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Tesla Motors, Inc. - Pioneer towards a new strategic approach in the automobile
industry along the open source movement?

Conference Paper · August 2015

DOI: 10.1109/PICMET.2015.7273032


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1 author:

Manuel Moritz
Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg


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2015 Proceedings of PICMET '15: Management of the Technology Age

Tesla Motors, Inc.: Pioneer towards a New Strategic Approach

in the Automobile Industry along the Open Source Movement?
Manuel Moritz, Tobias Redlich, Pascal Krenz, Sonja Buxbaum-Conradi, Jens P. Wulfsberg
Helmut-Schmidt-University, Institute of Production Engineering (LaFT), Hamburg, Germany

Abstract--In many industries, we observe a paradigm shift II. OPENNESS AS A CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTOR
from traditional value creation towards co-creation and open
production approaches. The boundaries of companies dissolve A. The evolution of success factors
and many more players (suppliers, customers, community The ability to create and keep competitive advantages is
members, etc.) are integrated into the value creation process.
This also implies the share of knowledge to set industry-wide
crucial for a company to make profits and survive in the long
standards and to advance new technologies. term. Besides traditional factors like time, cost, quality, etc.,
Tesla Motors, Inc. recently announced that it would give in recent years secondary factors have evolved that enable
away all their patents to anyone who in good faith wants to use companies to hold their position while market conditions or
them. They say their aim was to foster the advancement of the industry environment are rapidly changing. Flexibility
electric vehicles to compete with conventional vehicles and give and adaptability, for example, have become as important as
the zero-emission mobility a push. Nevertheless, what about the the primary success factors these days [17, 10a]. In addition
traditional automobile industry with its big players where even to that, there are many examples of highly competitive
the slightest growth in market share is crucial and the companies (e.g. Local Motors, Wikipedia, Quirky,
intellectual property (IP) of a company is kept secret like the
Holy Grail as it ensures competitive advantages? Based on a
InnoCentive, etc.) whose success cannot be described with
Tesla case study our research focusses on product-, company- , the traditional view on corporate competitiveness as they
market- and industry-specific factors that might enable even follow another paradigm of value creation. The borders of
small players to start an industry-wide revolution by applying companies are more and more dissolving towards (open)
strategic aspects of openness in their business model. production or value co-creation systems [17, 10a].
Beyond that, meanwhile the most companies act in a
I. INTRODUCTION highly dynamic business environment with decreasing time-
to-market and ever-shorter product lifecycles where the
On June 12th 2014, a blog entry of the CEO of Tesla ability to constantly innovate is equally important [20].
Motors, Inc. (henceforth “Tesla”) with the title “All our Considering scarce budgets for internal R&D has put even
patent are belong to you” [4] was released on the company’s more pressure on the companies. The search for new ideas
website. Tesla announced that “in the spirit of the open and innovative technologies beyond the company’s walls has
source movement” and “for the advancement of electric led to the idea of open innovation where also external sources
vehicle technology” it would “not initiate patent lawsuits may be utilized [3]. Production systems that are based on
against anyone who, in good faith, wants to you use [their] participation, cooperation and interaction with several
technology”. By opening their IP portfolio, they want to external stakeholders (e.g. customers, competitors, suppliers,
invite other car makers to jointly tackle the carbon crisis by scientists, communities, etc.) to boost innovations are also
enhancing the technology and develop the market for electric referred to as “Bottom-up economics” [17, 10a].
vehicles which compared to the gasoline powered cars is
minimal these days. Within the rather traditional automotive B. Theory of a distributed production
industry, this decision caused an industry-wide stir as To explain the idea of a distributed production, we will
innovation and IP are recognized as crucial competitive discuss two contrary perspectives on market and competition.
factors for a company to survive. On the one hand, there is a classical market with fixed
So, why would a young and still small company boundaries and a near-constant size where different players
(compared to the big carmakers) like Tesla take such a act in a highly competitive environment. The companies are
revolutionary step and give away all their technological focused on the differentiation from their competitors and thus
know-how for free? What are the strategic implications of try to gain additional market shares up to the production-
that decision? Could a strategy based on openness in the end related (local) maximum (Fig. 1, left part). A different
turn out to be a key advantage in an industry that with the approach is to consider the companies as players within value
breakthrough of the electric cars will have to be completely creation systems. Their aim in contrast is not to split the
restructured? What corporate environment is suitable to a market, but to widen the overall market jointly (Fig. 1, right
strategy of openness? Are the principles of the open source part). In this constellation, openness is an essential
movement also applicable on physical goods? What would be requirement for success. Cooperation and value co-creation
the opportunities and risks by doing so? lead to a network of production systems that also fosters the
Based on the theory of a distributed production and on the occurrence of emergence effects.
Tesla case study these questions shall be addressed.

