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As Cassandra, Ferguson warns us of the power available to these IT giants.

contends that 80 per cent of all the news appearing on Google and Facebook is
recycled therefore not obedient to their laws

A crucial test will be the 2020 US presidential election. In 2016, Hilary Clinton

had the support of Silicon Valley moguls. Yet she relied upon traditional
methods of campaigning, spent twice as much as Donald Trump, and lost.
Trump targeted the small voter through social media, and won

Ferguson agrees with Williams. He argues that access to information does not
ipso facto lead to social equality. He has realised that while the population of
social platform users has expanded across the globe, become diffused,
ownership of those platforms is increasingly concentrated in a few hands. He
cites the revenues Facebook and Google raise from advertising revenues.

the most crucial event in our history was the invention of the printing press in
the 15th century. Optimists then saw in its power of dissemination the Utopian
dream of a global community

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