Schneider Electric NPAG FAX1 Terminology

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Network Protection & Automation Guide


Network Protection & Automation Guide

Network Protection & Automation Guide



The introduction of computer technology means that the

Protection Engineer must now be familiar with a range of
technical terms in this field, in addition to the terms long
associated with Protection and Control. Below is a list of terms
and their meanings that are now commonly encountered in the
Protection and Control field.

A 531 N 540

B 532 O 541

C 532 P 542

D 534 R 543

E 535 S 544

F 536 T 546

G 536 U 546

H 537 V 547

I 537 W 547

K 539 X 547

L 539 Y 547

M 539 Z 547

1 A

AC Alternating Current. Anti-pumping A feature incorporated in a Circuit

device Breaker or reclosing scheme to
ACB Air Circuit Breaker.
prevent repeated operation where
Access point Represent a network interface of a the closing impulse lasts longer
physical device connected to one than the sum of the relay and CB
Communication Sub Network. operating times.
Accuracy The accuracy of a transducer is AO Analogue Output.
defined by the limits of intrinsic
AR Auto Reclose: A function associated
error and by the limits of variations.
with CB, implemented to carry out
Accuracy class A number used to indicate the reclosure automatically to try to
accuracy range of a measurement clear a transient fault.
transducer, according to a defined
ARBITER Proprietary protocol for time
synchronisation from ARBITER
ACSI Abstract Communication Service Systems, Inc. Paso Robles,
interface (acc. Communication California USA.
standards like IEC 61850).
Arcing time The time between instant of
Active power A transducer used for the separation of the CB contacts and
transducer measurement of active electrical the instant of arc extinction.
Auto-transformer A power transformer that does not
ADC Analogue to Digital Converter. provide galvanic isolation between
primary and secondary windings.
A/D conversion The process of converting an
analogue signal into an equivalent AUX Auxiliary.
digital one, involving the use of an
Auxiliary circuit A circuit which is usually energised
analogue to digital converter.
by the auxiliary supply but is
Adjustment The operation intended to bring a sometimes energised by the
transducer into a state of measured quantity.
performance suitable for its use.
Auxiliary relay An all-or-nothing relay energised via
AGC Automatic Gain Control. another relay, for example a measuring
relay, for the purpose of providing
AGR Nuclear Advanced Gas Cooled
higher rated contacts, or introducing a
time delay, or providing multiple
AI Analogue Input. outputs from a single input.
AIS Air Insulated Switchgear. Auxiliary supply An a.c. or d.c. electrical supply
Alarm An alarm is any event (see below) other than the measured quantity
tagged as an alarm during the which is necessary for the correct
configuration phase. operation of the transducer.

All-or-nothing relay An electrical relay which is intended AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator.
to be energised by a quantity,
whose value is either higher than
that at which it picks up or lower
than that at which it drops out.
ANSI American National Standards
Institute (standards).

531 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


B 1

Back-up protection A protection system intended to Broadcast Communication message from one
supplement the main protection in communication source to all connected partners
case the latter should be in a communication network.
ineffective, or to deal with faults in
Booster transformer A current transformer whose
those parts of the power system
primary winding is in series with the
that are not readily included in the
catenary and secondary winding in
operating zones of the main
the return conductor of a
classically-fed a.c. overhead
Bay Set of LV, MV, or HV plant and electrified railway. Used at intervals
devices, usually controlled by a bay to ensure that stray traction return
computer. currents, with their potential to
cause interference in nearby
BC Bay Computer: Computer
communication circuits, are
dedicated to the control of one or
several bays within a substation.
BT Booster Transformer.
BCD Binary Coded Decimal.
Burden The loading imposed by the circuits
BCP Bay Control Point: A local keypad at
of the relay on the energising
bay level to control the elements of
power source or sources,
a single bay.
expressed as the product of
Biased relay A relay in which the characteristics voltage and current (volt-amperes,
are modified by the introduction of or watts if d.c.) for a given
some quantity other than the condition, which may be either at
actuating quantity, and which is ‘setting’ or at rated current or
usually in opposition to the voltage. The rated output of
actuating quantity. measuring transformers, expressed
in VA, is always at rated current or
Bias current The current used as a bias quantity
voltage and it is important, in
in a biased relay.
assessing the burden imposed by a
BIOS Basic Input/Output System (of a relay, to ensure that the value of
computer or microprocessor). burden at rated current is used.

