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Development Application Documentation Requirements

This guide outlines the minimum requirements for development application documentation. Failure to
provide documentation addressing all of the required information will lead to rejection of the application
at lodgement. Note: all plans, survey etc. should be at a scale of 1:100.

Approvals from other Government Agencies Exceptions to Development Standards

Some developments need an approval from a
State government agency as well as A written request must be provided for all
development consent from Council. These are applications that propose non-compliance with
classed as integrated development. It is your a development standard. The request must:
responsibility to determine which approvals are • identify the development standard.
needed before you lodge your DA. Additional • identify the stated objectives of the
fees must be paid for integrated development. standard.
• establish how each of the objectives are
Examples of integrated development include: met if the standard is to be varied.
Heritage Office - works on an item protected by • establish how non-compliance with the
an interim heritage order or listed on the State standard is still consistent with the
Heritage Register. objectives of the Environmental Planning
Roads and Maritime Services - Connecting to and Assessment Act 1979.
a classified road. • Demonstrate why compliance with the
NSW Fisheries - Dredging or reclamation work. standard is unreasonable or unnecessary,
in the circumstance, utilising case law
Examples of where concurrence is required from where appropriate.
another agency include: • Demonstrate sufficient environmental
Railcorp – excavations over 2 m within 25 m of planning grounds to justify the non-
a rail corridor compliance.
Roads and Maritime Services – listed in • A template is available on Council’s web
Schedule 3 of SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007 page via the following link
Foreshores and Waterways Planning and
Development Advisory Committee – listed in Survey plan
Schedule 2 of Sydney Regional Environmental
Plan (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005 The survey plan must be prepared by a
registered surveyor within the last 5 years and
Statement of environmental effects give levels to Australian Height Datum (AHD).
The survey must include the following
The Statement must include: information:
• Full description of the proposal.
• Outline the environmental impacts of the • Location of boundaries, paths, driveways,
proposal. fences, retaining walls and other
• An assessment against all relevant controls structures.
in the LEP & DCP and any applicable • A boundary survey is to be provided or
SEPP. boundary offset measurements are
• Photographs of the site and its context. required to be provided for all existing
• Details of the proposed hours of operation, buildings within 1 metre of the boundary.
staff numbers deliveries, parking etc. for • Roof ridge heights, setbacks of major
commercial/industrial development. structures, and window/door openings on
the subject and adjoining sites.
• Spot levels on the site and adjoining sites
relative to AHD that are indicative of the
overall site and/or that identify
topographical features.
• Levels in the frontage roadway, footpath and
kerb and gutter.

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Development Application Documentation Requirements
• Room layouts, partitioning, door and
• Location of all rock outcrops and other window location and new works including
natural features, including trees on the site dimensions.
and on adjacent properties. • Wall structure type and thickness.
• Location, spot height at the base of each • Proposed clear internal dimensions
tree (to AHD), canopy spread, height and between obstructions in all parking
trunk diameter (measured 1.0 metres from modules. (height clearance, length and
the base of the trunk) of all trees on site. width)
• Location of Mean High Water Mark, where • Clear dimensions of all driveways, parking
applicable. spaces, aisle widths and height
• Location and type of all easements clearances.
burdening and / or benefiting the site. • Demolition plan.
• A copy of any easements or rights-of-
carriageway the proposed development Elevations and sections
relies on.
The following details must be provided:
Site plan • Existing buildings.
• Proposed new works (shown coloured).
The plan must include the following information: • All elevations for each building proposed,
• Location of existing buildings and features external door and window positions and
on the site and adjoining land. (Note: roof profile.
Identify parts of the building to be removed • Existing and proposed materials, colours
by using dotted lines) and finishes for all external surfaces.
• Proposed alterations and additions must be • Existing and proposed ground levels,
shown coloured to distinguish them from the retaining walls and fences (indicate height
existing structures to remain unaltered to AHD) including extent of any proposed
which will be in black and white. excavation and/or filling of the site.
• Existing trees on the site and adjoining land • Existing and proposed levels of ground,
with a height of 4m or greater. floor, ceiling, roofline or structures above
• Setback distances from boundaries. roof line and ridge e.g. chimneys.
(dimensioned) • Existing and proposed driveway grade.
• Levels over the site and in the road • Cross Section & Longitudinal Section.
• Clearly defined areas for landscaping/deep Note: Each floor plan, elevation and section
soil. must clearly delineate between the existing and
• Location of all existing infrastructure proposed works. This should be clearly
services. depicted through annotations and colouring of
• Retaining walls and fences and areas of the plans with a key which provides an
exposed bedrock. explanatory list of colours used in the plans and
• Areas proposed for cut and/or fill. what they represent. It is important to identify
what parts of each element (i.e. floor, wall, roof
• Details of proposed and existing car parking
etc.) are either proposed to be retained or are
and vehicular manoeuvring areas.
new works. There should be a clear indication
where the existing fabric finishes and the new
Floor & Roof plans (existing and proposed)
works begin.
The floor plans must include:
Landscape plan
• All site boundaries, all buildings on subject
and neighbouring properties including
openings adjoining the subject site and The landscape plan must show:
location of trees. • Existing levels, finished levels and contours
• Floor levels to Australian Height Datum. to AHD, embankments and grades.
(AHD) (indicating the extent of cut and fill)
• Existing trees and other vegetation to be

