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Royal Australasian

College of Surgeons

Work-based assessment:
a practical guide
Building an assessment system around work

Tri-Partite Alliance Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Published March, 2014

© 2014 the Tripartite Alliance (RACP; RACS; RCPSC)
This guide is the collaborative effort of the
following members (in alphabetical order)
Craig Campbell
Wendy Crebbin
Kathleen Hickey
Marie-Louise Stokes
David Watters
with valuable input from participants in the
Tripartite Alliance Work-based Assessment
Workshops series.

The purpose of this document is to provide a

practical guide for Supervisors and Trainees.
We therefore welcome feedback to assist us to
revise and up-dating the document.
RCPSC email for feedback:
RACS email for feedback:
RACP email for feedback:

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT?.................................................................................................. 1
WORK-BASED ASSESSMENT: RATIONALE .................................................................................................. 4
ASSESSMENT: THEORETICAL CONCEPTS .................................................................................................... 5
DEFINING THE COMPETENCIES FOR ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................... 5
CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES .......................................................................... 6
WORK-BASED ASSESSMENT: CURRENT STRATEGIES .................................................................................... 8
DIRECT OBSERVATION ........................................................................................................................... 8
MULTI SOURCE FEEDBACK ..................................................................................................................... 9
AUDIT AND FEEDBACK ......................................................................................................................... 10
SIMULATION ...................................................................................................................................... 12
PORTFOLIOS AND REFLECTIVE LEARNING TOOLS ...................................................................................... 13
PRINCIPLES FOR CREATING AN ASSESSMENT STRATEGY .............................................................................. 14
BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTATION OF WORK-BASED ASSESSMENT .................................................................. 16
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 20
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX.......................................................................................................................................... 23
TABLE 1: COMPARISON OF STANDARDS FRAMEWORKS ......................................................................... 23
TABLE 3: ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES FOR RESIDENTS (TRAINEES) ............................................................. 27
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

grade, but an educational strategy that is
anchored in the work-place of the profession
and is based on real or simulated work scenarios
Traditionally, assessment strategies designed for that reflect important professional roles,
residents/trainees or specialists in practice have responsibilities and activities. The identification
largely focused on rigorous paper-based and addressing of practice gaps across a range of
evaluations of knowledge and technical skills competencies, including but not limited to
within the CanMeds competency domain of communication, collaboration, professionalism,
medical expert. Such assessment strategies and health advocacy, serve as the basis for
provided a foundation for the evolution of change and improvement that more effectively
psychometrically robust summative assessment respond to the health needs of patients.
systems to establish whether residents had
More recently, the shift towards Competency
acquired the requisite scientific knowledge,
based Medical Education (CBME) has reframed
clinical skills and ability to perform procedures
the design, implementation, assessment and
so as to be judged competent to enter practice.
evaluation of residency education and
Formal recertification processes have employed
continuing professional development programs
similar approaches to assessment with the aim
using an organizing framework of competences.
of assuring the public that licensed specialists
Within this context assessment has been focus
are able to demonstrate the competencies they
either on the achievement of individual
profess to hold throughout the lifecycle of
competences or conceptualized around the
professional practice.
established milestones (defined as meaningful
However, beyond discipline-specific knowledge markers of profession of competence or abilities
and skills there exists a diverse range of expected at a defined stage of development). In
competencies and professional values whose addition, the concept of ‘entrustable
assessment can only be achieved by direct professional activities’ or (EPAs allows “faculty to
supervision and observation of measureable make competency-based decisions on the level
clinical behaviours. One approach is to integrate of supervision required by trainees” based on
practical, flexible and formative strategies of multiple competencies integrated into
assessment within the context of professional statements that reflect components of
practice so that data are generated to enable professional work. Competency frameworks
feedback that fosters reflection and such as ACGME, RACS, RACP, CanMEDS and
improvement. Such an approach is formative; other provide general descriptions of both
enabling and guiding residents/trainees and generic competencies to guide learning and the
practicing specialists to identify areas where integration of multiple assessment strategies
further improvement is either desirable or and tools.
required. These assessments contribute to the
development of learning plans designed to close What is the purpose of assessment?
the gap between ‘where one is’ and ‘where one
In general, the purpose of assessment can be
ought to be’. Within this context, assessment is
divided under two general categories.
not a test that establishes a defensible pass-fail

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 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Summative assessment strategies utilize around a disparate collection of assessment

rigorously defined standards to enable decisions tools.
regarding whether participants passed or failed. The figure below relates the types of assessment
Examples of summative assessments include approaches to the four levels included in George
traditional high stakes written or oral Miller’s original framework described in 1990.
examinations at the end of a residency/training Work-based assessments facilitate the
program that serves as the basis for initial development of an assessment system that is
certification and licensure. Summative focused on the highest levels of the pyramid;
assessments are one mechanism to protect or ‘Shows How’ (assessment in contexts outside
reassure the public that all licensed specialists practice e.g. simulation centres) and ‘Does’
have, at the time of assessment, met minimal (assessments in the practice context).
professional competence expectations.
Formative assessment strategies employ a set of
standards as a component of a continuing
professional development or lifelong learning
strategy to enable the identification (with or
without feedback) of areas where further
improvement is required. Examples of formative
assessments include participating in team-based
simulation scenarios where gaps in individual
and team-based performance across a range of
competencies are identified and plans for
improvement are established to enhance the
quality of care provided to patients. Figure 1: The relationship between assessment
forms and Miller’s triangle
Work-based assessment is often viewed as a
component of assessment focused on the tools
or approaches that evaluate how residents or
specialists in practice perform within their actual
However, rather than viewing specific
assessment tools or strategies in relative
isolation from one another, this guide promotes
“work-based assessment” as a central and
integrating concept for the development of an
assessment system whose purpose is both
formative (educational) and summative (high
stakes). The goal of this guide is to build an
assessment system around trainees’ and
specialists’ work rather than “fitting work”

