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S19 Experimental Final NAME ________________________________________

What’s important about Quasi-Experimental Design?

1. It manipulates the ________________variable

2. It does OR does not (circle correct answer) use random assignment

3. It is vulnerable to (circle all that are correct):

a. Confounding variables
b. Random assignment errors
c. Rarely uses pre/posttest design
d. Often uses pre/posttest design
e. Groups are equivalent
f. Lower internal validity than correlational studies
g. Lower internal validity than true experiments

True of False about quasi-experimental design?

4. T/F Independent variable manipulation

5. T/F Compare groups
6. T/F Participants randomly assigned
7. T/F Evaluate effectiveness of treatment

8. Name two threats to quasi-experimental design:



9. Reliability is the ___________________ of measure

10. There are three types of reliability. Name one:


11. Interrater reliability is the extent to which different observers are

____________________________in their judgments.

12. Types of validity (circle correct):

a. Face, criterion, interrater

b. Content, criterion, subject
c. Face, content, criterion
d. Subject, face, criterion
S19 Experimental Final NAME ________________________________________

13. Validity definition: __________________ from a measure represent the variable they are intended to.

14. If two theories can explain the same data, then

a. the simpler theory is the better theory.
b. the theory that is unfalsifiable is the better theory.
c. the more complex theory is the better theory.
d. the least parsimonious theory is the better theory.

15. T / F The self-correcting nature of science is revealed when a particular finding fails to

16. If all the values of one variable are about the same, and the values of a second variable are very
different, then the correlation coefficient will approach
a. 1.0
b. zero
c. -1.0
d. either 1.0 or -1.0
17. Looking for a relationship between two variables involves the _________ technique.
a. naturalistic
b. authoritative
c. a priori
d. correlational

18. Failure of an independent variable to produce changes in a dependent variable is called a

a. statistical error.
b. failure to replicate.
c. null result.
d. confound.

19. In an experiment, the variable that is expected to change as a result of some manipulation is termed
a. dependent variable.
b. independent variable.
c. control variable.
d. experimental variable.
S19 Experimental Final NAME ________________________________________

20. A control group or a control condition is included in an experiment in order to

a. evaluate experimenter effects and demand effects.
b. provide a baseline against which the variable of interest can be compared.
c. prevent ceiling or floor effects.
d. increase the generalizability of the results.

21. T / F Randomization is an old and rarely used technique for creating equivalent groups in an

Place the letter of the correct definition (table below) next to the correct item 22-25.

22. Internal validity __________

23. Construct validity ___________

24. Conceptual validity ___________

25. External validity ____________

A in which the hypothesis that was being tested supports the broader theory that is also
being studied.
B in which the study provides strong evidence to the causality between two factors. A study
that has high internal validity arrives at a conclusion that it is indeed the independent
variable that affects the independent variable.
C in which the study can be replicated across different populations and still yield the same
D in which the independent and dependent variables are found to be accurate
representations of the abstract concepts that are being studied
S19 Experimental Final NAME ________________________________________

EXTRA CREDIT: Define and describe one of the four Canons of Science:

Determinism, Empiricism, Parsimony, Testability

Dear Students – thank you for an interesting and fun semester! All the best to each of you for a wonderful

summer and continued successful studies. Best, NS

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