C Capacitance. CB Circuit Breaker.

CAD Computer Aided Design. CBC Compact Bay Controller: Small
capacity bay computer for Medium
Calibration The set of operations which
Voltage applications.
establish, under specified
conditions, the relationship between CBCT Core Balance Current Transformer.
values indicated by a transducer
CCR Central Control Room.
and the corresponding values of a
quantity realised by a reference CDC Common Data Class (data model
standard. (This should not be element in IEC 61850).
confused with ‘adjustment’, q.v.).

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 532


1 C

CDM Conceptual Data Modelling is an Client Entity that requests a service from a
activity whose aims are: server in a communication network.
• to define objects and links and Closing impulse time The time during which a closing
naming conventions for their impulse is given to the CB.
Closing time The time for a CB to close, from the
• to guarantee interoperability time of energisation of the closing
between subsystems circuit to making of the CB contacts.
• to define standard exchange Communication Service to exchange information
formats between system service between two communication
configurator and subsystem partners with well-defined
configurator. procedures and data models.
CET Central European Time. Compliance voltage For current output signals only,
(accuracy limiting the output voltage up to which
Characteristic The angle between the vectors
output voltage) the transducer meets its accuracy
angle representing two of the energising
quantities applied to a relay and
used for the declaration of the Conjunctive test A test of a protection system
performance of the relay. including all relevant components
and ancillary equipment
Characteristic The curve showing the operating
appropriately interconnected. The
curve value of the characteristic quantity
test may be parametric or specific.
corresponding to various values or
combinations of the energising Control services A set of communication services
quantities. used by a client to act on the
process or on a IED.
Characteristic The maximum value of the System
impedance ratio Impedance Ratio up to which the Conversion The relationship of the value of the
(C.I.R.) relay performance remains within coefficient measurand to the corresponding
the prescribed limits of accuracy. value of the output.
Characteristic A quantity, the value of which Core balance A ring-type Current Transformer in
quantity characterises the operation of the current which all primary conductors are
relay, for example, current for an transformer passed through the aperture of the
overcurrent relay, voltage for a CBCT. Hence the secondary
voltage relay, phase angle for a current is proportional only to any
directional relay, time for an imbalance in current. Used for
independent time delay relay, sensitive earth-fault protection.
impedance for an impedance relay.
Counting relay A relay that counts the number of
Check protection An auxiliary protection system times it is energised and actuates
system intended to prevent tripping due to an output after a desired count has
inadvertent operation of the main been reached.
protection system.
CSV Character (or Comma) Separated
CHP Combined Heat and Power. Values format: A widely used format
for the exchange of data between
CID Configured IED Description (IEC
different software, in which the
61850 engineering file format
individual data items are separated
based on XML/SCL).
by a known character – usually a
Circuit insulation The highest circuit voltage to earth comma.
voltage on which a circuit of a transducer
CT Current Transformer.
may be used and which determines
its voltage test. Current transducer A transducer used for the
measurement of a.c. current.
Class index The number which designates the
accuracy class.

533 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


C 1

CVT Capacitor Voltage Transformer:

A voltage transformer that uses
capacitors to obtain a voltage
divider effect. Used at EHV
voltages instead of an
electromagnetic VT for size/cost

DA Data Attribute (data model element Dependent time A measuring relay for which times
in IEC 61850). measuring relay depend, in a specified manner, on
the value of the characteristic
DAC Digital to Analogue Converter.
DAR Delayed Auto-Reclose.
DER Distributed Energy Resource.
DAT Digital Audio Tape.
DFT Discrete Fourier Transformation.
Data model Data structure of an IED used to
DG Distributed Generation.
communicate with other
communication partners. Digital signal A microprocessor optimised in both
processor hardware architecture and software
Data set Ordered group of DO (Data Object)
instruction set for the processing of
and DA (Data Attribute) references.
analogue signals digitally, through
DBMS Data Base Management System. use of the DFT and similar
DCF 77 LF transmitter located at
Mainflingen, Germany, Digital signal A technique for the processing of
broadcasting a time signal on a processing digital signals by various filter
77.5 kHz frequency. algorithms to obtain some desired
characteristics in the output. The
DCP Device Control Point: Local keypad
input signal to the processing
on device level to control the
algorithm is usually the digital
switchgear, often combined with
representation of an analogue
local/remote switch.
signal, obtained by A/D conversion.
DCS Distributed Control System.
Directional relay A protection relay in which the
Dead time The time between the fault arc tripping decision is dependent in
(auto- reclose) being extinguished and the CB part upon the direction in which the
contacts re- making. measured quantity is flowing.
De-ionisation time The time required for dispersion of Discrimination The ability of a protection system to
(auto-reclose) ionised air after a fault is cleared so distinguish between power system
that the arc will not re-strike on conditions for which it is intended to
re-energisation. operate and those for which it is not
Delayed An auto-reclosing scheme which intended to operate.
auto-reclose has a time delay in excess of the Distortion factor The ratio of the r.m.s. value of the
minimum required for successful harmonic content to the r.m.s. value
operation. of the non- sinusoidal quantity.

