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Learning Module 02
Assessment in
Learning 1
Course Packet 02
Types of Tests 

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Course Code : PRED0713
Learning Module Code : LM02-PRED0713
Course Packet Code : LM02-PRED0713-02

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 3

Course Packet 02

Types of Tests 


Course packet 2 is all about the different types of test according to various classifications; as

to mode of response, ease of quantification of response, mode of administration, test

constructor, mode of interpreting results, and nature of the answer. This part also includes

the test types in measuring cognitive learning such as the objective and subjective types of


1. Identify the types of tests according to different classifications and the various test

types in assessing cognitive learning

Learning Management System

Google Classroom will be utilized as Learning Management System; and Google meet for

Synchronous Mode of delivering instruction and meeting the class.


 Topic 02: Types of Test = 3 hours

(1 hour discussion, 1 ½ hours self-directed learning with

practical exercises and 30 minutes assessment)

Delivery Mode

Synchronous and Asynchronous

Assessment with Rubrics

Objective test types are utilized as form of assessment.

Requirement with Rubrics


Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 4

Classifications of test
Objective Test

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 5

Major Component of the Learning Module

Testing is the most common instrument that the teacher utilizes in measuring students

learning performance. This course packet discusses the different classifications of tests to be

able to identify the tests and their purposes and the test types in assessing cognitive learning.

Lesson Proper

 Review.

Complete the matrix for the Table of Specification

No. of Percentage No. of

days/hrs Allocation items

Basic Concept
in Assessment

Principles of
High Quality 5
Development of
Assessment 5
Item Analyis
and Validation
Total 15 90

 Activity.

Identify the concepts by arranging the jumbled letters after each item. Write your answer on

the blank provided.

1. the most commonly used instrument in measuring cognitive learning. (STTE)


2. An example of this test is the Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers.
(RADZEDDITANS) ____________________

3. A test that assesses some character traits of an individual. (LYTIANOSREP)


4. Test administered to a group of students simultaneously. (OURPG) ____________________

5. This test requires specific response from the students. (CJEBOVEIT) ____________________

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 6

6. This referenced test measures the students’ mastery wherein students’ scores are given as
percent. (TERICNORI) ____________________

7. This is an objective type of test where options are given to select the best answer.
(LESECIONT) ____________________

8. In this type of test, the students recite the answer to the question. (RAOL)

9. This test refers to quizzes, recitations and activities provided during the teaching and
learning process. (AMVEITROF) ____________________

10. Answers are provided in this type of test. (PPLYUS) ____________________

 Processing of the Activity.

1. Which of the different types of test are used as classroom assessment?
2. Which of these types are not?

 Brief Lesson.  
Key Points:
 Test
Test is defined as a systematic procedure for measuring an
individual’s behavior. It is a formal and systematic way of  
Definition of Terms:
gathering information about the learner’s behavior, usually  
Test. It is a formal and
through paper and pencil procedure. It also predicts
systematic way of
performance levels, and the learner will somehow reconstruct gathering information
about the learner’s
its parts in meaningful situations when necessary” (McCann, behavior, usually through
paper and pencil
2000). procedure.
Administering a test generally concerned with turning  
performance into numbers, (Baxter, 1997). Test also utilizes to  
measure a sample of behavior, products, answers, or  
performances from a particular domain (Carrington, 1994). It is  
a systematic method of eliciting performance which is intended

to be the basis for some sort of decision making, (Hughes, 1989).

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 7

Classifications of Tests Key Points:
A. As to Mode of Response  Mode of Response
 Ease of Quantification
These types of test is classified on how the examinee will of Response
provide answers.  Mode of Administration

1. Oral Test. The test taker gives his answers orally.  

2. Written test. Answers to questions are written by the test Definition of Terms:
taker. Mode of Response. It is a
3. Performance Test – test taker creates an answer or a product test classification on how
the test taker provide
that demonstrate his/her knowledge or skill.
answers to questions.
Ease of Quantification of
B. Ease of Quantification of Response Response. This refers to
test types on how the
Below are two types of test as to ease of quantification of teacher quantifies
response. students’ answers to test
1. Objective Test. Students’ answers can be compared and Mode of Administration.
These are types of test
quantified to yield a numerical score. It requires convergent or based on how they are
administered to the test
specific response. takers.
2. Subjective test. It is a test which is not easily quantified as

students are given the freedom to write their answer to a  

C . Mode of Administration  

These test types are described on how the tests are


1. Individual Test. This is when the test is administered to one

student at a time.