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Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Some assumptions for the progression to acquiring the knowledge, skills

development of a work-based and competencies they require to enter practice.
assessment system For practicing specialists, assessment provides
data to enable them to progress in competence
A “work-based assessment system” must be:
towards expertise within their defined scope of
 Relevant to the professional practice context practice. There are a number of competency
of residents and specialists in practice; frameworks that can serve as the basis for the
 Able to generate data and provide feedback development of assessment systems (see Table
to promote personal or collective reflection 1 in Appendix).
on competence or performance;
Formative and Summative. Assessment tools,
 Support and contribute to summative
depending on the context, can be purposed to
assessment strategies that define successful
provide evaluation data that can make
achievement of curricular objectives,
assessments of learning (summative) or
competence to entry into practice
assessments for learning (formative).
(certification leading to licensure and
privileging) and continued competence in Comprehensive. The assessment systems must
practice; be relevant to the interaction between teachers
 Able to identify, where-ever possible, areas and learners and provide data with feedback
of practice where further learning should be against a wide range of competencies.
focused; Regular. Whenever possible, assessment
 Conducted in environments that are safe, systems should provide learners with
without threats of litigation or fear of opportunities to receive regularly receive
failure; feedback on their performance.
 Feasible and acceptable to residents,
Rigorous. The assessment tools and strategies
practicing specialists and assessors;
must meet defined characteristics (reliable,
 Supported by the health system(s) within
valid, cost-effective etc.)
which residents and specialists practice; and
 Relevant to each dimension of professional System-enabled. The ability to link assessment
practice: clinical practice, educational to a diverse set of competencies and
practice, research practice and performance metrics presumes the need for
administrative practice. thoughtful collaboration between residents,
teachers, assessors, educational organizations
These assumptions argue for and support the
and the health systems within which residents
development of an assessment system that is:
and specialists work. The development of tools,
Competency-based. The assessment system training of assessors, how to embed assessment
must be developed to assess observable within the work-place and providing the data
behaviors across core and specialty specific required for decision are some of the key issues
competencies which are relevant to key process that must be considered.
of care indicators or outcome measures
The development of this guide reflects the
including patient reported outcomes. For
commitment of the Royal Australasian College of
residents assessment provides feedback on their
Physicians, the Royal Australasian College of

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 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada to develop and implement a
practical work-based assessment system for
residents in training and specialists in practice. assessment:
The development and implementation of
assessment strategies that are reliable, valid, rationale
and acceptable must be balanced with the
The first rationale for the development of a
efficient use of resources and evaluating the
work-based assessment system is embedded
educational impact of assessment in meeting
within a broader discourse related to
defined goals or metrics. Although many areas
competency-based medical education. The
discussed in this guide reflect assessment
ability to demonstrate acquisition of the
strategies already in place, this guide promotes
competencies required to enter independent
the development of a practical and integrated
practice within a specific discipline is a key
approach to assessment and identifies areas
organizing principle for the development of
where further change is required.
curriculum and has profound influences on the
Therefore this guide will begin with a rationale process and outcomes of teaching and learning.
for the creation of a work-based assessment Competency-based medical education requires
system, provide a brief review of theoretical competency-based assessment. The
concepts that underline the development of any competencies specialists require to assume their
assessment strategy (formative, summative or professional roles and responsibilities and meet
both), and describes generic approaches to public expectations of the medical profession
assessing competence and performance of are one component of the rationale for an
individuals, groups of specialists or inter- assessment system that is timely and relevant to
professional health teams in the work place. what ‘specialists actually do’.
The guide will then describe the assessment In medical specialist residency/trainee education
tools or strategies being used by each College, the educational process is a shared responsibility
discuss the practical steps or strategies that between curriculum planners, teachers and
must be considered to design, develop and learners and guided by the specialty
implement work-based assessment strategies requirements of each discipline. In practice,
and end with a series of recommendations for learning and assessment should be founded on
pilot studies to facilitate a work-based clear, effective and measurable competencies
assessment system, the need for development for practice that guide the planning and
of new assessment tools and support strategies, implementation of lifelong learning to enhance
and measures for success. performance, improve quality of care and
enhance the effectiveness of our health systems.
The second rationale for the development of
work-based assessment derives from the
literature that recognises the inaccuracy of
physician self-evaluation compared to external

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Work-based assessment: a practical guide

measures of performance in practice. The fundamental component) to licensure (on-going

inability to accurately evaluate our performance registration), hospital credentialing which
in practice without participating in a process that provides the privilege and right to practice.
provides data with feedback to assess if practice The intentional integration of “top down”
is generally consistent with current evidence will assessment strategies designed by educational
inevitably limit the pursuit of learning activities organizations or health system regulators with
to the questions, issues or problems specialists “bottom up” approaches where residents and
perceive as needs and establish limits on their practicing specialists are able to independently
ability to transform their knowledge, access data related to their performance or the
competence, performance and practice in areas health status or outcomes of the patients may
where other needs remain largely unknown. The provide the appropriate balance to ensuring
integration of performance data with feedback competence of the profession and promoting
facilitates the identification of needs that were quality through assessment.
previously unperceived and forms an important
component of an lifelong learning strategy
anchored in practice.
The third rationale for the development of work- Assessment:
based assessment is that engaging in assessment
is a public expectation of the profession for the theoretical
continued privilege of professional self-
regulation. Assessment enables the profession
to demonstrate their accountability and
commitment to reflect professional practice Assessment strategies or tools whether designed
standards, sustain competence, improve for implementation within residency/specialist
performance, and engage in continuous quality training education programs or systems of
improvement. The assessment of performance continuing professional development for fellows
could include participation in multi-source must consider the following questions:
feedback programs, simulation activities, audits  What competencies or abilities are to be
with feedback from peers on adherence to assessed?
established process of care variables or  What characteristics define effective
measures of patient outcomes (such as assessment strategies?
morbidity, mortality, adverse event rates, or
patient satisfaction) . Defining the Competencies for
These principles, values and expectations have Assessment
been increasingly embedded within national
The scope or domains of competencies that can
regulatory frameworks such as revalidation, re-
be assessed vary based on specific tools or
certification and maintenance of certification
strategies being used. Initially assessment
(see Table 2 in Appendix) which have linked
strategies were primarily focused on discipline
engagement in continuing professional
specific knowledge and skills, the traditional
development (for which assessment is a
domain of the ‘medical expert’. However, more