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Development Application Documentation Requirements
retained or removed on site and within 4 m affected by the proposed drainage line
of proposed works, including information on connection between the site boundary
species, height, spread of canopy, diameter and point of discharge
of trunk and spot height at base of trunk as - Drainage systems either existing, or
shown on the prepared site survey plan. proposed, within an easement for
• All trees are to be numbered and, where drainage (pipe size, grade, materials,
relevant, the numbers are to coincide with indicative levels)
the arborist’s report. - Any other site specific requirements as
• Proposed new planting. (indicating species described in the relevant Development
(both botanic and common names), Control Plan
location, massing, mature height, proposed
pot size and numbers in plant schedule) • On-Site detention (OSD) and
• Proposed surface treatments (e.g. turf, retention facilities details; including:
paving, bank stabilisation, mounds, etc.) - The proposed location of any required
• Clearly defined areas for deep soil OSD basin(s), rainwater tanks and
landscaping. retention systems and site drainage
• BASIX landscape commitments. system.
• Identify existing and proposed landscaped - Volume of proposed detention and
area calculations. retention facilities and derivative
Stormwater Drainage Concept Plan - Inlet and outlet locations at tank/basins
and indicative levels.
The purpose of the Stormwater Drainage - Reduced levels at base, top water
Concept Plan is to demonstrate how stormwater levels, overland flow paths and overflow
will be managed on the site and at a minimum facilities.
show how it will be collected, conveyed and - Access facilities for cleaning and
disposed from the site. maintenance.
- Details of discharge control facilities
The plan must include: including trash screens, levels, orifice
• The location, method and reduced level at sizing and connection details, sump
the point of connection to a recognised details.
public drainage system or other Council - Typical sections through the tanks
approved system, including full details of and/or basins including discharge pit.
any on-site disposal facilities. (where - Details of water quality devices.
permitted) The OSD facilities should be designed by a
• Evidence of legal right to drain over relevantly qualified civil engineer and set out the
downstream properties (if relevant). calculation of the volume of storage and
• Site drainage system layout, including: permissible site discharge.
- Location of all pipes, pits
- All reduced invert levels at junctions or The volume of OSD storage can be reduced
bends in the system where On Site Retention (OSR) facilities for
- Pipe grades, dimensions, materials and rainwater reuse and/or stormwater reuse are
derivative catchment calculations provided.
- Pit sizes, materials and type
- Cleaning/flushing facilities Shadow diagrams
- Location of subsoil drainage systems
- Indication of design surface levels over Shadow diagrams must distinguish the extent of
the drainage system shadows cast by existing and proposed
- Direction of overland flows buildings, including fences and buildings on
- Drainage cut-off structures; including adjoining land and areas of private open space
trench drains and/or kerb structures of those buildings where relevant. They must
- All infrastructure (footpaths, driveways correctly show the following:
and/or trees in the road reserve)

