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Marketing project report

Sunsip limopani
To: Sir Saeed Abbas

Group Members:
 Sarah Shoukat
 Sundas Nisar
 Hira jatoi
 Sadia Abbasi
 M.Sumair

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Executive summary
The purpose of this project is to make us aware of what marketing strategies a marketer
has to do while launching the new product. and how they make their product
competitive in market to gain the big chunk of market share. And we were being given
the product sunsip limopani. our product sunsip Sunsip Limopani is from the house of
Hilal Pioneer in Presenting Traditional Flavors. Hilal feels proud to say that they are
pioneer in presenting the traditional flavors for better customer satisfaction through the
modern manufacturing techniques.

The strategies to develop this brand are in accordance to the Marketing /mix which is
the synonym of 4 ps prduct, price, place, and promotion and are made after analyzing
the market and after doing swot analyses that the opportunities of limopani are its low
price and traditional flavor and is sugar free. The threats are its large number of
competitors. Strength is its customers with lower income to whom it is affordable.

The product have been distributed in the rural areas of Pakistan and segmentation is
mainly done geographically and then according to demographics and psychographics
and behaviors.
Sunsip Limopani is from the house of Hilal Pioneer in Presenting Traditional Flavors. Hilal started
its business in 1952 and is presently Pakistan leading confectionary producer.Hilal has been
synonymous with excellent quality confectionery products for the past fifty years. Over the last
half century, the company has diversified its product range, with a variety of popular new
confectioneries for consumers all over Pakistan to enjoy. Hilal Confectionery is a market pioneer
and leader with their classic range of candies and bubble gums - now newer, improved, and
innovative products like chocolates, wafers and powdered drinks have also had a substantial
impact on the marketplace. Hilal, along with its ancillary concerns, currently holds the title of
market leader in confectionery, and it envisions to not only maintain this position, but also to
replicate this success in new product categories. Company includes following products:

 Chocolates
 Bubbles gums
 Jellies
 Candies
 Bakery products
 Powdered drinks
 Wafers
 Chew toffees
 Gift packs
 Pan masala

Hilal feels proud to say that they are pioneer in presenting the traditional flavors for better
customer satisfaction through the modern manufacturing techniques. The Company believes
that success requires the highest standards of corporate behavior towards their employees,
consumers and the societies of the world in which we live.In line with this vision, the production
units at Hyderabad were recently shifted to the main city of Karachi.In 1993 it started
manufacturing bubbles gum and then 2044 it started powder business under the brand name

VISION STATEMENT: Hilal, along with its ancillary concerns, currently holds the title of market
leader in confectionery, and it envisions to not only maintain this position, but also to replicate
this success in new product categories also. Being number one means having to anticipate the
customers’ needs and desires. No one does this well than Hilal.

MISSION STATEMENT:To achieve customer satisfaction in response to changing market


 To innovate within existing products and technologies according to market trends

 To maintain its high market share and market leadership
 To be accessible to all segments in the market

Hilal Confectionery (Pvt) Ltd has always given priority to consumer preferences in the market,
appealing to different market segments inclusive of all demographic segments. Given the
company’s focus on high quality, food safety, nutritional value, and consumer appeal, Hilal has
achieved the title of market leader in the Pakistani confectionery market.HILAL has a portfolio of
brands that are popular across the globe, its major global customers are Afghanistan, Congo,
Bangladesh.Lovary coast, Jordan, NewZealand, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri lanka and United
Kingdom.localy it is also very popular among its consumers in Karachi, Hyderabad .Its market
share is about 75% than its competitors because of its different products and in future it will be
80 to 85% as company’s expects. HILAL seems to be competitive because they work according to
their core values which is “Sister concerns of Hilal, involved in manufacturing of confectionery
and powdered drinks, place a great emphasis on quality control by using modernized plants that
are operated by qualified and trained staff. Atomization is encouraged, and progressive, custom
software has been introduced for nearly all the departments. Innovation through latest
technology utilization and optimum utilization of qualified staff members is the basic tenet on
which Hilal thrives. Hilal is competitive because of its better quality and believe of customers on
it that they will provide a traditional touch in some of their products. Besides ISO 9002, Hilal
Confectionery also follows the following International standards:

 USP (United States Pharmacopoeia)

 B.P (British Pharmacopoeia)
 AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists)
 FCC  (Food Chemical Codex)
 FDA  (Food and Drug Administration)