2. Group Test. The test is administered to group of students


Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 8

D. Test Constructor  
Key Points:
Test types as to who made the tests are:  
1. Standardized Test. This test is prepared by an expert or  Test Constructor
 Mode of Interpreting
specialist. Questions are administered with the same directions Results
 Nature of the Answer
and time limits.  Cognitive Learning
2. Unstandardized Test. It is a teacher-made test. There is no

established norms for scoring and interpretation of results.  

Definition of Terms:
E. Mode of Interpreting Results  
Mode of Interpreting
There are two types of test as to mode of interpreting results. Results. It refers to types
of test based on how the
1. Norm-referenced test. This test is scored on the basis of the results are interpreted.
norm or standard level of accomplishment by the whole group Nature of the Answer.
This refers to test types
taking the test. The grades of the students are based on the constructed based on the
nature of the answer it
normal curve of distribution. It is used to describe students’ measures.
Cognitive Learning. It is a
performance according to relative position (rank) in some learning theory that
known group. maximizes brain's
potential in making new
2. Criterion-referenced test. The test measures a student’s information and connect
with existing ideas,
performance against an agreed upon or pre-established level of deepening the memory
and retention capacity.
performance. For example, a level of 75% score in all test items

could be considered a satisfactory performance. It also

measures specific academic skills.

F. Nature of the Answer

1. Personality Test. This test assesses some aspects of an

individual’s personality.

2. Intelligence Test. It measures the mental ability of an


3. Aptitude Test. This test predicts an individual’s success in a

learning area or field of endeavor

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 9

4. Achievement Test. The test that determines what the

students have learned from formal instruction in school.

5. Summative Test. It refers to the test that is given at the end of

instruction to determine students’ learning and assign grades.

6. Diagnostic Test. It is a test that identifies strengths and  

Key Points:
weaknesses in past and present learning
7. Formative Test. The test that is given after teaching the lesson  Objective test
 Supply Type
for the day and improves teaching and learning while it is  Selection Type
going on.

8. Socio-metric Test. This test is utilized to discover the  

learner’s likes and dislikes, preferences, social acceptance and Definition of Terms:
social relationships existing in a group. Objective test. It is a type
of test which requires a
9. Trade Test. It is used to measure an individual’s skill or specific response.
competence in an occupation or vocation. Supply type. This is a
type of objective test that
requires the test taker to
Assessing Cognitive Learning provide the answer to a
 Selection Type. It is an
Preparing for Assessment of Cognitive Learning objective type of test that
provide the test taker the
Before giving an assessment, decide first what should be tested, options to choose the
correct answer.
identify what information, skills and behaviors you want to  
measure. Aside from that, you have to make decision on how  
long the test should be. To do that, you have to consider the  
age and attention span of the learners and types of questions to  
be used.  

Two (2) Types of Tests in Assessing Cognitive Learning

1. Objective Test. In this type of test, there is only one answer to

each item, convergent or specific response.

2. Essay Test. The test taker has the freedom to respond to a

question based on how he/she feels. In this test, the teacher can

obtain divergent responses from the learners.

A. Types of Objective Test

1. Supply Type

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 10

a. Completion Drawing Type. An incomplete drawing is

presented which the student has to complete.

Example: In the following food web, draw arrow lines

indicating which organisms are consumers and which are


b. Completion Statement Type. An incomplete statement is presented and the student has to

complete it by filling in the blank.

Ex. The capital city of the Philippines is_________________.

c. Correction Type. A sentence with an underlined word or phrase is presented, which the

student has to replace to make it right.

Ex. Change the underlined word/phrase to make each of the following statements correct.

Write your answer on the space before each number.

_____________1. Robert Brown is the father of microscope.

d. Identification Type. A brief description is presented and the student has to identify what it


Ex. To what does each of the following refer? Write your answer on the blank before each


_________________1. A flat representation of all curved surfaces of the earth.

e. Simple Recall Type. A direct question is presented for the student to answer using a word

or phrase.

What is the product of two negative numbers?
Who is the national hero of the Philippines?

f. Short Explanation Type. It is similar to essay but requires a shorter answer.

Ex. Explain in a complete sentence why the Philippines was not really discovered by

2. Selection Type
a. Arrangement type. Terms or objects are to be arranged by the students in a specified order.

Ex. Arrange the following planets according to their nearness to

the sun, by using numbers 1,2,3,4,5.

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 11

______Jupiter _____Saturn
______Venus ______Mars

b. Matching Type. A list of numbered items are related to a list of lettered items.

Ex. Match the country in Column I with its capital city in Column 2. Write letters only.
Column 1 Column 2
_____1. Philippines a. Jeddah
_____2. Japan b. Jerusalem
_____3. Israel c. Manila
d. Tokyo

c. Multiple Choice Type. It contains a question, problem or unfinished sentence followed by

several responses.

