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Chapter 2 Efficiency

Algorithm Analysis (Time & Space Complexity)

Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Lists, Stacks, and Queues Trees (and Search)
Common Data Structures
Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Hashing Heaps / Priority Queues

Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Common Algorithms closely

Sorting Graph Algorithms related to the data structures

CSCI3320/8325: Data Structures 1

CSCI3320/8325: Data Structures 2
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Complexity of the insertion operation is
O(h), where h is heap's height. Taking
into account completeness of the tree,
O(h) = O(log n), where n is number of
elements in a heap.

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null path length (npl) of a node x
npl(x) = min distance to a descendant with 0 or 1 children
npl(null) = -1
npl(leaf) = 0
npl(single-child node) = 0

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