Tugas Bahasa Inggris M.rudi Arya Wijaya

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Tugas Ke 4 Bahasa Inggris

Nama : M.Rudi Arya Wijaya

Kelas : S1 Konversi B 2020

Definition Of Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia is a condition when the body temperature is too high. Hyperthermia is

usually caused by the failure of the body's temperature regulation system to cool the body. A
body temperature that is too high will cause a variety of disorders, ranging from muscle
cramps to disorders of the brain and nervous system.

Hyperthermia Treatment

The main treatment for hyperthermia is to cool the body temperature when symptoms appear.
If You're experiencing hyperthermia, some cooling steps you can take include:

 Take a break from the activity you are doing, if necessary you can rest while lying

 Take shelter in order to avoid heatstroke, if necessary, take shelter in a cool room with
good air flow

 Drink water or electrolyte drinks, but avoid consuming too cold drinks as they can
cause stomach cramps

 Compress the head, neck, face, and body parts that experience cramps using cold

 Loosen tight clothing, including socks and shoes

Tugas Ke 5 Bahasa Inggris
Nama : M.Rudi Arya Wijaya
Kelas : S1 Konversi B 2020

Rudi : good morning miss

Dian : morning , nurse
Rudi : My name is rudi , to standart management patient sfety. Can you repeat your name
and How old you ?
Dian : My name is dian, I’m 19 years old
Rudi : Alright, how are you today ?
Dian : My eyes are sick and poignant
Rudi : Which side your eye pain ?
Dian : Eyes the left side is the sick
Rudi : I am going to chek your eyes
Dian : Of course. What should I do ?
Rudi : You should Rilex and enjoy, miss
Dian : Ok, nurse. Please checks with carefully
Rudi : The first, I will see your eyelashes and eyelid, ok finish.
Dian : My eyelashes and eyelid is normally ?
Rudi : Yes, miss. Your eyelashes is beautiful. The second I will see konjungtiva, corneal
slice, sclera and pupil area. Ok finish
Dian : How condition is my eyes ?
Rudi : Your konjungtiva is pale. Sclera is red. Pupil is normally and then corneal is normally
Dian : The checked has been completed ?
Rudi : Next I will palpate your eyes, to know swelling. Ok, miss. It is normally
Dian : How to cure my eyes ?
Rudi : The doctor will give me recipe to cure your problem. And now, I will give you eye
drops to alleviate eyeache
Dian : My eyes is cool and getting better
Rudi : Get well son, miss. You can rest again
Dian : Of Course.
Rudi : When You need of help, you can call me at nursing station
Dian : Thanks You Nurse
Rudi : Your Wellcome
Tugas Ke 6 Bahasa Inggris
Nama : M.Rudi Arya Wijaya
Kelas : S1 Konversi B 2020