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 534


1 D

DNP, DNP3 Distributed Network Protocol: A Drop-out A relay drops out when it moves
proprietary communication protocol (or drop-off) from the energised position to the
used on secondary networks un-energised position.
between HMI, substation
Drop-out The ratio of the limiting values of
computers or bay computers and
/pick-up ratio the characteristic quantity at which
protective devices.
the relay resets and operates. This
DO Data Object (data model element in value is sometimes called the
IEC 61850). differential of the relay.
DOL Direct-on-Line. DSP Digital Signal Processor, Digital
Signal Processing.
Direct-on-line A method of motor starting, in
which full line voltage is applied to DT Definite Time.
a stationary motor.

Earth fault A protection system which is Electromechanical An electrical relay in which the
protection system designed to respond only to faults relay designed response is developed by
to earth. the relative movement of
mechanical elements under the
Earthing A three-phase transformer intended
action of a current in the input
transformer essentially to provide a neutral point
to a power system for the purpose
of earthing. EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility:
Immunity against electromagnetic
Effective range The range of values of the
characteristic quantity or quantities,
or of the energising quantities to Embedded Generation that is connected to a
which the relay will respond and generation distribution system (possibly at
satisfy the requirements concerning LV instead of HV) and hence poses
it, in particular those concerning particular problems in respect of
precision. electrical protection.
Effective setting The ‘setting’ of a protection system E.m.f. Electro-Motive Force (or voltage).
including the effects of current
Energising The electrical quantity, either
transformers. The effective setting
quantity current or voltage, which along or in
can be expressed in terms of
combination with other energising
primary current or secondary
quantities, must be applied to the
current from the current
relay to cause it to function.
transformers and is so designated
as appropriate. EPROM Electrically Programmable Read
Only Memory.
Electrical relay A device designed to produce
sudden predetermined changes in Error The actual value of the output
one or more electrical circuits after (of a transducer) minus the intended value of the
the appearance of certain output, expressed algebraically.
conditions in the electrical circuit or
Ethernet Most used networking technology
circuits controlling it.
for LAN.
NOTE: The term ‘relay’ includes
Event An event is any information
all the ancillary equipment
acquired or produced by the digital
calibrated with the device.
control system.

535 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


F 1

FACTS Flexible Alternative Current statements of accuracy for

Transmission System. frequency transducers to refer to
‘percent of centre-scale frequency’
FAT Factory Acceptance Test: Validation
and, for phase angle transducers,
procedures witnessed by the
to an error in electrical degrees).
customer at the factory.
FLS Fast Load Shedding.
Fault passage A sensor that detects the passage
indicator of current in excess of a set FN Functional Naming is the reflection
value (i.e. current due to a fault) at of the functional application view
the location of the sensor. Hence, it (like in a substation) in the naming
indicates that the fault lies of the structural elements of an IED
downstream of the sensor. data model in IEC 61850.
FBD Functional Block Diagram: One of FPI Fault Passage Indicator.
the IEC 61131-3 programming
fPN Flexible Product Naming in IEC
61850 to describe the capability of
FC Functional constraint (data model an IED to allow restructuring of the
element in IEC 61850). device data model.
Fiducial value A clearly specified value to which Frequency A transducer used for the
reference is made in order to transducer measurement of the frequency of
specify the accuracy of a an a.c. electrical quantity.
transducer. (For transducers, the
Full duplex A communications system in
fiducial value is the span, except for
communication which data can travel simultaneously
transducers having a reversible and
in both directions.
symmetrical output, when the
fiducial value may be either the
span or half the span as specified
by the manufacturer. It is still
common practice, however, for