Ex. ___1. The study of values is _.

a) axiology b) logic
c) epistemology d) metaphysics

d. Alternate Response Type. It is a test where there are only two possible answers.

Ex. Write TRUE if the statement is correct; FALSE if it is incorrect.

_____________1. The Arabs introduced Islam in Southern Philippines.

e. Key List Test. It is a test where the student has to examine paired concepts based on a

specified set of criteria.

Ex. Examine the paired items in column 1 and column 2. On the blank before each number
A- if the item in column 1 is an example of the item in column 2.
B - if the item in column 1 is a synonym of the item in column 2.
C- if item in column 2 is an opposite of the item in column 1.
D- if items in column 1 and 2 are not related in any way.
Column 1 Column 2
____1. Capitalism economic system
____2. Labor intensive capital intensive
____3. Planned economy command economy
____4. Opportunity cost demand and supply

f. Interpretive Exercise. It is a form of multiple choice type of test that can assess higher

cognitive behaviors. It provides students with some information or data followed by a series

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 12

of questions on that information.

Ex. Examine the data on child labor in Europe during the period immediately after the

Industrial Revolution in the continent. Answer the questions given below by encircling the

letter of your choice.

Child Labor in the year right after the Industrial Revolution in

Years Number of Child
1750 1800
1760 3000
1770 5000
1780 3400
1790 1200
1800 600
1820 150

1. The employment of child labor was greatly used in___________.

a. 1780 c. 1770
b. 1760 d. 1790

B. Types of Essay Test

1. Brief or Restricted Essay Test

This requires a limited amount of writing or requires that a given

problem be solved in few sentences.

Example: Why did early Filipinos revolts fail? Cite and explain 2 reasons.

2. Extended Essay Test

It requires a student to present in several paragraphs or pages of writing. It gives students

more freedom to express ideas and opinions and use synthesizing skills to change knowledge

into creative idea.

Example: Explain your position on the issue of charter change in the Philippines.

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 13

 Enhancement Activity.

A. Identify each test type according to its classifications and descriptions. Write the letter

that corresponds to your answer on the space provided before the number.

A. Aptitude Test I. Oral Test

B. Criterion-referenced Test J. Performance Test
C. Diagnostic Test K. Socio-metric Test
D. Group Test L. Standardized Test
E. Individual Test M. Subjective Test
F. Intelligence Test N. Summative Test
G. Norm-referenced Test O. Unstandardized Test
H. Objective Test P. Written Test

Mode of Response Ease of Quantification of Mode of Administration

_____1. Giving answers in _____4. Easy to quantify _____6. Given to one test
written form because there is only one taker at a time
_____2. Providing answers answer to a given question. _____7. Administered to a
to questions verbally _____5. Not easy to quantify group of test takers
_____3. Creating answers answers to questions simultaneously
through demonstration of
the knowledge or the skills

Test Constructor Mode of Interpreting Results Nature of the Answer

_____8. Teacher-made test _____10. national level where _____12. Given at the end
_____9. Made by experts in a scores are ranked of instruction and use as
particular field _____11. Institutional level basis for giving grades
where scores are given as _____13. Predicts
percent individual’s success in a
learning area
_____14. Measures mental
ability of an individual
_____15. Discovers likes
and dislikes of an

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 14

B. Determine the types of test in assessing cognitive learning. Write the letter of your answers

on the space provided before the number.

A. Alternate Response Type F. Key List Test

B. Arrangement Type G. Matching Type
C. Completion Drawing Type H. Multiple Choice
D. Completion Statement Type I. Short Explanation Type
E. Identification Type J. Simple Recall Type

_____1. It contains a question, problem or unfinished sentence followed by several responses.

_____2. Similar to essay but requires a shorter answer.
_____3. A brief description is presented and the student has to identify what it is.
_____4. An incomplete statement is presented and the student has to complete it by filling in
the blank.
_____5. Terms or objects are to be arranged by the students in a specified order.
_____6. A list of numbered items is related to a list of lettered items.
_____7. A test where there are only two possible answers
_____8. An incomplete drawing is presented which the student has to complete.
_____9. A direct question is presented for the student to answer using a word or phrase.
_____10. A test where the student has to examine paired concepts based on a specified set of

 Generalization.

Give the different classification of test types.

List down the types of test under selection and supply type.

Selection Type Supply Type

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 15

 Application.

A. Match Column A and Column B. Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer on
the blank provided before the number.

