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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila


Features of Effective

Quarter 1 Week 6 Module 6

Most Essential Learning Competency:
Examine sample oral communication activities.
Hi! I’m Florrie. I will be your facilitator and guide in this
module. Before you start answering the module, I want you to
set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the
lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

Before we begin, take note of the following:

1. Follow carefully all the contents and
instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing
pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning, that is
important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and
apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!

By the way, these are the parts of this module:

• Expectations - These are what you will be able
to know after completing the lessons in the
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge
and the concepts to be mastered throughout the
• Looking Back - This section will measure what
learnings and skills that you understand from the
previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an
overview of the lesson.
• Activities - These are activities designed to
develop critical thinking and other competencies.
This can be done with or without a partner
depending on the nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the
concepts and applications of the lessons.
• Checking your Understanding - It will verify
how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you

As your facilitator, I expect that you, as a learner, will

understand the nature, elements and process of oral
communication in context.
EXPECTATIONS Specifically, this module will help you to

a. enumerate and explain the different features of

b. examine oral communication activities as regards to
features of communication applying the knowledge on
features of communication, and
c. perform sample oral communication activities.

Let us start your journey in learning more on the Fundamentals of Communication. I am sure you are ready and excited
to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!


Read each item carefully and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your
____1. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. conciseness B. concreteness C. completeness D. creativeness

____2. This refers to the speakers mindfulness of his or her grammar in crafting the
message. What is it?
A. clearness B. concreteness C. completeness D. creativeness

____3. A health practitioner is task to convince Covid 19 survivors to deliver some words of
encouragement to the public. He is mindful of his choice of words knowing what they
have gone through for survival. What feature of communication is stressed out?
A, conciseness B. concreteness C. completeness D. consideration
____4. If correctness is to grammar, what is concreteness for?
A. Simplicity of words C. audience analysis
B. Presentation of evidences D. brevity of message
____5. Which of the following promotes concreteness in a speech?
A. Narrating personal experiences while delivering a talk.
B. Stating related researches on the topic.
C. Injecting figures and facts while explaining.
D. Expressing an opinion and stand on the matter.

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and
keep on learning!


Remember the functions of communication?

Wow! Let’s then recall some points!

Identify the function of communication being referred to. Write the letter only.

______1. Students and parents were oriented on the rules and regulations of the school.
______2. Lora jumped with much excitement when she heard the news.
______3. James stood tall as he encouraged his brother to apply as a soldier like him.
______4. A memorandum was passed among the different offices giving directives on
the skeletal workforce arrangement.
______5. As she entered the classroom, Raine introduced herself to her teacher and
A. information dissemination D. social interaction
B. control
C. motivation E. emotional expression

Communication involves various processes. As people engage into the process,

there are times that not all communication engagements become successful for there are
instances that senders and receivers struggle on how they would deliver and decode a
message at hand. Along with this is a question that we really want to be answered: What
does it really take to compose and deliver an effective message?
In this module, we will explore on the elements of poetry based on the following partitions:
structure, sound and
University meaning. This
of Winsconsin particularScott
Professors lesson
M. will highlight
Cutlip the H.
and Allen poetry
defined to
structure namely stanza and form.
set of principles for an effective communication which is known today as 7 C’s of
communication which was stated in Effective Public Relations (1952). This set has been
widely adopted- with or without slight variations and now is considered as a staple in
public relation studies. Below are the elements of the original set along with some


1. Completeness
Completeness means including all the necessary information that one has need to
know in order to respond or react properly. This helps the receiver to evaluate the
information which would be also the basis of his response or any reaction he/she will
make. With complete information, this smoothens the flow of communication, hence,
avoids confusion especially on the part of the receiver. Follow up questions will be
avoided too if the information is already complete.
A typical example of this is an announcement made. Basic information such as answers
to questions like what, where, when, who/whom, why, or even how should be given. In
short, remember to give the “MUST TO KNOW” in an information.

2. Conciseness
Be direct and avoid superfluous message for this will only lead to confusion.
Conciseness does not mean to cut the message or make it short but to eliminate
unnecessary repetition of words or ideas.
Analyze the example from Randy Rambo 2019:

True, but you do not want your essay to be filled with words that are so
unimportant that they can be deleted from your essay without any loss of
meaning. And it is a fact that readers do not appreciate having to make their way
through all of those unnecessary and unimportant words.

3. Consideration
The receiver’s background information is a significant aspect in a communication
process. Considering the race, education, preference, status or even the mood and
needs of the audience will help in building a common ground for both the speaker and
the audience. Language usage and content should be tailored to an audience.

4. Concreteness
Facts, figures, real-life examples and other related researches strengthen the validity
of a claim. In doing so, the speaker builds a better connection with audience for he or
she appears to be more credible as compared to just a mere statement of an opinion
without supporting evidences.