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Development Application Documentation Requirements
• Position of existing and proposed buildings and lot areas (square metres)
on the site including boundary fencing but • Proposed easements and rights-
excluding shadows cast by trees. of carriageway.
• Position of buildings, fences and all site • Proposed public reserves and drainage
boundaries on adjoining land. reserves.
• If new shadows will fall upon any wall of a • Existing and proposed finished levels
neighbouring property, elevation or vertical (contours and spot heights to AHD) if
shadow diagrams are required. works are proposed.
• Existing and proposed shadows cast at
winter solstice (21 June) upon the site, Waste management plan
adjoining land and buildings on adjoining
land (show altitude and azimuth angles). A Waste Management Plan identifies how
These are required for 9am, 12noon and construction and ongoing waste is dealt with. A
Waste Management Plan form is available from
3pm at minimum however adequate Council’s website.
information to demonstrate compliance with
the relevant controls must be submitted.
• Where the proposal does not comply with
the applicable overshadowing controls
additional hourly shadow diagrams at the
winter solstice and equinoxes (21
September/March) are required.
• Note: The positioning and levels of BASIX certificate
windows and openings on the walls
neighbouring buildings must be identified You must provide a valid BASIX certificate for all
from the submitted survey plan. new detached single dwellings, dual
• The entire area that is/will be cast in occupancies, multi-unit developments, additions
shadow must be identified. and alterations to dwellings with an estimated
cost of $50,000 or more and swimming pools (or
• Site boundaries of each affected property
pool and spa) with a capacity greater than
must be shown, not just portions of the
40,000 litres. All BASIX commitments must be
marked on the plans. Note: the BASIX Certificate
must have been issued within the previous three
Additional solar access requirements for multi- months to be valid.
unit developments
Schedule of Materials, Colours and Finishes
A suns eye view must be prepared by a
suitably qualified person addressing solar Details and samples/photos of the external
access requirements in the Residential Flat finishing materials and colours to be used in the
Design Code. The report should contain construction of the development. Elevations
information about the methodology showing the location of each material should be
of modelling, the date/time of provided.
the images and orientation of shadows cast.
Heritage impact statement (HIS)
A compliance table demonstrating the
performance of each individual unit with Any application for a property identified as a
reference to the diagrams is also required to heritage item must be accompanied by a
be submitted. Heritage Impact Statement.

Subdivision plan The information that must be in the heritage

impact statement includes:
The plan must include:
• Existing and proposed lot boundaries. • A short history of the site and its
• Relationship of the lot(s) to existing roads. development, a description of the item, an
• Proposed boundary dimensions. (metres) analysis of the significance of the item and a

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Development Application Documentation Requirements
succinct statement of its heritage and/or increase in flow velocities, and/or risk of life,
significance. Information about the on any type of development, the applicant may be
significance of an item can be found on the requested to undertake further analysis in support
heritage inventory sheet on Council’s web of the proposal and detail it in a new/revised Flood
page. The statement should be prepared in Risk Management Report.
accordance with the NSW Heritage Office’s
guidelines. The Flood Risk Management Report must address:
• A description of the proposed work, and an
assessment of the positive and negative a. Description of the existing stormwater drainage
impacts of the proposed development on system, including catchment definition.
the heritage significance of the item. b. Extent of the 1% AEP flood event in the vicinity
• Details of the methods used to ensure of the development.
conservation of the heritage item or
c. The Flood Hazard Category affecting the subject
contributory building, and any mitigating
site and surrounds. Where the site is subject to
the high hazard flooding category, the Probable
Note: A Conservation Management Plan (CMP)
Maximum Flood (PMF) extent must be shown.
is required for items of State significance or
works to items of archaeological significance. d. Long and cross sections showing the Flood
Planning Level(s) in relationship to the floor
Flood / Foreshore Risk Management Report levels of all existing and proposed components
A Flood Risk Management Report must be of the development.
submitted for applications that are on land e. Recommendations on all precautions to
identified on the Flood Planning Area Map in the minimise risk to personal safety of occupants
relevant DCP. and the risk of property damage for the total
development to address the flood impacts on the
The report must be informed by flood information site during a 1% AEP flood and PMF event.
relevant to the subject property and surrounds, These precautions must include but not be
including the 1% AEP flood level, Flood Planning limited to the following:
Level, Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) level and i. Types of materials to be used to ensure
the Flood Hazard Category, as obtained from the structural integrity of the development
Council. for immersion and impact of velocity and
debris for the 1% AEP flood event and
The report is not required where the assessed PMF (for high hazard);
value of the works is under $50,000 except where, ii. Waterproofing methods, including electrical
in the opinion of Council, those works are likely to equipment, wiring, fuel lines or any other
substantially increase the risk of flood to the service pipes or connections;
subject or adjoining or nearby sites.
iii. A flood evacuation strategy (Flood
Emergency Response Plan); and
The report may be limited to a short report (Flood
iv. On site response plan to minimise flood
Risk Management Statement) for single residential
damage, and provide adequate storage
dwellings, alterations and additions or change of
areas for hazardous materials and
use developments where the property is confirmed
valuable goods above the flood level;
by Council as being subject only to low hazard
f. Details of any flood mitigation works that are
proposed to protect the development.
The Flood Risk Management Statement must g. Supporting calculations.
reference the source of flood information; specify h. The architectural/engineering plans on which the
the relevant flood information applicable to the site, assessment is based.
then describe the proposed development and how i. The date of inspection.
it meets the relevant development controls.
j. The professional qualifications and experience of
If Council is concerned with the apparent loss of the author(s).
flood storage and/or flood or overland flow paths,