These standards and certifications provide us with the license to compete with most companies
in the International market and ultimately gain acceptance within foreign consumers. Currently,
Hilal Confectionery is working towards gaining the certification of HACCP.  .Its competitive
setting is perfect competition with their competitors. HILAL’s research methodology relies on in-
depth Local and International market surveys. Innovative ideas are tested for practicality by
sampling products within the R&D lab and specific segments of consumers within the market.
Product development is parallel to research conducted through various tests within the market
resulting in a positive feedback at the time of product launching.Insdustry works with its
middleman they are also involved in their productions and manufacturing. They believe that
when all member work together then it increase effectiveness and creativity.Company’s main
market is Mid East and its total annual sales volume is US$10 Million and US$50 Million.

Hilal confectionary operates in a large microenvironment where it has to face different
opportunities and threats shaped by the environment. These forces are examined below that
how each of the factor is affecting the industry.

1. Economic factors: Hilal always sets its prices that can be easily affordable to its
customers. Hilal has positioned Limopani as a premium brand catering to all marketing
segments since the people of Pakistan are mostly the white collared so they prefer to
maintain some standards in low income. Hilal keeps the prices of limopani at minimum,
charging very little brand premium in their bid to remain competitive and maintain
market share. Hilal prefers to set such prices of its products that its target customers
can easily afford it. And inflation and other economic variables impact the company in
such a manner that sometimes it creates opportunities as well as threats. Because in
Pakistan purchasing power of people is inversely proportional to the prices so they have
set prices accordingly without affecting their sells.

2. Technological factors: Hilal has been the leader in manufacturing of the confectionary
products. So change in technology can affect the company in such a way that the company have
different agencies that manufacture products for the company like the product limopani is being
manufactured by kings food (pvt) ltd so they have to adopt latest technology of manufacturing
the products for hilal. And hilal is using different software’s to manage the inventory level of the
firm and to be in touch with the suppliers. Nowadays tang is the larger competitor of limopani so
if the tang acquires the new IT products or innovative technology so it will directly affect to the
manufacturer of limopani.
3. Competitive factors: competitor is one who directly affects the company the close
competitors of Hilal are kidko, Mayfair candyland, B.P ,Cadbury and etc so hilal is operating in
oligopoly market where there are few competitors and does not directly impacts to the
strategies of hilal. So advertisement is the core factor that can influence to the company and
generate the market share. And hilal is being threatening through promotional activities of the
competitors because the promotional activities of hilal are not so much high as of its
competitors. But the key thing that hilal has that makes it unique is that it has mainly focused on
youth its products are mainly designed for youngsters like freshup and limopani, and many
toffees and chews.
4. Regulatory factors: mostly hilal manufactures the products that matches the laws and
regulations of the state (Pakistan) and it’s an Islamic state and its name is hilal so there are no
such rules and regulations of the country that are being abided by the firm. But is it also operates
in different geographic regions like Mideast, North America and East Asia so there are also no any
influence from state to the company.
5. Social factors: hilal is a company which is persistence of cultural values. It has been known
to produce traditional flavors launch of limopani have proved it. This is not focusing on older
generation but to younger’s and adults too. In most of the countries lemon and its juices have
been preferred by people specially of Asia so the product of hilal limopani is substitute of that
limopani juice which is an instant energy drink. And its density is in urban and rural areas
as well. It focuses on the age group of 6-45 who possess income level of 6000

The customer market of Sunsip Limopani is the consumer market which consists of
households and individuals who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Means they are
seasonal consumers who buys Limopani in hot weather or in summer. They have personal consumers
who buy for their home, they have impulse consumers who buys Limopani in every season or time
because they just love it, they have need based consumer who buys Limopani when they need energy
because it’s an refreshing and energetic drink, and they also have discount driven consumers who buys
mostly in any religious occasions like Ramadan because at that time mostly they get discounts.

DEMOGRAPHIC: Sunsip Limopani is for all age group regardless of gender, size and density. But its big
target market is youth because they have a busy schedule and to manage that schedule they want
energy and Sunsip Limopani is the best and instant solution of their problem.
SOCIOECONOMIC: Sunsip Limopani is mostly preferred by people of all income level because of its affordable
price. If we see in general then we will find that sometimes lemon becomes more costly. Because of its traditional
flavor everyone can easily buy this without any cultural issue.

LIFE STYLE: This type of drink is mostly avoided by Professional athletes because they don’t prefer artificial flavors’
they take this as a matter of health so they go for fresh energy drinks.