Column A Column B
_____1. measures the mental ability of an individual A. Achievement Test
_____2. prepared by an expert or specialist B. Aptitude Test
_____3. determines what the students have learned from formal C. Criterion-referenced Test
instruction in school
_____4. identify strengths and weaknesses in past and present D. Diagnostic Test
_____5. not easily quantified as students are given the freedom E. Formative Test
to write their answer to a question
_____6. measures an individual’s skill or competence in an F. Group Test
occupation or vocation
_____7. predicts an individual’s success in a learning area or G. Intelligence Test
field of endeavor
_____8. prepared by teachers and no established norms for H. Norm-referenced test
scoring and interpretation of results
_____9. discovers learners’ likes and dislikes, preferences, social I. Objective Test
_____10. evaluates student’s performance of a group of J. Personality Test
students on the same test
_____11. given at the end of instruction to determine students’ K. Socio-metric Test
learning and assign grades
_____12. measures student’s performance against an agreed L. Standardized Test
upon or pre-established level of performance
_____13. assess some aspects of an individual’s personality M. Subjective Test
_____14. students’ answers can be compared and quantified to N. Summative Test
yield a numerical score. It requires convergent or specific
_____15. given after teaching the lesson for the day O. Trade Test
P. Unstandardized Test

B. Identify what type of tests in assessing cognitive learning is described in each item.

____________________1. An incomplete statement needs to complete by filling in the blank

____________________2. A test where there are only two possible answers

____________________3. Contains a question, problem or unfinished sentence followed by

several responses

____________________4. Similar to essay but it requires a shorter answer

____________________5. Terms or objects are to be arranged in a specified order.

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 16

____________________6. A direct question is presented to answer using a word or phrase.

____________________7. The student has to examine the paired concepts based on a

specified set of criteria.

____________________8. A brief description in which the student has to identify what it is.

____________________9. An incomplete drawing has to be completed by the students.

____________________10. A list of numbered items is related to a list of lettered items.

Course Packet Discussion Forum

What are the benefits of objective types of test?

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 17

Activity Sheet
TASK ASSESSMENT SHEET 6. Identification of Different Types of Test

I. Crossword Puzzle. Complete the puzzle by determine the types of test that is described by
the following items.
1. A sentence with an underlined word or phrase
is presented, which the student has to replace to
make it right.
2. The most commonly used instrument in
measuring cognitive learning 1 1

3. A test that assesses some character traits of an

4. Test administered to a group of students 2 4

simultaneously 4

5. A test designed to determine a person’s ability

in a particular field of knowledge 3 5
6. An example of this test is the Board Licensure
Examination for Professional Teachers 3 2 7
7. This referenced test measures the students’ 6
mastery wherein students’ scores are given as
6 5
8. Example of this test is a folk dance presentation
1. This test requires specific response from the
2. In this type of test, the students recite the
answer to the question
3. This is an objective type of test where options
are given to select the best answer
4. Enumeration is an example of this type of test
5. In this referenced test students’ scores are
presented as rank
6. This test refers to quizzes, recitations and
activities provided during the teaching and
learning process
7. Test that measures mental ability

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 18

II. Identify the type of objective test that is illustrated by each item. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.
______________________1. List down five examples of agricultural resources of the

______________________2. Pair the elements in column, with their symbols in column 2

Column 1 Column 2
_____Chlorine a. Ag
_____Silver b. K
_____Potassium c. Cl
______________________3. Write YES, if the statement is right; NO if it is wrong.
______ the sun is the biggest star in the solar system
______ it is best to use black in a competition from a test

______________________4. Why is the problem the heart of the research process?

______________________5. The product of two negative number is ________.

______________________6. To what does each of the following items refer?

__________it is the teacher’s blue print in constructing a classroom test.

______________________7. Change the underline word to make the statement right.

a. Group test is administered to one student at a time
b. A written test is classified as to mode of administration

______________________8. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Multiple choice c. Essay type
b. Completion type d. Matching type

______________________9. Who is the 13th President of the Republic of the Philippines?

______________________10. The following slips are followed in conducting research. Which

should come first? Last? Use letters A, B, C, D, and E.
_____Procedure Design
_____Data Collection
_____Data Analysis and Interpretation
_____Writing of the Report
_____Idea Generation
 References.

Garcia, Carlito D. (2013). Measuring and Evaluating Learning Outcomes: A Textbook in

Educational Assessment 1 and 2 Second Edition. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Mandaluyong City

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 19

Select the best answer to identify the type of test in the following items. Write only the
letter of your answer on the blank provided.

