Quiz III: Tuesday, December 24, 10:20-11:10 am, 新生 301

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Applied Mechanics

Department of Civil Engineering

Fall 2019
National Taiwan University
Instructor: Chia-Ming Chang

Name: Quiz III


Tuesday, December 24, 10:20-11:10 am, 新生 301


 Total is 100%.

Problem 1 (50%)

Consider the shaded area shown in the figure.

(a) Calculate the area.
(b) Determine the centroid x of the parabolic area.
(c) Determine the centroid y of the parabolic area.
(d) If the material is homogeneous, is the center of mass
identical to the centroid?
(e) What is the condition if the center of mass is identical to
the center of gravity?

Applied Mechanics
Department of Civil Engineering
Fall 2019
National Taiwan University
Instructor: Chia-Ming Chang

Problem 2

Consider the C-shaped section shown in the figure.

(a) Calculate the cross-sectional area.
(b) Locate the centroid x of the cross-sectional area.
(c) Locate the centroid y of the cross-sectional area.

Applied Mechanics
Department of Civil Engineering
Fall 2019
National Taiwan University
Instructor: Chia-Ming Chang

Problem 3

The dam shown in in the figure is subjected to hydrostatic force. The width
of the dam is 8 m, and w  1.0 Mg/m3 .
a) Determine the magnitude of the resultant hydrostatic force
b) Determine the location of the resultant force. (measured from the top
surface of the water)

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