In hot weather Limopani is a need of market because this is instant drink works as a refreshing and an energetic
drink. Mostly in homes when females used to cook in hot weather they really need this and children/teenagers
when they come from schools, colleges/universities in hot noon they need this to be at safe side and office workers
need this because they have to manage many things in office as well as in their homes.

The typical buying process of most customers in case of Sunsip Limopani starts from their need for energy when
they feel their selves low then they recognize their need of having an instant energy drink, there are some other
competitors of Limopani who offers such a drink so then a customer search out some hidden information about
the product which makes it different like price etc. then a customer go for evaluation of other alternatives which are
Tang, Energile etc. in this stage they compare different brands then after evaluation they go for purchase of
Limopani and then make post purchase behavior as if Limopani will satisfy their need then they will go for further
purchases and also guide his/her relatives or friends for the purchase of Limopani otherwise he/she will discourage
other peoples as well. If we talk about buying behavior for Limopani then buyers don’t have high involvement in its
purchasing because of low cost so it lies in the category of variety seeking buying behavior.

Yes Limopani have different segments. By introducing Limopani Hilal focused on groups which were ignored by its
competitor as Tang. And that group is of middle and lower class of the society. That is the main reason why
Limopani was launched in sachets. Moreover Limopani’s main focus is on teenagers as it is
refreshing and energeti c drink and basically its target audience is general public.
HILAL has segmented the market on the following basis:

• Geographic
• Demographic
• Psychographic
• Behavior
And these different segments have different preferences, purchasing power, purchasing
frequency, size of households etc.

If wholesalers’ and retailers are involved in the marketing of your product then company gives them discount or
can give reward to them because these both things are the need of every person because it gives them profit. The
wholesalers and retailers involved in the marketing of the Limopani in this way that the major objective of any seller
or retailer is to maximize the revenue from the sales or increase the number of their customers. So, they can get
high revenue from their sales. Limopani is involved their retailers and wholesalers in this manner that they
providing their product (limopani) at low cost than their competitor tang. So, this is in the favor of the wholesaler
and retailer to keep the limopani as their selling product and to give first preference to Limopani is also in the favor
of their sales. Because customer will purchase that product whose price is affordable and less and that product also
has good quality. Limopani is one of this product that is offering less price than their other like tang, frutiliy etc. and
limopani is also has good quality and they don't compromise on their quality. The wholesalers and retailers are key
player in the selling of any product. In the case of limopani the wholesalers and retailers can helps the limopani in
this manner that they can suggest or recommend their customers to purchase the limopani than any other brand
like tang. They can tell the benefits of limopani to their customers. They can aware their customers about the
Limopani. The wholesalers and retailers can influence the buying decision of their customers.
Competitor Analysis
 We know that competitors serve the same target market; same is the case with Sunsip
Limopani. This product has few but very close competitors like Tang, Rooh Afza and
Energile. The target market of Limopani is Young generation and all people who take
energy supplements. The manufacture company saw the huge market of other drinks
which energize the people in the given weather. Pakistan is mostly hot in weather
especially in summer, so people mostly wanted to refresh themselves in that particular
situation which is given by these powered energy drinks, Sunsip Limopani is one of
them. People consume more this product because lemon juice is mostly consumed in
water to provide refreshment from sweating. Limopani does not have extraordinary
features, it is very common and consumed again and again, on the other hand Tang and
Energile are also used in hot weather but they can also use in the winter season and the
demand among them is mostly of Tang and it is also best product in order to serve the
guest(hospitality). Due to this potential competitor people are not buying Limopani the
most, they prefer Tang over Limopani.

 The Tang is the manufacture product of KRAFT FOODS. Tang is available in more than 30
countries, on six continents, and is very popular among consumers of all ages. For
example: In India KRAFT was able to make Tang available over 300,000 retail stores
within 60 days. This shows that they have high place activity means Tang is available
everywhere every time, not only in India but overall the globe, and also Tang travels
overall the galaxy with variety of new flavors, new formulas and so on, which is not case
with Limopani. So in result the market share of Limopani tends down due to increase in
the market share of Tang. Tang is mostly consumed brand with 24% which is greater
than all other drinks. Market share of Tang is greater than Limopani in current position
which is 40% and Limopani has market share of 20% respectively, in result the potential
competitor of Limopani is Tang. KRAFT FOODS has enjoyed tremendous growth with
Tang in the last few years in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines and the Middle
East. Despite this, its sales are still very small when compared with other major drink
sellers like COCA-COLA.  While Tang sold the equivalent of 20 billion servings of Tang last
year. Even at $1 billion in annual sales, Tang is still a small part of Kraft's overall sales,
which totaled more than $49 billion in 2010. Tang provides different flavors along with
that different Vitamins and minerals which customers prefer but Limopani is limited in