Gateway The Gateway is a computer which Global A system used for locating objects
provides interfaces between the positioning system on Earth precisely, using a system
local computer system and one or of satellites in geostationary orbit in
several SCADA (or RCC) systems. space. Used by some numerical
relays to obtain accurate time
GBit Giga-Bit (transfer rate for data
GMT Greenwich Mean Time.
GCB GOOSE Control Block (GOOSE =
Generic Object Oriented Substation GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation
Event) used to configure the Event (used for fast data transfer on
subscription of a GOOSE in the low communication layer acc. IEC
IEC61850 communication network. 61850).
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear (usually GPS Global Positioning System.
GTO Gate Turn-off Thyristor.

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 536


1 H

Half-duplex A communications system in which HRC High Rupturing Capacity

communication data can travel in both directions, (applicable to fuses).
but only in one direction at a time.
HSR a) High Speed Reclosing
High-speed A reclosing scheme where
b) High availability Seamless
reclosing re-closure is carried out without any
Redundancy protocol (see IEC
time delay other than that required
for de-ionisation, etc.
HV High Voltage.
HMI Human Machine Interface: The
means by which a human inputs HVDC High Voltage Direct Current.
data to and receives data from a
computer-based system. Usually
takes the form of a Personal
Computer (PC) (desktop or
portable) with keyboard, screen
and pointing device.

I Current. IED Intelligent Electronic Device:

Equipment containing a
ICCP Term used for IEC 60870-6-603
microprocessor and software used
to implement one or more functions
ICD IED Capability Description (IEC in relation to an item of electrical
61850 engineering file format equipment (e.g. a bay controller,
based on XML/SCL). remote SCADA interface/protocol
converter). A microprocessor-
ICT Interposing Current Transformer
based numerical relay is also an
(software implemented).
IED. IED is a generic term used to
I.D.M.T. Inverse Definite Minimum Time. describe any microprocessor-
IEC International Electro Technical based equipment, apart from a
Commission (standards). computer.

IEC 60870-5- Set of conventional communication IEEE Institute of Electrical and

101/103/104 protocols used for automation Electronics Engineers.
sytems named as "Telecontrol IEEE 1588 Also named PTP for Precision Time
equipment and systems: Protocol.
Transmission protocols for the
IEEE 1815 IEEE name for DNP3.
informative interface of protection
equipment" (T101 for network IET IED Configuration Tool (acc. IEC
control level, T103 for substation 61850).
control level, T104 for mapping of
IID Instantiated IED Description (IEC
T101 over Ethernet).
61850 engineering file format
IEC 61850 International standard for the based on XML/SCL).
communication networks and
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor.
systems for power utility

537 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


I 1

Independent time A measuring relay, the specified Interoperability Ability of two or more intelligent
measuring relay time for which can be considered electronic devices from the same
as being independent, within vendor, or different vendors, to
specified limits, of the value of the exchange information and to use
characteristic quantity. that information for correct co-
Influence quantity A quantity which is not the subject
of the measurement but which Intrinsic error An error determined when the
influences the value of the output transducer is under reference
signal for a constant value of the conditions.
Inverse time A dependent time delay relay
Input quantity The quantity, or one of the delay relay having an operating time which is
quantities, which constitute the an inverse function of the electrical
signals received by the transducer characteristic quantity.
from the measured system.
Inverse time relay An inverse time relay having an
Instantaneous relay A relay that operates and resets with definite operating time that tends towards a
with no intentional time delay. minimum time minimum value with increasing
(I.D.M.T.) values of the electrical
NOTE: All relays require some
characteristic quantity.
time to operate; it is possible,
within the above definition, to IRIG-B An international standard for time
discuss the operating time synchronisation.
characteristics of an
ISO International Standards
instantaneous relay.
Insulated gate A special design of transistor that is
IP Internet Protocol.
bipolar transistor suitable for handling high voltages
and currents (relative to an ordinary I/O Input/Output.
transistor). Frequently used in static
power control equipment (inverters,
controlled rectifiers, etc) due to the
flexibility of control of the output.
Interchangeability Possibility to replace one intelligent
electronic device by another one,
without additional modifications of
the equipment around it. This
possibility is normally only given
when the same type of IED or
system component from the same
vendor on the same product
platform is used as a replacement.