5. Courtesy
Though individual differences exist, respect on the other’s culture, beliefs and values
should not be left out of the communication process. Remember, courtesy creates
positivity. Courtesy and consideration go hand in hand in order to promote effective
communication. This can be done by crafting an unbiased and polite message.

6. Clearness
“What is the objective of your message?”. This question would lead the speaker to
craft his message clearly. One-at- a-time clear goal would develop accurate thoughts
and avoid confusion on the part of the audience. Simple and specific words would also
create clearness of the message.

7. Correctness
This refers to the correctness in grammar in delivering the message. Others may
think that is not much important but this gives more credibility and effectiveness on the
message. More importantly, the receivers would know that the speaker care enough
about the subject of the message for he or she is willing enough to take his or her time
just to make the message more effective.

Communication is an integral part of a day-to-day activities. Business and other

institutions would not attain development and success without effective communication
however, it must be also done in a well-disciplined manner. The 7 C’s of communication
would significantly help in achieving so.

How’s your learning? Don’t give

up, you’re almost done!

Activity 1: Watch again from the previous speech material,

and list 5 sentences that show the 7 C’s of communication. Identify each sentence
according to its feature. After it, answer also the two questions that follow.

A. What other underlying message or messages did you get from the speech?

B. Is the speaker effective? Why?

Activity 2: Search a speech of a well-known personality. Considering the discussions on the

features of effective communication, select a portion (at least a paragraph) and modify.
Remember, it is you who will deliver that portion among your classmates; therefore, it must
be tailored for the class. Encode both the original and the modified one.

(Write your chosen portion of

the speech.) (Write here your modification.)
Activity 3: With your classmates as the audience, construct a one-minute speech regarding
your ECQ diaries by considering the 7 C’s of effective communication. Note: You are only
allowed to exceed within 20 seconds. Rehearse and record it through a video presentation.
Submit both the encoded speech and the video presentation to your teacher and to your
peer evaluator.


NOTE: You will also receive one video from your classmate for you
. to evaluate by writing a 250-word-essay citing your objective
observation as regards to the 7 C’s of effective communication.
Encode then submit your evaluation to your teacher.

Features of effective communication are completeness,

conciseness, consideration, concreteness, courtesy, clearness, and

• Completeness is providing all the necessary information needed

by the receiver. This is to ensure that receiver will respond
• Conciseness is being direct to the point by avoiding unnecessary
repetition of ideas. This is to achieve brevity of the message.
• Consideration is to know the background of the audience so that
the speaker can tailor his or her speech to the kind of audience he
or she has.
• Concreteness is to present evidences such as facts, figures,
related researches and personal experiences to support the
message or speech.
• Courtesy is to politely present the genuine ideas without playing
biases. This is to promote positive impact to the audience despite
• Clearness is to utilize simple words in a message and focus on a
single objective.


a.) Why is it important to consider and apply the 7 C’s of communication?
b.) What is discipline in communication?

Write the letter of your answer.
_____1. Which of the following is not a feature of effective communication?
A. Clearness and correctness C. concreteness and consideration
B. Completeness and cheerfulness D. courtesy and conciseness

_____2. This refers to the speakers polite and unbiased crafting of the message. What is it?
A. conciseness B. concreteness C. completeness D. creativeness

____3. Knowing that everyone in the hall is composed of different culture and beliefs, the UN
speaker delivers his message with utmost respect. What feature of communication is
stressed out?
A. . clearness B. courtesy C. correctness D. concreteness

_____4. Which of the following does NOT promote consideration?

A. Knowing that the audience are all mothers, the speaker narrates her experiences
as a mother.
B. The speaker asks the preference of the audience as to the flow of the talk.
C. The speaker having much knowledge in medicine and health care continues his
lectures despite unresponsiveness of the audience.
D. Before accepting the speaking engagement, the speaker asked about audience’s
_____5. Which of the following statements is not true about effective communication?
A. Effective communication is inevitable.
B. Effective communication promotes success.
C. Effective communication is a disciplined communication.
D. Effective communication is hard to attain.


Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the chart below.

I thought…
What were your thoughts or ideas
about the features of effective
communication prior to the
discussion of this lesson?

What new or additional ideas did I learned that…

you learn after taking up this

Sipacio, P. J. F., & Balgos, A. R. G. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for Senior High
School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Mary Jane B. Angeles, Master Teacher II
Editor: Flor M. Derige, Master Teacher II
Reviewer: Vicente M. Victorio Jr., Education Program Supervisor
Management Team: Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS in Charge of
LRMS and Regional ADM Coordinator
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools
Division Superintendent-Manila
Aida H. Rondilla, CID Chief
Lucky S. Carpio, Division EPS in Charge of LRMS
and Division ADM Coordinator

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