 The four Ps are traditionally Marketing elements, it is within the Sales function that they
really come to life. Kraft sets an affordable price so that the consumers having low level
of income can also purchase this product along with midlevel and high level of income
consumers, not very high price they set, only affordable. And on the other hand within
Sales, Kraft focuses on meeting the needs of both customers and consumers. Kraft does
this by ensuring that products are always available on retailers' shelves for consumers.
For promoting more they do advertising and run their campaign to promote more and
more this product, not the old one only, but they always add the new features in their
campaign like changing the slogan etc, in order to attract the customers and consumers
to purchase this product and make awareness of Tang very commonly in many regions
and areas.
 40 years ago, man first walked on the moon. This historic event got him thinking about
Tang, a product that he drank as a kid to "get his vitamins just like the astronauts."
Tang is a powdered drink with a name that was taken from "tangerine" because the
product initially was orange-colored and citrus-based. This example tells that Tang is for
everyone from astronauts to common person, Tang attracts the customers which are at
any age they can be child, young generation, professional, sport players, students, aged
people etc.

 The Tang’s Company has final strengths and business scale, diverse range of leading
product, near to $50 billion revenue, sales in more than 160 countries, 25% revenue
from global market and finally high quality of product. On the other hand the
weaknesses of Tang’s Company are, difficulty in launching new brand other than Tang,
most of growth is dependent of expanding the market, poor stock performance, and
strong competition from Nestle vs. Tang. In light of Limopani product idea, that it
quenches the thirst, and mostly consumed in home country, the Tang’s strength and
idea is better because Tang competes Limopani with high range and variety of features
and Tang is not limited to Pakistan but it is present in other countries also.

 Kraft does sell all its products including Tang, but they are also in food market. This is
major point of difference between Kraft and other industries like Coca Cola. Some
examples of foods product are Kraft dinner, Delissio and Jello.
Another point of difference regarding beverages is target marketing, Kraft mostly targets
people ages 2-10 and 20-30. They do not have other products at teenage market but
Coca-Cola is the product which is at teenage market because they want to establish the
loyal customers. Kraft also sells product for children especially, but Coca-Cola does not
focus on younger children.
Kraft major portfolio is Coffee. Kraft sells 10 different types of Coffee for 20+ age.
Everyone enjoy the 1 to 4 cup a day, to keep them awake, now a days most of people
does not get enough sleep, in result they are tired. Kraft knew that and has main focus
on Coffee. This is the point of difference from Coca-Cola because Coke only sells one
type of product “Soft Drinks”. Kraft has dominance because a lot of their brands are very
popular in world especially like Coffee

External Review
The high sales of product or profit not only come due to benefits of products and its
usage, but there are other external ways which affects the sales of products and profit
obtain from it. These can be positive and negative, positive are Opportunities and
negative are Threats. Opportunities help increase the sales and profit while Threats
affect badly in sales and profit.


 Unique flavor.

 Increase in population gives another opportunity to increase market share.

 Limopani has a brand image in people’s mind.

 It can go for line extension in different flavors and entre the category of pure juices.

 Growing market improving &economical conditions & health awareness.

 Afghanistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka export.

 Less chances of World Trade Organization (WTO) impact.


 The biggest threat for Limopani has always been the competitors in the industry.

 Prices and inflation rate increases day by day, this reduces the purchasing power of the
customers and the lower income groups may find it difficult to afford Limopani which
will directly put a negative impact on the revenue.

 Other low price brands.

 Increasing cost of advertisement.

 Imported raw material.

The external review tells that by opportunities of this product it can get the benefit of
increase in market share due to high sales but the threats can cause the failure of its
brand image in people’s mind and result in low revenue. Company have faced some of
them but in future it will face next (other) opportunities and threats, so it should cope
up with these threats and try to avail the opportunities to overcome the threats and
maintain its brand image and make increase its sales which ultimately results in high

Internal Review
Every company or organization has the Strengths and Weaknesses (Internal Analysis),
likewise Limopani is the product of Kings Food, and so the company has the strengths
and also the product Limopani has Strengths (factors which increase the sale of product
ultimately the benefits of products), which are as follows

 It is popular drink in summer that quenches the thirst.