2015 Proceedings of PICMET '15: Management of the Technology Age

In this paper, we focus on the value creation artifact and

in particular on the organization and management of IP as the
technological know-how of a company is represented by its
patents. With Tesla, the IP rights were drastically affected by
the announcement of the CEO as this top-down initiative can
be interpreted as a quasi-free license to use their technology.

B. The new age of (open) innovation

So far, we have seen that the traditional understanding of
innovation and innovation processes has changed over time.
SCHUMPETER argued that innovative companies are
(internally) able to generate competitive advantages that leads
  to a temporary monopoly with monopoly profits [12].
Figure 1 - Two perspectives on the strategy of a company
CHESBROUGH defines this process as closed innovation:
The value creation process takes place within a company’s
Considering changing characteristics of a market (e.g.
sphere and thus range of control (Fig. 3, left side) [3].
maturity, size, industry, etc.) might cause its players to adapt
However, innovation pressure has forced companies to also
their strategic approaches to one or the other direction. The
search for new ideas beyond their spheres. This concept is
authors claim that these days more markets require a strategy
referred to as open innovation (OI). External ideas may enter
of openness in order to remain innovative and thus
the innovation process of a company, but also internally
competitive. In this case, the ability for cooperation and
sourced ideas may be harnessed outside the firm’s walls (Fig.
collaboration turns out to be a critical success factor.
3, right side). REICHWALD and PILLER understand the
open innovation concept as a complement to the traditional
innovation process that may enhance the competitiveness of a
company [18].
A. From closeness to openness
The strategic approaches just mentioned before represent
C. Open source as part of an open innovation strategy
two contrary perspectives on a value creation system:
Open source is one of many feasible models that enable
Closeness and openness as opposing extremes in a wide
companies to harness their technology in the spirit of open
spectrum. Fig. 2 shows a classification system that clusters
innovation. The basic idea is to jointly develop new
success factors for each characteristic with regard to
technologies and share the rights to make use of it.
architecture of the value creation artifact, the value creation
Essentially, there are four open source strategies that can be
process as well as the value system structure. [17, 17a]
differentiated with respect to company’s situation and aims:
Pooled R&D, spinouts, selling complements, donated
Indicator Openness complements [2]. In the software industry, many cases have
of the value Structure
Granularity Coarse Fine
proven how the spirit of the open source philosophy was able
Modularity Low High to influence an entire industry and create profitable business
Property rights Private goods Public goods models. The question would be then whether this approach is
§ Function
Type of service Product
or Product-service Co-creation
Systems experience also successfully applicable to an industry patenting their
Value Value „Width“ of Low (bilateral) High (mass...) technological know-how and producing physical goods.
creation Co-activity
creation activitiy „Depth“ of Coordination Cooperation Collaboration
process Co-activity (integration) ( participation) (interaction)
Competitive Comptetition Coopetition Cooperation
D. The implementation of openness
Competitive The implementation of open source strategies in a
creation Unique Hybrid
Closed Partial de-
traditional tech-industry where patents guarantee competitive
Business model commercialization Open Source
source advantages and add to the intangible assets, but are also
Low Participatory Reflexive
essential for defensive IP-strategy purposes requires a
Organizational Heterarchical;
structure Hierarchic Adhocratic different approach. On the one hand, long-term strategic
zational Configuration Monolithic Modular,
fractal planning, high R&D costs, but also legal and shareholder
Changeability Low High related and other issues hamper a radical change in the IP
Interorgan. Hierarchic Hybrid Market strategy. On the other hand, changes in the industry or market
organi- Networking Bilateral Virtual network
environment might force a company to change it in one or the
zational other direction. Thus, the proper degree of openness has to be
Role dynamics Static Flexible Dynamic
 adjustable. We propose a gradual opening structure (Fig. 4)
Figure 2 – Cluster of value creation characteristics [17]
from completely closed to very open. A company therefore
has to constantly revise its IP strategy and adjust it if