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 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

recently a number of competency frameworks following 5 characteristics which are based on

have defined a range of competencies that Van der Vleuten’s Utility Index (1996).
collectively reflect ‘good medical practice’. For
example, specialists are expected to effectively Reliability
communicate with patients and among health Assessments that are reliable are able to
professionals, collaborate with other health consistently demonstrate reproducible results
professions to deliver coordinated team-based (accuracy or precision) over time. In other
care, manage resources, and contribute to words the measurements of individuals on
and/or improve the quality and safety of the different occasions, or by different observers,
health systems within which they work. produce the same or similar results. However, in
Specialists are equally expected to demonstrate addition to the reproducibility or accuracy of
professionalism in all of their roles, measurements, the concept of reliability
responsibilities across each dimension of their includes the ability of measurements to
professional practice. differentiate between individuals. Reliability
measures the proportion of the variability in
Characteristics of Effective scores that are due to true differences between
Assessment Strategies individuals.
Assessment strategies, regardless of their focus Validity
or emphasis, should strive to focus on those
Validity is the degree to which an assessment
dimensions or metrics that are essential to the
truly measures what it intends to measure.
quality of healthcare provided by specialists to
There are multiple components of validity that
patients. Assessment strategies can focus on the
drawn on different sources in evidence from
processes of care or the efficiency,
different angles to enable or support a
appropriateness, and achieved outcomes of
conclusion. For example, face validity is an
care. However, focusing exclusively on such
expression of the degree to which the
quality measures alone will be insufficient as
assessment appears ‘on the face of it’ to be a
such measures are not currently available for all
reasonable measure of competence or
conditions, and in some conditions are based on
performance in a domain of interest. Content
conflicting or contradictory guidelines. Finally
validity is an expression of the degree to which
quality of care measures are less relevant to the
the assessment items reflects or represents the
assessment of diagnostic error and the
“whole testable domain”. Content validity is
professional and ethical challenges relevant to
typically assured by the use of various blueprint
patient preference within models of shared
strategies or techniques. A sub-domain of
decision making.
content validity is the relevance of the items in
Although there are increasing examples of measuring the important dimensions of the
assessment strategies or tools focused on a domain. Construct validity is an expression of
range of competencies or performance the degree to which the new approach is able to
measures, the selection of any assessment differentiate between learners with more or less
strategy should be based, at least in part, on the of the competence the measure is purporting to

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Work-based assessment: a practical guide

measure (for example differentiating among to ensuring there is a clear match between
learners with higher communication skills or assessment and curricular reform as well as
problem solving skills). Finally, predictive validity monitoring for relevance and unintended
is an expression of the ability of the assessment consequences. Methods of assessment must be
to predict performance (or competence) in the feasible with clear standards that are
future. understood by both assessors and learners.

Educational Impact These five characteristics are important to the

evaluation of any individual assessment tool,
Assessments are not just tools to establish process or strategy to ensure assessments
accountability but are central to the educational promote teaching and learning and contribute to
process in promoting discovery of areas where decision-making and quality of care.
competence or performance is established and
An easy way of remembering these
areas where improvement is required. Because
characteristics of effective assessment strategies
assessment drives learning (for example the
is with the mnemonic CARVE (see text box).
topics that are examined frequently will be
perceived by learners as more important), there
is an important link between assessment and the
scholarship of teaching and learning. How C = Cost-Effectiveness
assessment strategies promote learning and the
A = Acceptability
translation of learning into practice is relevant to
workplace-based assessments. R = Reliability

Cost effectiveness V = Validity

Assessment strategies vary from simple to
E = Educational Impact
complex. Cost effective assessment programs
can only be judged in the context where there is
an explicit description of what is to be assessed
and how it will be assessed. In the era of fiscal The next section of this guide provides a brief
restraint the important considerations in description of some of the work-based
developing any assessment system will include assessment tools used by each College, and also
factors such as infrastructure requirements, outlines the rationale for the need to integrate
administrative support, analytical expertise, individual assessment tools within a
training requirements for assessors (where comprehensive and coordinated work-based
relevant) in addition to the direct costs of a assessment system.
specific assessment strategy or tool.

Finally, acceptability, to the learners, the
teachers and assessors as well as decision
makers within educational institutions and
regulatory bodies are important considerations

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 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-

Assessment: Among the tools with the strongest validity

evidence is the Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise

Current strategies (Mini-CEX). The mini-CEX is designed to assess

skills essential to the provision of good clinical
This section of the guide reviews common types care and to facilitate feedback in order to drive
of assessment strategies, illustrates each domain learning. The assessment involves an assessor
by providing a brief description of individual observing the trainee interact with a patient in a
tools that have been implemented either within: normal clinical encounter. The assessor’s
residents enrolled in established training evaluation is recorded on a structured checklist
programs, specialists in practice and which enables the assessor to provide verbal
international medical graduates seeking development feedback to the trainee
certification or licensure. immediately after the encounter. The data and
feedback enable the learner to assess
Direct Observation themselves against important criteria as they
learn and perform practical tasks.
Direct observation is an approach to assessment
that provides data and feedback to a resident or Surgical DOPS (Directly Observed
practicing physician on their performance with Procedural Skills)
actual patients in their practice environment. Direct Observation of Procedural Skills in surgery
Direct observation can be based on clinical (Surgical DOPS) is a method of assessing
supervisors with the expertise to observe and competence in performing diagnostic and
provide detailed feedback to individuals to interventionist procedures during routine
facilitate learning and change. In addition, direct surgical practice. It also facilitates feedback in
observation can be organized around coaches, order to drive learning. The assessment involves
whose role is to specifically observe an assessor observing the trainee perform a
performance and provide explicit feedback. practical procedure within the work place. The
Supervisors or coaches have a host of tools assessor’s evaluation is recorded on a structured
available for direct observation (Kogan et al) but checklist which enables the assessor to provide
many tools have not been thoroughly evaluated verbal developmental feedback to the trainee.
or tested. For example validity testing has been The data and feedback enable the learner to
infrequently assessed and evidence for assess themselves against important criteria as
objectively measured changes in knowledge or they learn to perform specific diagnostic
skills have been infrequently reported. procedures.
Examples of tools that use direct observation
Non Operative Technical Skills for
include the following:
Surgeons (NOTSS)
Non Operative Technical Skills for Surgeons is a
course that provides performance markers for