 Maintains the water- electrolyte balance (supplement of minerals).

 Act as instant source of energy and coolant the body temperature (refreshing and
soothing effect).

 Enhances resistances towards diseases.

 Affordable price (competitively economical).

 Sachet packing.

 No risk of weight gain.

 Easy to made.

These are the strengths of product which may increase sales of product and the profit of
company and; these are the benefits of using this product and people find this product as


 Company’s inability to maintain its distribution even when they do publicity at large.

 Seasonal variations in sales (most important).

 Ever changing customers preferences like; now customers ask for convenience.

 Ever changing external environment.

 No brand image.

 No previous experience.

These are the internal factors which affect the sales of product over other products.

By looking at both the strengths made the profit potential than weaknesses tend down
its sale. The product nature is that these weaknesses arise without any fault in product or
any mistake of company. But along with this, mostly customers prefer this product which
results in increase profit.

LIMOPANI’s main focus on teenagers as it is refreshing and energetic drink and basically
our targeting audience is general public We are focusing on that areas which are ignore
by TANG like middle class, lower class society. That is the main reason why LIMOPANI is
launched in sachets..We segmented market on the following basis:

 Geographic
 Demographic
 Psychographic
 Behavioral

1. GEOGRAPHIC: Country: Pakistan

Region: North, South, East, West.( Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore , Gujranwala,

Peshawar etc)

Density: Urban, Suburban, and Rural

Here we divide market in different groups based on age, gender, family
size, occupation, religion, race and nationality.

AGE: 13-35 (mostly people engaged in sport activates/professional athletes)

20-45 (field workers mostly rural areas means lower class)
45+ (seniors).
GENDER: All male and female (youngsters, old people every one because it gives a
traditional taste to over ancestor)
INCOME: As we have earlier told you that our main focus is on lower class so they
can also afford it with the income of 6000 or above.
FAMILY SIZE: Single, Couple, Couple with Children’s, Extended families .
RACE: Any because lemon is used by all


Divide group based on lifestyle, social class and personality .

LIFE STYLE: Health conscious people who exercise and avoid energy drinks which
have artificial flavorings .These kinds of drinks specially avoided by professional
SOCIAL CLASS: It is an economical drink which can be afforded by anyone specially
the sachets.


on the following basis:

OCCASION: is regular but mostly in RAMADAN.

BENEFITS: Refreshing, energetic and provide a traditional taste.
2. Marketing objectives for limopani:
 Increase sales by 75% this quarter
 Limopani’s objective is to get high market share in overall drink category.
 Better acceptance by all age groups same as of original Lemon
 Increase sales to existing customers for limopani by 85%
 Attract new customers for our product.
 Maintained competitive incentives for direct resellers
 Ensure that our products were conveniently accessible to our customers
 Concentrate on advertising and distribution
 Constantly stay aware of our position and that of competitors within the
 Increase Brand Awareness
 Launched new products (flavors) to reach more of the more market.
 Increase the frequency of ads on different TV channels and radio.
 Explore new market for our product and then we will introduce our product
in that market in order to attract new customers.
 Increase the size of sachet and ratio of the powder.
 Shelves of limopani will be provided by the company to different retail

3. Segmentation of market done by limopani

on the bases of value proposition:
 Demographic Our value proposition on the basis of demographics is it fulfills
the immediate energy requirement of children who use to play different games.
And it also provides freshness to working male and female who feel tired by
working 8 to 10 hours in their offices. And for those who like traditional flavors
regardless of male and female.

 Geographic It is mainly available in local retailer stores where everybody can

reach easily specially in rural areas of Pakistan who do not have approach to
have fresh juices and want traditional flavors.

 Psychographic It is specially designed to fulfill the need of middle and lower

income level people because in Pakistan poverty is being increasing day by day
so the middle and lower class is being affected through it. So it can be easily
affordable to lower class people.
 Behavioral it is an instant energy drink available at low prices so people can
have it on different occasions like in mehandi and mayun functions in Pakistan
before having their meal because it also works as appetizer. On regular basis
school going students can carry sachet of limopani with them at schools because
it is instant energy drink any one can made it easily even children.


