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Assessment 2.

2.1 Describe how to be a leader.

A leader inspire others, it is feasible to share a typical goal towards that to direct the efforts
and dedication of the whole team. Creating a vision is sort of difficult and can need to require
your team. Being a frontrunner a produce a vision needs time. Through motivation, leader can
give their coworker's energy and skilled potential to realize objectives. This may be an important
feature during a leader. Transparency is a useful for motivation. The leader is at the service of
the team, and not the opposite manner around. Group members should have and feel the support
of their leader, the tools required to try and do their jobs properly should be on the market to
them, they must have recognition for his or her efforts and grasp that there's an individual
listening to correct dangerous habits. That is all a part of a leadership that serves the team, and
not the opposite. One of the fundamental qualities of any leader seeking success is exactly
emotional intelligence, that ability – typically innate – that creates leaders to place themselves
within the place of others, understand their issues and solve problems. True leadership seeks
continuous improvement. Leaders have the flexibility to show the individuals in their groups into
stars, people who have improved and developed their skills through the influence of their leader.
Leadership is that the perspective assumed by those trying to find one thing different, who are
committed to achieving a goal and whose conviction they manage to transmit to others through
enthusiasm and optimism to succeed in a typical goal.
2.2 What characteristics that the leader should possess?
Ability to Delegate

Delegating is one of the key duties of the leader, but assigning efficiently can be tricky.


Good leader and effective communication are intertwined. The consistency and efficiency of
contact within the company has a significant influence on the performance of your corporate


While this is a more inwardly focused skill, self-awareness is paramount for leadership. The

better you understand yourself, the more effective you can be.


Being grateful will make you a happier leader. Gratitude can lead to improved self-esteem,
decreased stress and anxiety, and even better sleep. Learn how to thank and practice deeper
appreciation in the office.
Learning Agility

Learning agility is the ability to do what to do if you don't know what to do. But with practice,
skill, and commitment, everyone can promote learning agility. Explore how great leaders are
great thinkers, with a good learning capacity to get started.


If you show more empathy towards your direct reports, our research shows you’re more likely to
be viewed as a better performer by your boss. Empathy can be learned, and in addition to making
you more effective, it will also improve work for you and those around you.


That’s part of the reason courage is a key skill for good leaders. Rather than avoiding problems
or allowing conflicts to fester, courage enables leaders to step up and move things in the right


Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the most important things a leader can
do. It will ease tensions and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness.

 2.3 What characteristics that you already possess?

Respect and integrity, because having a respect and integrity to your employer or employee is a
big factor why did the company grow, this characteristic of a leader that I possess is my edge in
other employee or other leaders.

2.4 What characteristics that you want to possess to become

 a more effective leader?

Communication skills, because an effective leader need to be good in communication skills. A

leader must be able to communicate their teammate in a variety way and listen to their opinion.
A leader need to have a wild range communication skills that across to any roles, identities and
more. The effectiveness of communication across your organization ca directly affect the success
of your business strategy.

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