_______1. Teacher-made test is also called:

a. Objective test c. Subjective test
b. Standardized test d. Unstandardized test

______2. It is a test designed to predict the individual’s success in a learning area.

a. Trade Test c. Performance Test
b. Aptitude Test d. Personality Test

______3. It is a test where the test taker creates an answer or a product that demonstrate his
knowledge or skill.
a. Written Test c. Standardized test
b. Performance test d. Oral test

______4. This test type requires convergent or specific response which can be compared and
quantified to yield a numerical score.
a. Objective test c. Subjective test
b. Standardized test d. Unstandardized test

______5. It is a test which measures whether or not an examinee knows how to manipulate or
operate the instrument, equipment or apparatus.
a. Achievement test c. Placement Test
b. Performance test d. Diagnostic Test

______6. A test which determines the grade or year level the pupils/student be enrolled after
quitting from school for several years is:
a. Diagnostic test c. Summative test
b. Formative test d. Placement test

______7. It is a test that measures a student’s performance against an agreed upon pre-
established level of performance
a. Standardized test c. Non-referenced test
b. Unstandardized test d. Criterion - referenced test

______8. It is a test that compares the performance of a group in the same test.
a. Standardized c. Norm-referenced test
b. Unstandardized test d. Criterion-referenced test

_______9. It is an essay test that requires a limited amount of writing.

a. Restricted essay c. Extended essay test
b. Holistic essay test d. Analytic essay test

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 20

_______10. It is a test used in discovering the learner’s likes and dislikes as well as the social
relationship existing in a group.
a. Socio-metric test c. Aptitude test
b. Personality test d. Intelligence test

_______11. It is a test which evaluates student’s specific academic skills

a. Norm-referenced test c. Aptitude test
b. Criterion-referenced test d. Socio-metric test

_______12. It is an example of norm-referenced test.

a. Periodical test c. Licensure Examination
b. Midterm examination d. Chapter test

_______13. This test measures the mental ability of an individual

a. Personality test c. Aptitude test
b. Intelligence test d. Socio-metric test

_______14. It is a test used in testing higher cognitive behavior.

a. Interpretive test c. Arrangement test
b. Enumeration test d. Correction test

_______15. It can measure different kinds of context and any type of cognitive behavior
a. Matching type c. Completion type
b. Identification type d. Multiple choice type

_______16. This assessment aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the students
regarding the topics to be discussed.
a. Diagnostic test c. Summative test
b. Formative test d. Placement test

_______17. This test is prepared by an expert or specialist.

a. Standardized c. Objective
b. Unstandardized d. Subjective

_______18. A test where the student has to examine paired concepts based on a specified set
of criteria.
a. Matching Type c. Key List Test
b. Identification d. Multiple Choice

_______19. A test wherein the list of numbered items are related to the list of lettered items.
a. Matching Type c. Key List Test
b. Identification d. Multiple Choice

_______20. The test taker has the freedom to respond to a question based on how he feels it
should be answered
a. Objective Type c. Selection Type
b. Essay type d. Supply Type

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 21

A. TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word True if the statement is correct and False if the statement

is erroneous on the space provided before the number.

_______1. Personality test is an example of a standardized test.

_______2. Matching type of test includes a question, a problem or unfinished sentence

followed by several responses.

_______3. Examples of formative test are unit test, chapter test and periodical examination.

_______4. Diagnostic test is used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the students

about the topic to be discussed.

_______5. Essay test is a subjective type of test whether a restricted essay or an extended


_______6. Types of test as to mode of response are norm-referenced and criterion-referenced


_______7. Intelligence test measures the intellectual ability of the learners.

_______8. Interpretive exercises is a form of multiple choice that provides with some

information or data followed by a series of questions on that information.

_______9. Completion statement type is an incomplete drawing which the student has to


_______10. Multiple choice and matching type are supply type of objective test.

_______11. Trade test is used to measure an individual’s skill or competence in an occupation.

_______12. Unstandardized tests are made by experts in an area or field of specialization.

_______13. Subjective type of test requires specific or convergent response.

_______14. Individual and group tests are test types as to mode of administration.

_______15. Aptitude test is used in discovering the learner’s likes and dislikes as well as the

social relationship existing in a group.

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 22

Learner’s Feedback Form
Name of Student: __________________________________________________________
Program : __________________________________________________________
Year Level : ______________ Section : __________________
Faculty : __________________________________________________________
Schedule : __________________________________________________________
Course Packet : Code : _________ Title : __________________________________
How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?
 I completely get it.  I’m struggling.
 I’ve almost got it.  I’m lost.
In what particular portion of this course packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
Did you raise your concern to you instructor?  Yes  No
If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?

If No, state your reason?

To further improve this course packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
How do you want it to be enhanced?

Learning Module: Assessment in Learning 1 23

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