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Work-based assessment: a practical guide

operating room behaviours as a tool for self- Multi Source Feedback

development and for providing feedback to
Multi-source feedback (MSF) is a questionnaire
colleagues and trainees.
based assessment strategy that includes self-
Non Operative Technical Skills for Surgeons evaluation and feedback on observable
(NOTSS) is a system that focuses on the non- behaviours from colleagues (peers and referring
technical skills underpinning safer operative physicians), co-workers (such as nurses,
surgery. Based on extensive research into pharmacists, psychologists etc) and patients.
operating room behaviors, these are workshops MSF has been primarily designed to provide
that provide training to identify, recognize, feedback to individual physicians or surgeons
assess and give feedback on key performance not groups of specialists. MSF has been used in
markers. (reference for NOTSS) In tandem with conjunction with other assessment tools and has
the surgical workshop two other programs, ANTS been used primarily for formative, not
(Anaesthetists’ Non-Technical Skills) and SPLINTS summative decision-making. There is evidence in
(Scrub Practitioners’ List of Intra-operative Non- the CPD research literature for the reliability of
Technical Skills) have been developed by the many MSF tools developed to date. In general
research group based in Aberdeen (Scotland). instruments that include 15-40 items answered
(reference for NOTSS; ANTS & SPLINTS) by 8-12 colleagues and 25-40 patients achieve
generalizability co-efficient of 0.7. MSF
In 2014 RACS will trial a workshop, based within
participants have used the data to make changes
a clinical unit, in which the non-technical skills
in practice but the changes are typically small.
training for surgeons, anesthetists and scrub
MSF are reasonably inexpensive, particularly
nurses will be integrated.
with electronic data capture analysis and
In-Training Assessment reporting. Costs increase associated with
inclusion of mentoring, coaching or other forms
Each specialty has developed an in-training
of peer support. MSF is acceptable to regulatory
assessment form in which the key performance
authorities, medical organizations and individual
indicators and standards of competence are
defined. Residents are required to meet all of
those standards, at every mid and end of term Examples of Multi-source feedback tools include:
assessment. Verbal and/or written feedback is
Physician Achievement Review (PAR).
provided continuously to residents throughout
the rotation and any deficiencies identified are This MSF tool has been developed for the
discussed and a plan for improvement is College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (a
developed in consultation with a supervisor. The provincial regulatory authority in Canada) and
booklet ‘Becoming a competent and proficient assessed in collaboration with an academic
surgeon’ has been produced as a guide of office of CME. This instrument has now been
expected progression from pre-vocational to introduced in one additional province (Nova
proficient. Scotia) with plans for introduction in Manitoba.
PAR is designed to provide licensed practitioners
with feedback on their practice based on the
observations of colleagues, peers, and patients.

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 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Every 5 years, each licensed physician is required range of colleagues including department heads,
to have their performance reviewed by 8 medical directors, peers, trainees, nursing, other
physician colleagues, 8 non-physician health care staff and/or patients.
workers and 25 patients. The surveys focus on
topics ranging from clinical knowledge and skills,
office management, communication skills,
Audit and Feedback
collegiality and patient management. The
surveys are summarized and the feedback Audit and feedback is an assessment strategy
provided enables the identification of learning that provides performance data (typically from
needs and areas for improvement. The process clinical records) with feedback generally to
has demonstrated reasonable reliability, validity, individual, units/firms or teams of physicians and
acceptability, and cost effective (administrative surgeons. They inform the audit individual or
costs have been estimated to be $40 per year group as to their performance and how closely
and are included in the annual re-licensure fee). they adhere to established standards or practice
metrics (dichotomous or continuous variables)
360 Degree Survey or MINI-PAT (Peer across a range of processes of care delivery or
Assessment Tool) patient outcomes. The data generated from
The mini-PAT is a method of assessing audit and feedback generally have high face
competence within the remit of a team. It also validity and content validity, can be verified by
facilitates feedback in order to drive learning. As others, and there is evidence in the published
part of a multi-professional team surgical literature for modest overall positive changes to
trainees work with other people who have individual physician behaviours. The evidence is
complementary skills. They are expected to particularly strong where baseline compliance is
understand the range of roles and expertise of low prior to the audit; the data is of high quality
team members in order to communicate and from a trusted source; and the frequency
effectively to achieve an excellent service for the and intensity of the feedback is high (Cochrane
patient. At times they will be required to refer systematic review). The cost effectiveness of
upwards and at other times assume leadership audit and feedback for groups has not been
appropriate to the situation. This tool enables established but may provide more cost effective
surgical trainees to assess themselves against alternatives to individual feedback. Acceptability
important criteria of team-work and compare is greater when audit and feedback is focused on
their self-assessment with their peer assessment group performance than individual performance.
and against the performance of others at their Measuring the performance of a group of
level in the same specialty. surgeons or physicians provides a peer review
process for identifying the reasons for under
MSF of the Royal Australasian College of performance or exemplary performance.
Examples of various audit and feedback
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons has approaches or strategies include:
developed a MSF process where assessments of
aspects of performance can be obtained by a

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Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Peer Review morbidity and mortality for various surgical

procedures (CABG) or patient types (birth
Reviews of a physician’s practice by trained
morbidity or mortality rates) against regional,
peers based in part on a review and discussion of
national or international expectations.
the medical records of individual patients
enables assessors to glean insight in Chart Audits
understanding a physician’s approach to patient
care and the overall quality of care provided to Audits of specific practices can be developed for
patients. These chart reviews enable an a wide range of topics or conditions within acute
assessor, where appropriate, to evaluate the care, chronic care or preventive care. The
physician’s ability to take adequate histories, effectiveness of chart audits is based on their
conduct appropriate examinations, order ability to generate data and provide feedback.
necessary diagnostic tests, identify appropriate Chart audits may focus on core competencies,
courses of action and conduct necessary specialty specific competencies, process of care
interventions, and monitor patients, as measures (particularly those that are closely
necessary. linked to an outcome measure), practice
indicators and patient reported outcomes.
For example, the Practice Visit program was
Audits can be conducted for an individual or
piloted by Orthopaedic surgeons in New Zealand
group but are frequently developed and
in 2011. Conducted through the New Zealand
supported by hospitals, regional health
Orthopaedic Association (NZOA), it was
authorities, educational institutions or
considered that by involving the whole
government agencies that Chart audits are now
association both as visiting and visited surgeons,
a requirement within many mandatory system of
the process would enhance collegiality, provide
continuing professional development (for
colleague support and generally enhance
example the Patient Improvement Modules of
performance by reducing the aversion of
the American Board of Internal Medicine) as part
external scrutiny. Evaluation of the pilot
of a commitment to continuous quality
comprising 16 practice visits, indicated value in
the process and a strong support for its
continuation. Mandatory Practice Visits have Chart Stimulated Recall
now been incorporated into the NZOA CPD
Chart stimulated recall (CSR) is a strategy that
leverages a physician’s own charts or patient
Morbidity and Mortality Reviews records to explore the reasoning around clinical
judgment, decision making related to diagnostic,
Morbidity and mortality reviews, particularly
investigative, and management decisions, and
when assessing a series of patients over a
the application of medical knowledge to patient
defined period of time can provide adequate
care. Further, CSR permits an exploration of
data about the performance of an individual
specific patient, environmental and system
physician, groups of physicians or surgeons, or
factors that influence decision-making. The
inter-professional health teams against standard
standardization of the criteria has been assessed
expectations for morbidity and mortality based
to ensure objectivity with high reliability and
on historic norms. Examples include assessing