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 538


1 K

K-bus Term used for the Courier protocol Knee-point e.m.f. That sinusoidal e.m.f. applied to the
(K-bus courier) on K-Bus interface. secondary terminals of a current
transformer, which, when increased
by 10%, causes the exciting current
to increase by 50%.

L Inductance. LN Logical Node (data model element

in IEC 61850).
LAN Local Area Network.
Local control mode When set for a given control point it
LCD Liquid Crystal Display.
means that the commands can be
LD a) Ladder Diagram. One of the IEC issued from this point.
61131-3 programming languages
Lock-out Prevention of a CB reclosing after
b) Logical Device (data model (auto-reclose) tripping.
element in IEC 61850).
Long-term stability The stability over a period of one
LDC Line Drop Compensator. year.
LED Light Emitting Diode. Low-speed See Delayed Auto-Reclose.
Limiting value of The upper limit of output current
the output current which cannot, by design, be LV Low Voltage.
exceeded under any conditions.

Main protection The protection system which is Measurand A quantity subjected to

normally expected to operate in measurement.
response to a fault in the protected
Measuring element A unit or module of a transducer
which converts the measurand, or
Maximum Values of current and voltage part of the measurand, into a
permissible values assigned by the manufacturer corresponding signal.
of the input current which the transducer will withstand
Measuring range That part of the span where the
and voltage indefinitely without damage.
performance complies with the
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker. accuracy requirements.
MCCB Moulded Case Circuit Breaker. Measuring relay An electrical relay intended to
switch when its characteristic
Mean-sensing A transducer which actually measures
quantity, under specified conditions
transducer the mean (average) value of the input
and with a specified accuracy,
waveform but which is adjusted to
attains its operating value.
give an output corresponding to the
r.m.s. value of the input when that
input is sinusoidal.

539 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


M 1

Metering (non-tariff) Values computed depending on the MPSS Mid Point Sectioning Substation (for
values of digital or analogue inputs electrified railways).
during variable periods.
MTA Maximum Torque Angle.
Metering (tariff) Energy values computed from
Multicast Communication message from one
digital and/ or analogue inputs
communication source to a group of selected
during variable periods and
partners in a communication
dedicated to energy measurement
for billing (tariff) purposes.
Multi-element A transducer having two or more
MICS Model Implementation Conformance
transducer measuring elements. The signals
Statement (IEC 61850 engineering
from the individual elements are
combined to produce an output
Mid point A substation located at the signal corresponding to the
sectioning electrical interface of two sections measurand.
substation of electrified railway. It contains
Multi-section A transducer having two or more
(MPSS) provision for the coupling of the
transducer independent measuring circuits for
sections electrically in the event of
one or more functions.
loss of supply to one section.
Multi-shot A reclosing scheme that permits
MMS Manufacturing Messaging
reclosing more than one reclosing operation
Specification (used acc. IEC 61850
of a CB after a fault occurs before
as interface between TCP/IP and
lock-out occurs.
the application layer).
MV Medium Voltage.
ModBus Proprietary communication protocol
used on secondary networks
between HMI, substation
computers or bay computers and
protective devices.

N/C Normally Closed. NPS Negative Phase Sequence.

N/O Normally Open. NS Neutral Section (electrified
Nominal range A specified range of values which it
of use is intended that an influence Numerical relay A protection relay which utilises a
quantity can assume without the Digital Signal Processor to execute
output signal of the transducer the protection algorithms in
changing by amounts in excess of software.
those specified.
NVD Neutral Voltage Displacement
Notching relay A relay which switches in response (protection).
to a specific number of applied

