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Maryʼs Catholic Church

Athens, TN

Dear Parents of St. Maryʼs High School Youth,

This year we are using a new and beautiful program on human sexuality called Theology of the Body for
Teens: Discovering Godʼs Plan for Love and Life. This curriculum is based on Pope John Paul IIʼs
landmark and revolutionary Theology of the Body, which gives a very positive message of the gift of
sexuality as a good and essential part of love and life. It is our hope that it will provide your teens with the
knowledge and understanding they need concerning the meaning and purpose of their sexuality and of
their very existence. Both the Leaderʼs Guide and Student Workbook have been granted the Imprimatur
by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. (Imprimatur = an official declaration by a Church
authority that a book or other printed work may be published.)

Recognizing that parents are the primary educators of their children in matters of faith and morals, this
curriculum also includes a parental component. We are providing you with a copy of Theology of the Body
for Teens Parentʼs Guide, a booklet that summarizes the contents of the new program chapter by chapter.
It will not only inform you of the beautiful message we will be sharing with your teen(s), but will also give
you assistance and encourage you to discuss critical issues with them at home. Please note that the last
two pages of each chapter provide questions and family applications to foster meaningful conversation at

If you agree that your child will benefit from this program, please sign and return this document to give us
your permission to teach the material and to allow your child to participate in our group discussions each
week. We are requiring your approval due to the nature of the content. While it is neither explicit nor
graphic in nature, we understand that the topics are of a sensitive nature and we want to be certain that
we have your full approval for your child to participate.

Thank you for your time and interest in this important stage of your teenagerʼs spiritual development. If
you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (423) 413-4088.


Scott & Christine Maentz

I hereby give my permission for my child, _______________________________________________, to

participate in the Theology of the Body for Teens CCD program at St. Maryʼs Catholic Church in Athens,
TN beginning on September 22, 2010. I also give permission to the CCD teachers to communicate with
my child regarding the class schedule and general reminders via cell phone text messages and

Parent signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________

Parent name: __________________________________________

Parent phone number: ___________________________________

Parent email: ________________________________________________________________________

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