of a generator arises when the considered against the loss of fast tripping capability as the
mechanical power input to the machine exceeds the electrical tripping time is extended. Stability under oscillating frequency
output. This could happen, for instance, when there is a conditions should also be considered, for instance when
sudden loss of load due to tripping of an outgoing feeder generators are synchronising or power swings occur.
from the plant to a load centre. Under such overspeed
2.4 Supervised ROCOF 81RF
conditions, the governor should respond quickly so as to
obtain a balance between the mechanical input and electrical Conditions may arise in an electrical network where the load
output, thereby restoring normal frequency. Over-frequency to generation imbalance is considerable and this may result
protection is required as a back-up to cater for slow response in relatively rapid changes of the system frequency. In such
of frequency control equipment. a case, maintaining the system stability is an onerous task,
and calls for quick corrective action.

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 486

Frequency and Load Shedding

D4 2. Frequency protection

High speed load shedding cannot be achieved by monitoring 2.5 Average ROCOF 81RAV
the system frequency alone and the rate of change of system
Owing to the complex dynamics of power systems, variations
frequency becomes an equally critical parameter to use.
in frequency during times of generation - load imbalance do
In the load shedding scheme as shown in Figure D4.1, it is not follow any regular patterns and are highly non-linear.
assumed under falling frequency conditions that by shedding
Oscillations will occur as the system seeks to address the
a stage of load, the system can be stabilised at frequency
imbalance, resulting in frequency oscillations typically in the
f2. For slow rates of decay, this can be achieved using the
order of 0.1 Hz (inter area oscillations) to 1 Hz (local
under-frequency protection element set at frequency f1 with
generators), in addition to the basic change in frequency. Due
a suitable time delay. However, if the generation deficit is
to the oscillatory nature of frequency excursions, the
substantial, the frequency will rapidly decrease and it is
instantaneous measurement value for df/dt can sometimes
possible that the time delay imposed by the under-frequency
be misleading, either causing unexpected operation or
protection will not allow for frequency stabilisation. In this
excessive stability.
case, the chance of system recovery will be enhanced by
disconnecting the load stage based upon a measurement of For this reason, some relays also provide an element for
rate of change of frequency and bypassing the time delay. monitoring the longer term frequency trend, thereby reducing
the effects of non-linearities in the system and providing
Frequency supervised rate of change of frequency protection
increased security to the rate of change of frequency decision.
operates when the frequency is below a set value and the
rate of change of frequency exceeds a set value and usually The average rate of change of frequency element is initiated
includes a define time operate delay. It is often used in when the measured frequency crosses the supervising
conjunction with under-frequency protection in load shedding frequency threshold and a timer is started. As shown in Figure
applications. D4.2, at the end of the set time period ∆t, the frequency
difference ∆F, is evaluated and if this exceeds the setting,
a trip output is given.

Supervising frequency

f1 True slope for the time ∆t

Slow decay ∆F

Rapid decay
Time Rapid decay

Figure D4.1:
Frequency supervised ROCOF protection

Figure D4.2:
Average rate of change of frequency protection

487 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide

Frequency and Load Shedding

3. Load shedding D4

Automatic under-frequency load shedding may be used in 3.2 Frequency-based theory

extreme conditions to stabilise the balance between generation
In the event of severe system overload or loss of generation
and load after an electrical island has been formed, dropping
conditions, the system frequency will decline exponentially
enough load to allow the frequency to stabilise in the island.
to a new reduced value below the nominal frequency. The
The required amount of load to be shed is usually defined in time constant of the exponential decay as well as the new
grid codes [Ref D4.1: Continental Europe Operational frequency level is governed by certain parameters such as
Handbook Appendix]. For entso-e grid Figure D4.3 applies. the system inertia constant, system damping constant, etc.
The following formula gives the rate of change of frequency
for a particular system contingency.
Assuming that the standing load and generation remain
constant as the frequency changes, the instantaneous rate
40% of change of frequency at the time of an overload is given
ΔP x fn
Instantaneous rate of change of frequency, df
25% Not
20% needed =-
dt 2H
10% Load shedding
5% recommended
∆P = overload in per unit
49.4 49.2 48.8 48.6 48.4 48.2 47.8 47.6 47.4 Frequency
(Hz) Connected load - Available generation
Available generation
Figure D4.3:
Recommended load shedding according to entso-e
fn = nominal system frequency (in Hz)
H = combined inertia constant of the power system
Automatic undervoltage load shedding responds directly to
voltage conditions in a local area. Load is shed in stages to  H 1 MVA 1 + ... + H n MVA n 
restore reactive power relative to demand in order to contain =  
a voltage collapse problem.  MVA 1 + ... + MVA n 

