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A tank has three taps P, Q and R. Taps P and Q can fill the tank in 1.

5 and 2
hours, respectively. Tap R can empty the completely filled tank in just half hour.
Tap P is opened at 8 am, tap Q is opened at 9am and tap R is opened at 10 am. At
what exact time will the tank be empty?
A. 11.50 pm b. 11.23 pm c. 12.12 pm d. 12.13 pm
A pipe can fill a tank in 6 hours. Another pipe can empty the tank in 12 hours. If
both pipes are opened simultaneously, the part of tank filled by both pipes in 1
hour is?
A. 1/9th part b. 1/6th part c. 1/12th part d. 1/3rd part
A tap having diameter 'd' can empty a tank in 84 min. How long another tap having
diameter '2d' take to empty the same tank?
a. 21 b. 42 c. 168 d. 136
Average age of A and B is 30 years, that of B and C is 32 years and the average age
of C and A is 34 years. The age of C is
a. 56 b. 45 c. 36 d. 48
3 boxes have some average weight. When one box which weighs 89 kg is replaced by
another box, the average weight increases by 5 kg. How much the new box weighs?
a. 104 b. 107 c. 109 d. 108
Knowing that Vijay’s expenditure for first 3 days is Rs. 100, Rs. 125 and Rs. 85,
what is his 4th day expenditure as his 4 days average expenditure Rs. 90?
a. 110 b. 220 c. 50 d. 80
A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at Cost Price but still gets 20%
profit by using a false weight. What weight does he substitute for a kilogram?
a. 833 1/3 grams b. 833 2/3 grams c. 834 1/3 grams d. 835 2/3 grams
The C.P of 15 books is equal to the S.P of 18 books. Find his gain% or loss%?
a. 18 2/11% b. 15 5/15% c. 16 2/3% d. 30%
The cost price of 13 articles is equal to the selling price of 11 articles. Find
the profit percent?
a. 19 b. 18 c. 20 d. 21
A reduction of 20% in the price of salt enables a lady to obtain 10kgs more for
Rs.100, find the original price per kg?
a. 2.5 b. 2 2/3 c. 2 3/2 d. 3
Find the compound interest on Rs. 20,000 in 2 years at 4 % per annum,

the interest being compounded half-yearly.

a. rs. 1648.64 b. rs. 1596.32 c. rs. 14826.56 d. rs. 11563.99
A certain sum amounts to Rs. 7000 in 2 years and to Rs. 8000 in 3 years.

Find the sum.

a. rs. 5359.37 b. rs. 6459.37 c. rs. 6959.37 d. rs. 5759.37
Rs.5887 is divided between Shyam and Ram, such that Shyam's share

at the end of 9 years is equal to Ram's share at the end of 11

years, compounded annually at the rate of 5%. Find the share of Shyam

a. 2088 b. 2000 c. 3087 d. none

Vijay invested Rs.50,000 partly at 10% and partly at 15%.

His total income after a year was Rs.7000.

How much did he invest at the rate of 10%?

a. rs. 800, 13% b. rs. 900, 12% c. rs. 850, 10% d. rs. 1000, 15%
Ricky after travelling for 5 km. took right turn and travelled 6 km.

Before taking left turn and then travelled for 3 km. find his final

distance from home.

a. 10 km b. 12 km c. 9 km d. 11 km e. None
Directions for Q: Study the following information to answer the questions. The
following are the criteria for organizing the Training Programme of an Institute in
different hotels. The organize the programme in Hotel Taj, the following criteria
must be fulfilled. A. The programme coordinator should be of the rank of Deputy
Director or Joint Director B. The programme should be in one of these areas – HRD,
Advertising, Computers or Statistics C. The duration of a programme should not be
more than 7 days D. The fee per participant should be not less than Rs.5,000 E. The
number of participants should be at least 50 If all other criteria are fulfilled
except I.the duration of the course is more than 7 days the programme is to be
organized in Hotel Ritz II. the programme coordinator is of the rank of Assistant
Director, but the fee per participant is more than Rs.7,000, the programme will be
organized in Hotel Taj. III.the number of participants being less than 50 but more
than 30, the programme will be organized in Hotel Sideways IV.the fee per
participant is less than Rs.5,000 but more than Rs.3,500, the programme should be
organized in Hotel Sausy V.the programme is in other than the area mentioned in B
above, but the programme coordinator is of the Joint Director level, the programme
should be organized in Hotel Sideways. Based on the above criteria and the
information provided in each of the questions, decide about the appropriate course
of action. You are not to assume anything on your own. Give answer as 1. If the
programme is to be organized in Hotel Taj 2. If the programme is to be organized in
Hotel Sideways 3. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Ritz 4. If the
programme is to be organized in Hotel Sausy 5. If the data is inadequate

A 5 days’ training programme for 55 participants is to be organized by Shri Jacob

Singh, the Assistant Director. The fee per participant is Rs.8,000.

a. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Taj

b. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Sideways
c. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Ritz
d. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Sausy
e. If the data is inadequate
A training programme on Advertising is to be organized for 45 participants, fee per
participant being Rs.6,000 and the duration of course is 6 days.
a. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel taj b. If the programme is to be
organized in hotel sideways c. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Ritz
d. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Sausyx
e. If the data is inadequate
Dr. (Mrs.) Saroj Rao, Deputy Director of the Institute wants to organize a
programme for 55 candidates with a fee of Rs.6,000 per participant, the duration of
the course is 4 days and it is in the area of Computers.
a. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Taj
b. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel sideways
c. If the programme is to beorganized in Hotel Ritz
d. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Sausy
e. If the data is inadequate
Prof. V.D. Dixit, Assistant Director, has offered 4 days’ programme for 60
participants in the area of HRD. The fee per participant is Rs.8,000.
a. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Taj b. If the programme is to be
organized in hotel sideways
c. If the programme is to be organized in Hotel Ritz
d. If the programme is to be organized in hotel Sausy
e. If the data is iinadequate

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