Introduction To Data Handling1609762591.0289483

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Introduction to Data


• 6 Years in teaching
Collecting Data

Before collecting data, we need to know what we would use it for

Organisation Of Data

Let’s understand this with the help of Google sheets.

Representative Values

We realize that average is a number that represents or shows the central

tendency of a group of observations or data. Since average lies between
the highest and the lowest value of the given data so, we say average is a
measure of the central tendency of the group of data. Different forms of
data need different forms of representative or central value to describe it.
One of these representative values is the “Arithmetic mean”.
Concept Introduction
Have you seen graphs in the newspapers, television, magazines, books etc.?
The purpose of the graph is to show numerical facts in visual form so that
they can be understood quickly, easily and clearly.
Concept Introduction
Graphs are visual representations of data collected. Data can also be
presented in the form of a table; however a graphical presentation is easier
to understand. This is true in particular when there is a trend or comparison
to be shown.
Concept A Bar graph
A bar graph is used to show comparison among categories. It may consist of
two or more parallel vertical (or horizontal) bars (rectangles).
Concept A Bar graph
The bar graph shows Anu’s mathematics marks in the three terminal
examinations. It helps you to compare her performance easily. She has
shown good progress.
Concept A Bar graph
Bar graphs can also have double bar. This graph gives a comparative
account of sales (in ₹) of various fruits over a two-day period. How is this
graph different from the previous graph?
Concept A Pie graph (or a circle-graph)
A pie-graph is used to compare parts of a whole. The circle represents the
whole. It shows the percentage of viewers watching different types of TV
Concept A Histogram
A Histogram is a bar graph that shows data in intervals. It has
adjacent bars over the intervals.
Concept A Histogram
The histogram illustrates the distribution of weights (in kg) of 40 persons of
a locality.
Concept A line graph
A line graph displays data that changes continuously over periods of time.
Concept A line graph
When Renu fell sick, her doctor maintained a record of her body
temperature, taken every four hours. It was in the form of a graph.
We may call this a “time-temperature graph”.
It is a pictorial representation of the following data, given in tabular form.
Concept A line graph
The horizontal line (usually called the x-axis) shows the timings at which the
temperatures were recorded. What are labelled on the vertical line (usually
called the y-axis)?

Fig 1 Fig 2
Concept A line graph
In figure 1: Each piece of data is shown by a point on the square grid.
In figure 2: The points are then connected by line segments. The result is
the line graph.
Thank you

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