Atty Ana Lea Uy

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Atty. ANA LEA H.


Atty. Ana Lea Uy is an environmental lawyer by profession. She finished her

Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science Degree Cum Laude and Bachelor of Laws
Degree at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. She proceeded to take Master
of Laws in International Environmental Law at King’s College, University of London
in 2002 under the British Chevening Scholarship Program.

She used to work in the Philipine Senate Committees on Environment and Science &
Technology back in 1990s. She took part in the research and drafting of critical
environmental laws like Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Toxic and Hazardous Waste
Act. After she became a lawyer in 1998, she was engaged as a Consultant of the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources where she was able to advise
the Pollution Adjudication Board and take part in the revision of the Manual for
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), among others.

She ventured into the field of legal environmental compliance when she worked as
Legal Counsel of Philippine Airlines in 1997. She worked closely with the Pollution
Control Officer to make sure that the company is compliant with all environmental

She is currently a Consultant of several environment-related project implemented

by development institutions like the World Bank, USAID, World Health Organization
(WHO), among others. She was the Team Leader of the recently concluded Manila
Third Sewerage Project (MTSP), and Integrated Water Quality Management Project
of the World Bank. She is now working on USAID and Philippine Water
Partnership’s Project (PWP) entitled to “Amendments of the Water Code” and the
UNDP’s Project entitled “Sunset Review of the Disaster Risk , Reduction and
Management Law.”

She is also a lecturer at the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Program (MCLE)
of the University of the Philippines. Lastly, she is the Managing Partner of Rojas and
Uy Law Offices based in Quezon City.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome Atty. Ana Lea Uy.

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