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 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

validity and can serve as the basis for provision

of feedback to drive learning or part of
summative assessments of competence.
Patient Registries
Case Based Discussion
The development of patient registries has
A Case-based Discussion between a trainee and
provided another strategy for the assessment of
an assessor involves a comprehensive review of
performance in practice. Patient registries have
one or more clinical cases in which the assessor
been developed around specific procedures (for
evaluates the level of professional expertise and
example joint replacement registries) where
judgment exercised by the trainee. The assessor
individual patient characteristics, risk factors,
provides feedback across a range of areas
procedures applied, and outcomes achieved can
relating to clinical knowledge, clinical decision
be summed over a range of patients or time
making and patient management.
period to define ‘average’ performance in
Specifically, Case-based Discussion is designed comparison to one’s peer group.
 guide the trainee’s learning through Simulation
structured feedback
 help improve clinical decision making, Simulations are persons, devices or sets of
clinical knowledge and patient conditions which attempt to present problems
management authentically for the purposes of education or
 provide the trainee with an opportunity assessment. Simulation activities range from low
to discuss their approach to the case and (e.g. task trainers or standardized patients) to
identify strategies to improve their high (e.g. computer programmed mannequins)
practice fidelity and address a wide range of abilities
 be a teaching opportunity enabling the including non-technical competencies.
assessor to share their professional Simulation is relevant for the education of
knowledge and experience. individual learners, groups of learners or inter-
professional health teams. There is reasonable
The cases selected for discussion should be ones evidence for reliability and validity for individual
in which the trainee has had a significant role in physicians, surgeons, and groups of specialists.
clinical decision making and patient The educational impact as measured by several
management. The discussion can be focused on meta-analyses demonstrates that simulation-
a single complex case or a series of cases that based medical education with deliberate
cover a wide range of clinical problem areas. The practice yields improved educational outcomes
discussion should reflect the trainee’s level of including skills acquisition and transfer
experience and be linked to the relevant Training compared to traditional clinical education. There
Program Curriculum. are very few studies examining cost
effectiveness but there are several studies
demonstrating positive acceptance of simulation

 Page 12
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

by individuals. Examples of types of simulation are useful for teaching and assessment in
include: domains outside the “Medical Expert” role.

Standardized Patients Portfolios and Reflective Learning

Standardized patients, or standardized, case Tools
scenarios provide a consistent, realistic learning Portfolios are technological tools that span the
resource for learning and assessment of educational continuum and provide formative
students, residents and physicians in practice. assessment of the proficiency of individual
Standardized patient provide the opportunity for learning and improvement where scores and
demonstration and instruction, deliberative judgments are based on the individual data
practice and assessment across a broad range of elements. The value of portfolios is highly
competencies focused on a range of skills and dependent on the content, structure and
abilities including communication skills, purposes of the tool. Portfolios exist in two basic
counseling, physical examination skills and formats: paper based (for example folders,
assessment of performance of physicians in notebooks or diaries) or electronic (web based
practice. Standardized patient can present or ePortfolios). Portfolios are frequently
complex scenarios and can be reliably trained. designed to include functional elements from
one or more of the following 4 categories:
Virtual Simulation
reflective portfolios, assessment portfolios,
A number of written or virtual self-assessment developmental portfolios and showcase
programs have been created to provide portfolios. Although the design of portfolio
participants with data and feedback on their typically support recording, reflection, planning
performance across multiple domains of and goal setting the content of a portfolio can be
knowledge (or application of knowledge), clinical used for assessment based on evidence from a
decision-making, test ordering etc. The data variety of sources (self-reported and external)
generated from these programs allows with or without the input of a peer, coach or
participants to compare their ‘performance’ with mentor.
their peers and identify gaps in relation to Learning portfolios are primarily focused on the
current evidence by identifying the evidence for individual with some evidence for reliability and
answers that were answered incorrectly. high validity (based on the content). The cost
High fidelity simulation effectiveness of a learning portfolio varies
depending on its structure, functionality and
High fidelity simulations utilize computer user-friendliness as well as the costs of its initial
programmed mannequins to enable individuals development, adaptability and maintenance.
or teams to perform in realistic scenarios and There is good applicability for certain types of
receive feedback on their decision making, data across individuals and such data can be
collaboration and communication skills with useful for assessment, triangulation with other
other team members. High fidelity simulations assessment methodologies to increase the
acceptability of the data over time. Electronic

 Page 13
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

learning portfolios require participants to reflect adequate to evaluate the spectrum of

and record what they have learned, the activities competencies required for achieving, sustaining
they are planning to complete and the or progressing in competence towards expertise.
achievements they have realized over time. All assessment strategies and tools have specific
Tables 3, 4, and 5 in the Appendix to this guide advantages and limitations. A work-based
describe the assessment strategies currently in assessment system intentionally integrates a
place or being developed by some College wide variety of tools based on their:
residency/specialist training programs, among  established characteristics (reliability,
practicing specialists, and for international validity, etc)
medical graduates seeking certification.  strengths and limitations in measuring
Work-based assessment systems, if they are to specific observable competencies.
succeed, need to be feasible and acceptable to  ability to be implemented within the
users – the trainees/residents, practicing work-place or a simulated work
physicians /surgeons and assessors. They should environment.
be able to be supported by the health system(s) The key questions to guide the selection of tools
within which residents and specialists practice. include:
This guide argues for the development of a  What competence or competencies am I
system of assessment that is embedded within attempting to measure?
and relevant to the work of residents and  Does this assessment tool enable me to
practicing specialists. gather data about these competencies?
 With what accuracy or ability?
A work-based assessment system requires the
Principles for development of an array of assessment tools
within each of the five generic approaches
creating an described from pages 7-13. How the individual
strategies or tools are selected and integrated
assessment depends partly on the context, purpose, options
for data collection and capacity of the
strategy faculty/supervisors required to support the
assessment described below:
The creation of any assessment system should
be based on the following principles: Context is important – tailoring
assessments to practice settings
Use multiple modalities, multiple
Assessments occur in multiple circumstances
samples, and multiple assessors.
over time. Within each assessment domain, any
If one accepts that knowledge is domain specific assessment system will need to identify which
and performance of the same individual varies assessment strategies are appropriate for
across different types of cases then no one
 specific practice contexts (acute care
approach, tool or modality of assessment will be
hospital settings, ambulatory care