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 540


1 O

OCB Oil Circuit Breaker. Output common An unwanted alternating voltage

mode interference which exists between each of the
Off-load tap A tap changer that is not designed
voltage output terminals and a reference
changer for operation while the transformer
is supplying load.
Output current The current produced by the
OHL Overhead Line
(of a transducer) transducer which is an analogue
OLTC On Load Tap Changer. function of the measurand.
On load tap A tap changer that can be operated Output load The total effective resistance of the
changer while the transformer is supplying circuits and apparatus connected
load. externally across the output
Opening time The time between energisation of a
CB trip coil and the instant of Output power The power available at the
contact parting. (of a transducer) transducer output terminals.
Operating current The current at which a relay will Output series mode An unwanted alternating voltage
(relay) pick up. interference voltage appearing in series between the
output terminals and the load.
Operating time The time between energisation of a
(CB) CB trip coil and arc extinction. Output signal An analogue or digital
representation of the measurand.
Operating time With a relay de-energised and in its
(relay) initial condition, the time which Output span (span) The algebraic difference between
elapses between the application of the lower and upper nominal values
a characteristic quantity and the of the output signal.
instant when the relay operates.
Overcurrent relay A protection relay whose tripping
Operating time The curve depicting the relationship decision is related to the degree by
characteristic between different values of the which the measured current
characteristic quantity applied to a exceeds a set value.
relay and the corresponding values
Overshoot time The overshoot time is the difference
of operating time.
between the operating time of the
Operating value The limiting value of the relay at a specified value of the
characteristic quantity at which the input energising quantity and the
relay actually operates. maximum duration of the value of
input energising quantity which,
OPGW Optical Ground Wire: A ground
when suddenly reduced to a
wire that includes optical fibres to
specific value below the operating
provide a communications link.
level, is insufficient to cause
OSI 7-layer model The Open Systems Interconnection operation.
7-layer model is a model developed
by ISO for modelling of a
communications network.

541 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


P 1

Parametric A conjunctive test that ascertains Power electronic An electronic device (e.g. thyristor
conjunctive test the range of values of each device or IGBT) or assembly of such
parameter for which the test meets devices (e.g. inverter). Typically
specific performance requirements. used in a power transmission
system to provide smooth control of
PCB Printed Circuit Board.
output of an item of plant.
PCC Point of Common Coupling.
Power factor The factor by which it is necessary
PD Physical Device (data model to multiply the product of the voltage
element in IEC 61850). and current to obtain the active power.
PED Power Electronic Device. Power line carrier A means of transmitting information
communication over a power transmission line by
Phase angle A transducer used for the
using a carrier frequency
transducer measurement of the phase angle
superimposed on the normal power
between two a.c. electrical quantities
having the same frequency.
PPS Positive Phase Sequence.
Pick-up A relay is said to ‘pick-up’ when it
changes from the de-energised Protected zone The portion of a power system
position to the energised position. protected by a given protection
system or a part of that protection
PICS Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement (IEC 61850
engineering file). Protection The apparatus, including protection
equipment relays, transformers and ancillary
Pilot channel A means of interconnection
equipment, for use in a protection
between relaying points for the
purpose of protection.
Protection relay A relay designed to initiate
PIXIT Protocol Implementation eXtra
disconnection of a part of an
Information for Testing (IEC 61850
electrical installation or to operate a
engineering file).
warning signal, in the case of a
PLC Programmable Logic Controller: fault or other abnormal condition in
A specialised computer for the installation. A protection relay
implementing control sequences may include more than one
using software. electrical element and accessories.
PLCC Power Line Carrier Communication. Protection scheme The co-ordinated arrangements for
PN Product Naming is the fixed or the protection of one or more
default data model of the IED elements of a power system. A
reflecting the complete hierarchy/ protection scheme may comprise
structure of the functions inside an several protection systems.
IED in IEC 61850. Protection system A combination of protection
Point of common The interface between an in-plant equipment designed to secure,
coupling network containing embedded under predetermined conditions,
generation and the utility usually abnormal, the disconnection
distribution network to which the of an element of a power system, or
in-plant network is connected. to give an alarm signal, or both.