“For those who need energy
and freshness in their rough busy schedule, especially for low income people,
limopani is an instant energy drink which offers a traditional flavor of lemon
along with affordability, lifestyle and reasonable price”.


Sunsip Limopani was launched as a consumer product. The first thing which
differentiates Limopani from its direct competitor is its traditional taste of
Lemonade (as people were used to of homemade drink of this type) which is its
competitive advantage as well. Limopani is an affordable refreshing drink at a
price, which is less than its major competitors. It delivers what it promises “any
time anywhere”. A drink that quenches thirst, maintains the water-electrolyte
balance. Sunsip Limopani is a convenient product as it is present mostly at every
outlet. Limopani’s advertising is very strong as it shows love, care and affection among family
and friends. Sunsip Limopani has targeted the market, which was ignored by its competitors,
and it is one of the points of differentiation. Balance formulation provides supplement
of mineral and vitamin “C”. It acts as a coolant and enhances resistance towards

6. Differentiation Strategy and Positioning

HILAL has proud that they are pioneer in presenting the traditional flavors for
better customer satisfaction through the modern manufacturing techniques.
HILAL has always keeping in mind the consumer’s preference and changing taste.
They have positioned themselves as one of the leading companies in the industry
providing good quality at affordable price according to the customers’ needs and
wants. HILAL has positioned Limopani as offering quality & taste at competition
based price. Also they are able to capture a portion of market from their
competitors. HILAL has positioned Sun Sip Limopani.

HILAL has competitive advantage of traditional flavor of lemonade as compared

to TANG. HILAL has differentiated Limopani on the basis of “PRODUCT

The SUNSIP brand has established Limopani as energetic instant and refreshing
drink. Positioning statement is “KABHEE BHI…….. KAHEEN BHI……….”’. Their unique
selling proposition is providing an instant drink at any time any where. Limopani
has built a strong brand image in customer’s mind with the idea of “kabhi bhi
Kahin bhi” means it is available everywhere anytime with ease. Its promotional
campaign and advertising has not only succeeded in developing product
association in the mind of customers, but also have set a bench-mark that other
companies need to follow in order to successful. Actually, the target market
of Limopani is everybody.

Limopani has differentiation strategy to enhance the product quality and make it
more innovative. Value proposition of Limopani also determines the
differentiation from the other competitors like TANG which ultimately increase
the profitability of Hilal Company.

Limopani has several competitive advantages from other competitors, as

discussed that its massive advantage is of Lemonade flavor, its quality and
available on very cheap price. On the basis of these advantages the positioning
of this product is made in customer’s mind, the very right position is only this
and company’s main focus is on enhancing its quality in Lemon flavor to build
customer value through this differentiation strategy.

POSITIONING MAP: Diagram shows the position of Limopani along

with its competitor’s position.
The position which Limopani holds in the minds of the target people is of high value. It
offers people more value than just a flavored drink; however the competitors lead in the
area of perceptions, as TANG is considered to be the best and of most high value. In
reality the prices of Limopani and Tang are somewhat same but still it is not considered
as a first-class brand.

Marketing Mix (4 Ps)

The marketing mix is crucial when determining a product or brand's offering, and is
synonymous with the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place; Here Sunsip
Limopani has different marketing mix strategy among other products.

1) Product:

Hilal (Pvt) ltd, the company saw the huge market of flavoured powered drinks like Tang,
Energile etc. So the company has to launch a new type of brand which can be easily
likeable because of differentiation among other competitors. That brand was Sunsip
Limopani which offers energy drink along with the new and different flavour of Lemon.
The reason was that in Pakistan especially in hot weather people consume the Lemon in
water to gain refreshment from sweating and heat of sun so this was the opportunity for
Hilal to launch this type of brand which makes ease for the customers to use it.

The Product offers: Attributes

 It satisfies the need of Lemon juice.

 A refreshing and delicious drink which quenches the thirst, nausea and other
summer complains.

 It’s very convenient and available in sachets and small pouches.

 Features like Lemon flavour.

 Very cheap and affordable, below the price of competitors. Most of the consumer
can easily buy.

 Consumers can use it anywhere every time especially in hot weather.

 Due to Lemon flavour it is branded as Limopani.

 Occupy less shelf space and easy to handle.

 No risk of weight gain especially to weight conscious.

 Easy to made, easy to serve, refreshing and sparkling.

 Provide adequate supplementation of Vitamins and Minerals to the users,

 Better acceptance by all age groups same as of original lemon.