2015 Proceedings of PICMET '15: Management of the Technology Age

Figure 3 - Closed vs. Open innovation [3]

and high-price super sports car (Roadster, ca. 2.500 sold, out
of stock) should attract attention and demonstrate the
technological achievements and capabilities of both Tesla and
EVs in common. Then, mid-volume and mid-price models for
the premium sedan market (Model S, Model X) should follow
to increase the production capacities and gather as many early
adopters as possible. Finally, an affordable model suitable for
mass production (Model 3) shall drive the transition from
gasoline-powered cars to EVs and establish Tesla as a leader
in a mature EV market [20].
Right now, the premium sedan Model S and the Model X
are for sale. With this car, Tesla has impressively proven
 what they are capable of (e.g. Motor Trend’s “Car of the year
Figure 4 - Gradual opening of IP
2013”, Consumer Reports’ “top-scoring car ever”, “World
Green Car of the Year 2013”). In 2015, the delivery of the
IV. TESLA AND ITS BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT new SUV Model X is expected. From 2017 on, the Model 3
BEFORE THE ANNOUNCEMENT shall be produced.
A. Company profile B. Financial situation and sales figures
Tesla is a Silicon Valley-based pioneer company in the From its first days up to the present, Tesla has financially
electric vehicle sector that develops, designs, produces and struggled many times, but with the help of investors like
sells battery electric vehicles (BEV) as well as components Daimler, Toyota and their CEO Elon Musk insolvency could
for BEVs (battery, charging and powertrain technology). Its be averted. With its IPO in June 2010 Tesla was able to
unconventional strategic and marketing approach could rather collect over $200 million at $17 a share. Since then, the share
be referred to a high-tech company than to a traditional price has risen to more than $200. Meanwhile, the losses have
manufacturer. Although rapidly growing, Tesla still is a small accumulated to more than $1 billion that is more than
but highly innovative company (6.000 employees) compared reasonable with regard to a capital-intensive industry like the
to other players in the car industry. Tesla is the first car car sector. However, things start getting better these days:
maker to produce high performance BEVs in serial The revenues are climbing exponentially (Fig. 5) as the
production. A broad network of company owned retail and production volume increases, respectively. On the market
service stores are located all over the world to work the most side, despite an already long waiting list the demand exceeds
important car markets (ca. 30 countries in North America, the supply capacity. In addition, a DOE loan of $500 million
Europe and Asia). as part of the Advanced Technology Manufacturing Loan
The company’s goal is to “drive the world’s transition to Program could be prematurely redeemed. Nevertheless, due
electric mobility by bringing a full range of increasingly to the ongoing necessary investments, Tesla expects to run a
affordable electric cars to market” [19]. To reach that goal, a profitable business not before 2020.
3-step-strategic approach was developed. First, a low volume

2015 Proceedings of PICMET '15: Management of the Technology Age

Figure 5 - Development of revenue and net result [20]

In 2013, just half a year after its initial delivery more than
25.000 Model S (BMW 7 Series: 56.000) could be sold, in
2014 this figure is expected to exceed 33.000. The delivery of
the third model, a SUV called Model X, will start delivery in
2015. From 2016 on, Tesla wants to produce 50.000 cars per
year und for 2020 they plan a volume of 500.000
(Volkswagen Golf: 824.000) [QUE]. With more than $1.5
billion in revenues and in 2013 by far the leading premium
seller, the USA are the most important and rapidly growing
market for Tesla followed by Europe ($467 million) and Asia
($1 million) [20].

