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Nordic Journal of Botany


Grubben, G. J. H. & Denton, 0. A. (eds) 2004. Plant is sometimes arbitrary, e. g . commodity groups spices and
resources of Tropical Africa 2. Vegetables. - PROTA condiments. Such problems of delineation are inherent in
works, such as the PROSEA and PROTA, which deal with
Foundation, Wageningen, NetherlandsiBakhuys h b - commodities. An alternative strategy could be to use the
lishers, Leiden, Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, approach of Burkill, H. M. 1985-2000 The useful plants of
Netherlands. 668 pp. ISBN 90-5782-147-8 (book West Tropical Africa, that has recently been completed at The
only). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and which gives an excellent
overview of the properties of the species in that region under
Seventy four scientists have contributed to this volume which one single heading - the species. As the latter work does not
is the second to appear in the new series of PROTA. Most of work commodity-wise, that and PROTA supplement each
the scientists have contributed with only a few species, while other in a good way.
a few , such as C. H. Bosch and P. C. M. Jansen have dealt In the present volume more than 1 10 important vegetable
with quite a number of species of tropical African vegetables, species are dealt with. In addition accounts on about 170
that are cultivated and or wild. vegetable species of minor importance are included. The
As is the case for many plant species also vegetable entries for the important vegetable species include: Scientific
species may have more uses. The baobab (Adansonia name, Protologue, Synonyms, Family, (and family the
digitata L.), which is used as a leafy vegetable, has for Angiosperm Phylogeny Group) Chromosome number,
instance several secondary uses, e. g. edible h i t , oils from Vernacular names, Origin and geographic distribution;
the seeds, branches and leaves for forage, bark for fibre, and Production and international trade, Properties, Description,
bark and fruit for medicine. Because the use as vegetable is Other botanical information, Ecology, Propagation and
the primary one the baobab is treated is this volume. In the planting, Management, Diseases and pests, Harvesting, Yield,
PROTA series species, that have the primary use as vegetable Handling after harvest, Genetic resources, Breeding;
but also have other primary uses shall be fully described in Prospects, Major references, Other references, Sources of
the other commodity groups. Cassava (Manihot esculenta illustration, and Author(s). A line drawing and map of
Crank) is also important as leafy vegetable, but as its primary Tropical Africa with distribution is included for each of the
use is the starchy root it is going to be treated in PROTA 8: major species. The volume is concluded by lists of Vegetables
Carbohydrates. with other primary use; Literature (84 1/2 pages); Index of
In order to avoid the long lists of countries of distribution scientific plant names, and Index of vernacular plant names;
a map is included for each of the major species if the Information on PROTA and CTA (the Technical Centre for
information on the distribution has been sufficient to allow Agricultural and Rural Cooperation), and a map of Africa.
that. Due to different culinary traditions, climatic and market The present volume is an eye-opener regarding the
conditions in different parts of tropical Africa, the availability diversity and uses of tropical African vegetables and it
and relative importance of vegetables in the urban markets provides excellent encyclopedic knowledge on the species. It
vary. The leaf cabbage (Brassica oleracea) is for instance provides a testimony on the may services, that the African
rarely seen in Nigerian markets whereas it is frequenly sold agricultural systems provide for the population and gives us
in Kenya, the bird pepper (Capsicum annuum) is very neatly ordered and consistent information. The editors and
popular in Nigeria unlike what is the case in Kenya. authors are commended for this excellent volume, which
Vegetable is defined as “succulent plant parts consumed as ought to be found on the book shelves of every institution
side dish with a starchy staple food”. A simple definition, but dealing with tropical botany, nutrition, health and
as mentioned by the editors, the dedlineation of a commodity agriculture. Further information on
Ivan Nielsen

298 Nord. J. Bot. 23(3)

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