POW Point-on-Wave: Point-on-Wave Protocol A set of rules that define the

switching is the process to control method in which a function is
the moment of switching to carried out – commonly used in
minimise the effects (inrush respect of communications links,
currents, overvoltages). where it defines the hardware and
software features necessary for
successful communication between

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 542


1 P

PRP Parallel Redundancy Protocol (see PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network.
IEC 62439-3).
PT100 Platinum resistance temperature
PSM Plug Setting Multiple: A term used probe.
in conjunction with electromechanical
relays, denoting the ratio of the fault
current to the current setting of the

R Resistance. Reclaim time The time between a successful

(auto-reclose) closing operation, measured from
R.m.s. sensing A transducer specifically designed
the time the auto-reclose relay
transducer to respond to the true r.m.s. value
closing contact makes until a
of the input and which is
further reclosing sequence is
characterised by the manufacturer
permitted in the event of a further
for use on a specified range of
fault occurring.
REF Restricted Earth Fault.
Ratio correction A feature of digital/numerical relays
that enables compensation to be Reference Conditions of use for a transducer
carried out for a CT or VT ratio that conditions prescribed for performance testing,
is not ideal. or to ensure valid comparison of
results of measurement.
Rating The nominal value of an energising
quantity that appears in the Reference range A specified range of values of an
designation of a relay. The nominal influence quantity within which the
value usually corresponds to the CT transducer complies with the
and VT secondary ratings. requirements concerning intrinsic
RCA Relay Characteristic Angle.
Reference value A specified single value of an
RCB Report Control Block used to
influence quantity at which the
configure the publishing of a report
transducer complies with the
by the related communication server.
requirements concerning intrinsic
RCD Residual Current Device. A errors.
protection device which is actuated
Relay See Protection Relay.
by the residual current.
Report Set of data sent from a server to a
RCP Remote Control Point: The Remote
client in a communication network.
Control Point is a SCADA interface.
Several RCP’s may be managed Resetting value The limiting value of the
with different communication characteristic quantity at which the
protocols. Physical connections are relay returns to its initial position.
done at a Gateway or at substation
Residual current The algebraic sum, in a multi-phase
computers or at a substation HMI.
system, of all the line currents.
Reactive power A transducer used for the
Residual voltage The algebraic sum, in a multi-phase
(Var) transducer measurement of reactive electrical
system, of all the line-to-earth

543 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


R 1

Response time The time from the instant of ROCOF Rate Of Change Of Frequency.
application of a specified change (protection relay)
of the measurand until the output
ROCOV Rate Of Change Of Voltage.
signal reaches and remains at its
(protection relay)
final steady value or within a
specified band centred on this RSVC Relocatable Static Var Compensator.
RTD Resistance Temperature Detector.
Reversible output An output current which reverses
RTOS Real Time Operating System.
current polarity in response to a change of
sign or direction of the measurand. RTU Remote Terminal Unit: An IED used
specifically for interfacing between
Ripple content With steady-state input conditions,
a computer and other devices.
of the output the peak-to-peak value of the
Sometimes may include control/
fluctuating component of the output.
monitoring/storage functions.
R.m.s. Root Mean Square.
RMU Ring Main Unit.

SAT Site Acceptance Test: Validation based on XML/SCL).

procedures for equipment executed
Server Entity that manages data and
with the customer on site.
responds to requests from clients
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data in a communication network.
Setting The limiting value of a ‘characteristic’
SCD Substation Configuration or ‘energising’ quantity at which the
Description (IEC 61850 engineering relay is designed to operate under
file format based on XML/SCL). specified conditions. Such values
are usually marked on the relay and
SCL Substation Configuration Language:
may be expressed as direct values,
Normalised configuration language
percentages of rated values, or
for substation modelling (as
expected by IEC 61850-6).
SFC Sequential Function Chart: One of
SCP Substation Control Point: HMI
the IEC 61131-3 programming
computers at substation level
allowing the operators to control the
substation. Short-term stability The stability over a period of 24 hours.
SCS Substation Control System. Simplex A communications system in which
communications data can only travel in one direction.
SCT System Configuration Tool (acc. IEC
Single-shot An auto-reclose sequence that
SDA Sub Data Attribute (data model
reclosing provides only one reclosing
element in IEC 61850).
operation, lock-out of the CB
SDO Sub Data Object (data model occurring if it subsequently trips.
element in IEC 61850).
S.I.R. System Impedance Ratio.
SED System Exchange Description (IEC
61850 engineering file format