Load shedding could be initiated in situations where two where n subscripts 1, 2, ..., n refer to individual generating
transformers are normally connected in parallel, but one is lost units
due to a fault. Here the transformer protection or supervision
The inertia constant H used in the formula above is essentially
device can detect a transformer overload condition and initiate
a measure of the kinetic energy in a generator rotor. For some
an Overload Alarm which then results in load shedding.
types of large steam generator sets, the inertia constant can
3.1 Frequency-based be as high as 10, however, a value below 5 is more typical
especially when considering other types of generator. Lower
Frequency-based load shedding is usually applied as a
values tend to dominate with smaller rotor masses e.g. wind
number of stages or levels where each level corresponds to
turbines, and can make the power system more prone to
a frequency value below nominal and is associated with a
serious frequency disturbances for sudden load changes.
certain value of load. The levels are organised into a series
Typically, values between 2 and 5 may be used as defaults
of descending frequency steps. Usually, the loads which are
if no other knowledge is available.
shed are prioritised, such that non-essential loads will be
shed first. The loads associated with loadshed levels can be Real loads, particularly motor loads, do vary with frequency
modified by the user to take account of factors such as night and have a tendency to decrease as frequency reduces. This
or day or summer or winter or tariff-based peak lopping. will have some beneficial effect on system stability and will
reduce the effects of the overload condition. Taking this load
Several protection functions may be associated with each
reduction factor into account, the frequency deviation from
loadshed level, such as time delayed underfrequency
nominal is given by:
protection and frequency supervised rate of change protection. ΔP x fn  - td 

1-e  2H 

The actual suite of protections used will depend on analysis Frequency deviation from nominal, Δf =
of the given network to be protected to ensure that damage
d  
does not occur to generation and load. Also, if there is
embedded generation associated with the load, it is d = load reduction (or damping) factor
recommended that active power protection is used to take = Percentage change in load
account of the direction of flow of active power, since the
embedded generation will be supporting the overall generation.
Percentage change in frequency

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 488

Frequency and Load Shedding

D4 3. Load shedding

The above equations are a result of vast simplifications. The Loadshed levels correspond to voltage levels below nominal,
actual frequency change will be influenced by governor droop prioritised in a set of descending steps.
characteristics, load dynamics, interconnections between
Where there is embedded generation associated with the
various generators, system stabilisers etc. However, the
load, it is recommended that reactive power protection is
frequency deviations calculated in the formulae described
used to take account of the direction of flow of reactive power
may be a good measure of the rate of change of frequency
since the embedded generation will be supporting the overall
for the purpose of setting the relay.
3.3 Active power dependent
3.5 Fast load shedding
Due to the increasing distributed generation in distribution
Most power systems run on an N-1 basis for the majority of
networks, see Chapter [C8: Generator and Generator-Transformer
the network to ensure the loss of any plant will not affect the
Protection, Section 20], it is necessary to distinguish between
generation/load balance. This rule can be ignored if the loss
pure load feeders and feeders with generation (and loads)
of plant will have no impact on the system stability, for example,
connected. It is advantageous not to disconnect feeders with
where the plant is only a few percent of the total system. N-1
active power feed to the electrical network in case of
may still be employed for small plant but this is done for
underfrequency events.
reliability rather than stability.
By evaluating the direction of active power flow the blocking
There are, however, situations where the system is run without
area of UFLS is determined (Figure D4.4).
N-1 for major items of plant. This allows a greater utilisation
of assets but means that the loss of generation, lines or load
could cause a system blackout. In this situation a fast load
Q / Snom shedding (FLS) or special protection scheme is employed.
HV MV 1.0 These schemes rebalance the system before the critical
clearance time is exceeded, ensuring the system remains
A FLS scheme constantly monitors the generation/load balance
Block UFLS
and, considering the system topology, continuously determines
what balancing action would be required for any loss of plant.
-1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 A typical critical clearance time for such a system would be
P / Snom
a few hundred milliseconds. Since this includes breaker
operating time and, in the worst case CB fail operating time,
P P the FLS operating time is typically less than 100 ms and
G sometimes less than 50 ms. The majority of this time is taken
Q Q transferring the trip information to remote plant.
Considering acquisition and processing times it is not possible
to collect and process this data in real time and respond
Figure D4.4: within the required time to a loss of plant. Instead FLS schemes
Blocking area for UFLS in the generator reference arrow consider the current generation, load, spinning reserve and
system (GRAS) system topology and pre-determine the required trip response
to any loss. This is typically refreshed every few seconds. The
response needs to consider priorities of different loads when
For equal treatment of all customers connected to an electrical load shedding. Since there is very little commonality between
grid using underfrequency load shedding, the relay should such applications the FLS is usually custom engineered.
be able to switch between the predefined frequency levels These schemes can become very complex with thousands
on request. This can be done locally (e.g. binary inputs, of loads, user prioritising and operational restrictions
function keys) or by communication protocols. complicating the solutions. Therefore they are only applied
when N-1 is prohibitively expensive.
3.4 Undervoltage-based
A typical FLS has the following components:
Some load shedding schemes are based on undervoltage
protection, for instance, in applications where there are small Acquisition
air conditioning motor loads which are susceptible to stalling
The system needs to know the system power flow and
when subjected to voltage dips. Motor loads are essentially
sometimes the reactive power flow as well as equipment
constant kVA devices, which means that a voltage dip causes
status. There is a trade-off between data volume and usability.
a corresponding increase in current which increases the need
For example acquiring the power from the substation incomer
for local reactive power support.