C. Technology and IP portfolio  

Right from the beginning, Tesla has been a highly Figure 6 - Tesla patents by category [11]
innovative company with a skilled engineering workforce.
The technological know-how, however, was not only used for D. Strategic partnerships
their own cars, but was also offered to other car makers While building up its production capacities und processes,
(Daimler, Toyota) that wanted to electrify their models in Tesla has always been strongly dependent on strategic
terms of engineering services and component supply. partnerships not for economic reasons only, but also in terms
Meanwhile, Tesla is the leading EV car maker concerning of knowledge and know-how sharing. Since 2008, they
performance (0-60 mph in under 4 seconds) and efficiency cooperate with Daimler where Tesla developed a battery and
(range of nearly 300 miles). Their lithium-ion battery packs powertrain system for their electric fleet that is produced and
have an energy density that is 3 times higher than the ones of delivered by Tesla as well. The same type of cooperation
competitors, the battery costs per kWh are half as high. exists with Toyota since 2010. Another cooperation
Additionally, they developed the fastest DC rapid-charging agreement was concluded with Panasonic. The Japanese
station (Supercharger) available on the market (50% cooperation is not only the long-term main supplier of the
recharged after 20 minutes). They also run their own rapidly battery packs, but also a project partner in the jointly planned
growing network (+200% in 2014) of charging stations all Gigafactory project (a huge battery research and production
over the world (more than 350 stations, e.g. coast-to-coast in site in Nevada, USA). [20]
the USA). The stations are compatible to other automobile
manufacturers’ models as well, but only Tesla drivers may E. Electric vehicles market
enjoy the rapid charging feature. [20] Different, but interconnected trends have been reviving
Fig. 6 gives a categorized overview of Tesla’s broad IP the overall demand for electric mobility and the third age of
Portfolio. The patents add up to nearly 250 mainly US patents EVs [14]. A PESTEL analysis gives a brief overview of the
and it is obvious that they put their emphasis on the battery most important drivers:
and charging technologies.

2015 Proceedings of PICMET '15: Management of the Technology Age

Figure 7 – PESTEL analysis of global trends for electric mobility

Chances for the final breakthrough of EVs have never of green cars: From 2010-2012 the number of global EV sales
been better: There is political will paired with social demand has increased tenfold. Nevertheless, with a global stock of
and corresponding economic, ecological and technological about 180,000 cars in 2012 the EV’s share of the global fleet
basic conditions. The group of EVs comprises of Range is minimal with 0.04% [14]. Anyways, the annual growth
Extender (REEV), Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV), Battery (BEV) rates indicate a huge growth potential (e.g. in 2014: Norway
and Fuel Cell (FCEV) electric vehicles [16]. In this case, we +310%, the Netherlands + 240%, China +113%, Germany +
mainly concentrate on BEVs. 78%, USA +34%) [13].
According to PORTER, the EV market can be Although the outlook for the next decades has a broad
characterized as immature. As such newly formed markets range, an ongoing strong growth of EVs seems very likely.
are emerging (e.g. because innovation, changing consumer The overall car market is expected to grow from 63 million
behavior or socio-cultural changes) they are accompanied by cars in 2012 to 86 million in 2020 and 99 million in 2030
a high degree of technological and strategic uncertainty [15]. [16]. The corresponding share of EVs is 9% in 2020 and 30%
Only few rules have established throughout the industry, in 2030 [16]. With respect to Tesla, the share of BEVs shall
neither has the most promising business model. Time be 0.8% and 8.8%, respectively [16]. However, these days
pressure, governmental grants and high initial investments are there are many challenges to face in order to foster the major
business possible constraints at this stage, too. The focus, breakthrough. The prices for EVs are still way above
however, is on the customer side: Marketers need to convince conventional cars (ca. 200%) and will remain expensive in
potential customers either to use a new product or to switch the near future (ca. 60% in 2025) despite expected cost
from a substitute. Thus, a company has to try to beneficially reductions through breakthroughs battery research [10].
position itself within that immature market in a way that Another problem is the slow expansion of area-wide charging
enable it to influence the rule setting phase. infrastructures that along the price is a crucial precondition
Because of its immaturity, a low degree of standardization for potential EV drivers [10]. Finally, for further cost
and political and technological uncertainty, the market reductions and technological interoperability there is an
environment in the EV sector is highly dynamic. Neither has industry-wide demand for standardization of vehicle
a predominant propulsion technology settled the race, nor communication interfaces and charging systems. To address
have established market players marked their territory and these issues, new business models and rearranged
thus a new industry sector is about to rise. On the other hand, comprehensive value creation models have to be developed
worldwide demand for green technology and EVs in [10].
particular is growing rapidly (Fig. 8). So are the sales figures