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 544


1 S

Single element A transducer having one measuring Starting relay A unit relay which responds to
transducer element. abnormal conditions and initiates
the operation of other elements of
SLD Single Line Diagram.
the protection system.
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol:
STATCOM A particular type of Static Var
Used acc. IEC 61850 for time
Compensator, in which Power
Electronic Devices such as GTO’s
SOE Sequence Of Events. are used to generate the reactive
power required, rather than
SOTF Switch On To Fault (protection).
capacitors and inductors.
Specific A conjunctive test using specific
Static relay An electrical relay in which the
conjunctive test values of each of the parameters.
designed response is developed by
Spring winding time For spring-closed CB’s, the time for electronic, magnetic, optical or
the spring to be fully charged after other components without
a closing operation. mechanical motion. Excludes relays
SSD System Specification Description using digital/numeric technology.
(IEC 61850 engineering file format Static var A device that supplies or consumes
based on XML/SCL). compensator reactive power, comprised solely of
SST System Specification Tool (acc. IEC static equipment. It is shunt-
61850). connected on transmission lines to
provide reactive power
ST Structured Text: One of the IEC compensation.
61131-3 programming languages.
STC Short Time Current (rating of a CT).
Stability The ability of a transducer to keep
(of a transducer) its performance characteristics Storage conditions The conditions, defined by means
unchanged during a specified time, of ranges of the influence
all conditions remaining constant. quantities, such as temperature, or
any special conditions, within which
Stability The quantity whereby a protection the transducer may be stored
(of a protection system remains inoperative under (non-operating) without damage.
system) all conditions other than those for
which it is specifically designed to SVC Static Var Compensator.
operate. System disturbance The time between fault inception
Stability limits The r.m.s. value of the symmetrical time (auto-reclose) and CB contacts making on
(of a protection component of the through fault successful re-closure.
system) current up to which the protection System The ratio of the power system
system remains stable. impedance ratio source impedance to the
impedance of the protected zone.

545 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide


T 1

T101, T103 Term used for IEC 60870-5-101 and Time delay A delay intentionally introduced into
-103 protocol. the operation of a relay system.
Tap changer A mechanism, usually fitted to the Time delay relay A relay having an intentional
primary winding of a transformer, to delaying device.
alter the turns ratio of the
Tissue Technical issues on a standard
transformer by small discrete
raised after its publication.
amounts over a defined range.
TPI Tap Position Indicator (for
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol: A common
protocol for the transmission of TR Technical Report (of a standard)
messages over the Internet.
Transducer A device that provides a d.c. output
TCS Trip Circuit Supervision. (electrical quantity having a definite
measuring relationship to the a.c. measurand.
TC57 Technical Committee 57 working for
the IEC and responsible for
producing standards in the field of Transducer with A transducer which gives an offset
Protection (e.g. IEC 61850) zero (live zero) predetermined output other than
zero when the measurand is zero.
TF a) Transfer Function of a device
(usually an element of a control Transducer with A transducer whose output is zero
system) suppressed zero when the measurand is less than a
certain value.
b) Transient Factor (of a CT).
TS Technical Specification (of a
Through fault The current flowing through a
current protected zone to a fault beyond
that zone.
TICS Technical Issue Conformance
Statement (IEC 61850 engineering

Unicast Message from one source to one Unrestricted A protection system which has no
communication selected partner in a protection clearly defined zone of operation
communication network. and which achieves selective
operation only by time grading.
Unit electrical A single relay that can be used
relay alone or in combination with others. UCA Utility Communications Architecture.
Unit protection A protection system that is UFLS Underfrequency Load Shedding.
designed to operate only for
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply.
abnormal conditions within a clearly
defined zone of the power system. UTC Universal Time Coordinates.

Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide 546


1 V

V Voltage. VLAN Virtual Local Area Network.

VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker. Voltage transducer A transducer used for the
measurement of a.c. voltage.
VDEW Term used for IEC 60870-5-103
protocol. The VDEW protocol is a VT Voltage Transformer.
subset of the IEC 60870-5-103
protocol (VDEW: German
association of the electro-technical
and water industry.
Vector group A feature of digital and numerical
compensation relays that compensates for the
phase angle shift that occurs in
transformers (including VT’s) due to
use of dissimilar winding
connections – e.g. transformers
connected delta/star.

W, X, Y, Z

WAN Wide Area Network. X/R Ratio of system reactance to

Web service Standardised method of
communication between two Y Admittance (reciprocal of
devices on a communication impedance).
Z Impedance.
X Reactance.
XML Extensible Markup Language: Used
to structure ASCII characters to
define specific data file formats.

547 Schneider Electric - Network Protection & Automation Guide



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