489 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide

Frequency and Load Shedding

3. Load shedding D4

allows less data to be used but limits all feeders within that Tripping
substation to the same priority. Accessing data from further
A network must be provided to convert the trip information
into the system will be more costly since either more acquisition
provided by the FLS computer to the breakers required to
units will be needed or data accessed from more IEDs. These
trip. This network may consist of fibre optics, microwave, radio
IEDs may not have the same communications protocols
or PLC to transmit this information to remote sites. To meet
requiring more integration engineering. Once the acquisition
the low clearance times a dedicated network is usually
points have been determined the data needs to be sent to
provided which will have a dedicated receiver for each breaker
the main FLS computer. For power flow this transfer needs to
which requires tripping. A balance between cost and flexibility
occur within a few seconds and therefore may travel by a
must be achieved. This is usually done by providing tripping
traditional SCADA network providing it has adequate
for generators individually and loads in groups. The grouping
performance. Alternatively it can travel via a dedicated FLS
of loads reduces the cost of tripping equipment but impacts
network. Loss of generation or load is detected by plant status
on the FLS Computer engineering as it affects priorities.
and therefore this information needs to be transferred very
quickly which is usually done via a dedicated FLS network. Fast load shedding of specific equipment is required when
it becomes faulty. This can be achieved by the equipment
providing a status output which is detected by a supervisory
Due to the volume of information that needs consideration, a system to initiate fast load shedding.
centralised computer is normally used to perform the FLS
The main consideration of these schemes is security. Since
calculations. In some applications such as parallel line
their main function is to trip plant, any maloperation could
overrating the operation is fixed and does not require any
lead to false trips, risking system blackouts and negating the
user inputs. Other applications such as isolated oil and gas
value of the system. To improve system security critical parts
networks may require operator inputs to adjust load shed
of the FLS are often measured independently (such as breaker
priorities. In these cases the centralised computer will need
status) to avoid reliance on existing plant and ensure secure
to either provide a dedicated HMI or interface with the normal
acquisition. The FLS computer is often duplicated and used
SCADA. The role of the centralised computer is to transfer
with 2 of 2 logic. For the tripping equipment high reliability
the power and plant status information into trip commands.
equipment with added message security is also used. These
These trip commands can take the form of contact outputs
measures obviously increase the cost of FLS schemes.
or communications signals.

4. Load restoration

Following a load shed event, measures should be taken to

reinstate load following system recovery, which may be Frequency
facilitated by providing additional generation. Dependent
upon the severity of the load shed event, an expert team may fnom

be involved with restoration in accordance with an agreed fLR

recovery plan. Recovery is then based on manual (local and
remote) reconnection and synchronisation of items of plant
in the network.
4.1 Automatic restoration F< S tr
t F< Op

Following a small scale underfrequency-based load shed F< Op

event, typically in an industrial application, it may be acceptable F> S tr

t F> Op
to automatically restore loads. The load shed event will initiate F> Op
a time window during which the system frequency should 200ms
recover to a level that restoration can be undertaken, otherwise
restoration is abandoned. The monitoring of the power system
frequency is performed by an overfrequency protection
element, where the restoration delay is given by the set operate
delay (see Figure D4.5). Operation of the protection results Figure D4.5:
in a pulse output used to reconnect the load. Automatic restoration based on overfrequency

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 490

Frequency and Load Shedding

D4 4. Load restoration

The restoration function will tolerate short term frequency

excursions below the restoration level, however, longer term
excursions will result in the automatic restoration attempt
being abandoned (see Figure D4.6).




t< t F> R s

F< S tr
t F< Op

F< Op

F> S tr
t F> Op

F> Op



Figure D4.6:
Automatic restoration with short term frequency excursion

5. Turbine abnormal

Turbine abnormal frequency protection 81AB is provided to

protect the turbine blade from potential damage due to
prolonged under/overfrequency operation of the generator. band 1
Typically there are up to six frequency bands which can be
Normal frequency
programmed, each having an integrating timer to record the fn Time
time spent within the band as shown in Figure D4.7. Each
band 2
frequency band includes a user settable operate time setting
and provides start and operate digital outputs.
band 3
It is recommended that this protection is in service when the
generator is synchronised to the system or when separated band 4

from the system but supplying auxiliary load.

band 1

band 2

band 3

band 4

Figure D4.7: Band timer profiles

Generator turbine abnormal frequency protection

491 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide

Frequency and Load Shedding

6. References D4

[D4.1] Continental Europe Operational Handbook Appendix

- Policy 5: Emergency Operations. entso-e, 2010

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