1) Clavide
The clavicula is double-curved and elongated. It is the only bone that extends
horizontally in the body. Located above the first rib. At the medial end, the clavicula
joins the manubrium of the sternum at the sternoclavicularis joint.
2) Internal Intercostals
The internal intercostals are the part of the thoracic wall muscles that are located in
the intercostal spaces between the ribs. Comprising the middle layers of the
intercostal muscle groups, they complete the intrinsic musculoskeletal shell of the
thorax together with the external and deepest intercostal, posterior serratus, levatores
cpstarum, subcostal, and transverse thoracis muscles.
3) External Intercostals
The external intercostal muscles are the most superficial sets of muscles that
occupy eleven intercostal spaces. Their name comes from their spatial relationship
with other intercostal muscles, asthey are found superficially on the internal and
deepest intercostals. The intercostal muscles, together with the posterior serratus,
levatores cpstarum, subcostal, and transverse thoracis muscles comprise the chest wall
4) Pectoralis minor (cut)
The pectiralis minor muscle is a thin triangular muscle located posterior to the
pectoralis major muscle.
5) External oblique (cut)
The external oblique muscle is one of the largest parts of the trunk area. Each side
of the body has external oblique muscles.
The external oblique muscle is one of the outeost abdominal muscles, extending from
the bottom of the ribs around and down to the pelvis. Its lowest part connects to the
upper corners of the pelvis (called the crest of the ilium), the lower front of the pelvis
(pubis), and the linea alba, a band of fibers that runs vertically along the inside of the
abdominal wall. Together , the external oblique muscles cover the sides of the
abdominal area. The intercostal and subcostal nerves connect the external oblique
muscles to the brain.
6) Rectus abdominis (cut)
(Covered by anterior layer of rectus sheath)
Rectus abdominis muscle, which is a pair of muscles that cross vertically on each side
of the anterior wall of the stomach. There are two parallel muscles separated by a
midline of connective tussue called the linea alba (white alba).
7) Linea alba
Linea alba or white linea
8) Internal oblique
Internal abdominal oblique is a muscle found on the lateral side of the abdomen. It
is broad and thin. It forms one pf the layers of the lateral abdominal wall along with
external ablique on the outer side and transverse abdominis on the inner side.
9) Aponeurosis of internal oblique
Transversus abdominis has a lpng line of origin, from here to here. At the top, the
fibers arise from the inner aspect of the ribs, from the sixth, to the twelfth rib.
Between the twelfth rib and theilium, the transverse erges from the edge pf the
10) Anterior superior dicic spine
The anterior superior iliac spine is the bony projection of the iliac bone and is
important landmark of surface anatomy. It refers to the anterior limb of the pelvic
iliac crest, which provides arrachment for the inguinal ligament, and the sartorius
muscle. The tensor fasciae latae muscle attaches about 5 cm to the iliac tubercle.
11) Inguinal ligament
A band of connective tissue extending from the anterior superior iliac spine from
the ilium to the pubic tubercle to the pubic bone. It is formed by the external oblique
muscle attached to these two points. The inguinal ligament is closelly related to a
number of structures and forms the border of the femoral triangle and inguinal canal
in the pelvic area.
12) Spermatic cord
The spermatic cord appears in the deep inguinal ring, passes through the inguinal
canal and exits in the superficial inguinal ring to the scrotum 3. In the scrotum, the
spermatic cord ends at the posteromedial border of the testi
13) External Iintercostalhe
external intercostal muscles are the most superficial sets of muscles The that
occupy eleven intercostal spaces. Their name comes from their spatial relationship
with other intercostal muscles, asthey are found superficially on the internal and
deepest intercostals. The intercostal muscles, together with the posterior serratus,
levatores cpstarum, subcostal, and transverse thoracis muscles comprise the chest wall
14) Internal Intercostals
The internal intercostals are the part of the thoracic wall muscles that are located in
the intercostal spaces between the ribs. Comprising the middle layers of the
intercostal muscle groups, they complete the intrinsic musculoskeletal shell of the
thorax together with the external and deepest intercostal, posterior serratus, levatores
cpstarum, subcostal, and transverse thoracis muscles.
15) Sternum
The sternum (sternum) is a long flat bone located in the middle of the chest. These
bones connect to the ribs and protect vital organs in the body such as the lungs, heart,
liver and stomach.
16) Central tendon of diaphragm
The central tendon of the diaphragm is a thin but strong aponeurosis located slightly
anterior to the dome formed by the muscle, resulting in a longer posterior muscle
17) Diaphragm
The diaphragm is the body organ that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest
18) Arcuate ligament of diaphragm
The median arcuate ligament is a ligament under the diaphragm that connects the
right and left crura of diaphragm. The crura connect to form an arch, behind which is
theaortic hiatus, through which pass the aorta, the azygos vein, and the thoracic duct.
19) Quadratus Lumborum
The quadratus lumborum muscle is the posterior abdominal wall muscle lying deep
in the stomach and back to the iliopsoas. It is the innermost muscle of the posterior
abdominal wall, and is often mistakenly referred to as one of the back muscles.
20) Transversus abdominis
transversus abdominis is an exercise by providing a stimulus to the part of the
transverses abdominis muscle by contracting the muscle so that it can increase intra-
abdominal pressure
21) Illiac crest
Is the curved section above the jump that sits close to the skin and forms a wing-
like part of the pelvis on which a person will occasionally rest their hands.
22) Fourth lumbar vertebra
The spine or vertebrae is an irregular bone that forms a movable back. there are 33
backbones in the adult division of the human backbone consists of 5 regions, 7
cervical, 12 thoracal, 5 lubar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccygeal, each of which has different
23) Sacrum
The sacrum is a triangle-like bone or curve formed by 5 vertebrae that stick together