 Page 14
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

clinics, operating rooms, simulation areas for further improvement. The lack of
centers)? congruence between the data (and its
 actual patients, simulated patients, inferences) and the learner’s perceptions of the
virtual patients or task trainers? data reinforce the need for the assessment
 Computerized assessment strategies? system to be based on clear performance
 Episodic or continual assessment metrics that are relevant to the quality of care
strategies? standards experienced by patients. Although
formative assessment typically leads to the
In addition to the context of assessment, any
identification of learning plans, in contexts
assessment strategy will need to be aligned to its
where motivation or insight is lacking, further
primary purpose.
assessments will be required coupled with
Clarity of purpose: formative or enhanced learning support to break through
summative? conceptual barriers.
There is a difference between assessment of and Data Collection Options
assessment for learning.
Many assessment strategies are based on a
Assessment of learning is by design about the retrospective review of data collected on
ability of assessment tools to identify differences patients seen and evaluated by an individual or
(or variance) between residents and practicing team. This is the classic approach to chart audits.
specialists where the pass/fail test score is one However, the ability to embed assessment
variable in defining who is above and below a within a specific work context may require a
pre-established minimal performance standard data collection strategy that is more prospective
or metric. than retrospective.
Assessment for learning provides each individual Prospective collection of data enables residents
resident or practicing physician with feedback on or practicing surgeons or physicians to collect
their personal progress regarding the data for the purposes of assessment as one is
achievement of specific goals that are guided practicing. Such processes facilitate the ability to
and defined in collaboration with the curriculum pause, summarize and review the data collected
the learner and the learner’s mentor, supervisor at a future point in time (for example after a
or coach. If assessment enables learning, it will specific number of patients or procedures have
be guided in part by the quality and intensity of been completed). Examples of prospective data
the feedback and the opportunity to identify and collection strategies include logbooks, encounter
define a path to improvement. Formative cards and portfolios.
assessment moves learners from unconscious
competence to conscious competence and Faculty Development and Supervisor
guides a period of learning and experience to Support
become consciously competent! Work-based assessment systems must include
Formative assessment strategies may equally strategies to educate, support and enhance the
reveal whether residents or practicing specialists skills of clinician-teachers, mentors, and coaches.
are able to use the data and feedback to identify Assessment requires the effective integration of

 Page 15
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

multiple faculty development initiatives that are and valuable to them; not just something that
designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and has to be complied with as part of training or
abilities of faculty to make observations, provide CPD requirements.
feedback, and develop learning plans. A Local program directors have a role in
summary of faculty development strategies advocating locally with the health service
could include: administration to promote the value of work-
 Training and supporting cohorts of based assessment and feedback in improving
Clinician Educators, Simulation performance of clinicians and making the case
educators and CPD Educators. that time invested in these educational activities
 Designing and developing faculty will ultimately translate into improved patient
development courses or seminars. care.
 Creating collaboration strategies among Colleges have an important role to play by
faculty to sharing tools and experiences. ensuring accreditation standards for training
settings incorporate “protected time” in a way
that is reasonable and defensible and in

Barriers to providing guidance and training in how to use

work-based assessment tools efficiently and

implementation of effectively.

Lack of alignment between work-based

work-based assessments and the workplace setting

assessment As noted previously, it is important to design

assessment systems around work not the other
way around. Work based assessment must be
When introducing new or more formalized and
integrated into existing workplace routines and
structured approaches to work-based
be related to day-to-day practice. This is an
assessment, there are a number of potential
important message for trainees and supervisors
barriers that training program directors need to
as there may be a tendency to approach work-
be aware of. These include:
based assessment as a “mini-exams” rather than
Competing work priorities and a general authentic in-the-moment assessments.
lack of time for teaching and Colleges can provide guidance and examples for
supervisors and trainees on how to incorporate
Trainees and supervisors may perceive that work-based assessment into a typical working
there is insufficient “protected time” for day (See Figure 2).
educational activities such as work-based
assessments given their overall workloads and
competing priorities.
For individual trainees and specialists, the work-
based assessment needs to be seen as relevant

 Page 16
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Figure 2: Integrating work-based assessment into the daily routine. (with permission from Dr Paul
Reeve, Director of Physician Education, New Zealand)

 Page 17
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Lack of supervisor engagement: Lack of consultation and

inadequate numbers of supervisors communication when introducing
willing to take on expanded roles in change
education and assessment If new work based assessment tools are
Introducing new work based assessments places introduced without adequate consultation, a
increasing demands on existing faculty negative reaction is the likely outcome. In
supervisors, all of whom were trained in an era addition, early consultation can identify ways in
before work-based assessments were which work-based assessments can be designed
formalized. to integrate into workplace routines.

When introducing new work based assessments, The introduction of new work based assessment
it is important to think about the number of tools needs to be preceded by a comprehensive
additional faculty supervisors that need to be communication and consultation plan.
recruited and trained in order to be able to
Perceived lack of evidence to support
implement the changes. They need to be work based assessments
convinced of the value, reliability and validity of
the assessments to ensure their participation. Supervisors may question the validity of new
work-based assessment tools especially if the
Formative work based assessments may tools are viewed by supervisors and trainees as
be overshadowed by high stakes written cumbersome, bureaucratic or, worse still, “edu-
and clinical examinations babble” with no apparent value over the
Trainees are used to directing their energies traditional apprenticeship model of learning in
towards passing summative examinations and medicine.
many do not see value in participating in Proof of effectiveness is an important
formative work-based assessments that are consideration for supervisor and trainee buy-in.
optional. The uptake of formative work based The evidence for the clinical effectiveness of
assessments is low when such assessments are many work based assessments is modest
optional. Mandating work based assessment as a although there is reasonable face validity, a
program requirement is effective when sound theoretical basis and sufficient evidence
integrated within decisions related to a trainee’s for the reliability of the tools. Taking time to
progression through training. However, there is explain the case for work-based assessment and
a significant risk that compliance with a using plain English rather than educational
mandatory formative work-based assessment jargon can help build understanding and reduce
strategy will result in a “tick-box” mentality that skepticism among supervisors and trainees.
detracts from the purpose of assessment for
learning. Inadequate training of supervisors in
how to use and get the most out of work
based assessment
The strength of work based assessment as a
formative learning experience derives not so

 Page 18
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

much from the observation of the trainee by the Managing change effectively
supervisor but from the quality of the feedback
Introducing a system of work-based assessment
and discussion that follows. Good observation
often requires significant cultural change. If this
and feedback skills are essential to getting the
change is not managed effectively,
most out of work-based assessment.
implementation will likely fail. There are a
Faculty development or supervisor training is a number of models that articulate the
critical success factor for implementing new requirements for successful change initiatives at
work-based assessments. Supervisor guides, the organizational (Bolman and Terrence, 2003)
workshops and on-line resources such as and individual (Hyatt 2006) levels.
demonstration videos are some examples to
The following Table summarizes the potential
support the development of faculty supervisors
challenges and suggested responses associated
in refining their observation and feedback skills.
with implementing WBA at the individual trainee
or Fellow, workplace/program director and
institutional/College levels.