Figure 8 - Sales targets of the most important EV countries [14]

2015 Proceedings of PICMET '15: Management of the Technology Age

Figure 9 - SWOT analysis of Tesla's situation
F. Industry situation G. Initial strategic position
With the upcoming age of EVs, the over 150-years-old car To sum up, the EV market though still a niche is very
and car supplying industry is facing a disruptive restructuring attractive as exploding growth rates are very likely. The
phase. Traditional value creation processes and global supply industry is not well developed either. Within this
chains that have evolved and were improved over years are environment, Tesla has positioned itself as technology leader
undergoing a massive change. New disciplines (e.g. software, and manufacturer and seller of high-performance BEVs. The
chemical science, battery technology, etc.) and materials as production volume is increasing more and more, so is the
well as production processes are going to replace existing demand for Tesla’s models. By means of a SWOT analysis,
technologies (e.g. combustion engine, transmission, exhaust the overall strategic situation of Tesla before the patent
system, lubricants, etc.) thus major investments in production announcement is presented as in Figure 9.
technology and R&D are necessary. Unfortunately, most of Keeping these aspects in mind, Tesla’s strategic
the big car makers are focusing their business activities on objectives for long-term success would be to boost electric
developing markets where they sell huge volumes of mobility and develop the market for EVs by any means, to
conventional cars rather than developing large-scale EV foster standardization with their technology and to encourage
programs. [10] other car makers to jointly invest in EV research and
However, the emergence of a new market offers a wide technology to enable profitable mass production and thus
range of business opportunities not only for existing market being able to offer affordable electric cars. With respect to
players, but especially for start-ups and industry pioneers. section II. b), by widening the overall market via cooperation
New players with innovative ideas and new concepts may and collaboration all market players would benefit.
shape the immature industry’s structures and position
themselves in an early stage as technology leaders. [6] V. IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT
In doing so, quickly building up new basic knowledge and
competencies is crucial. External sourcing of knowledge for A. Receptions and reactions
innovation by means of strategic partnerships/alliances, joint Tesla’s patent announcement caused a huge (social) media
ventures or acquisitions, etc. is an efficient way to grow the coverage with a broad spectrum of opinions, but mainly
know-how of a corporation. These strategies imply a certain positive tenor (from “only a PR stunt”1 over “risky bet2” to
degree of opening and thus foster economy of scale effects “What Tesla knows that other patent-holders don’t”3, “makes
and reduce business risks as well as developing costs. sense”4 and “clever move”5). On the industry side, however,
Actually, KAMPKER claims that the ability to manage those
relationships effectively and efficiently would lead to major                                                        
Inside EVs, 07/14/14
competitive advantages in the EV business environment [10]. 2
Manager Magazin, 06/13/14
Harvard Business Review, 06/12/14
Forbes, 06/13/14