The Product Packaging:

Good design contributes the product usefulness, another way to add customer value is
through distinctive product style and design. A sensational style may grab the attention
and produce pleasing appeal. As people are more and more health conscious day by day,
Limopani is packed in sun protective pouches and satchel easy to carry costly for the firm
but customers and product quality transfer is a duty of Hilal Company.

Brand Extension:
A new product or service that is related to an existing brand, but that offers a different
benefits and appeals to a different target segment.

Line Extension:

 Limoapni jar (250gm, 500gm).

 Limopani tin (900gm, 1500gm, 2500gm)

 Limopani sachet 12x24 (.25gm).

 Limopani sachet box.

 Limopani stick pack24.

 Limopani pouch (250gm, 500gm).

 Limopani pouch roadmen pack (150gm).

2) Price:

The price is very important as it determines the company's profit and hence, survival.
Adjusting the price has a deep impact on the marketing strategy. The marketer should set
a price that complements the other elements of the marketing mix. Price is the amount of
money that customers have to pay while purchasing the product. Price is the sum of all
values that customers exchange for benefits of having or using the product or services.

The following factors were considered in the pricing of Limopani.

 Marketing objective i.e. market share leadership through price penetration (lower
price for getting maximum market share.

 Marketing mix strategies.

 Costs.

 Other organizational considerations.

 The market and demand.

 Consumer perception of price and value.

 Competitor’s price.
 Other external environmental factors e.g. seasonal variations.

The value of this product is good in the consumers mind especially for those who seek for
Lemon juice in the summer. The price points are established for this product. The
customers are price sensitive, already the price of this product is very cheap so small
increase in the price will decrease the demand and the market share, because initially the
price for Limopani sated as Price Penetration i.e. set lower price to get maximum
market share. The increase in price can be imperceptible by consumers which can badly
affect the product’s perception, but more decrease in price can cause loss for the
company. The discounts are available for the trade customers and retailers as well.

The main important issue is to set that price by which product or company can get
competitive advantage over other competitors. Limopani got competitive advantage by
setting affordable price than their competitors e.g Limopani sachet is Rs.7 while Tang is
Rs.10. that’s the Reference Price of Limopani.

Although the customer’s perceived value compare to competitors is very important in

setting the price and the product is not very expensive so that the customer perceives high
price compare to competitor’s price and show high involvement. The product is same for
customers that are energy powered drink but brand is different and offerings are different
like differentiation between Tang and Limopani, and their Attributes, so the sachet price
of brand Limopani (Rs.7) is also the Differential Value Limopani compare to other
competitors in the minds if customers.

Promotion is the method used to inform and educate the chosen target audience
about the organization and the product.

The promotional strategies for LIMOPANI is consist of the following sources:

 Satellite advertisement
 Cable TV advertisement
 Radio channels
 Hoardings

The portion of Satellite advertisement is 73% because now days the most frequently
this channel is being used. Then Cable advertisement is 12%, Radio channels is 10% and
the Hoardings is 6%.
o To increase the sales in the target market, offers would be to the customers. An
example of this offer launched in RAMADAN “Buy 5 limopani pouches and get one free.
 Sponsoring Musical Programmes:
o Saaz-o-Awaz is a popular musical program where you can enjoy your favorite
ever green songs in a new style with new singer’s voice, backdrop of the show
sponsored by LIMOPANI.Even the complete show will be organizes by the company .
o Many different songs like (ALLAH HI ALLAH. Ay dill mjhe bta dey etc) will be
remixed and will be present in a new way on different satellite channels .
o The new commercial of Sunsip lImopani is about product awareness, teaching
what the right way to product is, in proper quality and quantity.
o Our aim is to win back the customers loyalty and the position. We want to
respond the competition with the strong position so that we can get the market share
greater than our customer’s .Re- Design packaging for a fresh look and attractiveness
because today attractive things is selling more. The most important thing is to make the
friendly easy brand.

4) Place
 Place, as an element of the marketing mix, is not just about the physical location
or distribution points for products. It encompasses the management of a range
of processes involved in bringing products to the end consumer.
 The sales distribution of limopani is great. No matter which place you go
throughout Pakistan, any neighborhood or locality of whatever class, you will
find limopani at the shops. In Karachi, for example you can get limopani fro elite
supermarkets market like Ebco at the forum, Agha and naheed to small shops
and convenience stores located on the roadside and near residential localities.
 In selecting distribution channel consumer characteristics play an important role.
 The most important Factor regarding consumer is their need. These include
shopping locations and hours, credit facilities,
 Size of the market and purchase behavior.