Level Challenges Responses

Individual trainee or Fellow Insufficient time, too busy, other Make sure the WBA is relevant to
individual learning needs.
(supervising trainees or priorities (clinical, research,
administrative) Develop a learning plan at the beginning
participating in CPD) of the assessment period
identify specific domains, activities for
work-based assessment (WBA).

Don’t have access to the relevant tools Check with Training Program Director or
College about the relevant tools and
how to access these.

Unsure/don’t know what or how to Attend local or College workshops on

participate in WBA how to use WBA tools

Uncomfortable giving or receiving Attend local or College workshops on

performance based feedback giving and receiving effective feedback.

Training Program Director or Lack of local support for WBA Enlist support of influential peers to
promote the value of WBA,
Model active participation in WBA
Reinforce the expectation that this is a
“normal” part of practice

 Page 19
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Level Challenges Responses

Trainees and Fellows not engaged in Run local training sessions for trainees
WBA and Fellows, develop local promotional
material, present at key meetings (grand

Not enough supervisors to undertake Recruit advanced trainees to act as co-

WBA supervisors for more junior trainees,

Institutional (College) Poor uptake of WBA Ensure relevant tools and materials are
available with good quality supporting
documentation and guidance
Develop on-line modules including video
demonstrations about how to use WBA
Publicize examples of WBA success
stories (individuals or organizations)
Include uptake of WBA as an
accreditation standard for training
Negative feedback from Trainees and
Make participation in WBA a mandatory
program requirement that is linked to
progression through training.

This work based assessment guide describes the theoretical concepts and rationale for an assessment
system that is organized around the work of the profession. The guide promotes “work based
assessment” as a central and integrating concept whose purpose is both formative (educational) and
summative (high stakes). The goal of this guide is to build an assessment system around trainees’ and
specialists’ work rather than “fitting work” around a disparate collection of assessment tools. The
development of such an assessment system must consider and overcome a number of implementation

 Page 20
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Arnold L. (2002) Assessing professional behavior: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Academic Medicine.
77 (6): 502-15

Azzam D G et al.(2013) The Western Australian Audit of Surgical Mortality: outcomes from the first 20
years. Med J Aust. 199 (8): 539-542

Bolman LG, Deal TE. (2003). Reframing organizations (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Davis D, Davis D, O’Brien MA, Freemantle N, Wolf FM, Mazmanian P, Taylor-Vaissey A. (1999). Impact of
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continuing education activities change behavior or health care outcomes? JAMA. 282 (9); 867-74.

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K. (Aug 2010) K. Competency-based medical education: theory to practice: Medical Teacher: 32(8)

Ivers N, Jamtvedt G, et al. (2012) Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and patient outcomes.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 6 Art. No.: CD000259. DOI:
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Kogan JR, Holmboe ES, Hauer K.E. (2009) Tools for direct observation and assessment of clinical skills of
medical trainees. JAMA. 302 (12): 1316-1326.

Lambert WT, Schuwirth W.T., and Van Der Vleuten C.P.M et al.(2011) General overview of theories used
in assessment: AMEE Guide No. 57. Medical Teacher. 33:783-797

Larkin GL et al. (2002). Defining and evaluating professionalism: a core competency for graduate
emergency medicine education. Acad Emerg Med. 9 (11): 1249-56

Lynch DC et al. (2004) Assessing professionalism. A review of the literature. Medical Teacher. 26(4):366-

May W. A ten-year review of the literature on the use of standardized patients in teaching and learning:
1996–2005 2009, BEME Rapid Review Vol. 31, No. 6 , Pages 487-492

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McGaghie WC et al. Lessons for Continuing Medical Education From Simulation Research in
Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education. Effectiveness of Continuing Medical Education:
American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Educational Guidelines CHEST 2009; 135:62S–

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the Ottawa 2010 Conference. Medical Teacher;33:206-214

RACS (2012) Becoming a competent and proficient surgeon: Training standards for the nine RACS
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Schuwirth WT, Van der Vleuten CPM. (2003) The use of clinical simulations in assessment. Medical
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Van Der Vleuten CPM. (1996) The assessment of professional competence: Developments, research and
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 Page 22
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Table 1: Comparison of Standards Frameworks

 Page 23
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Table 2: Continuing Professional Development Programs for Specialists Physicians

Royal College of Royal

Accreditation Council Royal Australasian
Organization Physicians and Australasian
for Graduate College of
Surgeons of College of
Medical Education Physicians
Canada Surgeons
Framework CanMEDS ACGME Competencies Professional Qualities The Surgical
Name Curriculum (trainees) Competence and
Performance Guide
Supporting Physicians’
Professionalism and
Performance (Fellows)

NB RACP Standards
Framework in

Typology Roles Core Competencies Domains Competencies

Descriptions Communicator Interpersonal and Communication Cultural Communication

Communication skills Competency

Collaborator Collaboration and Collaboration and

Teamwork Teamwork

Medical Expert Medical Knowledge Medical Expertise

Decision Making Judgment – Clinical

Decision Making

Technical Expertise

Professional Professionalism Ethics Professionalism

Scholar Practice based Learning Teaching, Learning and Scholarship and

and improvement Research Teaching

Manager Systems-based Practice Leadership and Management and

Management Leadership

Health Advocate Health Advocacy Health Advocacy

Patient Care The Broader Context of


 Page 24
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Australia Australia United United States

RACP RACS Kingdom of America

Responsible Royal Royal Australasian Royal College of The Royal American Board
Organization Australasian College of Surgeons Physicians and Colleges in the of Medical
College of Surgeons of Canada UK Specialists

Program My CPD CPD Program MOC Program Varies by Royal Maintenance of

Name College Certification

Mandatory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Cycle Length 1 year 1 year 5 years Typically 5 years Varies from 7-10

Cycle 100 credits Varies depending Annual: 40 credits Annual 50 credits Defined by each
Requirement on surgical type American Board
Cycle: 400 credits Cycle: 250 credits