2015 Proceedings of PICMET '15: Management of the Technology Age

the news did not arouse great interest. Daimler claims the for both market players and customers benefit [1]. Given the
patent approach a “PR move”6, BMW meanwhile has its own fact that even a big player like Toyota does same thing
strong technology base with the “project i” and the big US indicates Tesla's strategy as a promising one. 
car makers are not interested in Tesla’s technology either. Another rather important consequence of the
Toyota, on the other hand, impressively reacted by announcement could be to strengthen Tesla's position in
announcing to grant a free license7 to 5,700 patents until 2020 terms of industry-wide standard setting. The offer might
in order to boost the advance of their favored fuel cell attract not only car producing competitors to use Tesla's
technology.   technology, but also the public sector or cross-industrial
Furthermore, US patent experts mostly are also critical of players and suppliers with regard to charging infrastructure or
the patent announcement with regard to the legal force, the the propulsion of other transportation related means. Minor
terms and conditions as well as the duration of the offer. The but still interesting aspects to consider are: Additional
supplement "in good faith" would be vague and leaves space revenues via complementary sales or the increase of know-
for interpretation (on Tesla's side), too. No competitor could how for Tesla if a cooperation partner would share
seriously utilize Tesla's technology without further knowledge in return.
clarification of the offer and the conclusion of a contract. In
fact, nothing would have changed as Tesla still holds the C. Risks
patents and the announcement could only be seen as a kind of A courageous and unconventional strategic approach is
"free" license that should rather be interpreted as an offer for accompanied by risks and threats to a company. In this case,
cooperation towards the big car makers. [5, 7, 8, 9]   one of them is the loss of revenues via licensing of
Despite the criticism, the quasi offer of the complete IP technology. The holder of a patent may temporarily preserve
portfolio within an industry like the automobile is a a monopoly on the protected invention and therefore generate
courageous approach and one has to consider that a high-tech a competitive advantage as well as higher rents or additional
company is highly dependent on its technology base in terms income through licensing in order to compensate the R&D
of competitive advantages especially if your resources are costs. With the patent release, these advantages are obsolete.
rather small compared to your competitors. The necessity of In Tesla's case, this also might apply and result in lost sales in
the EV market development and the business opportunities the short term. In the long term, however, the revenues in a
arising with it, in Tesla's view, seem to outweigh the risks of then developed mass market would be much higher.
the opening.   Another threat is the free rider problem and a crowding
out effect for Tesla in the aftermath. A big player with high
B. Opportunities resource base could utilize the technology and compete with
Tesla's knows that its technology leadership and the good Tesla. Theoretically, he could beat Tesla because of economy
strategic position is nothing worth, if in the long run the EV of scale advantages. However, this risk seems very unlikely
market won't be big enough to sell high-volume affordable as Tesla would have an ongoing technological advance and at
cars as this is the precondition to run a profitable business in this early stage of the market, any competition would be good
this sector. Therefore, any measure that could possibly for Tesla, too. With respect to PR, if for any reason Tesla
stimulate the market growth has to be considered. On would have to reverse the IP opening in the near future, this
condition that the market would grow, Tesla's revenues would have a tremendous negative impact on the reputation.
would increase as well, even if its market share would There is also a possible threat of patent litigations. However,
stagnate which is not very likely because of Tesla's superior Tesla still is capable of using its patents for defensive
market position. Furthermore, giving free its battery purposes as it allowed the use of its patents without releasing
technology might lead to a comprehensive industrial the rights of them.    
engagement that would decide the race for the predominant                                                                                                                           
propulsion technology for Tesla's benefit. This would not VI. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK
only boost the sales of vehicles, but also the demand for
battery related components such as charging stations and The aim of the paper was to present a new strategic
lithium-ion battery packs. Additionally, the open source approach for organizations based on the theory openness
approach boosts the reputation of the company as highly where collaboration leads to a widening of the overall market
innovative also in terms of employer attractiveness and brand and, thus, to a benefit for all players. Unlike traditional
awareness. It might even encourage other marketers or even competitive strategies that are focused on closeness, we
industries to open up as well. A comprehensive approach of suggest an adaptable gradual opening and thus collaboration
cooperation and collaboration would also cause network throughout all value creation processes as this behavior
effects that would advance the restructuring of the industry stimulates advanced market growth and innovativeness. We
present a case study, where a company adjusted its business
                                                                                              strategy towards a more open approach and therefore, in the
Manager Magazin, 06/20/14
6 end, might be more successful.
CEO Zetsche on an interview at the CES 2015
Senior VP automotive operation Carter at the CES 2015

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