Limopani jar, tin and sachets would be placed at all retail outlets in super
markets throughout the country.
Proper consideration has been given in market profile of all the shops with a
large “crowed-puller” Potential, e.g the Agha’s supermarket, naheed , imtiaz etc
Distribution channels

distributor orders limopani from the producer

The wholesaler orders limopani from the distributor.
Retailers order from the wholesaler and the retailer sells it to the consumer.
Usually mode of transportation is road.
There are a lot of different places in pakistan where you can get limopani
Hilal along with its other sister companies entered into export in 2001 and in this
short span of 5 years has become one of the leading company of Pakistan
exporting wide range of the its product all over the world.

In our marketing budget, the company has totaled its expenditures on
each of its inbound and outbound marketing strategies. We have re design the whole
process of LIMOPANI now here marketing budget is setting down. Develop a marketing
budget based on the cost for the media we will use, and the cost for collecting research
data and monitoring shifts in the marketplace. So we will have to allocate funds from
our operating budget to cover:

1. Advertising

2. Promotional

3. Price

4. Product

and all other costs associated with marketing .It depends on the stage of the product
where the product is lying as LIMONPANI is re design so it is also re introduce in the
market for this we have to spend more money in order to attract more customers
because at the starting of the product profit will be negative but in the future its profit
will be double than the loss. First Price will be set on the following basis:

 Retail costing and pricing

 Competitive position
 pricing below competition
 pricing above competition
 Price lining
 Material costs
 Labor costs
 Overhead costs

This is all about the setting the price by keeping in view all perspective. As the price has
been set now come to Promotional it is also important for the product because this is
main point from where our product start its journey if it is not good then our message
about the product will not be communicate properly. It wills see on the following basis:

1 .Television
2. Print media (newspaper, magazine, yellow pages etc)
3. Radio
4 .Social network

These are the sources which our company has selected for the promotion because mostly
it is being watch and listen.

After the promotion let’s move towards the Product , product will tell you the best way
to set budget if it is good and able to full fill the need of customers and also provide good
profit to retailers , distributers then you spent more on it as our product is traditional
product means it give the traditional taste so it will be beneficial to sell it through
different channels. Now we have add many other features and also change the packaging
of it then we can get profit from it by selling and communicating it in the best way. Then
after the Advertising comes in this we have also think to create the image of the product
in the mind of customers by advertising it in persuasive way and also build the public
relationship which directly reach to the buyers who avoid salesperson. We will make the
public relationship campaign used with other promotional mix elements can be very
effective and economical.

This is all about our marketing budget and all the factors which we are going to cover in
it . It will be expensive but if it work then will create and strong position in market as
well as in buyers mind along with building strong relationship with the customers.

Here is the table which shows that how much each sector is going to be invest:

CATEGORIES Estimated cost

Web research Rs.200,000
Independent research Rs.100,000
Research sub total Rs.300,000

COMMUNICATION Estimated cost per unit

Television Rs.1,500,00
Print media Rs.100,000
Radio Rs. 75000
Social media Rs. 200,000

NETWORKING Estimated cost per unit

Memberships Rs.5,00,000
Affiliation Rs.50,000
Sponsoring Rs.300,000
Networking total Rs.8500000

Marketing Calendar
months january faburary april may june july augast september october december

Advrtise low low high high at peak very high medium medium low low
T.V on different T.V channels(geo,
same as of inAry,hum
high frequency of advrtise
new addswith highwith
very high frequency
with high frequency
with low frequency
very low low negligible
Radio different radio channels(
ads withF.M)
low frequency
high frequency of advrtise
new addswith highwith
very high frequency
with high frequency
with low frequency
very low low negligible
Newspaper apply new way of adds
with customer
adds adds
with calebrities
testimonial adds testimonial adds no adds no adds no adds
facebook made pages on fbmake people aware
of product
pages and groups
on fb
with name
high frequency
of prdct promote product with
low frequency
games low frequency low frequency frequency
campaigns on streets on channels in universities sign boards banners and bill board
low frequency no adds no adds
social mktng importance of minerals
water purificationNGO works importance of fluids
for humanns
with fun limopani and summer
limopani instant drink
no any no any no any
new product launch
nill nill limopani with black
paper in liquid form
nill nill nill nill nill nill

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