Tugas Ke 6 Bahasa Inggris

Nama : M.Rudi Arya Wijaya
Kelas : S1 Konversi B 2020
A. Lower Extremities
1) Pubis is a secondary cartilaginous joint between the left and right superior rami of the
pubis of the hip bones
2) Ischium is The lowest of the three major bones that constitute each half of the pelvis.
3) Acetabulum is the cup-shaped cavity on the lateral surface of the hip bone in which
the head of the femur articulates
4) Head is The rounded extremity of a bone.
5) Greater trochanter is A strong process over hanging the root of the neck of the femur,
giving attachment to the middle and least gluteal muscles as well as other muscles that
control thigh movement.
6) Neck is the constricted part of an organ or other structure; called also cervix and
7) Lossor trochanter is a broad, flat process on the femur, at the upper end of its lateral
surface (greater trochanter), or a short conical process on the posterior border of the
base of its neck (lesser trochanter).
8) Femur is the thigh bone, extending from the pelvis to the knee; the longest and
strongest bone in the body. Its proximal end articulates with the acetabulum, a cup-
like cavity in the pelvic girdle. The greater and lesser trochanters are the two
processes (prominences) at the proximal end of the femur.
9) Medial condyle is condyle closest to midline.
10) Tibial tuberosity is an oval elevation on the anterior surface of the tibia about 3 cm
distal to the articular surface, giving attachment at its distal part to the patellar
11) Anterior crest is a projection, or projecting structure or ridge, especially one
surmounting a bone or its border.
12) Tibia is the inner and larger of the two bones of the lower leg; it articulates with the
FEMUR and head of the FIBULA above and with the TALUS below.
13) Patella is The large sesamoid bone, in the combined tendon of the quadriceps femoris,
covering the anterior surface of the knee.
14) Lateral condyle is condyle farthest from the midline.
15) Fibula is the lateral and smaller of the two bones of the lower leg.
16) Medial malleolus is A medial process from the distal tibia which, with the lateral
malleolus, forms a mortise, into which the talus articulates.
17) Talus is The bone of the foot that articulates superiorly with the tibia and fibula to
form the ankle joint inferiorly with the calcaneus to form the subtalar joint, and
anteriorly with the navicular, forming the medial component of the transverse tarsal
18) Navicular is Flattened, medially placed tarsal bone, concave on its posterior surface to
accommodate the head of the talus, and convex on its anterior surface to articulate
with the three cuneiform bones
19) Cuneiform is wedge-shaped; applied particularly to three of the tarsal bones of the
20) Lateral malleolus is The process at the lateral side of the lower end of the fibula,
forming the projection of the lateral part of the ankle; the lateral malleolus extends
farther inferiorly than the medial malleolus.
21) Calcaneus is The largest tarsal bone, which articulates anteriorly with the cuboid and
superiorly with the talus. It is the point of origin of the abductors of the great and little
toes and point of insertion of the Achilles tendon.
22) Cuboid is resembling a cube; applied particularly to a bone of the foot.
23) Metatarsus is the part of the foot between the ankle and the toes, its skeleton being the
five bones (metatarsals) extending from the tarsus to the phalanges.
24) Phalanges is The small bones of the fingers and toes. Fingers have three phalanges;
the thumbs and big toes have two.
25) Tibia is the inner and larger of the two bones of the lower leg; it articulates with the
femur and head of the fibula above and with the talus below

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