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Development Application Documentation Requirements
Structural Engineers Report / Party wall consent Tree Protection Plan will be required. As a
guideline, an AIA will be required where a
A report from a suitably qualified Structural proposal is within 10m of a large tree (greater
Engineer is required where there is substantial than 10m in height), 5m of a medium sized tree
demolition of an existing building is proposed, (5-10m in height) and 3m from a small tree (less
or excavation under or in close proximity to an then 5m in height). The report must also address
existing building that is proposed to be any impact to vegetation located on neighbouring
retained. property. Requirements for reports can be found
within Council’s development factsheets
The assessment shall include: available on Council’s website.
- A fully detailed construction methodology Note: where trees are recommended for
assessment accompanied by certified removal, the Arborist is required to provide
structural drawings. justification. Reasons such as: the tree conflicts
- Confirm the proposed method of with the proposed design will not generally be
demolition, excavation and / or accepted.
construction of the proposed development
on the site. Car Parking and Vehicle Access Plans
- Specify how the areas of the building that
are nominated on the architectural plans • Compliance with AS2890.1 2004 “Off-Street
as being retained can and will be retained. Parking”.
- This Structural Engineers report is to • Floor Levels, relative to adjacent road gutter
reference the architectural plans. levels.
• The width of the lane where access to
Where the proposed works rely on or are parking is accessed from a lane.
constructed adjacent to a party wall you are • The location of any existing on street
required to submit to Council: parking that may impact on manoeuvring
into/out of the parking space.
a) The written consent of the owners of the • Longitudinal sections through the parking
adjoining properties which share area, driveway and through to the road level.
ownership of the subject party wall. This A section is required through both sides of
consent is to be unconditional and is to the driveway.
specify that as joint owners of the party • Swept paths detailing parked cars and
wall, they have no objection to use of the vehicles entering and exiting from both
party wall for either vertical or lateral directions.
b) If such consent cannot be obtained, the
following information is to be submitted to Traffic and parking assessment report
- Plans (coloured) clearly showing the The report is to be prepared by a traffic
manner in which the proposed works engineer and is to include:
will be constructed without relying upon • a plan showing all proposed off street
the party wall for vertical or lateral parking facilities
support. • All parking spaces fully dimensioned and
- Written certification of the plans by a visitor spaces indicated.
practising, suitably qualified structural • All dimensions of aisles, driveways,
engineer. This certification must state circulation roadways, particularly at the
that the works do not rely on the party minimum thresholds.
wall for vertical or lateral support. • Driveway gradients and transitions including
reduced levels at transition points.
Arborists report • Grades of parking areas where sloped.
(perpendicular to angle of parking)
Where works (such as excavation) are proposed • Minimum vehicular height clearance to all
within close proximity of a Prescribed Tree, an basement areas.
Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report and/or • Radii (inner and outer) of all curved

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Development Application Documentation Requirements
driveways and circulation ramps or sections
thereof. The geotechnical report must be prepared and
• Recommendations for any special certified by a qualified and practising
measures eg mirrors at bends, etc. geotechnical engineer.
• Parking assessment if a departure from the
relevant rates is proposed. Issues to be addressed are:
• Estimated traffic generation and effects on • vibrations and vibration monitoring;
the surrounding road network. • dilapidation reporting;
• Intersection analysis using INTANAL or • groundwater (including shallow hydrological
equivalent. conditions); and
• excavation support.
Access report
Contamination / Remediation Action Plan
An Access Report describes how the
development will comply with the provisions of If as a result of your preliminary investigation,
the Building Code of Australia, Disability you identify that the site is contaminated, it is
Discrimination Act and Australian Standard likely that site remediation will be required before
1428.1. Access to Premises and should be the land may be used. Should this be the case, a
prepared by a suitably qualified consultant. ‘Phase 2 Detailed Site Investigation’ (DSI) and
Remedial Action Plan (RAP) must be prepared.
NCC (former BCA) Report The RAP must set remediation objectives,
determine the appropriate remedial strategy and
A National Construction Code, formerly identify the necessary approvals to be obtained
Building Code of Australia report must outline from regulatory authorities. You will need to
the classification of the development and provide your remedial action plan with your
address all relevant sections of the NCC development application. See State
relating the proposal. Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 –
Remediation land. Council will not condition
Design verification statement (SEPP 65 that these documents be prepared after
developments) determination.

