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Writing Task 1

In the article, the data shows that there is such a dramatically increase of in sugar consumption of US
society nowadays. It impacts to the US society's health condition. The sugar intake is associated with
the case of obesity and Diabetic Type 2 among children in US. However, the lecture disagrees upon
the fact in the article. The Professor explains that the measurement using is incorrect because they
calculate based on economic perspective toward food consumption measurement. In contrast, by
measuring sugar intake based on the human consumption measurement, there is much fewer amount
of sugar consumed by US citizens.

The Professor explains that in from the economic perspective, the amount of food or sugar produced
by the farmers in the early year considered to be the total of consumption whole year. It is different
with from a human consumption perspective, , the total amount of production of the food can be
remained at the any plates. It means not all of production will consumed by people in a whole year.

Writing Task 2

Having finished studied at the high school means that the student will enter the new life with the
subject that they study will be more specific, means that study at university, students have to choose
not only the best university for them but also the major fits with them. I myself, more likely suggest the
students to consider choosing the university based on some considerations.

Firstly, it is important for the student to analyse analyze his own passion by checking their score of
any subjects they have studied at senior high school. For instance, When I was senior high school, I
always got A for my English and Biology exams, it means that my score is good enough for both of
these subjects. Moreover, I still remember the feeling I had when I was in the class I enjoyed the class
a lot. I have such a great memory during studying in the class. Thesise reasons had made me to
decide to choose my major now, english English literature. Honestly speaking, I never regret to
choose thechoosing this major and the university where I study now because I study what I like a lot.

Secondly, it is good for student to choose which university to be attended based on the major of
bachelor she will take. This consideration because some universities have good accreditation for
some majors and other do not. For example, Physic department in the University A awarded A
accreditation, however, not for its english English department that which ihas B accreditation.

For conclusion, it is good for prospective students of university to search thoughtfully related to the
major that they will pursue in the future, not only because of his passion will benefit him to finish study
well, but also gives them opportunity to get bachelor degree from the best department of certain major
means that he will have chance to have discussion or talk specifically with Professors who are expert
in the certain majors.

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