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1. Create a view joining multiple tables.

2. Update the data in base tables through view.

3. Create a read-only view.
4. Update view definition to retrieve data from different tables.
5. Delete the view from schema.
6. Join views with tables.
7. Join a view with another view.
8. Write a pl/sql program to print welcome message on the console.
9. Pl/sql program to find the given number is even or odd.
10. Write a PL/SQL program to check whether a given number is positive, negative or zero.
11. Write a PL/SQL program to arrange the number of two variable in such a way that the small
number will store in num_small variable and large number will store in num_large variable.
12. Retrieve a value from a table and store it in a variable using pl/sql block.
13. Retrieve multiple values from a table using pl/sql program.
14. Write a PL/SQL program to count number of employees in a specific department.
15. Create a stored procedure to print first 10 numbers.

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