The qualified designer must verify: Acoustic Report / Noise Impact Assessment
• That they designed or directed the design of
the residential flat development. Acoustic reports look at proposed noise
sources and the background noise and how the
• That the Design Quality Principles set out in
noise source will impact surrounding
part 2 of SEPP 65 for residential flat
development are achieved.
• That the 10 Design Quality Principles are An Acoustic report is required to be submitted
individually addressed. for development directly adjacent to railway
• Comply with the requirements of SEPP 65 corridors, State and Regional Roads and some
and the Residential Flat Design Code. other uses with potential for noise impacts to
• Include a photomontage and scale model adjoining properties e.g. childcare centre,
demonstrating the context of the licensed premises.
development proposal in accordance with
the Environmental Planning Assessment A Noise Impact Assessment must be
Regulation 2000 (clause 50). submitted with any development application for
residential building work where the ANEF
Geotechnical report exceeds 25. The assessment must present the
results, findings and recommendations of an
A geotechnical report is required when it is acoustic assessment of noise intrusion from
proposed to excavate to a depth of two metres aircraft operations and the requirements of
or more below the existing ground level. Australian Standard AS2021-2000 “Acoustics-

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Development Application Documentation Requirements
Aircraft Noise Intrusions – Building Siting and
Construction”. Electronic Lodgement Requirements
If the application is being lodged in person or by
Acoustic reports and Noise Impact mail, documents must be contained on a USB
Assessments must be prepared by an Acoustic device. The USB device provided will become the
Consultant. property of the Inner West Council and will not be
Social Impact Assessment or Comment
All documents including plans must be
A social impact assessment or comment submitted as PDF files viewable in Adobe
should outline the envisaged positive and Acrobat. Security settings (including passwords
negative impacts that the development or land and editing restrictions) must not be applied to
use changes may have on people’s way of life electronic documents and plans.
and provide appropriate strategies to mitigate,
minimise and resolve any negative impacts. All documents need to be able to be published
online. Files larger than 5MB should be
Photomontage separated logically and supplied as separate
PDF files.
A photomontage is a photographic impression of
how the building will look within its context upon Council will publish all applications on its on-line
completion within the streetscape and from other application tracking system.
relevant vantage points. Some applications for
complex alterations and additions will benefit • Plans must be to scale and rotated to
from the preparation of a photo montage landscape.
especially where there is likely to be view loss • It is preferred that plans are converted to PDF
issues. Photo montages should be certified by a electronically rather than printed and scanned
suitably qualified person. to ensure accuracy.
• All black and white plans are to be at a
Three Dimensional Model
resolution of 400dpi. Coloured plans may be
at a lower resolution.
A model is required for all developments with a
• Files should be no larger than 5MB.
Capital Investment Value in excess of $10
million. • An additional document combining the survey,
site plan, architectural plans and shadow
Models must: diagrams (if relevant) into one file should be
created and named as ‘Working Copy’
• Accurately depict the building and the land
File naming conventions apply to all electronic
• Define the property boundaries and include a
documents submitted. File names are to match
readily identifiable reference such as an
the document requirements listed in the relevant
existing adjacent building which is to remain.
• Be to a scale of 1:100, 1:200 or 1:500.
Please follow the samples below, being the
Plan of Management
address of the development site followed by the
title of the plan or document. For example:
A Plan of Management must describe how the
ongoing operation of the premises will be
7-15 Wetherill Street Leichhardt – Site Plan
managed in the most efficient manner and
7-15 Wetherill Street Leichhardt – Floor Plan
reduce adverse impacts to the amenity of
7-15 Wetherill Street Leichhardt – BASIX
surrounding properties. It includes but it not
limited to detailing objectives, operational
details, hours of operation, staffing details and
guidelines, delivery arrangements, customer
handling, security, complaint handling and a
review process.

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