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Oral Presentation Rubric

Teacher Name:
Participant Name:     ________________________________________
Note: You may use all, some of the categories or add a new one accordingly. Points may vary as well.
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1
Speech was awkward at Often mumbles or cannot Very often mumbles or
incomprehensible at times be understood OR cannot be understood
Speech was awkward at and had some long pauses. mispronounces more than OR mispronounces many
CLARITY AND Speech was clear, times but always one word. words.
comprehensible and comprehensible and
FLUENCY always fluent. had very few or short

Always (90-100% of Mostly (80-89%) Sometimes (70-79%) Seldom speaks in Almost never speaks
time) speaks in speaks in complete speaks in complete complete sentences. in complete
complete sentences. sentences. sentences.
LANGUAGE sentences.

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows understanding Shows little Does not seem to
understanding of understanding of of parts of the topic. understanding of understand the
the topic. the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well.

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