Taxonomy of Educational Surgical Audit and Group Learning: CPD contributes to Licensure and
Included development, Peer Review Accredited or demonstrating Professional
Learning teaching & unaccredited ‘Good Medical Standing
research Hospital Practice’
Activities credentialing Self-Learning: Lifelong learning
Group learning Planned learning; All CPD can and self-
Clinical governance
Scanning; Systems include: assessment
and evaluation of
Self-assessment patient care learning
Clinical CPD:
specialty or
Structured Maintenance of Assessment: of expertise
learning projects Clinical Knowledge Knowledge or
and Skills Performance including Practice
Practice review simulation performance
and appraisal Teaching and assessment
examination Non-clinical CPD:
training in
Other learning Research and educational
activities publications supervision,
management or
Other professional
academic careers

Medical legal
Linked to Re- No for Australia No for Australia No No Yes: defined by
certification each American
Yes for New Yes in New Zealand

 Page 25
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Embedded No revalidation No revalidation Yes. MOC Program CPD is a Linked to

within process currently process currently in meets Physician component of Maintenance of
Revalidation in Australia Australia Revalidation the GMCs licensure of the
requirements of Revalidation FMSB
FMRAC appraisal

 Page 26
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Table 3: Assessment Strategies for Residents (Trainees)

Royal Australasian Royal Australasian Royal College of Physicians

Assessment Type
College of Physicians College of Surgeons and Surgeons of Canada

Direct Observation Mini-CEX* Mini-CEX - all 9 surgical Case discussion and review
]Direct observation of
procedural skills* Direct Observation of
Structured practice oral
Procedural Skills (DOPS) - all
Direct Observation of Field examinations
9 surgical specialties
Case based discussion (CBD)
Direct Observation of
Procedural skills review
Practical Professional Skills* Procedural Based
Assessment (PBA) (in some
Clinical exams – short case
specialties senior years) STACERs
and (some) long cases*
Entrustable Professional
* varies by training program
Activities (EPAs) to be
trialled in Paediatrics in 2014

Multi-source MSF tool not current used MSF tools have been
Feedback but progress reports and implemented within several
final supervisor reports may of the 9 surgical specialties
incorporate feedback from
multiple sources

Audit and Feedback Case Based Discussion Progress reports – every Written assessments of
rotation ( all 9 specialties) knowledge
Progress Reports
Research project (mandatory
(includes end of Final Supervisor Reports – all 9 specialties)
rotation reviews)
Participation in weekly
audits (some specialties)

Audit of Surgical Mortality

(some specialties)

 Page 27
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Royal Australasian Royal Australasian Royal College of Physicians

Assessment Type
College of Physicians College of Surgeons and Surgeons of Canada

Simulation OSCE (selected programs) OSCE s OSCEs

Oral Exam (selected Fellowship Examination - Surgical skills simulation

programs) Clinical vivas
High-fidelity simulations
Surgical skills simulation
courses (specialty specific) Self-assessment modules

Reflective Learning Learning Needs Analysis Log books e-learning portfolios

Tools and Learning
Portfolios Professional Qualities On-line logbooks (most Procedural logs
Reflection specialties)
On-line goal setting and self-
assessment modules & tools Lifelong learning curriculum

 Page 28
Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Table 4: Assessment Strategies for International Graduates (pursuing certification)

Assessment Type Royal Australasian Royal Australasian Royal College of Physicians

College of Physicians College of Surgeons and Surgeons of Canada

Direct Mandatory peer review Mini-CEX (some specialties) Practice Eligibility:

Observation reports (two reviewers)
Direct Observation of 6 months of direct onsite
Clinical exams – short
Procedural Skills (DOPS) practice assessment
case/long case*
(some specialties) MRA (provincial) assessments
Practice visit* vary in length
Top up training* includes Supervision during practice
relevant assessments electives
including mini-clinical
evaluation exercises, etc
Multi-source Mandatory 360 Practice Eligibility MSF tool (in
Collected during practice
Feedback assessment development)
PAR mandatory for physicians
in specific provinces

Audit and Progress reports – every Practice Eligibility

Peer review process
Feedback rotation (6 months) (mid-
requires regular meetings Chart stimulated recall
for feedback, plus peer term and end of term –
some specialties) Knowledge assessment (based
review reports with written
feedback and response at on RC certification exam
3-monthly intervals. questions)

Practice visit* includes Chief of Staff confidential

audit of case notes and report re: competence and
verbal and written performance
Performance assessments
Top up training* includes based on practice scope
formal audit and feedback
by supervisor

Simulation Clinical exams – short Fellowship Examination - CEHPEA (Ontario) includes an

case/long case* Clinical vivas (those who are OSCE
Top up training* may required to pass exam)
include simulation-based

 Page 29
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Reflective Mandatory Online On-line goal setting and 2-year CPD learning plan
Learning Tools Orientation Program self-assessment modules &
and Learning requires reflection on self. tools Documentation of learning
activities and outcomes in
Participation in College
Portfolios MAINPORT
CPD program is
Top up training* includes
reflective components such
as learning needs analysis,
logbook, etc.

* Not all assessments are required of all SIMGs. Practice visits, which are an intensive review of the
SIMG’s practice, are only conducted when peer review suggests that there may be a problem (>5% of
SIMGs). Top up training —an enrolment in a module of the RACP’s advanced training program — is
required for nearly 20% of SIMGs, and about 10% sit the RACP’s clinical exam.

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Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Table 5: Assessment Strategies for Continuing Professional Development

Royal Australasian Royal Australasian Royal College of Physicians
Assessment Type
College of Physicians College of Surgeons and Surgeons of Canada

Direct Traineeships

Multi-source Incorporated in regular Surgical Competence and Physician Achievement

Feedback practice review (not Performance guide for self Review (PAR) – now
mandatory) and peer assessment. mandatory in 3 provinces
360 form (introduced July

Audit and 5% of CPD records are All surgeons are required to Credit Validation of CPD
Feedback audited each year, with participate in their specialty activities
Fellows asked for audits CPD (with random
documentation of all CPD verification) Self-assessment modules in
activities. Bioethics

10 hours peer review Performance assessment

activities mandated by tools (in development)

Participation in one clinical

audit each year mandated
in NZ.

Simulation Surgical skills assessment

Task trainers

Virtual – online cases

Standardized patients

 Page 31
 Work-based assessment: a practical guide

Portfolios and Leaning plan encouraged On-line learning diary MAINPORT: document
reflective learning in MyCPD learning activities and
tools outcomes
Reflection on learning
rewarded with credit in Optional tools:
Goal setting tool

CPD planning tool

Lifelong Learning modules

 Page 32

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