7 Step Plan For Healthy Living

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The following seven simple tips from nutrition, health and fitness experts promote the
two basic of healthy diet:
Balance and varieties.

1. Breakfast is a habit to cultivate

Research shows that breakfast-eaters
consume fewer calories at lunch and dinner and
are lee likely to snack compulsively the rest of
the day.

2. Think “portion control”

Don’t feel you have to clean your plate
when you’re eating out. Most meals are a lot larger than the average adult require.

3. Plan ahead for snacks

Snacking isn’t a bad habit if you’re mindful of how many calories you’re
eating. Eating frequently instead of waiting until you’re ravenous might help you
avoid overeating.

4. Small change make a big difference – to your waist line

Choose low fat milk. Eat your fruit instead of drinking it.

5. Fit fitness in throughout the day

Get moving-climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walk or stretch while you’re
on the phone.

6. Remember the basic of good nutrition

There are three “rules” for healthy eating.
 Expand the variety of food in your diet.
 Add more fruits, vegetable and whole grains to the food you already eat.
 Select more lower-fat food choices.

7. Treat yourself
Pick a day or two in the week and have a treat that is planned, such as a dessert that you
especially enjoy or do something relaxing such a massage, meditation, yoga or an old-fashion

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