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English VII

1st Quarter

From 11:20 to 12:20m

Lic. Meylin González

January 9th, 2021

This is a list of irregular verbs, you will find the simple present, simple past and past participle so you can check
the spelling and pronunciation of each one.

Keep in mind that this list is just for irregular verbs because they usually change in form and pronunciation.

On the other hand, regular verbs will keep their form and pronunciation that they have in simple past:


Simple Present Simple past Past participle

Live lived lived

Like liked liked

Offer offered offered

Importante: El hecho de que la lista que les doy es de verbos irregulares, no es un indicativo de que nos
limitaremos a este tipo de verbos en este nivel ya ustedes tienen conocimiento de los verbos regulares e

Para el PRESENTE PERFECTO utilizaremos la conjugación del verbo HAVE más el Participio Pasado de
los verbos.

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